xt712j685z8h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt712j685z8h/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1960 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, May 1960 Vol.26 No.8 text The Kentucky Press, May 1960 Vol.26 No.8 1960 1960 2019 true xt712j685z8h section xt712j685z8h Mgggagjzzz‘It‘K‘f-I K K I I ' ' l ' . : '?‘.»’K‘I.55":'K::KI.:I '_"'.I""7'K' IIK.I,K-:..::.K ' 'Ie'IIiiII»'I*~IK:.-'21I ‘K
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1 1‘ L 1
1 1 ‘l ‘t 1 1i I ~
11111111 11111 I l I all phases of community develoPmem _ MAY, ‘960
i11lll1l1'l1 The Kentucky Press + AS we see t + cedure. Tfhr10ug11 their use, an 3111.111
1' ,‘ ‘ é - )ro ram 0 (evc onnent ca l , .
91 1‘1 KPA Foundation Offers 1 . g l n )C under
11 1 1 1 . . _ _ _ . With full confidence. 1 J
l ‘!1 1 211? ’ Volume 26, Number 8 Unlimited Possrbilltles The pamphlets are available asthec1111
l| lb1 1 Official Publication Two significant news stories are carried in ber’s Community Development SeFieSv l
1 El 1 3 Kentucky Press Association, Inc. other columns of the Press, namely the pre- 0f 1H“? seven pamphlets, $3} Indivin'
1 1 11 1 1 Kentucky Press Servrce, Inc. sentation of a check for $105 by Theta Sig— copies of the pamphlets, 50 cents each, .
1 _ 11:11 1 Victor R. Portmann, Editor ma Phi to the School of Journalism Founda— order from the COHSUUCUOH and Gnu Kel
1 1113 ’ 1‘3' Perry J. Ashley, ASSOCiate Editor tion trust fund, and the efforts of Publishers velopment Department, Chamber of 1
1 1 ' 1 l ‘ Member Geor e \Vilson and ames \Villis to select nierce 0f U.S., 1615 H‘ St» N'VV‘r W
.1 1 g 1
1 :1 1' 1 Kentucky Chamber of Commerce a worthy boy or girl who will be granted a ington 6, D- C-)- T1119 pamphlets are;
1 :1 1111 Newspaper Managers ASSOC‘atlon four-year scholarship in the U. of K. School Balanced Community DCVCIOPHICM ‘
11 11 ' l Sustaining Member. 1 of Journalism. Community AnalySlS—Foundaticn
11 ‘ National Editorial Assocration The trust fund is growing, 310111111 but Decision Making ’
111111 1 Assocrate Member A . [.011 surely, through nionthly checks from the Comprehensive Planning—Guide 1
lll ‘ '1 ‘ Nauonal NewspaperlPrtkmotlolnP Ssocia 1 Bowling Green Park Citv News the Cal— Community GTOWth and Change 5:00pm. geg
1 1 l ‘ ' e ress - " ‘ . 1 . 1 .m. ee
1 1 11 111 1 Printed by T16 ern houn News, the Hazard Herald, the Leban- Planning Urban Renewal Pr01ects ‘ 3.233113 “Su
1 ‘ 1 ——___——'_——— 1 - , . 1 1, ‘.‘ . - ‘ ‘ ' '
1 1 1 The Kentucky Press Association recognizes the on antei‘prise, and the London Sentinel— hlodcrnuing Local Goycrninent
, 1 1. . fumlaInen/nl importance of the implied trust Echo; a check from the Somerset Common— l‘mancmg (30111111111110: Development
11111 , 11 imposed on newspapers and dissemination of “1.0211111 and Journal for $150 as an annual Community Leadership—Key t0 ‘ 3100 a.m. Reg
11 3‘1 1 1""‘1’11" ”Mom'lfltilmcl. ’6‘)“1:1”(Its/1£0,11:;::1121fzzgefi; pledge, and now this check from the Theta Development ‘ 9:08 a'm‘ gxe
1 1< accuracy, am Z en v 1 ,. . 1 1.1 , , , . , ‘ 10;0 am. us
11 h" ‘ 1 news, as set forth in the Canons of Journalism. 51% Alumni C111¢ll)ter- L‘IPh palnpliltt supplements the 0 Ad(
l1 i ‘1 It advocates strict ethical standards in its adver- The BTCCklm’ldgC NCWS and Brandenburg A“ Cltc problem—solvmg tOOlS avallable W,
l 1:1 1 tisin column. It 0) wires the )ublicalion of h/lesscn cr elected to follow Plan 2 Wh I”. COmmunltY USC and suggest proceduresh - 0am. Add
1 1 1 1 g l l _ g 6 cm 1 p 11.0
1 11 1 1 1 1 ~ plropalgfnda unrl;r the gigs; of rays. [kt (gfirm: tllC two newspapers Will grant an annual fill in developing SpCCIfiC local programs. 12:30 pm. Lur
11 111 tie o tgatton o a news a 61‘ a ran , ones 1 - 11 1 1 11 1 Nan], a vear has 0110 into )rC 311,111
11 ‘ 1,? - ' I and fearless editorial expressions. It respects stlpcnd t0 t1]? sclcctcdstudentfor a four— 3 . ' 1 1 g l) til p..
