xt712j685z0t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt712j685z0t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 2017 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumni, vol. 88, no. 4, Winter 2017 text Kentucky Alumni, vol. 88, no. 4, Winter 2017 2017 2017 2019 true xt712j685z0t section xt712j685z0t ' n 7.7
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3‘ “1;, us'Thomas Lewis reimagines W‘ :33: '
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. - e e ratl I lg ._ a l .- WInter 2017 0 Volume 88 o Number4
: : _ Features Thomas Lewis Visited the 1 6 Seeing blue and making a difference
_ _ . new Lewis Honors College A Philanthropy Leadership Council comes together to
- - ' ON THE COVER and LeWiS Hall in September. plan a historic comprehensive fundraising campaign for
‘ ' Photo: Mark Cornelisonl U K PR the university.
: i 1 2 Lewis Honors College: Unique 2 0 Timothy L. Walsh becomes fifth, full-time
: Z \ opportunities for motivated students leader 0f the_UK AlumnI ASSPC'at'Pl‘ _
_ _ " Supported by a $33 million gift from Thomas and Having successfully run two alumni associations in the
- lan Lewis, the Lewis Honors College has its sights SEC, Tim \Vlalsh will draw 011 years of experience to
I set 011 becoming one of the finest honors colleges guide the UK Alumni ASSOCi‘JtiOH-
in the nation. 2 4 . I .
By Robin Roenker Patterson Hall. FIrst women s reSIdence hall
Patterson Hall has been home to many students and was
a r _ ‘ . once led by “a woman of culture and education.”
‘ —— 4 i. _ A . ' l',. . By DeIrdre Scaggs
- —— t . - *2" t ‘
' _ -___ 6; l i ,. -'_...—-;!,'.L1;-.- ‘ -¥r‘-" ' - - " 26 Jomo Thompson and Dawn Walters: Alums
. "'. ".-"" LT i J .- 1‘ - .
—— -_ J .-=.'- :17 -._I: 1 E .J leadIng Cats to great helghts
= ' Pd ' -. 5': 7 : g ' 7 r - ' Two UK grads proudly coach UK cheerleaders and dance
—_ l 1“..- _. ' , '3': fl- . - ; .' I . J " ' team members to be the best in their respective programs.
.. - - - I. T '-'.I- T ' B Hal Morris
UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY , 31’ - I - . y . _
t] . ' 1 I . _ I. __ 5 2 8 Campus transformatlon Includes new
FEDERAL CREDIT UNION a: r L . -- - UniversitvF'ats
L'- ‘17; r _ I} _ _- J_ _ i ' University Flats seives as upperclassmen and graduate
_'.‘r' I .- - ' "3'5. . :r . student housing for 771 residents throughout seven floors.
""'" bk ' " ' fl _. a " ‘. g ' 1 l 30 Scholarships for our deserving UK students!
5’ i . I i If " m Tl l. “44 .! fl \Vle’re rewarding our best and brightest with scholarships
3 I "' _ '_ ' " lg . :-__ '1 ' to defray the costs of achieving their dreams.
- - ——-—- ' __ 1r --
K i _ " _ —-‘i“' 32 UKAlumniAssociation Annual Report
'.' e: _"‘ :_ _ . u... __ __ —_ - _- - _ Through your support, the UK Alumni Association
3 "‘9" . ‘ .. u. _' ' _ benefits alumni with programs and seivices and connects
If i... _ . - -_ - " i ' ' -'- --".".'. -' UK alums to the university.
LeWIs Honors College '
Depa rt ments
' 5 Presidential Conversation 38 Wildcat Sports
6 Pride in Blue 42 Class Notes
8 UK News 48 Career Corner
11 Blue Horizons 52 In l\°lemoi:iam
WWW kf 859 264 4200 34 Alumni Engagement 54 Creative Juices
' u C u 'Org I ' ' 37 College View 55 Retrospect
fill—CUE - LJtIii'ersiI'y rat"
,_ . ueBlue. .1 Kentucky.
