xt712j68610f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt712j68610f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-03-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 03, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 03, 1971 1971 1971-03-03 2020 true xt712j68610f section xt712j68610f - Q . ' .' i I
.4 . .
- I' II, V .‘.,i . .

.I . r ' I l .
\Vednesdav. March 3. NW! UNIVERSITY or KENTl'(lK\'. LEXINGTON \.,i l \n \.. w. 7 1 :i
W . . . . .
i . 1'_ ":17
E eetlons oar resmns in SS rote’t
/ 3 it'. 2,. ‘ ".I'w
By DALE NIA'ITHEVVS holes and L‘i)“h‘(i\{‘[-,i.fg cm], as of all student “nah.“ and the ililllll on tainpaigii spending. ;\ii Iiit \lirl: i.! ' .. . :' ' ‘ If” :
Kernel Staff Writer \k'prc pi’esentlast\owmherinthe president and \ lt.‘t'-pl’t‘\l(lt‘iil 5(L meeting last week. littt‘i (lt' muon. the l... ', ._ i.« .: . . j}; - ‘ 1

The Student Government assembly 91“.“ch and that the would be held at tln- same time. clan-d illegal. had titted all lllli he .iiiiirnhti'il ilel -. . -' 1 . 3.37 if, t.
Elections Board resigned Tues— assembly had "tumlh ignored March 30-31. The report .ll\()[)iii— ll\ on taiiipaigi. e\penditun-\ hm than right 1 ‘ r. 1‘. " 5" "4} .1 '
day night. ”c." ' \ided that campaign iiiatei'ial (luv question mused .iftei ih. the rim tiwli \t,,.‘.__..',

The unprecedented mow “as “Him we attempted ma...“ \\olll(l bestrit-tiyinni‘tt-tin...pin resignation xx... ti..- in. 1.1 ii... imam 2a.. mu. 1 . ,{--,j. .1 a
the result of action taken by the said one Elections Board ”1...“. form statement from t‘:t<_'ll candr k'lH'tiUHN. .\H ‘iHlHI‘i "1 HH' l'il‘Hi "111W“! 1'. 1"‘15"‘-’1' ’ ' ‘ .‘T‘s‘g ';_‘-"_-'_,I‘.‘-
Student Government Asseiilhly her. ”was to throw out tin-“hole date. ci thaii‘iiiaii oi th< lilw tiwm H. \\ 1...... : . ‘111'1'1-1-‘1 iii: p- “$7175. .3.

> to amend the ”Report of the trim ”f .. peisoiiality contest in The .'\\\t‘llll)l_\ last night lllll' “"11” .lHHHi“r (...i.l.. ‘2 “mil“ ““"i‘ i l 1' "‘ i' ~ ' .‘i ‘3 ‘ ‘
Elections Board” submittcdl’el). ti“. (.luvnnnc. ited 1}... “Huh e.[H-nm. h, the he Httiil\llllli.‘ill.tll} Hi; ‘v\\!l‘l- ‘ 1' ‘ :11,» I f ‘ ‘ 1.; 'f, r ,'
I). Bright issued a statement late presidential and\icopiesidential [‘1 imlii 1”: "l ., 1‘1 ’1‘- 1-‘ l1"’l‘il‘ “91 -1 -‘ "-' " l‘ i ’3, ‘. ‘

The resignation “as tended Tuesday night (‘nlitlviiililiig the trim“ and stipulated d 35.30 Hm“. .\.1v.id.i.~ ? MY: 5’ 4*. ii I “1-" .‘ "i ' ' .
'l‘ut sday night in the form of a resignations. ”5.47- 3 2'5;
lt’ll” l" \i""l““t 8‘11) I’M‘Sl‘lt'llt ”l liaye accepted the i‘esig- _ v.33. 'i
Stt‘u’ ”lit-{lit 11“” '11 ‘lWi‘i'dl W“ nations of the members of the . g y , , 1; ~ I , .1
siou (if tlit‘ Llsst‘tiild). The letter l‘ilt’t‘lltills Board \\ itlioiit i'egitlt‘” rl t a S / S 1/01") 0 ’l (.0 ( I) . 2%.: a ‘. .l L"?
read in pait; Bright said. ‘ ’ " q , _>;: _lr-. ‘. " .1“;

H - - -lH'UlH\C “l illt‘ dillt‘lKl‘ "l llllllh that it is most iiii~ 5' 2:.» " .l': " 1‘7
”'Ult‘ ”Nd“ l” "l” “1”” “1' “Tl loi'tuiiait' that lllt‘ Elections . 9 .A‘tl'i.‘ . L,

ll \\‘)lll(l l)t‘ lllll)it.\.\ll)lt‘ l1) ht‘t‘l) Board 11‘” (“llUNL‘ll it) [(NptllHl iii ho a ril m ll St a' ) r0 1“) V I r 8" '_: ‘ .- ' I' I. ,
”'1‘ ”111111“ 111““ i" ”11' Elections the selfish. childish ii‘i't's[XiIisi~ / V I i ii ' 1 I' hi ' 3 '.
BWIHl- bility ol the .\sseiiilil) \\ith its ' E .‘ 5 - .

