xt715d8nf78r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt715d8nf78r/data/mets.xml North Carolina United States. Work Projects Administration. North Carolina 1940 Other contributors: Levitt, William H.; Asheville (N.C.); North Carolina. State Planning Board. 43 pages, [25] leaves of plates : charts, maps (some folded), tables ; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number HD268.A65 A5 1940. books  English [Asheville, N.C.] : [Printed by Miller Printing Co.] This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. North Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications Report of the Real Property Survey, Asheville, North Carolina: 1939-1940; Work Projects Administration, O.P. 61-1-32-148; Sponsored by City of Asheville, North Carolina State Planning Board, William H. Levitt, State Supervisor text Report of the Real Property Survey, Asheville, North Carolina: 1939-1940; Work Projects Administration, O.P. 61-1-32-148; Sponsored by City of Asheville, North Carolina State Planning Board, William H. Levitt, State Supervisor 1940 1940 2015 true xt715d8nf78r section xt715d8nf78r     mayun»nmNg@@ i&j;H@i@gswww


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The Real Property Survey ·
O. P. 65-]-32-148
Sponsored by I  
Stare Szzpcrwkor 3
1 9 3 9 - 1940  

 NORTH CAROl,lN;\ S'l`.~\'l`lf Pl..\NNlN(} l$O;\RD
° john \V. Harrelson, Cliziirnian
Theodore S. johnson, Consultant
NORTH C.»\ROLIN.—\ \YORl{ PRO_ll{C'l`S ADMINlS'l`R;\'l`l()N
i C. C. McGinnis, State Administrator
May li. Campbell, State Direetor
Professional and Service Division
' Charlie Huss, State Supervisor
Research and Records Section
i- NORTH C.·\R()LINi\ RIQAI, PROPl{R'l`Y SUR\'l{`1’ S'l`Al?l·`
\Villiam H. Levitt, State Project Supervisor
Jacob Levin, i—\ssistant State Project Supervisor
Minna K. Alnernethy, District Project Supervisor
Hudson C. Stzinsbury, District Project Supervisor
V H. l. l*`. Nzinton, Supervisor, Negro \\'ork
` M. listher King, Chiel Clerk
Edith Russell, City Project l)ii·e¤;tor

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lihgk I)771;a ,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-,,,,,,,,,,___,___ _ ,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,. N 7*
I’~wy;zI`_‘II»11 (I1‘m¤.1I1_ I\7|I-IWIII __,,,,,,,___________,,,,,_______,___,_,,____,_,______,,,_,, T  
I)'»‘,L'IIIYEJ Ir¤1Ii> ();;11g·Io`I I~j.‘ \\`I1I1u;u1Ii Xu:z‘¤v'I`¤11.Iz11s. by .\d¤q1x;;cy ,,,,,,--,,-,,,,,,,,--.--,- B (
Xx:taxIwx· ~~2` \\I¤{u~ IIl·:x:I:1: $11*gIc I’7;~:1IIZu> I=1 2 1`» 7 I’c1‘s¤»11> Ijzitzg 12: $11I`>1;;:iQ;I:nI
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I7*.\‘uIEI1:;1s7 IW XI¤>:12I1Iy XM ..11II Uzwss Iiuzzt ,,,,,,,,,-,,.,,,-,,,,,,,,,-.-,,,,,,,,,,,-,, Fl
X1z:1nIwz1 ·»i` \\IE:I1c IIl·:1;e11: Siudu I".I:x1{EIu> M I an 7 I`¤·:‘>\~:;a I.Zx1:1; {:1 5L1I~>i;.:;Q;`1xI
I)\\1·]I111:<. by ;\m1u;.I lm mu :.111 \II¤111IxIy (laws Rpm ,,,.,,-----,,,,,,,,,,,-,,,,-,,,,,, 7*]
\lIIK1I*L'E` ·»I Xunsm II`v11;a111 >{11:I¤ I·`;mz~1IIEus vi` 2 in 7 IK·s1>w1:s If\Z:;; I1; Sz1I~s17;1tQ7.:‘J
I)\‘¤&`IIIl1!5. I~y .\u:m;aI I1m·1x1u .:1x-I \I~~:12IaI) Urwss Rm: ,,,-,-,,,,,,,,,-,,,-,,,-,,,,,___,, F}

 ; I
f •
’ I
I It
` Land Ivse
I. .\rt·a of Irsnti by Lse ....,.,...,..,..,..,._,....,,.....,4,,..,A.,_ .. .A..4.,4._,N Il)
II. I)IstrIbtttIon ot I,:tnd by Iy ~e ot Isc ,,._..,..,4.,..,.., V. _,,_,,..._,.....4..,,.., Il)
, I
III. Xutnber and .\rea of Structures by Iy ~e .,__,A,,..,..,,.,.., .. .,,.,..,,__,.__._,.. III
. , I
Real Property
IY. Cotnparisort oI 19}-1 and PIP) Sttryeys. by L`ondttIon oi- Structure 4_,________________, ll
Y. Xutnber and Percent Distribution by Iype ot Structure tor .\II Structures _
and .\II I)tyeIItng Lrntts .......#..,..._.4.....,..,..A..r..._.,.._..,..,..... I]  
YI. Xutnber and Percent I)IstributIon by Iype oi, L`onyersion Ior .\II P;trtI.tIIy Yr  
Conyerted and L`otnpIt·teIy L`onyerted 5IZ`U»`IIII`L`$ ..,..4.._...4.....4..,_,,..A._ IZ fy `_'_"
. . . . . .   . . . . ~»=~~
\ II. Xumber and Percent Dtstrtbutton by L otntttzon oi iirnntnre lor .\I1 btrttctnres km?
