xt70zp3vww89 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vww89/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-02-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 24, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 24, 1997 1997 1997-02-24 2020 true xt70zp3vww89 section xt70zp3vww89 ”ml








fSlABLlSHED 189-1


WEATHHI Partly sunny
today, high 40. Partly cloudy
tonight, low 20. Mort/y .runny
tomorrow, high 40.

ESCAPE Spring Break irjuxt around the
corner; and plane tickets and hotel roomy are

filling up. See Spring Iiicape '97 inside.


.-_._.‘M_._..~.......... _.. . -.......... ,w-«._... ..


_. . -...,u. . moawflnrn‘q-rwm .. . .t, ...




Fehruary,24 I99 7

(.lmwn 4

Sport; 2

l 'Iez.”pomr 4


o (flaru/iedt 5

Z (."roim'or'd 5

I )1: 't‘IZHUILi’ 6






Students may lose llunn seats

By Brian Dunn
Stafl' ll 'riter

About 1,700 student basketball and 2,001) football
tickets likely will be sold per year for future games to
the general public as well as to faculty and staff, UK
Athletics Director C. M. Newton said.

Newton recommended the change to the UK
ticket committee last week. The committee, which is
made up of representatives from alumni, faculty and
the student hotly, will vote on the change Feb. 28.

Several concerns caused the UK athletics depart—
ment to consider a change in the way it sold tickets,
Newton said.

Chief among those concerns was a steady national
decline of student attendance at basketball and foot—
ball games, he said.

The decline prompted the athletics department to
conduct a six-year study on student attendance at UK


Week looks
at diversity

By Cara Fedders

Contributing lVriter

The words “cultural diversity“ are heard but not
as often thought about on UK's campus.

Students gather in a classroom to learn about
mathematical equations, literary interpretations or
nursing methods, but not often do students learn of
the rich diversity present within the classroom itself.

The Ctiltural Diversity Programs Committee,
however, has found a way to improve the interaction
between cultures by sponsoring a Cultural Diversity
Festival. The festival will begin today and end
March 5.

The Cultural Diversity Festival is designed to
enrich the lives of students, faculty and staff through
participation in activities reflecting the value of dif—
ferent cultural experiences.

“The activities help those who have grown up in
different countries to learn how to better communi—
cate and make friends with one another," said coin—
mittee member Carolyn Holmes.

The festival will kick off its celebration featuring
a diverse menu of food items representing six conti—
nents. This event will be in the Student Center
Grand Ballroom on \Vednesday from 1 1:50 a.m. to
1:30 p.m. Other activities include art exhibits, a
European—style eatery with gourmet selections, an
International Night featuring cultural dance tradi-
tions and a cross-cultural workshop where students
will participate in simulation games, case studies and
role playing.

Two speakers are scheduled. Anthony Cohen will
discuss his research in tracing the Underground
Railroad in Worsham Theater on Thursday at 8
p.m. Coco Fusco will speak on “La Mulata Contrar-
aca: Tie Cuban Sex Industry" on Friday at 4 p.m.
in the President’s Room in the Otis A. Singletary

On March 3, from 3—6 p.m., “Shattering the
Silences" will be viewed in 230 Student Center to
show the “success and distress of seven minority
scholars.” The National Traditional Orchestra of
China will be at UK as part of the festival events.

The Cultural Diversity Festival incorporates reli—
gious diversity to strengthen interaction among cul-
tures. UK Speaks Out continues with a discussion
about religion in Worsham Theater at 7:30 p.m. on
March 4. The festival activities are free with the
exception of International Night. Tickets will be
sold for $3 in advance and $4 at the door.

“Ignorance is our enemy,” said Mildred Bailey,
committee member from the department of Minori-

ty Affairs.


men's basketball and football games.

The study showed not all oftlie 6,7011 student has»
ketball tickets or the 11,501) student football tickets
allotted per game were bought or picked up by stu—
dents, Newton said.