i “V 11‘1“”)th 1" ”Nltllh‘ emu \t‘lll\li. childish ll’it‘\iJi>!l\i B) “IKE “”4““ >1 ‘1 ‘i "‘l“ '“Vi' 31‘ “"5” "‘i ." I 2.‘ l- .1
politn ..l .nnl (‘t‘HliUllilk ietoriiis {Him [W “mi Kernel Staff \\ ritcr i}. ‘ . if; .2 l ..-' . . 5‘ 1:; 1 \
m "1‘!” ’11 ”Ni“ 13 id“. 1114- "'liut l l1'.ii that the l'ilet Student (lo-.eiiiiiiziit l}it\' “'t‘é‘h ‘llt’li’r'iiw‘wl 1"”,‘li‘iti‘i‘v _fi.=‘ 1 ‘1.
‘Wl ”1!l'ir““'l 'i‘_t'il"!; 5‘11 11” iliills litnittl may lit\t‘\lll}1tl\\("l «ient Mme l‘iiight \Jitl 31 ‘i'. "i l\ “A“ hum ”ti vi \1' iv 5.1.13” ~ E? ..
«utinti<1a!e\. in Minn \w “1-! the ~\m~n.i.i,\ in tut-ii items. 11...! .. i‘i'i}"“t"i ....v.;».. :1...’:. :1 ~.~.~--;:‘..: ;?1~ - - ' "i312":
l'5l'1'l1"l 1‘ ”ll“! “\1”“l’l" "lilt‘h to the piospetts iii the ltt‘\l pus- it‘lt'l' 'nliiiii Hii tin \tmltiii (Ml. 31.11;.“ ’ " l' “I i" i i .‘ t \rjx'i .:
.‘n....i iiiiichiiiei‘) . , . .' ~.1l)l('t'lt'tlilill\ ini iii 1 lil‘\t‘l'\!i_\ Ht (oinhict lllti\l ill‘sl i?.i\\ ch. ;1-' '\". 3'j 7‘ l" »-4 i ‘ i " ' i ' , " " _-

\lxlnlit'is of tht‘ lilt‘ktl'im \lli‘lt'lll\i limiid wt ,liltl\lt‘(‘\ hetoic it .- ii. 1.. I! wish. r on?» 1. 1: ‘ . ‘ ‘ ' i, ‘
lio.i.d coiiteinlml that the} had The l{"l)(.l't Hf it“ }~'.li-tti<.n~ in [)l't'stiiit'tl to iht stirlz'ii'x liiwi'iu; =1: “.- "M3" ~ ‘ ' ' i ' x s ‘ 1. I‘
“Ml "r’ 1“”“l 1‘“ ”1“”th “Ml" l’wai’d \[it'ttllt‘tl that (he t‘lt‘tll"ll 'l‘ht i‘eteieiniiiii: is .i "i in~ if i'-..;f.’ i g - .i . ii. 3'. ' " ' ' ’cxi‘..‘:

