xt715d8ndd80 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt715d8ndd80/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1975 course catalogs English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- University of Kentucky Bulletin- Academic Policies and Course Descriptions, Vol. 67, No. 5, 1975-1976 text University of Kentucky Bulletin- Academic Policies and Course Descriptions, Vol. 67, No. 5, 1975-1976 1975 1975 2013 true xt715d8ndd80 section xt715d8ndd80 Z y _ University Archives
Margaret I. King Llbrary - North
? University of Kentucky
Lnlngron, Kentucky 40566
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May 1975
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Academnc Mncnes and Course Descrnptucms
E University of Kentucky Library
I Lexington, Kentucky 40506
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University Archives
Margaret l. King Library · North
University oi Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky 40506
i 1 ? . ‘ 5 -»i‘i I U-
' · Q an A— ijulletin published ·m0nthly,-January Decemibef i y
· i inclusive, by' the University·0f__Kentucky;,_LeXington; _ Q ’
" » Kentucky 40566. Se‘c6nd°`class—‘§0stage paid at the Post V
’ Office, Lexingtcm, Kentucky. P0stn*iaster:,_$énd PS 3579 - ·
Form to Officebf Adrriissions andl§egi'gtiar,`;lj‘niver$ity `
i of _ Kentucky. Attn:¤ Mailing; CBTt;§i“,"£§.;[]iV_€i`Si`{Yg.-bfi _ *
° ., Kentucky, Lexington, l ' —°-· ` i . A yi
_; v ° L- A
The Academic Program ................................ 3
Academic Requirements .......... F ..................... 6
Curricula and Degree Requirements .......................... 13
‘ Agriculture ........... A .......................... 13 _
Allied Health .................................... 17 _
Architecture .......... A ,.......... . . Z ............. 23
Arts and Sciences ............. » ..... i ................ 25 I
Business and Economics ............................... 54 `
Dentistry ...................................... 56
Education ...................................... 57
Engineering . . ., .................................. 64
Graduate School ................................... 72
Home Economics . ................................ 73
Honors Program ..... E .............................. 76
Law ......................................... 77
Library Science ....... · ..................... i* ....... 78
Medicine ................... _ ........,..... I ...... 79
Nursing ....................................... 80
Pharmacy ...................................... 81
V Social Professions .................................. 84
University Extension ....................... · ........,. 8 5
i Course Numbering System ...... · ........................ 87
Abbreviations ..................................... 88
‘ Cross Index of Abbreviations ..... ‘ ....................... 89
Course Descriptions .................................. 91
Faculty ............................ , .......... 229
Administration ................................... 256
Index ........................................ 258
Campus Map ..................................... 261
The Ac d l` P
A university brings together students with greatly varying The courses in each area are:
geographic, economic, social, political and educational
I backgrounds. Although any entering class is a rather select Area Il MATHEMATICS-PHILOSOPHY
group in intellectual ability and educational achievement,
there is still a considerable range of ability, achievement, The general studies requirement in this area may be
and incentive among the individuals in the class. satisfied by one of the following three options:
A state university is characterized by' a wide variety of · A. MA 113 Calculus (4)
course offerings and degree programs ranging from the most B. MA 122 Fundamental Concepts cr Mathematics 1 (3)
traditional of majors in the liberal arts to professional and MA 123 Fundamental Concepts of Matncrnatics II (3)
applied programs with rather specific vocational goals. C, Students choosing this option may not satisfy
The combination of a heterogeneous student body and l Arca V with Option B
the multiplicity of curricula requires that the university PHI 120 Introductory Logic (3)
furnish alternative paths of study, even for the entering pins ono of thc foiiowingt
student, to provide the soundest education. The programs PHI 100 Introduction to Philosophy (3)
being developed are based, in part, on the assumptions that PHI 130 introductory Ethics. (3)
every graduate should have breadth of understanding
achieved by study in the basic disciplines and that he
should have achieved depth by advanced study in a major Al'e¤ II· PHYSICAL SCIENCES
department or professional area.
