xt712j68657r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt712j68657r/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1984-05 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, May 1984, volume 8 number 4 text Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, May 1984, volume 8 number 4 1984 1984-05 2020 true xt712j68657r section xt712j68657r CENTRAL KENTUCKY


Vol. MAY 1984 NO- 4




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CKJA First Mission To Washington, DC.
May 2, 1984



The Washington rim Mission Program

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This a the 5m: 06 two instalment»: hepO/l/ttylg on the Mugs/Lon. Comm/talus
to was awe a/Le: Judy Baumann, Sana Levy and Steve Shedfofibhy.

Thirty—three excited and enthusiastic Lexingtonians boarded Piedmont's early
morning flight (7:20 a.m.!!) on Wednesday, May 2, for CKJA's first mission to our
nation's capital. An orientation the week before by Marcia Roth, Co—Chair of the
Louisville Federation's Community Relations Committee, and the Federation's
Associate Director Jan Rothschild had primed everyone with the basics of what to
expect. Armed, too, with copious background material on pertinent legislative
issues, information on the Middle East, and refugee concerns, it was a well
informed group. ‘

The group was accompanied by a staff member of the Council of Jewish
Federations—United Jewish Appeal Washington Missions Office. Most of the logis—
tical details were handled by them, and much good advice enabled us to make this
first mission rewarding and crisis-free.

The first stop was at the new Israeli Embassy, a beautiful structure of
modern architecture which has been in use since 1981. Mr. Shlomo Maron, a senior
assistant ambassador, met with us.

Mr. Maron addressed himself to four major areas of concern:

1. Israeli economy: Inflation in Israel is linked to both its limited
ability to export goods (only $8—10 billion/year — mainly in technical
areas), and to huge government spending, mainly for national defense
(which is still 25% of the Israeli GNP). However, as long as U.S. sup—
port continues, he feels the economy is under control.

2. Lebanon: The necessity for the
Israeli incursion into Lebanon
was to remove the PLO from terri—
tory just north of Israel which
had previously allowed shelling
of Israel at will. Israel also
hoped to remove the PLO as an ob—
stacle in the peace process. Un—
fortunately, it has turned out
that Syria is the real obstacle.
Israelis are still in Lebanon,
and they want to leave as soon as
their northern border can be

3. Peace Process

Egypt: The Camp David Accord ‘“ '
still protects Israel's southern L—R: Judy Saxc, Bob Baumann,

border. Although Mubarak has CongheAéman Lanny HopthA,
instituted a "cold peace" in the Eflfie Levy, Vinnie Dubifliefl,
years following Sadat's assassi— Nat Sandficn.

nation, Israel maintains an





 ambassador in Cairo, sends tourists to
Egypt, and buys Egyptian oil. Egypt does
not reciprocate. She has not sent an am—
bassador to Tel Aviv since the Lebanon
War. Egypt sends no tourists to Israel
and buys no Israeli products.

West Bank Settlements: Israel will
never accept the pre—1967 eastern border
because that would allow Israel to be
divided easily by taking over a six—mile
segment of land. But Hussein, with a
strictly Hashemite "majority” in Jordan,
cannot "give up” any land to Israel, or



L~R: Edie Levy, Phifi Hofifiman, his power base would be threatened.
Senatod Walieh "Dec" HuddKeAIOR, Israel proposed that the Jordanians on
E Ltnda Ravuin, Leon Ravuén, Judy the West Bank have their own government,
Baumann. with Israel providing for their defense.

As far as the 30,000 Jews who have settled on the West Bank, Israel
considers them just as other Jews who live in "foreign” countries -—
possibly no different from ”Jews who live in the Bronx”. He pointed out
that the Arabs/Jews ratio on the West Bank has not changed in the past
ten to fifteen years, but that now the Jordanians have five universities
and train many of the Arab World's professionals. Most of the Jordanians
are quietly in agreement with the establishment of an Israeli presence.
However, Mr. Maron was very pessimistic about future cooperation from
either Hussein or the PLO. Israel has rejected Reagan's proposal on West
: Bank Settlements because it includes approval to give back the West Bank

E . to the Jordanians/Palestinians without requiring them to enter negotiations

. E for the peace process.