., . ‘ ,_ ‘ \_M‘"¢ .‘ ‘.4
. ,. , hush-w .J'wm'» 3. ma; " .' i i '
“Hm—‘1' ”aw” ‘2': i (lenitit id". Is= .k‘ tw -x‘ .’ :7, ' ,, . i 3 I\ ‘1’
I f )1," , i‘ I' , ,s i ' in ‘ii.!\' . \11 i' " i; . i ,I : i-‘
1* r , "“ ‘“ N 1‘ 11"“1 1* ' 5~ ~ ‘ * -' ‘ . . v! 4
__ ;_:_;.;,..r.:;{;;-» «g ‘ _.w limp; a” ' [mt RL'JI‘ :1: fl. ‘ 1 1;“, 4.1!.3 I ‘ 2'1, If 5"": ;_ _-
>- i * 1‘s f “a .1 (tillllll' tel) xii... , c; .7
g ' . 1.3... V" 3 , Bright \.i‘i'_l in would lilv ' ._ 1‘s _~.
5:11.; 1 i "' gig I t ' ’ :21 "H. \t't‘ ilit‘ lt‘lt‘lt‘lttllllli .1 it ~"lt ‘ f I, 1'. ii.) ; '
Q: I. '4'; i, ' "9:931”, tilt‘ board loi t\\i. now!“ ’i it . i. if
‘ $1 .. ‘ _ ) ‘«7171;33357”democrat-j. 1ll\til\t‘tl. “going ti. 31’5" ' ",'
. a 1. .' W"? {Wm}? student .1 chance to h.i\e .i s. . ' :' - ‘. ‘
3.- " . - - 11:2. J" 15‘». u '1?! . . . . .. ; '_ I . . . '
3'7 “:3. 6.3/33“ Z “A; y - .3. 1 ' ‘ most importantly. t’\l.il)ll\lilti; ’1’); -._ 5,;
«a. .51“; 15+ 7 Q K ."; . 3...? a ‘ .i legitimacy it»: the ieiereiiiliiiw {.31. f ‘:'._‘
a __,. K‘ 1 .19 gxg; P t) m‘. t V l , "As it stands liii‘.'. \h‘ .i t},
‘ $2: ‘3‘ §_ ‘ fiafa‘x ., ’ "a: A“; ” , ”Q“ 6:“ 4; not getting any“ h. i l3...“ iii-f. f' 1. 1" l,‘
" *1 It?" I???" i i 3", i 2‘“ a 35’.“ ”is” ‘w 'i’ '- ; , " ' \itltl. I“ l|}\ \“t t"t ii. in}; ‘ '3 , I i. ' f. .i .
‘ _ . . . . M r: 3:5; if} t \ "if"; R: ’3 ,< ' ’ , it“), I 4" .. , ‘l i I} 1, . V..' . I. 3 iii A, i . _» ‘.
“a ”If 4. ' , q _ 1&1 a“. «1..., ,_. r, f." ,- . . tiiitstioinc tut l\.l.ll .iy t 1'1’ : .. . . -
2; f» '2‘ '1. 3...? . :24 E .. ., é? .. " ' i ' if g“- t, .s '3' \ ' _. board. asking “116m” l>”‘“‘"‘ J . ‘ -i 3 7.
I ’2' i t" V it": -.. If" . V ‘ .7 1' l . ' z 1'. fl“ men and polituiain are ici‘g‘ "I . i i ‘i‘j y, g
. ‘ .' fiilt’w‘i.‘ T.%Sat:"’s _ . 1;": ”Mn. \li‘ir-i\]st»[\ ‘2 fr“, l . . .‘ I'l' 1.. ~ ., ', i-
V ' .. "3“," 5’ ’. 7.9?”‘3‘2‘. ‘ 'I w \ei sit\ "3 \'
‘5‘ ' it“ hi" "‘?';i';$l\i ' I.» Ail-Killiiiili that the \ i .. 3 '. ‘is‘ "- ' i
2 ' " 3 g2. {‘52} gkmi 3);};‘L ain‘t I lt‘L‘lilllnlt‘} > \\ 9’1“.“ ‘t V‘ l I .1" Ii E. ii. ‘i
- £1 .. "Kw/11$ s 'égfii: 5 is! . . ‘ . cw“ .. said. .Jliil it \ past tiiiit '1. ii'i‘i' <1 . ,.' '. r,
1 i , ”g! Hit-iii: if; Q ’ ti viii}? ‘ . ,9, m” ' ' “in .‘im i: l "A." if»: 3"“ . ', ’5? 7 i ‘i
p ,, 3.): \. $.‘i“‘bw"...'.i_.:ii ”£41?” ‘ .“' t, - .- '7} :31: I“, ,, . , . , ,. ~ ..... lilit‘tl i“ change . i J. "I ‘ .1" ‘ | f. .
i x“? (a? 1“ ' ft§§*a§.‘i‘ 9i; g a \\Lti ..ii 1‘.i tiw -i.11i- t‘ l- »' .‘. i- ' H ryv'. ..
UK basketball center Tom Payne departs from an airplane bound from Auburn yestei (in. thud \ Jmnm‘rl .4 ti . ‘_ ,t i} i 2
PCI ’le de l(l’les day, where the \Vildtats defeated Auburn‘to (llll(l] their twenty-sixth SEC (hampionship. referendum. liright “my ~ th 1. {-1’1‘ .~_i>
y ’ p A large crowd was on hand to greet the (.ats. who are now assured of a post-season berth only thing that 1 can do lg , . u._ ‘ . 1 . .‘ ,_
in the NCAA tourney. (Kernel photo by Dave Herman) (‘ontinued on Page 8. (‘ol. 4 _‘ _‘ _ ‘ " 513., f
o o A 0 o '- . ' . . 1 -.
B h ° d th POW ' . Pentagon Involves prisoners families '. i. _.
o o o o o ‘ . -' ' .‘ 1 ‘ '
e l’ n e 1’88 ue ' to turn public opinion against Hanoi . .1. 5 : ~
. ' - I.

By SEYMOUR M. HERSH Wives and mothers ofthemissing have little to do with these im- the prisoner issue than it has praise for H“. militarys (My m _ 4., .2, 1 ' " "

COpyright, 1971, Reporters News and captured men formed groups promptu outpourings. By early acknowledged. initially informing them of then - '- "._ .
Service and clubs around the nation- 1971, military men were angrily In fact, the Pentagon's atti- new status. All four serxiceshau- .. , 1' . '. 1

WASHINGTON, Feb. 15— with a national office in Wash- rejecting the notion that the tude toward the Win’S 2““ special personnel sectionsdealing " ,
Throughout 1970, America's sym- ington—demandingthat the le- publicity over the prisoner issue mothers - particularly ”105" with the missing and captured . '. . -‘ ,
pathy instinctively went out to on Administration do all it could was in any way aimed at public whose men arelisted asmissing— families, and each family is pro .' ‘ 'V
the wives and families of the for their men. Bumper stickers opinion. can be described as a dual one: \1'ded the name “i an ”{1}“.er . . p ‘ ‘ ‘ 1'
missing and captured men. said: “Don't Let Them Be For- Yet. shortly after the decision it is both extremely considerate whom they can “in for pflwndl p: . ' ' . ' ’.

