xt715d8ng45v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt715d8ng45v/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2002-12 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, December 2002 text GLSO News, December 2002 2002 2002-12 2019 true xt715d8ng45v section xt715d8ng45v ”“15; .S MEWS
' f;- '_’:"-' LES'BMN . o .
2;:9/ SERVICE ,
Lexmmm Kama“, December 2002
A publication OF the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service organization
Volume 17 Number 12
Lexmgton Men's Chorus Hate Free Lexmgton
"You're Home For The Holidays" Fred Phelps came to town for half a
On Saturday, Dec 7th, at 7 pm at St. day Sunday morning, Nov. 24, protesting
Michael's Episcopal Church, LMC will pres— five churches because he believes they do
ent its annual holiday concert with a special ”0t hate enough. He QOt some press COV-
salute to Rosemary Clooney. You’re Home erage but when he left, the Lexington
for the Holidays will be held in the church's GLBT community had become more unit-
sanctuary which has a 250+ capacity and ed, supported and celebrated by a good
great acoustics. There will be a reception portion of the Lexington community. The
following the concert full of good cheer for hard work of many organizations within
all LMC supporters. _ our community made this a huge success;
Tickets are $15 for this concert or take they deserve our thanks, as do the
advantage of one of our season ticket pack- .
ages: $25 for 1-Standard Holiday ticket straight Isupporters who turned out to
and 1-Standard Pride ticket, or $30 for 1- Stand with ”3- _ ,
Standard Holiday ticket and 1-VlP Pride Jam'e MCDan'9'g °°_°rd'“at°," 0f 3°“
ticket. For tickets: call 269-9739 FAX 859- Force, offered training in non-Violence and
266-9396, email friends@|mcky:org, web— organized the counter protest at Christ _
www.lmcky.org, or write Lex Men's Chorus, The King Church inlsupport Of the" dec"
PO Box 1913, Lex, KY 40588-1913. Sion to welcome Michael Meehan and
Make checks or money orders payable Thomas Dysarz into their congregation
to Lexington Men's Chorus. Tickets also and to baptize the“ quadruplets. Ab?“ 4,5
available from LMC members. Please call people showed up 'n the Ch'uy morning a"
in credit card orders, limit 4 ticket orders per to stand near the church doors. to show
card. Call John Hawks at 859-269-9739 to 0‘” épprec'at'c’” and? Stand f'rm'y
become a "Friend of The Chorus" or to against hate. There is always differences
make a tax-deductible donation. of opinion as to the proper response to
St Michaels Church is at 2025 hate m°”ger$1 ---continued on page 2
Bellefonte Dr. From Tates Creek, take Wg
Albany Rd. to the four way stop and turn left w Sponsor of the Month {
onto Bellefonte. From Nicholasville Rd, F g,
take Zandale Dr. to Bellefonte and turn left. ' tit
Chorus CD / Tape Sale, just in time for LCX‘"StO" g‘
Christmas. Give the gift that will bring song 3 M , “i
to everyone on your gift list all the year long. ‘ 04 .
"LMC LIVE!" 16 songs celebrating LMC's E e" 5 oms
first ten years and FACETS, LMC’s first 2“ . :1,
recording. $5.00 for CDs, $3 Tape. These % ”Ol'da)’ Concert Dec 7 i
will be available at LMC's Holiday Concert S E
...continued on page 2

