xt715d8ng73b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt715d8ng73b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-02-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 07, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 07, 1972 1972 1972-02-07 2020 true xt715d8ng73b section xt715d8ng73b _ b 1% a 3; I?“ “$3 * S , . ' f‘ * '1 . “‘7‘ ”a .42.; i . ‘ I
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‘_ . 1“," It??? ’2} V2, "1. :§ ,”' I~I '<;§ .1 . t " fig: " ‘ ‘
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mann er . After two years, a definition is near '
ByGREG HARTMAI‘VN anylsuch regulations. It has only chose four students, five faculty liniversity Senate chairman. winkle about 12 times last
ASSISW'" Managing ltdltor limited documents, such as members, and four ad- --Walter Maguire. assistant semester. and prepared two _ .
For .the last five months a “Policy Guidelines for the ministrators to draw up com- dean of students, drafts of time. place and manner .
. committee headed by Vice- Management and Allocation of prehensive regulations to govern «George .1. Ruschell. assi‘ tant regulations at their last meeting - .
preSIdent for Student Affairs University Space,“ “Regulations time, place, and manner of Vice-president for business af— just before Thanksgiving. .
. Robert Zumwmkle has been Governing the Use of University demonstrations. They were: fairs. Zumwmkle now must combine ‘
trying to. draw up a UniverSity Facilities by Registered Student --I)r. Frank Buck. chairman of --l)r. John Scarbmough. the two drafts into a policy ‘
policy for. handling student Organizations.” and "Policy of the Senate Advisory Committee academic ombudsman. statement for President ()tis Q .
. . demonstrations. the University of Kentucky on StudentAffairS. -—l)r Paul Sears. faculty Singletary's approval. . .
_ . The need for gUidelines extends Governing Speakers from ()ff -—Joe Dawahare. residence hall assistant to the president. The two drafts. Zumwinklel . ’

‘ back to 1970. when the Student Campus.“ corridor advisor. ~Al Sharp. Graduate and said. represent different. _ ~
(‘ode wast reused in . the af— Registered Organizations --Carl Fedde. Student Center I’ r o fes s i on al Students philosophies. Draft A. which he' ~ .
termath of the May disorders. .. _ . Board preSident. Association president. called a "majority report.“

That fall the (ode was changed to ‘ Demonstrations by registered -—I)r. uarrett r tthmgm-t -—Scott Vt'endelsdorf. Student lt‘iiWS ”NW" “D [0 th“ (hSt'I‘t‘IHT‘l .
say that students could blUdCht UrgdhlldhOhS are pretty chairman of the University Government president. of administrators. Zumwmkle: .
demonstrate and protest but they “'9” COVOI‘Ed 'by [he 9’05th Senate. --Joe Burch. director of L'K‘s said Draft B. a “minority ' .
. . ism-tron 3.4m ”must obey the documents. Zumwmkle said. ‘ - ‘ Public Safety Division. report.“ put more rigid .- .
, _ lt'niversity's regulations as to Spontaneous ones are our main .--f< rank Harris. Student Center Met l2 times restrictions on what ad- .
time. place and manner. ' concern. _ director, _ . , ministrators could and could not
However, UK has never had Last September Zumwmkle --Dr. Sheldon Rovm. former These people met with Aum— Continued on Page 3’ Col. 1 « ' , .
' THEOLD NORTH WINDwillbe responsible ‘
' ‘ for the temperature turning (0'69r Monday. . ‘
‘ The high is expected to be 30, the low Mon ‘
. ' day night in the teens. Travelers WAR- ‘ ,
NINGS continue as snow diminishes to '
' tlurries by Monday morning Total ac « . v
’ cumulation is expected to be two inches.
. t Odds that you will be snowed on Monday are '
” 5 i, lOl Monday night. .
I . ' VOL. LXlll N0. 84 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 40506 MONDAY. FEBRUARY '4'. 1972
D Ot . I" b ' t d t t t i
. ByJOHN (‘. SCHENKENFELDER representatives may have forgotten to mention According to Refstecker. about 30
. . Kernel Staff Writer the agreement. refrigerators rented at $22.50 a semester were .
. . - Several students terminating their rental Mitchell Poulium, a sophomore who is now terminated atthe beginning of .spring semester.
- . . contracts with UK Refrigerator Rental are leasinga refrigerator from the company.said no The company. he said, is losing money. "We -
. ' complaining to the company about having to mention of the withholding, verbal or written. didn't pick up enough new contracts to com-
- sacrifice part or all of a required ten dollar was made. . _ pensate for it “ .' . .
. ' . damage deposit. Another company representative said that all The company's agents were reluctant to
- Chris Refstecker. a UK freshman and one Of 0f the $10 was “0‘ returned m many cases furnish the name of the Lexington businessman .- .
