xt712j685w7t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt712j685w7t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1910-11-10 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 10, November 10, 1910 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 10, November 10, 1910 1910 1910-11-10 2015 true xt712j685w7t section xt712j685w7t Best Copy Available
IS gp ma amron nw }
  -- I11V€1‘SltY of K€HtUCkY =
 —··—-l··;··*;;j;;;;T";‘;‘j;‘j_i """’Lj. "i.TTA"`;Z‘TT;' Z *1. ' .. J" ..IL`. %
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V ~» Vol. III · LEXINGTON, KY., NOVEMBER 10, 1910 No. [0  
  '  —--'_"" "*'_"""' ""_"_`;";`_;"—T;`
    . e   .
9* Remember Our Advertlsers
The ball was put in play on Ten- vzmced the ball eight yards by end
·‘ · · · · s l nessee’s twenty-yard line and they run, live more by a line play and ten
r   6   made an end run for twenty yards and yards around right end and then punt-
._ a plunge for eight through State’s ed twenty yards. Tennessee returned
  line. After two plays which netted a the ball eight yards. A right end run
  ‘ "_—-—_1`_ . loss the ball went over to State on took the ball ten yards nearer State’s
BI-IANKLIN INDIVIDUAL STAR. Game In Detail. downs and a fumble gave the ball to goal and then they were penalized
—— »·~~~~··g to       T 8““€     ‘L“‘i..’;?3 EFI.; 2i.E§°‘;.. "¥§§.i‘;;..‘?§‘“i.“§. ...f§° 322
Amr °’ h°°”° and spirited bunch migamckm :ft;u,w8; T; fgggzggsee and then another gained eight yards when they_1umbled but recovered lt.
°f students had len for than respect. _ ermm .y C Bd 0 but Tennessee punted to the center of Gaiser tackled Cole eight yards be-
ive domlciles and after Coach Sweet- 81 3-04 0¢l0<>k. Sll¤·¤kU¤ kl¢kl¤S l—° .
’ . the fleld. State returned the ball ten hind the line and Tennessee punted.
umd had missed the tram the squad Twnesseos me-yard Imc. Exim tgok yards and at this point Tennessee State gained ten. eight and ten
reprunting our University were pun` thcsbau uva ym`dsTmd in an. F; psy: was penalized for offslde. State went yards, ln three consecutive plays, and
°d out °f the Q' md C' Dopot in their the ban went D0 enngsselg? HL; through Tennessee’s line for ten yards then Shanklin took the ball fifteen
special car Thanh, md Busted on uva yard mm Hem S an D pun and fumbled but regained the ball and yards around the end to Tennessee’s
their way to Ku°xvm8’ They arrived to me center of me new and iarazise- then Shanklin ran through the cen- twelve-yard line from where S-hanklin
°h°r° we f°u°wmg m°mm8’ and took covered me ban. Time Out. a us ter of Tennessee’s line for twelve carried the ball over for the first touch-
up their quarter, at the Imperigj took the ball around right end for ten yards down. No goal.
