xt712j68626h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt712j68626h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-04-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 24, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 24, 1986 1986 1986-04-24 2020 true xt712j68626h section xt712j68626h ___________________—__________—____________—______—__
t P R V9] XC. N°' "8 3W W University at Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky "WW" since W" Thursday. AP'" 24' 1986 I
(“I-.- i .
‘. Bft k. “Cd V
m — ‘* ' in t“ ’
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l 2.;a‘ . " . 0 . ,»
—. x. a... a f» terrorists claim _ -
O . rd - “a . n"— * a Grou encour e d thofAm ' ' "
. ‘L ‘ ,. 1‘. .. ~ .
v ( I I “ E‘, M‘ 4‘ 11:7? II‘ _ - ‘ IQ“ -‘ l p ag S ea erlcan, _ . II , , I .
I L ‘ . ‘4): tog: a, o o o a o n L . ' :Q I
t“ r t: . f y . -nV‘. 55) “I British hostages in retaliation for raids .. s .
L . ‘I i“ . v II I is L ‘ ‘ . _ ‘I . , .I
. F5 _\ - '“Q. ' ;. . ’ V . ' ‘ c‘ Byl-‘AROL'KNASSAR ———*——— ‘ 'V', .. . .
".4 3-. .‘ 1'. . . Y . ‘ Associated Press “ ' ‘ .Q '
Iigmg V I r; - - 4V . . ~ - :33 "g ., . . .Ithe blood or ._I. ;
. pg??? 33%;.3‘? t " i . ~ ‘4, l9 Vii" is “ '5 hi»- BEIRUT. Lebanon -, A terrorist Americans and Britons ' ’: _'.'
I s .1: ft 1 . ‘t ' " ’ 5" “ \ group said yesterday it had killed a ' , an . ',‘ :t' 1. " p.
" ‘ J ’3 him“ " ‘ \\ \ t l V K \\ kidnapped Briton in retaliation for 15 HOW pVermlSthblVe as a é; '.
’lh. ‘ , ‘ {MI-x _ ._ \‘ ‘ - the us. air raids on Libya and result of the criminal .‘3. ;.,tj '.‘V.j.V-V,
. . l i.\.' . 7 ._ ; . V urged other factions holding British Q . . .' . . .L' If .’. -.’~I.: -,I
‘ V.» tI‘i‘ \‘.~\ ’0 ,. .. . "‘ _. ' or American hostages to do the aLISCKCTLlSCd b} - . Q“; .I-- t
\ 0Q \ V * . “k 58218 .d ta . m murderer Reagan and . it"i‘i.‘
‘ w ‘ ‘\ \ -. g- L... «‘ vi eo pe accompanying e ~ . . , a .
A fiw’} \\\' \‘h‘ \h‘ ‘ 5“. "3’. 9’ statement showed a man with a criminal Thathhcr- , i 5
‘ Q \ \\\\\\ - h t ‘ I c . black mask over his eyes. said to be Retolutinnar) Organization I ' ':' . .' jiIl.‘I .‘
\l I e \ \v \ Q ' 'Q' in ' ‘ ‘ - ~ 2 “team“ Alec houett‘ dang“?! ot'S‘ocialist \loslems v' 3
* . 7.. \\_ > “ ~ ’ t . \ IV from a scaffold while a crowd chan ‘ ’ ’ ‘ Q ‘ '. .‘ ~.* ,9 i
_. ”URI“ . . I I15 . . ted slogans against "American and _ . . ' 'I L 'I
‘V " " II. ‘ ' h t L «9Q Britisharrogance." . said iii Arabic th.it ('olleti was Q: ‘; 'I .
- x” e _ in “ ' a.» Collett. Ia British Journalist on a hanged at a mu» m”) but ”I did VIII . . I
. ‘ «{~ '“ "f h z: . LN aSSignmeht- “'85 abducted not say where. and thi- ift'llltil hang ' ' ' " ‘ "t a V 3
‘ ' A i . Wflw V t: \ . , ‘ ~.‘ March 25. 1985. in south lebanoii ing wasnotshottn ~ V -I ‘. I‘ ~ V'
. .r C‘ " < ‘\\Iu. ‘ . '. 1,; ~.‘ .1 ‘~ ’ f The b0d)’ ShOWh 1“ the Videotape The lt‘l'l‘(ll‘l.\l stateiiit'ii' urged all 1 , ' ‘ h ' .Q ».
t .g ‘ » t L I‘ 1‘3" rear“; “:s/ * A h . bore a strong resemblance to photo- other [Actions holding \iiit-i'nun or -" , ' '- V»
I; . ‘ ,_ --_... :R- . IV II... .- II” , .‘ A , . :11 * ’ ‘Qi graph? 0f him released h." the th‘t' British hostages to ‘e\eeute them ' I . ~ V: .V
5/! t . t g. ed Nations after his abduction _ micause the mm“ m .-\lllt‘l‘iL'Lill.\ and I_I
\ t. E a ' V I} I F.“ TheIRevolutionary Organization of Britons ,5 mm ponmmhh. m .i WV ‘. . ‘I . .' .I
or“ file if? v’“. {I ~* ,, I“ 1/ L43. 80“”!th Mglfmts; bellmleddlmkuilm hull of the criminal iit'ts exeit'ised » Q I ' ' .
‘ _, ~ ‘VV i ~ ' W . ' w _, renega 9 a 95 lhlah 91* er .- )U by murderer Reagan .nil 'l' in nil '- ' ‘ t t' '
t 5‘ ‘ "h a: d -afl “O was“ - Nidal. provided the four~minute tape Thatcher " i t l l I . ’ ' ‘ '
. m hmels'o“ t0 the independent Beirut newspaper The bod} teiitiitiu-l) identified as ' _ IV a , .Q
Phantastlc AnIrNahav. The accompanying ”Pt" (follells last week print-ti to lie that i - '.
written statement 'hIIArab'C fald of Peter Klillul‘ll. iii. an .~\mericaii ‘ .
The Phillie Phanatic frolics in the stands during the Wildcats the second time this week by a score of l8-3. For the story, ESIIT.ttt.::SfO:XECU;TQY April it) :n “Eh" was “”rklhh i“ a tlhl'al'lah 1” ‘ . ‘ a .
ame a 0‘ 1 t - 'll - s R . . 3131 I r' l b comp “'1 ." t e American l‘niversit} of lteirui , .. I.
g 9 ins OUISVI e yesterday. UK beat the Cardinals for see 9° TS, P0993 m the DIS. 8” attacks on Tripoli and when he disappeared I)” t. 1984 . .
Benghamthedaybefore. The two Britons Leigh [)ouglas. ‘
. BOd'es 0t (wfo Bantt’hS 3“: an 3-1. and Philip I’iitltield. «lo were - '. '
t “a American were 0"" ast W99 OUt' teachers who \\ ere kidiia ed Mar 'h ' - I ‘
SGA , sorority leaders e p“ ‘ ..
g ‘ was 'deht'hed as _ Chhett; A Their murders uere claimed by - ~. . . .
O M . if. Vt» “Vii. statement from their killers bald the the Arab Revolutionarj. t'ells. anothr ‘ _ ;
Onored as top senlors ' ‘ l . 91"} three were slain 'h mange for the er group l)€ll(‘\'t'(l llllketl lo renegade
‘I a}. - 5:" raids on Libya and Britain 5 S“99“” Nidal, whom the Reagan iitliiiinis ’ .
e . I. - 77" $15: - " 0“th ‘S-aCthh- [ration says is supported and har V ’
at UK awards banquet a. . a: i A ““99 heard 0“ the "ldaOtaPt‘ bored.“ I‘m-m \. imiio\ ix“. < . -'
t L “{ka ‘ . i I ~
B BRAD(00Pl-R d K h Tc,“ ”A I I '