' . h the company's agents on campus. said because or damages or because the refrigerators who owns ['K Refrigerator Rental. At the time «
' representatives who sold orders for the had been .kept too long. Refstecker explained that the owner was tem-
refrigerators were supposed to tell the lessees Accordmg ‘0 the FQHSU‘aCL the lessee must porarily out of town.
that only 57-50 or the ten dollars WOUId be agree to put Up an mma] $10 damage deposn He noted that all contracts were signed to
. returned if the contract terminated at the end of WhICh WOUId be hSCd by the rental SQFV'CQ {0" encompass dates from September through part a
. . the fall semester. damage resulting from misuse and-or of May. “'I‘echnically.” Refstecker said. . ,
' The $2.50, Refstecker said. was withheld as a negligence. . _ "students have no grounds for terminating the .-
_ penalty fee for additional work and bookkeeping Th? COMM“ has "0 PFOVISIOHS about the contract in the middle of the year.” i
. that is required. termination of a contract in the middle of the ”'l -. . II t" l t’ l' . '
Refstecker explained the agreement was SChOO' year. However. phrasing in the t . ts ta :)l~ltrtd.Ut ()r,l,10t,().m iiiinlga‘prltitJ-dtirft
‘ verbal and the stipulations “may not have been agreement reads. “Said deposit to be returned it") 3:)”. m“ l 0' one “m‘bter 0" 3‘ 5‘“ e ' '
' . . made clear.“ He also pointed out that some With interest." 5 “ H '
. ‘ ' ’ ’ ' ’ :3 " I ‘ 'd V I
. . . . . w .
- «a...» 42§ \ SG resi out and VP
, ‘\\. 5 \
, . . ,1 . \fiu \\ \
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, =i§ § 4.5»:9 «S get onger terms
, . ~ , N v ‘\ t
~~ \: \ ”(\‘L \ -
47:3: \\\ Q:§V § . ‘ It) RUNNI BRO(‘K.\I.\N The revised constitution.
. -=.:u:~ \ .’\' {:- ~. Assistant Managing Editor written by SC student Affairs
. , , ..~ 0&7: § ' §g%, \ \‘r The Student Senate extended (‘oniiiiittee (lialrpei‘son Susan
I V”- w .:":~'==33r"' \\ “i s=i§ ‘75:. ..\;. the terms of the hresent Student Tonto-SR." ilhd 5‘; President 500“ .
‘NET a: g”, ‘% , “'3‘ 3:375 Q~ $L§=f (iovernnieiit iSG i officers to May \Vendelsdorl. will give this year's .
”4:... m .‘w "~ ‘3‘ *7 ~75“. =3?” \‘ \~=3 l3 last lll’hl. iresident. vice- resident and
.. s. 2: 2"“. \\ a... ~ "'-~. .. an... \ ’\ t“ l P
'”w,., - a: N ‘\ §\ ‘1”? ”N. .t‘\=:\r 4 I\' 1"} ‘! ' \'" " “ I' ' "' i
«m»... , ...... k a... ...}. .N ...‘Q- . -; .1} h \\~.\ lii.i muting lasting lll()l( than .Hl-llms molt thin d Mar In
12:77; «in-t9: ""‘ 4? 4.3% 41?... \ .V 4:»- ¢;=‘...“\:;$ . .. - , . . . ..
w ‘17:... 5' ,— -§ ~7=§ % ,. 452:9. s. $95: _, Q two liouis. iiint student senalms “NIH
M“ Piagi; M% “-57% _.%'ti%g‘[§‘qyi” .5::‘ passed a revised Student The revised constitution.
’1 1' «MM ~ 51:“-.-19'. ...-9‘...” §’\\ ~‘~?.-.'_;' (loveriiiiieiil constitution that \iritten by SG Student Affairs
5...;- . f ::-~-'~~-:~_-;_-‘;~::.:::~-a ,.—~ 417;“. .,-, y ...;iEi: .. «$35$ ‘3»..3 changes the elected officers‘ ('oiiiniittee ('liairperson Susan V
”'“I i S 93%".‘1'c'i'2k-t ”‘ “c r' ““4; i [I M 1' i‘h“~ QQ‘ ' \ - > - ' -' I I - 'i‘ ‘ ' ‘ ’ ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ - V '
t. g 0;“ , .. . . - : . .. “ff" ’.ij ,. gm.“ ... itiiiis to ii tiill .iiadt inn )(tll loiii.isk_\ and St. l’iesident Scott
v.“ ' .' I “w“ . . ‘ . . 7‘" ‘ «3:111 ’ 3 " " asfk‘ x The officers now serve from the \Vcndelsdorl. will ’l\‘(‘ this \' v ‘s ‘
... , . .M' . . «to-.. I. . . _ : , , "p- -.; t. .(ar
' who-.-“ ' . » 3 .: N“ - 3: “ (lay lollowiiig the close of the president. \‘it-epi't‘sidt‘iil and
The triangle is the strongest two diiiiensiolial spring semester they are elected senators more than a year in
w o 0 form kiiouii. but it takes someone to pill it till the end of the next spring office
kSt,‘l’)p(l f()r aCIIOIl togetliiLi'. 'I‘liis unidentified “orkiiiaii is busy sciiiestcr l’l‘t‘VltillSl} they served "'l'liecliange “'.‘ls mum. so each
. at “0!" on IIH‘ constriutioii site of the new troin .\pl‘ll to April . . '
( nt (1 P ', (‘ .
Sports ('eiiler. Kernel photo In .laiiiic Mason. 0 inue on age a 0' l .

 i .
” 2-— 11”: Kl‘IN'l‘l't'KY KENNEL. Monday. February 7. I972
1 0n campus i __ . , \
.- , 2 .~ . dove col I ohan . _ 3 *9 ». 5 5 -'
' - ' V. V . Sklts, lll'ullt-lles, eoko get- teet. \iorllout smiles and trivial ” I 5 fl? _ -: ‘ x 1- -
i :5 , . I » togethers. theme parties. general small liilk HH‘ llk‘ l'Ult‘. VV.. h I V _ V 5 . .
