xt712j686339 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt712j686339/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-02-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 20, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 20, 1992 1992 1992-02-20 2020 true xt712j686339 section xt712j686339  

Kentucky Kernel

'Zsm"'-;i4gi,. ‘xtw *9. _. . _
“Emmi. ' Z 197‘ ‘

Assistant News Editor

The Kentucky Annual Economic
Report released findings yesterday
showing that while Kentucky's
economy tnay not have been hit as
hard by the recession as other parts
of the country. projected growth ap-
pears bleak for much of the state.
including Lexington.

Charles Haywood. director of
UK’s Center for Business and Eco-
nomic Research, delivered the state-


rnandated report to shed light on the
state‘s current economy and make
projections for Kentucky‘s future.

Haywood, the first Kentucky na-
tional professor of finance. reported
that the national recession increased
unemployment and stunted the
growth in income. spending and tax
receipts to Kentucky in 1991.

It appeared to economists that
Kentucky had fared well iii the be
ginning months of the recession.
The state showed few economic set-
backs until two to three months af-

ter the national recession began in
the fzdl of 1990.

Early in 1991. the economy was
boosted by increased consumer
spending of about $30 or $40 bil-
lion. However, toward the end of
1991, the country showed signs of
hitting a “double dip" recession.
which Haywood blatned on the
nearly $20 billion spent on imports
and the decline of government
spending at the state and local level.

“If you don't believe that cart
happen. just coiiie back out here

" é
-» 3W- «

Malay. February 20. 1992

onomy damaged

and see the budget cut (UK) will
probably take for next year."
During round two of the recesw
sion it became clear “that the Ken-
tucky economy was being adversely
affected by what was going on at
the national level.“ Haywood said.
“While rnosi of the indicators in
Kentucky continue to poiiit toward
a slower recovery. it has been slow-
er than we had earlier thought.
“Now we might evert say that the
last few months it appears that
we‘re not making much progress on

recovery. However. they say most
indicators are pointing mildly up—
ward particularly for the state as
compared to the nation."

The recession. spurred on by dc-
creasmg consumer confidence dur-
ing and following the Persian (iult
War zuid weakness Ill investment
spending. did not affect Kentucky
as it did once-rapidly expanding
Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic

“Kentucky did not share iii the
rapid economic expansion that


Contributing Writer

A Norwegian student tnade her
way to the United States iii August
with great hopes :utd expectations.
She has been able to fulfill some
of those dreams at 11K.

Una Aas is involved in the Inter-
national Student Program. She
comes from 0510. the capital of
Norway. She's been here in the
United States for seven months
and has really enjoyed herself.
She's made many friends and con-
tinues to make new ones every

Regarding her new home in
Lexington. she said: “It's nice. I
r‘ally like it."

Lexington was everything she
expected it to be and tnore. It is a
place of many opportunities. ()ne
of Aas‘ favorite places to go is
(Tharlie Brown's. a restaurant and
bar at 816 Euclid Ave. It‘s a place
where she says she can go reli x ——
and meet friends along the way.

(‘ompared to her native land.
Aas said Lexington is great. Al-
though she loves her homeland.
she said everything there is expen-

the difference between the
price of milk zuid the cost of a Big
Mac at a local McDonald's —
along with other essentials such as
cars. clothes and music are
more expensive thim in the United

When shopping at grocery
stores, most people expect to pay
$1.51) to $1.80 for a gallon of
milk. In Norway. however. Aas
said milk costs $3 to 84. But. like
the United States. Norway is in a

“Items here tin Lexington)
aren‘t as expensive as they are iti
Norway." We ctur buy more and
save tnoney at the stune time."

And Norway isn‘t that different
front Lexington. Aas said. They
listen to the similar types of music
and similar styles of clothes. Any
day they wanil to feel comfortable.
they do as we do. pull out a pair
jeans and a 'l‘-shirt and go about
their business.

Aas. a sophomore. is participat-
ing iti UK’s nursing program. Af-
ter she graduates. she hopes to
pursue a career outside of Ken.

“I want to see the world. There
are so many places to go and so
many things to see."



