xt712j683j6p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt712j683j6p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1902-03-jun4. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1902-03-jun4. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1902-03-jun4. 1902 1902-03-jun4. 2011 true xt712j683j6p section xt712j683j6p 

MINUTES EF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 3, 1902 - page 115-116

      question of salaries referred to Standing Committee.

      After pretty full discussion of the question of
salaries and other expenditures, the following motion was
made by Judge Kinkead:

      It is moved that all questions of salaries be referred
to the standing committee on salaries, to be hereafter
appointed by the Chairman. Said motion was duly seconded,
put upon it's passage and carried.

      Thereupon the following motion was made by Judge

       Com, on income & Expenditures Appointed..

       Be it resolved that a committee of four, consisting
of Col. Nelson, Judge Hager, Mr. Fowler and President
Patterson be appointed by this Board to investigate and re-
port the income and expenditures of this college, and to devise
and suggest some means by which the expenditures for this
coming year shall not exceed the income.

      Said motion was duly seconded, put upon it's passage
and carried.

      Thereupon motion was duly seconded, the Board
adjourned to meet tomorrow morning at nine-thirty A. M. at
the same place.

      June 4, 1902   Met pursuant to adjournment at nine
thirty A. M. June 4th, 1902 at the room of the Trustees
Gymnasium Building, Lexington, Ky.

      Present whole Board except Messrs. Lindsey and

      The Chairman announced his Committees, which are aa

      Standing Committees - On Minutes of the Faculty:
Bell Chairman, Nelson and Barker,


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 5, 1902 - page 116-117

      On Report of President: Ramsey, Chm. Hager and

      On Internal Expansion, Barker, Chm. Clay and
Fergus on.

      On Experiment Station, Hager, Chm. McChord and Stoll.

      On Building and Grounds, - Nelson, Chm. Patterson
and Clay.

      On Finance, - Ferguson, Chm. Barker and Patterson.

      On Minutes of Executive Committee, McChord, Chm.
Ma-rcum and Bell.

      On Salaries, - Kinkead, Chm. Hager and Nelson.

      On Military, - Stoll, Chm. Fowler and Ramsey.

      On Appropriations,  - Stoll and Nelson.

      Reading of Minutes of Faculty.

      The Chairman called f or the reading of the Minutes
of the Faculty, since the last meeting.

      The Secretary proceeded with the reading of the
minutes,  Judge Kinkead announced to the Board that Squire
Skinner of the Fiscal Court of Fayette County, had in the
building some Indian relics gathered in Fayette County,
which he desired to exhibit to the Board with a view of
the Board purchasing same for the college.

      Squire Skinner - before Board with Indian Relics.

      Upon motion of Mr. Stoll, duly seconded and carried,
Squire Skinner was invited to appear before the Board and
exhibit his collection of Indian relics, This was done,
and after an inspection of the relics Squire Skinner,
withdrew removing his collection at the same time.



      The reading of the minutes of the faculty then

      Upon the reading of the minutes of the Faculty with
reference to the meeting of the Kentucky Education Association
in Lexington this month, Judge Barker made the following

      Appropriation for Educational Assoc. of Ky. -

      It is moved that the Board appropriate $100 to be
expended as the Comittee of the Faculty desires, in enter-
taining the Kentucky Educational Association  at Lexington,
in June. Said motion was duly seconded, put upon itts
passage, and upon the roll call the vote stood as

      Ayes: Messrs. Fowler, Frazee, Stoll, Barker, Ferguscn,
Hager, Nelson, Bell, Kinkead, Patterson and Clay,  11.

      Noes - None.

      The motion was carried9

      Upon the reading of the minutes of the faculty with
reference to the various degrees recommended to be conferred
by the faculty, the following motion was made by Mr. Stoll:

      Degrees Conferred- - Be it resolved that authority
be given to the faculty to confer the following degrees
upon the following persons:

                    Master of Arts.

                    Frances Victor Butler,
                    Eugene Erwin Simpson.