To help the student acquire a breadth of understanding, The Sellefal Studies fequifemelli may be satisfied by
two semesters of freshman English or their equivalent are ehbbslllg elle of the f0110WlJ1g 10 Seq¤e¤GeS2
required of each student unless he demonstrates compe- A- AST 191 Deeeflptlye AStf¤ll0my (3)
tency according to the exemption- plans specified in the AST 192 Desellpilye A5if0¤0my (3)
‘ Bulletin. A full-time student must enroll in freshman B- CHE 106 E1emellI3l”Y Celleml Chemistry I (3)
English each semester until he has satisfied this requirement CHE 108 Elementary Gellef¤1 CIlemlSi1'y II (3)
unless (1) he qualifies for a one-semester option, in which C- CHE llb Cellel'&1 College Cbemlsily I (3)
case h`e may enroll during either semester of his freshman CHE 111 General Cbem1$1TY Lab I (2)
year; or (2) the program of his college or department CHE 112 General College Cbelllletly ll (3)
requires postponement of the second course. CHE ll3 General Chelblstly Leb ll (2)
In addition to the English requirement, the University D` Scncml Pilyslcal Geology Or (4)
_ _ ntroduction to the Earth (3)
requires each student to complete five areas of study plus one of the following:
( ;l;;;i:l;tl;3é}the student from the following eight areas of GLY 142 Genesralrriistorical Geology I (4)
GLY 146 Earth History (3)
I MATHEMATICS-PHILOSOPHY ( GLY 200 Environmental Geology (3)
Il PHYSICAL SCIENCES GLY 210 Earth Resources (3)
( _ III BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES ‘ I GLY 225 Field Studies in Geology (3)
· IV FOREIGN LANGUAGES _ - GLY 227 Elementary Field Work
VI HISTORY ` GLY 360 The Mineral World (3)
( VII SOCIAL SCIENCES E. PHY 151 Introduction to Physics (3)
VIII BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES PHY 152 Introduction to Physics (3)
-5 Within each of these areas, several optional sequences are F- PHY 211 Genera) E1€me¤taYY PIIYSICS (5)
;- eveiiaeie, giving the student a wide variety cf learning PHY 2l3 General Elementary Plrysies ` (5)
’ opportunity in tho basic disciplines. G. PHY 231 General University Physics (3)
e · _ PHY 232 General University Physics (3)
MZ? iiitiia°§pii€2fS‘§§§L2“O?’sS35?*222‘1?.§°r%?.K?r'§`§i‘2ft2°§`i°y2'€}£ PHY 24) G"‘€“" U“i"°““y *’*‘ySl°S (Lab) (2)
` college, I ` _ PHY 242 General University Physics (Lab) (2)
. . 3 I ·
H. PHY 140 Acoustics of Music Instruments (3) A-H 240 Modem Art 1 (3)
plus one of the following: MUS 200 Introduction to Music (3)
PHY 152 Introduction to Physics (3) MUS 201 Music in Western Civilization (3)
PHY 211 General Elementary Physics (5) MUS 300 History of Jazz ( (3)
PHY 231 General University Physics (3) B. Choose two of the following courses (students choosing
I. PHY 201 and 203 General Elementary Physics (4 ea.) this option may not satisfy Area I with Option C.):
J. CHE 101 and 103, Chemistry: A L_ PHI 100 Introduction to Philosophy (3)
Cultural Approach I and II ` (6) PHI 130 Introductory Ethics ` (3)
PHI 260 History of Western Philosophy I (3)
Area III. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES PHI 270 History of Western Philosophy II (3)
The general studies requirement in this area may be A;-aa V[_ HISTORY _
satisfied by choosing one of the following three sequences:
A. BIO 100 Biology (3) A student may satisfy the general studies requirement in
BIO 101 Biology (3) history by any one of the following options:
B. BIO 200 General Biology I (3) A. HIS 104 A History of Europe to 1713 (3)
BIO 201 General Biology 1 (Lab) (2) ' HIS 105 A History of Europe, 1713 to Present (3) .