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V I} g V m. Kentucky Office's Board of Directors
. - a. w . -‘-'Ilnm.= .-Lw.-i."i.... sum] V Musmn ’84 BE P conege
V I. J. Fritz Skeen ’72 ’7 5 madam Mdleu M ’
Vi I K . 3 BE 7 131 d 7 e cDonald 84AFE ’
. F I entucky Alumnl Magazine gaunyaphfllrps ’87 EN,’04BeE ee'rllrteeasleljrt nAgncultUIe ’ 92 ED
l moth}, L_\)(/315h 7 58(18me er Wmn F. Wfllrarns ’71 AS , Arts 8: S
V V VV VOL 88 NOV 4 I I James Brownlow Bryant ’67 BE 51911595
. 1- , Ker‘tucky Alumni (ISSN 732.5297) is DlsmCt DBUWSS & Economics
V VV ‘ VVV ibellShed quarterly by the Universit of Reggie BIShOP Allen ’06 ’10 BE Jeremy L. Jami ’02 CI
I V ‘ V entucky Alumni Associati ' y J8 By L. ASHBY ’89 CI 7 communication & Info
on, LeXIn ton Rab D Imam)“
V KentUCky for its dues-pa in g , D at Prrce Atkinson )97 CI r. ChfibIdJ. Lowdenback ’99 AS >03 D
‘ V y 9 members. Trig/glam G. Bacon Jr. ’82 ’85 MED L5 Denmtfy E
V A © 201 7 U niversity of Kentucky Alumni Heatl: F iglfiwtag’gig’gs ED mfiEHhOTE’EHDES 7 Dwgn
‘ VV _ . ssociat' I n ’ 28 e ’ ’ ’
PAR () l l . .. low-ME W87
V V In entuck Al ' mes E can 11’ am 3PM ’ ’
I V u
F T E B 2 ‘ .v' -.__ _ 2%" necessarily represent the oginioflnéf‘l: Sham T' calme’ggzg “may“ 7 F135;: EN) 04 BE 7 Engmeemg
. u f" e- ’/ I; itors, the [K Alumni Association nor the REbeCCa E CZUdJfl 7276 ED Balsam R sanders ’72 AS ’76 ED
.. ..... . K731”): - \_ --.,;. University of Kentucky. 1&2er M CEQFOO AS 5 Health smences ’
T E ‘ j I Shvm L_ Coums ’84 EN lSmSEE Clark ’78 GS ’85 LAW Law
. n... 81111011 R Corie ’98 L me A Wfl ’ ’ ’ 7
I I L “I. How To Rea73 FHA rPfiNURrNurSmg
I I O C J b . . :' UKVAlumni ASSociation D Md’m Coyle ’62 BE; ’65 LAW Vacant 713’)th Health mmcy
R ‘ v Vng Alumni House gait “Rob” L_ Crady 1H V94 BE Wfllrs K Bnghtjr. >66 SW , Socral Work
a? ’ ._ . . LeXIngton, KY 40506-01 19 R” dz W15 cumght’OG CI
’ f‘ 1-, . .. ,LJ, Telephone: 859-257-8905 E mEECEhZDW’BS BE glflulm‘mlniTmsmes
V I I. I V V : 800-269-ALUM BI: Nngisbyén EN Cr.1\/L1ch]a3elA. Chrrsuan ’76 AS >80 DE
._-.;-. S” .4. FaX: 859-323—1053 Rabat- ans ZBE’ KB 8 85mm Gmw LCC’ ’79 ED
Mchael G ’ HY gull-1 H ’
Central Bank has never bee h . =._"'l'*- ‘0 .J . i Ema”: ”ka'Umnl@Uky-edu Ausm H Hays >0§Z§E80 81 BE m Guam 93 AS) ’98 ED
Ihe unlm V F n s y lube”! showmg “5 love For :-;'__ ‘ l gid’ILISJ-Lestand93 BE Appointed
l F5 I l I I ’ ’ ’