V -. I, .- 5- . . , (mu-hm lt eall be it tillle of immense ,, .5 I , . ;_:‘.>..=.V g V. V
V' . ' .i V V , 'l‘llese are some ot the things happllless 'when a rushee ' VV % F § 5 _~
3 . . a , 4 , _. . . reeelves a l)l(l trom the sorority .. :5 -- ‘ >-
_ l . . , leading up to llld signing lll . . , ' :-, . -‘=. ’
x I .» ' ‘ , . , _ _ , . >, I I . she llkes most. \et. it can also be I _I ..
. . _ 5 5, . Mil ol ll} lush it s .l gl uellllg and . . - - W s
, ' A . .. . t ll tlme ot heartbreak. when a - 2.5 .. > . ~
- , -, l :- most ottell l(‘\\tll(ill]g tlllle tor , . _ ; 5 ‘
.> . , - , .I . _ . . , . I I. I . \oullg treshlllan ls toreed to seek , , it"
~ - . , - l)()lll illshee and solollt\ sister ‘ , . ., . ~
, ,» . - I ' ” _ . out a seeolld or third ehmce or _ I . t
' ‘ - “Vt't‘kS ”l PW)" organization possibly maintain independent _ ‘ V V V ‘ '
'. n ’ . . , ” lead up to rush \xeek, when sore status. ‘ ' ” fl- ‘ "
V ' ” ' , V; Sororities have yearly quotas Constant smiles. and constant chatter is party at the Delta Zeta house, Glenda Lance ' '1
V. 5 , ' '1 . . . It) llll. ll they don‘t got enough required of good rushers, and somehow they (secord from left) keeps rushees entertained. .
5 5‘ , I . V. lundy’s P'lza pledges during tall rush. they keepit up foraweek. At this ice cream soda ]
'> . V ' 1-I' come hack for another rush at the _ _ 3 . 5 Q5 a . I - : 5. . .
I' I. Y VV _ beginning ot' tlle spring semester. j :1” fl 5 ” ”5% I ’ ' Z
‘. 2 . 5 '_ >. Free Delivery Spring rush started Jan. :29 with :5 V i” I. _> "“* ,> C
> . V , v, ._ weekend opell houses. A total of ~ $55“ > .- ' l“ V . 5 (
' . .” , _ ., 1m rushees toured all the 5 '5 V§ ' .f‘ ‘5» fjw i ‘
V. . I ' , . '” ” ' ” '- sorority houses holding rush. 5. ,5, § 5_ V}; . _ .2 , t
j l . . V. 'l‘omorrtm' night is bid night, $55957 5-5523? 5 ' , l
r . . , . ' 7 I the end of a long. tiring week for I 1" ., . 5 ”- ., l [I
V‘ .IV > 4 ‘ . - actives and rushees. Although I,_'.-"V' _ .- " . 5&0 _ » V i l
'2‘, ‘. ’ ' .. ' it 's a lot of fun. both groups are .I ~ .. *5 " V .. l‘ I}? ' g
.' '. VV . ,- usually relieved xx hen it's over. ' ' i 5 ii i M 1 2
_ , a s a i i: " , ti " 1 5; 5 ‘ $5 2
~ ‘ ‘ “' = ' ’5 W12 weather $110? 5 . .. x .. .. . A ,
" ' ' i i ‘ , . >
V ' , V ‘ V ' I: V (fitting ready ‘0 Pllt 0" a 5k“ for a 81'0“” 0f several times find that some skits are :
:5' . ’ ,_ ' >5 ’ . . ’E rushees are Delta Zeta 5 Sally Sparks and repeated on a semesterly basis. d
'- * j , ' , E 343 South Limestone is now g ('heryl Arnold. Women who go through rush , f‘
V. ‘ ' ' ti o: , . , d
' . - < 5: taking orders for 5 . : 2.x. . "a . a
5 ' ' > E! g Photos by 5 V. I [III I” " 0 _ q 5 a
v: . 5; US om a e an (I S 5 . ..- . v-I >-:_ t, 5 n o
-, . 5 ‘ . - . 5 5, PM Groshong 5 ._ ,5 =. - .5. ~ n
1 k5 {5 order now and avoid Spring rush 55 .5 ”‘3‘ ' 3W a I . V 2‘
Z > ‘. l -_ -~‘I.> I ..' "‘ _ :3; ~ ' ‘3 . 1... PI". «'v - l
‘ » ., ' , > i1 lund ls Pine . t . 55> . our ~ .. s. .-, tr . *‘- : ~
: > - ”l > , t ' loo-5w Ive ~ , I . ll .5 , 5f 5, , 5.x; - p1
, > _ I. - , := We also have the finest .5 y - ,. 55 .5 5 I \‘r . . .. _ n
' " * , «5 Q . :ij ;, g 55 ., 5: V ”W” '5 t 5
.~. , 5 selection of brass belt buckles . Free Delivery ' ; 55 5 . . . 5
,1 >5 t t , _ ‘ i 3.713 ,.-:1:>'-:':'.': ,:':Vl"5:1 :l::3:7:7.’~:?:"*‘,-:1.':" ff'-.3"\'i.- '>-V '-:3:-:>'1:33i15:"“Eff->235? g3 I”: . , t ":1 ‘V. 5‘ :' ' “WW {1* r‘
'- .’ f j . ‘. , y, 3% i 5 ' 55 ' g: V n
. , .5 t . . 5' Many Mode Items of Interest g 269-237] 5 , 55 ,. , __ .. 55 5 d,
, '4. , l.' . -‘ f , . ‘ 3.5,} r ‘ . I} . . 55+ 7, ,I_ .I
t 7‘ , > ' - -: E] l. T‘" i . :1- ._
‘ ” , V - , > W, WMMMMMMMMM 'V ' m ' :"ju ‘5, . . ‘
- . . , - >” ' =--" .0
' I. .' i i‘ ",l' r y as — ' try ,> by» I as; .- 5:: . V 5, I” V {3.
i V V. i V VV 1; ' g o ' ¢ a?” V "Z *2,“ V . >5 H '. ‘.