Norwegian nursing student finds niche at UK



Una Aas. a nursrng sophomore from Norway. has been at the Universrty ‘or seven months. Aas. who is studying at cr< unde' the international Stucer‘t
Program. enjoys hanging out and making new friends at Charlie Brown's a tocai restaurant and bar

Three faculty to participate in abroad program

Staff reports

Three of lIK‘s faculty will be
teaching in Austria and Italy this
summer for the Kentucky Institute
for lntemational Studies (KIISi

KIIS. fomied by nine Kentucky
colleges. organizes summer study
abroad programs for college stu-

Suzanne Kifer. KIIS crunpus
representative and study abroad
adviser. said studying oversees
“expands their horizons . People
learn a lot about themselves.“

Kifer said nearly 180 UK stti»

dents stirdy oycrsccs during a giw
en academic year.

Jane Peters. o1 I'K‘s Art Depart
iiiciit. and Incia ( IlI//I Harrison. o1
I'K‘s Department oi Spanish and
Italian. will be teaching iii I‘Ior-
encc. Italy. Roy Moore. director of
the graduate program of “Rs (‘ol-
lege of (‘omrnunicatioits. will be
teaching iii Bregenl. Austria.

“It‘s a wonderful way to teach."
Peters said. She will be teaching
art history. Her progriun includes a
weekend in Venice and a weekend
in Rome

Harrison. who has been the di-

rector and a teacher iii the |Ior~
encc program tor the last inc
years. will continue the robs this

"I'm kind of Iikc thc ntoihci and
the travel agent for lIrc siti—
dents." Harrison said.

Moore. who has not taught o\cr-
seas before. said he will be tench-
iiig news writing and coiiiiiiriiiicir
tiotts law,

He said he plans to take his sin»
dents on field trips to visit ncwc

Students who waitt to attend ci~
titer of these programs iiiirst apply

bctorc March I to be :JHIIIIIIHt'ttI .1
spot iti thc program

Ihc total cost of program III 21.1
7 “.11”. which
It‘lllitI'Illl‘ :iii t.iic toI uropc twin

I\ Is IlltItiIIt\

and board. an international It ) c.iitI

tirrtroti for si\ credit


up In

Icntative dates for the piogi'.irit

are May So to June 2‘). Alter for"

weeks of classes. students time the

option ot independent travel

(VI.1\\L‘\tiIIt‘I'L‘tI include .111. hll\lr
ness. Iinglrsh. humanities and 11.11

See KIIS. Page 3



Candidate pledges to continue services

Assistant Editorial Editor

Introducing the slogan, “Students
Are Worth It." Pete November for-
mally announced his candidacy for
the Student (ioveniment Associa-
tion presidency yesterday iii a
crowded lobby on the top floor of
Patterson Office Tower.

November. tut accounting senior
from Danville. Ky.. will run for
president with Lea Ann Davenport.
a biology junior from Madisonville.
Ky.. as his vice-presidential running

He began his
speech to stir-
dents by dis—

cnssing the re-

announcement ol a 5 percent bud
get cut next year arid the possibility
of a new Board of 'l‘rustecs being
appointed. Ile said he plans to


"tackle these
challenges iii a
mature manner
in the best inter-
est of the stu-

If elected. November said he will
try to “continue critical student ser-
vices as well as the progress ot our


new library."

However, he conceded that some
services may have to be eliminated
because of the turnounced cuts in
the 1993-93 UK budget

“We'd all be foolish to say no
student services will be cut when
you have those kind of budget
cuts.“ he said. “I think the impor-
tant thing is to make sure that the
services that do the most good and
are necessary stay."

Another concern e\prcsscd by
both Davenport and Noyeritbci was
increasing voter turnout in the


these states experienced during the
rind-1980s. and, therefore. when
the weaknesses began to emerge.
the (‘ommonwealth was not as di—
rectly affected." Haywood said.

Studies over the last decade show
that Kentucky‘s economy was not
as strong overall as the nation or
Southeast region However. Hay-
wood said Kentucky was slow
coming out of the IUSZ recession
but spurted in growth frorn 1985-

See REPORT, Page 3

Pikes plan
for library

Arts Editor

Members of a I’K fraternity. in
association with national corporate
sponsors. are giving the "Pack the
Stacks" campaign drive for a new
library a helping hand. one to which
they ltopc most students will enjoy
adding their support.