.V ‘ 3 As SGA prosi ent. Cain serves on . i ‘ a . I t d d ' . -, - ‘ ‘

SeniorStaffWriter the Board of Trustees. He is also a t ' I’v mprovemen S nee e . . 4
h f t member of the Sigma Pi fraternity. a" .3 ’ I ‘ . . . . 4 .

J0 n Cains a inance. 8000“" mg The Student Activities Board " ' it} f h t t Q I Q I
and German 59'"th and Lee Anna which sponsors the Singletary . ? ‘ v / h In res man orlen a 10" , . ..
Harris. :a Lhatrkegfitg 5031“} were Awards for outstanding male and fe- - Lg ' {51. r 1.: . .. V .- .. t
recogniz as m as e OP 59‘ male seniors. also presented awards ‘ 1 ‘11‘ p x t ‘ o .-
niors at last night‘s awards ceremo- to the outstanding freshman so ho— “‘ ,2 a“ .s V i ' > ., I II I II tt p t y ' ,
files at the Hyatt Regency. more and juniorV p (ht)? “a ‘ .'-~ V *1; CO 1 ee re 0r sa S I ; I ' ' .

President Otis A~ Singletary pre- Jody Hanks. a business adminis- .' . 5 ' 2 ' . . , n' . t. ll .
senteId the awards. which are named tration major. was named outstand- V; M ‘ B.‘ J-“V “1‘5““ be iinplt-iiieiited This extended peri - ‘ .
for him. last night before about 500 ing junior. Lynne T. Hunt. a market- w? . Staff Writer od would put it‘.\\ pressure on the ill ' '. I , . ~V ' V.
people In the Patterson Ballroom 0t ing major. received the sophomore g a 1. . . coming students to ';l\\lnlllgit(* .mti V -' , I "
thehotel. award. and Susan Bridges_ a pre- . It ‘ it VStUdehtV Orientation needs substan- retainneeessiirt iiiforiimtioii " . _ . V -

Gain, 22. from Independence. Ky” med major‘ was named outstanding . —' f} ‘3 'I “at reVlS‘on I“) help ensure StUdent .1 ”All dL'lltlt‘l‘llt' >tlt‘l't'.\> t'iitx‘ , ‘ I I ‘ ‘ .
was selected from three finalists for freshman. l 3-.4 - .VV‘. success at th' according to ah ah covering ilt‘iltlt‘llllt'. .lllt‘t‘lHt‘ and = = . .‘ - 3' _'
the award. He is currently in the In addition to the senior awards. , I., ’- VI“ . hoc committees report obtained vocational detelopiiieiii :iet‘essar} "I" . .‘ .- l.
last month of his term as Student Singletary presented the Otis A. Sin- (sum was..." t'eS‘erday' .. for ("‘lh‘h’t‘ >uw't‘» and u>>1milahtm . ~ ' 7 a
Government Associationpresident. gletary Graduate Fellowships. two . . I IThe FPPOFti Ireleased h)’ \ICC of lifelong learning patterns ..' I. . 1" .'

Harris 21 from Charleston. W. new awards sponsored by the Athlet- President Ohs A- 5mglet°tY COhQIOtU'O'es seniors JOh" C03" OHd (hancellor for Student Aha!” hhh’ should he deieioped .\ \lllllliit' iii» ‘. ’ .‘V .- ., ' ‘
Va. was‘chos'en from four finalists. ics Board. Lee Anna Harris during the awards banquet '05" night- ert lumwinkle, ia'd that hr‘ehtahhh at the t‘iiiversiti oi \Hlllil (‘nrolina . . ~ . . . I i » a.

' Carla Marie Andreano. a micro- . must bet'iewed asa process rather showed ii detiiiite correlation be ‘V Q ,' 'I . I," ,-

She is the president 0‘ the Chi biology senior and Thomas Bradley designated for study at one of UK‘s Moore is a member of Beta Gamma than asaonce-a-yearevent. . . twee" S‘Udt‘nl H‘lt‘lllwn .md ”W t- " "t it ' .3
Omega sorority and has received Gold a chemistry senior, received graduate schools. Sigma and is a 1986 recipient of the The committee said the initial con- Cm» - ,I 5 '. ". 'jI . ‘ 'IV,
the McIntyre Scholarship. which is the ahiardsI Also. the $10.000 “21.. Mathews Jr. Maurice A. Clay Award as oustand- tact a student has with the Universe Q, There 5.th be mm“. (.nwhmh . t -. ‘ I . . fi;I. r
given to the most outstanding mar- Award went to John T. Moore, a 1y ls crIuClal. particularly the hrht in promoting “the acadeinit~ eharuc '.: 'L " . ',"
keting student. Each Of the $10,000 awards are business administration senior. gee A“'AR|)§I pages five to eight weeks. It is during this top-0”“ '. ‘V‘ .'- " iZQpIIj’

‘mhal ‘exposure stage that students This promotion should lie olttniiied i 1'. V. 7". “it.

0 O o 0 develop a II Significant attitudinal through "improved MW“) ;t(l\‘l.\lllg . I, i". I. ." ‘I’I
umor co e e 8 ar s1 ns WI 1 ca s .
Furthermore. the report 53'd ‘t '5 my community. and continuous UV. ‘ V'f‘v’fx. ‘_".-' ’1

during th'S ‘h't'al stage that Stu‘ quality faculty administrative staff .,',:‘ :_'. . 'I If,’ ; {‘1

Staff and AP reports last night. “He's an outstanding pe- Grant had narrowed his choices to “Harvey was a true superstar. es dents decide whether Vt" take adIvan- interaction “1”] new students ‘ < -. l-‘Q t-I'
rimeter shooter. He can go inside six colleges earlier this month: Ken- pecially by example.“ McClain “380 0f the OPPOTtumt'eSVth“ t hh't’r' throughout the t'reshiiian year.“ the I‘ . _i. -‘.\ L '1