                    Bachelor of Arts.

                    Lemuel Ford Boulware,
                    Walter Gilbert Campbell
                    Albert Foster Crider
                    George Watkins Ewell.


MINUTTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESjune 4th, 1902 - page 118

Bachelor of Art   (Cont.)

Clyde Grady
Theodore Tolmnan Jones
David Campbell Maddox
Lal Duncan Threlkeld,

Master of Science

Albert Rose Marshall,
Jimmie Morison Offutt,
Ella Campbell Williams
William Snyder Webb
Henry Preston Bassett
Martha Ripperdan White.

Bachelor of Science

Glen Frank Mason
Louis Nelson Taylor

Bachelor of Pedagogy.

Jesse Cecil Berry,
Leola Ditto
Daniel Cummins Donan
Ulysses Grant Hatfield
Robert Haynes
John Hunta3 Jackson,
Jesse Sherman Lawhorn
COra Williams

Bachelor of Agriculture.

Samuel Gilbert McDonald

Bachelor of Civil Engineering.

Matthew Martin Clay,
Oswald Thorpe Dunn,
William Frederick Hart,
Robert Emmett Moorman,
Orville Francis Smith,
John Lee Stoner 9
William Neal Hughes,


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,June 4, 1902 - page 119

                 Mechanical Engineer.

                 Leon Kaufman Frankel,
                 Joel irvine Lyle

                 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering.

                 Thomas James Barr,
                 Willet Lee Bowling
                 Spencer Foster Cox
                 Chester Lawrence Doyrle
                 Edward Clinton Evans
                 George Burbridge Frazee, Jr.
                 Morton Williams Gaither,
                 Howard Aubrey Hoeing
                 Wallace Hoeing
                 Hubert Lee Humphrey
                 Charles Mills Jett,
                 John Hickey Kehoe,
                 William Lyne,
                 Louis Wynn Mar-tin,
                 William Edward Pulverman
                 Eugene Erwin Simpson
                 Chester Martin Smith,
                 Herman 'Sumner,
                 Flemen Coffee Taylor
                 George Paul Upington
                 Richard Napoleon Wilson,
                 Thomas Edwin Warnock,

      6aid motion was duly seconded, put upon it's passage
and carried.

      Wellington F. Scott. -

      Thereupon Mr. Stoll made the following motion.

      It appearing to the Board that Mr. Wellington F. Scott,
has failed to complete his course in certain studies. Be
it resolved that he be allowed to come into the commencement
hall and sit with the members of his class, and that the
Pi~esident announce that a degree will be conferred upon
him and a diploma will be given to him when he shall have
completed studies to the satisfaction of the faculty, the
President stating just what work he had not completed.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 4, 1902 - page 120

      Said motion was seconded, put upon it's passage and

     Minutes of the Faculty Approved. - The reading of the
minutes of the faculty was finished.    The following motion
was then made by Col. Nelson.

      It is moved that the minutes of the faculty be approved
by the Board as read without reference to a committee.

      Said motion was seconded, put upon itfs passage
and carried.

     The Chairman announced that the next in order of
business was the reading of the minutes of the special

     Reading of Minutes, Special Faculties dispensed with.

     Upon motion made by Judge Barker, duly seconded and
carried, the reading of the minutes of the Special Faculties
was dispensed with.

     At this point the Treasurer's Report was read  to the
Board, which is as follows:


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 4, 1902 - page 120

Treasurer s Report.

Dec. 3, Frazee  $2087.40
II  7    tl      111.2.50
it 17 State Aud20508.00
t Si              75.50

- Dec. 2, Overdraf t
  May 1 Amouint of
        checks to date

Jan. 9 Int.on Acct. 76.01
17 29 State Aud. 4322.25
Feb. 1 Frazee      202.50
Mch. 3   It         57o50
ti 4 State Aud. 15882.03
e" 25  "1    if   188.08
Apr. 2 Frazee      127.08
                 4 4o 63M0   

May  1 Balance
     5 Frazee
 It 27 "

$ 10024.71

-May 31 Cks. Paid

June 1 - Balance 7105.74

      Said report wxs referred by the chairman to the
Committee on Finance.