"Y a KenluclK'i". Now. you can do the some -. . . . .- Ulfldate Your Record D: Frfiegfifigbgfi ’82 DE liailjglifiégfijs 75 LAWDHODOIW
V I V V V V V . 1 ’ ’ 5
With ll": new Conlrul Bank UK Aim-n - v r c d ' .- . . fiifianAllll As’fic'am" :80 M WM ’90 FAZDE MMWHM )gflsmms
I m ”UVV V mnl ouse usanL. L152 slg’8 5 umve Re
H a r , 5 _. ,i - L e 4 wry lauons
WU get so show Your colors as t: praud su -a_- i8: ! eX'neiton, KY 40506-01 l9 Eli/my L' mndon’oo BE $81111 K772 ED ’H‘mmy
UniverSity ol K Ppfiffir oi the fi T I cum K MZthews ’93 AS my B. MONEY ’65 ED 7 Harm
Enluck‘f Alumni Associ i. .. .- eephone:859—257—8800 J8me McKenzeWeHs’sa As. ’86 LA DMWEIRKM’MWAFE My
lectures lik 1“: D on as well as envoy FaX: 859-323—1053 HerbertA WWI- WAS ’76 LAWW ’Phflmlmpy
a it COSI-I bOCk an i T I be V Ema”: Ukalum V GrantT. M115 >09 Ag ’ NlZIlanMoore Sun ’72;
f m w m“ D} S 000 V ‘ W b- nl@uky.edu 1\/latl;hew“1\/latlf’C Bobby C Win S, 76 ED eHonoIZIY
on Yaw firm r h . PDInls e ~WWW.Ukalumni,net ASH ‘ ” IMHM ’93 AS E I taker 58 CI 7 Honor
PU c use and more. And flue mor'u‘! ya l I F She 7;? ston 111’80 BE hzsabfifl’MEdley Few my
0 U” - or du IV V V rry rmngton Moak ’8 5 '50 em Governm
Your card! the E m V p icate mailings | Han 113E entASSOClauon
E Alumni V I - h m V V I p ease send bath nah WEIM er V93 E Vacant eUnrver S
Asmcmrmn banal-“s- Vi ‘ ailing labels to the address above. 311’” MZIk Mlle; £7 DED my angle
. Member of the Counc'l f Ad Tom Lil??? ’06 AS East maidens
I or vanc nya . arson ’91 AS Serge L. Ad“ ’
mo, Blg BI ue! If V and Support of Education ement Ablgml Q PayneS’OS CI Rldmd A B8222; BééBE
to a b. h I I V A girtgdgfiieeples SL ’68 ED Ig/hchaeléA. Burleson ’74PHA
m. V sso‘iation n “me” M pemhlk ’82 B ruce Davrs ’71 LAW
DTP? -; “lb“ lkxfl'flfu “(ht-d . §:,bl'5her/A550Ciate Vice PresideSnE-a'rfi1 th L a???“ gl‘PhElPS ’08 BE E iiitt‘kmE-‘Dms ’73 BE
VISI r . It(Dr/Associate E ' ' ' ' o y .Walsh a es « Ed” D 13:1: ’94 DE lame smith E ’77
you nearest hmlunfl center M ,XeCU‘V'Ve DIVrector:Ji|| Smith .05 ,1 1 Jun A Rummy” ’70 Ag ’72 S Fr H Fem 3112832 BAFE
r _ . Pubnc tVanaging Editor: Linda Perry ’84 I Rabat} Riddle ’HAEE ED DI. Pad E. Femmk ’52 AFEE
I Gra ahViSBS Production Assistant: Hal Morris Sean NI Riddle ’12 Wflhm G. Bangs ’68 AS ’73 LAW
II I“ u p eslgner: Misty Ray Hamilton ’08 {3th D. Ryan >92 95 BE WP. Fnedrlch >71 EN .
