xt715d8ng601 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt715d8ng601/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1945 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, September 1945 Vol.16 No.11 text The Kentucky Press, September 1945 Vol.16 No.11 1945 1945 2019 true xt715d8ng601 section xt715d8ng601 .. J -. ~e E-.. e 2
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El National NC‘VSP‘U’” “/CCk has been “11 Efifiw,,....,...-,..,Wm,,,,,.,,3,,. ,. , 4. The \Var Advertising Council reported ' - U
me E annual attair suH1c1ently long that publishers §_ 0 3:7:§::—::_.:LE‘ that American Busmess (luring 194-4- con- -‘, q j
,3-; . . . . . 3:55; ' ‘ " ' 1:;5 . .3 ,.,. . , t
,2? need not be inlormed ot its ob ectives or the 622' ‘E tributed $502,248J/5 WOl‘tll Of Its own ad< , -. ~ ,2
a 5' . . ~! . :—:-: A FREE PRESS _: .. . , ,
ors El many and varied ways in which it can be :—;_—‘._ 'TORC” 0F :2 \'cl‘llslllg‘ to support government and home 3 , l ,
[CW é Observed. It is distincly a mass public re :1: L.“— W031” PEACE "é from information campaigns. This figure ‘ 1’ij .
EEdations movement intended to develop great- :7: ‘33 i .2 5 represented a 6 percent increase over the f: 3 '
3w. El. er public interest in the newspaper and what a” “7,, '33}; volume of 1943. EE‘ ;,3 .EE
5?- . . . 3' l" 55:33:32 .56 ’3 E“; 3 ’
ess- E the newspaper does lor the commumty m ,1'l ' . 3 _3 ““2; 5. Newspaper support for the Seventh War “Eggs/w ,. 3
3 which it is published. The importance of f% E " 3' ‘ T15 L03“ Drive ”351(th an all time high. Statis- l "?l ,
{E the week 1s appremated all the more lrom L 5 ,n’. tics Show more sponsored advertismg 1n .-l ‘
,3; _ _ __, , . 3.3.3. .. 3, v: j _ , z. = .,
E the fact that [or several years it has been on _ 33:5;333.” ‘7‘: 4"; daily and weekly newspapers as well as »,. , E ,
., . . 13:13:21; "\- ’4 -- . . . .
l the agenda ol special events observed by the W ‘:_-‘_:'_"::’: ’__—— more news and editorial support. Wlthout ‘3' E ,,
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l5, In r' ‘- ‘ ~ ‘ - ‘ " - ' -— ‘ the s*r1 .' ) t ' ' z , u E ‘
EE ‘Mms Clubs ol the United States and SIX‘I" flllllllfll. “"9an e 011s [artiupation of‘theonewspapcrs, , 3
ll Canada. NEWSPHPER WEEK the 83 percent oversubscrlption ol the _;
3 There are thousands of people who have -_’.____;-~Mvwww,.,.~_.._‘ $l4’llll()'()0()’00 goal WOUId have been lml)05' , ,, ‘ .
a "fiver seen the production llne 0], a news- DETDBER I'B:'_— “ble- l\c.nly 61,000,000 lines at news: ‘1” ,3 I ,3 E" ,
EElml’er Ollice. Many have no understanding ‘ and editorial support that were devoted to ii," ./ .3
1n EOE the vast amount 0f work required to pro- public relations program during the week. the Seventh WM Loan Drive—none 0t It v‘I‘, 5h"; ‘
Emt EEduce a newspaper. Countless numbers read Here are some 01. the facts that show some sponsored or 3 purthaseable by any person— l 3;: E-3E
"1):: E about the advantages of a free press but newspaper cmltributions in the war. Feature was the contributlop ,3): (:23 IECWSPapers. “HS .3 l ,',
W E they have no understanding what the term these in your story of Newspaper \Veek: ‘0 11““ ’Cl’lfiuna _),_.. ull pages. W41 E IE? 3-3 .
Eons ”E means. Too manv consider a newspaper as 1 Thirty-one correspondents and photo- Bond 11165521365 appeared ”1 daily newspapers 1: : l , ‘ ,
f, _/ 3 - ' ‘ . rr‘r ‘. "4..