      The Report of the Business Agent from May ist, to
June 1st, was read, which is as follows. The Report of
the Business Agent preceeding May 1st, was also presented
which is as follows:





MINUTES OF I-HE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 4, 1902  page 121

-  - Report of Business Agent.

Balance on hand May 1st,
Gymnas iu
Expended in May, Dept.English
Latin & Greek
Civil Engineering
Mech. Eng.
Military Science
Normal Training
Zoo logy
Salary of Prof.
Sal, Fellowship
Student Labor
Gen. Travy Expenses
Trustees Meeting
Balance June first
Estimate Liabilities to May first
            n f or May
Total Estimated Liabilities -


       . 40
     9. 00


10507. 57

  13569M 5.

      For time preceeding May see page 156.

      The Business Agent also files financial staternent of
the Experiment Station for the month of May, which is as

Financial Statement of Ex. Station.




Balance on hand first of May, 1902   $17978.81
Received from Fertilizer               1030.50
Farm                                    920.11
Food                                    442.30


U. S. Appropriation

Balance June 1, 002.

      Reference   All
Committee on Finance.



                         -  $16,2e7. 33

of said reports were referred to the

      The Chairman announced that the next in order was
the reading of the minutes of the Board of Control.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 4, 1902   page 122

      Reference of Minutes of Board of Control.

      Upon motion made by lr. Stoll, duly seconded and
carried, the minutes of the Board of Control were referred
to the Comuittee on the Minutes of the Executive Committee
without being read.

      Thereupon the following motion was made by Mr.

      Report to Board  No. Students & fees by Business Agent.,

      Be it resolved that the Business Ag6nt be and he is
hereby requested to report to this Board the whole number of
students for the present college year chargeable with fees,
and whether or not any fees remain unpaid, zand if so, how

      Said motion was duly seconded, put upon it's passage and

      At this point Judge Barker said that he desired to
take up the matter of the time and work of Miss Mary Hodges,
and thereupon imade the following motion:e

      Miss Mary Hodges -   Be it resolved that all resolutions
heretofore passed regulating the hours and work of Miss Mary
Hodges, be rescinded, and that hereafter her duties be pre-
scribed by the President, embracing such stenographic work
as the President may require, and such other work for the
College as the President may designate, during the usual
college hours.



      Said motion was duly seconded, put upon it's passage
and upon the roll-call the vote atood as follows:

      Ayes:    Messrs. Marcum, Barker, Ferguson, Hager,
Nelson, Bell, McChord, Ramsey, Patterson and Clay, - 10.

      Noes - Messrs. Frazee, Stoll, and Kinkead,- 3.

      The motion was carried.

      At this point upon the mction of Mr. Stoll, the
Board took a recess in order to enable the committees to

      The Board convened and immediately upon motion
adjourned for the noon hour.

      The Board convened at three O'clock P. m.

      Com, of Ladies Appeared before the Board. -

      It was announced that there was a committee of ladies
from the Equal Rights Association present in the building
desiring to appear before the Board, and thereupon upon
motion of Judge Kinkead duly seconded, the comm ittee of
ladies was asked to appear before the Board.



      Said Committee consisting of Misses Clay, Bruce
Stevenson, Mesdamnes Mlorton, Scott, Harbison, and others
appeared, a d Miss Clay as spokesman for the Committee
addressed the Board and after a statement of conditions made
the f ollowing petitions:

      Statement by Miss Clay -

      First, That the Board proceed at once to the erection
of the dormitory for young women.

      Second, that until this dormitory shall have been com-
pleted for the reception of young women students, that the
Board set apart a small weekly allowance to the young women
county appointes, for the purpose of putting them upon an
equality with the young men students, by reason ci the
advantages they derive from the dormitory now in use.