and .\II I)tyeIIinz Lntts .<.4,..4.,.....,..4..4..4.....,..,..,_,4_.,.,,.,.., . II I;-TM
\III P t I) ‘rbut on ot \t I)tt Ihn Itn‘ lII1I)\\ ` L t P L I
I . ercen. IstI E· " . I` ‘e A ; U Its; t` I ’eIIIn: Ini >= in oor `on~ nnnt
thtion (tn Need oI Major Repatrs or Innt tor Ise) by XIontItIy Rent. ttl t
by Oecupancy Status ..,.,..,..,....¤,__...4..,.,....4..4,.,_.,...4.,4._.,4 IS Fortn
. . . . y » , . . . . . I, ,
IX. Percent Dtstrtbutton by Occupancy btattts tor ;..I I)tyeIItn: Inntts by \ ear btnIt _,_,_4___ II *·*I·;I
X, Structures in Xeed of XIajor Repairs or bunt for Lrse as Percent ot .\II Struc- Ella?
tures in Iiach Group Ior I--I I"annIy IIyrttet‘»L)ccttpn·tI Structures by 'I`ype   \_
· s · - :;e·
ot btructure by It aIt1e oi Property .,.....,,......._,..A,____,,__A__ _ ,____,___ II I Ii]
as I
XI. Percent Dtstrtbutton by \*aIue ol Property Ior I-I I"l1II\1I}' L)tyner—L)ccupred ;!»[,._._.
Structures by 'I`ype of Structure ...ee..e........e..e.........e__,.._,._,__._ In yl
XII, I)tyeIIIn: bnits In Need oI` Major Repairs or Irnnt tor Lvse as Percent of .\II IWW
` I)tyeIItn; L ntts by Occupancy Status by XIonthIy Ren:aI or RentaI Vahte ...._..__ In in il
I XIII. Percent Distribution by NIontItIy RentaI or RentaI YaIne for L)ccn·\Ied I)·.yeII~ on 1
me L ntts by Xutnber ol Persons tn L ntt ................_.._e.._.._,.._._,____ IH :t‘useItoId by Occupancy Status ,...._,._..._.________e,____,___,_______ _ ZIV) mm
XVII. Xutnber and Percent Distribution ot ;\II Occttoied D\yeIIIne L-nits by L`on· twain
I · ` 1 .
dttton by Oceupancy htatus __._._________,____________,_,_______,__ _ ___4_,_ 20 st res
XVIII. I)t·.‘eIIIne Lvnits L)ccupIed by Xeuroes and "Other" Race as Percent oi- .\II {I"' I"
Occupted DyyeIItng Lntts tn Itach Group by Occupaney Status by XIontI1- ·‘_‘I
. Iy RentaI ...............e..,...............e........__._..__._.________,__ ZZ ;'f_I`_
, , . . ..... . . . . b.:e;;
4 XIX. Percent Dtstrtbutton by Xutnber ot Persons tn I,)\‘»'CIIlII! Ltnts tor Uccupted `__ __,v :4
· I)tye.Itnu L ntts by Race oI IIousehti~Id ........_....._..____________,____,_____ 2] __l`_;`:`-
XX. DtyeIIInu Iinits with tnore than IIVZ Persons Per Rootn as Percent of _\II Lg,
Oceupted I)\\'CIIlIlg Lntts by Occupancy by Race _._..__.__.._._..__.______,_s_ Z] KIM}
XXI. I)\yeIIIne Lvnits with tnore than IIE Persons Per Rootn as Pergent of ;\II T¤;II*\1
Occupted I)weIItn: I ntts by Occupancy Status by Xumber ot QInIdren ___________. Z3 !¤\’t‘>
V XXII. Percent of ;\II Persons In Knits with more than IIV2 Persons Per Rootn by IH?