According to the study, on average, students
bought 1,812 student basketball tickets per game this
year, 4,063 student tickets were bought for guests or
sold to the general public, and 820 student tickets
were not sold at all.

()verall, students bought an average 1,813 of the
6,700 allotted student tickets per game this year.

The lowest number of tickets left over came from
the \'illanova game with 11 tickets unsold. For that
game, 3,353 students bought tickets, and 3,455
gucsts purchased tickets.

Although Villanova was the most demanded game
this year, Newton said the athletics department did
not have enough time to sell the tickets that students


or their guests did not buy.

Because the athletics department is sclfltiiitlitig. it
must sell as many tickets as it can, Newton said.

“\\'c should not have any ticket. where there is .i
demand for that ticket, to go unused." he said. "l\)('.ll'
1y that hurts our whole sports program "

One alternative to help sell the tickets was for the
.ithlctus dcpaitmt-nt to sell some of the student Ill k7
ets directly to the public and to faculty and staff.
Newton said.

The athletics department armed .it the figure of

1,701) Ilt‘ls‘t'ts’ by taking the average number of tickets
not bought by students for the highly attended
games of each oftlic last six years, he said,

1"..icli year, he added, that average will change.
causing more or fewer tickets to be available for
example. if the average number of tickets bought by
students for the high game increases. then the 1,701)
tit kcts available to the public “'1” drop. “\Vc thought





BEflll llllt IIOII'I break

Engineer’s Day I 997 took place Saturday at a part of
National Engineers l‘Veek. The event, sponsored by the
College of Engineering included competition; and exhi-
hitiom by local manufacturers. In one bridge building
context (top), a .rtructure constructed only ofpopricle
stick: and Elmer's glue finally failed at a force of
1,392.3 pounds. Operating the machine which applied
the pren‘ure wayjim Norwell. In another bridge related
contest, 8—year—old Emily Turner(ahoce), a third grade
at Warner Elementary create: a :pan axing only new:-
paper and tape. In the Mousetrap Car Competition, a
Beaumont Middle School eighth grader (right), aim; his
vehicle, powered only by the rodent catching device.

7 n v . a. ..,, r.
W "v51 “an




By Jennifer Fleming
Staff Writer

“Career lOl-Survival Tips for Making it in the
Real World” was the theme at yesterday's confer-
ence at the Student Center which focused its atten-
tions on informing upperclass college students on
what employers expect from potential employees.

Approximately 25 students attended the free
four—hour conference which included Workshops on
proper table etiquette to other informative career

“This conference was a very informative one that
have students a chance to ask questions about the
real world,” said Student Government Association
Vice President Chrissy Guyer

After five workshops was a question and answer
session, facilitated by Beverly Kirk from WLEX—
TV (Channe118). With the exception of Kirk, who
graduated from Western Kentucky University in
1988, members of the panel were UK graduates.

The alumni panel included: Michael Bowling.

"3m WM, regional account manager at BellSouth; Dennis

If H Associate professor Myrna Wesley delivered a

that b: pnvoltin program titled “Dinin Etiquette For
1’08ng Powers with ” g

Cannon, director of ublic relations at the KY Elec-

tric Cooperatives; C. Watts Crosbie, a maria ed

care specialist at Merck & Co., Inc.; Scott Crosgic,

attorney at Newberry. Hat-grove, and Rambicure;

Students learn about lite alter college graduation

and Nicole Segneri, employment manager at the
Hyatt Regency.

“What to Know Before You Go", presented by
Caroline Francis, assistant director at the UK
Career Center, announced some important things
to know when interviewing. Francis included learn-
ing how to read a financial statement, the impor—
tance of finding a mentor, investing in business
cards and remembering the names of everyone.

Extra emphasis was placed on making a great

“Know your resume inside and out—this is your
script,” Bowling said. “8c willing to talk about any-
thing that is listed on your resume.”