4. Arms Sales and Israeli Terrorism: One of Israel's major businesses,
growing out of its defense requirements, is arms manufacturing. Because
of Israel's need to export goods for its economic wealth, Israel sells
arms around the world. He pointed out that Israel is no different in
this respect than the United States, U.S.S.R., Sweden, Brazil, etc.

The criticism of the Israeli army's handling of the Arab terrorists in
the recent Jerusalem bus incident, and the discovery of involvement of
Israelis in terrorist activity, prompted Mr. Maron to point out emphati—
cally that ”terrorism is against Israeli policy. When Israeli terrorists
are discovered they are severely prosecuted. Israel is a land of laws.
What Arab state prosecutes their terrorists?"

In response to questions, Mr. Maron discussed several other issues. On moving
the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Israel feels that the decision is
purely up to the U.S. Israel does consider Jerusalem her capital (since the 1974
decision made by the Israeli Knesset) and hopes that all other countries will even—
tually acknowledge this. Mr. Maron pointed out that returning Jerusalem to the
a status of a divided city was no longer a negotiable point as far as Israeli policy
is concerned.



From the Embassy, the group moved on to the offices of the American Israel

Public Affairs Committee. We had the pleasure of hearing AIPAC Legislative Liaison,
Lexington's own lovely lass, Leslie Lynn Levy, who was introduced by her daddy,

. Erle Levy, accompanied by a standing ovation from her mommy, Sara Ann. Leslie

. . explained that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee is the only registered

E lobby whose sole purpose is to lobby the Congress of the United States on issues
concerning the State of Israel. AIPAC'S efforts are presently focused on three



Egreign Aid: U.S. Foreign Aid to
other countries totals 10 billion
dollars, of which Israel receives
$2.5 billion, Egypt receives $2.3
billion, and the remainder goes to
many other countries. Congressional
resistance to U.S. involvement in
Central America is very strong, and
resulted in a very close vote ap—
proving final passage in the House,
211 votes for, 206 votes against.
NOTE: Carl Perkins was the ONLY ‘ H' A ' ’ ' ’
Kentucky representative who voted AIPAC LegiAKafiuc Liaibon LQAZLQ Lynn
in favor of the F/A bill. Levy adeLQAAwg the, g/wup.
2. Eree Trade Agreement: House Bill

HR 5377 grants the administration

authority to negotiate and conclude

a free trade agreement with Israel, allowing tarif-free exporting by both

countries. This is a unique situation, as America has no free trade with

any other country. However, Israel is a special case because of the very

large U.S. trade surplus with Israel. WE SHOULD BE WRITING OUR SENATORS


3. Jerusalem: An issue which finds the administration "livid", and the State
Department "foaming at the mouth", this bill was introduced last fall and
says that the U.S. Embassy in Israel should be located in Jerusalem here—
after. Who decides where U.S. embassies are located, you may ask? We
don't know! There are ng_precedents at all! Embassies have always been
located in the capital of a country. Current studies argue the executive
vs. the legislative decision. Congress will debate the issue, and the
outcome will be interesting. NOTE: Senator Walter "Dee" Huddleston signed
the Senate letter in support of the bill, and Congressmen Romano Mazzoli
and Hal Rogers signed the House letter in support of the bill.

One of the bright spots in the Middle East scenerio is the Reagan adminis—
tration's move toward Strategic Cooperation between the U.S. and Israel. This
is a military relationship roughly encompassing: (a) Joint Planning, i.e., the
Medical Evacuation run through agreement signed last December; (b) Pre—Position—
ing of Equipment; and (c) Joint Naval and Air Exercises.

Leslie stressed the importance of political action at the community level,
and said that Kentucky is not politically active enough relative to the Jewish
communities in the state. She urged us to write all of our senators and repre—
sentatives on issues involving Israel both before the issue surfaces for debate,
and again immediately before the issue is voted upon. We need to thank them
when we agree with their vote, and we need to let them know how disappointed we
are when we disagree.

Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to spend a lot of money to
become politically active. You do have to spend a small amount of time writing
letters on a regular basis. Thus, your elected officials know that Kentucky
has a Jewish constituency which is concerned about its responsibilities as
American citizens, and that we are aware of their voting records.





AIPAC members receive a weekly newsletter detailing pending legislative
issues affecting Israel. This same newsletter advises probable dates Congress
will vote, and then tells us who voted for what, very specifically.