3 i just a COInmermal enterprise and have no U'raphers were killed during the war. ncus (olumns 490,92.) tunes. Dailies and 'l ,3 . ,
, s ‘ ' ' ,
~ ~ . -,v ~. , ‘ . .ll(lzl’ i “s M t 32 _r
5 (oncepnon "l the SBIVKCS “'hKh ‘er 81‘6" Twenty-nine were wounded. wlule five were :1” “ PEP“ ldtlwtcdkll ’800’000 1m“ to "x? :' ~ '
i am - , , , , , , 1c ram )211 ’11 W11 6 wee , news )1 mm rave .. } _., ,
EE“ "”01“” b) the newspaper. captured by the enemy. 900'800 l'éie t the l . E 1‘1 i” 3. , ‘, ;
t 3 _.. z) . H] *s 0 (I‘IVC. ;, , - I13 -
E These are some thoughts that might well 2. The newspapers have served as a )3 ,‘ 3, 3 ,
‘3‘ i. - . . .. . . . ‘ " ~~~ ,. . (‘ -<~.- ,_ t
E bi (Onsidercd 1n plannmg a program for prompt and efhcrent medium of comxnunlca- 0' “IL“ “La 1,1.)5 (onespondents as ..; E ,3
E [ht observance ol National Newspaper \Neek tion between the government and the people. “3”“31 1” ESupreme Ht “1‘1“ u to” 0f the , 3 ‘i ,3
’ Public attention has been detracted from 'l'hroug'h this instrumentation of informa- American ltxpedltiouary l‘orces. , in“
‘ ' ,_ . 3: Eit' :4‘,‘
things close to home for several years. The Lion and inspiration, the American people /- “CW'CC” Clghl "“(l [€11 “CWSPHPCFS “0W l j; E
‘Duhhc is in the mood for a rebirth of interest have boutrht more than $40,000,000,000 worth 1er bcmg published in the part Of Germany 3 7:1, f I", 3' ,
. D ,3 "i , ,E
In local actn'mes. Tlns IS particularly true o1 war bonds. collected vast stores of scrap 0(‘1‘P1U1 by the Ulllted States. LerUldth" j 1;;‘5 3
. . . , , . , - 4,1, 3,3 '8 ‘
‘ ol the young people who have been gomg steel, saved m1llions of gallons of fats, and merages more than 4'000’000 COPIES weekly. f- 2: l -
”n'olIgh 21 tr tin )eriod. Everv news )a er Gathered millions of bales of waste )a mu 8. Durinw the war several hundred service Eli ll «incl '
l' l g l ) l P o l l r, r. In,
‘1‘“:11111551011 to perform and the first week 3. Newspapers during 1944 assisted in publications have been issued to men in the ,; in: Ail ,
"1 October presents the opportunity to get collecting 7,036,000 tons of waste paper armed forces throughout the world. The ll“, "
;:;:::::;:;¢;;;:;1;33:57:55;3:35;;g:§:§:§;§g§§i§§§§53i’i‘§ '“m'tt‘d. It amounts almost to an obligation which was processed into newsprint and China Lantern, a 12-page Tetterpress paper E1 E' 7:1' ,
,, . J . - . . . . K" , E, L, 3
um (very newspaper have some sort ol implements 0i war. recently was Judged the best of all service ,‘I . ‘
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I: .2 2-2:: 2.22:2 rtzlnce 1th€ 1‘ that g 16 er‘ - - WIlc “ In a -er\'<"“(' 8 “2 -»kUP“