Occupancy Status by Xue ot Persons e........,s__._..__.__s__,__s__,______,_ ZS I"
. . . V . . / _ (t'!»~'
XXIII. DtyeIItn; Intts yyttb more than II2 Persons Per Rootn as Percent oi ;\II .m,,II
()ccu*tet.I I)wcIItnu Ifntts by Occttpaney Status by Xnntber oI` Iixtra  
._ , _ . . . q bt t .1
V I*annItes ..,..,......,._..__._,,_,___._,e,.__,__.__,__,__,__,_____,_____ ,__ tI WH;
XXII'. Yeteant I'nIts with Structnt‘aI IttatIt·tttta;tes as Percent oi- .»\II Yacztnt bznts by sirlyy
XIontItIy Rent ......s.e..,._s..,.._..s._,._s__s.__._._____s_,.__e__s___,,_ JI airy;]
. felt]?
I.oyy Income Houstng mm
XXV. ·\~I¤tt¤¤<>‘ by Iksttrrtttcr $¤<¤tus and time oI Itntt¢eitt.t.t __._______________________e_ so my
- · ; · .· V · V » A ·I<
_ XXI I. Xtttnber;¤:1,I I’ez‘cent oi In:tcIetntate I mts by Occtt;~.ntcy btatns ,._..,___,_____,______ n|I IUI 
· stna
· erezn
. t‘ontI
anu 1
a Ia
""T}7"T"'¥?YYY'Y"Y‘|'7' · ¤... ‘ ~ ·· JY: I _‘· I Ihr

NIC (III the 1»11tst;111tIin; IIIL'IlV>Il1tfI1fI 1»iI n1·¤,Ie1‘;¤ time I'Il`t¤ttL the wtitse; it I.;;< been ;1g.j;1t`e2:; tI.;t‘. .Iet;II¤.·§.
Obs Izeen the ;1t:1;1.2i1n:I5‘ 1‘;1;ti1I ::·»11.·;th ~ZI titie»». IIII1i~ siunizieezxt ein; mi I.wu.ai11: enxztiitiwzts w;.~ :.·.·.e—.;;xj.‘ {:1 tiie
Ql`\r'i‘t`II. ~.·.1;1e tI1:11·;.e1e1i;I`7IilJIII vwtziti he when tw :‘et;;e.ij.' M Tetiitwe iiieti., I`. 'rrtzs ini I
tty, >tti~.;.Ii11;i:1-.i 1:1 .—*;1eetI. Cities view II1I1\I1I">‘JIII·IIIll'. riIIIIt.`ICIiI iw ~;tj.·; "IIe:·e we mr siuzzt ;t:·e;.s. I)er;.·17%E1
:~1"I'Zt\‘.'IIH;' I;eItt-:‘—sI—;eIte1‘ tJ\I('I` 1}.e I;111tise;1I~e. where IILIIIITQII iI.<·11; :11.tI regihzee titezzi with st;I1I(’ZIi i~ MYI it mtizte ;1»:t1g>Ie>; t1;.;u1‘e. It I; :e:;e~s;t1·j: 10
1·tI tt·11e111e11It— qmti sl-:yie;1I ·»Iv I»:mr.·:. i11—111I;.r ;1s   gvvvséihie. ;E.e ei·i;1;L Iw*.;:.j.trI-;2. gI1g‘=i~;.1I
f1»t·1;tt·,I ;t I>jII`!`It'ZI in the IILLIII MII ¤»t1i\\‘itt'~.I eittmthitrti wt \'-ILu‘t‘t‘ :1111 et.<1n·»111i;. tf mir sIt111.<.   e1I.t·1‘ these ;.i;·;.s ;.:‘·; suite.}
Iqtntl t"·~1> were e>;;eetIin:Iy hiuh. IIIhe esttise ·1tI this ttitiiti tit :’esi.Ie111Z;¤I uses nr sI.ut;IeI Pe ;i·.‘e:1 .1QI 111 I~..ti:;ess u e~.
