xt70zp3vwv6k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vwv6k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-01-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 30, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 30, 1985 1985 1985-01-30 2020 true xt70zp3vwv6k section xt70zp3vwv6k 5,.5 55—5 5 - 5 5 55 _ .5. . 3 M5 HM. lulu.” . My Independent since 1171 WM, January”. in
5‘5-5; . “*FWW‘W‘A‘ ’ A m 51
v- - - . s d ’
itamins in . .. . tu ent code change
25p . ‘ . 55 55 55 55555555 5
..r l e . .
X C a ' .. . a .5. -5 f t I ; .
e 0088 an 3 . gains irs approva .
be harmful ' . i -_ . . .. , -
.5 - 5» - . 5 Senate to conszder proposal prohibiting . .-
ByCAROLYN EDWARDS 5 5 . _. . x 5 .. 5 5 5 5 5 5 = 5 -, .
N ' swimmer . 5.5.5 :5 _ 5- . discrimination due to sexual orientation ' - '- .
, Supplements of vitamins and min- ...,55,‘ "V" 5 ‘ ‘ “ ’ . 5 -5
erals will not guarantee a healthy and. ' 9” . 5 By LINDAHENIMICKS submitted the word change proposal ~ .- .5 fl '
body — in fact, they can even be a 53"5»: .5 ' ' .5... 5,5555% 55 5 5 ‘ Staff Writer to the Student Government Associa- ' . _ . ' 5'
threat to P909165 health, according 555:- V ' a. 555...?- - ‘a t . 5 lion. The National Organization for - . -- - ' . '
toDr5MekoT5Maru5vama5 “a ‘ 5 555555., 2.5; .. . A proposed wording change that Women, Socially Concerned Stu- 5. - _
n " 5w » .55 s b would prohibit discrimination by the dents, Young Democrats and Emer- . . . . ‘, 1
Maruyama. an extellsnon prof“, . ~ ‘a , University because of sexual orien- gence, a feminist newspaper. all . ‘i ‘
in UK‘s department 05 5551mm)“ and 5 ‘5‘ ,5-555 3 tation was paSsed at the Senate .upported the proposal. 5 .5 5 ‘ 5
food science and the president of the 55 \ ‘ 55 ~ >5 Council meeting this week. The Gay and Lesbian Union of ' j ,
' are...“ an: ‘ a .55; . .... roman .‘.::.:2:2.w:22: 2:52:22 : .
esterdayintheStudentf‘ienter. - r the CnlverSlty Senate at its int-i» ll 8 55 _ . P90 5 .
. y . A" ‘ meeting for a vote. If passed. the re- in? proposed reusmn. -
La e l of vitamins and min- :5... __ . . Vised section of the University Sen- According to Tim Freudenberg. ' , ‘ , .5
eralsrgare not the answer to becom- 5 m i a5tedrules would ‘betjtmendtjd “’5 ":5 it;.—\ president. the groups came to 5 5 '. '
ing energetic and healthy, she said. 5 a“; ‘5 "5 - , “a c u 155153;: 505“?“ 5'03: :3: 5 5“”5 um last fall for advice on how to re- , 5 5- .
u] would mun]. see people get ”Elf 4' .‘3 ._ 5 t _ ml?“ Sd US dgell'l‘edeédn . did "5 'lst' the Student Rights and Respon- . I 5
minerals from the right kinds of ”n.1,?! Q 5 W 9'18” 958““ "‘8 eer'mmd abilities handbook. ~' " . ‘.
food." ' " .5 The revision would go into effect “They wanted advice on how to go .