2:: 2.: 2-723: «21-. ,- .. 130 , [e um . «1Per t l\‘ y :1ce, ,1‘5m. bs 0b5 1 t0 . )1L 1
2r 2 :2. ..:.. .r1 .2: ..._ . [(1 vspr - [ha Ser‘ 114 1 c111 1“ 3 t0 l wa
v.22. .. 211:...2 I :tv, 5 116‘ 1 mg , ure our 300 [obe «1)615 , of
:2.;~.r:,2..:2 22:: -.-.;12 mun r hat Pl ‘-h n()[1 I Fedt 1 of l to 2: t » 11 0C WSP‘I (331‘
2: , 3122 2:21 I ‘I 22:22:: 1‘cve ‘ blls . ircle- - Sch00 iona1 [ha 3“" my “‘3 0112br ' the
’:.:';:I.r‘ 3212: 2.2.; 7 be 1 :Id Pu . 112' c .1-(1111 . ternat - Q6515 ' for m‘ the ' m
2'- ‘1‘”‘2‘: «2:3 “6 51201 16 mm 1 h c - 15 In ‘1 nt SUg‘ - ‘ed Inlt)’ V110“ kenmg '11
r: :I: 12:: .II : home ‘ 1 in U 1:13“ . Krwan )reSICe InV1t “ ed ‘ ~ SW It“"
r. M1 “2 21122 . the . loLK . scanc‘ 1mm . the } 1d be stopP ,- 11 01 nt-
: l‘I‘51!‘ 12-2 ~‘r -.2 ‘ 11120 « 1(1 “ 111116y er “On: - Shou that they ~ 611510 t eve 19'
.2. .1: ‘rr‘ :1 " 11.: ‘4 be “3‘ :5 Of C man“ - he “‘1 mtheS ‘ and '1 susP ' Ortan to CC 1
.‘ :. :2: ‘2‘ 221 “mot “we“ - ch “ . ' m ‘ r856“ ‘ week . 186d ‘ 's ““13 )ers -
22 12 .23 2. c. .2611: d In su 1m1- 1. rep . that . O the (2113 f thl- ,wspfll -t10nS.
: . . 212 . bellc nte - t0 5 ape [mg 11d 2 . cc 0 1 r 110 ~ ndl
:1 .:.r 3 . ,.: 2: “e )rese ung new P r mee 1 be P‘ Hermn 'on. 0 :11 C0 r1
:2 ‘-..‘»I I: :2: Id be I attemP regl‘l“ holll‘ o)» Occasl norm . We:
.2. . 2 I». . 11011 from . the "bute 5 an 0re ‘ m
‘. 2.9 l ‘. ..l‘ . e S . ] I‘S - us. [O {1‘1 be [I m . bllC
.I : .. : . .2‘. \XC . c.1(e 710° '1“ of Very 1150 n 0 E 1311
: _ :2 1 1:22,: lctfll r d the ‘ . 1nd ‘ form ' n. that e ‘ , retu1r val 0
:1. ‘ .2 . w: . . o < - 1 all m ‘ - some [65510 ‘ v08 - e ‘1 ~ he“
2. 2... M112. .Isl - ma erS0 1n r0 belle . )er b1at - 1‘3
.2 .. .. .I .2 . :m . . . er P 1 .1 )a for
L 1 "Q; ‘2 1.12211 . rate the crl-exve that (3111 (l Pto fa1r play nex\:‘SPaI;)ress 1101)es an?“ observe News} 1 with a bld titution' —“
I? ‘2 ‘ “-‘1 2.’ ‘: . ‘ DC 1 it C . » W1 , ‘nS _._——‘ .
‘L‘ 2 ‘ - .‘_. :-.‘1‘,r‘j “'76 . ~ are cut er. of The newslflper thel‘- in local I ——.— i‘l‘tee '
1 1 "332212122 ‘ rg(lnilatlom “he newspaP of priwcy Kentlmky e form or O —__—T e Comm
:2. '. I ‘_ . o ‘ ~ ht - n< - n1 ' __ th . ’
. . . 2 n50 r1 CC“ 1150 9°
1 '1 31 1 171123 the Columl-evc iI1 the gnot 0f Publl “leek 1 . r KPA EXeCSCTOber 6 . e commlltn
2 .-2, r‘~2‘ 1 rs ———— ‘ ,~ [1" '[102
. . L .I :22. “’e be _ .11 matte F eld eel": “all soda ‘
.2 r . :2 2:: . . . 151n 2‘ r ub' s ' . o M . fa” ‘ 655 As‘ :he'
i: : 2. 2:221;- . ~1dlvldua anda 0 p - cal New (:I’flon -hip T < rcgl‘l“r , uckY Pr 6,. at.