Pi Kappa Alpha social traicrnity
and Budweiser. in coninnctioii w uh
HIV and IcIecithc of I cungton.
are presenting the lust “Noon to
Moon I'cstixnl" April 4.11 I'hc Is’td
.\IiIc racetrack

Ilie IL'\il‘..lI will teiitnic
local and national rock bands. iii-
cludtng the (‘onncIls the Kicking
lieyiis LtIttI Iliumper .iiit the Pint
Rabbits among others .\ pitiIltlIlc‘ltI
headiining act will be coniiinrctl


While oi'gruii/cd by .'l Maternity.
Pi Kappa .‘\IPI1.’1 stiv'l.iI tIlilllIli.tIi
Brent Bell said that H is not strictly
it {It‘t‘ck c\c111

"I‘d say the in.iiii ic.isoii wr'i.
doing this btsidcs the tart Hint
its a good idea .iiid it's going to tit.

III‘i.uy is to pt'oiiiotc good rift

tions between the iI'niycisityv it
ministration. the rn-Icpcndcnts .ttttf
1Iic giiccks.” IicII thItI

IIc IIItli IIlt' IL'\II\.1I lit 1‘.
tllutlll'dflc students not
\‘.1II1 cruiipus oi'g.iiti/.itions to Icci
more in\oI\ctl with the school .1112!
11s .tt'Il\1Ilc\

In addition to thc IIIII\I\.|I pcitoi
inimccs the Icstier writ tenant. .i
ticket i.iitIc. with the grand PH/c
hcing .i three-div twormght trip it
New York tor two. where the wire
IIt'l\11:.i\ be able to tour the \I I \

LitItIc’t I


IIit’ Ilt‘kt“ \‘sc‘l'c tItiti.iI'ctI IIiir'iii'I.
IcIccnblc. and .1“ Plt‘t‘ctlIr writ
to stippcit tlt

Iickcis lot the Ic'\ll‘».lI
sold through Iickciiii.istci
beginning Incsday (neck illitI oth
er campus oig.inr/:itions and groups
will be .ibIc to piiicli.isc I‘Iocks . 7
tickets for .t \3 discount on c.it‘I.

IlIIitIiII'.' \‘I 11.. in A I:

\\1II Ix

‘trckct from the W Lice \.iIiic

BcII sintl .i minimum of fit titkcts

tire iics‘CssJiy to tccciyc Hit' group


Ilirii- t


ASStStnnt Edrtcr-zii Editor

Student (ioycininciit Associa—
tion Scimtot at large Misty
Wcmci last night s.ud S(i.\ is
becoming “ictcrcndirm citv." .ls
several senators suggested rctc~
:cndums when legislation did
not pass the senate

Student goyct‘nnicnt c\cniual
I} will not need senators. \\'c;i\-
ct' said. because even issue will


Arguments on SGA bills
lead to ‘referendum city‘

he decided by ilic cntiic student
body itsriig iclticndums

Ihc (iiadimtc School Senator
Adrian Iotics resurrected an
amendment that he
which would hate .iddcd eight
ncw seats to the senate Ihc new
sctits would Itiiyc given reprcscn
moon to the Rcsrdcncc “all :\s
sociation. the (‘onimntet Sin
dents Hoard. I‘K \ssocmtioii tor

sponst tt'cd.

See SGA Page It











Diversions....,... ........... 2
Perspective ................. 4

Wildcats beat Mississippi State 89-84 on the
road. Story, Page 6.

A faculty concert featuring Orville Ham-
mond will be held at 3 pm. at the Center
Theatre in the Student Center. Admission is
free. For more information, call 257-4130.

The history behind
UK, University Day.

Page 4.






 2 - Kontucky Komol, Thursday, February 20, 1902




‘Foreigner’ is hilarious case of culture shock

Assistant Arts Editor

The UK Department of Theatre‘s
production of The Foreigner makes
no pretensions or demands on its
audience. The idea ltere is to sit
back and enjoy the show.