’i x ,” ' " s v _ ‘v ? pa nu. if " " ”. ‘ = ' ‘
., . ' ; 5 ~ - ox « . .- .
l '” I. ,I . ' l I :"L'L "‘ l; A And then the big show begins as sorority l
‘— ‘ I I . , , 5 \ _ / .members try to impress rushees with their l
5 r > _ singing and dancing talents. From left are E 1
‘15,. ‘ .- I: .5 ‘ - D, Sally Sparks. Cheryl Arnold and Marcia ; ‘
l ,' 'V-v V ’ 9 Stevens. 3
~ ' 'Tuesda NI ht ls S'NG“ ’ t
Tth.,kK l.Unll
.1 , , 5. , .> y 1971 Singer sewing ma- Statign. fizivlgni’ty ofleentucky‘reag
. . , . a . ‘, ” , l . lnzton. Kentucky 40506. Second class
:5 5 q u z- ,' F I NI ht at Pon derosa chines (5). Some are still mgegegggdgtggf5lgggydmtgcgé
IV I ‘V ‘ ' l l I VV- V I a m I y g in cartons. These re agfire‘agdeggecztdmorlfgya‘:nfum$
. . , . , I I .” Singer’s latest models and "33min by The Kernel Press, Inc.. 11: f
,, . .. 5 _‘ . Journalism Building, University of Ken-
. l. > I r...” - are equnpped to do most . _
. .. . : 99 Cents buys a lot of good eating at ”1‘1"”, kinds of sewin such as ‘";:;u::;'$1‘:'g,§;5,1,°i‘;§4 m, mush", t
> ,” ' , ‘-£ - , , Ponderosa every Tuesday evening from 'Lll—"LELQL Mull'wl "l“ ' I b hgi jgfgmmlv as T'" Kenn-ck! Kernel since ', ‘
I I :V - . i ' 4 O'ClOCk on. A lUSClOUS Family Steak ZIg-zag, iron 0 8: mono- MIADdIVhrrtrlsng pgblishAT lifer'eini: :5e::::;: ‘
, , . . e e er uy. ynseo s
. .‘ , ‘. ‘ i, dlnner Wllh ~bakC‘d potato, tossed salad :ra9m;5 anh Tuc more. odvertisingshouId bereportedto the editors.
.5 5. 5 _ ., _ 4 , eac . nspect at ,
. , , ,- and roll. A family treat every Tuesday. STEAK Hons: KERNEL TELEPHONES .
* ,- ‘ ,I . ' UNITED FREIGHT SALES Editor, Editorial Editor...25'1-l755 ‘
‘. ’ ' ‘ Managing and Associate Editors . . . . ,
,' . . « . 2123 Oxford Circle .....................257-1740
’ ' . Ad ' ' . B ' . C‘ u] ' . . .
> , - . , . 286 Soufhklnd Drive ”' Hours: Monday-Saturday. 9-9 . .Y‘Tf‘?‘.".‘. . fume“. 3.1333336“ l
| ' V - Newsroom............'..2571800 1
. i i ' V ‘ i ———__A_' n- *u. .

 i Q 3 3 3 I , , " 3 ‘3 , I"3.'-; I" j , '3. . 3 : 3.‘ 3 t,{
"'331' ,~‘ . '
Tm: Krszl‘t'iu' KERNEI., Monday. February 7. ism—z; .3"
7' . . h‘a-‘thif L3“,
7" 8 news 1 n rte compi e y a e maff ews ~ r
\3 ,3-_ 3333, .. 3 .3
‘sf . 3 . 3 Muskie of Maine, for voicin .. - _ North \ietnamese Minister ot (lures and on the possibilit} of 3 W3- :- 33. 3
Candidate, criticises such criticism. g Accusaflon‘s fly State Xuan 'l‘huy charged Pres- granting amnesty to draft eva» '3‘,'3-.3;333«3-‘ I 3.,
candidate 8 cntzcmms He called for the presidential 0179" Vietnam ident Nixon's revelation of se— (lers through administrative ’3 433“; '
.3 WASHINGTON (AP) ‘ Sen. contenders to )bserve “a cool- High-ranking officials of the cret negotiations With Hanoi procedures 3"
Henry M. dackson said Sunday ingoff period" on the war is- United States and North Viet- created a serious obstacle to a Kennedy. who heads lht‘ sub 3-,: 33.33
he thinks it's bhq policy and sue, at least until after Nixon‘s nam traded charges Sunday peaceful settlement of the war committee on ‘ddllllnlsll‘allye “-3- i3‘.,.3'3_f
probably bad politics for preSi- trip to mainland China. that each other‘s government , , practice and procedures. sa‘d ~31} . f'
denttal candidates to criticize On the other hand, former was stifling efforts to end the 59,1019 hearings the panel Wlll hold three days 33533}? 3.33333
PreSident Nixon‘s latest Viet- Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy said Vietnam war. scheduled on draft “l hearings beginning Mb 28 .'3_*_j,,2-3, ,:
”am proposal While Nixon’s ne- he disagrees with the content of US. Secretary of State Wil- 3 3 3 3' 3 3 3 “’0‘“ 3"" WU”?! ”1“” have 3.. W 1" ,
3 gotlations continue. Muskie's alternate proposal but liam Rogers said the North 3VKASHII\(JF().\ IA} I _, Sen. been sent to prison tor draft» .~_;-. ..