BIO 202 General Biology II (3) B. HIS 108 History of the U.S. Through 1865 (3)
BIO 203 General Biology II (Lab) (2) HIS 109 History of the U.S. Since 1865 (3)
Two of the following courses: C. HIS 229 The Ancient Near East and Greece I
C. A & S 102 Human Ecology (2) to the Death of Alexander the Great (3) T
BIO 100 Biology (3) HIS 230 The Hellenistic World and Rome to the
BIO 103 Principles of Biology (3) Death of Constantine (3) I
BIO 104 Principles of Animal Biology (3) I ])_ HIS 295 East Asia to 1300 (3) A
_ BIO 106 Principles of Microbiology A (3) HIS 296 East Asia Since 1800 (3) . 1
BIO 108 Principles of Microbiology (3)
BIO 1 10 Introduction to Human Biology and Health(3) AREAS VH AND vm- SOCIAL {
(Addition of BIO 100 is approved for one year only.) AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES (
Aiea Iv_ FOREIGN LANGUAGES Students who wish to satisfy one of these areas may do
so by completing any two of the courses listed below, y
A student may Satisfy the general Studies ieuuiiement In subject to the restrictions and prerequisites noted. _
foreign language by passing the fourth semester course in Students who wish to $ati$fY both meas m&Y to $0 bY i
one Ianguage oi by demonstrating equivatent competence completing four of the courses listed below. Two of these
by examination · , courses must be in a single department and the other two
must be outside that department, but may be chosen from "
A}ea v_ IIUMANITIES; LITERATURE, ART, another single department or from two separate depart-
AND MUSIC ments?
ANT 120 Human Ancestry (3)
` A. Choose one of the following: ANT 121 lrltroduction to Cultural Anthropology (3)
ENG 261 Survey cr Western World Literature: EC0 160 Contemporary Economic Issues (3) i
from the Greeks through the Renaissance (3) ECO 260 Principles of Economics (3)
ENG 262 Survey of Western World Literature: ECO 261 PYi¤€iP1€S of Economics (Proroqi
from 1660 to the Present (3) _ ECO 260) _ (3) I
CLA 261 Literary Masterpieces of Greece GEO 152 Regional Geography of the World (3)
and Rome (3) GEO 252 Elements of Human Geography (3) J
FR 261 Survey of French Literature in Translation (3) PS 151 American Government (3)
SO 260 Classics of Near Eastern Literature (3) PS 201 Introduction to Political Behavior » (3) _
SO 261 Survey of Russian Literature from its PS 249 Introduction to Comparative Politics (3) i
Beginning through the 19th Century (in English)(3) PS 265 World Politics (3) ‘ `
SPI 261 A Survey of Spanish Literature in PS 280 State·Government (3) it
Translation from the Middle Ages to the Present(3) PSY 104 Basic Psychology I (3) [
GER 261 A Survey of German Literature in PSY 106 Basic Psychology II (Prereq: PSY 104) (3)
Translation - (3) PSY 210 General Psychology (May not be taken I
SP1 263 Masterpieces of for credit if student has received credit for Y
Italian Literature in Translation (3) PSY 104 or 106) (3)
Plus one of the following: SOC 101 Introductory Sociology (3)
A-H 100 Introduction to Art History (3) SOC 152 Modern Social Problems (Prereq:
A-H 210 Ancient Art (3) SOC 101 or consent of instructor) (3)
` A-H 220 Medieval Art ( (3) 3 SOC 220 The Community (Prereq: SOC 101 or I
A-H 230 Renaissance Art (3) consent of instructor) (3)
A student who wishes to substitute an upper division to concentrate on courses contained in the areas listed
course in the same department for a course listed in the previously. Students will gain a background from this pro-
General Studies Component program may do so with the gram that should help them to choose intelligently the
approval of the dean of the college in which he plans to fields in which they will concentrate.
major and the chairman of the department in which the The University offers the entering student an environ-
substitution is to be made. ment wherein he may achieve a genuine understanding of
Each entering student will be assigned a faculty member the world and find his place in it. In the University he
as an adviser. The student’s adviser will help him decide should come to understand better his role as a citizen who
upon a program of study and will explore with him an participates in decisions on issues and policies. He should
over-all plan for his work at the University, the choice of a develop a love for truth, an independence of judgment, and
vocation, and graduation requirements. The adviser will be a respect for the convictions of others. These are some of
able to provide the student with accurate information con- _the characteristics of a liberal education—the University’s
` cerning the University. After helping the student to decide $08} f0f HU of its gT¤dl13t€S- IH addition, it effers m¤¤Y 8T€3S
his college work load, he wil-1 approve the schedule Stu- of specialization leading to a variety of career opportunities
dents who are undecided on a field of study will be advised in lh€ arts, the sciences and the professions.