H°“’1· A 8°°s °'°wd “°°°mp°‘°*°° yard" tim ihmkgnuamuugtgm 5;; Watkins made three successive runs, Kentucky kicked on to T`§1§?Z;.§
the team and smwdsd the cu so that en? to wen yyar nel E two left end runs and one through the gortyqve yards and Tennessee punted
it msde it wry m°°l"°°i°m’ fm. mu. bal on downs` line for five yards, three yards and twenty yards and grate returned the
m°n' The squad indulged in light Tmmessee lea mu yards in th° mst UVB Y¤l'd¤ l'6$D9¢UV€lY· Sl18·¤kll¤ ball to Tennessee’s ten—yard llnewhere
“g““1 p""‘°"°°s in uw m°"““s and Play and p““*°d ’°"'*Y "‘“'d“ ‘° K°”' again circled left end for twelve yards State was held ser downs. Tennessee
"msd uw "`°°°°r put °t th° dal" t“°kY· "h° ’°“m'b]°d but "°°`°"°"°d the and another five yards S¤l¤ b¤‘¤¤8l1¤ punted tblrty yards and ball was re-
Th° mm d'·Y th°Y p1°·Y°d the guns bell- MOBWY Gul ef the 88-me im the ball to Tennessee’s twenty·yard turned ten yards. A rlght end run
is "°"Y ‘“s°·g"°"“‘bl° Wsslhsn °° ° T°m'Pkl¤“ in his place- stats p““l·°d line. Here State tried another place brought the ball to Tennessee’s thirty-
soggy ssld and on '8° Held whose South fortynuve yards and Tennessee fumbled klCk bllt lt failed- Y8.l'd ll¤€. Watkins lost HUGO!) )’3.I‘dS
goal was partly uphill; Lim°st°°° the ban but recovered it" T°““°ss°° Thé ball was Put in D]!-Y again on {OT State ln 811 Rltémptéd €I1d l‘l1I1 8Ild
psbblss w°"° is °‘b“°d°‘°°° su °v°r thm gained s"'° Yards and- the ssl] the twenty-me yard ll¤e and two ball went to Tennessee on downs on
uw Playin! t°""ll*°l`Y (ls T°¤¤°ss°°" WM 0¤ the lW€¤lY·Y¤·¤`d lim wd was plays netted successfully ten and eight rerty-yard line. Tennessee made ten
grldlren, and yet with lt all. our War- there lost on downs. State then l0¤l yards for Tennessee. A forward pass yards through State’s line and then
riots triumphed le the tune not 10`0' l-hg bell on 8· fumble and Tennessee added [0111* IDOPG, but ball went to Slat-6 pl.lI1*€d I'9COV€l‘lI1g the ball on 8. fllI1lblO.
THE IDEA wishes to thank Mr. made no gain on a plunge but the on downs, state made an eleven yard Webb captured Tennessee’s forward
Phipps. Te¤¤e¤see’¤ M¤¤¤8¤¤'» f<>1‘ the next play advanced the will elsht gain tnreugn the line but State fumb- pass, but their flrst attempt failed to
kl¤d¤°¤¤ °h°“’¤ l° °“" “gg"°g““°“· Y¤¤‘1¤¤°· The ust to ¤¤¤·l> the bell ¤¤'· hook or crook. simply had to go and rl? 
]d€u_ yard line. A message said "Some see our boys pull on another v1ctm·y_ ".yg ’ 
fighting much slugging," ——-———-·———     ij 
Now is the time to Sec Tennessee gained seven yards Md "DOPE," — $ 
pnnted, but Glltner fumbled. still its- ··—- C ts' Wall Pa and st°v“° |  
Rudolf F- Roscnbnur turned the hall ten yards. A series of In order that me renders; of THE   I  
'I HE TAILOR punts brought the ball to TenneSSee`S IDEA may have an opportunity of com-  
-for—— thirtx-yard line in her llOSSC$SiO’}• During from time to time the work of A· K· ADOOGK  
Electric, Steam and Dry C!¢¤•¤l¤: (lnisrr got T<—nnessee’s forward pass the asplrants of the- S. l. A, A. Cham- GIGARS and TOBACCO  
W0rk•· . and Shanklln carried the ball around pionshlp we will publish the results Y V _ V  
Ladl¢8’ GBTMQNYO 3 $P¢¢l¤|iY· the and twenty yards to Tennessee ’# of their games en.ch·week. The fol- , WIBSLOW & S' LIME  
330 W¢8f Sheri $*¥‘¢¢i- ten-yard line. Wrangling over a do- lowing is Srrturdays results; L€Xi¤8t°¤» - · ‘ ‘ K¢¤t¤¢kY ` ° 
F¤Y¢’¢i¤ Ph¤¤¢ 485- \-¤Xi¤9*°’*· KY- vision. State failed on downs and Auburn 16, Georgia. Tgchu 0; Un;.    