Foreigner unfolds in the Lodge
resort attd home of Betty Meeks.
somewhere iii the South. Meeks is a
kind. old soul whose simple and im-
mediate acceptance of all people
makes her gush whenever a new
guest cotttes through the door.

l-‘roggy l.eSueur is a Brit making

a rctunt trip to Meeks' lodge. l‘his
titne he brirtgs from jolly old ling-
lattd his shy. awkward friend Char-
lie Baker.

Charlie is terrified of people. a
fact he fails to tell liroggy until tltey
land lit the isolated. rural outpost of
the Deep South.

The two Brits devise a scheme so
Charlie won‘t have to speak to. or
attswer. anybody at the Meeks’

They make Cltarlie the “Foreign-
er" irt the fullest sense of the word:
art exotic outsider who ctut't speak
English and is ignorant of tire man-

ners of the “civilized" world. in this
case. the South.

But the plan has the opposite ef-
fect. Far from being left alone,
(‘ltarlie is treated somewhere be-
tween a Russian prince and a
friendly stray dog that has watt-
dered ittto the house. Meeks and her
faunily. Catherine and Ellard. em-
brace the Foreigner with the open-
hcarted enthusiasm of a prodigal

The odd ruse by (‘harlie has its
effect on him. too. Unable to speak
or rutswer he rediscovers the sim-
plest and most profound means of

cotmnunication. Charlie learns to
give attd accept on the low. but
common. ground of humanity. lie
is delivered from his paralyzing
fear of people.

While (‘harlie artd Betty zutd her
ilk cotne to know artd learn frotn
each other the audience is treated
to a hilarious play of gestures. patt-
tomimc. lisperaitto and culture

Director David Mc'l‘ier has
found the right people for this cast.
.lohtt 'l‘owttsettd as Charlie is art utt-
likely gagman whose straight face
makes his awkwardness even futi-

itier. llis acted out “Tractor story"
dotte lit a made-up tongue is a pure
hoot that nearly brought the house
dowrt rutd canted him spontaneous

Sattdra Dianne Hale as Betty
Meeks is uncontainable — you just
want to take her home. Jonathan
Nichols as Ku Klux Klan member
()wen Musser is a bad ass ”red-
neck." so ontery you czut't help

Special note must be made of
Chris (‘tm‘ier. who plays Ellztrd.
Wltere‘d tltey fittd this guy?

lillard takes the show over the

line of “very funny" to “uproari-
ous." He‘s so funtty you finally
laugh just to look at him. He‘s per-
fect: a carrot-top cross between
()pic and Bantey Fife.

'l‘lie Foreigner is a firte show
worth seeing. The laughs are genu-
ine arid frotn the gut. the sentiments
are simple arid direct. You can‘t
lose with this play.

The UK Department of 'l‘liemre'r
production of The Foreigner con-
tinues tonight. toniori'ott' rind Satur-
day (I! 8. For more information call

‘Beauty’ executive producer expected to win posthumous Oscar

Associated Press

[US AN(‘ilil.l-IS -— A major fig


ure iii the success of “Beauty arid
the Beast" can‘t share iii the animal»
ed t'tlm‘s unprecedented Academy
nomination for best picture. lio-


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606-23 1 -8008

ward Ashman died of complications
frorn AIDS last March.

"We wouldn‘t be in this position
today except for the genius of Ho-
ward." said producer Don Hahn.
“He had a profound effect. not only
on the story but on the zutimators as
well. The fact that three of his
songs were nominated is further
tribute to his genius."

Asltman. who was executive pro-


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Kentucky Kernel
needs editors for the summer and the i992-93 school year

Requirements for I992 summer Editor-in-chiet
::~ Must be enrolled full time on the UK Lexington campus for the semester prior to and
following term as editor

x» Must be in good academic (2.0 GPA), disciplinary and financial standing with the

UniverSity at time of application «ind during term as editor.

-.- Must have publications experier ice and be familiar with the operation of a newspaper.
2» Persons applying for the posrtion who have not worked on the Kernel must provide a
recommendation from previous employer, adviser. or both.
Requirements for 1992-93 Editor-in-chiet

.1» Must be enrolled full time on the UK Lexington campus during the term as editor.
» Must be in good academic (2.0 GPA). disciplinary and financial standing with the

University at time of application and during term as editor.

2.» Must have a minimum of one year's publications experience and be familiar with the
operation of a daily newspaper

1» Persons applying for the position who have not worked on the Kernel must provide a
recommendation front previous employer. adviser. or both.