Leslie gave us the voting records of our Kentucky legislators just before
they started arriving for lunch with us. Bobby Rozen came with Senator Wendell
Ford, and come to find out, Roz and Morris's ”little boychik" is Ford's right—
hand man and a big time lawyer! ("I taught that boy in Sunday School," Sana
Levy added.)


One of the highlights of the Washington Mission was lunch in the Russell
Office Building with members of the Kentucky congressional delegation. Senators
Wendell Ford and Dee Huddleston and Congressmen Larry Hopkins and Romano Mazzoli
made time in their busy schedules to join us for lunch. In addition, several of
their aides, including Robert Rozen of Richmond, son of Roz and Morris Rozen, and
aides to Congressmen Carroll Hubbard and Hal Rogers were with us.

Lunch was very informal, with our
guests interspersed among us. This
enabled us to exchange views with them,
for us to discuss our concerns, our
priorities on both domestic and foreign
relations issues, and for them to discuss

The message that came through
clearly from them was that IT IS IMPORTANT
Letters, telegrams and phone calls to
their local or Washington offices all
count! Even the congressmen representing
districts other than the ones in which
we live expressed interest in wanting to


L—R: Aian Enoch, Janice Enoch,

h f . f t th Senaion Wendeii Fond, Linda
ear rom us on ISSUES 0 concern 0 e LQUU, BALE LQUIJ’.

American Jewish Community.

The mission participants were most
appreciative of the effort made by our
Kentucky delegation to spend time with us.

Thane paniicipaiing in CKJA'A FinAi MiAAion i0 Wabhingion, D.C. wene:

WaAhingion Minaion Chain Dn. Robeni Baumann, Mns. Judy Baumann, Mn. Aian Enoch,
Mnb. Janice Enoch, Mnn. Suian Caiien, Mn. Leon Coopen, Mné. Hanniei Coopen,
MnA. Vinnie Dubiiien, Dn. Haiiey FauAt, Mn. Ken Genmain, NMA. Eiiie Goidman,
Dn. Phiiiip Hofifiman, MnA. Nancy Hofifiman, Mn. Enie Levy, Mna. Sana Levy,

Dn. Wiiiiam Levy, MnA. Linda Levy, Dn. Leon Ravvin, MnA. Linda Ravvin,

Mn. Joe Ronenbeng, Mnn. Ricki Ronenbeng, Mn. Mannii Rozen, MnA. Ronaiyn Rozen,
Mné. Simone Saiomon, Dn. Nat Sandien, Dn. Sianiey Saxe, nun. Judy Saxe,

Mn. Robeni Schen, MnA. Libby Schen, M6. Nancy Schen, Dn. Sieve Shediofinhy,

Mn. Paui Weniheimen, and Mn. Daniei white.



CKJA, (like the Strata 05 ifs/Lad has . ‘
established new hofltdam and
ob/senvancas Lutflmz the Jami/5h
community in accent [jean/s.

One celebration, whose history pre—dates CKJA, is Israel Independence
Day. It has become a Central Kentucky Jewish tradition to observe Vom Atzmaut
in some special and joyous way, and this year was no exception. Under the
able direction of Karen Diamond, we gathered at Arts Place for a delightful
evening of cabaret entertainment by Joe Black and Roxy Breines—Sukol, followed
by Israeli dancing. Spirits were high, and the entertainers were outstanding.
Our thanks to Karen and the special helpers of the Sisterhoods of Ohavay Zion
Synagogue and Temple Adath Israel, B'nai B'rith, Young Judea, Hadassah, Temple
Adath Israel Sisterhood Mitzvah Corps and Lexington Havurah. Thanks also to
Simone Salomon, the clean-up crew, and Andrew, Ethan and Louis Diamond.


A more recent tradition is the observance of Vom Haéhoa,
Holocaust Memorial Day. This year Central Kentucky commemo—
rated the victims of the Holocaust on Sunday, April 22, 1984,
at Ohavay Zion Synagogue. The program also included recogni—
tion of those who resisted the Nazi onslaught, particularly
in the Warsaw Ghetto.

Memorial candles were lit for the six million Jews who
perished, and participants included several survivors who are
members of our community.

Local television channels 18 and 27 covered the event and
conducted a number of interviews which were incorporated into
their news reports later that evening.