      In this connection Miss Clay called the attentiLon of
the Board to the Act of the General Assembly, approved April
29th, 1880.

      Third, That the Board at once select the Three women
called for by the acet making the appropriation for the
erection of the young women's dormitory, who shall form a
Board of Supervisors for this Dormitory.

      Fourth, - For the appointment of a woman on the faculty,
with an equal voice in the faculty, with the title of Dean of

      Fifth,   For the establishment of a Department &
Domestic Science in the College, in which all subjects
pertaining to the domestic duties of women should be taught.

      After some informal discussion between the ladies of
the committee and the members of the Board, the committee
of ladies withdrew.


MI TUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 4, 1902 - page 123-124

      Thereupon the following motion was made by Mr. McChord:

      Com. Appointed to select 3 women for Board of Control.

      Resolved that Miessrs. Barker, Bell, Clay, Stoll and
Frazee be appointed a special committee to select and nominate
to the Board the names of three women to compose the Board
of Control of the Woments Dormitory, said women to possess
the qualifications required by the Act of the Legislature
creating said Board.

      Said motion was duly seconded, put upon itfs passage
and carried.

      At this point the Report of the Committee appointed
by the Board at it's meeting to investigate the Goode
incident was called for.

      Thereupon Mr. Marcum, chairman of said Committee, read
the Report of the Committee which is as follows:

      Report of Coomr on Goode incident. -


      The undersigned committee of your body appointed at
the special meeting of the Board held on the 24th day of
April, 1902, to investigate and hear evidence as to the
written complaint of Mr. Desha Breckinridge filed before the
Board touching the conduct of some of the students of the
College towards Mr. D. B. Goode on the college grounds
April 9, 1902, respectfully report to your Board as

      We met at the college gymnasium at 9 O0olock A. M.
April 30, 1902, and heard the statements of a great number of
witnesses to the occurrence under investigation. In fact we
took the statements of all persons in reach who could give
any fact bearing on the subject. Among the statements
taken were those of Messrs. D. B. Goode, Desha Breckinridge,
Pres. James K. Patterson, Prof. Walter K. Patterson,
Willoughby Williams of the Lexington Democrat, and a
number of students of the College. These statements were
taken by stenographic notes and when transcribed covered 310
pages of typewritten evidence, which we herewith return
as part of this report.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 4, 1902 - page 124-125

      From the evidence it will appear that Mr. Goode was
acting as a reporter for the Morning Herald, a newspaper
edited by Mr. Desha Breckenridge, in the City of Lexington,
Ky., at the time of the commission of the acts of the students
complained of, Mr, Goode went upon the college grounds, and
buildings, April 9, 1902, for the purpose of investigating
and having published an alleged disturbance that had taken
place at the college dormitory between the commandant and
some of the members of the Cadet Battalion. A body of students
compelled Mr. Goode to leave the college grounds, casting
eggs and stones near him as he left the grounds. None of
them striking him except one small stone doing him no injury.
The students assigned as an excuse for their conduct the
previous acts of Mr. Goode in writing unfair newspaper
articles and comments upon the College and Student body, and
his advice and encouragements to many of the students to
violate the rules and regulations of the college and cite
many facts showing the unfriendlyness of Mr. Goode for the
college which the students resented. It clearly appears
that neither the President of the College nor any member of
the college faculty encouraged the demonstration of the
students against Mr. Goode, nor could they by any reasonable
means have prevented it.

      In conclusion we desire to add that such conduct upon
the part of the students engaged in the demonstration against
Mr. Goode is to be regretted, and deserves the censure of
this Board. At the same time it is but just to add that
the conduct and attitude of Mr. Goode toward the College
and student body, as shown by the evidence, should be given
great weight in extenuation of the discourtesy by the
students. The names of the students engaged in the
demonstration, so far as we are able to ascertain,
appear in the evidence submitted.