The Washington senator, him~ disputed an assertion by Secre- Vietnamese government had ludward M. Kennedy. D-Mass.‘ lau \iolations in recent years 3-‘(73‘5
self3a candidate for the Demo- tary of State William P. Rogers been “totally intransigent” in announced 5“”‘195' a Senate “”d an estimated 7mm" “M" ‘
”33‘” nomination, removed his that it was harmful to the na- its secret negotiations with the 5ch‘”n'l“““_‘ “'13! hold hear- gone “bl“md ‘0 “WP" ”1" .7: ‘.
primary rival. Sen. Edmund S. tional interest. US ings on Selective Service proce~ (ll‘alt 3-3-33:- ,W
‘l R l t . t . ll .........,.,,.-;..-..-:~:<-sr.::5:=r-s:a:5:;:5:55=5:.=::'-‘5:’52'::5:555‘3:55;5_=5::‘:5:55:E::::x‘5555555555:5355::Es£§55-:tSfififzisfsféffsfsitisfssir.--52-:;:::5:_-':e:.-:::;:.-.;:r.-:-.-.._.,.,_..., , '5': 1' "E: f“.
. egu a lOIlS s 1 . ,3.-
b ' h l d ”l” HEI D DVEDI
lllli‘nlmllln :1 3, 333 3335:3333 ‘3,-
i "M '1‘”. ‘ B h F. l§ 15,7;1 ‘ ,1
, Continued from Page 1 3'll3 ll”",3 lull" e t e lrSt on ‘ 3. .3‘ 3,3
J do. office. He said the3final draft 333,31 3i~l~33ll-"‘I llll Your Block' 3 1.333333.
l "It‘s odd. but there was a WWW probably be Simpler than “I ‘ i.‘l;,~:;,,,n| o , _, ‘3 ~
, reversal of the expected the existing lland 13 page drafts. “i, l .0 Q Q Q g . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
j Positions." Zumwinkle com— 5G President 500“ Wen- , w I ’i . é ‘» l .
} merited. He said the students and delsdorf said he was unhappy ‘ _ will l g E O .3 3, .33 , 3-
é faculty supported Draft A. which with the entire proceedings. “We . 3 l , . . g- ',‘-“‘ Q 333,33 1 3.3 3 3,3,3
gave the administrators more want a general Statement that ~ . . g a =: g: — . 33,3533, ’ 33-33333
flexibility in handling student students can meet anywhere if ‘ g g = a. o
demonstrations, while the ad- they follow certain guidelines." . ‘\ I! 3' . 33333
ministrators on the committee he said. 3 3.13 v = . ,, ,
had supported Draft B. which “The ideal document would be M3 l . . 3;. '33 3, 7,3 . 33.
defined their roles much more 3 broad, positive one, em- X , ‘ it l‘ 0 3‘- .33
. closely. phasizing the rights of free 7 ’1...‘ . . . . . . . . 0, O C O O O O O O 33 3- 33 33:,3,353'.,,.
. ~ h. If we can‘t get that we \ . -.
. Seventy-five per centof the two Speec , ' , gggl . .... 'ST Clry H 3, _ ,3 -; 3 3 3.,
drafts is identical. The dif— need a nagrgvrhegative 03133333”th ' t , S LWIN‘: 3,35, 33': ‘ i" 3 3T
' ferences lie in the sections e pro ' f, ions 599“ 1C83y133 I G g 0 N .V 1.,‘33
' dealing With use Of the outdoor spf'llzdthoutth wggnllitel'Sdfrf Sell? ’ "lllliiiilllllli' ‘umumu'l " I. ‘3'3 S 01“ n ow. ’3’ '3‘. x39“
and spontaneous demonstrations no ,m a e m' Jus as e I I,‘~~I ' “I" "" ‘Illlllllllwll l ..' i “j: I'
and parades and marches. Unéversity to drop time, place , 1i.- lIIlllllllll3333 Illllllllli 33333 33333-3. 1 * FEATURING Alh ALL-STAR CAST *
, The majority report states that air] t lmanner regulations com- I llmllll tit 31!” 'llllllllllll’ ‘llllll‘ 'llll’ illllil "l .* * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * i * b -". E";- '1.