11 1 1 ' 1 equality of opinion and the right of every in_ year scholarship. In this, they )omed With 0f the SCUCS by Clam CF s1ta 51190113 D 1 d trictl
1t 1111 111 j tlividuul to participation in the Constitutional the Lexington Herald-Leader, the Courier— and numbers 0f three committees ”W, efignifikis . .y
l 1‘1 i5, 1 guarantee of Freedom of the Press. It believes Journal and Times, the Ashland Indepen- with the Construction and Cmc Dealt; ford 1 1 1
ll 1 ' 1 i” the Z'MUSP‘fl’er “5 ‘1 ”it‘ll mafiw” f‘”: “'2" dent, and the Paducah Sun—Democrat in di— ment Department. The series has
1. 1 j :iflg’lllléz’t Sszéalbrigessllmml mmmumly ‘- rect grants to their selected recipients who thoroughly rcviewedby outstandmglta
1 1 j _______________—__ are already enrolled at UK. of the construction Industry, local Chat“ 7:00 p.m. Ant
1 l l I i - - ' 1 ' » . ' ' ; ffi 'al of national associati Pro.
11 1 1 1 1 Kentucky Press Assocmtlon, Inc. Publisher E. D. Mittendorf has informed CKCCUUVCS 10 C1 3 . fi Cra
1 1 1, 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 ‘d Professor Plummet that he Wlll also sponsor, TCPTCSCHtflthCS 0f many business rms . 9.00pm Dar
1 1 1 i I ‘ull “ (5me mg, 135:2; néoumy News Fulton under Plan One, a worthy qualified student 0f whom volunteered then time and “l?
1111 = 1 : “,1 Foster Adams, Vice-President ’ from his town who will attend the Ashland in committee SCTV’ICC- ThCY surely 1W1
1l 1. : 1 1 Berea Citizen, Berea UK Center. place In your filCS. 1 10:00 aan.‘ Bus
l 1 . 1 “9101‘ R- Vonmiflm: §€C"etaTy‘Manag” 1 \Vc hope that other KPA members will a a: a an Ad‘
11 11 1 1 1 1 1 _ vmve’my f’f Kentud‘y: Lexmgton join with the above progressive newspapers, ‘ ' Ad(
11 :‘j‘ 1 ‘ 1‘ DISH”; Executive Cgmfnétee ”V either Plan 2 (direct sponsorship) or Plan Qualify Food Advertising
‘-1 1 ‘ Chairman, 0 n B. Gaines, or it i ews, , . 1 .1 1. 1 . _ 1
11 1 1 1 1 . , 1 Bowling Gi-Ieen (”11111101 First, Wiliiam T. 11, a trust fund uliich u ill soon grow so that Pertment Sales POInl'S 1 Old
1 1 , ' 1 Davis,, Lyon County Herald, Eddyville; Second, he interestcan ])C.app110d to SChOlarShlpS' A . ,_ t .1 11 by chmour SmitliASSOl ' if;
11, 1111 1 1 11 Larry Stone, Messenger/4,5,5) Central City; Your part1c1pation 1s needed so that future reccn 5 m) 3 ' . 1 11 011111111 12.30 n L J
1 1 1111: 1 Third, Basil Caummisar, CourierJom-nal, Louis- staff problems can find, at 103511 a partial ates 0f NY1C1 among 1,000 acu tV 11111 ~ P-l - 111
1 1‘ 1 ‘ l 11 i 3. Ville; Fifth, Frank C- Bell, Trimble Democrat) solution. And what’s more important you 10 major CltICS across thC country, “3‘
1 i ‘ 1‘ ' '1 Bedford; Sixth, George Trotter, Enterprise, Le- 1 1 1 1’ 1 1 . ’ ‘ some verv ilitcrestin facts about DCWSW 1
11 2“ { ' 1} 1 j 1 banon; Seventh, Warren R. Fisher, J12, Mercury, can SCICCt ‘1 “ orthy and “ €11 qualified local 1 1 1. 1'11 It 1_ g Dengned strictly
1 1 “1 1 1 - Carlisle; Eighth, George Joplin 111, Common- boy and help train hm] for your own staff. rent mg M )1 S.- f 1 es inert ‘ C. W. H1
1: ‘1 _ a; 1‘ wealth, Somerset; Ninth, James T. Norris, Jr., Our thanks and appreciation to those 1' 1Rcadership 0f 0°C pag 27 Registrant) f
l 111311 ' l .111 i 1 I’ldEPE’lde’llt’ Ashlandélegnthi Mauric: K- who have taken active interest in this worth— 10% 111 one Yeah from 66%] to 7110' i n ee