      With the exception of the incident named, the conduct
of the students during the past year, has been most excellent,
an improvement on past years.

                      Respectfully submitted

                                    J. B. Marcum,  Chairman.
                                    John RcChord,
                                    W. RP. Ramsey,


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 4, 1902 - page 125-126

     Adoption pf Report Com. on Goode incident,

     The following motion was made by Judge Hager.

     I move the adoption of this report of this committee
to investigate the Goode incident, as read.

      Said motion was duly seconded, and put upon it's
passg e and put upon the roll call the vote stood as follows:

      Ayes: Messrs. Fowler, Frazee, Marcum, Barker, Ferguson,
Hager, Nelson, Bell, Kinkead, McChord, Ramsey, Patterson,
Clay, 1-  3

      Noes: - Messrs. Stoll,    11

      Authorizing publication   Report & evidence  Goode

      Thereupon the following motion was made by Col. Nelson:

      Be it resolved that in view of the notriety given to
the incident which occurred on these grounds April 9, 1902,
that the press of the State be requested to publish the
Report of the Committee to investigate the Goode incident,
and the evidence taken by the Committee in full; and that
the newspapers are invited to come and take copies

      Said motion was duly seconded, put upon it's
passage and carried unanimously.

      Com. on Alumni before Board.

      A committee from the Alumni Association of the college
consisting of Messrs, Kastle, Elkin, and Allen appeared
before the Board, and made a statement as to the condition
of the Alumni Association and thanked the Board for pro-
viding a room for it.


MINUTES OF THE BOZRD OF TRUSTEESJune 4, 1902 - page 126-127

      Committee withdrew.

      The following motion was made by Mar. McChord:

      Directing Chemist to disinfect Dormitories.

      Resolved that the chemist of the college be and he is
hereby directed to thoroughly disinfect the Dormitories of
the college, upon the most approved manner, with a view to
thoroughly cleanse the dormitories and rid them of vermin of
all sorts; and he may call for and receive the assistance
of any other officer of this Institution. This disinfection
shall be made in September before the college opens, during
the Christmas holidays, and in June at the close of the
college year.

      Said motion was duly seconded, put upon it's passage
and carried.

      Communication from students about dormitories,  

      Mr. Ramsey presents a coummunication from certain
students asking that the dormitories be kept open, and they
be allowed to occupy same during the summer vacation.

      Thereupon the following motion was made by Mr. Ramsey:

      It is moved that we now reconsider the resolution of
the Board to exclude all boys from the dormitory during the
summer vacatione

      Said motion was duly seconded, put upon it's passage
and upon the roll call the vote stood as follows:

      Ayes: Messrs, Fowler, Marcum, Stoll-, Barker, Ferguson,
Nelson, Bell, Kinkead, Ramsey, - 9.

      Noes: Messrs. Frazee, Hager, McChord, Patterson, Clay,
 - .

The motion was carried.


MIMUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUS-EESJun-e 4, 1902 - page 127

      Thereupon the following; resolution was offered by MxtrO

      Dormitories directed to be kept open in Summer.

      Be it resolved that such young men as may desire to
do so be permitted to remain in the dormitories during the
summer vacation, under such regulations as may be required,
or as may be prescribed by the President. Said motion was
duly seconded, put upon it's passage and carried.

      The Secretary read a communication from Prof. Wernicke,
asking for leave of absence, during the ensuing year, which
is as follows:

      Communication from Prof. Wernicke.

                                Lexington, Ky., June 49, 02.

Board of Trustees.,
   State College of Ky.


      On account of the state of my health, which makes a
prolonged rest or charge of occupation desirable, and for
the purpose of completing some research work, in which the
constant use of the facilities offered by large universities
is indispensible. I respectfully ask for leave of absence
during the ensuing collegiate year, which I expect to
spend in Europe.

      The Department of Modern Languages has stood in need
of an expert assistant for some time. Should you accede to
the above request, then permit me to suggest, that such a
teacher might be appointed to conduct my classes during my
absence, and be retained after my return, thus leaving
the Department in a normal condition.