People have many misconceptions 55 . " 5 immediately if the approved by the about changing the Student Code . '
about vitamins and minerals, Ma- 5 5_ . Senate. Book.“ Freudenberg said. “This . 55.
ruyama said. Many people have i 5 The proposal orginated when four isn‘t a pro-gay or pro-homosexual ‘ .
been told to take vitamin C to pre- l registered student organizations See STl‘DENIpage-S , 5 .
vent catching colds, or vitamin B-12 .
to be more energetic. But according ! h ‘ . . , , '
to Maruyama, this has not been pro- I , 5 . .
venbyscientific research. ! ‘ ‘5 u “re eac ers gal“ . '
“Vitamin C does not prevent 1 .. .L -
coltb," she said. In fact. too much i 5 ” a? . . _ ' 5 '
vitamin C can be harmful, she said. ' ' 5 _ . _5
Some People greatly exceed the rec ‘ , 1““ j ‘ lrs an eXperlence ‘
ommended daily allowance by tak- n~r.3r""* .__.,_~ . -
ing up to 500 milligrams a day of vi-
tamin C- The RDA ‘5 60 milligrams By TRINA JACKSON know at. the mechanics of a regular ‘
a day. Prolonged and excessive use Reporter teacher." . . 5
. can cause gastrointestinal problems, Student teaching is the third part
kidney problems and can stop the ; While most of the UK community of the college's three-stage field ex- ‘
functioning 0‘ 3‘12 l" the body, Ma— 5 *5" ‘ is busy playing the role of either stu- perience program which each stu- ~ .
ruyama 531‘? 5 5 5 dent or teacher. there are others dent must complete in order to re- ' 5
Many believers 0‘ B-l2‘s reVlvmg at: ,555 5 who manage todo both. ceive certification, according to
power take supplements to prevent ”’3’ ‘ - 5. .5 Sharon Brennan, the college‘s direc- ‘ ~
fatigue Md gain energy. BL“ Ma- I -; ' ‘ ' . «Jr— . This semester. many students in tor of laboratory experiences and
myama shah: (tiles i555 815505555: 551113111. 5 - " the College of Education will tackle certification. . -
"R593": 5“ '955 0W ' 05 . ,. ‘ .. . ~. 5 the role of student teachin . For . - , .
not relieve tiredness and it doesn't ‘ ‘1?“ ‘ first vear graduate student [grands The firs-t stage involves taking the '
, ,, . 55.5555 1 5 - _ required introductory courses, Sim»
prov1deextraenergy. she said ‘. Glover. who began student teaching 1 bs ,- 1 t' 't'
A“ excessive d0“ 0‘ vitamins and #1 L‘ . .I’ ‘ last spring the adjustment was not p y o crying C assroom ac m les, -
. . M ..t- . .,- . and some minor aSSistance to teach- -
minerals can be potent. These doses . a t '_ 5. m‘ . easy. 5
are 10 to 100 times greater than the L i ‘55 t‘k\ ers as needed. , '
RDA. Maruyama said, and SbOUJd T ‘ BM ’5 H. ‘5‘ “l was afraid l'd slow the class Secondly. students are expected to
"0‘ be taken 0" a selfoprescribed O 'f b l d (”M1 H ”mm“ down or put them behind," Glover take methodology courses in order
b35i5> “Ther e 0‘18," to be a medical- ne 1 y an said. "But you must realize that to complete specific assignments.
lymreal sonbf irdfissglgitamins and Jerry Oney. a building operator in the Physical Plant Division, replaces a bulb in front of the you re 5“” learning. ‘0“ 5““ do"! SeeTEACHERS.page5
minerals can cause imbalances in Administration Building yesterday. The bulb cracked from pressure from the heavy winds last week. . , .
the functioning of other vitamins INSIDE | Class Offers ' ' ' ' .
and minerals. Too much zinc can 0 O 5
........................ Grant aids accountm school - . ' ,
too much B45 can interfere with the baSlcs 1n _ ‘
utilizationof riboflavin. “the No. 11 Lady liars defeated the , 5 ' . .
wfayslcfl flgfma‘atsmyaggréafi‘ By oououis E. PITTENGER merit, the grant consists of the use vidual qualifications made them mfifg’fi' Lady 33%: o 1 .