mel »»;`1t·;t t1ne»»11t1·1»Il1·.I :1·1»wtI1 was I;·:‘ueIjr the i11~;re:tsi1::Ij¤ wh;11 :E;e izzeeyue uf tI.e Jann .i1.—,eIIer Es. ·.·.·E.;1: rent he ytjss
III§l>\II.`L' ..1ttI U>IZiI`Ik'\ th;1r;1e!e1‘ 1>iI 11111tIez‘11 trittiixteree. LIitieF rtnei \·.‘I.;1t he ;;t11 fftirj 111 gzqi IHF ;IQe.;11;1te I:   ‘.*.‘I.;;t .
crew in 1·;e:i1» 11> II`lleIC inereztse. :1ntI tittde ·»r ti~»1111:1e1x‘e tlwehiiis site win girige ZI.1;g`Te>eZ1?.1»e;*.tt`;IZ1l {ieee ;.re;.2
11s ;1Iw;1vs \\I.i~ the uiweitiiiiiu tI;te1¤>:· in the e}:;11t;1;te1· 1»!I city in ehlse giiziizzztiziiesliinzx   emg‘i~’yj.‘z:.;·:1t eeriters. ‘.‘.hctIte?
;1*1»·.·.‘:I1.I shim eIe;1r;inee g1t‘11_ie-ts ;.1:2 hes; Iw; ;;;:’r€et.i Int I~j.’ girizgte
TM5 >u_I`IU; M.U!I.(m.Itl Im.\vimI,I:_· MMI {I; MIM; ,,H wr !'r\IL‘I`III}IUYII e;a;`tit.. ;tZ;.; L; List 1f ~lI.:T g‘eTt;1;ei.i ,1;1t;..
Iwtisins. In :1 eitjv whieh t1‘i;¤IetI :1ntI tn1;ieIrt11*IetI its size It I1;Is nut Iieex. tI;e t:;t*e1‘t)'. which Ital wnqe Iwcn tt.; ;1tte1n;*t tri »¤Ser :t:1s‘.·:er= 11 these gY.I1Iet:;s. Yu; r.t;}1er
mi the ntiiskirts ·»iI the eity, was stmt PIII`I`¤IJIIIIeICpI hy :1 to ii$~C‘II1I)ih; llllti r··:·.g·iIe the ngiiei :1::tes :.15 Jziist $1111 ;z
e1‘<111E1i; Imsistess ehsttiet. I’et—g~Ie { the mitItiIe :111tI Ixiuner {win that is 1‘e;a;ii;j.‘ t1t.Qe1‘si;:1eI;tI1I·.· Ltilti Izxterpreiubie Anti
ittemne I¤1‘;t;I{et< tt1i¤‘.‘eeI ttl the I1t\\' 0t1I$I£iti> MI LIES eil}`. to thi these ZI.1t,:S `»\IIII'l 1. Siiiilttj jegfte   i;;;1LTl:Qj.'. I
the homes they tIese1‘tetI either Iweinu .ie1nr¤Ii_si1eeI gud rc— RCQHZIHU liu Tumi {UT I:1{):.Zu:LlEWx· jx J1}. 0:* _.\i1_C._.{jc I
nhieeti Iw ;1»::tn1erei:1I strtiettires 111* si/ttisertei into tenement In AWN Wy; TL,_mUI`i inc Nwytgi L`_ir,i{H3 gigzc ]>t;xn;1{iZ ,
gtnei IVIMIIIIIIQ Imt1~es. Itwiistns tI1··se whtwse s;;tnt tiieoznes IIMMLL ,_\.IliK.E; ._\.;;§ ;:\U.;>,({n_, A >1_:i;_.'._{;£ REQ I1y,,DC;.;\.
~.vt111IeI 11t·i1E.er jeitrtiit them t~» Iive {ar fmzn their tI:1iIy em.,_k.\» I>mgL._ti_ I., Aggie it §u:.._.k.._. Ig _l_»y_m; gzmsgul Qf,$d{_
¤.~»`¤¤1t\¤~¤i~·¢t* 7** III I"IY·I II IIIVII °'II"II’II IIIIIII I'I IIIIIIIV I`II‘III`°I th»11= in .\s}I1e\‘iiIe. In the >.;::;e t:I;e·t1ii; iIie >eIc;IItt1 11iI stx? .