      If desired I could conduct by correspondence the work
of graduate students, and give advice regarding the course
of instruction here. I should also make it my duty to be
active in the interests of the State College work in many
other ways,
                          Yours most respectfully,

                                  Paul Wernicke, -


MINUTES OF rIqiE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 4, 1902  page 128

      The following motion was made by Mr. Stoll:

      Authority to Pres, Patterson to act on communication
from Prof. Wernicke.

      I move that the matter contained in this communication
from Prof . Wernicke be referred to President Patterson,
with power to act.

      Said motion was duly seconded, put upon it's passage
and carried.

      The secretary read a communication from Mrs. Blackburn,
the Monitress:

      The following motion was made by Mr. Stoll:

      Reference of communnication from Monitress.

      I move that this cormunication from the Monitress be
received referred to the Committee on the Minutes of the

      Said motion was duly seconded, put upon it's passage
and carried.

      The secretary read a communication from Mrs. W. H.

      Reference of communication from Mrs. Alexander.

      Upon motion of Mr. McChord, duly seconded and carried,
this communication was referred to the committee on Finance.

      The secretary read a communication from Mrs. Mary S.

      Reference of communication from Mrs. Hamilton.

      Upon motion of Mr. Stoll, duly seconded and carried this
communication was received and filed, and referred to the
Committee on Finance.


MINUTES OF YHE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 4, 1902 - page 128-129

      Reference of commnimications concerning Commandant.

      A number of communications in reference to the selection
of a commandant were presented.

      Upon motion of Judge Kinkead, duly seconded and carried,
all these communications were referred to the Military

      The Secretary read the financial report of the
Athletic Association0

      Reference of Financial Report - Athletic Association0

      Upon motion of Mr. Stoll, duly seconded and carried,
this report was referred to the Finance Conmittee.

      The Secretary read a communication from Miss Elizabeth
Kinkead, on matter of giving lectures at the college upon

      Reference of communication from. Miss Kinkead.

      Upon motion of Mr. Fowler, duly seconded ab carried,
this communication was received and referred to the committee
on Internal Expansion0

      Requesting Prof. Kastle to come before Board.

      Upon motion of Mr. Stoll, duly seconded and carried,
Prof. Kastle was requested to come before the Board at
sometime during to-morrow that the chairman may fix, to
talk to the Board about the proposed building for

      The Committee on the Experiment Station submitted it's
report through it's chairman, Judge Hager, said report
is as follows:


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,Tune 4, 1902 - page 129

      Report of Com0 on Ex. Sta.

      Your committee on the Experin-ent Station has made as
satisfactory investigation of the Station work as time per-
mitted. We find the Station in a prosperous and growing
condition. After consultation with Director Scovell, we ask
the adoption of the following recommendations:

      Appropriating funds from the Hatch Act.

      1. That the appropriation of $15000.00 from the
Hatch Act, the income from the Fertilizer arid Food Control,
and Farm, and the interest accruing from these accounts
be appropriated for the use of the Station.

      Turning over Stat. Bldg., to exclusive use of Stat.

      2. That the Station building be turned over for the
use of the Station at the earliest date possible, the Station
to pay $9000.00 for the College's equity in the building,
If this can not be done by September 15th, we recommend
that the college take the building for Prof. Eastle and that
the Station erect a building for it's purpose, in which event
the college to pay $3000.00 for the Station's equity in the

      Confirming appointment of D. W. May.

      3. By authority of the Board at it's meeting in June
last, Mr. D. W. May was selected Superintendent of Animal
Husbandry and begun his duties January 1, last. Directcr
Scovell is much pleased with his work. We therefore recommend
that his appointment be confirmed and made permanent, his
salary to be $1500.00 per annum.

      Confirming appointment pf J. 0, LaBach & fixing salary.