A d ` R 'e ents
The student pursuing a college degree must fulfill a
number of requirements specified by the University. These STUDENT LOAD
concern Such things as the nvmber Of courses he will take With the exceptions noted below, the maximum load to
and the pattern they should follow, the amount of time he bg named during any sgmgstgr by any Studgnt in an under-
must Spend in fnli·¥im€ work, his gfadcse and his Conduct- graduate college (including residence, correspondence, and
extension courses) shall be 19 credit hours or the amount
CONFIDENTIALITY OF STUDENT RECORDS specified in the curriculum for the particular semester,
ln accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Whiehevei isieigeh
Privacy Act of 1974, University of Kentucky students have The minimum ieed for ii ihii'iime Student in an Linden
thc right tc rcvicw’ impact, and chaucngc thc accuracy cf graduate college is 12 credit hours in a semester and six
information kept in a cumulative file by the institution eiedii h¤¤¤i¤ the eighi'“'eei( Summer Session-
unless the student waives this right. It also insures that The maximum eiiewebie ined ie be earned dining any
records cannot be eeieeeea in other than emehgehey situa- Summsr term fw ¤¤d€rg¤¤d¤¤¤= Smdsms Wm the i¤f·¤ma¤¤¤ is ciassificd as "d¤¤==*¤~ ..S:;,2;O.§;;z2;*:;.¤$;;m3.*‘;;i‘;:;:::.i°.$:;;i:2:;
information". The following categories of infor- degree raquimmama
iiieiieii iieve been eeeigiieiee ey the Uiiiveieiiy ee The Graduate School has established the maximum
eiieeieiy iiiiieiiiieiieiii iieme’ eddieee’ ieiepiieiie allowable load for graduate students for the summer ses-
iieiiiie’ deie eee pieee ef eiiih’ miiiei fieie ei sions to be nine credit hours for the eight-week summer
S*¤<*Y· ¤¤¤i¤i¤¤¤¤¤ i¤ ¤f¤¤ia¤y ¤=¤¤g¤iZ==¤ MM- eeeeieh- six Credit hehe fOI` the six-week SUITIHICI eeeeieh
tics and speiie’ Weight and height ef members of and foiir credit hours for the four-week intersession. The
iiiiiieiie teems’ dates ef eiteiieeiiee’ degrees and maximum load for any combination of the six and eight-
iiwiiide ieeeived’ and the meet recent previous week sessions for graduate students has been established as
==d¤<==·¤<>¤¤* irsmutisv =·¤¢¤¤s$1 by the ¤¤¤é¤t- if hehe eheee hours; and the mehhhehh load re. eehhheh ehe
you ds iiei wish siieii iiifeimeiien released w_iih°iii intersessions for graduate students has been established as
your consent you ushould notify the Registrars 12 credit hows.
Oiiiee piiei ie the msi day ei eieesee A student may be registered simultaneously at the Uni-
Questions concerning this law and the University’s policy versity and at another educational institution only with the
concerning release of academic information may be di- approval of the dean of the college in which he is registered
rected to the Registrar’s Office, 257-4623. at the University of Kentucky; the credit hours obtained at
. 6
the other institution being considered a part of his max- was awarded. If the student does complete the course under
imum load. If the simultaneous registration has not been this condition, the instructor shall forward to the Registrar
authorized, the transfer of credit from the other institution the appropriate letter grade to replace the I. lf the student A
may be denied. elects to retain the I grade in a course required for grad-
uation, or is unable to complete such a course because of
CLASSIFICATION the two-year limitation or for any other reason, he must
A student in any undergraduate college is classifiéd by retake it and satisfactorily complete it with a letter grade in
the Registrar as a sophomore when he has completed 30 Order re graduate I
credit hours, a junior when he has completed 60 credit Each departmeno senoor ar eouege mamrarns a rne
hours, and a senior when he has completed 90 credit hours. record er incomplete grades reeorded in eourses or that
A Law student is classified as a second—year student when department- seneer or eouege· Trus reeord» eomorered by
he has completed 24 credit hours and as a thirdycar the instructor, includes (l) the name of the student, (2) the
student when he has completed 53 credit hours. He is not, eourse number and nours or credit, (3) semester and Year er
however, classified as a second—year student until he has enroumene (4) signature of the instructor, (5) a brief
been in residence at least two semesters, nor as a third-year statement or rne reason ror recording rne nreornPrere» and
student until he has been in-residence at least three semes· (6) an adequate guide ror removal of me i¤¤¤mv1<=t¢ grade
tcm (with a suggested final grade).
