xt70zp3vwx53 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vwx53/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-11-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 04, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 04, 2002 2002 2002-11-04 2020 true xt70zp3vwx53 section xt70zp3vwx53 Discover a hidden campus treasure at UK Art Museum PAGE 5



November 4, 2002

Celebrating 31 years findepndeece





Miss this

Cats rack ip another ll’
against M'ssissrppi State




UK sex-pert talks
birds, bees, STDs



Let‘s talk. about sex

Pam Woodrum, a women's health nurse practitioner and health educator at University Health Service, says her office is open from 8 a.m. to
5 pm. Monday through Friday to anyone who wants to tallr.

I’ll take
and I’ll
have one
of them
put the
on the


Education: Pam Woodrum says she has an ‘open-door'
policy with students who want information

By Sarah Vlllmoth

Armed with a bag full of
sex brochures. contraceptive
devices and a wooden model of
a penis she fondly calls
“Woody." Pam Woodrum enters
a roomful of nearly 70 young
women at UK's Sigma Kappa
sorority house.

Woodrum. 55. is a certified
women's health care nurse
practitioner and health educa~
tion counselor for the Universi-
ty Health Service. She regular-
ly gives lectures about sex to
various groups around cam-
pus. covering everything from
abstinence. pap smears and al-
cohol to pregnancy. contracep-
tion and sexually transmitted

Each academic year.
Woodrum is likely to speak to
as many as 1,000 students in
residence halls. greek organi-
zations and other campus
groups. She also sees nearly
500 students in her office and
gives around 25 guest lectures
for different classes every

Just minutes into the lec-
ture at the Sigma Kappa house.
Woodrum asks for two students
willing to demonstrate how to
apply the Ortho Evra birth
control patch. When she re-
wards them with colorful Can-
doms _ rubberized soda can
holders that look like giant
condoms k the room fills with
laughter and the ice is immedi-
ately broken.

Students who attend her
talks are surprised. yet pleased
by Woodrum’s openness about

The animated nurse from
Mt. Sterling. Ky. is a small
woman with a kind face. a
warm smile and a laid-back
personality who tells students

right away that no subject is
off-limits. She comfortably
delves into topics such as the
effect of penis size on sexual
pleasure or the meaning be~
hind sticky vaginal discharge.
Her willingness to discuss and
answer questions about any
sex-related topic quickly puts
some people at ease.

“She's just really cool.“
said Kali Boulanger. an animal
science sophomore and Sigma
Kappa sorority member. “You
wouldn't expect someone who‘s
older to be so open about sex
because she might be your
mom's age."

Woodrum has counseled
and guided countless students
over the years through pregnan
cies. pelvic exams and STDs and
is the woman every female stu-
dent must meet and talk with
before her first pap smear at
UHS. Many students who have
met Woodrum or have attended
one of her lectures think of her
as UK‘s unofficial student sexu-
al health representative

Dr. Spencer Turner. direc
tor and head team physician at
health service. echoes that sen-

“She really is our [the
health service‘s] person in
terms of who covers issues re-
lated to sexual health," he said.


Woodrum has spent the
last 10 years in the health edu~
cation department at health
services. but she began her ca—
reer at UK long before.

She began her nursing ca-
reer at UK in 1967 working in
obstetrics and gynecology: In
1970. she moved to the outpa-
tient medical clinic. where she
worked for another three years.

She joined the health ser-
vice in 1973 as a staff nurse
and soon after went back to


scorr usmnsxv | KERNEL STAFF

school to seek higher certifica—
tion. She did clinical work at
UHS for almost 20 years.

As her rheumatoid arthri-
tis worsened. Woodrum was
forced to end her clinical work
and began her career as a
health educator in the early

At that point in time. the
health service was trying to
build up its health education
activities. Turner said. The
best thing to do for the whole
health service was to put her
in the department of health ed-
ucation. he said.

“I felt Pam's brain was too
good not to just push and uti-
lize it." he said. "it was a nat-
ural move for her. and she's
just done marvelously for us."

Lectures around campus

One of the most important
points Woodrum makes clear
to students early on is that ab-
stinence is OK.

