xt715d8ndj13 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt715d8ndj13/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1976-09-17 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, September 17, 1976, no. 146 text The Green Bean, September 17, 1976, no. 146 1976 1976-09-17 2014 true xt715d8ndj13 section xt715d8ndj13 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES' NEWSLETTER
  9/ /76 I I   IUIUI   I UI     S  -1**6
CA! g?·F_§;AR
17 September - Support Staff Annual Meeting & Luncheon - 11:45-
2:30 PM, Spindletop.
l October - Library Faculty annual meeting - 9-4 PM, Carnahan
6 October - Pre-conference workshop at UK: "Cataloging non-print
media" (see note).
7-9 October - KLA meets at Louisville.
Contributors to this number: Ellen Baxter, Cliff Black, David
Farrell (Editor), Faith Harders, Ann Short, Paul Willis.

 V P 5

Report from the Director:
I met this week with Tag Frye, who is chairing the Library Faculty
Professional Activities and Staff Development Committee. I have
reviewed the charge to this committee below. Ms. Frye will call
the first meeting of the Committee. The following description ‘
is from the Organizational Procedures document: `
The Professional Activities and Staff Development
Committee shall develop programs or make recommenda-
tions to enable the Library system to most effectively
use its personnel and resources to fulfill Library
functions in University academic programs and to
assist in the development of enrichment programs for
faculty and staff. It may identify, study, and
recommend policies for continuing education for
Library personnel.
This Committee will need to develop an overall plan of activities
for 1976-77. These plans may need to be coordinated with those
of the Staff Organization. The Committee has been given a budget
of $500.00 for its programs. _
I have referred the following suggestions, which were received
as recommended agenda items for the Library Faculty and Admin-
istrative Council, to the Committee:
l. Question of inter-departmental training--movement of staff
to other departments on a temporary basis--at least for new
staff. _
2. Rotation for new professional staff (or current). _
3. I think we should have a program on public relations and the
Library. I don't feel that most of us have an awareness of
our impact on others. Perhaps we might be able to bring in
a speaker on this topic.
4. Offer program(s) tracing an order (faculty requested and/or
liaison inspired) from its inception to book—in-stacks.
5. Trace a student request at the Circulation Desk for a missing
6. Schedule of visits for the Staff Development Series.
The programs sponsored or encouraged by the Professional Activities
and Staff Development Com ittee should consider needs of both
the professional librarians and staff. Attention may be given
to continuing education needs, programs informing the staff about
library and university activities, plus programs which assist the
staff in performing job tasks more effectively.
Tag Frye will review the MRAP Report for recommendations concernhm;
staff development. I am certain that Tag would welcome suggesthme
from the staff about how the Committee might best function.

I am recommending that all Committees report minutes of their
meetings on a regular basis in the Green Bean.
_ Libraries sponsoring an undergraduate display contest: r
UK undergraduates are being offered an opportunity to win $100
for displaying their ingenuity. That sum is being provided by
the Libraries as a prize for the most imaginative use of special
library resources--first editions, maps, letters, photographs,
posters, and the like. » `
The contest is being co—sponsored by the Office of Instructional
Resources and the History Department (although entries are not
limited to history students).
Interested students should contact Special Collections, King
Library North.
A The College of Library Science is offering a pre-conference workshop
6 October on "Cataloging non—print media," at Holiday Inn South,
Louisville. Leader for the workshop is Miss Vivian L. Schrader,
Head, Descriptive Cataloging Division at the Library of Congress,
who had been associated with LC's audio-visual cataloging program
since its formation in 1946. The workshop will include training in
the use of the revised Chapters 12 and 14 of AACR.
Credit will be given for the workshop. Cost is $15 and includes
lunch; copies of the revised chapters are also available (Chapter
12 is $1.50; Chapter 14 is $1.00). Those interested should contact .
Jim Nelson, Office for Continuing Education, College of Library
President Singletary addressed the first Senate meeting 13 September,
on "University Up—date" relating to enrollment, housing, physical
facilities in progress, the five year plan document, new degrees that
have been instigated, others yet to be instigated, and other relevant
topics. _
He expressed his appreciation for the quality of the faculty and
enlisted their continued support to maintain and preserve the In-
stitution in these times of increased obligations in spite of its
unmatched financial support.
"No Smoking" signs will soon appear in all classrooms as a result
of past action by the Senate.
Malcolm Jewell, Chairman, reviewed the com ittee structure and
introduced the Senate Council to the group. The new members,
composing one third of the Senate, were recognized.

 Action items included: Vg
Passage of "change in Senate rule (V, 1.4) concerning procedures
for taking courses on a pass·fai1 basis"; (The details of this
were in Tuesday's Kernel)
Passage of "proposed re—organization of several Senate standing
Passage of "proposed change in the Senate rule (I, 4.22) to
expand jurisdiction of the Senate Advisory Committee on
Privilege and Tenure to include charges of discrimination";
Passage of "changes in the Policy Guidelines" on the calendar
(Section II) to establish long—term timetables". It was
suggested that this be known as the “Jewellian" calendar.
I Tabled an "addition to the Senate rules relating to admissions
(Section IV) to ban discrimination in admissions". Not that
there is discrimination in the present admission policy but it
was felt by the Senators that the addition needed better wording
· and phrasing.
Faculty Meeting Discussion Groups:
The discussion groups for the professional staff meeting,Oct. 1,
have been organized. Each person planning to attend should be
signed up for one topic in each group listed below. If you have I
not yet signed up, but plan to attend, please contact Faith
Harders as soon as possible.
` II
' Transactional Analysis for Managers
Coordination of Public Services
Use of Space in King
Role of Library in Non—print Material
Women in Management
Role of Library in Non-print Materials
Future of the Card Catalog
Interdepartment Rotation of Staff
LT II Circulation
LT I Bindery
If interested, please call Faith Harders.

 ./ ` `
New Staff Members:
Cindy Jo Waun, who has moved here from Indiana, is joining the
staff in Acquisitions. She was a Library Aide at Ft. Wayne Bible
Wendy Bryant, who has a master’s in French from Middlebury, will
be working in GPD. ‘
Katie Gallion, who was a Library Technician at Ashland Community A
College and worked with Fort Harrod Drama Productions, will be
working in Circulation. ’
Terminations: Barbara Domek in GPD.
Supervisor Luncheon Schedule:
The schedule for 1976/77 is as follows: ‘
Sept. 15 Knowing Your Employees--Individual Differences
Oct. 20 Understanding Personality and Behavior 7- ·
Nov. 17 Improving Three-Way Communication
Dec. 15 Maintaining Effective Discipline
Jan. 19 Handling Complaints and Grievances
Feb. 16 Guiding and Developing Employees
Mar. 16 Job Satisfaction and Morale
Apr. 20 The Nature of Leadership
All Meetings are from 11:30-1:00 in Blazer Hall Cafeteria and are
directed by Martin May from UK Personnel. t
Larry Greenwood will be attending the Second Annual Academic
Librarians workshop 28-29 September at Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Trudi
Bellardo will travel to San Francisco 5-9 October for the Annual
Meeting of the American Society for Information Science.
Chief Librarian, Catalog Department. Stanford University Libraries.
Application deadline October 15, 1976. Appointment date: Jan. 1,1977.
Salary: $20,000 · $24,000.