_. 2 Brenda Baln ’15: Records D t E Sh P SChZIdem ’02 BE D81] Glpson ’69 EN
VV-V Matthew B I a a ntry Operator Hon Lee seals ’80 (:1 Brenda B. Gosne ’70 HS ’7
V LindorEVe. Computer Support Specialist II Mfly LI She ’81 EN C e Desmegs GIngELED ’
. - Sara—EHZ b a Tumfield; Account Clerk lll George B Spragens ’93 BE JOhnR GUthne ’63 CI CC) 79 ED
g ‘-'-. N: eth Bush ’13:Alumni EngagementCoord' RMChadStaCY’g-EBE AMB- Haney’71AS
1 -. ncy Culp: Administrative Services A ' InatOT Lee H. Stew“ ’92 CI Dam M. Mame ’79 CI
‘- H ' Nathan Darce: Alumni Engagement Coosrsclls'tant MZIY ((KEkee” szormk ’72 BE RDbertE- WEI
cen'fal Bank :i C IV Kelsey VElefthZ: Staff support ASSOC, tinator 1lieese S. Terry Jr. ’64>66 EN John C. Nrchols H >53 BE
are me Francs ’88, ’93 ’02- AI V Ia e eggy T. TudoI >73 >83 NUR, > Dr. George A Ochs IV >
Ja k G I ' ' umni Career Counselor Quenlln R T1 ’02) 07 ED sandm BU P 74DE
Le5|ie Hay c M alltb 84: Associate Director Kendra brazefiwad 05 AEE’ ’11 AS Rabat F 1%: 33825701] ’68 AS
V es: em ershi a d ' ' ' SW01 ’06 ED I C a ’ ’61 EN
CE! T KellyV. Hinkel ’l 1: Marketing gCgmll/lalkvet'rlg Spec'al'St EgiilWW/ms WEbb’OS CI $3013 L. POPE’BWSED
. it HA1 TO ‘r'OlJ John Hoagland ’89' Ass mVunICDatIOnS Coordinator find] 75 BE GaBdBaRatterman’ég EN
V I . OCIate ire t I am Ra ’
Diana Horn 70, ’71: Principal AccouEcht At Large APE Wflhm 8711:7333; fig/E
r Kath Albert Kalim ’03 ’l 6: Webmaster PhflllP D Elder ’86 Band L. Shaken ’66 BE
'I‘Fl'lrw Fm: ryn Kearns 12: Administrat' ' DI. M71381 H. Hm ’8 ’ J-Tlm swat ’BOD
In “1 St I ive Support Assoc t A“ g 9A5) 93 MED ES
V‘ V “V h "M. V "imam: an VR.VKey 72 ED: Program Coordinat la el tome Huffman ’05 CI James w skaHt’éo EN) ’61 BE
WVHVam Raney ’14: House sup at or JanAI: Cobb Prckermg>74 ED Hank B. Thompsonjr. >71 CI
Darlene Simpson: senior Data En" pol N Ella Brown Wilson ’03 >06 AFE >11 ED Myra L. Tobm >62 AFE
Pam Webb: Administrative Servi y PVeTatOT m 0135 D Wflson ’03 AS) ’05 GS) limomzs TUCker ’56 BE
Frances White' Dat E C95 ASSlStant emy R Wflbmtfi. ’60 LAW
V a ntry Operator Elaine A Wilson ’68 SW
chard M Womack ’53 AFE
WWW ukalumni nei 3

 — Presidential Conversation I
'% UniverSity of
Kentucky. Forge our future
Alumni Association More than six years ago, we committed to a bold vision for This effort includes
UK. We asked ourselves what the promise of rirsripizius meant at the expanded and en,
r2131]: Kramer. \V’e committed to think anew about how we rebuild hgnced opportunities
— this campus, increase support for students, reward and retain available through the
our top talent and foster an inclusive campus community. We new Lewis Honors Col,
set those priorities in an economy still reeling from a global lege. Over the last seve
recession iwe committed to doing what was right, even if it effll years, we’ve seen
presented incredibly difficult challenges. exponential growth in
We found a way. Today, we find ourselves surrounded by a students interested in
multibillionedollar infrastructure renewal, top students support, and positioned to 5110 .
ed by double the amount of institutionally funded financial aid, ceed in a robust honors it"-
faculty and staff who are pushing new frontiers in teaching and experience. With the '39:" ._ '_
research, higher and more complex patient volumes, and a more support of Tom Lewis ,5 \ : if
Y U R v I E diverse and inclusive campus community. lWllO is on this edition’s Ii I ' '
At the end of October, we gathered with our board of trust, coveryi and his wife Jan, '
ees to review progress 011 the Strategic Plan for the University and the leadership of
of Kentucky. During 0111‘ meeting, we tOOk 21 deep dive 011 the our inaugural dean, Christian Brady, the Lewis Honors College is
firsteyear student experience, but we are making progress across poised to be a national leader in honors education.