”There are other things
you can do for pleasuring short
of having intercourse." she

Woodrum said that she
poses a lot of hypothetical
questions to students to get
them thinking seriously about
sex. She says she also stresses
the importance of informed dee

“Ideally. you should post-
pone intercourse until you're
in that long-term. mutually
monogamous relationship."
she said. “But if you're going
to do something. protect your—
self from pregnancy and sexu-
ally transmitted infections
that's the most important
thing. Casual sex in this day in
age can be deadly."

Woodrum said that men
must take as much responsibil-
ity as women in terms of con»
traceptive use.

“Guys shouldn't depend on
women to always be the ones to
use birth control." she said.
“Just because she doesn't in-

See SEX on 4

The Student Newspaper at Keuntcy,






driver charged
with DUI

Problems: UK student in critical condition after
being hit by a car at a campus intersection


A UK student is in crit»
ical condition after he was
struck by a car at a campus
intersection early Saturday.

The driver was arrest-
ed on charges of drunken
driving. UK police said.

Eric Vetter. a 19-year-
old business freshman. was
crossing Cooper and Uni-
versity drives at 4:28 am.
when he was hit by a Toy-
ota four-door.

The driver. Dustin Hat-
ton. 19. of Lexington. was
arrested on charges of

drunken driving and fail-
ure to have his license in
his possession. said Cpl.
William Stacey of the
Fayette-County Detention

UK does not think Hat-
ton is enrolled as a student.
said UK spokesman Carl

Hatton was released
from the Fayette-County
Detention Center later Sat-
urday. said Cpl. William

A court date has been
set for 1 pm. Thursday.


Voters may be
surprised by

By Rebecca Neal

and Laura Bogenschutz


On Election Day, voters
will have the chance to de-
cide whether to delete sec-
tions of Kentucky's 1891
constitution so more mod-
ern laws can be added.

Amendment 2 deals
with 11 sections involving
regulations for corpora
tions in Kentucky. Some of
the measures in the sec-
tions include a ban on
trusts and regulations for
foreign corporations.

Some supporters of the
amendment have said the
sections are outdated and
should be replaced. Stephen
Voss. a political science pro
fessor. said this is typical of
most deleted sections.

“Most of the things taken
out of the constitution are
dead law anyway." he said.

Voss said the constitu-
tion was written in the late
1800s. when the nation was
recovering from a depres-
sion and more stringent cor
porate laws were enacted.

Supporters have said
the amendment would help
attract new businesses; op-
ponents argue it would not
help large corporations.
hurting working families.

Brad Canon. a political
science professor. said the
amendment has been large»
1y ignored by the public.
leaving voters uninformed.

“No one discusses
specifics. and there is no pub
licity on why we should or
should not vote for it." he said.

The amendment on the
ballot reads. "Are you in favor
of permitting the General
Assembly to provide by gen-
eral law for the formation. or-
ganization. and regulation of
corporations by repealing
certain sections of the (‘on-
stitution of Kentucky relat-
ing to corporations?"

Amendment 2 was
passed with no opposition
on the final day of the 2002
General Assembly It was
one of the top recommen-
dations made by a congres-
sional review commission
in 1987.

Proposed deletions

The ll sections of Amendment 2
of Kentucky's constitution that
would be repealed if the refer-
endum passes are:

Section 190: Corporations in .
existence at the time of the
adoption of the present
Constitution shall file an accep-
tance of the provisions of the

Section l9l: Unexercised char-
ters granted prior to the adop-
tion of the Constitution are
revoked. '

Section 192: Corporations are
limited to the exercise of the
powers provided in their char-
ters and shall not hold real
estate longer than 5 years
except that which is necessary
and proper for carrying on
legitimate business.

Section 193: Stocks or bonds
are to be issued only for
money, property, or labor at
fair market value.

Section l94: Corporations shall
have a place of business and
process agent in the state.

Section 198: Prohibits trusts and
combinations in restraint of trade.

Section 200: A domestic corpo-
ration consolidating with a for-
eign corporation does not
become foreign.