Pick up an application in and return to Room 020 Journalism Building

Application Deadline: 3 p.m., March 13, 1992


The Kentuckion Yearbook
needs editors and staff for the 1992—93 school year.

a» The following paid positions are available: Editor-in—chief: photographers; sports editor:
academics editor. campus editor: copy editor; portraits editor: organizations editor: and

managing editor

a Editor~in-chiet submits proposal and is chosen after interviewing with UK Media Board.


4. Students must be in good academic. financial and disciplinary standing with the
University at time of application and during term as staff member.
1» Applicants for Editor-inChiet should have some previ0us publications experience.

Pick up application in and return to Room 02’) Journalism Building

Application Deadline: 3 p.m., March 13, 1992

dttcer. is likely to win art ()sczu’ for
his lyrics to one of the songs he
wrote with Alzut Menkeii. llis other
contributions to the film were con-

llis health failittg. Asltrttart
helped shape the story. integrated
the songs into tlte plot arid oversaw
the recording. While on his death-
bed itt New York. Asltman listetted
by telephone to Angela l.tutsbury
singing "Be Our Guest" itt a Bur-
bank studio.

It was Ashman who suggested
zutimating the household objects
like the teapot and candelabrum to
provide comic relief and speed the

story along. The filth credits ettd
with a tribute to him as the tnatt
“who gave a mennaid her voice zutd
a beast his soul.“

“Beauty and the Beast“ cettters
on the Bettst’s imprisonment of
Belle iit his enchzutted castle. where
every night he asked her. “Will you
mzury me?"

The notitination tnarks the
triumph of a movie rnediurit that
ortce was dismissed as a program
filler. Cartoons were never consid-
ered art until Walt Disney made the
first animated feature. “Snow White
kUld the Seven Dwarfs." itt l937.

Wltett the Disney animation pro-
gram was revived under a new stu-


photography, inc.

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UNIVI mm or Kr till l(‘.KV

dio regime itt the 19803. “Beauty
arid the Beast“ was considered a
possible project. Writer Linda
Woolvettott‘s script —— alottg with
story suggestions by Asltman ——
conquered the plot problems. :md
the film weitt into production itt

Disney put its faith iii a brzutd-
new crew. Woolvertoit. producer
Ilaltn arid directors Kirk Wise aitd
(izu‘y 'I‘rousdale were first-tititers iit
their jobs.

Veteran actors like Lansbury. Jer-
ry Ohrbach arid David ()gdett Stiers
were hired for the voices and the
studio took a chance on the Beast
with Robby Benson. onetime teen-
age idol. Hc proved surprisingly ro-

The tilm has sold Sl06 million itt
tickets iii the United States and


This week on
Common Wealth
passron tn the Blue-

°What happened to Dr.
Nuric and what will Ross do
about it"?

-What will Cybil do for

°Will Raine ever fittd lter

oWhat does Desireé really
do fora living?

~ls Emily Ann really that


-Is Nick such a bad boy'.’

°Where did Dr. Raven
Forrest go on her vacation”?

~Will Jade get her charge
cards back'.’

oWho plotted to kill Mack-
enzie zutd where did Sister
Mary Margaret Icartt to play
the saxophone?

—— Be there. 12:30 every
Thursday at the Old Student
Center Theatre.

Jean Luc really






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110 it} l'b‘ul Tt‘ rd Slrret
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 I “uproari-
ou finally
. He's per-
5 between

fine show
' are genu—
You can‘t

Theatre '5
‘gner curi-
and Satur-
imi‘rm call


'. “Beauty
isidered a
1r Linda
‘ orig with
lunan —
lems. zuid
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a brand-
Wise and
-timcrs in

bury. Jer-
den Stiers
s and the
the Beast
irne teen-
‘singly ro-

million in
tates mid

: lue-

o Dr.
' oss do
do for
rid her
. really
ly that

to play






Continued from page 1

discount. Any groups wishing to at-
tain the block prices should contact

The “Noon to Moon Festival"
will be held in the infield of the Red
Mile. much like WKQQ-FM‘s annu-
al Memorial Stakes Day. However.
following festivals will be held dur~
ing the t‘all semester, Bell said.