all five strategic objectives to improve: undergraduate education; In October, the university received a transformational $13
graduate education; diversity and inclusivity'. research and dis, million gift from UK graduate and philanthropist Paul Chellgren
CO‘TeIYL fllld seivice and engagement. and his wife Deborah Chellgren to support the Chellgren Center
Over the last academic year, our total enrollment surpassed for Undergraduate Excellence. Like the Lewis Honors College,
VOTE FOR You R ALU M NI RE PRESE NTATIVE 30,760 students. UK set ambitious 2020 targets for firsteyear the Chellgren Center provides students with the opportunity for
retention and sixeyear graduation rates, and we reached record immersive learning through the Chellgren Fellows program and
TO THE UK BOARD OF TRUSTEES levels for both. During the last academic year, we conferred undergraduate research,
more than (3,900 degrees to UK graduates who left our campus Our work is representative of the resolve UK has maintained
The election of a new alumni representative to the University of Kentucky Board PreElfil-eld‘ {films Of I_nelluflg‘mc‘ Pull??? ‘ , “ throughotlt its hiStVOH-l if Shut-90 communal} :0 fise "Tb‘m‘ve .
p 11>12111g the p10V O>t> t0111plllJ1> 0t student >ucce>> 7 challenges, to do what is right for the people we serve. As a 1111.17
of Trustees Will be held in December. As a graduate of the university, your Vote academic success, financial stability, belongingfengagement and versity, with distinctive depth and breadth, we bring invaluable
is important. Your opinion is valued . wellness fwe are taking steps that aid further progress 011 our assets to our students, community and state,
tour, and sixeyear graduation rates. Our intentional approach 1.117 Going forward, we must, in an important sense, renew the
tegrates these values into all of our priorities across the academe compact we have iwith our state and those we seive i to
Watch for your ballot, which Will be distributed by email only. You may go to ic enterprise, further empowering our faculty and student sup, secure the future we want for Kentucky and the world in which
www.uka|umni.net {Update or Call 1 _800_269_25 86 to confirm or update your port Staff to impact the lives and the success of 0111' StlldelltS- our students must succeed when they leave this special place.
. . . . To that end, unmet financial need is one of the biggest i if
email address In order to receive a ballot. Graduates who do not have an email not 2:1 biggest fobsmdes to graduation and to being debt free. Sincerely,
address may call 1-800-269-2586 to request that a printed ballot be mailed. Our research indicates that with as much as $5,000 in unmet ' . a? _
financial need, retention rates drop by 8 percent. Over the next “gig: Q" ‘39,“
. . . . . . . . , few years, UK LEADS iLeveraging Economic Affordability for
Thls IS an opportumty to partlapate In the uanerslty S governance through the Developing Successi will shift more of our institutionally fund Eh C‘JPHOMO
election of a graduate to serVe as an Alumni Trustee on the university's Board of ed aid to address unmet need. We know that moving graduation President
Trustees. Of the 21 seats on the UK Board of Trustees, three are elected by UK and retentlo“ fate? 15 9559““ tor KentUCkYiS economy; once
graduates. They are currently Kelly Sullivan Holland of Lexington (through June Egil‘c‘kelfm [Siding 1 “ .151 to nuke gOOd on 0m P10111109 to
. y mi ies.
30, 201 8), Cammie Deshields Grant of Winchester (through June 30, 2020) and At the same time, immersive and experiential learning posie
Dr. Michael A. Christian of Ashland (through June 30' 2022) tions students to succeed beyond college. The realignment and
creation of the associate provost for Student and Academic
Life further aligns the student experience inside and outside of
Please vote in the Alumni Trustee election when you receive your online ballot. the classroom. Our goal is to leverage classroom learniiigwith
The names of three graduates receiving the highest number of Votes Will be student volunteerism, immersion programs, experiential career
. . . . opportunities and community engagement.
submitted to the governor of Kentucky, who Wlll appornt one of the three to fill
the six-year term to begin July ’I, 2018.
illillli‘illl til aiun'ii’ii net 5

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I PiideinBlue I , ‘ ._ I N; '
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Letter from UKAIumni Association president .‘ - '33” z m —
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iffifl‘m“figmngfsmfifirmfifimmmMmam fl mew-er ccrwinenricwi alumniandrnencizl
mtmmmmum.mmm 0.. «hwmukdhnmmgh For more information or to book a trip today
Gmmhuhcmaflvm\xecokmmdmmimmunmmmmhnmm . . . Warn“...