Section 202: Foreign corpora-

tions are not to be given privi-
leges over domestic corpora-


Section 203: Liabilities under a
corporate franchise are not to
be released by lease or alien-

Section 2012 Provides for cumu-
lative voting for directors of a

Section 208: The term "corpo-
ration" also includes lolnt stocli
companies and associations









2f i regretswmzooz I W" mm



none of
these men
prefer to
be going
and leav~ .
ing their
they‘re all
liility' to
defend our

Warren County


Mike Buchanan
til. llit‘

ii. [}£w‘.i‘ilt‘ill
iil Ii
.’\i :.;y
Tiwt on ll
ifiiiaid ifiizt

‘ti lii'iSlilét


The Low-down

Diabetes classes start today

The Lexington-Fayette County Health
Department is sponsoring a series of class-
es on diabetes. Classes will focus on living
with diabetes and managing medications.
The classes will be held on Nov. 4, 11 and 18
at the I.exingtmrFayette County Health [)e-
pai'tnient. :ird. floor conference room C. 650
Newiowii i’ike. Preregistration is required
with a registration fee of $5.00 for all three


Hip-hon group, singer will perform

The Martin Luther King. Jr. Cultural
center will present “The World" featuring
iiiii'llt‘ rhythms. ’I‘he hip-hop group Iswhat
and \iilL’t‘l‘ l'rsiila Rucker will perform at
the eyeni on Thursday. Nov. 7 at 7 pm.

Doctor to speak about AIDS

Ii: Hill iieekiiell will speak about his ex-
1‘“! leaves pi oi iding medical care for people
Iii Siberia on Not ii at 5 to 8 pm. in 504
Hedi» Silence Learning (‘enter Dr. Tom
irde it ill speak about providing health care
in Allis yii'tiiiis iii I'ganda on Nov. 11 in 504
lll'Jillll Science Learning Center. Both pre-
«‘iliiiiiiiib are sponsored by the (‘ollege of

Ky. Guard unit headed to Bosnia
iii. iii'iifx'G GREEN. Ky. Members of
It lyt‘i‘iilt l Army National Guard unit re-
veal-d ~. itii'lilfil send-off from the communi-
. lit-ton Eeiyiiig for a 12-month mission
' iy .. ' -l\e them to Bosnia for peacekeep-
~ iiiii'. The unit will train in Kansas and
11»: man. before beginning its mission in
toana The soldiers are from the HHC. 2nd
li'ii7 illiti} oi the l‘JIird Armored 35th Mech-
'iill/i‘ll Infantry Division. “Although none of
iliese men prefer to be going and leaving
their trinilies. they‘re all fulfilling their re-
\il'iihilllllii ., to defend our nation." War—
i‘r iiinty .Itirige-Executiye Mike
liiii'liaixon told the group that gathered Sat-
.ziiiay in a school gymnasium. After speech-
soiigs. prayers and a cascade of red.
w bite and blue balloons. the guardsmen and
their families ate a meal provided by the
wellwishers. Spc. Adam Smith. a Western
Kentucky i'niyersity student and a guards-
inaii tor three years. sat at a cafeteria table
it iib his family. His parents. brother. sister.
both sets of grandparents. fiance. fiance's
parents and his brother's girlfriend had all
come to see him off. he said. Smith got in
paged on Labor Day. when rumors of his
unit‘s activation were already making the
rounds “We weren't for sure if anything




You know that
annoying friend
who couldn't stop
saying "You

look mahvelous"
back in the '80:?
Well, if he sud-
denly starts
screaming "I'm
Jus' keeding!"
you can blame
Iii-ed Armlsen.
Just a few weeks
into his first sea-
son as a featured
player on "Satur-
day Night Live,"
the 35-year-old
former rock mu-
sician (he spent
eight years be-
hind post-punk
band Trench-
mouth's drum
kit) is already
cranking out
catchphrases as
the timbale-tap-
ping Venezuelan
"nightclub come-
dian" Fericito, an
blend of Tito
Puente and "The
Simpsons'" Bum-
blebee Man. will
he have any pull
when it comes to
booking "SNL'":
musical guests?
"Yes, I'm work-
ing on getting
Shellac and the
Mekons." Sorry,
indie-rock fans:
Jus' keeding.