INDEPENDENCE. Kan. —— Har- andplay.He‘sjustagoodplayer." tucky, Kansas. Oklahoma. Nevada- added. “He was a great player. but Sit." has t9 offer. Jw‘tV Shde report said, ,I '- .5 i, '3."
vey Grant. a highly sought junior Grant. a native of Sparta. 0a., Las Vegas. DePaul and West Virgin- you never knew it by his attitude. through the” stay at th‘V‘ lniverin- Currently the orientation consists “ .- " . ‘ .‘.- 1.7.. -"
college basketball star. announced played for one season at Clemson ia. That saysalot forhim." ty. 9" t0 altogether terminate the" soley of the summer advising t-on- " . V‘ '-".V’ L
yesterday he will play with the Wild- University before transferring to In Sutton and two of his assistants Grant will be eligible to play for ratahOhSh'PWFththe SChOOt- . ferences. At the advising eoniet‘r - -. l. ‘. ‘
cats nextseason. dependence. where he averaged 22.4 were in Independence yesterday but the Wildcats in the fall if he com- The committee has made the ences. there are three lypes of pl‘()— _ ' ' - .

The 6-foot-9 Grant — who played points and 11.8 rebounds p8r game. could not participate in the formal pletes his junior college graduation has” V recommendations ('Ont‘t‘rhmg grams offered: one—day freshman ' V . ‘. ~-
center at Independence Community He was named to the eight-member signing because of NCAA regula- requirements. Independence offi- the orientation “099553 . V advising. one~day transfer advising ‘ ' I . ,' t I '
College last season but prefers the National Junior College Athletic As- tions. They remained in the lobby of cials said Grant would attend sum- t’ The summer advrsmg IIconfer- and two-day freshman ativisiiig “in. - 'V ‘ ‘. .. .,
forward position —— signed a South- sociation All-American team. the gymnasium during Grant‘s news mer school either in junior college ence should be organized ”1 th“'°' ferenees. ' ' ,»
eastern Conference letter-of-intent Described as a fluid shooter with a conference. or at Kentucky to meet the require- day format {0" all new freshmen. The committee said that ti; 2 pen , . ‘ ' .'
at a news conference in Indepen- deft touch from the perimeter. Steve McClain. assistant coach at ments. ’ The current lat? Oheda." C0” cent of the students questioned “per- ' ' - . ’ .
dence.Kan. Grant connected on 59 percent of his Independence. said he and head Sutton indicated that the Wildcats {flanges shouldbemaintained. V ceive the ‘t‘lll‘l‘t‘lll‘ program as too ‘ ~ ‘ »

“He won‘t move in and play cen- field goal attempts and 71 percent of coach Bob Kivisto “feel it was the will no longer pursue Gerald Paddio ’.’ A two-andone-half day orien- intense. confusing. tiring and prtn'lti .
ter." UK coach Eddie Sutton said his free throws. right choice for Harvey Grant .. SeesTAR. page < tation program immediatelyIIprior t0 ing unclear explanations concerning >

‘ the opening of the fall term should Vgu-(nMMll‘Tl-jlfi Pugeft ‘ . . . ‘

L'b ° 1’ C m.. , ‘ - -

1 rarian o ongress \ ,iw Build up of vocabulary -
to brin insi ht to UK ‘ ' ' ‘t m' ° "

2- ~ . Nowm
BySCO’I'l‘VIVARD I them The Americans: The Demo- II I. 9 i=5. a, ' ‘I By DAN HASSERT and Saturday on the 18th floor of the will an ard “use 0|"???
Special PrOJects Editor cratic Experience, the third in a tn- I a...“ . 3 Staff Writer Patterson office Tower. proson 0 cu or ran a . ,
. logy. which received the Pulitzer 7;:- I $311.} The symposium is an attempt to SOONVIISIONS. Page 2.
Noted historian and Librarian of Prizefor history. 2:3». = ravyfyfltfiu; "Ask Webster" is a common an- find the effects of “a stream of in-

Congross Daniel J. BooIrstIin will He became the 12th librarian of 335-: 1-313 swer to many people's questions ternational vocabulary that is build- 1‘. “Huh bombed the
bring his experience and insights to Congress in 1975, after servmg as :3 :3,“ I 5:351:55; about word usage in the English lan- ing up in mega-languages (those egg-dunk "nude" 13.3 on
campus tomorrow as this years the director of the National Museum fin “3:. .L‘ "“efit guage. languages spoken by more than 50 '5 hits ‘0, details so.
Blazer lecturer. of History and Technology and se- :e.‘-;~:.‘:, Vitae}; Dictionaries set the standards for million people)." said John Lihani. m' p 3 '

