xt70zp3vx05q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vx05q/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1943-09-24  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, September 24, 1943 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, September 24, 1943 1943 1943-09-24 2020 true xt70zp3vx05q section xt70zp3vx05q -.‘.Lca§:-:;22~f—.m’:? >1? ,-—, -



Minutes of the Faculty of the University — September 20, 1943


In connection with the approval of these degrees, President Donovan
mentioned to the Faculty that it may be necessary to resume the practice
of having a summer school commencement, since several students and par»
ents have expressed dissatisfaction with the present procedure.


On recommendation of Assistant Dean Horlacher, the petition of

y Thomas Bradley Christie was approved. Mr. Christie asked that he be

‘ permitted to do 18 quarter hours of work away from the University. The
maximum amount allowed under the rules is 9 quarter hours. It was
pointed out that Mr. Christie had done all of his other work in residence

1 at the University of Kentucky and that he is now an officer in the U.S.
1 ' Army.



Professor B. A. Shively, Director of Athletics and Coach Adolph
Rupp appeared before the Faculty and again reviewed the problem involved
in the recruitment of candidates for University athletic teams. They
asked in particular that exceptions be made to the rules governing
admissions in the case of the following four men, and that they be
admitted to the University for the fall quarter:




George (Vujacich) Vulich
Jack Parkinson

Bob Brannum

Victor Jadrnak


On motion, duly made and‘seconded, the Faculty voted that these
four men he admitted to the University and that a special committee be
appointed to study these and related problems of admissions and report
back to the FaCulty. The President appointed to this committee, Leo
M. Chamberlain, L. J. Horlacher, and William S. Taylor. The next meeting
of the Faculty was scheduled for 3 p.m. Friday, September 24.








The Faculty of the University met in the President's Office, Friday.
September 24. President Donovan presided. Members present were Paul P.
Boyd, Thomas P. Cooper, J. H. Graham, William S. Taylor, Edward Wiest.

‘ and Leo M. Chamberlain. Assistant Dean L. J. Horlacher also attended
M the meeting.












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Minutes of the Faculty of the University - September 24,

The minutes of September 20 were read and approved.

The special committee appointed to study certain problems of
admissions made the following report to the Facultys
"The committee appointed by the Faculty of the University
to study certain problems of admissions recommends that the pres"
ent rules respecting admission toihe freshman class be amended to
read as follows:

Admission to the Freshman Class ,

Applicants who are graduates of accredited high schools will
be admitted to the UniVersity on certificate, provided they have
at least fifteen units of acceptable high school work. A unit
represents the study of any subject for a school year of at least
thirtymtwo weeks, with five recitation periods a week, each of at
least forty—five minutes in length, or the equivalent thereof.
Double periods are required in shop, drawing, typewriting, and all
other courses requiring no out~cfmclass preparation. One unit is
the minimum credit accepted in any foreign language, and onewhalf
unit the minimum in any other subject.

While the University does not prescribe a pattern of work for
admission, it is strongly recommended that at least ten of the units
presented be chosen from the English studies, the social studies,
mathematics, the foreign languages, and the laboratory sciences,
and that within these ten units the student offer at least three
units in English, one and onevhalf in algebra, and one in plane
geometry. Should a student lack these courses as prerequisites
for any of his college work, he will be required to take them in
college without credit, thus delaying his graduation.

Applicants who have graduated from unaccredited high schools
and those not graduated from high school may be admitted as freshm
men if, in addition to presenting the fifteen acceptable units. they
successfully pass the University classification examinations.

Admission to the University does not necessarily qualify a
student for admission to a particular‘college. In every case the
student must meet the admission requirements of the college in
which he is to enroll.”

The report of the committee was approved.

The opinion of members of the Faculty was sought concerning the
change in the form of the diplowa used by the University. The suggeSe
tion had been made that it might be desirable to change from the pres~
ent type of diploma to the book form now in use in so many institutions.
After hearing expressions of opinion from each member present, it was
suggested that the Secretary learn the attitude of both Dean Evans and
Dean Funkhouser, who had been unable to attend the meeting, and make a
recommendation based on the opinions of all members of the Faculty.











Minutes of the Faculty of the University ~ September 24, 1943

Mr. Peterson requested guidance from the members of the Faculty
respecting the general deposit now paid by all students at the time of
their first registration in any school year. He indicated that only a
few students ever had any assessments made against this deposit and
suggested that the work involved hardly warranted a continuance of this
practice. The questions of the general deposit and other alternatives
were discussed in some detail. Mr. Peterson was requested to draw up a
recommendation to be submitted to the Faculty at its next meeting.

On recommendation of Dean Boyd, the petitions of Anna Laura Riley
and Jane Denny were approved. Both of these students were asking to be
allowed credit in Commerce 13a without taking 13b. Both petitions were
approved by Dean Wiest and Professor A. J. Lawrence.

The Secretary raised a question as to the desirability of the
present practice of taking the picture of each new student, pointing
out the amount of expense and labor involved. He requested that members
of the Faculty express themselves as to the value derived from these
pictures. It appeared that all members of the Faculty thought the
pictures were of sufficient value to warrant the continuance of the
current practice.

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The Faculty of the University met in the President's Office,
Fnday, October 8, at 3 p.m. President DonOVan presided. Members pres”
ent were Paul P. Boyd, Alvin E. Evans, W. D. Funkhouser, Frank D.
Peterson, Edward Wiest, and Leo M. Chamberlain. Assistant Dean L. J.
Horlacher also attended the meeting.

The minutes of September 24 were read and approved.

The following communication from the College of Arts and Sciences
was read to the Faculty and the recommendation contained therein approved:

"At its meeting on September 30, the Faculty of the College of
Arts and Sciences recommended the following:

That the requirement in Basic ROTC courses be increased from
four hours a week to five hours a week for the duration of the AST
program, The request comes from the War Department and Colonel
Brewer. No increase in quarter hours is made for the courses."