'5 ‘1 1 7: I 1 Henry, Daiy News, Mi es oro; State»at- urge, - , > -, , 2. The front page was he 01139:? -
1‘1 111‘ 1 .‘ 1 Fred J. Burkhard, Casey County News, Liberty; Whlk KIA prOJCCt thus far. which CXCCCdCCl readership of the l
1, ‘1 1 1 1.1 1 State-at-Large, S. C. Van Curon, State Journal, a: as: it a 1 A 920/1 f 0d age 33' New Re ulatic
111111- 1 1 3 1' ‘ Frankfort; Immediate Past President, Thomas page—from page, 0, 0 P ’ 1 g
_1 11‘ . 1 - _ g L. Adams, Herald-Leader, Lexin ton. A community which careful] )lans )resumably the first food pagel- For Slzes Of E
.1 1 1 . . . g . y 1 1 - ‘ theta)
1‘, 1 1 James M- W111“; Pres'dem ahead to meet its problems of growth and 3. Benefits received from reading 11 The Post Offie
" 11 ‘ ‘7 1 1 Kentucky Press SCI‘VICC, Inc. development is well on the way toward pro— pages: (a) 90% cooking ideas and {61:1 new S t f
ij: - f 4 1 11 1 MefsengL’TI‘BYandenburg viding an improved business climate, and a (b) 16% bCSt buys; (Cl 9% “116“:111111 1e 0 PIOPC
1: V 1 - 1 (’eorge M' “”50” F'm V1“ Pres'de’” , better home town for emplovees and cus— ning ideas; and (Cl) 7% time saw“; it “d1312680fenvelc
:< 1 Herald—News, Hardmsburg ' 1 , - . f mgkmg Mam difi
E ‘ ‘ . - - tomers. 4. Respondents ideas or ,1 1 erences
11 1 1 , Bennct Roach, Second Vice President i 1 1 ‘ntcreslllt Is that th
3t 1 1 1 Shelby News, Sheibyvine Even the most dlflicult problems of bal- food Pages more helpful am I all u it 6 Chan!
' 1 Vim“ R» l’onmaf‘": {leasta’y'Mflmge’ anced community development can be (a) 70% advice about new 131r0duc’611‘ 1361 January 1,1
1 ”mum"? of Kentud‘y’ Lex'"8‘°n licked it correct procedures are used arid the 67% advice on nutrition and $601131; 1111 be ;,1anclltl111e1mi‘
1‘ 1 Board Of DITCCtOTS right kind of local leadership and citizen advice on food budgeting; (dl _‘l_ 1111 x4/2 11ml
1; ‘ Cha‘imanl Enos SW31") . Advocate‘Memng": understanding and support are developed. gestions for parties and entertalnmg} 10,11 Odd-Sized enve
1,. i 1 Dam/me; Rumscy E‘ .Gamson’ Anderf‘m New“ The Chamber of Commerce of the US. 42% advice on etiquette of servmg, 1 and shapes other
111 1 1 Lawrenceburg; Maurice Henry, Daily News, , . 0,7 l t , )hiC rcscnmhom mailable" l: .
.1 Middlesboro; Niles O. Dillingham, Progress, supplies the procedures . . . in seven pam— and (f) 4 o 1) io ograi P 1 m tb s artin1
11 1 1 Dawson Springs; Officers ex-officio. phlets which form a guidebook dealing with rec1pcs. us e sealed, 1‘
, l1 I 1 I I
_‘- 1‘ 1 “1' [I I I '

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“'01 I 913013-11}. Beceptmn‘)“, MiSS Fl ' ursday Af Ongratula .36 of A flld LaWr SCI'Vice to 1‘
—Kg0pmcn1 . summer,QRatbSkellgnda Carri temooh ServiCC 11130113 to if n] 21- Weence COunt 1 1
‘Y ' n I ,, r, 1 Son ‘ b S Cffi . ex y ‘
to L111 8-00 Ce 1 TV 5:12:15, KentuCk lug-bf” hi est Wishes £131th Stafftind Our 1
fits t] 1 13:003-111. Re .{ acular in y Divisio , 1 llslledl Story of L or the f 0r DaSt 1
31 16 01116 10: am E glbtratiOn d Fr'd 001‘”, L 11’ U.S announ )y the N Ouisa ' ut“re. 1 1‘;
ps “V'dilab1111 -00 am. BfiiFuthe C0165k Opens I (1y Morning Ounge, Co'urlgrewerS F0 that Locemcnt of (fws in itsl9tlrna115m
rocedlIre ': A megs Se .“mittee ‘ eSy Bre undatio hr , Uisa's 13 us b' 1uStly ‘ Was .