r: . 22 .2 .- 22.;2 : 1‘ prOPag l111655 1t 0 5’ SO V - . leat161$ The , he hem tolDer :ttnhl
.2 : 1.2:: ‘2 : ern~ . . that “0 1ish’3d 1 Paper . 111““) om— ; 01 t ~2 vr 0“ - s “"1
.2. I 2.: 22 :2-2‘ 2 C \r belle‘e 11 be Pub eaders are '5 .2nd mm“ of the C mech I r Satl’lca' 11 Bes‘de‘ Victorl
2 . :2: . V e hou c hich r . -5 News . [ions - the. 116d '0 ~svi 6- > the ‘
2.2 «1 2 21.122 2 qttel‘ 5 . to w terlal 1 Local -[ fUnC cesS m is C“ 1 LO‘” for . 22' ~
2 2 2 2 . . 2 . .. m: 10H 11 ma _ C1116 . t0 5th ' Hotc I made . lye m
ll". ‘ .. 1:1. 2 11“” - format er 8‘” 'ndl- he 2W0 r-entlal - wn rill he ‘ 1513‘
2: é: “» Xv ‘rL- 2‘2: 2 tains 1n whenev lainly l are t . aper e” BIO )hms “ 1nd leg ‘
2.: 3. 1 :‘:_I :2; r‘ c011 1 that d be P . newsP _ where ‘1eSSr l , uzITYr ‘
: ‘ ,» :2 .22. - an‘ ou1 unit.V . ale“ bus” . ‘n A"
2.1 . 2 ,2 2: 1422. 1 entitle:L its SourCe Sh . esg in- m “fir Perlod' field is the one eme The Conventlon 2-8;“st-
:: '2. . - n 3 s ‘1 .. r ‘ . 1-' " .
.1 2 :.. .2 .112 ,rmte" busl . po 2, em . sup _ .1 be t .
.2: 2 I, . . . [he . 111' 10( (ll n ~elgn5 . .1 COm . “'11 ‘
I": 2 ‘2‘ 3222: 2 I elthCr :tSIde The a er 1 build ‘ 2ch »
2: I . 214‘222I . catcd' . . that “ an 0‘ ' » new”) p 115‘ re ' ticks
:2 . 2 2; :22 2 WC b61166 ”paper n0r_ h ythe publlca the 10012 'neWSPaper mws staff- If 1tS - . .
‘2 r I. ‘ ne‘ mt . mt - “e
"I - l i112: rests 01a 1 interfert ‘ ditorlals' Comm“ 13e\’})er1€nced
:1 2 I 3.1:: 1 ‘6 shot!“ . ws or e .Spaper . 6mm“ '
21— 2 1‘ .21 ‘ :enCe ' h 111 ne of ne“ Pct
.: 2. 1110122.; H1 he [rut )urpose T Con-1-
2 . . .32.: _ . 0ft , the] (13°
2 2 ‘ 2%; 22.212 t1()11 1-CVC that '1 deman
2 2 .2 1:123: ' 1 ‘
.- 2 .2 .l 1; :22. 2 We be is to Create
§,. ' 2'. 2'9 2 .'-in. ‘
» : . . ;. . 222:2: . athe’l‘” 2
» :2 :.1 31321 25123
1‘2: ' 22“. 1
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 ‘ W _ ' y ,‘ ::~“..'.~, “xiii-“E "Ii-“.‘J'qu-‘j , .-_.I___.I_,_..._.,~_T..:M“2,...z.-e..;:__-_;«~_I-et;.;g--e_;.f;",I,.-s., ‘ '
. = r;
I‘I‘gI. I I" V
, I945 ‘ September,v1945 ’THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three I I: .l
can do better _V . V l ‘ 5
rvivc . e _ ' V 3 1
er will lizwe [0 > -I - . . I. II‘
>hcr and phony ' l‘ ‘ *' * - 'l I I: ‘l‘ »
[or can no 10ng. . i; I l
tures from local . . . . I E . ll
miercinl photo . l; y .
presented more . i;
. intricate writ! I f"
ported factually ' '* V I i lI
be enlivened by i ' .— ' ' i . I ;
l‘OSC. ' > ., ‘ “,-
Editor must be Just a year ago a sleek transport plane, laden with 6,000 pounds of V 3- ‘ I’
reting out local fresh fruits from the West Coast, winged its way into Detroit to mark the . I I‘ I
')r organizatimg' first step in a year-long study of the possibilities of moving fresh fruits and :1 I I‘
well as an edi-l vegetables by air. . " ' l j
ity is failing to "I , I I ' , . .