Stanley Saxe, chairman of the event, stressed, "this is
a time to remember, not simply to mourn. We hope many more
members of CKJA will join us in remembering in 1985.”


CKJA is still gratefully accepting contributions to the Shari Hldot Fund. Please
make checks payable to CKJA~Shari Eldot Fund, and mail them to the CKJA office at
258 Plaza Drive, Suite 208, Lexington, Kentucky, 110503 .





On Wednesday, March 21, 1984, CKJA President Jack Miller,
Community Worker Judy Saxe, Holocaust Survivor Sylvia Green, and
CKJA Secretary Sheila DeKosky traveled to Frankfort to witness
Governor Martha Layne Collins signing a Proclamation which states:

Wheneat, teAA than 40 yeahb ago, mttttont ofi peopte ouéfiened at vtctth
06 NaztAm; and,

Wheaeat, the peopte 06 the Commonweatth 05 Kentucky Ahoatd atwayc aemembea
the atAocttteA commttted by the Naztt 50 that such hoaaoaA nevea
be aepeated; and,

WheaeaA, the people 05 the Commonweatth 06 Kentucky shoutd aematn etennatty
vtgttant agatnbt att tyaanny, and aecogntze that btgotay paoutdeb
a baeedtng gaound 60a tyaanny to fitountth;

Now, Theaefioae, I, Maatha Layne CotttnA, Gouennoa 05 the Commonweafith 06
Kentucky, tn memoay 06 the utctth 06 the Hotocaubt, and tn the hope
that we wttt atatue atwayA to oueacome paejudtce and tnhamantty
thaoagh educatton, vtgttance and neAtAtance, do heaeby paoctatm the
weeh ofi Apatt 29 — May 6, 1984 at





Stephen M. Greenberg, United Jewish Appeal Young Leadership
Cabinet Chairman, wore his Soviet Prisoner of Conscience brace—
let -— inscribed with the name of the imprisoned Hebrew teacher
10526 Begun —— for three long years. On Tuesday, March 13, that
bracelet was transferred to the wrist of the President of the
United States.


Speaking before a gathering of 2,000 young American Jews and the cameras of all the
major networks, Greenberg told the President that Prisoner of Conscience bracelets
are a symbol of support for individuals seeking to emigrate from the Soviet Union
and for the cause of Soviet Jewish freedom.

”I hope this helps Iosef Begun more on your wrist than it has on mine,” said Greenberg.
The President put on the bracelet, smiled broadly and waved to the capacity crowd at
the closing session of the UJA's Young Leadership Conference in the Washington Hilton.

Moments before, the President had strongly condemned anti—Semitism, especially in the
Soviet Union, citing the harsh treatment of Begun, Lev Furman and Antoly Shcharansky.

”We must support Soviet Jews in their struggle for basic rights,” the President

Speaking of attacks on Israel in the United Nations and affirming the ”ties of friend—

ship, shared ideals and mutual interests" that bind Israel and the United States, the
President said, "This so—called anti-Zionism is just another mask for vicious anti—

Semitism, and that's something the United States will not tolerate.” He declared,
"Just so no one gets any ideas, I will be blunt: if Israel is ever forced to walk out .
of the U.N., the United States and Israel will walk out together.” The delegates rose ‘

in appreciative applause.

The President opened his remarks with praise for the UJA and for the Cabinets sponsoring
the three—day Conference.

”Through the agencies it funds, the UJA provides vital secial and economic assistance,
including resettlement, rehabilitation and development programs for Jews in Israel and
more than 30 other countries,” the President said. "And through its Young Leadership
Cabinet and Young Women's Leadership Cabinet, the UJA trains hundreds of young men and
women for service positions of responsibility. In recognition of your historic task
and your great humanitarian achievement, I salute you,” Mr. Reagan said.

The Conference brought together Jewish community leaders, ages 25 to 40, to deepen their
understanding of key public issues affecting world Jewry and to sharpen their leadership
skills for UJA fundraising campaigns.

Attending thin confieaence fiaom Lexington wene Simone and Ant Safomon and Nancy Hofifiman.

Seueaafl weehé Kaien Ant Safomon aetuaned to Waaningfon afiong with Steve Cafifiea and
Enfie and Sana Levy To attend the AIPAC Nationafi Confienence.