181 811111 ddl‘es “ 551011 L lneetin WerS F 1'1 ‘ 01 eStab . I'st 117 “thda pndef ‘ ‘
. PTOgmm 11:00‘ w C 5, The ’ Ounge & LOu °Undati of p . hshed . CWSpa Y-- It “1 1
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prcpmm1 ’30Pm dress a more], lrbo ent P 0rd 116. A 8 b the C
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hit}: 311“!le unch 0n £1:er Tocgrglgandirglgn’ Vigsgtphehng p paper wieclded to gibollt th2 H' Borderts
'Csaffi111. 0Wn” T » ener uard ’ residi N ‘ SuSpe to K years 1
Civic 2r DGSi Ype C a], F0 of ST ng . Cxt C11 nded an , M1. ‘
DCYCIF gned Stric , arroll K .11: Cam RAG” Whlch ‘lne th ‘ 3215 and ' 1 1
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ét‘1n(1111g1€adt 0rd , . ' Orlkes ' . On _ Card AfternOOn GlangW T‘ al . School lthtletOn lslled 1n 180unty Ind 11,
1’ 1°C?” C1131 as you 'wS-wln‘min party lmes Son We, wl ’ .then te 13, b ex» 1
“‘11 ' '11 7- 15h. g ' ' - fi ' Org“! ' L 1 21 Fri 10 10in ElChing y Prof M
. “300111101 .001) Shlng ‘aned ate: Dter - 6d Wit] :1 . - 1 , 1
3111635 firm 1 'm' Annual deI‘by unaecreation f Arn 'VV. 0. 181111 eStablj 1 ’1 T0m SPVate 1 1111'
tilnc 21nd1_- PreSeht,1}3.an(1Llet 1‘1 . Friday E er direcfi 01' the Child r13y bought DTHSOD, a CS lll'lg the Icker‘ 111‘:
v 9L1 6161.; 9:00Pm Crawfo‘ Ion of ’19’ am Din' vening 0n of 10h ten . . he 1nd leerso ’ 0101161 i Index :1: 1 1
1 1 rely 111111 1 ' Dance I}? 60 Newsgg ROOm V' n Cra‘; (111d 11- B0 c; was $012115 interesg1 the U 3-1111
’ 01111 21per P ’ Ice P . ' Clan Y F to ~ ' ' i ‘
1 10.0 ge, “‘IISiCb roduCtionriflant W Dart ged to t1Crguson ,1 M. F_ C
» ' 0am; B ' y Den 0m, WardS bi Faster Ad C “Ership 1‘3 Big S‘nd the n OIlley 1 1
1fifmess se . sat 1“ and Hi y PaSt Pr 31““: Dre' . Onley b0 Co‘mnued andy N ame Was 1 1
ng drCSs “Tslsllon’ Loung urday MOI-n1 5 Band eSIdeHt Jof‘ldxng Ill lglgught Ferg 18 lhonteIWS. This 1 1
Co, 8 Co - e, P - ”lg n L. ' E L15011’ - 18 ‘ 1
1 Addre “rt 0f A nstltut‘ reSlden 1“ the N d K S 111t ’ Whe 1
V SS, “ Dpeal 1011511 C t We . t] J 6w ' Spen ereSt. n 1 1
11' 51111111115501 01d Comma? State SPff Kentugflventio “53131121111 g. Dre - . 1c DaPCr f: He had bCer bécame 1 1
adult Wom1 NeWBusiness Wealth of {Eran} andy ’ 1 ems 0.81:,1mg AftCr t1 r many Ye e6n Conne partner 1
(mm 7 1‘ 123 Ad" Busin ‘ entuck The s 1 Ontgom 519611 16 deatl 31’s. Cted W. 1 H
11 r}, [61-1311 0pm L JOurnme 655 y aes Tax” H 6131, Chief Dre Get, the 1 Of Mr 1th
)Out 11‘511'SP111‘1 uncheon ‘13; ’ On. Bert C Justice Pulifnt is incpaper Chang gonley and 1 1
n 01 ’ i - 0r e 1 ‘ 1
D1 ' 1| Design YOur Own” 11b5, COVem pres-(flung C0 POrated as hands an Mr_ 1 1
7(365 macaw egstrictly f Sa 0r, Eldl ent, R Llnpany Wit] the Big Sd at 1
0 fl . . 1
Hugo 721% 1 Regist I W. Hum? gicreation « turday Afteq-n Sred h. Adh‘nvmson Vicle M' S 1:ng ‘ 11 1
7 01111111; ration ’ earn as . 00n_E . . eVeIal -. c 5, Sec ’ 'pres' ' lCe’ 11“