 ...continued from pg. 1
or you can order via the mail. Send check or money-
, ; GAY and order payable to Lex Men's Chorus. plus $2 per item for
\1 =. ‘5" LESBIAN Postage/Handling. Mail name and return address to:
"-575.17? Lex. Men's Chorus, PO. Box 1913, Lex. KY 40588-1913.
WHON Rally ignore them? confront them with angry words ‘
Lexington. KeanKy or fists? Or find a middle path, not silence, not combat-
ive, but radically non-violent in the tradition of Ghandi ‘
TGLSO NEWS and King. Jamie led us in the third option, thanks for i
steping into a leadership role Jamie. ‘
Volume 17 Issue 12 In the afternoon, hundreds of people showed up at I
the Hate Free Lexington Rally at the new Center for the ‘
Published monthly by Arts. Terry Mullins, GLSO President, Jim Dickinson, Co- I
The Lexington Gay Chair of Bluegrass Fairness Alliance, David Cupps,
Lesbian Member of lntegrity's Board of Directors at St. Michaels 1
Service Organization Episcopal Church, and Allan Barger were four of the 1
339 Waller Ave. major organizes. Tara, Alix and crew did a wonderful job '
on the decorations. Forty One organizations signed on J
Editors 2: sponsors of this event I
Mary Crone John Rldener There were so many high point in this afternoon that l
have asked a variety of people for their personal vote for f'
B oar d'Memb er. 5 what gets mentioned in this limited space. SisterSound 1
Terry Mullins, ”35'9“?“ gave the Rally a rousing beginning with three wonderful 3
Jerry Neff, V'Ge PreSIdent songs. Debra Hensely was a great MC, who knew she C
Sharon Howard, Treasurer could preach? Mayor elect Teresa lsaccs had one of the F
Mary Crone, Editor most quotable lines, “Fred, you’re not in Kansas any- L
John Ridener! Secretary more.” We appreciate her warmth and her undaunting E
Thomas Collins support of our community.
Cary SUddUth Marta Miranda wove our struggle into the struggles of F
Tom Collins other oppressed peoples, and we would do well to tl
Bill Chandler become allies to others as we work forjustice for ALL. 5
Sarah Martin Jamie McDanial made strong statements about the need it
Lee Noble for us to confront those ministers and churches that are 5
Marc Roland much less hateful than Phelps but who nevertheless n
Joan preach spiritually violent messages. He also comment- A
ed on the ongoing need for LGBT people to root out our F
GLSO Annual Dues & internalized homophobia and transphobia. C
Newsletter. Allen Hawes, a successful businessman was a crowd a
Individual _ $15 pleaser with his epitapht for Phelps: “Bugger Eating C
Moron”. Its not as unusual to find someone from the busi- a
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News ness world willing to stand with us so dramatically. C
are "1°39 “the alums and d°""‘ ”99’ Rev. Cynthia Cain , the minister of the Unitarian uni-
essanly represent those of the GLSO . . . . I
Board. Submissions are welcome and versallst church and chair of the Interfaith Alliance, read
staff reserves the right to edit submis— a proclamation from that group which includes a wide
films??? advifiiescimSSLZZSsizl/fl as variety of religious leaders including many Christian a
advengements" °r denominations, Buddhist, Muslim, Pagan, and Jewish. T
Bishop Stacy Sauls of the Episcopal Dioceses and Rabbi [3
Jon Adland of Temple Adath lsreal also
more —> T
GLSO Page 2

 _ I

. Community .News
spoke. It was affirming to find so many people in their early 30$ (2M,1 F) and two
religious leaders standing with us. actors to play characters in their late 50$

Senator Ernesto Scorsone and Rep. or early 505 (1F, 1M)- Call Terry for info
Kathy Stein both spoke; we appreciate all 252-3469 days
their work in our state government. Sandy
Cannon, Director of NCCJ, not only spoke Holiday Sale
bUt was involved in the planning. She GLSO is hosting a sale at the Pride
closed her remarks by saying to call on Center on Saturday Dec. 7 from 11 am to

_ her when we are ready for the next step. 2 pm. We have assorted gay paraphana-

This day was a success because of all Iia and t-shirts to sell K & D Stained
the people who did all small and large Glass Plus will be here and we are work-
tasks. Thanks to all the speakers and vol- , ,

b unteers. I hope even more of you will mg on a few other vendors: lee Mary a
join us for the many steps yet to come. call if you would like to sell items at 266-
McVeable Feast Christmas Show 5904

I It's time for us to come together again Another Nate

r for the sights and sounds of Christmas. The talented men’s ensemble, Another

l Tiffany & Company invites everyone to our Note, is presenting its Holiday Concert on
3rd Annual Christmas Extravaganza Show Sat. Dec. 14 at 730 pm at Woodland
0“ WGd, Dec. 18. 10 Pm at CFOSSingS- A” Christian Church which is located across

3‘ proceeds W'” 9° to Moveable Feast from Woodland Park. This is a benefit for
Lexington. This year's show promises to Movable Feast. They are asking a dona-
bigger and better than ever! tion of $8 at the door

We will be giving away wonderful '

if prizes from area businesses to celebrate AVOL Annual Holiday Soriee
the spirit of giving! We will also have a AVOL ls hosting a dinner and variety
50/50 raffle. As is our tradition, we will per— show on Wed. Dec. 18 at Club 141

1 form some 0f your favorite Chrismas Beginning at 8:30 pm. This FREE event
30095 to really get YOU into the holiday will offer free HIV testing, an informative
mood! Scheduled to appear are: Tiffany speaker, and a lively show. The festivities
Andrews, MISS Sheena, Val E- Sheridan, continue until 1 am. Bring a toy for chil-
Rayna Starr. Mesoha. Rhonda K- Steele, dren living in families affected with
Caviar Towers, and Natalie Gaye. We are Aids/HIV.