1:x;1E:11e11;1n;t.· ;1 ‘.·r·~:`iI1\·:I1EIt· nxvesttiierti §I1¤:‘ ine I;t11tiZ1»rtI. .1\s uni l.;,..$(w!k.; ._._..i$ ;`L,;lm4 Clic j_._;i_ tixticl {L Swimigtli it I
:1 I`L‘5\III such ;tI.1ee< I~e;;tme I'l1IItI¤*\\'!I and `IIZIIIIIZVI Zne:‘e:1sI:1;» C;l;t_[IQjL. I___1* ;tk.:.e_,l; 3. _.{1,_- _i{rL._»;`,T_ ’I‘g_L. T-;;;;__{s_;k.T ,{ stx. I s
ij: I~·~1t·e:· ;t~1‘e<‘t:1e111< mr t'1I.\`IIL'I`$ met: 111e:‘e;t<111:.jr tizzsniteti stty MILE t,l...U1L.;;._{ {.,:.1 jx, `.k.Z,;g;{C_g 1
YIIII *—*II°- ¥—=*III¥ IIPV IIII~III"III*I“'~I ‘*·I·III?`IIII~III· III IIIIIIIII CI*§“ 1·tIIt;I xml} i tI II\liL.`*>YIII`C Ctnztitv iw the 1I1e:; \\I.:;;ei:I< ;1:*.i ·
this sEtn2ii1~:1 Z1Q`I`I`<*Ltt.`IIL`$ shim et·11.Iiii~»:ts. The e;ttzs..tinn   I¤I.__{L.>>:>`;mi Iji,`vE ;~:atI :1ntI iw tire ; we-g·&~ gp; 11;* {Ki jje ;;;i‘;_;I ej_`_;jj;ej‘;;lIj*; je? I
rtztqa. :1 11:1*;;*1 n11;:‘;=i1¤>11. mee se:re;;1i11»11. ;»ne1 new te~;:::t1>- Wm;L.I_ im; it inc ._,_.\,;.I;   Iilyick. 1, Q meg; `{ jt_2,_;e[_;U_ ~
Iuies i:1 I~11IItI€1t: JIIII III.III>II*I*III[III'III. w¤»:‘I; tI»:‘ ;.:1ei ;1e;1i;;st Emu};. _»;_,,_,_l?_{:;;   tty ;w,Hs_L.m;I;m.;-iii It 1-_-yu M;-K. -_\·;__ I
~II'~I¥¤YIII¥ ¥IIY·I ¥II`I`II°- IIIIV QIIIIIIII "II IIII"'~’ IIII—II"I’ IIIIIY ~I'III‘ t;1Ite11 Le st-Ieet ;.< t-t:t;tne:‘;1tt»rs refs its ~iI it;IeIIi;e:L;e .1::1
t1»iI¤t1te t~¤·.v;.:;i .Ie;Iine wI1iIe :tn1>tI1et‘ tn;1Ite< ,*J¤ssEI~It· .411} I;,U{UI \gg$,_,,{ig_u_ I I
gives nmietzzs \tj\\'iIt\I 4f*llI'»\`1II\I itt~_·*.‘¤·t>1et]i# t‘fI _Ji1>‘ YLIIICS I‘i·' 'l`;·;ti;1§t1Q ·t·.·;;; {;1i;i;,;eeI inm1etIi;1teIjr. Iteiztttins itil .\;*riI
rt·;11»wx·;11e t;;e 1*t‘11n;21‘j.‘ ittnettiins ·*I eeflitltt#Uittt‘ It1*\!$IIt9 1‘t` l‘C—I¤‘~`i¥I€»I (tm;-gc of ;;·;_{;t{;t; ;I.·,;· the Ene$1IIe11t11net`I1t~=1‘$. .\ We WUCIQIS
*I‘IIIIIIII`II*II' IIII~I III*III*III}I· III ¥I—I~IIII*‘I‘·t`·’1`III¥=II"II III¥II°¥I*I` IIII‘ ehass was et~11,It1eteeI. in wnieh :an11r·i~xE:11;1tt·I‘v iertv C$IlIlHt3I`~ ‘
heexi tI:t1‘ in erzeess MI the incense in ndetninie Imut‘\1Ii1¥I·‘¤$ tt-.»y·l;;I;m_I E~—.· Inne JI ,1:1 atitiitinzid statin vt €It‘\'t‘?1 X¤!T‘=‘ I
has Iieemne IIIt`I`t`Il