of the [0:1 L $11106 the fpapers h“ retary—treasllldent, and 1
)od page 81’ N eluding bang C1211 host' - Golf mum, 1n 1885 Ounding 0:6 been st Mr. 11‘ ‘-
Ipagq' ew Regul . uet ticket ‘Iment’ Steam terprise’ finder the f’ghe Big Sifted here ' 111 fl
'ead111g111610'1'1 For S. Otlons s1 COunt Inercia] 3111161. A 0 loWin ‘ Tidy Ne ‘ 1 ‘ 1
ea '1 lzeS O IDI‘O ry Club Le ’ C11 ’- CIVOC'tt g name W5 ‘ L 1’ 1
S and I€C1p111 T1 f E“v pOSed , Elder, P, rOnlcle ‘ C, 101“ 3: En_ ‘ 1 1; 1‘1
1% m “l 16 P0 eIOPe a11d lcket C ’ Adv - “31, C 1 1‘ 3‘1
6 'enu p131 “6w St Oflie D S Car DrobablV ’ Oufier ertlser T' 0m- 1 1111;
5"“1111gda131 Set Of €33 ry the Dur' . 0thCr 7 Hem ’ lme : 1 1111‘:
3rd ‘ pro 1 {tn-18 0 not . - 111g t 5. Id R S, 11 1
3r making 11' M fines of e Posed re “t publish pelled fOI P atIon “Th' 111 CirCulq .hCSe 75 ., ’ e00rder ‘ Y 11
1nd interesliué1 1511101 differnvelopes C gulations 011 ed a POSt Carl Ostal Inspegr.d‘class_M tOrg and no“ manyycafis the N61 11 1 1
.1 1’10ducts;111 1th the ences f“; afds and S Stand_ tangular (S printed . hon,” 3y be gone. E other DC edltors’ PI. VS has bee 1 l 1
:1diet;(c)611‘ 1mm law changes m a“ 6:11-11 elf—mailers n0r qu’unot larger t1 Privately 1n madC .1 ac11 in hirsonnel llqvlntersy opern 1 1 1
(d) 47% 5111 b961, and :1?! 1, 196310111111 not if PIOPOSai other gpel" than 3!: Ian 3 9/16nust be reC_ lnateri:11n 6&0“: to S) 01‘. her 0‘: Come an: 1 1
lftertflining: [[1 C 3nx‘1-1/2ne .minilnu;nln.stead Gilli-e effect Illust be seeillfications XS%’:7 13111: 59/16” be Writteind city 01' rcovlde the bl] Way has 1
) SCIV1‘1E10111 a Odd-Sized 111Stead of $136 enve1oln mid- Machi ( ed on all f0 ouble po meeting and Will c1. They 111(31111ty newsest reading 1‘ 1
DICSCntafiomf‘1 131d “Shape enVClope 3 ’ X 5” 1) would [63801] fone handlin Ur edges. St Cards POSC Of tlontlnue to‘ 136 6V61- bee that Could 1
millable" sstithe‘ t1121:, would be 0 until 11111:: tghe “CW grui)f the mail Kentucky]: 11Ubh€3tio§ that thenn mindful 1
stbe [tin , TCct mt]a re . ' t 65_ M . S i lute V 11c L is t min 11
s g an wed glllat 0 co a 5 th rCst aWr 0 b Du -
wed, in In 1962 gm“ are ’ Mr. lonsv Witl “Went o 11 uSers 1 e . T1 of the ) an“? CoL 00.“ East I j 1
eludin - A11 en non- D' .E. A R' 1 ertten , n the laVe le Pres 160mg. mty In t] em 1 1 1
g Third C Velopes lvlsion 1 lley’ D' Vlews '1 ddprOPOSe d Cludes M ent Ders 16 best ,
, lass, and 4426, P, Bureau OlfreCtOr, pogt reSSed to Jarreu bary G. SOHHel of th 1
ton 25 (St OffiCe D Operatic:1 SeTViceS type (gpeookkeEDerpaiks’ editor? Paper in- ' 1 g
V ’ . C epartment S, RoOm Mr. R 1.310]; 21nd, ester Ed, Christe 111
’ Washing Stafi 1:119“ is the I M, Rangards, lint: 1515 ,
r1929. Privilgt been 31:1? memgle’rprinter— 1 1.
e o '
nee Co‘lnty I{hat he wathe NewS°f_tl1e 1
Coorder 155 with the Since
years. Law— ‘ : :
77 7* 1 I 1
1, ,

 1 .