During the year, millions of gotten." to go public was made in May. and extremely purposeful. help.” comfort. \ '. . . 5
Americans signed petitions ask- A poll conducted by Gallup 1969, newsmen were told and On details such as pay and Continued on Page 3. Col. 1 I“ ‘ .i ‘ . '
ing Hanoi to stop mistreating International showed that most wrote that Secretary [Jam] and allowance, the military—aided ‘ . ' '
the captured men. Hundreds of Americans who had heard about other officials believed that the by sympathetic ()iiigressmen— """""”"”””" .1 _ .
thousands 0f letters were mailed the treatment 0f prisoners “Nd? prisoner issue could be used to has been anxious to ease the Woathor ~' ' - . ' ' _
to Communist capitols around North Vietnam believedthat they turn world opinion against lla- situation for the suffering fumi- . ‘. . . . . ’ ' ' 4
the world urging officials topres- are being tortured and beaten. noi: it would ”deflect some of lies of prisoners. For Lexington and "mm“: . ' '_ . .
sure Hanoi into implementingall receiving poor care and medical the heat" over Vietnam from They have been prmidcd e.\- (Folder “"‘h “f0“ “‘13): 90" J “ u ' fl .
of the provisions of the Geneva attention. and are not allowed the US, to North Vietnam. tended Cl education and home subly a“?@“'?""“ to four"wh‘:" ‘

Convention. to communicate with their fam- . . . . _ loan benefits, a chance to invest before d'mISh'm‘ t9 flurries lh" ~ ' j ‘ I

Most of the Senate and more ilies. Only sever percent of those U-S- "muted PUbl'C'W unlimited savings at 10 percent “fem?“- H'gh m the low M . . y '
than 400 of the 435 members of queried thought the American In addition. there is a great interest, (other families may in. "“d'fm 5- 90"!“ “"‘h "‘0“ |- , ‘
the House expressed dismay and prisoners were "treated well." deal of evidence— madeavailable vest up to $10,000), and special “um“ “flight. low 18. Thurs- . g ‘
outrage over the treatment of while 33 percent said they were privately to me by wives and pennission to utilize military dny partial clearing and (on- _ -
United States prisoners. ThePost sure that the Vietnamese had mothers—that the govemment transportation when available. tmued 'eold, huh .‘n low 30‘- ‘ . »_
Office issued a special stamp killed prisoners. had far more to do with creating Most wives and parents have Increasing. cloudiness and .. . '
commemorating their captivity, The Administrationseemedto the vast amount of publicityover had nothing but the highest Y:Tf:f:'f::’,,,,,,,,,,u ‘ '