Jack Miller, President Phyllis Scher, Editor I o . ‘
Judith Saxe. Community Worker Beth Altenkirch, Ofc. Manager [Cflfl
258 Plaza Drive, Suite 208, Lexington, Kentucky A0503 (606) 277—80h8 7 camcn I





Spring is a time for new beginnings, and it holds true for CKJA.

Last year, in April of 1983, thirty—four younger adult members of our

community gathered to meet

and to initiate CKJA's newest program ..
itself to learning more about our Jewish community and our history, and to
examining the values which help bond us together as a part of this Jewish

community. A year later — having shared an exciting series of programs —

almost the entire group has decided to continue with Interact I.

each other, to learn about life in the Soviet Union
INTERACT!! The group committed

In the meantime, so much interest and excitement was generated that

Interact II has been established.
the home of Sheila and Steve DeKosky.
Ivan Sipos, a recent immigrant from Romania.

The first meeting was held last month at
The special guest for the evening was
Ivan shared his experiences as

a child during World War II, and his awakening to his identity as a Jew, with
the special problems this created.

Next month,

identity and Jewish values.

Interact II will meet for what can almost be called an Interact
tradition. Marilyn Moosnick will lead the group in an exploration of Jewish

Later in the summer the two groups will join to—

gether for a cook—out, and an opportunity to get to know each other better.

Interact I was coordinated by CKJA board members Sheila DeKosky and Joe
Rosenberg, with advisory committee members Steve Caller, Vinnie Dubilier and
Nancy Hoffman, Art Salomon and Gigi White will continue

Marilyn Moosnick.
program planning for I;

coordinators of Interact II.



Carol & Rick Arenstein
Mackie & Steve Bobys
Sheila & Steve DeKosky
Sue & Barry Ezrine

Joan & Robert Flashman
Marilyn & Steve Gall
Lois & Ken Germain
Nancy & Phil Hoffman
Linda & Bill Levy
Connie & John Loventhal
Susie & Jim Rakes

Ricki & Joe Rosenberg
Simone & Arthur Salomon
Sharyn & Jack Sharer
Carol & Ray Veal

Alice & David Weinberg
Gigi & Dan White

while Sheila, and Susie and Jim Rakes will serve as


Ruth & Ben Baker

Dale Brichta

Janice & Alan Brock

Liz & Bruce Broudy
Elayne & Ralph Crystal
Andrea & Eugene Doren
Vicki & Michael Doukas
Ruth Ann & Halley Faust
Marsha & Steve Fredman

Bobbi & Andrew Fried
Terri & Paul Goldfarb
Susan & Steve Goldstein
Susan & Jack Miller
Joyce & Jimmy Mischner
Linda & Leon Ravvin
Libby & Bob Scher


Nancy Cher



72%;?! CW




Behind the scenes in the many weeks leading up to March 25, 1984, volunteers
in the Jewish community put in countless hours stuffing envelopes, preparing food
and organizing a great pre—Super Sunday Party. We extend our sincere thanks to
sorting, and stuffing; GIGI WHITE and LIBBY SCHER and their committee for pre—
paring delectables to sustain the workers; and to ARLENE COHEN and CHERI ROSE and
their committee for a memorable Super Sunday Saturday Preview Party.

. . , v .
Without your unselfish donation of time and talents, Super Sunday wouldn t
have been nearly as super!


In the last CKJA Bulletin we published a list of contributors to the
1984 Campaign. In error, we listed a few donors who preferred that their
contributions remain anonymous. In the excitement of Super Sunday, some

donors‘ preferences were not recorded properly, resulting in the errors.

CKJA offers sincere apologies to those donors inadvertently included on
the list.


Just a few more days until camp. Be ready to sing, dance, build, play games,
We have a few new counselors that recently joined Our
staff: DEBBIE RAIDER is a Senior Counselor who is a Fayette County School teach r
during the rest of the year; MICHELLE MAYER joins the Junior Counselor staff and

looks forward to doing crafts and drama with the campers; and JEFF WEKSTEIN is
going to be a C.l.T.

and meet lots of friends.

this year and help us have a great camp experience.


Our entire staff will be:

Director - Mark Scarr

Senior Counselors - Lisa Campbell
Debbie Raider

Junior Counselors - Debbie Wekstein

Elaine Cohen

Doug Goldman

Michelle Mayer
C.l.T. - Jeff Wekstnin









Please Send Your Check deay.