Some are produced with animal Staff Wnter of Coopers & Lybrand software, we quality choices. “Holmes is in man- i mm For more mlslmmm" me bartendlng 5. -
bone meal which contains harmful 5 of its “800 serVice number" support agerial accounting and has a strong 35 ' ’ ' 5 . , '
quantities of lead and mercury The department of accounting re- system for two years and updating interest in computer applications. - 5 ' 5 .
Those who want to prevent osteopo; cently finalized plats that landed a service forthesoftware. 5 5 About 50 percent of the people that . . . , , .
rosis a bone disease most common grant worth more than $20,000 from Also included is a special training attended this thing had backgrounds By J“! DOWN?) , ' 5 ‘ ‘5 .
in older women should try to obtain Coopers Gt Lybrand, an international seminar for two accounting faculty similar to him,‘jTeamey said. R“, World 101 mom not offered Reporter . , - 5 5 5,
...... ...... ...... ...... .... “mamas“... ...... .. 2.22“”...5r222as2: “1%: :..2222:2:2.:2::°2: .. ...... ...... .. . ...... 3...... ...... ...... w - ~ .- *
m3”: ,, d“""‘"‘ "““" 22:.“2...:V:°d:°22...:222: m:.....'"d%......."d “9...... ...... .. .. mm mm": t:.22.:.::.:32:35:22.? .. ' ‘- - . '
a 1;: Oglsgfiglmdsvggpssoflgfliogv: computers into accounting courses, those faculty members, $20,000 also 5Tearney said Holmes and Fulks rammcolummst. 5" VIEW" Accofrdintg “:5 Bill] MedleY- {“81” ’ 5 . ,
cured by taking calcium supple- said Brent lnman, national director Willbelncluded. 5 Will be trained in four different ager 0 ins iuc io5i5ia serVices a" u-
ments later in life But for ll of recnntingforCoopershLybrand. Asdepartmentchairrnan, Tearney software packages including audit- dent Agenctes. l 6 course “1 5 run 5 . 5 . 5
with osteoporosis inc lcal ci um He said the program started with said the5clear-cut chOices to attend ing. income tax,5busmess combina- - <5)" consecgive Mgndg) "18th {Or - 5.
intake can be helpful in preventing lo pilot schools participating. As the the seminar were associate profes- tions and the differences between WEA <5)!" we]; “"329 helld 0259;955:5352: - 5 5
f Il deterioration of the I program expanded, as schools, in- sors James Holmes and Daniel accounting and tax depreciation. 5 THER 053555 ta odat 53 5 .5 . .
mesa“ ' Childmwx'ydeiriitmsel‘eclg'based Nils t 1' t fthe I that had 'iiccbgrgl’ig to ilsinmaili' tl'tIetl‘fiemmar m. 353:5 0 accomm e more 5 u_ I ' V ’ '
' . . . . nman sal was me “ go a is o peope M e in ew or '5 sum- A 30 chance of ugh. snow is ~ 5 5 .
e frgrggywfilgag‘finfivingflg: on recommendations from Coopers done this last year.“ Teamey said. mer over a two-day period. Holmes ”W may, win. a high in the { “8555000525595 ”5:55"? levfiri'lhlzg . -. 5
“I” qualities by companies to sell & bybrand5t5iff5|ces in Lexmgton and There was about 28 people and l and Fulks will then return to UK ‘4 305 but turning cold“ gum. ‘mlgr'nlfs ts ory o 5 a cob: us d 5 . 5. ,
products such as shampoos and Lomsville. Its (UK) certainly one looked at the backgrounds of those and train other faculty mernbers5in a. memo“. Tonight will tum m5 5 1 dr' "(51‘s mfwh8'38 3k F5205 5
moisturizes. But added vitamins in of the key reselirce schools in our peopleandtried5to5pickourown lac- taking thesoftware and trying to in- cloudy ”a gold with a so want :mxmtd 515 5 - “if 55:18 95 : 5'5: , 5 '
products do nothing for the firm, and was recommended by our ulty that had Similar backgrounds. tergrate it into accounting. The pro mgr mm roman“ ”so w- egg; is i5dis rea 53/dl :- a cas., 5
mum; or skin “Vitamins are not ab- officeedowninthatarea, hesaid. That was how the selection was fessors Will return to New York in m a so percent chance of light M ey 53‘ - "N94 0 receivmg 5
‘ lthr 0081‘ the skin “shesai d According to Micheal Teamey, made." 5 5 5 5 the fall with a summary report of snow with a low in the mid teens to 8"an however, tb‘? Student? rate 5 5
‘ ' chairman of the accounting depart- He also explained that their indi- their results. mmmhi‘hmthe upper 20;. “519" peers on the final evening of 4
c ass.