 2—THE KENTI’CKY KERNEL, Wednesday, March 3, I971 ._ ________—__———— .
Possible conspiracy
B 1) ° b t ' NEWS kEI'HEIS
\‘ASITINCT()N (AP) — The IIt't,‘v said identical letters It,“ at 1-32 'd.IIl. but before [major From AP reports ‘ CO
F‘BII 'IuesdayI investigated the ceived by The Associated Press news agencies spread word ofit. . . ,, I
. Capitol bombmg in official si- and the New York Post. TheAP This would indicatesomeoneout— \\’ASlllNC'IOl\—\\'. A. “Tony Boyle, president of the . espi
. _ _ lcncc while an anonymous radi- letter was turned over to FBI side Washington knew about the United Mine \Vorkers, was indicted today by a special fed- hug
t‘fllIlIt’ttcr writer claimed respon~ investigators who requested it. bombing in advance. eral grand jury on charges of conspiracy, embezzlement and Ant
‘ sibility and theories sproutedlike Capitol Police Chief James M. making illegal political contributions of $49,250 from union the.
' ' mushrooms. No comment Powell said, however, that he funds. Included among recipients of the contributions was for
. The Capitol returned to near FBI spokesmen, meanwhile, had no knowledge of such calls. $30,000 to a dinner for Sen. Hubert “- Humphrey in 1968 and
. _ ' normal activities, and a Senate refused to comment on the in- Inside '0b and various others. loat
. I' Public Works subcommittee be- vestigation. However Atty. Gen. 0 .. -. Jha “Cit
' ‘ . gan an inquiry to find a way to John N. Mitchell remarked terse . nIe‘tneory ‘ts t. tthe bomb- CHICAGO—Plans for a three—day “spring offensive" of cart
bombproof the historic building ly at a White House ceremony "Lg was an "151:8 JOIb’ lgiekwork rallies and mass meetings to press the federal government '
_ . while still leaving it open to that evidence points to ”some- 0b sornione :1 f0 hwouI now for improvements in welfare, employment and education hav
- . visitors. thing less than a conspiracy." 3 cu e ou 04 e-way mens have been announced by the Southern Christian Leader- ‘ in t
' t“ 0”“ 0f the few concrete de— A theory that the bombing Viiailheiloomehere the bomb ex- ship Confcrcnce. The Rev. Ralph David Abernathy, head evei
. . velopments,“something or some was the results of a conspiracy 1pc: der .Mikgix/lansfffwlfle Dmlaoritty of the SCLC, announced the program—which he called “A I '
> ' one called The Weather Under- centers on remarks attributed to 'd h d'd . l: e ’ h- on " war against the President”—at a news conference Monday. 8 the]
_ ' ' ground ‘claimed to have set off Capitol Police Capt. Leonard H. an the l ht now t e room The April 24 program is timed to coincide with the third the
. . .\Ilonday s Icarly morning explo—. Ballard. WdSV' ere. b ed f anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King 7 the
' ' sion in radical letters postmarked He has been quoted in news [Shots were an . mm the l" April 4 1968 . Air
I. . after the event. reports as saying the Capitol bombed Senate Wing Of the Cap- ’ H ’ i a r
= . ”We have attacked the Capi— switchboard received two calls, Ithl Mtohday’,bfitTwe‘rElIahnateh MOSCO\\'—About 30 Soviet Jews have been given P91" I new
, tol because it is . . .a monument one from Spokane, Wash. and amos .db usu ues ‘1): pl- mission to go to Israel Jewish sources reported Tuesdav nex
to US. domination over the pla- one from Chicago. after the blast tol police had orders to inspect 2 11 , l‘ l . r4 ,1 ll - l n . ll f ‘ ‘ ) f tli ‘
_ . packages and briefcases and were acting tiat tit. (sit gm ias )ccn Op(li(( oi somr 0 re
-, ’ . keeping VtSttUrS‘dndunauthorized troublesome toneIaken the protest movement. The Jews aw:
. . S Capitol workers away from the “IN: granted bent \Iisihs aftr t\]vo sit-itnsI atItIlIic reception office sai(
Ellat01.s are unhappy immediate bomb site where buck- 0 "1”th 0V“) ‘ ‘9 par “"hhh “11 ( mg. CO"
‘- . ' led walls created a hazard. our
- . I. .~_ \VASIllNCTON—Prcsident Nixon's revenue—sharing plan "101
. 0 O fiedDubrélflgretlifhgdyseizxellptlegltiic suffered Tuesday its first major legislative setback when a plig
. ' WIth reapportlonment Works Schommittee and sug— Senate committee approved a bill to save the $1-billion Ap- and
' ' gested that security could be palachian autipoverty program. The bill would extend the t8!”
' ‘ . FRANKFURT(AH—The Sen- The current bill was drawn tightened by expanding and UP‘ hfh 0f the 13‘5““) Appalaclnan Regional Commissmn f9” me]
" - . ate Elections Committee hung up bythe StateCovemment Com- grading his patronage—laden po— ."§W‘S and the API’ttlttt‘lllaI‘ highway PTOICCt hVC years. The thef