_, 1984 Campaign A








o C

This summer, this year, let it be Israel. Summer Ulpun (Hebrew language
program), summer tour, Shenut La'am (volunteer service), a course of study at
one of Israel's outstanding universities, or any one of a multitude of touring

opportunities. This is the time, Israel is the place!

Call Judy Saxe, CKJA Community Worker, for information. She'll be happy
to assist you before her trip to Israel from June 10 — July 1, and anytime after
that. Telephone: 606—277—8048.





TO: Central Kentucky Jewish Association

FROM: Ken Germain

RE: New Organizati mpus .

I would like the local Jewish Community to know about the recent birth of a new ‘
Jewish organization, the ”University of Kentucky Faculty Association on Jewish Affairs.”
This Association has the following major goals: (1) promotion of positive identifica-
tion of faculty, professional staff, and students of institutions of higher education
in the Central Kentucky area with Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish Community;

(2) facilitation of prompt and effective responses to situations that threaten Jewish
life and culture in the United States and elsewhere; (3) encouragement of research

and curriculum development in the area of Judaica at U.K. and other nearby institutions
of higher education.

Membership in the new Association is open to faculty and professional staff of U.K.
and other nearby institutions of higher education. Anyone interested in joining should
send his/her check for $5 in the name of the Association to Evelyn Geller, Treasurer,
3A93 Sutherland Drive, Lexington, Kentucky 40502.

The initial ”Executive Committee” is comprised of:

Ken Germain (Law), President; Dan Frank (Philosophy), Vice President;
Robert Baumann (Neurology), Secretary; Evelyn Geller (Nursing), Treasurer;
Judy Worell (Educ. Psych. 8 Counseling) and Mike Rush (Anatomy), At-Large.

The Executive Committee plans to have its first substantial meeting very soon, and
welcomes any suggestions from all members of the CKJA community.

It should be noted that the new Association was formed partially as a result of
the advice and encouragement of the CKJA Community Relations Committee (notably
Chairman David Wekstein), and intends to keep in close touch with that Committee,
and indeed, with the CKJA Board of Directors. .

Ken Germain, Member.

CKJA Board of Directors;
President, U.K. Faculty
Association on Jewish Affairs


 news briefs



from the Nea E t R M
Harry S Truman M, ay 11, 1984

The 100th anniVersary of the birth of our 33rd President provides an
opportunity to reflect on the man and his record. Certain images come immediately
to mind. The austere swearing in after the death of FDR. Those early morning
strolls on Pennsylvania Avenue. The supposedly hopeless whistlestop campaign of
'48. The imitation of H.V. Kaltenborn predicting that despite Truman's one million
vote lead, Mr. Dewey would win the election. That Chicago Tribune headline and the
exultant President displaying it. The long, highly opinionated retirement in
Independence. .

For Jews and for other friends of Israel, Harry Truman is a heroic figure. He
fought (against the State Department and the Pentagon) for the admission of Jewish
refugees to Palestine, and he recognized the State of Israel within ten minutes of
its proclamation.

There are some who argue that Truman acted out of political considerations.
But, according to his counsel, Clark Clifford —— himself one of the genuine pro—
Israel heroes of the 1947-48 drama —— Truman simply believed that the Jews ”deserved
some place that was historically their own. I remember him talking once about the
problems of repatriating displaced persons. 'Every one else who's been dragged away
from his country has some place to get back to. But the Jews have no place to go.'”

Clifford recalls a meeting between President Truman and Prime Minister David
Ben—Gurion. Tears came to Truman's eyes when B—G told him that he had "an immortal
place in Jewish history.”

Clifford writes that he understands why Truman wept at B—G's words of praise.
”These were the tears of a man who had been subjected to calumny and vilification,
who had persisted against powerful forces determined to defeat him, who had con-
tended with opposition even from within his own administration. These were the
tears of a man who had fought ably and honorably for a humanitarian goal to which
he was deeply dedicated.”


Gets First Rabbi
Since WWII

New York (JTA) —— This summer, for the first time since World War II, the Jewish
community in Czechoslovakia is going to have its own rabbi. “This is a major cause
for celebration for us,’I Dr. Desider Galsky, president of the Council of Jewish
Communities in Czechoslovakia, told a group of Jewish leaders, members of the World
Jewish Congress—American Section, at a meeting here recently. He said that a young
Czechoslovakian Jew will be ordained as a rabbi on June 10 at the Jewish Seminary
in Budapest, Hungary.