Iur l .1 l' . ’ _ _ . _ . .I‘. ' "II,“ ' I I .
it 3.2:; 3:31:03: In that first test, a varlety of tree- and vme-rlpened perrshables were ' ' .' . ' “I V ‘;I .
[ factual report picked in California on Sunday and analyzed in Detroit on Monday. In suc- ‘ ’ l ‘
news. y cessive months, air shipments continued to arrive in Detroit from producing I.; I]!
11 never regainl areas throughout the United States for exhaustive tests by Wayne University l '
mnity unless it in cooperation with United Air Lines and A & P Food Stores. l _
the issues of the l l % ‘
liletclmnlmtca: Each cargo was studied carefully by a research group of 38 persons, 1
165101]. )1] . . . , _ _ - I I l ,
msiderinO‘ both Including housewnves, home economics, produce, merchandlsmg and trans-- Ii
nind whijch side portation experts. Flavor, appearance and condition of the produce were com- ' l f
to convince his I pared with that of the some foods shipped by conventional means. Laboratory 22' ‘ 1 I
' studies were made on vitamin and sugar content, deterioration and weight . ‘l’ ‘
iom of the press loss. Special attention was given to packing and causes of damage _in transit. ' ill Ill" ‘
fighly organized _‘ 1'5: 1' I l l
imldlillumbeffilfg Recently, on the first anniversary of the Wayne study, another plane i j j
' ei- . . ‘r I
[12:11? hfla lab0r~ ——this time a Consolldated-Vultee Model 39, one of the largest cargo ships _ . l V ;
ea or a chamberl in the world—landed at Romulus Army Air Field with an 18,000-pound load i‘ l !.
form it takes. it of Salinas fruits. The "flying boxcar” had covered the 2,600 miles between i l '_-
nn of the press‘ California and Detroit in thirteen hours, and its cargo, the first of five total- " l ‘
ure on the new ing 100,000 pounds to fly on a regular sustained air-freight schedule, went ' . l
I '3 I ‘ i '
led editors mus“ on sale at twenty A & P supermarkets a couple of hours later. 1 ‘ 0/. I
. vi ,I‘I’I
v ~Weekl . . . . . . . :‘ I' ‘
‘g‘isgifsloppop A 8. P cooperatlon ll‘l thIs pioneering effort to bring the fields and " '5 x '
1 or t ' . . H I r .
to )ick upwhert orchards of America closer to your kitchen :5 another example of how A 8. P, . ‘ l l 31 y
“alreak of war for 86 years, has been striving to eliminate unnecessary in-between steps and , y I ll ‘
ickening in the handlings in nutritious foods at lower prices. y I i 5
it event. It will [3 l l
IVSpaPers vigil It is this kind of achievement that enables the men and women of i, , I‘ll l 1?
)rmal ,letm .' A&P to do the nation's most effICIent job of food dlstrlbutlon. : , ‘ ' l '
’ public Interest ‘ v) 3
* I I ,
‘ ” y?
me " A & P FOOD STORES l l 1'
'35 I i
thlve commit!“ :IE'K l i .
Press Associationu I ‘ ,
ttober 5,- ?” [by I. '
Besides routinl-l in l i: ’ ;.
e for the ViCWl I: a: . :
_ , W I I = ‘. ..
d legislathC mfll w i ‘ Yr." '
I 9: '
I I; l " f
I . «I: :I." .

 ;j ‘1 .. September, 3945 1
1.! 23.313 13333
. =“3; 122:1 5:23 HE KENTUCKY PRESS -.