- . 2 out the crying towel on reap- mittee, but referred by the Sen- lice force, by inspecting pack— bill now before the Senate was introduced by Scns. Randolph,
f - . portionment'l‘uesday and anum ate leadership to the Elections ages and briefcases and by pos— the PUth Works Committee chairman, and .thh Sherman “i“
, ber of Eastem Kentucky law— Committee in a surprise move. sibly making some more areas Cooper, R—Ky., and it has the cosponsorship of about 55 t9 t
. ‘ 2 makers used it freely. It almost certainly will be of the Capitol off limits to V151- other senators. 0t
. ' ' The committee, which is con- amended, perhaps considerably. tors. “a”
' _ ' sidering the only redistricting ver- OSLO, Norway—Prime Minister Per Borten resigned today m‘l‘
i Sgaridnhrfdlllceg 1:) fii‘eghisggg Senate d8 eat atte t i8 :1 poiitigaltscandalt lIie himlsIelf triggered byt tgllirtig a lie. hi:
. I , - - . - ~ 11 \vi 1 or en wen us coa I am governmen . or en gavv
. ' ' :thffh310d“ffothfaorhl‘égfdahhnate‘ f 8 mp confidential information about Norway's bid to enter the h“;
. I , The big question is whether . . European Common“I\iar}kctIItol aI Nolrwegizlin group which ? qui
.. , committee chairman B. E. Bill- to end flllbUSter debate olpposes its entry. ieii ie iec tiat ie (I( not pass aong : 'dpi
2 . ings, D-Stanton. will try to offer tie information. abc
his w v .' . ' ' '
. ‘- ' . week). n ersion sometime thls WASHINGTON (AP) - The fifths vote of the Senate could WASHINGTON—A Defense Department spokesman testi- ing
' I ”I've got a plan, but nobody Senate Tuesday defeated, for the limit future debates. . ficd today that military surveillance of civilians was under-
. has bought it yet," he said dur- thud time in a 23433 debate, ISenate Democratic leader taken on an unprecedented scale in the late 19605 with the
' ing his comments on the Senate an attempt to Chd the run-on Mlke Mansfield said the next knowledge of but little direction from \Vhite House of-
' bill. talk about its filibuster "119- cloture vote, on Tuesday, March ficials. Robert Froehlke, assistant secretary of defense for
‘ . . . . Sen. Frank Church, D-Idaho .9’ w‘" be the final test on the administration said there was no state or federal law pro-
. ' I' Ithhgs loses counties conceded ”there's not much life isssue Wh.lCh has [22?“ before the liibiting the Army’s information collection, which he said
7 ’t . BilIlingsIexpressed as much left" in his attempt to change enate Since Jah' ' . was “obviously considered necessary and essential to the ra
- 1’ ’ dissatisfaction as anyone on the the rules and make it easier to . Iv emphasrze the word fi- iff) ‘tive us ffcd al 'l't'ir 'f ' ' 'n ‘ -t' n witl th) p
. 2- '. measure. declaring he has lost end future filibusters rial , the Montanan said. L :1“ Ide" . Ier "“1 3 0’39“ connec ‘9 . t It cen
' . four counties in his district and . ‘ ‘ Sen. Jacob K. Javits, R-N.Y., Wi esprIea riots and domestic disorders occurring in this Spa
. i ' I' wantsthem back. The vote this time was 48 t0 said if the next cloture attempt period. torz
.I In addition. he said, he'kind 36, eight votes short of the two- falls short, he may try another U.S
. ' of resents" the splitting of fast- thirds majority now required to route to a rules change by asking NE\\' YORK—Three cn‘.'ii'011iriciital groups sued the Tcn- 70 3
' I Y growing Madison County. part hmtt debate in the Senate. It Vice President Spiro T. Agnew nessec Valley Authority Tuesday, charging it violated a
fl . \ of which would wind up in his represented "0 headway for to rule that in a new Congress, new federal law in contracting for coal to be strip-mined
‘ “ . . . ' ' new district. Church and his allies, short by Old Senate rules are DOt binding. from eastern Kentuckv and Tennessee. The suit, filed in the Jan
I -. 2 The only senator indicating the same margin as in the" last That WOUld Open the way US. District Court licre, asked that TVA be enjoined from gas
' outright satisfaction with thebill 010th”: attempt, one week ago. to action on the WhOIC “1165 buying coal under a $78 million contract signed last fall out
i ' was Francis Burke. t)'t)tkthhe~ Nonetheless, Senate leaders question by majority vote. with the Kentuckv ()ak \Iinin (‘0 and under several tor:
' Letcher (Jountv is added to his agreed to let the debate run on But Agnew already has said tl ,. . .11; . ti, .t. Pl': t'ff'g‘ i :V- ..1 p“: 58V
. . . . 'l l"ke (Iountv. for another week. he would submit an I such ues- 0 HI sma‘ (I con rat s.‘ am i s tut tit . dttltd (sources wit
1 , 0‘12”” l . .. . , . . t q Defense Council the hnvu'onmental Defense Fund and the .
