xt712j684b1z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt712j684b1z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1980-04-25 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean and The Wax Bean, April 25, 1980, no. 320 text The Green Bean and The Wax Bean, April 25, 1980, no. 320 1980 1980-04-25 2014 true xt712j684b1z section xt712j684b1z 4/25/80 N0. 320
. April 28 Reception for Elizabeth Hardwick (see next page)
yi April 30 I Lso lunch hour program, third floor Conference Room, King
I North, ll:30-12:30. Bring your lunch. I
Newbery nominees discussion, 18th floor, Patterson Office Tower
UK campus, 4:00-6:30 PM. 4
May l Fire alarms will be checked between 7:30 and 8:30 AM.
Program: Accounting Procedures For Small Libraries.
Room 230, Lexington Technical Institute, 1:00-4:00 PM. $10.00
May l-2 Kentucky Library Association Meeting: "Special Libraries In the
I l980's." Barren River Lake.
May 2 Spanish and Latin-American Music for Guitar and Piano: Patricia
Montgomery, piano; Michael Fogler, guitar. Gallery, King Library
North, 12:00 noon.
May 7 Blood pressure test (story p. 4)
King Library North Edward S. Curtis' North American Indian photographic exhibit,
through May 30.
Items from University Archives, April 18-27.
University Archives
h4;;qa:eii.€€ing Library - r4°'th
linhwzsnty oiiicntucky
A Lgyzirigxoii, Ker¤~tuci· major changes, implementation, and impact on the catalog, public
services and management.
The Friday, May 30 session will provide instruction in the basic application of AACR2 for
catalogers. Included will be rules for description, choice of access points and forms of
headings followed by small group instruction and practice with book, serial, and non book
Enrollment for both events is limited.
Instruction will be provided by Dr. Lois Chan and Dr. JoAnn Rogers from the College of
Library Science and Gail Kennedy and Emilie Smith from the university library.
For additional information and registration forms contact: Nancy S. Little, 258-8877.
Thomas Waldhart, Assistant Director for Public Services is participating in the "Institute
on Pricing Library/Information Products and Services" to be held Wednesday, May l4 at
Robert Morris College (Moon Township Campus), Pittsburgh. For information on this Conference
write American Society for Information Science, l0l0 Sixteenth St., Washington,D.C. 20036.
By virtue of the authority vested in the Department of Library and Archives under the
provisions of KRS l7l.450, the University of Kentucky's Margaret I. King Library is hereby
designated to be a constituted depository for state agencies' reports and publications
issued for general public distribution.
Barbara M. Williams
State Librarian and
Chairman, State Archives and Records

   -4- .
i Assistant Head, Acquisitions Department, Duke University. Salary from $14,000.
Y Application deadline: May 31, 1980.
A Head, Original Cataloging Section, Duke University. Salary from $14,500. Application
l deadline: May 31, 1980.
Head of Girculation Department, University of North Carolina. Salary $18,000 or more.
j Application deadline: June 1, 1980.
Music Cataloger, University of North Carolina. Salary $14,500 or more. Application
deadline: June 1, 1980.
Head of Acquisitions, Purdue University. Salary $18,000 or more. Application deadline:
A June l, 1980.
I The Staff Development Committee is sponsoring a free blood pressure
test for all interested staff. Qualified personnel from the Associated
I Health Department of LTI will be in the staff lounge of King North from
y 1:00-5:50 on Wednesday, May 7. You are invited to drop by and get a
free blood pressure test and have your questions answered.
If the response is good, this service will be offered to the library
7 staff on a quarterly basis.
1 Lynn Shrewsbury
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The UnLvea4i£y 0g Kentucky Libmaniea Stagg Oaganizaxion
m0n£h£y auppkement to £he'Gdeen‘Bean
On November 11, 1955 The enTire sTaff of The MargareT I. King
Library meT and voTed To form a sTaff organizafion. The membership was
volunTary and dues were assessed aT 25 cenTs per year. Dr. Jacqueline
Bull was elecTed as The firsT presidenT and Geraldine Taylor (Webb)
served as The firsT secreTary/Treasurer. The DirecTor of Libraries was
noT eligible for membership. In 1958 a consTiTuTion was drafTed and and
— The official name of The organizaTion adopTed was The UniversiTy of
· KenTucky Library STaff OrganizaTion. This was done in order To make The
_’ organizaTion a vehicle for The enTire sTaff of The Library SysTem.
