xt712j684b4q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt712j684b4q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1989-09-15 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, September 15, 1989, no. 557 text The Green Bean, September 15, 1989, no. 557 1989 1989-09-15 2014 true xt712j684b4q section xt712j684b4q he   ..GREEN QLAN
ISI will be presenting a workshop sponsored by CEKOUG on October
6 at Uk. The WOFh5hOD will be held from 9:00 to 4:00 in Poom
104-B of King Library Zooth. It is a revised full—day session
that will update searchers on new fields and features of the ISI i
data bases.
The session will cover SciSearch, Current Contents Search, Arts
and Humanities Search, and Social SciSearch on Dialog. Topics
covered include cost effective searching techniques, with
particular emphasis on cited reference searches. Each attendee ·
will receixe a copy of .¤e presentation, quick reference search .
_ aids, a User Guide, and will have haods—on practice at the site.
Knowledge of Dialog commands is needed for the session.
The regular registration fee for the ISI workshop is $65.00. You
may pay hy check, credit card, or choose to be billed. Call 1—
800—523—1550, ext. 1401 to pre-register. The registration
deadline is ten business days before the workshop date. You will
be asked which workshop you wish to attend, choice of user guide,
and method of payment. A confirmation letter will be sent from
ISI with site details appro¤*mately two weeks before the workshop
is to be given. If you have any questions regarding the workshop
call Mary Vass at $06-2€7—i351.
The first ten CEKOUG members who register for this workshop will
receive a $10.00 discount frtn the regular fee. If you are
eligible for this discount iow or would like to become a LEKOUG
member l$7.00}, please contact Mary Vass, Education Library, 205
Dickey Hall, University of kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506 {phone
S06—257—1351; before registerzrg directly with ISI. The execu-
tive committee hopes to of‘er similar discounts on other CEKDUG
Toni Powell will give a presentation entitled "Half-way Around
the world in S0 Days: T ave s in the Jungles of Sumatra." The
program will be on wednesday, September 20th, 12:30 to 1:30 in
the King Staff Lounge. LUN; for a ¤rown—bag lunch at 12:00 with
complementary coffee and de sort provided by L.S.0.
‘I¤s` Newsletter of the University
of Kentucky Libraries

 i<`¥’ £;¢Z1L..1Tf41E?7' l,!E$lE7¤!E5 ¢EmF2£3w,i;¤ é*?£E!ET7'
The fall meeting of the Kentucky SOLINET Users Group will be held
on Friday, December 1, 1989, from 9:00 to 3:00 in the Alumni
Building of Berea College. Registration is $10.00 for lunch or
$15.00 for lunch plus annual membership dues. The deadline is
November 3, 1989. To register, or for information, contact
Teresa Burgett, Reference Department, M.I. King Library, Univer-
sity of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0039 (606) 257-8397.
.F2lEZE?LEl¢§F?¢Z>r4 #¤:E¥£3;I1E?7*#¤i '7'£;IwlJ giggi
The Gains Center for the Humanities is again offering several
research assistantships to undergraduates who will help faculty _
scholars with research projects. This program enables interested
and capable young students to work closely with a research
scholar. Each assistantship carries a one—semester stipend of
$500.00 for spring or summer of 1990. The assistantships may be
held in any of the humanities disciplines and in other fields
where the research is directed to humanistic inquiry.
Faculty members wishing to apply are requested to submit a brief
statement including: a. a definition of the project (250~500
words), b. the role of, and benefits to, the undergraduate
assistant, c. the name of the student being considered, if known,
and the reasons for that choice. Applications must be delivered
no later than September 25, 1989 to Undergraduate Assistantship,
Gains Center, 232 East Maxwell St., CAMPUS 0344. For further
information, please contact Nancy Howard at 257-1537.
_ L..1TE?fQu¢§F?‘v’ ¢Z>CDInH*1J["T’7'£?tEE5¥, -1.E?1E?E?——r ¥;;
PERSONNEL Mike Markiw Claire McCann
Ann Howell Mark Ingrame
Mary Vass Bev Hilton
Ebba Sexton SALARY REVIEW Vince Jenkins
Paul Leveque Dennis Carrigan
Mary McLaren* Laura whayne
Judy wiza Judy Sackettt GALLERY SERLES
Sandee McAn1nch Bonnie Cox
Roc Alan Brstz isn";
Andy Soears OCCASIONAL PAPERS Cla, Qaurce
Jim Birchfield Sue Buren
Maggie Johnson Terry wartn Judy Browne ,
Bonnie Cox Jerilynn Marshall Terry Birdwnistell
· Teresa Burgett