1 . V . . .
1 1111l‘11 III‘IIII ;»
1 1 1 1 1 PAGE TWO it
l l I V i
I I T l T:
I I is” a: - “W " MAY, 1960 0' MAY, mo
l. ‘ 67%;: Mr; ”7;. 13% x 3%% a? » 5 I I
Eggfigi 2;?“ £1 3W 11% r7 . HPFiOker Says Lethargy
I ‘$%fg :1 :12 . “gs“ $1,111?“ 1_ w - M» ‘3?" 2'; _’ - 0 d5 Many News a ‘ '
7 Exitsg ggggis s%§ W i p pars atlon
g’flfiw fig gs? . a“ “w? ,‘ ' BY JIM PHILLIP
1 ‘11 1&1“ Wfifigiwfim 2“ 7“” _ One of the t , . . S
.U, g7y§h<fl$ g3 13* Arr swat §§§§sflwa «x ( ' (l #5" fut lg i i ii i 118 EqSt 1 young ed
t“ figfit’ ‘7‘" wyfll’ '0 L"; 0 Ne ‘ cry 0f the MiddICSbo 1m I I
s % if“: i i V W8, has Sharply Crit. . m Daflqi n [cal
‘ fits %“3;:Xa;; «w "'” *5 i“ i 1 Cd “16th'1rgvn Of lClzed What hem
7%»77 g _, ,; . 8“ fitted” a 1956 graduate 0f th I Of 91% 1‘
1 1 yégg 35% » _ j 2%:24 1 1 116} News as PrlnCipal Speaker at 1311], filled annual National
11 R ”33;?sz J _ . ;-; ,}f}, ’11 he]??? 3 annual Sigma Delta Ch.theU"l Study. EXpenses
1 ‘1 1:? 1;“ “H. .' fl ‘ “AID LCXlngton. 1 bamllld the 531116 period
I “visas ' ~ if”. ,:.2: 2} a rcss. it i i i i i
1 1 gwguggfi " at *3 V_ jfi‘ lack-1'1? g. n CHCSS 311d mltlatiVe are A total Of 165
1 &{S?«fi% w§;*’«\x We I_. '3 7 . 5 \0 1'] K g 111 DC'J fly all 311131] town “db, Ports for HR) 9t}
I ”fl fl“ , 2t” s C; enmeky and the 1qu Of William to carl C. we“
1 11:1 1‘ 1%? £3; ‘1 $1M: , $1 1,1;Elg3unltles can be tweed dir 631“ “”e l Newspaper Pubh
J 1 1%45? «31“ I. %s Sm m, pelt“ decned the CXCUSe 11111.11 @th of Oregon
Will “A” :éwgggg :15‘1/éggwstaagfygu r g» tli ’ JHY HCWspaperS NSC—the [Ck pllatron and 3113
1 PUBLISHERS ATTE ,1 «.3 ~‘h’v‘59réfit :32: 0; my re too small and mu , excuse)“ smdies- webb is
I P . 1 ND WEST KENTucKY PRES '7 '7 as» , g .. to do more H J St don t have me StUd '
1 reS'deM Wlmam TI DOViS' ViceflpreSid S MEETING—seated (I. to r) P , , news 3-1 1311 they are doing. “Size l E - Y .Commrttfie
1 ham. Be Boone, and N I em R0 Gardner; standing (1 to r) L 1 a“ PreSIdent Earl Bell, 1 t lcper. Should not be a limt' 0: dttOIIlal Assocra
I1, i W 0""55 D|||ln9ham. Secretary-Treas' . andon Wills, Niles 0. Dilling— ‘ S 0 Quality," he Pointed out “émg fad“ 50mm“ Manage
ii - T- DGVIS New Head 11 ure, Joe La Gore was absent. pipinnén mUSt be Willing to a0 bOOdtlle'M Dual StUdies'
l I Of West PTO) CHIS as the new st W a W111 surfice to eyon "m The “typical” ‘
i ' em Kentucky P. A. the Constitutional Corivtgltilx, the can for product that in far tggtlfiglt a prOdUCH determined by th
Ii ‘ c 7 . 1 . 10 I ( i - ‘ n I I I i
11 1 1 W. T. Davis ' fill demon, Clrcumtio n during the state rs ]ust paper and - ,, Y Cases lnllllll Papers submrttm
'\l a publisher of the Edd - Inent of ’ d . n, and the develo As to A 111k, Easterly said M ' E
11 1 kews, was elected PICSident of th yvrlle the 1 in ustry in Western K‘entuck p— -1 co newspapers beinga cultural f0 '. PIS—With a co
. entucky Press Association for t1 e VV-eSt shor 1K13 clltlon .which the communit y and gcntlnmumt-Vi Easterly charged $313151]: Cllme and, “Wm
41 . year during the organization: 16 commg dc t (E 1am 111 this change. Retir- y press 01- 1.16% personnel mu“ take th lmdel te reporting for}
11 mg at KentUCky Dam VII 8 spnng meet— u 121th B6117 urged the gwu mg presr— cvatmg a community’s a .e lea Ill The 1959 uco!