The importance of networking with profession-
als was a topic which was reiterated many times.
Students were asked to join professional associations
and community organizations.

“It's important to know people. Find out ifthere
is a mentoring program that you can take advantage
of,” said Kirk.

The panel of professionals also urged students
when going for an interview to prepare questions to
ask the interviewer. Also, know about the company
for which you have applied. Most of the alumni
panel had graduated in a different degree from
which they are working in currently.

‘I I


to public

the for w .i\ to do it, rather than take the .i\ci.igc ol
cath yeir. w .l\ to take the high game .ivcragc over tht-
last \1\ ye us.” \t:wton \.l1\l. i

lllt' lllzlllcsK .ittcnrlcd game .i\cr.igc for baskctbill
mcl‘ tlic l.lsl ‘.l\ years was illllll t‘tilllpdl'ttl Iii tlit'
.i\ci.igc o1 mull) [lll‘x year

\cwton said he didn't think the Si charge on stir
dciit titkcts for the last two years has tanscd the
decline lit-causc there has been .i steady decline in
student iitcndancc for at least six years. 4

11c didn't question the students" support of the
\\ ild; .its, but he did say .i llc\\' l.lll w .is emerging. Ullt'
that llst‘s other means, stltll .is .i [Cltfl'l‘yltillitir com-
putcr. to lollow the team.

"l'd love for our students to rise .111 6,71)“ tickets."
Newton said. “ iut that won't happen. It never has

z\s 1 .irry lvy, senior associate athletic director,
s.11il, “lt's hard to argue with the figures."


Fans SllBll flllt
ticket money

By Chris Easlerling

Spur l'.‘tlll""

\V\S11\'11.l,15.Tenn. ”L'K fans have proven
time .ind time again that they are willing to travel
wherever and pay however much is necessary in
Hitlt'l' to st'c (llt'lr licluvt'tl Cats

11“ not rate to scc opponent's .llcll;ls turned
into .1 sea of blue when his comt-s to town In
somc .irt-nas. 111(("11‘1111t'\\('l“\ lliompson~Boling
\rcna whcic thc Cats will visit tomorrow night

lflxi l.lll‘» outnumber tlic home lans.

But on Saturday. the \Vildcats traveled to .i sitt-

Vanderbilt‘s Memorial Cymnasmm th it
in.itiyp«.~op1c lelt would be difficult for any visiting
fans to get in to. even Big Blue fans

Although a great maiority of the 1;.i11 in
attendance were wearing the gold .ind black of tlic
homc~standmg Commodores. there was a slll‘pl‘ls
nigh large percentage of fans wearing blue.

Many ofthcst' blue (lad fins‘ were forced to sll
silciiily and w an. b .is Vanderbilt tact-d out to a 33
point lead. But once thr- Cats. rallit d for the lead.
chants of “I lo Big Blue" echoed through the old

i So gust how do all these Cat fans manage to get
into one of the Southeastern Conferences smallest

l‘irnic .ind Diane Brow of Robertson Creek in
Pike County were among two busloads of \Viltlcat
laris who got tickets from a company out of Lev
ington called Travel Crazy.

The company puts together packages for all his
road games, charging for transportation and tick
ets to the game. lior the trip to Nashville. Tray c1
(,ra’ly was asking 51‘)” per person.

Tinnel Crazy refused to comment on how the
company came up with the tickets.

The Brows were seated in the third level. about

“I’ve had these bought since August," l‘irnie
Brow said.

“They usually play here on a weekend every
other year. 1 can make it on the weekend, so 1
never fail to come here when they do."

Other fans who used 'l‘ravel Crazy found them-
selves iii different locations. Some had seats in the
upper level like the Brows while others, like
Corbin natives Bill and Vera Gibbs, found them—
selves sitting right behind the basket on the first

Jimmy Davy, who covers Vanderbilt for The
Tennessean in Nashville said that a lot of the sea—
son tickets in Memorial Gymnasium are bought by
corporations in town.