Roxanna Jones
Mary Vass Dan Hodge Winn Theirl
Meg Shaw Karl Heinz-Boewe Gail Kennedy* `
Judy Wiza John Quinn Clay Gaunce
Stephanie Allen Paula Pope Teresa Burgett
Laura Whayne Bill Cooper Carla Cantagallo
Rob Akenx Paula Pope
Brad Grissom GRANTS
Roxanna Jones Paul Leveque
Joanne Goods Sandee McAninch Barb Hale
Maggie Johnson Judy Sackett Steve Savage
Dan Hodge Gail Kennedy* Reinette Jones
Kate Senn Andy Spears Laura Whayne
Russell Powell Clay Gaunce Winn Theirl*
Lew Bowling Maggie Johnson Brad Grissom
Teresa Smyth Bev Hilton Cheryl Jones
Reinette Jones Miko Pattie Judy Brown `
Terry Birdwhistell John Bryant
PRESERVATION Paula Pope Pat Lloyd
Lillian Messner Dianne Brunn
Jill Buckland
Judy Sackett*
Debbie Hatfield Dan Hodge Maggie Doutt
Jeanne Trimble Sandee McAninch Lillian Messner 1
Jim Birchfield Jim Birchfield Terry Warth
Cheryl Jones Mary Welch Ebba Sexton
Carla Cantagallo Stephanie Allen* Debbie Hatfield
Judy Brown Vince Jenkins
Steve Savage REMOTE ACCESS Brad Carrington*
_ Mary Welch
STAFF DEVELOPMENT Janet Stith Miko Pattie
Jerilynn Marshall* Lynne Bowman
Tari Keller Pat Wilson Gerry Webb
_ Jill Buckland Kate Senn Sharon Miller
Reinette Jones Karl Heinz-Boewe Kate Seago
Kate Seago Carla Cantagallo Mike Markiw
Paul Thompson Sue Burch Teresa Burgett
Joanne Goods Tari Keller Gwen Curtis
Gerald Ginter Jennifer Michener
Sue Burch BINDING Tari Keller
Cindy Cline* Lew Bowling
Gerry Webb Homeretta Jones Reinette Jones
Sharon Harrcd
Roxanna Jones
Mary Vass Mary Spencer Judy wiza
Meg Shaw Vince Jenkins Mike Lach J
Brad Grissom Cindy Cline Rob Aken
Claire McCann Maggie Johnson
Mark Ingram Paul Leveque