33» 1.1 3 331 5.333 T 1 11C [he Press 85 11mm GO“ Pubhc
‘“‘z z, *1 511'. . . .. .1. . - y 1 1
3 i m’ ¥» 3 111'! . _ Ibuuons :11“ 11h . _ u g . 11(3,
13... 313 3 '1331 Page Four 11‘s year [he date-8‘ “‘6 I1I Bennett mid ”th'cr‘ ”mum and more 333331316 1
.;» :31. 33.11.11». ,~ ‘ “3 ‘ - "J“ 3 33 3
..» 15,13. 13.. 1 1, . rottheb- . ., ) css (
3‘33 333 3 H3 3% Week app 3 3 The Kentucky ‘13 g )irv" than 6'03 \‘ertise
111 11113 M». 1.1 October 1 ‘0 ‘er been 3. devotee 01 “m' '3 ‘ a“ » 1 11
3 1: :11,”- 1; 111 ,3 3;" 3 - - 6V 3 ' - . ——_—*- '
.1. 3‘13; e Ass()(‘lilt10nh‘lsn_ . . 131 a puhhC “3 3
, 315,1; 1 » loes it belle“: “ -. . 1'. 1e Plans mg”
33 333333! 13% ‘ 331‘V 1%1 ‘ - r 3; 38 erC. NOI‘ ( C \VCCk CElCh year 15 5U Leaders Sta . , 2 Fl
1i- . T1131. ' = - . ~ 2m 0“ - z ' 3
33 3333 3333333333 3 en 3 131mm P1083“ han one advel‘tlsement 3 For State Adverlslng - - 3 E1
- 1‘31131ii111‘1 ~ ‘2 ficient any more t . . 3dvertising pro- . )1. re the State Legislamc '1
~ ‘. 1,1; 13‘» ‘1‘ 1“.“31 . the KentuCky '11 eflecthe ‘1 » _\ ) )earmg ht 0 1 ‘ . . , s101165 ‘1- : 3‘12‘11 . . blicatlon 0f 31r would be “3 . -, . in out 03 ‘ l] ‘ vnfng State Consem~
11111111} ‘1: 1. 1111.111 Ofilcla] Pu ociation y€< , dvertlSCT 15 g0 g . 1-1 Harold BU)“ ’ nCWSIm
7.1111111 12.1.1131 Press A55 mm unless the d (Mum, _ . Russell Dyche, 311111
1111131111 3! 1:11.11} 33 ———-—.—:Pubusher 5’ ‘ . . 3 . 1 ' m Commlssmner’ 1‘ Pub- 4- E3
‘ 313 13133331133531 11331. R Portmann, Editor busineSS- I V31nd: 03 Nationd 3“ 1)” ‘mr .md George A' JOP m, 'd at
» 11 111311711 111 ; Vic 0" ' . t , [he 0 )5“. ‘ 3t Parks 1re( ’ 3 . - ented State 11211
131 1131.11.21 .. 1.1. .3. 1:1 ————‘— Lexlng 0n Howewrx 0 ortum Y . - that augm .
3333333333 ”123333333 printed On The Kernel P1855! N bP’lper Week does afford an pP wading 1icitv Dnflmr’ “1ng 1 m ’KlVCYtlse Ken- ““3 3‘3
‘ 1»§“»11“1* . ' CW3 ‘ - . nion 011“ ‘ ’ «, - » be mme ‘ . 1
3i 3 13.33 3‘; 3'33 313'3 m Officers d oncentrate pUth (”tel - 1 1c 6336“ "PPrOPrMUOH5 l )C'Ill)’ and to "n3 53 A~
3‘3 3.33333 5931313231333 Kentucky Pres 11Ldepe’lde'lt' Ashlan to C ‘ 3n the community "“3 [1 tut‘k)‘ nationally and 3 3 3 all look and 3333
. :1 .1511. :1 1. 2.11;. - . ‘ 1011 l . - 'Car- ' . . . ' ' Stem“. 3 ~
3 3’3 3 ”33333 3 3333333 3 chauncey Forgey president 1d Leader LexingLon Imtlmt be utilived through [ht 3 b 1'0\'€ oul‘ Kcntud‘y Per 5y] influx of 33' Ls
‘ ‘31:. ': .2 . - ’ ‘ - " 1 ‘ . u - P ~~ 1t OHS ‘
2| 3".12‘ .» w 3;. 3 chs ”amt ol tlhIt U” , , iore than thfi P 1 to the uunCl 11
‘: -1 u‘ ' mm»), *"‘ - - ‘ ' - ‘ 3' ‘ K )