._.:;..,;;Tj;._Ti.:,_.:T:_.T.__T_..—·— Tennessee pnnted and State returned versity of Texas, 1; Baylor, 0 (fm-- \*"
Qxll- ads for mh want column hall fifteen yards. Tennessee penai· feltedl; lxlisslsgippi A_ & M_ jo Tu-      
should be addresseddo the Business i7°dtt°Th¥a"‘t? *`<1§]v‘;?¤s1i¤;s;\\;t;<3¤:a ginei 0:1 ;a;1derl>llt 22. Louisiana 0;; "TM Tailor That S¤tl¤¤€8”  
Manager Or The mea, mts East Max- ‘#"“ ’_°{‘=`*_‘ _" “° ° ·’ _· j°“ S, " ‘°’S“’ “· “[*SS°“’* Stale STEAM _ and DRY CLEANING,  
well PHC? ten cents per Count Img yards tn six-yard lme. ltniyersits. 0: Sewanee ln, Georgia 12, tj
, ` . U End of quarter. Score, Kentucky 5: _ _______L___ 159 Sguth [jmggtgng  ~Y
l\ ~ . h t ' 1 t d.  =*_
O hs; t an M) mes accep 9 Tennessee 0. Ball in St¤t¤"S D0SS0S· 31; Lgugs SA-y·URDAy_    .2
 ;"’1`f"‘j;T;`;;;fi Sifln OH T€Illl€‘SS€€`S $iX'yaT`d line and        
first. down. A- g . -5: 
TEXT-BOOKS v HARD CONTEST LOOKED FgR_ }*1rst (lass Lllll(Bll and  
Fourth Quarter. Hot TMCMS 1
PENNANTS, POSTERS Tennessee hold State for downs and Thursday qt n_2;`p m our Cham AT AIATJ I1O‘UI{S - 5 
. *|*~(·nngss€€ punted, Shanklm made a pious leave Over the Louisville South- A_ B_ `Bl1_R1£ETT I Q 
S"`A"‘°"E“Y "‘g gm *{’°"‘“’ right "“" wd State em. in men- special car, for SL Cor. S.L1mf the field- A Series Of plays Gd for 8 er `com IS wk' OVW KiYbY'¤ T¢¤ Cent Stcre L`
I and a fifteen-yard penalty for hold- 'Am` h qt I .   1
V •·~ · ` i` S t .
Lexington, Ky. ing by State found the ball back at the Temlgg; our   2a;2n§;; pmni _ E`!
  center of the field. _ ` _ Y A ’ 1     at
New Phone 621x Old Phone 617_3 ing better together and they too. will , ., ,_;·
state punted thirty yards but Ten- but up a hmm, game Saturday 1CIn CRl1.;\M PARLOR jr
""E‘·°H & MURRAY   i““°‘} “’ Fl S1 "“";i“.;°           in AND LUNCH STAND  
PRINTING b TIG} 'sgrnejss 6;) ?;;9;°`u;d un; a body to witness the game and cheer qouth Lime and W. I S it
, -' L _».¤
Rush Work a Specialty a _ ° n 6 ~ the lads from the Bluegrass on to vic- _ ms Ow treat. `=}:v
140-146 Scuth Llmcmnc amd State was h‘”ldh;;"` Sd°w‘“;· :;*3 wry. coach sweenana has not an-  
Lexington Kentucky- nesee punted and w e tate um: e d h m · 5 t _  
the punt still Giltner recovered the Zggugg W`; gagvnot csgglgzig Stfslesqugg J J` FITZGERALD Q  
ball and returned it fifteen yards. ` PLUMBING l E"
  W bb t th h f f d the regulars are in good condition with kg
Sh‘;nkli:°;r0un:1°"5l€ gd     the excspnon or Threlkeld who ls ger- 8*°°·m wd W¤·'><¤' H¤¤·t»i¤8 , U _
ti 1 l .1, 269. W. Sl rt - - ° Z,
  S and another place kick was tried but H; 8;:51; ii; Saturda defeated I0 , Lexmgtonl KF `  
gwwapi ublocgidt and gdabbt- mcmtergd MiS€t>¤¤‘i State University, );;.0_ so Om, IN `  
, a . a e m e our yar s can understand juét what kind of an K KEAD COAL COMPANY { set;
OW Ing EYS E;’l‘;“g;‘u;“$h"“:n;';d:;;°mfQ1§;‘;l“d"‘“;§ aggregation our team is fighting on OTFICE and nun- {  
,| 5
C ev I r me ia It gives them something to remember Nm 157 N_ Brgadwgm . Jl};
_ S"‘““‘““ ’°“’ ‘*’°" “· °‘" Y K * ‘° and shows our athletes am we ap. RA L , , st;]
    Limestone the temyud mm preciate all t*heir efforts. I ROAD YARD_C` S' Frmght D°° { Mi"
Darkness pprevented the plays being 5:25 p_ m_ Thursday, Q_ & C_ Depot Wt. S- B¤'0¤dW¤y and Christy Sts.  