E “ “ peey- ~ ‘ I I . ._ , l
the rule of reason shall apply I "3313 lllllllllll' ll. lllllll ,ii ll 33,, ,lllll"{‘ : I 3" If" 3“[~ : , , _ ,
._ in getermihing d(by the dfan of I . lIl 3333"“ ”1111113333331 333 1111111113, 3333131331331 : : . 333 . ,
stu ents) i a emons ra ion is ’3' .33 3 l3 ,3, I. ,, l, , * , 3' . 3 333
getting out of hand. It also lundy s P|zza llllllll‘m lllllt- lllllllllllll i'lll' 'llllll‘ii Illl‘lll'i llllll l Dresses * Sluts & l I 3i [-
pmmes formarchesalong three l.-“',l"'.. It... lllllii 3.33 : +- Skirts Sport Coats : ..
routes (not yet determined). ' "ml ”ll" my llllll , lll lllll' llll ,.: ' . “’ r
ree e ivery l ., , . _
' ' ' it llwmw’w‘ ll"’"”“““”"” I i ' * Flare Pants ' ,~:’ -;.
. The minority report W t It i * .tI‘ '; : * Tops -. l ~.
specific sections dealing with 35353355525;53.,2::3;E_:23g:gs::;35§2,2,:ifsgligsésgsfsgsfzfzg:5:frgséagfsfzfzfiizfsgs:.3222;:= 33337,1551:5.5.3335;35i3sf§3zfifif3i3zlit.333. llll-l ' lli, ‘ “l '"l I * Shirts ' BOdy : >7, 3'
WM 3 group sizes. which the majority - .-. 3 333'33 3333 1 31133 3313 i ll : * Coats & Dress : 3:. [Hf], 33:33 3 :3 .
. report does not have. It does not 3,3 ill. i3» 13 3i,1, 1i l : 3 33, .3 3.3
restrict mérch names]. {3 1 269-237] 31113. ,Il33 3 33 13,, ml .33 : i Slacks ‘K Sweaters : 3 3
Zumwin e sai w en a ma . 3, 3, 3,3333“, 31 !‘" . . ‘ i 53; ‘33, 3 3,
f draft is prepared, it will be made ””th 3i33lll“ i ll 5 ‘K Shoes ‘k Coats : 33$, ,2.
available in the dean of students 1333 3333 I ., 3 ll : S . 3 i Shoes : § 333,3 33 333
It‘ll-{J‘ll‘ "ll,“ .I‘”, , ‘I ‘” ' * UI - ' .. >‘ '1 .- i‘;
mm lli’I‘FIIli'IIt-iim..,‘.‘~i ,iiimIII-lg:,'::lli.t.-,lll;i. l - t3 _ 4K Neckties & l 3.
l,3' ”Hill .343. 3, ,,3,:il~ .llliiiiil,‘ ,lllll{,;l,- t i ,3- 3-3.1, _
1:. J * a lHH‘mlllllllllli ”lily!“ [I ll ‘3,:l,3ilillllllllllllllil I. ' Belts : i; . 3' ,." ’ ,r l «I
’ ~ N . illi‘iiiii‘~~r~n ‘ attamllll - is:
~- It"; ~~ll ,- .. - i.
I ah? jgufity “‘1 I ' “3333333 33 . 33’ 3 3,111131133111111' 3, 33 900/ OFF - § ,; :33), 3,-3.3; ,...3 I Ii"
’ .13 Euclid Ave p 0 § '3,” _,:‘.E’;:i',-',I"’
‘ ' 80mm LIMITED TIME t
é \ w; 3,“, 4‘ 3' -. : ‘33-‘3i3b."3'r.3“
‘ ' Rated GP "is-v
1 1.30 2.00 8H0 TI ES. (General pllbllCl ES ,3. 31' 3,33 33 3.‘
Buffet ’1.85 9:00 . 5:00 3 , 33-
Lobster Salad — Omelettes § 3,*3
Rusty Burger — Steak Sandwich V _ o '. é 3..- Ext:
Soup and Sandwich ' hp . nluprfi ‘11; % ® §§ .3 3.',‘-.-'3 353 :
l NIGH'I‘LY NIGllTIE f3 ' 3 I! up .311;
luncheon menu) 3.3 ,,3 .3 3
, (d g 11 me 0635,, _ 3 HOURS: 9 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. DAILY
' a a , .. ~ _ -,3
, Mm”? an g. g ’ Student Charge Accounts Welcomed “ " . - '
r We w111 be serv1ng our 3 hut-(limo - 3 3 ”'3'"? 3 ,3. ,3 ,3,
lunch menu excluding Buffet ___ “" f‘ll l'3l3l-|§|l'- 3i: \\.\'l‘l~2l{ STREET 3 . "4 3; ~,
from 11:p.m. - 17:30 a.m. ”AIM-H“ l€l(‘ll.\l()\l)
PHONE: 235-732;: I’Iiowt; tin—mm " ,, l‘
. I ~ . ,. I ' i , ‘ 1 '.
ENTERTAINlVlLN'l Wed. , FI‘l . , Sat. , 3 3 3 3 . 3 3 3 33
. ~ mii l.l.\”~..\ ~ , . ~ ,. . .
Plano 7—11 “Mom‘s ‘ T“ m , 3. 3 3. ., _
l “V“ ~ CuIDIe '_ ~ .