With the university making ticket-holders pay
money into a scholarship hind —— as much as
$2,500 for first level seats near the court —- on top
of the price of the tickets, corporations are gener-
ally the only people who can afford the tickets.

“Those seats, many times, go without anybody
in them for just the ordinary games," Davy said. “1f
you get a Kentucky, if you get an Arkansas or get
someone like Duke, then you'll see those seats
filled up with other fans.

“That's because they're business associates,
they’re banks that have bought tickets. And those
people aren't very careful as to who they give those
tickets to."

This is how Terry Baldwin and Lloyd Burchctt
of Russellville came up with their first-level seats.
Burchctt Worked with a member of the Vanderbilt
Alumni Association, who loaned him the tickets
for the UK game.

There are a few UK fans who own Vandy sea-
son tickets.

Rick Cothcran and Doug Lammers have
shared a season-ticket package for the last eight

They also share UK season tickets with friends
in Lexington.

Of course there are those who have to resort to
the expensive practice of buying from ticket

Jim Camp and Ben Armstrong from Hop-
kinsville each paid $150 for tickets behind the bas-

Armstrong said the scalpers are somewhat hard
to find and that they generally ask for around $100
a ticket for a UK-Vanderbilt game.

‘ 1



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2~ Monday, February 24, 7997, Kama-v Kernel




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By Dave Gonnan
Staff Writer

Talk about stingy. The UK
women’s tennis team (4-3) allowed
Miami of Ohio to go home with
only one win in singles as the hosts
pulled off an easy victory at home,

Miami’s talent level is a little bit
lower. as they have fewer than five
scholarships available.

“'l‘hey're in a little bit ofa dif-
fcrcnt situation then we are," UK

Coach Mark Guilbeau said. “And



for them to come in here and play
the way they did gives a lot of
credit to their coaching."

UK’s Kathy Herring set the
tone early as she shut out Amanda
Shinall 6-0, 6—0.

“I played pretty well and just
put a lot of pressure on her,” Her-
ring said. “She just really didn’t
know what to do."

Kelly Brown kept the party
going for the Cats as she blew out
Elin Benjisson 6-0, 6-2.

“I was just trying to be real
aggressive today,” Brown said.

', [we .‘


“My serve was feeling real good; I
really didn't give her a chance.”

Brown and Herrin put an
exclamation point on e match
against Miami, rolling over Benjis-
son and Kristen Bumgamer 8-1 in

“Our play in singles carried
over to our doubles,” Herring

Caroline Kirk finished off
Natalie Adams ofMiami 6-1, 6—3.
Sore shoulder notwithstanding,
Kirk was happy with her play, as
well as with the team’s.


“Toda I just tried to concen-
trate on eing more consistent,"
Kirk said.

UK' s Christy Si rski won her
sin les match easifiuover Corrie
Ve er 6-2, 6- 2. Her doublc51art~
ner Courntey Allen romped um-
garner 6 2 6— 2 as well.

Guilbeau hopes this 1ictory will
be a stepping stone for the team as
his players begin a tough stretch in
the Southeastern ( on ercnce.

“lhis sets us tip re.'1lly well,"
Guilbeau said. “\Ve played our
best today; we need to play like
this all the time."

Soulakis heads up Bats'
chart in championships

By 0. Jason Stapleton

Assistant 8va 1‘ Editor

A'I‘III'ZNS. (in. -»« Sophomore
Christy Soulakis turned in the
greatest performance of her life to
win the Southeastern Conference
Female Divcr ofthe Meet award.

Last year it the SI‘ ( Swim-
ming and l)i1in1r ( hampionship
Soulakis wattlitd lin1 Johnson
and Beth Luke dominate the
women's divers ranks.

\‘Vith Johnson graduated and
Leake out with injury, this was
Soulakis’s year to shine however.

