xt712j686225 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt712j686225/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-08-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 25, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 25, 1982 1982 1982-08-25 2020 true xt712j686225 section xt712j686225 W
' f l The Kernel introduces "Centerpiece." a
r , " eriodic feature, toda b introducin
/éf&\ 41 Sou to the new StudentyCehter additions.
0‘ ' The $4.3 million structure opened last
‘Q t I '" 'tI week, and already people are talking
‘ 1 3‘ about its new movie theater and the
.\ new University Book Store. For a camer-
\\ a's-eye view of UK's latest showpiece.
see “Centerpiece" on page 6.
Vol. Lxxxv, No. i2 Wednesday, August 25. 1982 An independent student newspaper University ol Kentucky. lexmglon. Kentucky
,Y‘hl‘Wl’" \ .
FromAseodetedPresswires ,, _ 'r, fili‘f , “ nu".
., (’1 If" ‘3 W .2’.» "J W‘W't } .W 32?;fo .,
a a ,r ’t‘w ( 5.] We ' W- l A I'W“‘W/’fal‘ifl '3" . ("I '. . .
Panelapproves waste sue regulations Q’W' %' ",3” 11¢.ka " '17‘ 121/ ‘11? " 4&3; ‘ {24511. :‘;_-
«‘17...' '1. (It/.." l';w.‘i- .< i'h‘l -' ' “a”: ”KHZ":
FRANKFORT — A legislative panel yesterday approved reg- . _ I'W'o.‘ (if; VI .. t , f _ :"l': 1‘] F" . «r' . r. ..rh' ., (A -" 7,r,-(,‘;£_I"-l I ‘
ulations governing hazardous waste sites despite concerns .» ., It f’a'.i‘ It 15:] .‘ j‘ I_:'4 .I/ ‘t . I'M It, ‘f“ 5"?“ .“' C“ 1
by its staff over the legality of some of the regulations. W" .. ,1f$%%”: 3-." "fg‘h‘A’WE' ‘4!" .(I III L: i... " '." 1* "go-c ! a. ' t -. r; t. ‘c
The regulations went into effect yesterday after the .-'.,*.’,~,'.‘ 5 ’ l A: ‘,I‘ , ‘t '. “felt“! I ,‘fti’ fitfi first C "I“ .T’ ,
- . . . . we "'.'-’. ‘ ' I 1/. . W" ' ~V " . 4‘ ’5‘": 'W. . i . ‘
unanimous approval of the Administrative Regulations Re- -."‘r'1, . ., (‘p- 3, ,‘.t. x .“I, «1 ,i‘. . t. ,l- i / F ‘ i, ‘“ fin", ,
view Subcommittee. ‘ . "WW1?! " '2" WV t: ’5."le ,i‘l ’4 :- "Q ’1 ‘,".‘ 'l r . ,lf' - “ ’f .433??? '.-__- , ,6." (at, .,. , ’
The regulations govern the process of applying for a ' J . , ,.I . “l“ ' :‘Qt' 3', ‘ i." d/ " i l‘. ‘2 WWI! ,” “j .1" .1, I'of "if ' 3r 1. ”
permit for a hazardous waste site, general standards for a pa ;',. t , 3 "5 it " - " ole-"l": i“ J“ ' /‘ X f. '. if: ‘. I. '3‘ ' i." '. if/jtlfzi ‘. ‘ u "\
site and for operators of hazardous waste treatment, stor- Is‘_'.' \ ‘. ' . (I. -. i V I} ‘I’ i“. L; fer A. .I'. , " ' is '7! "hit, .47 W ‘ ‘ I
age or disposal facilities and identification and listing of - r ; A" -' -. ~. _, g 3'3 3 .1 3.). :1 / . II . kilo... "" - ,1 . -I'i".“3 “W I?“ who“
h°l°rdouswosls " - ' , . . ."m :t' t i ..A- i-a «3/ '- '. *v ‘ “1* ~- liar ' ' , t. 2 and.
The subcommittee's staff said they believed portions of ' ',' . . -‘ x f . ..3 M I} ' “l ". - ‘_.')~‘ ‘ 3' ‘i, i ‘h‘ e .3? > ’ a. s H l l . Q ‘ ’ ,3." '
. ' ' ' . I M. . if ‘ t *i‘ ‘l .",M . h ' r we»: '4’; _ . . .g i“ , IV; ,
the regulations dealing With the establishment of a fund to 7 r~ ,. 4's - . . in 4y zit! i . . . a. ~.-V iii I
. .. . .t-i..t.. "- 0 ~ ' _. ”Jr.“- . . t ..i. » ..