, --.",\\

 I ' ‘38 . I? t 9 t U K i
- n lg n n 8g / C a i
. r ' - Generally speaking universities While the major blame for this themselves off from many Also it is not enguih JUStIIItO
. i. . draw the students, faculty and must lie with the UK ad- potential allies on the campus. complain about Ut teilllg hl y— '
~ '- .~ ‘ administrators they do because of ministration some of it must also M t f th h't t d t t Wh‘te' Black studenhIsta bo tathe . ll
_' ’ . . - the programs they offer and the lie with the black students already UK 05 0 t e Ith 9M5 1: en St 2: a duty to educate wIi :sa ub1 (I: . e
‘ . -- ' image they present. at UK, Through a sort of self- :i‘e {:0 trailmsts't ost :19 IO problems inherent in emg ac . I;
.- f ‘ ' i imposed exile they have cut see ac S u e“ S Irea e a" y in a moist soc1ety. . A
‘ .' _ I. ‘ Th 1‘ . h h by the administration but have . m
‘ ' 5 . . ‘ ere ore It seems t at t e been unable so far to break down Th h bl' . , (,1
, ~ . reason there are only 300 black . - roug PU ication 0f ~
- . . _e , . V the wall of isolation throw up by - d . .
v. . . . . I. .- students out of total student body £20.34; “I blacks grievances an pos51ble solutions . p
I? -_ * . 1 ' ., of 19,000 is that UK offers very “g“.‘gfii‘ivf-m$619?“ more progress can be made than ' c;
little for blacks and has a poor 4'27 . ' "time. It is net enough {01‘ an ad- has been made 1“ the past toward ’ A
-. ‘ image in the black communities I/,,~f'7",_ , ,. - " '-":,_,‘{i ministration to say a school is making UK a school for all _ 0'
= ‘ ' . . , . Of this State. Li ‘ '. , gee; open to all and not try to reach out Kentuckians. The Kernel stands pi
‘ . - ‘ ,i” " to the unrepresented minorities. ready to do its share. ‘ U
. a ._ *. ‘ This much everyone who ,4 , :3” ' 2” b.
. = ' f. '1 ' wonders why UK is 50 lily—white 3‘ a ‘i‘ it" I, simmxeemwme i ()1
' V ' has recognized. Courses and u. - XXL-"r ' ., ~ 0 ‘ t‘c
' " ~ .‘ . 1‘ ' -' 1 .“\.'v, ' 53555; o --
.- .3 ‘ -‘, programs for blacks are few and (2% ' \\‘rI-..,.‘.I‘f'r . ”Kernel Forum. the readers Wllte (
. r, .. 1 ‘ unpublicized. Administrators and J. ' {-1.31} i / I
; ' l - ' . . e. - .’ .1“? ‘ ' I"
'. .. students allke have only an ‘5) f3») Dorm visitation Auniversity is nota mommy ora daddy, “
' . ~ . _ * . i ' mklmg 0f the prOblemS that face .»‘ _ / , ‘ I I . as most of the schools in this country have S
'- . . ' . black students. iii} I am new to this univerSIty, so perhaps I decided by now. We pay our good money » ..
-' . . ; ‘ ,il "ll” be accused or “not understanding the to live in these dorms and we must be the F
7 '- . - , . _ ' , , -' 3, Situation or ”"0t realIIngthW mduch ones to say how they are going to be run. p
I]! I, . . . ‘ 1 better things are now t an t ey use to lam aware that a Complex government 0
‘ fl _; , ' Sadly the Sliuatlon ,does “Ot THANK YOU ’ be“ of some sort does exist. I have also been fl
I ‘. ' ' ‘ seem to be improving. The FOR YOUR However new here or not there is one told that a vote was taken last semester on n
. . , . ,- .I . number Of blacks enrolling at UK INA'I‘TENTION, thing which Idefinitely do understand and the subject of open houses. 0
.. , = ' . _' 15 “Ct growmg as faSt as It COUId ' realize: the laws regarding visitation in . .
' .I ‘ I. ' and should. Neither are the (I'll. , .I . . , \ the dorms at the school are archaic, If the results of the vote are now being 5
I': ' - -, ,I . I ,‘ programs and courses for and . ridiculousand insulting to the intelligence heeded they must read: “We want to be (
I ,_ _. I. ' . J . th ,fi I of the student. The hours are absolutely treated like little babies. We want to have _
T abom blaCkS growmg as ey ‘ wk absurd; do ”they" think that all nasties our male friends allowed into our homes
.- , . should. . f \ ' take place after midnight? Are we being for a limited time of four hours a day.
' i _ g .y ,. , . protected from something I have not yet three days a week. We want to have
-I _ . Iv ~ I . “,9 are not accusing the heard about? ()r are we being punished for someone on guard at all times when ‘mgn (
. i . I . N - , ~ . something we have not yet done? are present. We do NOT want to e y
_». - ‘Iv U_m‘€rs_lt3 _ 0f _ calcmated mm responsible for our own conduct. We do ,I c
' 12.! ~ ;. dlscnmmatlon agamSt blaCks’ T NOT want to be allowed the freedom we 3.. a
II’I I . .I although that pI‘Obably has OC’ e Hen'u‘ Herne would now be enjoying if we had gone g a
. 'I I‘ . . ‘ curredin minor instances Rather 9 straight from high school into the real 2:
. :.- . _ . ,- _ the University seems to be guilty Established um LEXINGTON,KENTUCKY world. ~42.
I- . , '. _ i of “benign neglect" We are told time and time again that ~ b‘
. = _ ‘ .. a .i' I An independent newspaper published by students at the University of Kentucky “Change takes time” and that ”as long as i
. ; j , I. these are the rules we must obey them." . N
. ‘ .- .I , . . . . . . . . . . Why? Alternatives to calm acce tan f V K
. . ., . MIK w: ,Edt Chi. , . P ceo
. l ' , '. If the enrOllrillent lilgurehS'IShSK r a II II B IBJon: gagging; gang,- J$333733£23333352332r idiocy can be found. If we do not wake up
‘ . i .' .fi Im r, l , i , , I ' ’ . . .