“Wormwood“.mmmum mommymmmm. W" WW“ka'""'"'-"°""a"°'- a. mm U... .i o...
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 I UK News I
l o o I o o o o o o o o o o
UK Law ralsmg the bar WIth $56 mllllon bulldlng prolect Englneerlng opens $3.5 mllllon Center for Student Success
. In? rim-till 1 . “This project goes beyond a building,” Brennen said. “This UK students in the College of Engineering have a new student Ralph G. Anderson Building. Academic advising, student records
a 19%;} 51 f I project is about coming together and investing in UK Law’s resource, the James and Gay Hardymon Center for Student Suce and career development services are also located in the center.
1- a . :I . ,7 1;”. _ - .19! t? future, the success of its students; its impact on public under, cess. The 9,6007scluareefoot renovation occupies the entire third Hardymon was inducted into the College of Engineering Hall
H‘3‘ - . Y “ ‘1 I'd standing of legal issues and its engagement in law reform. It floor of historic F. Paul Anderson Tower and centralizes essential of Distinction in 1995 and the UK Alumni Association Hall of
'3. 1 It will certainly help us provide a 21st century legal education.” student resources in one convenient location. Alumnus James Distinguished Alumni in 2000. He received an Honorary Doctor
""-1.-_ ._, J The project will significantly update and enhance a building F. Hardymon ’56 ’58 EN, who has given to numerous initiatives of Letters from UK in 2000. I
'3- . "-1- . . . . . .
HE?! ' "' originally constructed in 1965. Plans call for an increase in edue Wlthlh the College Of Engineering and the univerSity, donated the ‘ TT' _ l“: . to
I , ._ ‘ cational space, as well as highetech enhancements to classrooms $35 Imthh necessary for the renovations, as well as eddltIOhe-l __ g . .' |._- , i...- 1 l 'l I I I §
- - and study spaces for law students. The footprint of the college funding toward an endowment for the colleges undergraduate . - -I ‘1 -I ‘ l- ' I i. ' . §
...._.._.. F will expand by 26 percent to 122,513 square feet. A new main research and education abroad PtOnghS- . . . L.”I ' -l I _ . l '- : '_'. E
entrance with a porch facing Memorial Hall will be constructed, We are changing the WAY StUdehtS leaIrn, said President Eh d; ‘. 'r _ -— l- _ - - - E
UK President Eli Capilouto and UK Law Dean David A. Brennen improving the gateway to the university Capilouto at the opening. “Together finside and outside the I - - . u,’ g
were joined by students, faculty, staff, donors and alumni in Some highlights of the new law building include a modernized classroom i that is what is captured in this space. We are not just . . ‘ - - l ‘ .' I“ i E
unveiling details of the $56 million building renovation and 185 d . d f al . . transforming this place we’re transforming the way we interact 1 ‘., 11+.” '- _£%-. ’7 ._ - s
expansion project. Pictured from left to right: Professor Mary _ eseat moot courtroom Iesigne or or argument tra1ning, 'th d d th ) . . th C alth ,, .rf- -- |-‘ -' \ .. - - ' . 9 §
J. Davis; Anna M. Bacon-Tinsley ’91 LAW;John T. McGarvey '70 live appellate court proceedings, large lectures and conferences; W1 stu ents an e way we .a re impacting e ommonwe . ' r’h‘ . I Q ‘4' T' E
AS, ’73 LAW; former Gov. Steven L. Beshear ’66 AS, ’68 LAW; 11 new classrooms; more than 20 collaborative study or breakout The center features academic tuItoring from the Tau Beta P1 ( I ' . "i" -. ' h -" , b
Capilouto; Brennen; Secretary of the Kentucky Cabinet for rooms; and a new third floor with three classrooms convertible honor soc1ety, as well as presentation guidance in the Elbert C. ‘tt i "- -‘ ' . I .‘ E
Health and Family ServicesVickieYates Brown Glisson; and into one large multipurpose room, able to accommodate from Ray eStudio, which had formerly been on the first floor of the 3 ' i
thlrd-year law student Katelyn Brown. .