was going to happen.“ said Smith's fiance. a
student at the University of Louisville. But
then the word came. “I cried a lot. got angry.
then I just made my peace with it," she said.
“Overall. I'm happy for him. It's what he
wants to do. and I support him in it." Capt.
Avery Davis. who teaches fifth grade in
Louisville. is leaving behind parents in
Bowling Green. he said. In Bosnia he will
serve on the battalion commander's staff. “I
think it’s going to be a good opportunity. a
good experience for the unit as well as for
myself," Davis said. The soldiers will spend
a week at a training center in Muhlenberg
County Then they will move to Fort Riley in
Kansas until the end of January. but may get
to come back to spend Thanksgiving with
their families, said Sgt. First Class Daniel
Alexander. The unit will spend February in
Germany. then move on to Bosnia for eight
months. But in case of international crisis.
they could be ordered anywhere in the world
until they take up station in Bosnia. And
their orders can be extended for up to 24
months, Alexander said.

Earthquakes hit Alaska, Nebraska

ANCHORAGE, Alaska -—- A major
earthquake rocked a sparsely populated area
of interior Alaska early Sunday afternoon.
cracking highways and roads, knocking over
fuel tanks and shaking rural homes. The
magnitude 7.9 quake. centered 90 miles
south of Fairbanks. was strongly felt in An-
chorage about 270 miles to the south. It hit at
1:13 pm. Alaska Standard Time. said Bruce
Turner of Alaska anti Tsunami Warning
Center. The state patrol said no injuries
were immediately reported. “It shook for a
good 30 seconds." Turner said. The earth-
quake occurred on the Denali Fault and had
a shallow depth. said John Lahr. geophysi-
cist at the US. Geological Survey‘s National
Earthquake Information Center in Golden.
Colo. Shallow earthquakes generally are felt
over a wider area. “We expected this would
have surface rupture that geologists could
see on the ground and study." he said. Troop-
ers responded to several reports of damaged
roads in the area. including a 3-foot crack
opened up in the main road between Fair-
banks and Anchorage. said Lt. Lee Farmer.
Earthquakes above magnitude 7 are consid-
ered major .. capable of widespread. heavy
damage. A moderate earthquake shook the
central Plains earlier Sunday. The 4.3 quake
hit about 2:45 pm. some 30 miles northwest
of O'Neill. Neb. the geological survey said.

Iraq: U.S citizens don't want war
CAIRO. Egypt , Iraqi President Sad-
dam Hussein said in a rare interview that he
believed the American and British determi-
nation to make war on Iraq could collapse
under the weight of anti-war sentiment in
the two countries. “Time is in our favor. and
we have to buy more time hoping that the
U.S.-British alliance might disintegrate be
cause of the pressure of public opinion on
American and British streets." Saddam told


Benzel lashlng-
ton Is apparently
not too daunted
by recent news
events to consid-
er starring in a
new Mntleth
Century Fox
movie that could
court controver-
sy because of its
similarity to re-
cent kidnapping
stories. The film
is "Man on Fire,"
in which he'd
play a Marnie-
guard who takes
a job protecting
a rich couple's
little girl in an
country. only to
see her kid-
napped and
killed. According
to the Hollywood
Reporter. the
thriller would
shoot in February
under Washing-
ton's "Crimson
Tide" director,
Tony Scott. The
movie is an
adaptation of
A.J. Quinnell's
1980 novel.
which was set in
Italy, though
Scott may move
the action to
Mexico City, Va-
riety reports.
This despite the
recent high-pro-
file kidnapping of
pop diva Thalia's
sisters there --
one was in cap-
tivity for more
than two weeks.
the other for
more than a
month, before
the family appar-
ently paid a ran-
som and saw
them return
home safely.