Boorstin‘s speech. titled “History nior historian of the Smittnonian In- «3:. 3.33:” Matt}? the language and indicate when a symposium coordinator. ' ago '
and the Perils of Prophecy," will stitution. Prior to than. he was the ":3. 3.3;.» .fw.";” . word is incorporated officially into This increase is a reflection of '
likely “be a very wide-ranging kind Preston and Sterlim Morton Distin- » Mn ‘95.". 1 {‘43 $433,? thelanguage. new technology and the vocabulary
of talk.“ said Nancy Dye. associate guished Service Professor of History 3‘ if: r; F; Iiw Other natiom rely on language needed to describe it. said Lihani. a
dean of the College of Arts 8: Scl- at the University of Chicago. where ‘.“*”Q 2‘); “'r “a“ L academies — groups of writers. lin- Spanish literature and linguistics
dices. which is handlingthelecture. hetaughtforzsyears. guists and word specialists — to set professor. today will III sunny and

Shesaid he is a “generalist“ histo- Paul Willis. director of University DANIEL J. BOORSTIN the standards for their official lan- Featured speakers include rep- with M» round
rian and that his books speak to a libraries, said librariam were con- of C I. d mber of guagc. rosentatives from the Greek. Ger- m . °
wide audience. cerned when Boorstin was appointed f gwlfiw“ on 5: nhnol is To discover how these academies man. Spanish and Slavic language 7" “Ni" 9"" tomorrow

Boorstin. who graduated from the “biggest librarian of all, librari- lgwrflh “ the ngwndercetrieggl are reacting to developments in lan- academies. Other speakers include a ”I“ be most” door with a
Harvard with highest norm. has an of the super-library" because his ' iscs 0’38 a; the El ‘ gauges. an international symposium Spanish textbook author and the cdi- 0' low around 5 tonight .
been an important American histori- backgromd was in history. Howev- The “‘th that Pays 0': az" titled “National Language Acade- torial director of Merriam-Webster “ g N.“ m w. cl.
on since the late 1940:, Dye said. He er. he ”has tin-nod all those critics 199“” series was 6Mbl|3hed by the mm and the (noun Demands on [m “mum“ Q
has written several books. among arotmd"andhu “movedthelibnry Sch.IIRARIAN.Pasc6 unguage" will be held tomorrow SccSEMlNAI.Puco ~