remrded but ln the last few minutes   _ V,.
of play State emerged from the gloom GAME IN {lv
neun. nemo an flng Q.n]].·  
‘ ith th t hd .· , d b *
Nev E<1¤¤vm¤¤t X hank i   Sim.  .‘;l»‘;. i‘.‘;‘2;$. ..1   .  
' goal °°“ld be m°?{°d‘ i The returns from the ffennessee 119 south Upper SL ,
Score, State 10. Tenntssee, 0. ,.
game were heard in Chapel, Saturday Lexington, _ , _ _ Kentucky V ;
A Place {Or Gentlemen $¤m•‘¤|f‘¥· afternoon by over 250 Interested aud-  
Considering the game on the whole itors. The success of this plan demon- · _-Ii-;’-' '-° 5.
it was a very poor exhibition of foot- strates that State University stands M B .  
"-‘-* ball but good playing and plays oc- for enterprise and progress. Every • •   _~l:{>
curred ln spots. Bryant Shanklln detail of the game was heard. As 2:1
. . _, made both touchdowns and was the Soon as the play was reeled ori, the  
we are Ffwnds Ol '}“’_U""’°'°**Y individual star of the game. For audltorial spectators ln Chapel heard   tl`,
Let S GCI Acquamled Tennessee, Francis. Lathem, Cole, it and at times the enthusiasm ran so En
Young, and Tompkins starred. The high that it was with ditllculty the 205 Merrick Lodge Buildiuu.  
, Q  

 W » THE IDEA zz
A ; ——— -—-- ————-—————————-i- operator could interpret the messggo our team defeated last week to the
!._. p _ ” S All credit for thlsp enterprise must be time of 33 to H, dltl not represent
T· T, " givn to Mr. B. M. Smarr, Senior the Kentucky University ns was sched-
.{, Nia h rl .1, h rl In tod th - ulel ln th.· first issue ot' th B tt·ll 1,
A A   thegtfa   gzlvg Z]: snip-{rl: 4;;;:; tr hs wz1s‘glve·n in the zvccgtrnz ot  
  _ · ‘ ,\ _ t ’ _ ` towztrtln its success. Kuuw in last wvekis issuv. This team
  I Bear ih mind that the Lex- p.·,,y_ Wusm annnuncpd {he returns of plucky players canw from the Tran- \
; .· jnmon Drug C0 is the most and illustrated by a diagram the field Sylvania l ulvt rsity, a ¤`m*‘¤`l>' tht? 'l`FH¤M}‘lvania Uni- · ·|9§ru$bIgb‘ ’ ` " 2%m.nm¤
  f0l'flIlflti0H   be gl`8.llt€d 'joyame (mc" vprsity was known as the "K"""*“"kY The  C  
i   you, ·I\nd that it is the place : 5ext Saturday, we wil! have another V1l1V0!`S1t}'" und was so often confused w
I}; {0 buy your ·‘ I if SDPCMI Wife to St. Louls. Everybody with the Stat" Vpiversity of Kentucky, Notch   ·
{   ‘ ~ · i come and h€&r the l`*`tlll`llS· And those uml was i"‘1‘“""l to Cllallge its name {Of ‘  
1 `·. SODA WATER who went _Saturday, and see how they "T¥`a"S5']l’ml13" to ¥l"*>1(1 this **l¤·l W` mfidf? this  
- . PENCILS and tlmgiusm going, whi]g the tganfs error naturally, and are glad to correct . 2Q2.\,V€S(; Main
t` ‘ _   ‘ away. The admission is only charged i*·" KQDAK p]Nj[3Hj[NG
  STATIOQJERY. ·_ 'to pay the cost pf the wire. Not many WP HTG glad that the Battalion has · AND ]_>H()'_[‘()3_
  H · '· l of Pattrrsoxt Hall girls were in evl- rhode that €<>l'¥`*‘€ti<>¤- WV? HP0 SUYFY Bring your Kodak t1‘0'l1b16 to IBB.