the Egyptian weekly Al-Osboa in the inter»
View published Sunday “The demonstra
tions in the Arab and Western world include
hundreds of thousands of peace-loving peo-
ple who are protesting the war and aggres
sion on Iraq." he said. apparently referring
to protests in the United States and around
the world last month. Pointing to Arab pub-
lic opinion as a force in Iraq's favor. Saddam
also appealed to Arab leaders to defend Iraq.
Arguing that Washington‘s goal was to con
trol Mideast oil. he said that after attacking
Iraq, US. forces could strike at other Arab
countries and non-Arab Iran. Most of Sad-
dam‘s statements were standard Iraqi
rhetoric 7 be blamed "Zionist schemes" for
Iraq's troubles and said invading Iraq would
not be “a picnic“ for American and British
forces. But his references to anti-war demon
strations in the West were the first signal he
believed protests could undermine President
Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
the chief advocates of attacking Iraq. While
the United States has said it wants to oust
Saddam to eliminate Iraq's weapons of mass
destruction. the Iraqi president maintained
in the interview that America's real design
is to take control of Middle East oil to serve
the interests of its ally. Israel. “The Arab oil
will be under the US. control and the region.
especially where oil flows. will be under full
American hegemony, All this serves Israel‘s
interest with the aim of turning it to a vast
empire in the region." Saddam said. US. offi-
cials have consistently argued their goal is
not to control Iraq’s oil.

Netanyahu demands early elections

JERUSALEM . Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon sought to keep his imperiled govern-
ment afloat Sunday by bringing former pre-
mier Benjamin Netanyahu into the Cabinet.
while Netanyahu set a tough condition for
joining early elections. Israel's two lead-
ing rightwing politicians, Sharon and Ne
tanyahu. are trying to work out an alliance
while also battling each other to lead the
Likud Party into the country‘s next general
election. The ballot must be held before next
November. but could be brought forward to
early next year if Sharon resigns or if his
fragile coalition collapses in the coming
days or weeks. In the complex rivalry be-
tween Sharon and Netanyahu. both stressed
their efforts to resolve the current political
crisis. and played down any suggestion they
were jockeying for advantage in the next
election. Sharon "praised the decision in
principle by Mr. Netanyahu to join his gov‘
ernment.” the prime minister‘s office said in
a statement. Netanyahu’s demand for early
elections was “being examined.” Sharon's
office added.

Compiled from staff and wire reports.



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UK to host ‘ice cream'
environmental campaign

Goodies for a cause: UK is only one of 20 colleges
and universities and college to host the tour

By Enlyiiagedorn

snrr wmtm

Ben & Jerry‘s Ice Cream
is using their frozen treats
and Dave Matthews Band mu-
sic to educate students about
global warming.

The Ben & Jerry's One
Sweet Whirled Campus Tour
Road Team will be parked in
Stole Field, across from the
Student Center, today and
Tuesday from 10 am. to 4
pm, handing out ice cream
coupons and information on
the environment.

“(Ben & Jerry‘s) is
putting out a good message to
inform students of their envi-
ronmental decisions and how

they can reduce problems in
the environment," said Ben
Abel, president of the Green
Thumb Environmental Club.

UK is one of 20 colleges
and universities chosen to
host the tour, which is part of
the larger One Sweet Whirled
Global Warming Campaign.

The organizers of the
tour _ Ben & Jerry’s, Dave
Matthews Band and
SaveOurEnvironment.org —-
are also using the tour to de-
but the new ice cream flavor.
One Sweet Whirled, inspired
by the band's ecology-con-
scious song,

“One Sweet Whirled“ _
the flavor v includes caramel
and coffee ice creams mixed

with marshmallow, caramel
swirls and coffee flavored
fudge chips.

Ben & Jerry‘s is giving a
portion of every sale of the
flavor to Dave Matthews
Band's Bama Works Founda-
tion, the band's charity orga-
nization and other global
warming initiatives.

The tour will be hosting
beanbag tosses. selling T
shirts and postcards and will
bring two 10-foot solar power
inflatables and an environ-
mentally friendly RV.

There will also be raffles
giving away pints of ice
cream and Ben & Jerry‘s pint
locks, Abel said.

“This is one of Ben & Jer—
ry's inventions to keep your
roommates from stealing

your ice cream.“ he said.

A focus of the tour's is to

Midterm elections
rarely attract voters


called midterm elections
don't seem to attract the at-
tention of Kentucky voters
and Secretary of State John
Y. Brown 111 thinks Tues-
day’s will be no different.