Am Editor
Assistant Am Editor
.. 5 st
. uitarists a e r10 stu ent
' 5.5.1:§..(" . inn";
. ~ 5; ' 9 9
tempting to . - , : ._ ,. , offer concert Variet this week
late Stlldlel'S ..
StaffWriter “@3ng ,, chael Newman and Laura Oltman . V‘s“.
“'Orking real hard 0“ "lose research 55 fin " Newman and oltman are the 1985 1 (as 5
Papers ”‘8' are due in less "‘3" a 7' 5 ' a recipients of a National Endowment \& 5.. .j:.-.;é;
' week? rs ‘ ""j:,:..:::'.' an? .3235123=i12: : 5. 5. 5 for the Arts’ Recitalist Grant. but m. ‘5‘5- s: . 5*? - ’
‘ 5 ‘ 5 We” 5'0"“? waited "if longhto . they have been performing a wide . $- p ‘g N -
‘ ‘ start. 5° you may as We watc a ,Qi'éi555fif'355'i5535f ‘ re rtoire of Renaissance and Ba- ‘ ’ ’3‘ E“. .. - .
' little television before you begin. 5 ' _ ‘ " , “Q"‘ii'é’ r0339 lute duets in addition to their {glitfiiéé'3§§§:;.§3'E:‘E5.5.522:- ._ . w- . 5” 7 f“ -
. - . . . ’ ' 5:5? 7 5 .’ . More“ .
. " . Little may be the Re) word here, ;’ef%;*¢”n‘ $335. .ij’ own transcriptions and commis- :25...=;;:;:g;s~55;;;'-=:'..-;;§;;:_:5;j:5'5=-.5 _.§i:‘::s-=‘ c... . $-
' ‘ " because ”‘9’“ “98”" "°‘ W" ‘° -' - i 5.5-5 stoned works. since they met at the .. . 5‘5
' ‘ 55 - rec°mmend abm" ”‘9 Premiem one“ 5“'i::5'-"3::15' ‘55 5 M .5 in? Aspen Music Festivaiin ism. ' ~
, . (rated PG-13i. IWthh debuts Satur- no» .2? 2” . .: " xx Sheffield Lab label, has garnered °‘
. '. . , day night on Cinemax, 11$ tough to n3 455% . g 7 3. in. .4 critical acclaim from Stereo Review T“
. . e ‘ go wrong when your cast list includ~ W 7% .4 5. 5 ' s _ 3 magazine (“A gorgeors, noiseless. * _-
‘ - 5 95 .‘he names Talmal‘ ‘?‘““-‘" 173““ or '5 perfectly Produced disc with elegant ’ 5' - 5 A“ _ . t
' ' ‘ - Princeand $1“le (3”) 1” Egg/:2 _ y . t; mUSical contents") and Billboard " " ' ' " " " '
'5 ' ‘ edt e‘ ue a ‘ c 5 ' ~ 5' " .'
. 5;. . ' . 5 . . ‘ ”We "'1."2:3:5521i3‘52555;;‘55 5 ...5 . in Sical nuance ), among other presti- recital Sunday in Memorial Hall.
_ . hassled b} d tough BU} mobster ' 5 ‘ / . gious publications
, . ' tCarrv I. This flick is silly but enter- 9 - -- - ‘ -- . ' . . .
'5 - . taming and it should provide the ' ' Newman end Oltman have also Lexington last September with the urday in Memorial Hall. Tickets are
’5 ‘ ' viewerlwith a good excuse to delay '”°'°°°”'"" °""“”""“‘“‘ edited the my modem edition 0f Grupo Criollo from Venezuela and $2 for SlUdenlS With valid “355 $4 for
studvingforacouple of hours ' 5 . . . . , ,, 19".) century opera overture .tran- has since been invited to tour that the general public, available at the
5 - Soul Slngel' Yanity plays a musm VldeO VJ in Berry Gordys The scriptions for two guitars, published country. The group also has per- door. Ticket costs are tax deduct-
The ‘ur\"' ‘till out on the uality Last Dragon, which makes its cable debut Saturday on Cinemax. by Theodore ProsserCompany. formed with Bluegrass legends Earl ible.
.. ' 3.. -. 5.5. .. q r The film, which is lightweight but entertaining, also stars Tai- The concert.sponsored bytheGui- ts d 3'“ M _
5 of HBO s series Philip Marlowe. Pri- . . _ . . Scruggs, Doc Wa on an i on
' - - - . t F' wh'ch ‘tars Powers mak, Faith Prince and Julius J. Carrylll. tar Soc1ety 0f Lexmgton-Central roe
la 9 {9‘ l b ‘ .. . Kentucky. will begin at 3 pm. in the ' If an t' k t ri i too t f
Boothe t The Emerald Forest i as . . . . . y to e p ce 5 seep or
' . . 5. . . . . , 5. , ,5 , Recttal Hall of the Center for the Lake dmdes histime between solo our endopsemester bud et on