Credit granted by examination is included in determining Grade P represents a Passing grade rn a Course taken on a
a studmys ctassmcatiom pass-fail basis. It may also be assigned by the University
Appeals Board in cases involving a violation of student
MARKING svsram a°*""’“"° “g"e: . . .
Grade S—sat1sfactory work in progress or final grade in
The mafkmg sYst€m (€X¢€Pt for the Colleges of Law arid courses carrying no academic credit—may be recorded for
Medicine) l1S€s 8 ssfiss of letters, to which afs assigned students in courses of research, independent work, or
grade-point values. The system is based neither on an abs0· seminar type, if at the end of a semester the student,
lute numerical system nor on a distribution curve, but on because of the nature or size of the project, has been unable
the following descriptions: to complete the course. The project must be substantially
Grade A represents exceptionally high achievement as a continuous in its progress. When the work is completed, a
result of aptitude, effort, and intellectual initiative. It is {mu] gtudu will bg substituted tot the S_
_ valued at four grade points for each credit hour. Grade S may also be recorded as a permanent mark in
n Grade B represents a high aehreVemerrr as 8 result or courses carrying no academic credit. The grade may not be
ability and effort. It is valued at three grade points for each gvgn to u Student who has done unsatisfactory work OI to
credit hour. ` one whohas failed to do a reasonable amount of work.
Grade C represents average achievement. It is valued at Grade W——withdrew passing—shall not be given if the
two grade points for each credit hour. student is failing at the time of his withdrawal and shall not
Grade D represents the minimum passing grade (not to be given unless the student withdraws officially or is as-
be used for graduate students). It is valued at one grade signed by the University Appeals Board. The University
point for each credit hour. Appeals Board may assign a W in cases involving a violation
Grade E represents unsatisfactory performance and indi- of student academic rights. No grade will be recorded for a
cates failure in the course. It is valued at zero credit hours student who officiallywithdraws or is dropped from a class
and zero grade points. A student receiving this grade can during the first 10 class days of a semester or the summer
obtain credit in the course only by repeating the entire session. Students who withdraw after these dates or who
work of the course in class, or by special examination in are dropped from class shall be given a grade of W orE as
accordance with the procedures outlined under Special reported by the instructor ofa class.
Examinations. ln rare cases in which undue hardship is Official Withdrawal from a Course: A student may offi-
involved in repeating the work in class, the dean of the cially withdraw from a course by permission of the dean of
college in which the student is enrolled may approve re- the college in which he is registered; provided, however,
peating the work by correspondence. » that no student shall be permitted to withdraw within five
Grade F represents failure in a course taken on a pass-fail weeks (two weeks during the summer term) of the final
basis. examination period ·except for urgent reasons related to
Grade I—incomplete—means that part of the work of the extended illness or equivalent distress. The dean shall report
course remains undone at the time that grades are due. It is withdrawal from class to the Registrar.
‘ given only when there is a reasonable possibility that a Audit. Any change from audit to credit by a student
passing grade will result from completion of the work. The regularly enrolled in a college must be accomplished by the ·
`instructor will not give an l grade when the reason for last date of late registration and any change from credit to
incompleteness is unsatisfactory to him. audit must be made by the last date to drop a course
An undergraduate student shall have the option of having without a grade. No credit can be given for a class audited,
the I grade as a permanent partof his record. lf the student nor is the student permitted to take an examination for
elects to complete the course in orderto change the lgrade credit. No instructor is authorized to admit anyone as an
to a letter grade, he must do so before graduation, but in no auditor to any of his classes unless the auditor has regis-
` event after a lapse of two years from the date the I grade tered as such.
Q Repeat Option. A student has the option to repeat once MARKING SYSTEMS FOR THE COLLEGES OF
as many as three different courses which have been com- LAW MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY
pleted with a grade of C, D, or E withonly the grade, credit ’ _
l hours, and qusiity points rcr the second completion iiscci in eeiieee ef Lew- The Ceiieae ef i-sw uses ¤ sveewl letter
` computing the student’s academic standing and credit for gradmg system m which the r°“0"f’mg grades are gwerr Wrth
graduation. (Note: The repeat option cannot be used to the r°aPa°trVe quality Perm v¤1¤es¤¤¤¤¤¤ted=
raise the student’s standing for admission to the University A+ 4_3 3+ 3_3 C+ 2_3 1)+ ]_3 .