ix Wh 111 also CUSII yOll·I' Cll9CkS donce, Come out and show school ttlflt tht? illlStHkt’ hHl>|1€*ll€d. and Call  
s . * ‘ . . ,
    'tllGXltlI'€   (dome 111 I spirip This ig, in gl] pr.m¢•},{lity, the See ltow vastly nt could he done. It ts   &  
or |· all WC l·Vl 1 C€1t3»Ul]y_dO»'th€ lgmr gnmp of foot-ball, with the oxcvp- tl`\lt* tllilt Sill Kt*lllllCkS' ft‘3.IllS HP0 _
  | b(‘St2 WS CHD {OF ytlll. V mln Of '|`h;;nkSgjvjug_ phy, n hy our pluckv hut none so plucky as our It Hm “"m Z" mw pa"` Of Shoes go
Q ` R·(`“PC‘l*tfllllY» team this year, and you want to he tpum. \V<· haw- the best conch in to the Shoe dealém It you mlm your
_ _ · ' •(. `|
  therv, }{?lllf’Hll)Pl', 3:0*) o`clt;(·k ut »\lll€‘l`1f‘il. Hlld through h1s excellent ”h0§S repau (‘ go to Honaker the Shoe
  • ,. _ . H ,   _ .\ . ._ _ .- , . . lllil et'.
Eé       (_ul,(]_ No “.h(.rH.d Math work ut hopt to um the (hampton- » _ _‘ _
. ' . V- __T` —_ ghil) Of thp Suuthl   South  
  l - -___.___.._ "Nl'l·`l·` SAIl>."
__ » A 4 ,
  _ _ _ l11Ul‘t* j0lll'll¢*}·‘<‘d into forvigu territory UMBLINGS   & CO.
L   Phoenix H¤t<>1 Bu11d1n8`· uml. by (l(·)l`(‘ll[lIlg` the Uxnivsrsity of " '
  -i-i—j ————-—— Tl.`llll€H>(`(’, havo added dxxollwr laurel SUNG l" T*m¤*`SS*‘*‘ °’· H0ME·MADE CANDY
Q.   to their crown of victory. They were Sl- Louis NOK'- _ _ _ _ _ ) , V
t·   ul); .t\I][i]'Ql)' u[]f;][]]i]|;]_]" h()\V( \’g·l‘, \\'it]] Br}-unt Shtl11kl111· Still`. ('lld YUHS H   ]"\ I4lI\F  
JA ` their battle ground and its tlet'e¤11<1e1·s, Sl*€‘°i1i1t>'. 1W E39 lltuu Dt-
 § fm, they m,m,mh€r Uthpl. hm·d_yOught The firm of 'l`hrt·lkeld amd Shaukliu  
si • · but‘les with them on their field and M9 *¤l`t‘ ¤¤‘¢>l1l1}u}’·‘3D€1‘ SMS OU! twill WGH by
t   whatever the result, St. Louis will Spirit and grit. We stty, we won be-
t :·,>| . . _
_ realize that a GAME has been played. CUUSS of b9ttt‘l‘ playlilg Hlld Sup€I‘101 L d H 1
’ W-! (I0 I.•   Om- ··wi]d Catsu gpc going up knowledge ofthe game.    
