xt712j683k19 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt712j683k19/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1915-13-dec22. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1915-13-dec22. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1915-13-dec22. 1915 1915-13-dec22. 2011 true xt712j683k19 section xt712j683k19 

     Minutes of an adjourned meeting of the Board of
     Trustees of State University of Krentucky, Wednesday,
     December 22, 1915

     At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Trustees of
State University of Kent ucky held at the canitol building,
in Frankfort, Wednesday, December 22, 1915, there were
present Governor A. 0. Stanley, G. G. Brock, Henry S. Barker,
Dr. S. B. Marks, J. W. Woods, W. H. Cox, Denny P. Smith,
R. C. Stoll, P. P. Johnston, Jr., J. E. Brown, C. B. Terrell,
C. B. Nichols, R. 'N. Wathan, Dr. Ammon, J. W. Turner, Jas.
K. Pattersonend T. L. Edelen.

     On motion of Mr. Edelen, seconded by Mr. Smith, the
Board of Trustees went into executive session and heard
the report of the special committee, composed of J. NT. Cam-
den, T. L. Edelen and R. W. Brown, upon the question of
university fees and the payment of the deficit in the
operation of the University Dining RH411. The report be-
ing read in full, unon motion of Dr. !Patterson, seconded
by Mr. Johnston, the report was considered in two parts.

     At this point Mr. Smith moved that State University pay
'the debt of $         in the deficit;-: caused by the operation
of the Dining Hall. The question was discussed at length
and pending the motion a recess was taken that the members
of the Board might enjoy the hospitality of Governor Stanley
by dining with him at the Mansion.

     The members reassembled and brought up the motion
by Mr. Smith and the yea and nay vote being called upon
its passage, the motion was carried, every member voting in
the affirmative, except two.

     Upon the second question in the report made by the
special committee, motion was made to adopt the commit-
tee recommendation, which was in effect that the whole
question of fees be submitted to the next session of the
Kentucky Legislature.  Dr. Patterson moved as a substitute
that no further fees be collected of the students holding
county appointments; but afterwards withdrew his motion.

     The recommendation was then adopted, which recommend-
ation is as follows:-

          "Your Committee respectfully suggests that,
     so far as the benefits accruing to the students from
     this assessment of $15.00 have been actually enjoyed
     by them, they should be precluded in equity and good
     conscience from recovering in an action brought for
     'that nurpose.

          For the future, however, every doubt in this
     matter should be removed, and the Committee suggests
     that an effort be made to have the legislature so
     amend the powers of the Board of Trustees as to


     authorize the assessment beyond any question; or,
     in the alternative, that an a.noropriation be made
     for the nurDose of enabling the University Trustees
     to provide the students, without discrimination,
     with those things purchased by this incidental fee
     as defined by the act of the Executive Committee
     on the 21st of April, 1914, and subsequently rat-
     ified by the full Board.

          Should it be the legislative intent that no
     charge should be made any student for any purpose
     the act should be so amended as to make this -urnose
     clear beyond any question."

(The entire report is filed with the secretary)

     U-on motion the Board then adjourned.


Missing report(s)