cover the cost of closung a faality and an exemption grant- ' ,, “(4,. ‘t I' ' I .* _‘ ‘t 7 g. " , i _ I‘ ‘5 f it", o {my wfif‘s’i
ed some recyclers exceeded the statutory authority of the 2 .' 'i‘; faint}, is ' ‘u‘ ‘ “i . . , "in .' 5ft” iy 's 3%“ .. T; f; I . n 7’" 3 g . . I‘
Cabinet for Natural Resources and Environmental Protec- f. . ‘ '1‘. M'I from.) ’"fi's‘ “f i: f.” t '* ‘ fl; 1‘, I I {1.3% ”we "1» ‘ .. I'wih r," la."
tion. ’gl‘ ". i... 5", ‘fi'é' . ; t ‘ f" '. ‘ .t :1 :; . ‘_ 1" . s I. li'ifigmg'f‘f '7 's.‘ ‘ a; f‘b" .“ I a.” I
After a cabinet attorney said his agency beleived the 3 .II‘” ‘, ' ‘3 " ‘ ..4 . '. t. at t t 0‘ l H . in," ‘ 3.. ,t’ 'frfl'; 311’ ‘ Kara.” ‘ ' _. %
cabinet had the proper authority. the subcommittee ap- ,’ “a ' 3'; ' ,i f‘...‘ i 1_ ’p " ' l " - . , firth“, " .‘5" . ' A I, . I! “késk
proved the regulations. i. 1;. i f. l W‘} ' l. R' .‘Ifl ‘1 ' ~ , Iii; I I5,'Ii‘uii,’,‘ 1; ..‘_ '. " , . it? W
R‘ I,,I,m*. "I. 'xf ' f: g . r . .“3. ,V‘3fiflév . \ hr . . ~v‘\. . . i"
I - ‘- ,I"’ I 0.. .V‘itl4tn. ' e . . III sI, Vt§yzf ti / H; \‘.
Brown merges agriculture agencies .. , . .t, t... iii-Wt. iii 'an “' ’ do“. ”MI? W ’" 4/ ' f‘ ‘r ' ,3“ “
FRANKFORT — Gov. John Y. Brown announced yesterday A ' , ' I if JPN-hip“ ‘ . f _ 1' W . , it I“ fin”)? '9‘ CW: I' IV" ' *4" ‘ f I
that the Kentucky Council on Agriculture, the State Fair , If ’ 3f" .‘J r ’1'; . I, l a , ‘- y ‘ ._ I I s 2.4 ‘ I" Z "'Ii I; ‘ ' . .s I I . it /
board and the Tobacco and Health Research institute will be *3) (”W/5 WWW?“ f," f,"- T” - t" l ‘ ‘ ‘. ltb¥ (*1. l l ' ‘ l . l . I “or, .i‘“W‘W
merged under the Commerce Cabinet. ":7, ' ‘ ' .'. ' ' 1 L. ‘ " ' 3 Vow 4‘ "It-1...,“ , :0 "ft; 5'03" 3'11; :T '1‘ I {if I
in substance, that move put the organization of those '1," ',' ~, .’ f’."'.‘ 'fi ‘ 1W1" ’ai" .' ~ .. -“ .i l "l 3 "’51" lif’f‘filiif-l,“
agencies where it was years ago. The combined agencies t ‘- l ‘I W . . , ' it noel”, ’5 " '1’ 5"” f l. l " ’ I.. I" W . h... .s
will be under Deputy Commerce Secretary George Clark. . Ifl ‘ ' . , “i I . " I I . .v i., . . ., .,, i . it ‘ :" 2' ,3" ,1 fg'r‘kngg;
The agriculture council was headed by Energy Secretary '2 3'.ng ’r "r I €3,3in fl "' _ I . 1,, :k . ”I. flaw "7, J.“ , . .- " . t i- 2'" i
William Sturgill and he is giving up the council post. ' i.o.uuuoosi/i ~, . vlduelu summing comm: In person should bring UK ID. or
\ \ g H -:' 4 6 K ' ' ! -_ Sincerely yours, drlvers'llconm.

'4:'—'-=:..~‘ .' . x,» 4 i '3 . 1’ {,5 r" ' ‘\ . _ . . Barbara Price sauce the Kernel reserves the right to “It for grammar, clcrlty and
“:0? “q“‘\\ . l" 9 ‘3 ~ I "' tg/i’l ' t ' ." ~_ ‘ ‘ length-M toellmlnflellhlwemtorlnl.

‘Qflfil .- ' 4 . g t‘. V —. "o &A Barbara Price Sallee is a journalllm
‘u'l. . .' 5' I . ’ “e . senior and a Kernel assistant arte
- i . 3 fl ‘1 ‘ / §x ‘ . editor.

.. I I . . - ,9 s . ’ / . ' ‘ . ' , ,. .