Even when there is a
US. Senate seat to be decid-
ed, as this year with incum—
bent Republican Mitch Mc-
Connell seeking a historic
fourth term against Democ-
rat Lois Combs Weinberg.
less than half the electorate
turns out to vote.

Brown estimated
turnout Tuesday could be
around 40 percent of the
nearly 2.65 million registered
voters. Polls are open at 3.476
precincts from 6 am. to 6
pm. local time. Similar cir-
cumstances in 1998 saw
turnout of 47.8 percent,
though the Senate race be-
tween Jim Bunning and
Scotty Baesler was more
closely contested. With no
Senate seat on the ballot in
1994, turnout fell to 38.8 per»

The only statewide race
fizzled almost from the mo-
ment it started. Weinberg's
campaign got the air taken
out of it when she barely
squeaked by primary oppo-
nent Tom Barlow.

The lack of a serious
threat did not keep Mc-
Connell from mounting his
usual array of attacks on
any prospective opponent.
His television commercials
compared Weinberg. the
daughter ,of former Gov.
Bert Combs making her

first political campaign, to
hot-button liberals like
Hillary Clinton, called her a
millionaire corporate exec-
utive and made fun of her
claims to represent ordi-
nary families.

Weinberg, desperate for
an issue, has dredged up
McConnell’s opposition to a
constitutional amendment
to prohibit flag burning and
even challenged him to a
trapshooting contest.

A McConnell protege,
3rd District Rep. Anne
Northup, is struggling to
win a fourth term against
Democrat Jack Conway, a
former Patton administra-
tion official who is making
his first race. Party heavy-
weights have joined the fray,
including two visits from
President Bush for Northup
that Democrats say is proof
that she is in trouble.

Up the Ohio River, the
lone Democrat in Kentucky‘s
congressional delegation,
Ken Lucas, is battling histo—
ry to win a third term. Lucas
is the first Democrat to rep—
resent the 4th District in a
generation and is being chal-
lenged by Geoff Davis, a He-
bron businessman and politi-
cal newcomer.

The other members of
the congressional delega-
tion, all Republicans, are
considered safe. Even with-
out a Democratic opponent,
though, 6th District Rep.
Ernie Fletcher has hit the
airwaves with campaign
commercials, criticized in
some corners as advance
campaigning for Fletcher‘s
2003 gubernatorial

Some local matters
could bump up turnout.
Brown said races for the
new metro council in Jeffer-
son County and a con
tentious Lexington mayoral
race . where the state GOP
has dropped hundreds of
thousands of dollars for
Scott Crosbie in a supposed-
ly nonpartisan race — along
with a bevy of local races
across the state may draw
voters. On the other hand.
there are only a couple of
congressional races to at—
tract much interest.

Even so. the election re-
sults will have real meaning
on public policy issues.

Half of the 38-seat state
Senate is at issue and Repubv
licans are struggling to hold
onto their 2018 majority.

The issue of control is
not a big topic on the stump.
but the Senate outcome will
likely decide the shape of a
state budget, which wasn’t
passed this year because of a
disagreement over money
for partial public financing
of gubernatorial campaigns.

The Republican Senate
refused to consider a budget
with campaign finance mon-
ey in it. Republicans claim
their presence also help kill
tax increase proposals and it
indisputably helped stall
casino gambling legislation.

Gov. Paul Patton‘s
plunge into scandal after
Clinton nursing home owner
Tina Conner revealed a sexu-
al relationship with the gov-
ernor and accused him of di-
recting state government to
help, then hurt. her business.
has also been felt in some of
the local campaigns.

persuade people to reduce
personal carbon dioxide emis
sions by 2,000 pounds. said
David Hutchinson. vice presi—
dent of the Green Thumb En-
vironmental Club and UK's
One Sweet Whirled Ambas—

“The US. is one of the
biggest pollutants in the
world." Hutchinson said.

Visitors to the event can
take the “Fight Global Warm-
ing: Lose 2,000 Pounds!"
pledge by promising to make
small, environmentally con.
scious changes in their lives
like driving 15 fewer miles a
week. shutting down comput-
ers when not in use and using
cold water when doing laun-

Hutchinson said.

can help."