She got off to a blazing start on
VVednesda1 by winnimr the three
meter springboard, then finishing
second on the one meter the fol-
lowing night.

“It showed unbelievable effort,”
said UK diving coach Mike
Lydcn. “I couldn’t have asked for
more out of Christy."

Soulakis was the first \Vildcat
to win the three—meter and only
the second to win in any diving

The only trouble for Soulakis
was platform diving on Saturday
night. She came in fifth in what is
normally her best event.

“I left some room for improve-
ment,” Soulakis said. “I was steady
in my prelims, but my finals were
nothing to write home about."

Despite the lackluster showing,
she was still very happy with win-
ning the Diver of the Meet award.

“I guess two out of three ain't
bad,” Soulakis said. “I’m very, very
happy. I'm not going to com-


Overall, the both the men’s and
women’s teams had very good
meets even thou h that didn’t
show up in the finafstandings.

“I thought they swam great,”
said UK swim coach Gary Conel-

“When it comes down to it
we’ve got more NCAA ‘B’ cuts
than we have ever had before,”
Conelly said. “I think by far and
away that this is our best ever SEC
meet - the standings don’t really
mean that much.”

The Wildcat men’s final stand-
ing actually should have been
much better, had it not been for
the final relay.

All they had to do was swim the
last relay without gettin dis uali-
fied and the men would ave eat-
en Alabama and South Carolina.

Unfortunately, that didn’t hap-



MARCO ... Plllo Freshman Nat Lewis finished third in the men ‘5 I 6 5 0—
yardfreerryle at the SEC Championships this ‘lt'ee’kt’lld.


UK was called for jumping
early on the last le of the rela '.

“That’s real )itter. I on’t
believe we jumped,” Conelly said.
“It’s unfortunate that we had one
capricious action take away all our

One of the top performances
handed in by a Wildcat was Nat
Lewis finishing third in the 1650

As it turns out, Lewis accom—
plished the feat under less than
ideal circumstanccscold which
affected his swimming during the


“I was a little under the weath-
er,” Lewis said. “I was feeling bet
ter than I was the previous two

Annabel Kostcn turned in UK's
best sprint performance of the
meet by taking seventh in the 50

The freshman from the
Netherlands swam it in 23.96,
good enough for the second fastest
time in UK history.

“I didn't know really what to
expect, but I think it turned out
OK,” Kosten said.




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IIK slams ‘Ilore on Vandy upset hid

By Chris Easterllng
Sport: Editor

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Rick
Pitino's appearance in his post-
garne press conference said it all
about the afternoon UK had
against Vanderbilt on Saturday.

His hair was
messed up; his
shirt collar unbut-
toned and his tie
removed. At one
point, he leaned

ack in his chair
and stretched out,
almost as if to
catch his breath more"
after the hair- -raising 40 minutes
his team had gone through earlier
in the day.

“My wife just
said to me there
has to be an easier
way to make a liv-
ing (than coach-
ing)," Pitino said.
“I’m not sure if
there is right

He's probably

Not after the Cats had to rally
from 22-points down in the first
half against a Commodore squad
that played like its NCAA Tour-
nament chances rode squarely on
the outcome of the game.

If the comeback wasn’t enough
to wear out Pitino, then the final
10 seconds of the game surely

ushed him over the edge.

\Vith UK leading 82-76, Vandy
guard Drew Maddux hit a desper—
ation three to pull the ‘Dores
within three. On the inbound
play, Ron Mercer’s pass to Allen




Edwards was stolen b Vanderbilt,
but the off-balance t ree attempt
clanged off the back of the iron to
secure the win for the Cats.

“1 think probabl one of the
best victories we‘ve had (at UK),"
Pitino said. “Even ahead ofthe 31-
point comeback (at LSU in 1994).

Lord because 1 could not look to
my team.”