of Kentucky Graduate School.) Before enrolling in a class A 4_() B 3_g C gi) D 1_0
imder this option, the student must notify in writing the A- 3_7 B- 2_7 C- 1_7 D. ()_7
dean of the college in which he is enrolled and his adviser. v E ()
f ‘ d t ff ` l ' f . `
I a sw cn O mal?] Wlthdriiws Toni the Second attmipt’ A student’s academic grade record 1S expressed as a grade-
then the grade, credit hours, and quahty points for the first Dim a e m umd b multi 1 . the SB St h
completion constitutes the grade in that course for official p rage CO p y P ylilg . me er Ours
. . of credit for each course by the quality point value of the
purposes, and the second attempt constitutes exhaustion of . .
. . grade received in the course. These products are added
one of the three options to repeat a course under this to ether d th S . d. .dcdb that tal t h
provision unless, at the time of withdrawal, the instructor g ’ an C um ls .1vl y 0 Semis cr Ouis i
and the dean Of the college ant Crmission to attem t the attempted. The grade-point average thus derived is the basis
same coms.; again gr P P _ for each student’s academic status as indicated in the pub-
` lished rules and policies of the Law Facul_ty.
Pass-fail option. Undergraduate students above the fresh- C°li°g°S °f Mcdicinc afld p°miStry‘ H°n°rs· Pass and
msc level and sci cs scsdcmic probation may select c Uesstlsfgciiwgri the d?s§¤¤:}<;¤S fer gheteegiselgf Flite;
maximum of four elective courses, with certain restrictions, lm? a“_ E ° gg? ° cn is rv S “_ °" S· 6 > · i
to be taken on a pass-fail basis. Students in the Honors deslgmtlmrs are utmeed Only fm medlcal and dmtal stil`
Program above the freshman level may with advance dents. The few graduate and/or undergraduate students in
- · ’ ` lly medical and dental classes are graded as is the
written approval of the Director of the Honors Program, cssmtm _ _
select additional elective courses to·be taken on such a V mst at the UmV°rS1ty· _
‘ pass-fail basis. Credit hours successfully completed under
tlus option will count toward graduation but will not be OTHER REGULATIONS
used in calculating grade-point standmg. Courses taken on a _ _ v
pass-fail basis are limited to those considered as elective in Late Reeistratien. After the sixth day of classes in either
the student’s program and such other courses or types of Semester O1' the t0Ufth day of that tefm of the summer
oonisos as might bg specifically approved by the Senate . session in which the student is enrolled, no student may
Council for a college or department. Prerequisites for such register f0f 311 0fg311tZed 01858- OH fee0mme¤di1ti01t ef the
~ courses may be ignored at the student’s own hazard, The dean concemed, the Registrar may set a later date for final
student is expected to participate fully in the course and Iegistfatiml in Classes that do f10t Staff 011 the first day of 8 .
take ah oxaminaiions 35 though he were gyirglled on a semester or a summer session, or for the registration of a
l regular basis. Students may not change from a pass-fail basis STOUP of students Wh0 were Het Pfeseiit at the regular
nor from a regular basis to a pass-fail basis after the last fegtstfattmi time. _
date for entering an organized class. Courses offered 0nly Entrance Examtnatteth AU new full-time students, Other
on a pass-fail basis shall not be included in the maximum than those entering the Graduate Scheer, are required te
number of electivecourses which a student may take under take the University classification tests and such PhYsteat
those provigiona examinations as the University may require. An individual
academic unit may require, in addition to the freshman
classification test, with the approval of the Senate, entrance
GRADE-POINT AVERAGE or classification tests to be taken by its applicants for
V . . . dmission to its programs.
» Th d - i ii i r ii “ . . .
. 8 gia C pom average ls t C rg 10 O t 5 number of Special Examinations. Any full-time or part-time student
points gamed to the number of credits attempted, W, P, S, . . . . . .
and Ibeing ignored enrolled in the Umversrty, and in good academic standing,
` may request a special examination for credit in any course
offered in the University System, regardless of whether he
UNSATISFACTORY SCHOLARSHIP has audited the course, is currently enrolled in it, or has
std'd`t`d · d tl.
AND ATTENDANCE uAi$plii:a1’;ioiipiz