5 Raymond Chandlers famous 19305 —-——--—-—-— hraserhead tnot ratedi is a usually . d' t dt h‘ t y _ g . y
‘ gumshoe. HBO will be presenting RE FLICK TIONS stunning surrealistic picture of a Arts. Tld‘et? are “'50 for students morfllg V3: ”was; aiergiclalbli :10 can still catch a free performance
six new episodes over the summer ' ' Chaplinesque loser lJohn Nance), ardusti'l'orncétggensf‘o :6 effll (1:2: Eliza; discuss itsgmus'ic with any interested tonight.
- months. the first called “Blackmail- — who cannot fit in with the world :1" fhe lg); n of an adult Tickets listenersafter theshow.
ers Don't Shoots which is adapted Unf t t l‘ f d d‘ ted t around him. The plot supposedly re- are availatll: it the Center for the ' . Pianist and UK graduate student
5 ' from an originalChandler story. or una ey or e ‘93 S u- volves around the mutant child that . . The 'I‘rio features .Lake on five- Robert Boguslav will perform with
' dents, there are some quality encore is born to him and his disturbed Arts ticket office. string banjo and guttar, Ken Hol- the UK Orchestra at 8 toni ht in the
' The final premiere is 135‘ year's features this week The beSl 0f the twit-like girlfriend. but who cares —‘ . . . ”00k on mandolin and fiddle and Concert Hall of the Centre? for the
Rustler's Rhapsod) trated pGi. lot is 1984‘s Blood Simple (rated R), this is 90 minutes of cerebral imag— The Tim Lake Trio Will present 3 Bruce Lewis on lead acoustic guitar. Arts
' which debuts on Showtime this Sun- a cunning little mystery with a keen ery that demands multiple viewings benefit concert .of Bluegrass and Their music mixes gospel. blues ‘
. day night. Tom Berenger stars as a sense of humor. This low-budget to com rehend American traditional musrc Satur- jazz and Bluegrass into a cele- . .
- ' 5 . . . , - - 'h' h .‘u be in p 5 da 5in Memorial Hall. . . . . .Bog‘uslavs concert is the result of
Sickeningly clean cowboy whose box office sleeper. w 1c “1 g 3 bration of traditional American his wmn Sch 1 f M 5
main purpose in life seems to be its second run on The Movie Channel Proceeds from the concert, spon- music. ft "131? WOO 0 ustic claim:
' saving damsels in distress «Marilu on Monday. stars John Getz and Arnold Schwarzenegger has be- sored by the Kentucky-Ecuador . P? ‘0“ 23““. (I: .Veaglz T e S 0“
, . . Henner. who lately seems to enjoy Frances McDormand as lovers who come the most marketable piece of Partners of the Americas, will help The concert begins at 3 pm. $3" ‘5 ree an open 0 epu 'C- .
. appearing in really stupid comedies) are the targets of a killer (M. Em- Hollywood-grade beef to come support ongomg cultural exchange
and spouting mostly moronic one- melt Walsh) hired by McDormand's around since Johnny Weismuller. between Kentucky and Ecuador. . ,
. liners that would make even Bob jilied husband tDan Hedaya i. _ and he flexes his way through 1934‘s The concert also marks the Trio s
‘ Hope cringe. There are a few mo- The Movie Channel also Will pre- (‘onan The Destroyer (rated R. return from its recent tour. of Ec- FED UP
' 5 merits of lunacy. but this is a good sent a film that gives weirdness a showing on HBOi without much uador. where it performed in festi-
5 ' movie to miss witha friend, good name. David Lynch‘s 1977 film trouble. vals and on national television.
- The 'Iim Lake 'I‘rio performed in ..~
' 'l‘ ”X.
' Kmmwm I . - 5 WIth Always
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590": Editov