      4. Mr. J. 0. La Bach was elected last year for one
year, and if satisfactory to the Director his election was
to be made permanent. The Director recommends this and we,
therefore, concur in such a recomr-iendation, that the election
of Mr. La Bach, as chemist of the Food Division of the Station,
be made permanent and his salary be $1500.00 per ammium, unless
an Increase be recommended hereafter. The Director informs
the committee that he has had a talk with Mr. La Bach and
such an arrangement is satisfactory to him.



      5. The advances in salaries for the following named
persons in the Station have been mutually agreed to by the
President of College and the Director of the Station, and we
recorriend the adoption of the same, namely:

      Recommending Increase in various salaries.

      Dr. A. M. Peter, Chemist from    $1600.00  to $1700.00
      J. N. Harper, Agriculturist "     1200.00  1l  1500.00
      R. M. Allen, Executive Officer and Secy. of the Food
            Division from $900.00 to $1500.00.

      W. H. Scherffius, chemist, from $900.00 to 1200.00.
      J. D. Turner, Secly. to the Director and Librarian,
            from $900.00 to $1200.00.

      George Roberts, Assistant Chemist, from $600.00 to $750.00
      L. O. Beatty,      "I        "T       "i  600.00 TI  750.00
      L. D. Averitt,     ft        tI       tI  600.00 '   750.00
      T. L. Richmond, Asst. to the Entomologist and Botanist,
          from $600.00 to $750.00.

      Miss Mary L. Didlake, Ass't. to the Entomologist and
          Botanist from $480.00 to $600.00.

      Confirming appointment of 'N. G. Campbell & fixing

      In connection with plot and forage plant experiments,
the U. S. Government has agreed to furnish from $500.30 to
$600.00 in cooperative work. This necessitates the employment
by Prof. Garman of a young man to do -this work. Mr. W. G.
Campbell a graduate of the college is recomnmended and we
ask that he be confirmed at a salary of $600.00 per year.

                          Respectfully submitted by

                               John F. Hager,


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,June 4, 1902 - page 130-131

      In reference to salary of J. 0. La Bach.

      Last year the salary of J. O. La Bach was fixed at
$1500.00 with an increase of $100.00 each year until the
maximum of $2000.00 is reached, provided that his services
were satisfactory to the Director. Upon consultation with
the Director, we learn that Mr. La Bach's salary of $1500.00
is adequate for the work he is performing and that his
services at such a salary are satisfactory.

      We recommend that his salary be f ixed at $1500.00
and that there be no increase in his salary unless such in-
crease be recommended hereafter by the Director.

                        Respectfully submitted by,

                                   R. C. Stoll,  Chairman.
                                   John F. Hager,
                                   John McChord,

      Amending Rept. of Com. on Ex. Sta. Fixing salary of
Sherff ius.

      The following motion was made by mr. Ferguson.

      I move to amend the report of the Committee on the
Experiment Station by inserting as the salary of Mr.
Sherffius $1500 instead of $1200. Said motion was duly
seconded, and upon the roll call the vote stood as follows:

      Ayes: Messrs. Fowler, Barker, Ferguson, Nelson,
McChord, Ramsey, Patterson, Clay, Hager,   9.

      Noes: Messrs. Frazee, Marcum, Stoll, Bell,
Kinkead, - 5.

      Report of Comn. on Ex. Stat. Adopted.

      Mr. Stoll made the following motion.

      I now move the adoption of the report of the Committee
on the Experiment Station as amended.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 4, 1902 - page 131-132

      Said motion was duly seconded, and upon the roll call
the vote stood as follows:

      Ayes: Messrs. Fowler, Frazee, Stoll, Barker, Ferguson,
Hager, Nelson, Bell, McChord, Ramsey, Patterson, Clay, - 12.

      Noes: Messrs. Marcum, - 1.

      Said motion was carried.

      Salary of Miss Mulligan fixed.

      The following motion was made by Judge Barker:

      I now move that the salary of Miss Mulligan, Stenographe