Utilities may require deposut W 7 7' ~- '
. W 7, 5" ' l.‘ ‘ p ' h 1" v A
.' ‘V i .4 ’ <‘ '\ " . I
#7 . ”u,“ . 4 .ya
W your name with any U.S. telephone with a roommate last year and you . t" ‘ r . ‘ 1‘
. Sey' St affW' company and haveagood credit his- still have copies of the checks it '5‘ ‘ 7 . _ ~
- "'0' nter tory, nodeposit will berequired. might be possible to avoid a deposit. I. f . ‘ . ' “ ' ' 3 657‘”
A deposit will be waived if a cur- Orrsaid. ' i , l 7. " , . - .
”—"—~——-—— rent GTE customer agrees to be lia- “1f the structure is gas-heated ", , ,. 7-7 . » *
Starting the school year often in- ble for any charges you fail to pay. your deposit is most likely going to ' ‘ , ft ' ‘ fl ' ’ "
volves a series of deposits. These Guarantors must have been GTE be $75. If the structure is totally z. ,9 4
are additions to the bank accounts of customers for at least a year, must electric it could be as high as $125," y 2 i
utilities,though.not yours. possess good telephone credit rat- Orrsaid. ‘ _" "‘ ,_ L. ‘ 74 . . "
If you are ready to outfit your mgs and must have telephone serv. Orr suggests that if you are shar- , . .. . " ' ,
apartment don‘t rush out and spend icesin their names. ing an apartment or house with l - - ' 7. .
a lot for furniture. Your first con- If you have bad service in your roommates, all should split the de- 4 - ' . .
cem should be the basic utilities you name but have a poor credit history, posit because the final bill will be . 1 “.1 - a ' ~
must obtain. or if you’ve never had telephone subtracted from the deposit and the ‘L mm “7‘ .7
Phones don’t just appear in your service in your name. a minimum balance returned. Deposit will be re- . I l :19 7,
house or apartment, and electricity deposit of$50willlbecharged turned to you with interest upon ter- , ' ’ . «f “ ~ -
doesn'g‘turn itself on. You must ap- “A larger deposit may be re- mination of service or 18 months of ~» . Yr 1
C . pear ‘t the respective companies, quired. depending on your credit his- service with a good record of paying ,. .7 . . M‘ ‘
~ give a brief history of your financial tory and projected monthly tele- your bill on time. _ , 7 g "it“... t w W
l: situation and supply large amounts phone bills,"Schremser said. “When you call and have your .1 , “' . 44W ' -
.721! of cash. If you maintain a good credit rat- service terminated be sure to leave - . ‘
To simplify installation, General ing with the company, the deposit a forwarding address." Orr said.
Telephone of Kentucky has set up a will be returned with interest after “Lots of students leave no forward- 7;, " 7 " .
3;} Student Phone Mart in the Student 12 months or upon termination of ing address, and we get stuck with a ‘
1;: Center. According to Dorothy Sch- service. The annual interest rate isti check in escrow."
.‘j remser, GTE’s director of public af- percent. If your apartment or house is gas- /
fairs, the Student Phone Mart will Deposit policies for foreign stu- heated you‘re going to have to go to
beopen from 8:30a.m.to 4:00pm. dents are different,however. Columbia Gas of Kentucky at 166 1* 7 ~ 7‘
g “It's easier for them (students) on “Deposits depend on the individu- Walnut St. Their deposit procedure Workers were eVOCUO’ed ”0m ReseOFCh BUl'dlng NO- 3 05 “re- "mu" ""“°'5'°“
campus. Everything can be taken al case," Schremser said, “partic- is much like the other utility compa- lighters from Lexington Fire Station No. 2 inspected the fire dom-
' - care of. Ninety-nine percent of the ularly the projected usage." nies. The customer must come down 096 in the laboratory.
student business is handled there," Kentucky Utilities will be your to the office, fill out a credit applica-
~ Schremser said. electric company. You can apply for tion and pay a deposit. I
Students can obtain billing num- service at their downtown office at 1 A Columbia employee said depos- Laser causes laboratory fire
7 . bers that enable them to direct-dial Quality St. its are direct related to past usages
. long-distance calls from their dormi- KU requires new customers to fill in the house or apartment. —\ The ‘°"‘b‘"°"°" 0' ”‘9 “359' 5 ‘3 000
, ’j tory phones or some University out an application. KU also requires If you want to know the amount of "V w" LADD Ele‘mm' V0"°99 °"d "‘9 9‘“ P'Oduce"
apartments. Applications can be a deposit, which varies according to the average bill before renting the Rep°"e' bl "‘9 meme" me'h°"°‘ ”use" "‘9
.', filled out at the Student Phone Mart. apartment size, whether it’s totally housing, Columbia will give out that "'9 he 5°'d7
" If the Student Phone Mart isn’t electric, and past bills f