The Cats started their rally In
the first half, steadily cutting into
Vanderbilt’s lead. First it was
down to 17, then 15, then 13 with
41 seconds left.

Then maybe the biggest shot of


It was better the afternoon
because (Vandy) came from a
was on top of most unlikely
their rame. You III 82, vuflflflm 78 source, \Vayne
had toimat a team V Turner.

that could do no As the ' ock
wron r and to I (”5" "'2’? Edwards 4-8.5-614;Epps 3‘ was wiritlling

i", ‘ ' g. 6. 1.2 9, Maglotre 3-5. 0-0 6; Mercer i1-19.0- . . .

C011“. )ack \\ Ill] 0 23; Padgett 440. 0-010;Pl1dtell 4-5, o_0 d0“ n, 1 urntr
that is really 9; Turner 3-4, 0-0 7; Mohammad 2-6. 0o 4; — who was
tremendous for MlllS 0-1, 00 0. Totals 3465. 68 82. three—of— 10



UK fell victim

Ill (17-I, H): Maddux 4-11, 8-8 18; Pride 0-
0. 1-2 1; Bales 3-6, 3-4 9; Whitehead 10-21,

from behind the

are this season

‘9 “ h“"5h""‘mg 3-5 27; Di Spaltro 5-9, 46 14; Prater 0-3. 2-2 “ 1“" “P '3
Vanderbilt team 2, Langhi 1-2. 2-3 4; Cugini 1-1.o-o 2; Strong thrcC- it
in the first half, as 1-3. 0.0 2. Totals 25-56. 23-30 79. bounced on the
the home team rim then, as It
went 0“ 8 39-3 Halftime vuu, UK 34. Rebounds UK32(Pncketl guuled '“ ”0m

run to turn a 7—7
tie into a 37-15
lead IIIidway
through the first
half. Pax \Vhite‘
head was the cata—
lyst for Vandy,
scoring 14 in the
first 20 minutes.

Technicals: Mercer

A 15.311


12), VU 30 (Whitehead 8). Three~pount FG: UK 23-16
(Edwards I-Z, Mercer 1—2. Mulls 04, Epps 24,
Padgett 2-5. Turner H, Pncken H) VU 6‘16
(Whitehead 4-8, Maddox 2-5. Strong 0t, Prater 0
2) Assrsts UK 25 (Epps to). VU 20 (Maddux 6).
Blocks. UK 5 (Magiorre. Mohammed 2). VU O.
Fouls UK 20 VU 14. Fouled out Padgett. Bates.

above. fell
through the net
to cut the Van-
derbilt lead to

44-34 at the
“That was

Pitino said of
Turner 5 shot.



With his team
shooting around 33 percent for
the half. Pitino found himself
looking for some divine interven-

“To be honest, (when we fell
behind) I asked (team chaplain)
Father (Ed) Bradley to leave the
bench," he said. “1 said ‘If you
can t pray any harder than that,
then vour career as a priest on this
bench is over.’ Thats the only
thing I could look toward was the

V andy would jump back out by
14 early In the second half, after
\Vhiteliead hit two free throtvs.
But once a ain, UK learned that
in the dar est of hours, when
things look to be at their absolute
worst, there 15 Mercer sporting his
Superman cape.

After scormg a mere six points
in the first half — including one
highlight reel dunk over Billy Di
Spaltro — the 6-foot-7 sopho—
more decided to show his home—

town what type of player he actu-
ally Is.

He would tally 17 In the second
half, including a spurt where he
single- handily pulled UK from a
five- -point deticit to an eight- point
advantage over a stretch of 7. 07.
He scored 15 of the Wildcats’ 22

“lle stepped up and wanted the
ball," Pitino said. “I'm noticing
that Ron Mercer has a little bit of
a mean streak in him. I noticed it
It Alabama and noticed here
tonight. 1 his finesse player, when
attacked fights back. "

\Vhen asked when he first
noticed him fightin back, Pitino
jokingly responde , “Probably
when I told him he was going to
go hardship tomorrow."