“The weather's a little more pre-
dictable and I think the campus is a
little more active in the fall." he
said. “And Memorial Stakes Day is
in the spring and so is the Derby. so
we'll just have something in the

Bell said he hopes to raise aware-

ness for the festival so it can be-
come a successful annual event and
they will have larger budgets to at-
tract bigger hands.

“This year is pretty lowokey."
Bell said. “We‘re not spending a
ton of money. I‘m trying to this
year get it so everybody knows
about it. Around campus. you're
going to be really sick of (hearing
about) it. I‘m sure."

This year‘s festival does not de-
pend on gmd weather for its suc-
cess. relying instead on interest of
people throughout the campus and
local community.

“Memorial Stakes Day has been
successful every year, and the last
two years i know it‘s rained,“ Bell
said. “The same thing with Church-
ill Downs if you go to the Derby ——

it pretty much is not very good
weather yet there's tens of thou-
sands of people in the infield.“

In addition to ticket sales. Bell
said he hopes to gain extra money
to add the to the library's crunpaign
drive by selling T—shins. Pi Kappa
Alpha is holding a competition with
the art department for original de-
signs. The winning design will be
featured on the shirts.

'lhe deadline for the competition
is Feb. 28.

Tickets for the “Noon to Mooti
Festival" will be sold on campus at
the Ticketmaster outlet in the Stu-
dent Center. A service charge will
be added to the ticket price. Block
tickets are available directly
through Bell at the Pi Kappa Alpha



Continued from page 1

Non-traditional Students. linema-
tional Students Council, UK Black
Round Table. the Disabled Student
Union. lnterfratemity Council and
Panhellenic Council.

Jones' runendment. which was ta-
bled at the previous senate meeting.
was returned to the floor last night
for further discussion and a vote.

Jones said he believed senators
have shown little interest in his leg-
islation — because a task t‘orce on
his tuneudment had failed. after two
meetings. to make arty progress to
amend the measure.

In order to carry out business. the
senate must have a quorum (24 of
its 38 members must be present).
When Jones‘ amendment was
brought to the floor. several sena-
tors left the roorn. which caused a
quorum to be lost. Discussion of the
amendment ceased because the sen-
ate no longer could take action on

The exodus of senators provoked
Jones to declare he would proceed
with a referendum —— allowing the
student body to vote on his amend-

A referendum also was suggested
last night by Senator at Large Jere-
my Bates. Bates became upset re-
garding debate about a bill calling
l‘or the SGA president and vice
president to be elected separately.
The two currently are elected to-
gether. as a ticket.

Bates said he also planned to let
students decide this matter through
a referendum il‘ the senate decided

to allow the two offices to be elect-
ed separately.

“The only way the senate should
change the bill is to put it back on
the ballot and let the students de-
cide." Bates said.

Two years ago. UK students vot-
ed nearly three to one in a referen-
duin to elect the top SGA offices as
a ticket. chzuiging the way in which
the offices had been elected in the

The senate failed the bill.

Senate opinion regarding the bill.
sponsored by Senator at Large .la-
son Vandiver. was divided.

Senator at Large Amy Adzuns.
referring to the student vote on the
subject. said. “I think it‘s arrogant
l‘or (the senate) to assume students
crui‘t think t‘or themselves."

SUA Vice President Keith
Sparks surrendered his position as
chairman of the senate to debate
Vandiver‘s bill — because he and
SGA President Scott Crosbie were
the first candidates to be elected as
a ticket.

Sparks cited several examples as
to why he believed presidential
tickets should remain.

“It's going to look really bad to
go against what the students ol‘ the
past have said we need to do. When
you have a president and vice presi-
dent. they are elected on a platform.
and if they disagree on those. (plat-
fonn points) won‘t get fulfilled." he

Senator at Large Jill (‘rzuiston
disagreed with Sparks. She said
having the two offices elected sep-
arately was a good idea.

“Vice President Sparks said that
when you elect a president. you

hope he has faith in his vice presi-
dent and that you want your trust to
be in him — let‘s give the trust to
the student body and let them

choose the two offices." she said.


Continued from page 1


During that period. the state
shifted economic structure away
from the traditionally strong mining
and agricultural fields to more ser-
vice-oriented fields —— following
the national trend.