150 , 400 people. The space Will also open onto a roof terrace
The UK College of Law held a ceremonial groundbreaking on offering spectacular views of Memorial Hall and caInpus. . o o .
Mandrell Hall’s front lawn, across the street from the Law Build, The architects are Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates of New U K college of Deslg n expa nds Into Lo u ISVI I I e
ing, now undergoing construction. UK President Eli Capilouto York and Sherman Carter Barnhart of Lexington. The cone I I I
and UK Law Dean David A. Brennen were joined by students, struction manager is CongletoneHacker Co. of Lexington. Cone . « I‘ll—I l immerses UK SChOOl Of Architecture students 111 21 targeted Y€t
faculty, staff, donors and alumni in unveiling details of the $56 struction on the law building began in midJuly The timetable _""_-w"-. -II. I ' I T_ I underdeveloped cemumty. I I
million building renovation and expansion project. calls for completion of the project by fall 2019. l i ' ' 7_ 1‘ 3 l “At theIUniversity Of Kentucky, we know that weflimg In
The college revealed the architectural plans, as well as launched To stay informed about the latest news or to watch the first a: __ f ' '- ' ! partnership 15 the best WAY t0 tthtOhh communities and hhfih
its new building campaign, “Raising the Bar, Together.” building video update, visit wwwlawukyeduzraisinghebar. I E . i " — .55; h ' l ' our commitment to the Commonwealth,” said UK President Eli
b - - ~- ,' I] - ,- i , Capilouto. “This studio leverages the talent of our faculty and
\ - . l r; u . 3. Lo . . . . . . . .
§ ' ' --.-.-'.’ .. _ ll ll ’._ L _ _ . a students with the infrastructure to engage in this disc1pline and
eff-'1‘" r' " "6"!“ 'ththPtld 'It'd tti fth‘
. o o E I .Jv {1 In” I. I_ . I. . | . I‘EI- _ w1 Ie or an community. isa IemonIs ra ono e power
Glft WIII boost UK Food ScIence for years to come v l _ r .J-h ofwe; thewconfirmtoPropelthlsmstlmontobemong
“g g J _ I "‘— l - - -— the very best in the country and world.”
A recent gift of more than ll?) 1 million will bolster scholar I E 'll I — fl Having this in situ perspective allows students to physically
' 7 E - work in the environment while en ' with the residents, come
ships for budding food scientists at the UK College of Agricule i ' - - - t' d th k gaging t dd th d
Food and Environment munity organiza ions an 0 er ey groups 0 a ress e nee s
tuie, f h 1 t h t d d f d . . In partnership with the city of Louisville and Portland Invest, Of the area.
E n Elgmoryjflf erd aDe us 2f a3, 9;: Silcllzlczplilnier _ - V. _ ment Initiative, the UK College of Design will host its first satele Currently titled Studio Louisville, this is just the first iteration
thra f empI (j; ’ onga d0: 8 gidw nh SC ofareth ' -j,"_- . lite studio on the west side of Louisville beginning this fall. of this popeup studio approach, which will be led by Associate
:7 1P5 Oghhtuergm lite 1:111 ghm Chfte stu tint: eIéltC yeah or de 1;” After meeting with Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer and le' Professor David Biagi. Future plans are to migrate to new cities
0:656:31 et ture. IS ’ S e ose to n t ree un ergra 7 t . _ I .' founder Gill Holland in Spfiflg 2016) Dean Mitzi Vernon set the with a need for community transformation and to incorporate the
uaaeIts elf; S'd t t h 1 hi f d . f d . Il'lt- ' \ wheels in motion for the inaugural “studio away” experience that college’s other programs in the efforts. I
was is ream 0 se up a sc 0 ars p un in 00 sCie ..-...
ence,” she said. “He talked about this for years, and he left me I g
in a situation where I could do it. I ho e these students end u h": 3’ ° ° ° °
mmwflmc,immfld. P P .. __ g UK recognlzed as a DIverSIty Champlon
Demp Alford spent many years working for Brown and - --; Q ° ° °
WilliaInson Tobacco, where he contributed to several patents. _ t. _ . .1: § by In 5'9 ht I “to D lvers lty
I I ' '3'. I III' 1-" ' .7 . . . . . .