On that night, students use real al- . - '
O . coho] instead of the colored water 5 - 5
. used in the rest of the sessions.
% 5W1 % Students rate plzza as favorlte Some students pretend they are cus-
/ g . tomers while other students serve
By WENDY SUSAN SMITH North campis deliveries. said Sta- “1 like to snack on popcorn, thmmey said they use colored
8:) -\ 6 Staff Writer cey Clifford,managerofthestore. oranges, pretzels, and definitely water to minimize expensa and 5
I \\\“~ And Godfather‘s Pizza on Alexan- pizza." said Nancy Kutter. a sociolo- allow students under 20 years of age
f0 ‘7 _ 55 5 5 If the saying holds true that “you dria Drive recently stopped delivery gy sophomore. 5 to take the ”“565 because, accord-
/ 5 /fl////'4/////i are what you eat, then the UK stu- to campls when the new location of ‘Doritos, peanuts, Pop-tarts. piz- ing to Kentucky “W5 a person has to
n ’ ‘ dent body could become one gigantic Godfather‘s Pizza on Euclid Avenue zas, and subs are my favorite beovermtohandle alcohol.
6’7 \ Cola madden-.... ......n........... :na::.n.:::ddd°dndnnddddd amamnsnnan ..
l . - .
\ { ‘ percenta’ge ofp‘their oil-mess comrza “Fifteen percent of 0“” deliveries Not everyone snacks only on tradi- ah: ffgyfig'fitcffififiyfigeé 5;:
\ u 1' fromstudents. alone were to the UK campus: said timal foods; there are those with dents who took the m M yea,
C / The two Domino’s Pizza parlors 3““ Graham, m3“?3°"5°‘ the m‘ exotic taste. such as Mike Bomberg- to mpmfim jobs.
0 I .___————- catering to UK, located on Nicholas- taurantonAlexandria D"V°~ er. a diplomacy graduate student, But meeum Wash. a markep
I" ville Road and Euclid Avenue. rely uwe mt opened Christmas time. with his caviar and cream cheese ing‘unior.foundejobonherown.
) @ ... 55 heavily m the cam” wwatlofl and alrjeady With m cold mtmr ”khan..." wjash med in a bar in Mr
5/ .5 which comprises a combined aver- this P!“ W we’ve had a lot of Wm over Christmas break
\ W f 49/ U ; “ed“m'w‘mmmm- deliveries," and Paul Tadatada, “at“??? ‘8‘ trafggfnfigxd: and said her training came in
C When it comes to ordering pizza. afigfivegfmGodfather s hm on what i eat when I need something to rmmg'dlflmfi gtuhgnamnotha
} ' h hi] I' h' " . n .
. which seems to be the favorite munc 0“ w e m watc "‘8 TV. Job should.