Mercer said he's been trying to
inspire his teammates oflate.

“That's something I’ve been
trying to do a little bit more of,"
Mercer said. “Try to show a little
emotion, get everybody else
pumped up.”


VThe “in marked UK's fourth
consecutive victory at Memorial
(inImasium. The last time
Vandy defeated the Wildcats in
Nashville was in 1993, when the
Commodores won 101-86 over
the then-No. 1 ranked Cats.

V\Vith the win, UK became
the second winningest team in the
19905 with 210 victories. Kansas is
first with 221 wins, while Arkansas
is third with 209.

VVVith a win against Ten-
nessee tomorrow, UK will tie the
school record for wins in the regu-
lar season with 27. The mark was
set in 1947 and again in 1948.

Inflldoats roar in SE6 iinalo

By Shannon Hart
Senior Staff Writer

In the last game of the regular season, the
UK women‘s basketball team blew out
South Carolina 76-52 Saturday night.

Despite having only seven players, with
Vonda jackson sitting out after having a
root canal, UK was in command from start
to finish. The Cats built a double-digit lead
10 minutes into the game and stayed ahead
by at least 20 points most of the second half.

“For the last month, we
have been really working on
defense in general,” head
coach Bernadette Mattox
said.‘ Tonight we came out
and lpayed monstrous
defensep In the first half.”

UK burst to a 19— 10 lead
midway through the first
half, and eventually built a
22—point halftime advantage,

36-14, led by Katie Vieth's eight points.
The Gamecocks made only six of 25 field

goals in the first half, while UK hit 15 of26

for 54 percent. UK shot 31 of 56 for 55 per—

cent for the game.

“I thought Kentucky had good shot selec-
South Carolina head coach
Nancy Wilson said. “They did a good job of
getting the ball inside and beating us with

tion tonight,"

the long pass.”

Nikki Hay and Patrice Boyd led UK with .
18 points and five rebounds each. Vieth

ended the game with 13 points.
Hay said her main

she could.

“I just wanted to get out there and play
“Coach told us that
defense was going to be the difference in the

defense," she said.


Wilson said Hay was a key to UK’s suc-



roal going into the
game was to stop Sout Carolina any way


“Nikki beat us on the fast break and did a
great job of breaking our press,” Wilson
said. “She played much better in this game
than she did in our first match-up.”

Mattox said Boyd also came up big for

the \Vildcats.

at the right time."


out ofgas,” Wilson said.

and played like a team,

with confidence.”

The win improved UK's record to 8-18
overall, 2-11 in the Southeastern Confer—


future for her team.

in the SEC.

Chattanooga, Tenn.

“Patrice really came in and gave us a lift 1
when it was needed," Mattox said. “Offen-
sively she executed and was at the right place

UK was as dominant in the second halfas
it was in the first. For the last 10 minutes of
the game, South Carolina was behind by as
much as 29, and UK's lead never fell below

“\Ne've had a very tough schedule round-
ing out the season and tonight we just ran

Not only was her team's fatigue a factor,
but Wilson said UK's improvement over the
season also affected the outcome.

“1 thought Kentucky stepped up tonight
” she said.

“Kentucky seemed to be playing more
together and in sync tonight. They played

Despite the difficulties UK has had this
season, losing two players and winning only
eight games, Mattox said she sees a

“When you have good people, people
who want to win, people who want to take
the program to another level where we can
compete for a championship, adversity only
makes you stronger,” Mattox said.

South Carolina fell to 11-14 overall, 1-11

The Wildcats will play its first-round
game of the SEC Tournament on Friday in

ment s finals.




Georgia ends spirited run
in IISTA Indoor tourney

The UK men’s tennis team, coming off of wins
over No.1 Stanford on Thursday and No. (I l’ep-