. 311‘ 1‘33 ‘ “3‘ '3‘3‘» 3 Fred B wa VlceJawsmenv of K" Lexmgton Perhfll)S the pUth “res n the pmsibility mg toward .1] (“me in future years 3 ml 1
.11 [1.1.1 ‘1; ‘ 1' 1': ___ ‘ _ '~ ’61] H 7 -. ' 31 ’ . ' '
3‘3"» 3333.33 ‘23”? 4"» Viewr R4 PortmaEQIetarY-Managef - ]“hers reallze. There 1-5 6‘ l ublic in tour!St 3h“: 33 _. should glVC “llama”
’13 '33 539'?“ 2 3.1311 - committee, Distrlcts .11-am5' 33 "h rs hare not let “6 P gate IICWSPHPCls 3 ‘ ‘t nt
'13? 313313333“ 3‘ 3111,3333 New?” whitley Republicfinboyel ISM" that {31(1)me e l iblic exerts through Our ‘ 1 support to these “HPOI 21 Don |
.1: 3111.31: 23.151 ,1 m A Brownlngv _ FirSt. Joe a 1 , Park 3 r whit‘h [16 pl (45 'md Persona
3: ‘, 111331“ 2.1 213.35. Ham . ch) chairman, John B. Games, nn on the pone . ' . ce the 1) 3 PrOm‘
3 .3 33“» 313-53335 burg (Nm pahucahi sewnd'. Third, J- M W33 - ' s. For mfi‘m ’ , 11 3 30'ects. .3 - -
33333 3333333131 D-emoczxitiis. B°W1ing~ (age-enf‘ourthv James 1453:2213: its newspaper _ \Veek 510833“ 35 1316 In 33 - )tinu “Kentucky has ‘3 5m
1 11111.11 11.1 1111.1; gfi/mhmuTML £23111; .e'r‘ifth' viErfigs 2W1“, Ad' National Newspaper W l 1 Peace .3 which Brmmmg, qut 3» t that in Kentucky," The 1
»>‘ 11:11 1:11.11 »» 11111.; 1; er, Bran ’ . sixth, w. . ‘ or t ’ . im‘es ‘ .
3-2321» 3111121121 fissif’égemocragcarsziizifia. 561239». 33.35332... W press—W“ “‘ 33.331. Wm be plus: ““1; in aeveropmg “‘6 .3
f» '31‘21;1‘ ‘ - eny » . ~ - i 1 ‘ ' . ' ‘ ‘3 '3
333333333333 33333 31333 fiafihkfifliflflld’t P31133333? 331313313: gMunmrg‘ 33:53:23: is turned to [he hOPC [I C public must be stated “”3 monC, t 3 1nd other ”mural r3333sessions
'3‘ 113:3 3. ’ . s er » . r 3 -__' . ~ 1 3 . .. 3 5‘» ‘ ' 3
33‘ 13 1.313] 3'11 “‘ Advocate' M3 mte-at-Large' 5631m33£arge§ Imme‘i‘ . h r world W41- But '1 that State 5 Park” for“ .. . n to help
11.31311“‘».-;11.»1.312:t3 Morganfleld’msizabethtownv Stat; at Times GlaSgOW- anot e 1- press can accompllsl 1d yield a c(1511 retur 3 Ice 01
..»‘ '2 ‘3‘" f 32 3311; :>‘= rise, , ’chal' son. ' 3 3 rec - . . -11 3 cs “'0“ . . VaionS—
11; .1. 11.111 11. .; anterp xdent Joe Rx , z b t01(1 ho“ a _ , h V6 11 “()1 c .sourc , 7 1 ) ”UPI m
M».‘ «1‘; :111 :5 ate Past Pres ’ Wmnens 0“ . . 3 ~ ~ 1 it 15 to di “3 . - 'md welfare ‘1 I that th
1123 11-1. '1‘1“;-»':» 311 -i Kentucky Press b ,g Presldentv . 1 how dith' t . 1' the cet education ‘ 0 132 000,-
13‘3 1111." 1:1. ‘ 11112; Herald- Harmds u ’cloverDOT‘v ““1 “m . . 11 )ortlon 1) 111 ' ~st 551500.000 t ' ’ bureally
.‘yze 11-1., 31“ 13:11: , I‘Y E. Hutton. kinridge News, Dixon .. 131211 only 21 5n)“ l 1 . 3 [Cl‘ Wm [0 1n\(.