  against A tough proposition but l¤·t‘s C9lltI`il1 beat Tmnsylvulliu 27 to 0,    
‘ ,· send them on in royal manner *0 mid we may play '1`1‘M1S>'lVZ111i8-
;. another victory. Let’s give them such SSWRUGP put Gfofgia out of the Puu- Th I _ ll M `h _ l _ rt n
a hearty demonstration of our loyal nlug Sutufday. 15-12. ’ e on y hrst c .ts> S op IH .€X1flg_ 0
th • support as they have never had be- We missed thI‘€<* Place kicks and Xalc Pompuduur?Spe?u}lty` , .
tf , B. PO'I`b(,H, lropnetor
, fore. We are with them body aud both tiles ut goal ki¢kS.
’ I"p°"t°" and Dwler m soul but 1et’s always keep them re- Saturday St. Louis and then maybe
‘ CHINA CUT GLASS, SILVER BRASS mmded or the fact, and they must go '1`rau¤y1vauin uml then. "0h. you
1 to their batt1e¤ with the greatest spirit Thmtksgivirtz tiny" P E E R I E S S
_ AND PLATED WARE. and eamesmpss possiblo The "scrubs" ure giving the team
-.....1._..... good hard practice and the whole
1.;, LAMPS ELECTR0LIERS’FA“NCY The following is at clippping from school appreciates the fact that the I A l I N D R Y
" DISHES NOVELTYS &C. the Battalion; "5(rrub5" ure v•_>\‘y Illllv ht’ZlI‘d Of.
_" ` AggUT THE |(ENTU¢|(|AN$, \Ve appreciate the work done by them _ ` V T _ST
- 117 W MAIN New Ph0¤6 985 ..-- and will at some future time show B1`·bT   h
EQ? YOUR TRADE SOUCTTED "The Kentucky foot-ball teuxn which our appreciation. W· V- WH·$UN· AG'?
· I

"“· 'DEA s Colle c Fl s
Published eve,·y Thursday by the student body or State University of Kentucky.   g ag I
for the benefit of the student?. the faculty and alumnae of that • •
nat tu tion.  
THE IDEA is the official newspaper of the University, and is issued wekly   A
during the college year. Its chief object is to give the college news of Kentucky.     4
In addition thereto it gives items of interest concerlng other universities and
colleges in the United States and Canada.,   '
Enterred at Lexington Post Othceas second clam mail matter.   In newegt dQ§ig|l§ and j- ' A
0. E. BAIRD. Editor-in-cme; . . . sizcso nt prices from =
g. Iw,M}•L·~$;LEY ..................................... . .......... Assistant manor OHGTS fféé twfwn 111 all d9P¤i't·‘ {
. .. . .......... . ..................... . ......... . ....... Athi
E. 1,. Bmcxmn ........ . ..... ° ...... , .......... . ........ Assistant Athhggzc   Qenm ‘?c°Y§_L}?WSt§ qadugws °f I 0 4 ·
Busmtss STAFF entucdy ig c E0 SFW 0 are c   • .