ficers nam l 1 age. Other 0f_ mOrc responsible ' i ' P to take a smell thmgs. pprecmtlonfll
f , vice ,e‘ fOY the year are R0 Gardn fling for the DOSIFIOH m filtum plan— “K6 t
‘5 Pr681dcnt, and Joe LaGore 6r, area and Its development n 'UCky people aren’t d b i
I; 1 gamma Gardner is publ‘ 1 , secretary- The meeting was end (1 . .- CF‘lrsc this iSn’t a populo um 1ustbe‘ (Con
i man Courier and LaGOri? 161’ of th6 Hick- Settmg up a board of d‘e wrth the group RES need more concert US Sta'te; €01“le I ‘
1 ; tor 0f the Padu h C 18 managlng edi- Structure to n - , IreCtors and a dues hlbits and out I S, musmales, arm I
I I C ca Sun-Democrat f lalntarn necessar id Standmg Speaker " E ‘ NCOME) 1959
i; ‘ . apt. I. G. WOIrell Info: -- 0 the organization. The 1? ll Y C'XPCHSCS 331 i 57 Mb Retail (Local) ]
f 0f the lOlst Airbor ’ 1 matlon Oflicer SCt for October at K-* a meetmg was He also u general (Nation
1 t1 1 1161 Ft. cam b u cntucky D111 V' . rged more and b: - Clas 'fi
1 1 16 group hls unit takes the 0 I? \e 7 told Those attending th . c 1 illage. —-rncluding fact—find' Ftter repomllt Le 51‘ ed and R
1%.an turns them into thy 111: of Amer— don Wills, Calhoun 131 meeting were Lan- every phase of co111 mg editorials—about, Ea Advertisin
1 I 1 111mm the world. He said th: est fighting Sebree Banner Walt ewi;D Baxter Melton day School to politiguglty life «from Sal T
1 1 IS rendered to the : semce WhiCh Clem , er ear Hend ' u , S. ‘ CirCu] . c
t i . natmn b 1 ‘ Br—JOurnal; PC 7 erson Its 6215 t i . anon
l Elm ‘5 a mOSt vital elemzntt}: 10151; Am office; Pat Magec riryriéfilfifey, KPA central Political issheigkeep {faders lDfOl’mCdOfll Elignllmial prir
1 1 1 6 30,00 persons related to theprotectron. man; Homer Ni’chols 11) e Advance—Yos— and asking eve}; Teac log for the telephone 6 aneous ..
1 1 yearly paymn of 50 million d Hpost have Norris Dillingham a (’1 trnceton Times; state his views y Candldate in a race to: T
1 one“ related, of WhiCh fouo ars,'Capt. Dawson Springs Pror1 NIIES Dillingham, how many new on pertinent situationslcl (
:Efgt legally. This, he continiergflhon IS Mlorganfield Advocateigrs‘S/vS;TI'DEafle Bell, trouble to do thlziggfrls 1n tlhe state take the EffiPENDITURI
s a arge finandal . , consti— vile News- R , - . avis Edd - 16 as ed. Ce sala.