» . . . enythmg they 8 owt at W, 1 e °".,oiiitngifl'fiiz'ligl$22";mi£¢f‘:l.1'l:.€¢22:3‘2%§$'°" endtakeecvveweemvmrtlewn lves U
.3 ~. .. ‘ is open to blacks there IS very DaveCaiiahan,CampusEditor,-oaieMIanhews,NationaiAmii-semtor such a minor thing as improved open C‘
.= x ' _ ._ v " little effort being expended to J°""E“""“°"°"'°"M'""" house rules will never make it past the l W
. . l' -. ‘1 i '3 ‘I . V .. I‘eCFUlt blacks from the black Published by The Kernel Press, lnc.,anon-protitcorporation composedot Letters to the Edltor 0f the Kernel. Si
iI .. . tdt,t n ddii i i
.: . I. . communities in Kentucky. 5” ens ac” ya" a mpgiiiriaiigisaai'viie U" vers'yomemum L. J. Br", ' ]
'I‘ {I " ’ t ' I I Editorials representtheopinionsot theeditorsmot the University A 8! S FreShlnan
5 . . o o o o o o o o W
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= ' - . q; A Fat) steer waxes I 609— MILE row I AW Accoenue 1 WW i.
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: . _ , . , Q) we we THE we we. (MMORAL. / p
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- THE KENTl'FKY KERNEL. Monday. February 7. I972—5 , , '. AI'I-'I. .i‘
l M . . . . fl (
" a £0 tan 0 81 S 1 US 10118 an 88 US " ” l
_ g ", *l'A'I-l t'al‘;
By JERRY W. LEWIS $3“ §sII ' A; ’2 ‘ ‘ the ones they get right and hope Jesus gave the world limit ”.an " A
; Associate Editor l , ’ \ I that everyone will forget about 'igo t” |lltll("ilt' the time «it h” "KIT-"-
'«. . . . . I _ . 42?. we; ‘ I i» . . . . .. t A . - ". ’ii I.I i'I’ :- ‘
Asthe lights gradually dim and 3g . ., M3 . th( ones that tiny iniss physical return to the earth '. 3.! . . . ‘.
« the curtains draw open for an ' “ . .‘flI lh‘li‘lmt’w lh“ h‘lhh’“ ”l 1h“ Down a text oi the rows. .. i i.
f exploding entrance from a a t, , famous ”H‘L’lhli‘h ”(’Ud‘hhS whispered "Ann-ns are heard A ' t (“.1 17“:
- platform lighted Up like a ‘ "‘ 3% .. promisetiiti‘y I" toconie l’M'k ”1 .\lter\iartls Kiili- asks tor \llt‘lll t" '
(‘hristnias [rQeI one realizes that .. i” .1 i? I" Spli‘lt ltil‘li) trim} the dead. Ktilt‘ if: If .i '1-
, Andre Kole is not only at master W‘ ti. ”“3; '5 T" denies the authenticity til the prayer iipwluncm'all) A‘Xplauuug ' ‘,-'I 'Ia'"
. of magic but he is also a master ’T.‘ d? I p I ’..,\ I“. spiritual mediums and scant-es that he understands that at t K =I'.~If ’ 'I't
'I “l ShowmahShlp ’ " ,-. “Egg”: ”1' ""3“" l 5‘ A , ('oininunieation possible ”Il‘ll‘ll“. lh Mm“. i‘UlltlL’ or A'l‘;;’I-.'l.‘t. l .9 . -.,‘ "
With the UK Student Ballroom ww‘hrzv ‘ . "I would have to say that based something that “ill not allow us .I.I . It .
I packed to standing room Andr ME A W ' U (in my investi 'itioiis truth the l" hm" “ tormal ”“3"" I .f Z"
, , . , , . . e Kole entrances audience P ~ - 5* ~ . ~ . .
capacity.I the man billed as . point of \'l('\\' ol a magician. a 'FRMP”PFP’~ II I ”I” l". .3";
. America s leading illusmnist deliberate style that must be well executed tricks. Audience psychologist and a how,” (h't‘Ph {use Reiko {in} " in}. i is; ..ItI:,I‘Ii
(‘mt‘l‘gQS to an assortment of almost a routlne after per‘ [nen1bers come on the stage [0 llllvl‘ostvd lll Splrltual truth. I PROF E ‘gSiON/‘Li Y 'VPE {j y, gar l I; ItI-I . " . . I
. - - ~ ' , 'I‘t‘itf [)0 pron-gs. iwr Mira .1;_ Qt ’ )r t ‘ ' ., 7' , .I .
people. . forming 1h 48 countries and have a blinlelded KOlt’ guess would have to say that willful m «m. 'auA atonjast .1 an an an!) ' ‘35", .' .,
~. The majority of the audience is claiming to have spoken on more any object they hold up or to communication with the dead ts n.- Exerwg .~ n. twigs .32.; r I .‘ »
. - . 4% ti-' im.‘ ‘J‘V‘C l‘ 'N' C and . -: .. ..
college students. many toting college campuses throughout the have a shining guillotine blade not possible." mus 0. mm paper cm WWI 5-." .3,‘
I bibles in one hand and literature world than any o