_ s. c. rzmsmwr, Business Manuel- PTQPBTG to €¤*£1‘ t 9 mshmm
F. L. MARX, Asst. Business Manager. J. B. SANDERS, Asst. Adv. Mgr. Class. · t `
mso. SLADE, Advertising manger. w. A. tummy. Am. sub. Mgr. Each county in the State is on- Now on display at I
V. L. DOWNING, Subscription Mgr. E. J. KOHN, Asst. Sub. Mgr. titled to send FREE of tuition, "
  matriculation, laboratory and oth-
This issue of The Idea was pre- The next issue ot The Idea will be cl. fees, Om, or more appointees. I
pared by the following members of prepared by the following members of Necessary expenses moderate 6 \ 4 1
The Idea Stall: The Idea Staff: F f H .nf . d. ` i
J. c. Lewis. rt. A. Bam). Q" mu ‘ Orman? “’§‘“` mg ,_
N. G. Rochester. S. W. JACKSON. agpsgn des- t;’°“"S°Sl 0 Stu Y· °°“t
M. M. Harrison. WM. Collins. O a3A§H5éagp %V;'I0ITE
Virgil Babbage. R. B. S'habinsky. ‘ A t'. P ki nt _
Miss wnnams. Miss Mama Cary. C mg .""·” e · L
Lexington, Ky. ,
The Hustler, a paper from Vander- cated, one of their own race that can The College M3H,S Out-
bilt University. has a lengthy article till the place as well as a negro.   fitterg from Head _`·
headed "Hot race for Championship" Boston is noted for its learning and to Foot ~
in which it discusses the Champi0Y1`· it should be considered a shame on the 1
¤¤1¤·" ¤1*»>’· as ***11 as the Sim 0* Mme The Place the Styles Duma From  
It says that there are "iive unde- chusetts. that a negro is the best man 1
feated terms trying for Champion- they can put up for an Assistant At-
ghlp," Quoting the exact Words, "At torney-General. But it seems as if     I I". E  
least tive teams within S. I. A. A. they do not think so, for it was only ’
ranks are yet undefeated—Y’8¤d€Tbilt, recently that a negro was given the   M ’ ,
Sewanee, Georgia, Auburn Mid @6011:18. Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford. Eng- 7HE COLLEGE AN S STORE
Technical Institute. Looking at the lam}, fron) Massachusetts Chu L_ smtm.98 __ _ _ Mm"', ·'
results these tive elevens ‘h&V€ ham- The people up North talk about   for the Genuine if
mered out of their opponents. there breaking up the solid South but if
isn’t; any difference at a-ll. But from that is what they mean, God forbid   iv,
other standpoints. a guess at th€ Out- that it shall ever be broken. VVhy not     & C0. i
€0111€. U1011gh by ¤0 m93¤$ C€¥`t&i¤· talk about the solid North, Was that   You \\7ant
might be worth while." not done for a political scheme? Was _ —--—
We would like to know of V8¤d€1'- it not alone to unite a political party Printed Miitwr _
bilt how she counts us out of the of Massachusetts against a candidate Whic}1 Com els Attelltion LEXINGTONS
Championship race. D€1‘h8-DS if WG for Governor who opposes Mr. Taft’s p h t GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE .
should meet her on the gridiron, we views? We know where you can get it
would make her take notice. That is, The South is doing all it can to edu- _ l
it she counts us inferior to those cate the colored race, but it is hoped A COLLEGE COLORS ` ,
teams named above. that it will never educate a few of THE IN  
We would like for THE HUSTLER its colored individuals that they may _
to give the reason why State Univer- become leaders of both races. Not   &   C0.   ' •
sity of Kentucky_ should not be count- until the negro race has reached a *
ed in on this deal. If they are mis- social, political, moral and education-   Fclts I
informed in regard to our standing al level with the white race should 9 »
we would like to correct it. the white man be crowded out by one d . ‘
TAG DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT. 0i` the bl-HCR 1‘&0<‘· Do Ollly That Kind     `
"';'_—’ t I
"“"" TAG ¤ANcz FRIDAY v~uc.t-rr. D€COI°3t1OHS
President '1`aft has announced that “""_**'_    
he will appuint “’m_ [L |_•·w;g_ g ANNUAL-     all kinds Il1f[liShCd lor special
Bostonian negro, to be Assistant-Av —-——— 1
t.OY`n(*y'(;€n€rHl of the Ihlited States. '[`hp Annual Stun   inept in the          
Lewis is in graduate of Amherst and Annual lwm at :::20 each and every  
HF11‘1'?11`1Y 2111*1 $11011ld 11** 3 M11 edu- Tutisday at`t<·1·noon until further . .