. . [fit 5 "Ot bury the patient tion to the Senate for its deci- ._ . ’ . . , . A“
, . Not the best yet," said Church. ”(live us an~ sion. It would be subject to Sierra Club. The snit charges that TVA signed the contracts con
. . , Sen. Cliff Latta. D-l’restons- other week." The Idaho senator debate, and that would simply forI coal \VltlIOutvfllIlllg environmental impact statements re- Mii
. . . burg, agreed the plan “is by no Isaid he is ready to compromise mean another filibuster. quircd by the National lunvu‘onmental Policy Act of 1969.
I . means the best" and said be m the nitlestfightkbut :ltilsclose? h dsponsecgs 0f the “1135 change stui
‘ ' ' ' 1 is rsonall . not ha . with it. no 513901 1C errns 0t 59 emen » a ho to increase their vote
.. . Ilepffeservedy the 11,5353“) come “is 2031' WhiCh he said has by winging converts on SUCCCS‘ ' FIRST AREA SHOW'NG! tow
, , . back before the committee if a the support of 58 senators, has sive cloture attempts, but it ' m_ Starts 7.30 at
g _ ‘ revised version emerges. been a rule under which a three- hasn't happened. p", 252.4495 ' I Mc‘
. . Farther north towardtheOhio AUTO THEATRE Adm- ”-50 ‘ Pat
‘ .. ' _ . River Sen. Tom Harris,I)-Worth- a La!
. ‘ ville, complained he would have ngh Court rules out . 4‘7"" " ‘i .;.-~>' *1...» ‘ '- i
. V I . nine counties instead of seven, 3'? -, it! ~¥ W “hat. .. _ a me)
. ‘ including a heavily Repubican . 3;; :5? I A, . ‘hfi' ‘7».1" ishi
~ portion Oilefierson County" it's ° ai er S ”a ’- ‘ ’ .- ~I " Q , \ ver:
. ,’ . hard enough representing seven J l t III for debtors 1.352 a: £4. y. at”; ' ..,.fIEIIV 3' UK
2 counties," he said. 5* ' -: UN» $3 -35 .. ' - . H if. '
.' The \Vestem Kentucky sena- 3}” »*“.I .., " . ' 31M 2 t . \t‘ 2. 18h
.' . . .- tors were more placid. WASHINGTON (AP) —The The 8-1 decision came in a 4. " .3, . ,~ ' '2 “3 f” .3: ceiV
. 59". Delbert \tllfPhY. 1)— Supreme Court unanimously case from Connecticut where .é- ‘ «5' 50’} fl , V “‘3? rug, him»? all
2 ()wensboro. appreciated the fact ruled out Tuesday jailing people people seeking divorces have to ,e 2 . g ._ ' ‘3, i‘ ~ " W f
' that his Daviess-llancockdistrict simply because they are too pay about $60 each in court '3, ”‘n'tx '-‘-~‘““’5"i35-:.3t, “(hf-1"“ ‘“ 1 m r01
. . ‘ would remain intact. but cited poor to pay their fines. costs. Justice John M. Harlan 43’ 7W. .: ...... .. «Wt-ht“ W
. complaints from neighbors The decision, in a Texas traf— said the right of all citizens to WV)” I x”, rt, .2, . *f ' t;
. . against a Proposed adjacent dis- fic case, could have enormous due process of the laws, and to if" 5 1' ""”3553";iii-5'55”“ ’wwvmimm " ‘ 2i i
‘ trict. the new 5th. impact across the nation since a the only avenue for dissolving Enter ." ... 0' unknown tOl'l'Ol’S. pagan worship
Dubbed the ”west wall" by large percentage of the people an untenable marriage, makes .n' "'9'"
. some wags. that district would in jails and prisons are there the system unconstitutional. ISlCHHce... WHEN
' run from the Ohio River at ln- only because they cannot pay a In the Texas case, Preston A. ‘ohnemrififiocnmvmssgic
. ' diana south to the Tennessee fine. Tate, a Houston laborer who thwmowwntr RUL ' l
, line and include \lcade. lireck- Justice William J. Brennan earns $25 to 860a week accumu- ”that h g 51
inridge, ()hio. l’mtlcr and Logan said imprisoning a convicted lated fines of$425 on nine traffic :LWB’TID'CW“ . g 51
. ' ‘ counties. poor man for an offense punish- convictions. L'nable to pay the ‘ ‘amm mpmdum" i h
'- Senate President l’ro'lem \\il- able only for a fine is invidious fines. he was committed to the ‘WHEN DINOSAURS ' t V
' liam Sullivan. l)-llcnderson.also discrimination in violation of municipal prison farm for85days. ~ ' t ‘
. had only a mild complaint. the Constitution's guarantee of Brennan said that since Texas RULED THE EARTH" VICTORIA VETR' . . i , a'
' He said Livingston County. equal protection of the laws. has legislatedafines-only policy I” I . mum” _, '. 5
' which would be added to his In a second ruling, the court for traffic offenses, it cannot (mom ‘WCWQG’BB , 3'
district, is 100 miles from his ordered the states to open their subject poor people to the i " 5- U
horns ”It pjnchles froml that divorcc courts to poor pcoplc harshcr penalty of a jail term % —'—'———* PLUS ---—--————— i C
stan int. at certain y can who are unable to a ' the cost merel because the cannot u
live writoh it." of their win. p y the firyi’es. V Day é PAUL NEW“ “..,: ....,_.C_O,I_O_L,__H,_A, _N_D________LU KE" ..,; l ls:
l D