Asststont Sports Editor
.. .. ' _ em v , “so \Wht’m“
t r §M§”§s% twvs:Ewiflxtgmhhswt’x‘txmfimh
Cats clip Cards second time this week
By ANDY DUMSTORF , 2:: : *{.:;::: .ssz‘ \ * . Staff and AP reports .
59"” 5‘3““in I" git; . . '
for _8 IVS-hit barrage and blitzed the \ _ 1;: Wildcat Golf CIassnc swrngs into town ' ' ,
WlSVIHe Cardinals for the second " ' ' .
ngef‘gfyweek‘ 183‘ at Shively F‘eld g§ " ‘ l \ Lakeside (iolf Course on Richmond Road will be the silt‘ VV .

Junior 'Mitch Knox and senior v. k \ this weekend for the Wildcat Classic. ', i . i ‘
Clint Arnold had seven RBI on the , L The UK men‘s team will play host to 12 regional teams. . . ’ '
day and senior Russ Schueler added ‘\\\ including Western Kentucky. a squad that has beaten t'K ' i V 3- " .
three doubles as Kentucky bettered in the last twotimesthey‘ve gone head-to-head, _ .. » . .y . .
gorgii {£22941 ““18 bouisvtlle _ ‘ _ Other teams playing in the tourney are Bali Shite. l'dsl- 5 . .' .' f 5' ‘.

p - ~ . ern Kentucky. Eyansville. Indiana. Iouistille. \Iuhllttll. - : ' .. .

Schueler started off the scoring _ .. 3 . . , _ , . . ,_ . -; .
for the Wildcats in the first inning MiamttOhto). Michigan. Morehcad State and Purdue. - ‘- ';.r ,3";
when Knox doubled to put UK up \ _- __ .. UK finished 19th out of 21 teams in the Ohm \tttle In» .‘ , . 1"" t't'n.
1-0. . : halts yitational in C olumbuslast weekend. 3; _" . I‘Vgfl‘h.‘

. Louisvrlle‘s Joey Adams countered s\ Meanwhile, the women's team. ranked as one nt the if.‘
m the top 0f the second wtthVa two- is top l5 squads in the country, will trayel to Athens. (i;i., to .'.' ‘t’ *7; 1’ ,f-f';
out two-run home run to ve the \ . . . : . .