A The Library Sfaff OrganizaTion served many roles. IT served The
I Tradifional social role and gave sTaff members an opporTuniTy To meeT
9 wiTh one anoTher ouTside of The work aTmosphere. IT also served The
. role as The offical represenTaTive of The sTaff To boTh The Library and
Y UniverslTy adminisTraTions. Mixed in wiTh programs of boTh a
I professional and recreaTional naTure were concerns abouT working
condifions, salaries, and The sTaff lounge. The Library STaff
S Organizafion worked hard To beTTer The loT of The sTaff members in The
L Library SysTem during The 1950's and 1960's.
A During The 1970’s The LSO drifTed. The Library FaculTy and ACTS
¤ Took up The daily concerns of The sTaff in The working environmenT. The
? social funcTion was frowned upon and more emphasis was puT on
work—relaTed kinds of programs. The LSO filled This role for a Time buT
I was soon duplicaTing work done by The Library Facu|Ty STaff Developmenf
CommiTTee and ACTS EducaTi0nal CommiTTee. IT seemed ThaT The LSO did
. noT have a place in The Library SysTem and membership dropped.
The LSO has Taken on a new look for The i980's. We are purely a
social group and noT afraid To admiT iT. We are here To provide
everyone wiTh The opporTuniTy To meeT Their fellow sTaff members ouTside
of The working environmenT. Our programs will be mixed buT mosT of Them
will noT be work-relafed buT of general inTeresT To some people. We are
a supporT group To The various commiTTees To provide an opporTuniTy for
people To mingle when They aTTend oTher library funcTions. We are here
for The enTire sTaff. IT makes no difference wheTher you join LSO or
noT. Granfed, Those paying dues will geT some benefifs; affer all They
are financially supporTing The organizaTion (we need money To offer our
evenTs and The only way To make money is To have some working capiTa|).
Everyone on The library sTaff is encouraged To aTTend any program In
which They are inTeresTed and To submiT maTerial for The WAX BEAN. We
wanT To know abouT you and your concerns and see your face aT LSO
funcfions. We are here for The enTire sTaff and we hope you will Take
advanfage of some of The Things we do wheTher you are a member or noT.

April 30 LS0 lunch hour program (making silk flowers)
May 14 LS0 fasfing parfy
May 21 LS0 lunch hour program
June 25 LSO lunch hour program
July 23 LS0 lunch hour program
July ? LSO picnic
Augusf 20 LSO lunch hour program
Sepfember 24 LS0 lunch hour program
Ocfober 22 LS0 lunch hour program
November ? LS0 silver jubilee
December ? LSO Chrisfmas parfy
We will also be serving coffee and donufs (for a modesf fee) af various
library funcfions. This calendar is subjecf fo change.
GERRY MUNOFF and MAUREEN O'BRlEN were insfrumenfal in arranging fhe
Curfis Norfh American Indian exhibif in fhe Special Collecfions
Deparfmenf. If will be on display unfil May 30fh.
Special Collecfions and Archives was well represenfed af fhe Kenfucky
Council on Archives af Transylvania Universify on April 4fh. Those
ANNE CAMPBELL and TERRY BIRDWHISTELL affended a fund—raising
presenfafion of fhe Fronfier Nursing Service slide-fape program on April
25rd af fhe Washingfon Club. The evenf was sponsored by fhe Washingfon
Commiffee for Fronfier Nursing of Washingfon D.C.
MAUREEN 0’BRlEN of fhe Phofographic Archives, Special Collecfions
affended fhe Modern Archives lnsfifufe workshop on phofographic
preservafion of sfill phofographs. The lnsfifufe was sponsored by fhe
Nafional Archives on April 21-24 in Washingfon, D.C. `
The AGRICULTURE LIBRARY fook parf in fhe College of Agriculfurels
Wilderness Trail Career Day on April 3rd. Approximafely 70 high school
sfudenfs were on campus fo four fhe facilifies and and were given fours
of fhe library.