1 asking for a $5 donation at the door. .

Come join us as we don our Gay Apparel Lyons Leather / L€V1 (31111")

and. present to you a night of fun and Come join The Lexington Lyons

Christmas Cheer! Leather/ Levi Club at the Pride Center at

ACTOUT 8pm on Mon. January 13th, for an open

_ , _, meeting. This will be a relaxed get-togeth-

ActOuthll be producrng TWI/lght ofthe er to catch up after the holiday season.

GOIdS directed by Robert Parks Johnson. We will start planning events for the next

Tryouts will be at the Pride Center. Mon., calendar year. You don't have to be a
Dec.16th and Tues., Dec.17th, at 7 pm. member to

. There are parts for three actors to play ..continued on page 4

 attend; everyone is welcome. So if you're friendships and partnerships can be cele-
interested in joining or just want to see brated free Of racial and cultural barriers.
what a leather Club is about, we'd like to For more information mactky.com, email
encourage you to come and jOin us! Dress 21485cziki§®riazlrcvjrrite ttflfinii‘ggerfio 3851'
‘ , , ox
'5 completely casual' 910596, Lexington, Ky. 40591—0596.

New Work by Poet Nikky Finney SisterSound

The University Of Kentucky Women's SisterSound, Lexington’s women’s cho—
Studies Program invites you to a Reading ms is preparing for a late January concert
and Signing of Nikky Finney's new book which will highlight songs about love, from
The World is Round on Monday, DeC. 2. swing to Motown, from disco to show
from 7 to 9 pm. at the Young Library tunes, from mushy to the jaded, surely
Auditorium. CO-SPOI’ISOFS include the something for everyone. Watch for details
African American Studies and Research next month.For further info, email Beth at
Program, the English Department and the eznzo@hotmai|.com_
Kentucky Women Writers Conference.

In this breakthrough collection, Finney ‘PIGS TIRE ELVING
continues to show us how deeply she _ _
believes that human beings can be better. A smash m In_ New York, Howard
Poets, poetry lovers and lovers of words Crabtrees When Pigs Fly continues Its run
alike will soon understand the importance at UK? Gu'gnOI Theatre Dec ,5 through 8'
of this book. http://www.nikkyfinney.com/ Described as a S'dejSphttmg mUSIcal
extravaganza, When Pigs Fly Is a revue

“7395111, Young Adults filled with songs, dances, sketches and

, _ , gags all wrapped in a uniquely gay sensi-
Andrew Hyde '8 back in Lexrngton after bility. Tickets, $12 and $8 for students, are
a Wild ride on CBS' Reality TV show 'The . .

, . _ , , available at the Singletary Center for the
Amaz'”9 {Race 3- i399{““'”9 '“ Jam?” Arts Ticket Office or call 859-257-4929.
Andrew Will be hosting Andrews Club, a The over the top humor Of the show
5°9Ia| and support 9m”? for GLBT folks In proves to be a lasting legacy for Crabtree,
their twenties. Andrew Is 21 years Old and who died at age 41 from HIV mere days
sees a need for a fun alternative to the bar before the show opened in 1996. In addi—
scene. Sponsored by GLSO; Andrews Club' ti on to campy humor the dazzling cos-
will begin January 11th and meet the 2nd t f h | f’ C b . .
and 4th Saturdays Of each month at the umes 9” e “5‘" are mm ra treesorlg-

, _ , _ , Inal designs. This production Is directed by
Pride Center. The group Wlii plan actIVItIes UK theatre professor Russell Henderson.
In and around Lexmgton,and may go on
road trips to Gatlinberg or even New York
City! For a more extensive article about SISTAHS IN THE LIFE
Andrew continued page 16. Sistahs In The Life is a support group

for Black Lesbians and Bi-sexual women.

