xt712j684j3f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt712j684j3f/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1923 journals kaes_circulars_001_3_155 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 155 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 155 1923 1923 2014 true xt712j684j3f section xt712j684j3f 11111 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE
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THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
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June, 1923 ·
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Production, Care and Use of Farm Manurc
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ding and to return crop residues to the soil in every way purc-
, ticahle.
The return from manure depemls to a large extent apart
the crop grown after its use. An im·reasi· ot` 100 poumls in the
yield of tiilvaeeo would bring prol»al¤l_x· t`o1u· times as n1u··l1 zu
an im·rease of lt) bushels ot` worn. liitlier result would he sz1ti<·
factory. The average im·rease in eorn on tive l{entm·ll` l'a·aas tat` aaa:aaaaaa··· uml ;jaa·a
paaaamls t<» Zillil aaaaaamls <>l' uwaal a»la·»—aala:at·· |a··a· ua·a·a· aaauy la·· tu.}
x‘a~a·y aaraatitulaly. \\'laa·aa a‘¤»a·l<]ala<>~{alaaat¤·lsa1s···l.us a·aam·la ;a~ l_¤l~a a‘··sialaaa·s la:a*.‘t· za lalula t`··a·tllYty yulma l{a·aataaa·lla~ maa·tia»aa aal` ala<·s·· vaariaaaas a·a·sa·lm·~ is v..a~·  
lay <·2tI‘a_‘lt*ss laumlliaau iaa s··am· a·us·-s uml lay iaat··aatla·aa;al ·la·~*a· 
tlaaaa laa y w····1t1‘··<· llllItL`1ll.tl
laaastvaas tla·· awattiaau ral. tlaa- stuIlllSS(’(l for laetlaliaag, This is u I)I'il<‘ll¢’lll WHY Ul
n` · ·...'.a.a€. A

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`]l`;H'\\_ 11111* 111 1*11111*11 111 11111 1:11111.
M2 i_ I"111‘ 1111* 1·111111111<1111111 III. 1·1·1111 1·11~111111·< \1`lI 1:1I1I1· Y1.
IILIIIA 4111 I`iiIII\v1II(`III :11111111111 11I` 111:1111 1.11111I 1:1 1·1*11]1 1*1·<11I111·~ 1<
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. s · · .

12 I(C}ll(llC]¤’]j Cz'rt·ulur N0. /5:7
‘ eay, when snl`lii·ient tinte is given. sotnewliat inore lnnnns lx wl,.
duced and nearly as nineh mineral plant l'ood is lilierzntell.
A Nllltly ttl Veslllls tlll lll¤* lllllnlis l‘i\llt*I`lllll*Ill l*`i<*ll'll\
than nnnnire. tho both need to be snpplenn·nt¤··l with [lllllllIi1lll‘lllt‘lll*‘tl
‘ with limestone and phosphate, the crop resilliies gaiw l`nlly a~
large erop increases on the zivi-i·z1g·l· as dill the stable lllillllll`t‘.
(See table 65
Only t}(lIll]_lil1`zll\`Cl}' few l`Zll`lllt‘l‘S are following a systeni oi
‘ farining that will inainlain fertility, and still l`ewer are inalainz
the soil better. 'l`oba¤·<·o has lieen the niain nnniey et··»l» and tho
it is not hard on land. the persistent drain on the plant l'¤»»ll by
a sinall crop l't‘llltl\'l'tl every yl-in- slowly t‘XllZlll>l< the soil.
Keutueky needs niore tliversili<·ali·>n_ 'l`lio lol»al··#o is prolit-
able, its production need not int¤—i·l'¤·re swilliisly with the prn-
duction of feed and stock. One way to replaee the fertility re-
moved by tobacco is to purchase eonecntrated feeds, suelt as
tankage and eottonseed meal, which are needed on a stock
Except on bottom lands and permanent pastures it is not
possible to maintain fertility economically without zi crop reta-
tion. No farmer can afford to purchase any large amount of
nitrogenous fertilizers. Every farmer can afford to grow legumes.
and on the stock farm legume feeds are much needed. Clovers,
beans, peas and alfalfa will make it unneeesstn-y to purehnS€ F1
large amount of protein feeds, whieh are expensive. With at
` " - ·.;Q ..l» l.

 Pl'0(ll(C[l.0}l-, ('aro and Use of Farm Jlamzre 13
,,_ ]11g111111· 11m·1~ 1‘\`l‘l'}' llIl`(‘1‘ 111 l`11lll' years i11 u 1·r1111 Ffllilllflllf llll'}
11i11·1121~11 uml llllllllli in ll|1' soil lI|1l_\` l11· 111ui111ui111·1l il'1-1·1111su1·e
H I l·l‘1l illl1l 1l11· l|l&llllll'1‘ 1·1·1111·111·1l.
,1,. lil\'1‘ s1111·l; is l‘\L~l‘llllill lllll 1111l_1· 111 Lrl`ilZ*‘ 1l11· l11l>llll`1‘ luml,
1,1 , l1111 111 s111111I)‘ :1 S_\`Sl1‘lll 111` l.2ll'l!lll|lI wl1i1·l1 makes less plowiiig
M_ 111·1·1s<111·_v. 'l`l11· 1'1‘l|*ll* 1·1·11111·1 5ll*1\\'S :1 lflllll 111` lll.ill`l}' 7_11111)_1)(11)
YA ilI‘l`1'< 111' IIil