<·at··d maui; no ct negro. m,m»9_ l` EVl€¥'%’)tl1?¤§€) f11`St-GIBSS t0 eat.     8 C0• ,
1 • n- · »
This is 1*1·* 1¤1¤1¤<·=11 <>il1<·‘•· to which at '|`1¤<· 111311211-=<·¤· has secured a very mm I Up OHGL; OY“‘_°‘“* any   .1
__ __ g _ _ ,_ _ _,__ , _ _ . Style ut an moment s notice. 'lhe
Ileglu has Mel been 1llllllt‘(l. lhls 1Ml1•· of SOUIlI(‘l`Il··l)l'()(ld it seems 11 pjditOr_in_Chi€{_ (jorgpcy   and Bolivar Finest   Cutting and Shaving r
(llS}!!.i(t‘ to the Anie11<·.in people that -.·-.. --.~------. , . ,.
I xtrlor in the ( ity
they cannot t·tltn·at·» or have not edn- TAG DANQE pR|pAy MGH-I-_

 _ TH E I D E A 5
l   Due to the fact that the present Last Thursday evening, when the A -
4 " "’ Freshman class has had no Hag-rush "wlld Cats" boarded the Queen and  
V   and have not decorated various build- Crescent train for Knoxville, they  
· - . ings upon the campus with artistic were given me of the most rousing ‘
` class numerals, some persons have send-offs that has been given a State
_   \_ been led to believe that there ls a. very team for some time.
I *\ '   \ small amount ot college spirit ln the The members ofthe Freshman class C D
;1_   "·;» l l class. imbibed some real, live college spirit
' l . ·   `* The class, as a whole. prides itself and furnished two beautifully deco- • ·
s @1 . Aw "* —  on showing college spirit ln a. much rated wagons with which to transport
- 4     more sensible way. The Class of ’14 the "Wl1d Cats" to the depot.
‘  is nm a, dead class, but one of the The wagons. drawn by the Fresh-  
A \     largest and will prove to be one of men, left the training table on South
_ · the best that has ever entered the Limestone accompanied by large
» U¤lV€f¤itY. bunch of enthusiastic rooters, who
The University which they are eu- kept the air resounding with yells and  
    term; as on ¤ higher basis uml ever svnzs all ¤¤<>¤s the r<>¤¤¤- At the U
before. Witlb such a, bright future d6D0t· the €€’l€b¥'¤U0¤ WM kept up lm' (sllgcggggpg
‘ there is no limit to what may be ac- til the team retired for the night to T. B. Dewhurst)
Complished by this class, There is no doubt but these send- O
"   The class is composed largely or offs encourage the team to fight hard- HEADQUARTERS
high school graduates. among them er away from home and when they
’ graduates of the county high school; leave for St. Louis they should be FUR ALL
* HCTC S 3 young men and women who have had given the greatest send-ci! ever ac-
8 thorough preparatory education, corded a Kentucky team.  
There is also an abundance of good -———-———·
      `athletic material in the class, while UNION LITERARY SOCIETY. ,
_ · the different literary and religious so- Never having read the poetic edu-  
· , cieties have already found splendid sions of any writer greater than Bill
~ That   Appeal tv You material in the class. Watch the Shakespeare we may not be deemed
  Freshmen do things! capable of judging a poem. But if we For College MMI.
° ———-———· take as the means of a p0em’s worth.
$3   CHEMICAL NOTES. its beauty and power to please, (and .....
I The new Chemistry Building will we believe that these are the general- F0
` . , be occupied about January 1st, A ly accepted standards of judgment, at OT BALL GOODS
_ Soft Hats! this Season S large part of the apparatus for the least before the days of Watt Mason) ’
SICYIBS, any shape equipment of the laboratories lg al- those certainly take the laurel crown. GYNINASIUNI SUITS,
  you   ready here. With this new equipment Of course there is no kick coming
i the Chemistry Department of K, S. U, against those old Greek and Roman SHOES,
fancy will be able to offer as good an un- versitlers; they all did very well in
dergraduate course as any of the their day; but times have changed and BASKET BALL
$   larger institutions. they must give place to better men.
2. ———— And Prof. Noe is certainly a genius. SUPPLmS»
A large class is being initiated into Mr. Milton gave an address on Agri-
the mysteri