Ad uses images
of destroyed
twin towers


ated Democrats on Sunday
called for Ohio Republicans
to pull a television ad using
images of the destroyed
World Trade Center and New
York City’s Ground Zero area
in an ad against Ohio Democ-
ratic congressional candi-
date Tim Ryan. calling it
“disrespectful” and “a new

The political ad is be-
lieved to be the first in the
country to use images of the
destroyed towers, where 2,795
people died after the terrorist
attacks of Sept. 11, in a nega-
tive political ad. Ryan

It was not clear when the
ad started running, but two
of the three television sta-
tions in Youngstown said
they had aired it.

The issue ad, paid for by
the Ohio Republican Party,
starts out with a satellite
shot of the Ground Zero area
with the familiar plume of
smoke rising in the air. A fe-
male voice narrates “Ameri-
cans are targets across the
world: shootings, bombing,

The ad then dissolves into
a ground level shot of the de-
stroyed towers, as the voice
continues: “America must
fight back with the strongest
military possible yet what
does Tim Ryan say?”

The rest of the television
spot complains about Ryan’s
positions with an image of
Ryan and a changing plac~
ard. It wraps up with “Tim
Ryan is dead wrong on home-
land security. Call Tim Ryan.
Tell him it’s about time he
stood up for America."

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MZSWOMM You 60 Flea! mm) m

(lllllll (Alllllll

Homecoming Week! November 4 — 10, 2002

The Campus Calendar is produced by the Office of Student Actlvmes. Re lstered
Student Orgs and UK Depts. can submit information for FREE online ON WEEK
PRIOR to the MONDAY information is to appear at: httdeww.uky.adu/Campua
Calendar. Call 2576867 for more information.

Mon 4
'Freahmen Case, 7 00pm, CSF Building
“Bible Study, 7 30pm, (ill Campus
'American Civil Libertiea Union Meeting 8 30pm Student Center Rm 203
“Society tor the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) Meeting, 7 00:1er
Student Center Rm l06
'lalamic Study Group, 5 009m, Student Center Rrrr HS
'Chomiatry Tutoring 105/107, 7 00 9 OOprri Corrirrmris Rn: 30‘
'Biology All 100~ievel Tutoring. 7 00 9 000m Commons Rm 307
'Math Tutoring, 5 00 8 00pm Math Resource Center 063 Classroom Building
'Mlth Tutoring. 6 00 10 00pm Commons Rm 307
'Franch Tutoring, 3 00 4 OOmeeeneland Hal? lotihy
'CS 115/215 Tutoring, S 00 6 00pm King Ctlrrurulm Lu!)
'UK Judo Club 5 00 6 30pm, Altlli‘l‘l Gyrir lull
'Fllm Sarina: The Truth About Cats and Dogs, 7 00pm. vami tltrva'y Auditor um

'Minda Wide Open, ll 003m 5 00pm RHStlr’ill Gallery Fun“


”Revival Bible Study, 6 00pm Commons Market Rm 306A

'Feminiat Alliance Meeting, 7 30pm, Student Center, Rm 106

'One Sweet Whirled Campus Tour, 10 00am 4 00pm Sitrll Field -lill.ili(’ll between the
Smgletary Center lot the Arts and the Slutlelrt Center:

'Anirne, 7:00pm, Student Center, Rm 119

'Alpha Phi Omega Pledge Meeting, 7:009m, Student Center, Tues 5
Rm. 359

'UK Lambda. 7:30pm. UK Student Center, Rm 231

'TNT Worehlp Service, 7*30prn, 429 Columbia Ave

'Lavonder Society Meeting. 6:009m, Student Center, Rm 106

'Convaraational Engiiah Claae. 5:309m, 580“!“ Student Union

“Green Thumb Environmental Club Meeting, 7 00pm, Student Center, Rm 106
'thiat Student Union Meeting, 8-00pm, Student Center, Rm 228

'Firat Meeting, 9:00pm, Wesley Foundation


'L.E.A.P.. l0'00710:50am, Frazee Hall

'Chemietry Tutoringiosno‘l, 8:00 10:00pm, Holmes Hall Lobby
'Iiology Ali too—level Tutoring, 8:00710:00pm, Holmes Hall Lobby