Janet Stith Kate Seago Steve Savage,
Toni Powell* Meg Shaw Editor
. Daryoush Marefat Terry warth
Lavine Thrailkill Ebba Sexton BUILDING PLANNING
Stan Hannah Lew Bowling
Teresa Burgett Mike Lach
INFO[EXPO Lynn Bowman* Steve Savage
Mary Welch Ebba Sexton
Rob Aken Tari Keller Paul LeVeque
John Quinn Lillian Messner Mary McLaren
Paul Leveque Brad Carrington Judy Wiza
Judy Fugute Sandee McAninch Sandee McAninch
Stephanie Allen* Miko Pattie Gail Kennedy
John Barker Andy Spears
Jan Bolton CIRC. POLICIES Paul Thompson
Daryoush Marefat Miko Pattie
Jody Stephenson Brad Grissom Judy Brown I
Lavine Thrailkill Pat Wilson Vince Jenkins
Dan Hodge John Bryant*
WORK CONDITIONS Mary Spencer Norma Jean Gibson
Karl He1nz—Boewe Kate Senn
Sue Burch* Judy Brown*
Jeff Frey Tari Keller LS2000 HELP SCREENS
Karen Cline .
Jennifer Michener SYSTEMS ADMIN. Tari Keller* ‘
Kate Seago Teresa Burgett
Pam Brackett Gail Kennedy Maggie Doutt
Mike Lach* Mary Vass
PC LEARNERS Tari Keller Sue Burch
Task Force to Bernie Baldini Penny Greenwell
organize a group Miko Pattie ° Stephanie Allen
John Bryant
Laura Whayne
_ Maggie Johnson*
·Lew Bowling, Editor * Chair
¢*= ;T£D£3· C7¥3éEiMiQTr4c;:S¢ ¤¤
CALIFORNIA Head, Document Delivery Unit,
Univ. Cal., Berkeley. Salary:
$26,136-35,088. Deadline: Oct.
Asst. Chief Librarian, Acquisi— 31,1989.
tions Dept., Stanford Univer—
sity. Salary: $23,000-43,000. Biological Sciences Librarian,
Deadline: Nov. 1, 1989. Univ. Cal., Irvine. Salary:
$26,136-46,920. Deadline: Oct.
31, 1989.

' WASHINGTON, D.C. Head, Technical Services,
Kinsey Institute, Ind. Univ.
Salary: none given. Deadline;
Senior Program Officer, -0ct. 15, 1989.
Association of Research ·
Libraries. Salary: $53,000 min.
Deadline: none given.
` Program Officer: Communication, NEW JERSEY
ARL. Salary: $28,000 min.
Deadline: none given.
Director, Office of Scientific Bibliographic Instruction
and Academic Publishing, ARL. Coordinator, Rutgers Univ.
Salary: $38,000 min. Deadline: Salary: $30,705 min. Deadline:
none given. Sept. 15, 1989.
Asst. Director for Technical Serials Cataloger, Univ. of N.
Services, Univ. of Florida. Carolina. Salary: $20,000 min.
Salary: $53,000 min. Deadline: Deadline: Sept. 29, 1989. .
Oct. 6, 1989. Sound and Image Librarian,
Project Literature (Children’s Univ. of N. Car. Salary:
Lit.), Univ of Florida. Salary: $19,000 min. Deadline: Sept.
$23,000 min. Deadline: Sept. 29, 1989. V
28, 1989. Manuscript Librarian, Univ. of -
N. Car. Salary: $21,000 min.
Deadline: Sept. 29, 1989.
Reference Librarian, Univ. of
GEORGIA N. Car. Salary: $19,000 min.
, Deadline: Sept. 15, 1989.
Reference Librarian, Georgia
State Univ. Salary: $21,500-
24,500. Deadline: Oct. 16, OHIO
Reference Librarian, Univ. of Engineering Reference Libra-
Georgia. Salary: $21,000 min. rian, Univ. of Cincinnati.
I Deadline: Nov. 10, 1989. Salary: $24,000—28,000.
Deadline: Nov. 3, 1989.
Visiting Lib. Instr. and
Reference Librarian (20
INDIANA hrs./wk., 12 mo.), Univ. cf `
  ‘ Cincinnati. Salary: $900/mo.
Deadline: Sept. 22, 1989.
Head, Reference and Information
. Services, Kinsey Institute,
Indiana Univ. Salary: none
given. Deadline: Oct. 15, 1989.

 I “\
ai A
PENNSYLVANIA Asst. Dean and Head, Collec-
tions and Reference Services,
Penn State. Salary: $50,000
Asst. Dean, Planning and Adm. min. Deadline: Nov. 1, 1989.
Services, Penn State Univ. Science Reference Librarian,
Salary: $50,000 min. Deadline: Penn State. Salary: $24,000
Nov. 1, 1989. min. Deadline: Nov. 10, 1989.
Asst. Dean and Head, Info.
Access Services, Penn State.
Salary: $50,000 min. Deadline:
Nov. 1, 1989.
Lew Bowling, editor and typist; Cecil Madison, printer.