. - . a r 0 G i ’ y- M . nes (:
inliflltles surrounding thi 1{lilosftOl' the com— Ben Boone Elktdrrrdnsetr’ Iglcéunan COurier. P3116: V13: Sfiefllllwas well grounded in new gaiewages
n relation to H . StUdcnt UK, an ar 1 Rex Bail , _ I . is father Ed E .Clafion (al
, - . terly “15 Seme
, the speaker . 1e personnel of the B SChool of lourml' 63/; one tlmC Chlef f ’ as , ., es (teatun
said 14000 PCst, radlev, Provid c 15m; LaMarr Ke t 0 the Associated PM Uhhfies (1' h
. and 6,000 are ’ are paratroopers Lac ' ence Journal-Ente ' n UCky Bureau a d Offi 1g t]
. support . ore, Paduc h rprlse; Ioe be - n for 5V6 years h” 06 (Dosage
Airbornei Hurts. The 10 a Sun-Dem ' en dlreCtor Of Rent ’
. S an alert unit h 1St son, Benton Tr'b OCrat; Blll Nel— men . news for the State Depfll' E .and heat (
1,5 on standby at all times ’fozeirhelatefl, Which rY Ford, Statel line—liemocrat; and Hflf- Th Of PUth Relations. Tgxués?efit (rep
tie. $11116: first unit can be refigdltate Serv— ' ducah. mp OYment office, Pa— UK 0161 sptCaker was charter president 0H1”, Material: (2):?!)
om 6 post withi 0 move ap er 0f Si ' (:0an i e]
, , n two he . 40 gm Delta chi, Moretllll “1°“ 0
I com .. urs Wh - SDX __ _.._—. 0 0th
f plete dwmon can be evac ’t 1le the . and members, UK faculty member er eXpense ..
1 our days. ua ed Withm The G1 guests attended the d‘ I
The remainder of the SOn Celeb Caner—Journal Will help Hend Inner. [ New T(
I I I verted into a Program was con. . rate “5 SCqUiCCHtenH' 1 _6T— . com befc
1 II I I l‘Oundtable drscussion on su h mg eXtm SCCtiOHS Walt Dm by pUthh‘ R0 Ga d (AdluStedl
0 ’ ' 1
I C are trying for at least 100el>ag ear Says they Courier \rfillIZt’t P31311113her Of the Hm“
es. , en t enation 1D to T‘
conve - , a emocra Ca '
1 ntron during the middle of JUIY- P‘tal expendit

 . . l l
. . i i i
AY,1960 l J
i The typical weekly newspaper published 1
- 1,052 pages (all reduced to 160” size) in
e National Newspaper Cost Study ssss and um pee. in isis. it
PS ‘ , Wages and salaries claimed 44 cents of ll:
_ 0 each dollar of income in the 9th annual :‘
lyoglng editor I ”d [cate S Increase I n Total Income study, one and one—half cents less than the E
Shift“; gall ‘ composite paper in the 8th study. Materials E
e . - ii
itucky Hair: An increase in total income for 1959 culation of 3,952, 117 more subscribers 32:11:]: 11562“ cafe; :ZEhnsdeolllSIIhf 3?: i
of 9.1% over 1958 was reported by the than the previous year’s composite, and come about three- uarters of a cent more i
of the Uni“ weekly newspapers participating in the 9th the range of circulation was from 1,100 to than ,th e year befocrle ’ . i
urnalism,aiiei annual National Weekly Newspaper Cost 19,653. These 64 “perfect” reports includes Participants in the Cost Stud are ask— ‘
at at the Uni Study. Expenses increased only 7.6% for 14 semi-weeklies 0r twin—weeklies. Seven ed to report “net income beforye income
1 Chi banqid‘ the same period. of the 64 papers reported a total income taxes (include publisher’s salary and draw— ;
A total of 165 newspapers submitted re— for 1959 of less than these same papers had ings)" and this figure for the 1959 com— . if
[five are sad]; ports for the 9th annual study, according in 1958. posite weekly newspaper was 13% of i
wn newspapm’ to Carl C. Webb, manager of the Oregon Average income per subscriber for the total income However when a “suggeste d E
of cultuieii Newspaper Publishers Association and an composite newspaper was $30.88 in 1959 publisher saléryi, of $7’500 is deducted the ll
. . . . . . . . , , is,
directly to ill assocnite professor iournahsm at the Uni— and $28.31 in 1958. The composrte paper a diuste d net income before income taxes . HE
versity of Oregon, who has done the com- had 13.9 employees and 1959 income of for 1959 was only 6 8% of total income ‘ l
rcusewhichli pilation and analysis for all nine of the $8,757 per employee. This composite paper 0 1 25 f l ' 64 U f . n ' NE 5
:he excuse iii studies. Webb is also chairman of the Cost has 284 subscribers for each employee. f .nly d h 0-“ he] bper efct' dtePé’rti l E; l
in’t have time“ Study committee for both the National Advertising occupied 55.9% of the Elrnis