Cardsaslimz llead g1 fl "is" . compete in the Southern Intercollegiate Tournament. 3 '1 . I'-'v3';.‘1‘..‘ .‘

. _ . ',."¢'...‘.."'

The Wildcats jumped out on top - ‘ -. " . 2323f; .V‘i."-‘
4-2 in the bottom of the inning when w ,_ " , . . _ ,5fo {Uri/3;}
Knox, with two out and two on. . _ " . Reds woes continue wrth 4th straight loss "_ ffl’rt
slammed his fourth home run of the - I " '_- .. . :3 - ~ --;'"‘ .tr 41‘." ‘=' a
season, scoring Chris Estep and - (a, . 5a.?" . _V & CINCINNATI - San Diego‘s Andy Hikallls pitched {t r. 1-13-7399
Terry Shumpert. On the year. Knox ‘, )5 >. " ' 6" e . , . , d - vl d , l _ ,, _ ,, , s - AH
has 34 RBI in 34games. _ (J; - . A strong innings an sing e twttt its l it lddIL\ mei- t: . f" .w‘)‘ (1&7?

"Today we came out and swung ' , fi€°X ” . _I;_ came a grand-slam homer by Cincinnati outt'teltlet I)‘tt\ e 6, '-"_'.;=..;.7',’t’: it
the bat real well and we had mo- . -\ . ._ - 9 ' '~ ., . . "' _ Parker to beat the Reds ”-4 yesterday. .: '7‘ 33:”
mentum carried over from Mon- ._~-. \‘1 _ l: EN. " - Hawkins (1-2) allowed just four hits ‘d\ San Diego '-_ ’ ;..V_ 4
days game,“ UK coach Keith Mad- " _ .. ‘ fl. “X‘s ‘ broke a four-game losing streak and handed the Reds then (‘2': .3, .- .,‘V_{
‘59". said. '1 thmk we have been ’ {Rests - -- fourth straight loss and their sC\Clilll of the yeat. He wuek ‘ ' ,r f; 01’1""
hitting the ball pretty good all year . " * ’ . . . ;, . . .. . ~

. . t ., 5 out SIX and walked two. . -.». _> .- . z .
and that (hitting) has been one of so» , .» , , , - .. . . . " x " ‘
ourstrongpoints." "Mm", ”mam“ 'I‘heths John Denny (1—1) was tagged tot ttxe ttttis tn - .' .-

The UK bats exploded again in the Wildcat freshman Doug Sutton pitched one scoreless inning after relieving starter Vince Tyra. 3; t innings. . V' -~. j p i ‘
fourth inning when sophomore John _ _ _ . . _ _ . Parker‘s homer was his titth ot‘ the season and d-ew tlIi ' '_ _:.
Marshall belted a two-run home run, to go ahead 11-3. A fourtrun inning Amold‘s three RBI tn the game game road series against MisStsstp- ovation from the crowd ot' H.937. Parker “3‘ Pléltlllfi in“ , _ .
his third of the year scoring Scott tn the seventh and a three-run pro- boosted his season total to 47. only pi State this weekend. f- , , . .. ,- , , ~ .. ~ , . 1 g. 1‘.

. . . . . . . . . _ _ ll'Sl game stntt bttng smd by Ilk Pittsburgh Pirates. who . . . - ._
Weakley. Two more UK runs closed ductton in the eighth closed out the 10 short of Randy Clark 5 season te- Shumpert has now hit safely in 20 r tryin V t V to h“ d 4.,” id ,1 H 'ym ,m m VV_ V ”V 1 . . . _ . _ . i _ .
out the inning with the Wildcats on SCOPlng {0" therldcalS cord withllgames remaining. of UK‘s last 21 games with a double :6 " .5 £ 5V p . k L kh 8d. a pa L_ \ \ ‘3'ka “f ‘. . ~ _ .
top8-2. UK starter Vince Tyra (5-6) scat- in yesterday's contest. "Terry IS pertormante in Pittsburg was diminished by ttdttnttd _ .. . t: , .

Kentucky struck again for three tered five hits and two unearned Madison said he h0pes the three Shumpert has really been delivering cocaine use. . -. . y ’, _
more in the filth off senior Greg Ste- runs over five innings pitched. Tyra wins the Cats had this week help for us lately and is really producing _ . . _. .V ~ ~
phenS‘ fourth home run of the year struckoutfour and walked none. build up momentum for the three- in the clutch."Madison said, - ' ; '

Henrucuv “'25:“ - - ‘ - 1 - ¥


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