Men Of All Colors Together Join us for provocative discussions about

Kentucky Men Of all Colors Together our lives and experiences. We meet at 7
(MACT) is meeting once again in Lexington. pm every first Tuesday at the Pride Center.
This is a gay multiracial organization which For information, call J03“ at 859 539'2657
foster a supportive environment where or email Jweslie@aol.com.
WM” '

 5‘ :- glm Mama @lwuu *-
,_ $mznh
i: You’re Home E
*t * 1’or The Holibams g
.d 4 With a Special Salute to t
Z * Siftfirdéyffiééémbéfmfih *
1e | 7
L: * St Michael’s Episgzlgal Church i
f; * 2025 Bellefonte Dr. *
S; *- We’re Here. We’re Singing *
*- Happu Holibams *
Jp * . www.1mcky.0rg *
:3; * Mdé'ie‘séil'é" "T‘i'cregt‘tnromazian'"Ina""
J k . Dlrectlons to simmers on front page * ‘

 - PRJDG aemen News -
fi‘ 389 Waller Ave. 859-253-3233 Mon-Sat 1O - 3 g
at the Pride Center Friday, December 13
mmmm for what has been described as a "stun-
“°'“°_ at the Prlde Center forthe Holldays. ning," "compelling" and "spellbinding" film.

Christmas .and New Years fall on This film has been rated R for violence and
Wednesday this year but the Wednesday sexual content.
night discussmn/support group Will still be
meeting both nights for anyone who needs NEW YEAR'S EVE AT THE plum; CENTER
a little "queer company" on the holidays. . .

We know that this time of year can be Dont spend New Years EYe at home
particularly stressful. Some of us find it all alone on your COUCh watching the ball
hard to spend so much time with straight drop into Time's Square. The Pnd? Qenter
family and friends. Others may be separat- W'” be open New Year's Eve beginning at
ed from their families and the holiday tradi- 7‘00 9” f°r any°net Wh° '3 '°°k'”9 W a
tions they've grown up with. If you want a safe and fun place to be yourself. We can
little time and a place where you can be play games” watch movres, hang 9Ut' and
yourself for a couple of hours, please join ring-in the New Year together. 3““? your
us on Christmas night and New Years night family and friends or meet new family and
from 7 to 9 at the Pride Center. friends. Just remember, you are not alone.

The GLSO Discussion/Support Group Some snacks will be available, but feel
meets every Wednesday night at the Pride free to bring some to share.

Center, 389 Waller Avenue. For info con- ,
tact the Pride Center at 859-253-3233, or The Pllde flit (JOIIGIU
Jane at email ladyjaneky@yahoo.com. The Pride Gallery is actively seeking
Come join us and from all the members of artists interested in showing their work at
the Group, "Happy Holidays." the Pride Center. To discuss the possibili-
ties, please call Thomas Collins (859 225-
LESBIAN VlDEO NlCiH’T' 0094) or the Pride Center (859 253-3233.
Before Peter Jackson directed The All artisans welcome. If you don't have
Lord of the Rings, he directed a film about enough work for a complete show, but
two real-life lesbian teenagers from New would still like to use the venue to display
Zealand. The film from the mid-nineties is and sell, we can pair you up with another
also the debut of Kate Winslet (Titanic), artist. Twenty percent of the proceeds from
who plays Juliet Hume, the new girl at sold artwork will go to the Pride Center.
school in Christchurch, who befriends the
brooding Pauline Parker played by Melanie Pride Center Library Highlights:
Lynskey (Ever After, Coyote Ugly). The wanf to be a Reviewer?
two girls soon form what one doctor as an Season's Greetings from the pride
"unhealthy attachment" to one another Center Library. I tried to come up with
describes. When Juliet's parents plan to some titlesjust right for December but alas
move from New Zealand, the two girls I could not find many GLBT stories that
cannot stand the ”‘0”th 0f separation. reflected this "oh so" traditional of holiday
Their plan to stay together results in a seasons. But you can celebrate the holi-
crime that shocked a nation. Come join us days in a somewhat less traditional way
GLSO Page 6 '

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"' " ' GLSO Page7

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known as, Venus Envy and their classic 3'9 BOOK 0f Misunderstanding Jim
CD, I'll Be a Homo For Christmas (AUDIO Gladstone. (F Glad B592I .
CD Venu [29). Imagine sitting by the fire Harvey Milk Institute Gurde to Lesbian, Gay,
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