There were about 350,000 Jews in Czechoslovakia before the war. As a result of
the Holocaust there are less than 20,000 today, mostly elderly Jews who survived the
Holocaust. Galsky stated that Jews in Czechoslovakia ”are not discriminated against
any more than any other minority group in the country.“ He said that the problem of
anti~Semitism is marginal. ”But if there is any anti—Semitic attack against us, we
respond to it quickly.”

Pen Pals

The Youth Zionist Council in Israel is a non—political organization, administered
by youth. One of our goals is to help communication between youth in Israel and
Jewish youth in the diaspora, especially Israeli youth whose parents emigrated. This
year, our main project is to find pen pals between these two groups. Those who wish
to correspond with youth in Israel should send a letter to me with the following de—
tails: name, address, age, sex, and hobbies. Write to me at 18 Bezalel Street,

J) s:lem 94501 Israel.
CW 1 ’ ’ zn‘ Shnmir

Chairman, YZC

Jenna/rm Bra nch



\\ From the Editor’s Mailbag


//" Dear Mrs. Scher,

As the school year is coming to a close, as well .\ .
as undergraduate studies. I would like to take this
opportunity to express my appreciation for receiving the
C.K.J.A. Newsletters while attending Indiana University.
As an out—of—state student, it was very easy for me to withdraw from the Jewish

community in which I grew up. I tried to become active in both the Bloomington and
Indianapolis Jewish communities —— teaching Sunday School, leading Hashachar/Young
Judaea, campaigning for U.J.A., and working at the J.C.C. -— yet, I never felt like

a ”real” member of the community. I knew that my shohaéhim (rOOES) were in Lexing—
ton and that's where I belonged.

I have enjoyed being informed of the cultural and social events held in the
community, reading about C.K.J.A.'s progress, and attending as many of the Forum Series
as I could. It was always nice returning home and seeing those familiar faces. I
never really knew how much this little community meant to me, until I left.

Thanks for remembering me.
Chag Same'ach,

J/sltél fl,

Greta R. Friedman

Ed. Note: Greta recently received a Bachelor of Social Work Degree with a certificate

in Jewish Studies from Indiana University. She is enrolled in a Master of Social Work

program at Yeshiva University, and is a recipient of a national Jewish Welfare Board

scholarship in the Jewish Community Center field. Greta is the daughter of Ted and . .
Sue Friedman.



y God’s Pantry- Crisis Food Center Inc.
fo . " 'ank

.llll l newsletter

GOD'S PANTRY-CRISIS FOOD CENTER has experienced change and growth these past five
months. Mayor Scotty Baesler proclaimed October 2—9 FOOD BANK Week. It began with
a dedication of the warehouse space on October 2, and was followed by a month-long
food drive.

Renovations, under the direction of Norman Chrisman of CNN Architects, had progressed
enough to allow the food bank to be opened on December S. In conjunction with the
opening of the warehouse, nine new distribution centers were opened in geographic
areas of greatest need throughout the city. Families are now able to pick up food
directly, after being referred by one of fifty screening agencies. These centers

are located in churches and staffed by volunteers.

Although GOD'S PANTRY-CRISIS FOOD CENTER'S progress since 1979 has been dramatic,

there is still much to be done to fight hunger and prevent waste. CKJA urges you . .
to continue your support by donating food; and CKJA, as a group, plans a financial

commitment to further the work at God's Pantry.




Tuesday, June 5
through Friday,
June 22

Tuesday, June 5

Wednesday, June 6
and Thursday,
June 7

Sunday, June 10

Tuesday, June 12

Wednesday, June 27

Sunday, July 1

Tuesday, July 3

Wednesday, July A
Sunday, July 8
Saturday, July 1A
Sunday, August 5
Tuesday, August 7

Wednesday, August 22





Monday, May 28 CKJA office closed for
Memorial Day
CKJA Washington Mission
Wrap-Up, 8 p.m. at the
Baumann's, 68S Shasta
Wednesday, May 30 Camp Shalom Committee Mting,
8 p.m., Connie Loventhal's
iNTERACT II, 7:30 p.m., at
the Fausts', 2063 Manor Dr.
Temple Brotherhood, 10