The HILLBROOK COLLECTION, a polifical memorabilia campaign collecfion
was presenfed on fhe TV program PM Magazine Friday, April llfh. The
collecfion is on deposif in Special Collecfions. Bill Marshall, head of
The deparfmenf was in charge of fhe arrangemenfs.

s The LSO MEMBERSHIP DRIVE can be Termed a success. To daTe 84 membership
° cards have been issued (ThaT is exacTIy Twice The original membership of
1 1956). Alfhough The drive has wound down iT is sTiII noT To Iafe To pay
your dues. Send Them To Sandra Muencks or your LSO represenTaTive. By
The way The nine original members sTiII on The sfaff are: Bess
CloTfeITer, Evelyn Evans, Norma Jean Gibson, Frances Kelley, Agnes
McDowell, Mildred Moore, Loraine Noel (Bafes), Emilie SmiTh, and Gerry
Taylor (Webb).
The firsT LSO LUNCH HOUR PROGRAM will be held on April 30Th from 11:30
To 12:30 in The Technical Services Conference Room on The Third floor of
King NorTh. The program is on making silk flowers so bring your lunch
and join The fesfivies. lf you have any ideas for programs, send Them
along To Jean Robinson. Since we had To spend some money for supplies,
There will be a 50 cenf charge for non-LSO members, so members bring
your cards.
BROWN BAGGERS BEWARE ... You know There is a recession when people are
desperaTe enough To sTeal lunches. We have had a rash of Theffs from
The refrigeraTor in The sfaff lounge in King Norfh. There is noT much
we can do abouT iT as securiTy is nearly impossible during The day. The
. DirecTor’s Office has been noTified buf shorT of guarding The lounge I
· don'T ThaT anyfhing can be done. JusT be aware ThaT This is going on
and leT's hope ThaT iT sTops once school is ouT.
THE GNOMES HAVE IT... The annual sofT ball game befween The M.l. King
Kongs and The Super Gnomes wenT To The Gnomes. IT was a beaufiful day,
perfecf for a baseball game, a picnic, and forTunaTe|y walking. FirsT
we were ousTed from The picnic area by some Ag. people, Then we were
ousfed from The playing field by an inframural Team. ~ForTunaTeIy we
found a less Than desirable field nexT To The E.S. Good barn. We
finished The game amid Trash, buT alas, we IosT wiTh a score of 4 To 14.
The buffeT lunch (or dinner) was served off The hood and Trunk of Anne
CampbelI's car and The food was greaT. Any one ready for a remafch?
The KENTUCKY SAMPLER is sTiII hanging in There. lf all goes well The
supplemenf should be ready To dupIicaTe nexT week. We will be charging
a price of 3 dollars for The 2nd edifion and 1 dollar for The supplemenf
To LSO members and 3.50 and 1.25 To non—members. We should have a form
for you To fill ouT in The GREEN BEAN wiThin The nexf couple of weeks.
FOR SALE: 1968 Ford CusTom 500, excellenf condiTon, 400 dollars. 1973
Cadillac, exceIIenT condifion, 1000 dollars. If inTeresTed call
258-8611 or 278-8031.
TUPPERWARE: If you would like To buy some Tupperware or are inferesfed
in seeing a cafalog, call Andrea BryanT aT 8-4644.
SOME THINGS NEVER CHANGE... The WAX BEAN is noT a new idea. In The
1950's and 1960's The Library STaff OrganizaTion had a monThly news
sheef called NEWS AND NOTES. Emilie SmiTh was The firsf ediTor and she
also had Trouble geTTing news. lf you have anyfhing for The WAX BEAN,

 _ TN.
send iT along aT anyTime. My deadline for The nexT issue is MAY 23.
DO YOU knew ThaT NEWS AND NOTES died in December of 1963. WhaT are The
names of The publicaTiens ThaT suceeded NEWS AND NOTES? Answer nexT
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