 I r . - , l
- ) . ~ ‘I
. THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. “’ednesdav. Marrh 2, 1071—1; . -’ * '. ‘ '1
O o . o . - z . , -
BBhlnd the P0 I, issue . WW9“ “"Ph‘ to Paris peace talks ,, _ ,- , . f
, ”encouraged by l .5. administration .f ,-
Continued‘ from Page 1 as one newlittiil)er said, ‘0 sPeak volveinent in the complex Law bassy t'\t'titllilllt‘iiglJJTlit‘tlit\t.ttt‘- discuss the situation .z. 3":311 , L" 1,. i 31
0 Most of the family members. out on Hanoi s treatment oftheir tian situation.” At the time. of inent he had written forthepress. of national pain 1. o; 1 win.“ s t 2 ’ » . -
[-1 le-‘llfel'dh? the WWe-‘a share the” men. ' . . course, it was the L'nitcd States As the publit relations drivi- {pl_”(.\ 1,, ,m, ‘,l\,,;\..,“,.“, H. .1 . i fa -.
:l lllb'mnd 5 love of the serVice. . I‘odramatize-their plight, the which was refusing to acknowl- for better treatment of tlit'.‘\lllt'rl~ Southeast ‘\\1;l llm run-hale in: g ‘ ‘."' .1.
n Anti-war demonstrators are‘ana- Wives—tinned w1th theFrishnian edge that American bombers were can prisoners grew Ill later Not). 11,1, “1”,,”mmip2,,“ A. ,1)“. pl - . -:
s thenia tothefamiliesanddilficult account 7-01 inhumanity inside operating at will inside Laos. so did the efforts of the Pentagon jt-y Ami 1min“ \ 1”, my Immuh, ' . ‘ '
3 for the Wives and‘ mothers to North \ietiiaiii prisons—began The family's pressure on the to broaden the involvement of 11, 11M. disregard 1,, tin (M1,, 3 .-f 1"” ~ ‘
understand. The families are making a series of around-the» North Vietnamese at Paris tied the families. That fall, Air Forte (:nlnt'llflnil by tht tin-rm ,' - l f :.
loath to do or say anything pub- world trips seeking support and in neatly with the Administra- family members were earetnllv Tia-n- 1t ,1“, 11,11,111 111,” wt .3 ‘1, . ,l f’
f licly that could hurt their pilots information. The trips, initiated tion‘s posture at the peace talks. told in private letters that the wife e\er I)lll)lltl\ pron-«.111 owl bf}:
‘t careers. by the women themselves, were On Dec. 6, 1969, Ambassador service was being urged by L-Ull‘ the Pentagon's 1.11,,rt\1w.m,,m .,'r‘ '3,
l The women, by. ‘de large. usually hhilllt‘ffl by local news Lodge left his post in Paris and gressmen and senators for lists age them to partitipate iii the "i I, f
{I \ have one lh‘dJOr Poll“ 0f VICW p.399”, teleVIs‘lon stations, or a few days later President Nixon, of constituents whose sons or public debate; most.,111.t-~,t.,1.,t.1, v5 ' " _ F. . 1
i in common: they W1“ (10 what- CWITC clubs. _ - in what the North constnied to husbands were missing or calr simply had taken the hiishnian 71‘ 95‘ a i . ’7]
ever the Pentagon tells them to. there is no direct evidence he a deliberate downgrading (,1' tured in North Vietnam. account of “,mm. “1 1d“. “11,“. v, .' ’
f ‘ The Pentagon began asking that the Pentagon'or any other the meetings, named career di- ”If you desire that your name and were desperate to do any-
i 1 $3313 illegivgydlffferghiilhafifr Sierfii asgenc/y Wftlated fthe flrSt plomat Philip C- Halbib t0 head and address be made availableto thing that could help their men .1 . 1 ~, ' _.
7 i th - [31' O l 25g p 0 erseas or induced the American delegation. your Senator or Representative What few facts wereavailable if") ., : “1".
_, 8 issue pu 1c. n Ju y ,‘ any of them, but the Pentagon Habib, obViously'detmtlumk’r upon his request it will not he were inevitablv exaggerated ' ' ‘. ’
' A“ Force wives Were told 0‘ certainly attempted t” encourage hlSthUOHS from Washington, necessary for yoii to advise us Thus one wife <1” lvan Apple; T "J l:
a relaxing Of policy regarding such trips. elevated the prisoner issue at the of your decision H said an »\ir by in the midst of an aronnd~ I t l
- ' newspaper interviews With the . On October 7’ 1969‘ Air Force weekly meetings to the tOP 0f Force letter. ”However, should the—world trip in early 1970. told 15 "l
1" next‘of kin. Wifes received anotherprivatelet- the American agenda. Among you prefer to maintain your agroup of skeptical Englishjonp 17- . .1
?, As” you may have been ter from the service, discussing other things, he attacked Hanoi‘s anonymity We ask that 3.0“ not- nalists that [HI-mm.” m North 7,? ,3 ‘ .‘
s aware, a private letter to them the Paris trips. refusal to provide 3 “5t 0f the ify us of this in writing by 24 Vietnam had been hung tovsalls " U .1
.‘ said, “Such interviews were dis- “Although the government men captured. October 1969 (wthcm day's af- had their fingernails pulled UH“ " ._ .1 .1 i
couraged in the past. However, does not feel this procedure is It was a valid criticism; many ter the date ”111“; letter) 1'” H“. their knuckles 1,101,“, 111111 R. . w'ti’.‘ “ l“-
our governmentnowbelievesthat proper in view of the existence strong anti-war leaders insidethe cage of those whom we 11:1“. “”1 broken and kept 1-“ soht m 1,,“ " ; ‘ "
i more publicity concerning the of established channels for ex— United States could not under— heard from-by th-it (lite lye will finemeiit for \ears ‘ I ‘f .l‘ is 1 f
,1 plight of our missing in action Change of such information," the stand why Hanoi refused to pro- assume that ”In; ”GUI-$10,111.“ \lr “1111:1111 Tedmyx ,,, \~.,‘._ " '1 . fl'
_ and captured members and their Air Force letter said, ”we do not vide such lists, although its re~~ been given “ l l f ‘ ginii BUM} “up,” 1.,111 1-,..11, ’. T" ' r .3 ’ . l. . ‘
3‘ families may result in bettertreat— intend to stand in the way of fusal was consistent with its ada- . . “1111;. “111,111, 11 :11]. in: zl' .. , " ‘ ' . l"
r inent for American prisoners and any family members who might mant legal position that none of In November, ”I? All “If“; thev 111,1 111L111, '11,: 1,1. 31111,: ‘ ‘_-‘ " »
S their eventual release." decide to travel to Paris." The thcprovisions oftthcnevaCon» 1.8”?“ ”Nina“! um“? h” ll”. and (1,14) ”111m. 1:1: “in”: ‘\- .- '
, Those family members who next paragraph told wives how vention was applicable. 1.3”an ””hll’f'l‘ "h h““ M an e in The-v tl‘row in“: him” L . .25.
1 wanted to speakout wercadvised to apply for passports andofferHl The wives and mothers \Vi‘rt' ”HUNT“ “1th reporters. 111...,” jinl 11“.; clam]. 1ft, 1, . ’1“: T ' l ,'
5 to call on the information office to assist them with military ad- a handy asset for the American ”h l‘ \l‘t-Ule‘te‘l that the he“ 111;”,mn 1th..." ‘ l ‘ I “ 1' '
of the Air Force for help, be- Visers while in Paris. war 01““)“15‘ “.111,91,1(1111111151rd. way to handle the interview is iVEKT- HA‘NOT'S ngp()\‘gf 5 .-‘
cause the men there can ”offer Wives whose husbands were tion could never quite be direct to heed humanitarian approach. ‘ I ‘ f l h M .. l i -.
.1 guidance as to what can be e\~ shot down over Laos were urged about it. Family members were 0.11.. ”‘3' i‘lhh‘s‘” Altl‘l l are N“ l? x. l S?
. pected during the interview and to write the North Vietnamese often assisted l)y"Freiicli—speaking quired t“ he“ “(hhll‘thiil ihmt“ The University Dance ' t r ” i’
. how it can be most effectively and say only that he was wives of ellilymgy members, and ties because the enemy refu