1.11 1111.11? jz. gt 3.1; MISS M? B bbage, Bree Journalv ' f )ress “1 . , - - t undt‘l' no >91 I
. , . 1 . hired a J 0. young. powell, ree 1 . - 4 tam velo ed
1 » 1131111 3» 2.1 .‘r M155 M} e president: Mrs' ‘ Henderson 'orld haullg . ~ P
. 1 - . — . . .MarY. . J. R- 1 ()f the “ . ‘655. 000. . . ms
.».‘3‘ ‘11” ‘33 “ 53”“ “c- -presldent» M’s. estdent, M‘s- - peop 6 - 01 a free Pl . .3 1 best CSUm‘ ‘ekl
. 1‘.33»13t‘1.‘a,, .2173 Second Vice 5 Third Vice-Pr rding secretary. . l real meaning , 1 11d vallC saK “e y
1111311111.»: .1»: .“1 .13 Record, Steam '- Walton. Re” 119 Corres' finding or me 1 that 6%“ Browning a ' -. 3. le brought -.
.1 ,1 1. . .1 .1 Advertiser. t, MaysVl » _ s . . e tol( , .. »3 rist UM Ilserant
111.1 :1 whllace._th Lucas. IndependenL‘ Bradley, Journal , ubliC 5110111(1 21150 b . law . 1 that IxenthLY“ mu _ 1 l ear 1
1.11.1111, 5.1 .1». .1. M15: insecretMY' Mrs. J. The p l fife press as basic “€10 . 1041 hst mount! 1' 111111161
.1» ». .552 n in 3 ’ . . €( - - - 1“ ‘ ’ 3 "
333 3331333333333333333333 33 ggtemrism va‘deme' - Wlth a guardntef 3t 105% or the Weakcnmg Of ”1 368,3)0030001 Ihc investment Browning IastOCt2
11121-11. g ——— 3. . ~ 0 1 s 2, . '- 3 [mt ’ . .
33 3311-131332373.3" there “d“"gel ‘idemed in the recent h‘” Plc‘hmd 11 me that to at 16““ $1533 "ounce!
111311.111. 119111; 1‘. ,3 —“_ . - as C 3 ‘ - , .3 V l( 1‘2 ' 3 ' . .
33‘3“»3“33333133333317313? E ”S Influence 3 name Court lusm'e that Proposal “0! ‘ vurs‘ It would begin 33 Publ'Sh‘
.‘13..».«.. 1:;‘1‘. . . ‘ .u * . -- ' - ' ‘< " -
11'»,3111.»- 13.3.3311: TORIAL— mmlon 03 the l -, . bllC utility, (100.000 m d 36“ . . 1 3'no- In "1°” 11 1» 3’31: »3.‘1‘i»3"3§ NATIONAL N I - , ' of news 15 (1 Pu , 3 v1in‘r 5111‘]; to )1! h ‘ d stae
33333333312 331331313 \‘1/ ASSOCIATIO dissemm‘ltmn - 1- cnce it is Sub]CCt to (mm 310333 b . 3011,16 tax, 1111113”)ng cent“
‘.i“1l133‘.11:31~i*i‘~1.12311.2. ffi‘m . I / - airing the m er - . . Hue from the 3‘“ . r0513 [0
3 333333333333 3.333133 33 ‘ “35333335; I thus .5 [yo] and regulatlon- 16\€ , “13k fees and 111 P 1
13131 11311511}»51‘7'13'1111y‘. government (30“ n for every newS' fishing 11(61156531‘11' g stations and hotels. At 21
11 1:“: 1‘1 ‘ ver r6850 - 3 ~~ of 1 m ore ‘
333.433.»; 33.