State employment increased in
consuuction, transportation and
public utilities, retail and nondura-
ble manufacturing industries. as
well as in durable manufacturing
other than automobiles. which
showed significant cutbacks.

The state weathered a decline in
govemment employment and man-
ufacturing in the last decade. with
percentages below the national av-

The report also showed a drastic
decline in population and personal
income in the last decade. Between
1970 and 1980. the average person-
al income was 41.2 percent as corn-
pared to 10.5 percent in 1980-1990.

UK associated professor of soci~

Kentucky Kernel. Thursday. February 20. 1992 - 3

ology Thomas llvento‘s article in
the report showed a l97.l06 natural
increase in the population. Howev-
er. there was a ”2.587 net migra-
tion leaving a gain of only 24.519
over the last decade. which econo-
mists said had negative implica~

In llaywood‘s projection t‘or the
future. the United States will have
to become more competitive with
foreign products. especially the au-
tomotive industry.

Those industries competing in
foreign markets and competing with
imports may have to work the hard-
est coming out of the recession to
increase productivity. he said. but
will be stronger in the long run.

“My outlook is that the second
quarter of the year that is the April/
June quarter will continue to be
slow. That‘s a quarter when we
have a tightening of fiscal restraint
. April is the one month the fed-
eral government runs a surplus ~—
it's in deficit the rest of the time ——
and that cash going into the treasury
tightens up things.“ Haywood said.

Haywood said_ the federal re-

serve's decision yesterday to re-
duce requirements allowing banks
to make more loans shows the gov-
emment‘s anticipation of a slow re-
covery period.

“So I think it will be in the third
quarter the economy shows some
real definite signs of recovery. I do
believe by the third quarter of this
year. we will be looking back and
saying we are coming out of the re-
cession it‘s still a slow expansion.
but it's improving significantly."

0n the state level. llaywood pro—
jected that Northern Kentucky.
which survived the best during the
recession thus far. will be the
strongest coming out of it.

“I said recently l think everybody
is going to move to Boone (‘ounty
zuid work for Delta Airlines “

Louisville also has made a come»
back. which has been a surprise to
many. he said. The proicction is not
as favorable for the Lexington
economy. which has lost 4.000-
5000 jobs in one year or hugely
agricultural and mining paris ol‘ the



Continued from page 1

April elections.

“We‘re going to go to organi/a—
tioris that typically haven‘t been ap-
proached in years past. Past voter
tuniout shows we‘re not getting a
very representative vote of the en-
tire student body." I)tl\CllptifI said.
"We want to be elected by the en-
tire student body — not a select

November said their "Students

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It can’t do aun

Are Worth It." theme was based on
the University advertising ctun-
paign. “UK Is Worth It.“

He said he wzuits to make a
strong effort to connect with stu-
dents at the Lexington (‘ommunity
('ollege and "show them we care.
talk to them about their problems
and get them involved in the cam-
paign :uid S(iA. They pay (SUA)
money. but they have to make the
walk across campus to get to us.“

He also mentioned the possibility
ot‘ a satellite of‘t‘ice being created at
l.(‘(‘ to serve its students.

November said he wants to re-

establish a better dialogue between
the senate zuid the executive
branches of S(iA than has taken
place this year.

"We are going to concentrate on
developing open rutd trustwonhy
communication between the senate
turd the executive branch. “ he said.

"The senate pro tent and the pres-
idciit have to have a good relation-
ship. ‘l‘licy lime to work together to
\\ ritc the bills instead ol~ sending
them into the senate before the sen-
ate pro tern sees them."

He called on the other candidates
to run positive campaigns centering

on issues. riot tiiiiiioil

November said he supports the
student referendum now being
planned by SGA and he would like
changes to be applied in April.

Until the fate of proposed elec-
tion reforms are determined by the
student \‘otc. November said his
campaign will follow current elec-
tron rules that place ;i Silit) spend-
ing limit on presidential llt'kt‘l\..

Noyciiibcr‘s caiiipnigit co-chairs
will be junior Resa Wright and seri-
ior Rob Mathews. Senior (‘lay lid-
wards will serve as their public rc-
lations chairman.