Aft; taking earlIy rinrfemegt ezge 34’ hte worlie: fort a few h' t— ' “\Mfi- § Insight Into Diversity magaZine has recognized UK as one of goals, and develops successful strategies that serve as models of
Em er Cfmthmm; e or: defilill rtig 0.561711de 2i ora ory 131:5 - - i 15 Diverslty Champion colleges and univerSities in the nation. Die excellence for other hlgher education institutions.”
aiimh'end wtheIre 281270: e ime m 00 science cons ing tud t Th fi tth ch 1 h' . . t h . versity Champions exemplify an unyielding commitment to diver, Fifteen colleges and universities across the nation have re,
unD 15 if 12 'd h 'th th h th 1d Sul $1:th e Nt:k reeEsh If its flareclplil S WET/[C IgserZiIin sity and inclusion throughout their campus communities, across ceived the Diversity Champion designation. Selected institutions
hel OtrllitemcolleOte £2111: :fliaj:t:;1 the :fiogist :Otggigtjf: £431“ :3; aBtie‘ittan Ofidkinsr bfthoo f fiigtinm- C en e academic programs and at the highest administrative levels. ranked in the top tier of the Higher Education Excellence in
P g g Y ’ ' “UK is a visionary leader among campus communities striving Diversity (HEED) Award recipients. The HEED Award is pre
for diversity and inclusion,” said Lenore Pearlstein, publisher sented annually by Insight Into Diversity to recognize colleges
of Insight Into Diversity “As a Diversity Champion school, and universities that are dedicated to creating a diverse and in,
UK exceeds everyday expectations, often eclipsing even its own clusive campus environment. I
8 Winter 2017 wwwukalumm net 9

 I UK News I I Blue Horizons I
. . o o 0
Car sharlng now avallable on campus $3.3 mllllon grant to study braln health
Jim 1- .. . (I! I for members of the campus community who do not have their A team of researchers led by Professor Suzanne Segerstrom said. “\X/e hope to demonstrate that as the mind and the ime
In if. Elpca r5 . -, _ own car or only need one on campus intermittently of the UK Department of Psychology has received a $3.3 mile mune system ‘talk’ to each other, there are consequences for
' i ‘ _ , ', I Two vehicles are available, a Ford Escape and a Ford Focus. lion grant from the National Institute on Aging to continue its the brain. If that’s true, improving psychological and immunoe
'7. h I' I The Zipcars have designated parking spots located in the Wood, study of healthy aging The “Thought, Stress, and Immunity” logical health could improve brain health and reduce the risk
.. 51'3"" m ‘fi— 1 .- I land Avenue Lot and on Martin Luther King Boulevard for con study has been investigating the interactions between psycho, for neurological diseases as people get older.”
Q, ' -—'-'-, .L ' _ _ _ .- venient ickeu and return logical and immunological health among older adults s1nce Collaborators assoc1ated With the study include faculty from
S __- -- ‘ _ '__ _ I'D—i. UK P b P . . f ' $15 'th t t t' 1 2001. Over the next five years, the study will expand to include the UK College of Medicine, UK College of Arts and Sciences,
if) . -' ‘ I _ 1"- .— _ _ 7 50 met; ers CZH 239m 0rd 2:1 it e; S M ing as 0:] as '11 brain health. UK College of Health Sciences, UK College of Public Health
E L l ' I , ll ' per our an ll pier ay. tert e rst year, mem ers W1 “Infections and products of the immune system are being and the Pennsylvania State University Department of Psychole
§ '1 =- pay an annual membership fee of $25. Gas, maintenance, insure recognized as important drivers of brain aging,” Segerstrom ogy. I
§ _ U -...____-q= . ance and up to 180 miles of driving per day are included in Zip,
e ‘ I‘m. --.___v_ / car rates. Students can join online and make reservations either
” -. ‘-— ‘7' on the website or throu h Zi cafs mobile a . ° ° °
& a? ,. < _ g .P PP $6 mllllon award for rare earth element recovery pllot plant