, )4 snack of many UK students, "tlnre The UK campm population makes said Alta: Gillain. a chemical engi- Medley said the Library m
/ //¢ ll I m “I SW3 to (l'del' up 0 wt (1‘ "I deliveries for mmsenitl'. has w my haw“! by mm
...l' é more-co after football and ,b'““' k" B" P'm on Regenq M- 5 theimtruction and facility at: min-
5 5.., 5t 5' a 5 ball game and concerts, and Mar- The UK campi- accotmts for a But amidst all the junk food, there imal cut me from W,
\ \‘ 55, .5 ‘I ‘55. ‘t’ "it, y, g vinCovliIton. mnagerofoomino‘s good part of our trade. but we try are still some snacks that parents W m the come to run
\\‘ .ff‘" , ---.. - ..5 y 5 '5. { PlzuonNicholuvilleRoed. for both camptn and residential wouldapprove. mmwm5
I" . ”71"”; \ dig "D é Minus," “id 5‘30“ 3‘3“”? man- Fa- more infmtlon about en-
'9, '.,5 5751/; ”I ’ R5 g 55 tit/11:“ “0n the average night. we make agaofthestore. Lisa Hirtzer. an education freeh- mm“ in the cane, contact Bill
4/, ’{W/ #7,, ,"',;~ . ~ ./ "1 fit 90 to no South compt- deliver-lee,“ Pizza is not the only favorite pu- man, snack: on “carrots, ci-ackel's, W n w W in “n
§ .../W 45W :6 W“ maid. time snack of UK students. mp, and diet sprite. After nil. put: food ShiduitCuitcoroellm-lm.
‘t , 5 . 'i‘. .. \ \ [33¢ TheDomlm’IonEuclid Avtenue fruit, and outer mu Me. ienotgoodforyouanditisfattai-
e 5 - \\ 4/ , n
“mm even- no to M l M rem mwMMmi-uu. ing.
t i

 z-xmvxm ““5”” 1‘
,_.~____. 0
- -~--~ - R It
FDA OKs treatment i ‘n 2?" - ‘- ‘- ‘ es“ 5 m
4 Q 9 ‘ . it... in"... g‘.’ " .‘ a 4'
. . .. . s is .. . . -‘ or 0y 0 s
or genita el‘pes ~- ~ wears:- *- ““434; —~~ ~
,_-_ . ~ ' use-«nets. «- ~ " " " SEX Slll'VB
‘ ‘ ' C c a a d ., “a d c d - I
By WILLIAM KRONHOLM Zovirax is expected to be in flur- ‘ . ‘ ‘ t t ‘ til , .. a ; t‘ . . ;a -
AssociatedPress macies in about two weeks. Treat- ‘ a. ‘ .‘~ ‘: ,s,‘ :9;ng :3; at. ;_; . __ CHICAGO (AP) __ The results of
merit for an acute NW of ~9- . ‘ e ‘ - {SC-1’5: "» 3'3 5%8 ~3 . ‘ syndicated columnist Mike Royko’s
WASHINGTON — The sovern- herpes 50m - (“’9 “PM“ “ day 9. 9 " ‘» i " .. “Sex or Bowling" survey are in
merit yesterday approved the first for five days — 15 expected ‘0 0°“ -‘ . ‘ 9- 9 1 C, €312 gar." ' 1: : 'th t of the '
, . 'd. . . W. E - . . gag WI 66 percen men respond-
drug destgned to treat or suppress about $15t0818. Keeney sai . g ‘ . ‘ . _ , ,. ing saying they prefer sex over
recurring outbreaks of painful Daily treatment. for those with ~ \ . a c . . t 1;! - "é‘ ’ “bowling drinking golfing middling
herpes sones among the 5 million to constant recurrences who 3.” WM q . . 9- ‘ C . d ‘ ' ’ H ‘ or just about flywheel” .: .
20 million Americans who suffer to suppress the disease, Wlll proba- . . ‘ ‘ - 1, _ t «.5- . [n a comm” fined “Me Up .
fromgenitalherpw bli’ m" 300‘“ ‘50 ‘° “5° 8 "30"“ ‘°' - '. ‘- " ‘ <- ‘c ‘ ‘ = ’ ' a? ' With This Survey Ann " the Chi- 4
The Food and Drug Adminifstrl: threecapsulesperday.hesaid. - . . C- C- c . ' ‘ t " cago Tribune writer reported yfiter. I
tion approved a capsule form 0 t c . ‘ - g t- a» x tt . _ . .
- mm m .. w withers: other. ‘- -. e- - -. -- - . ~ . was mutants. “in
‘ In . ' . “t - .
keled under the trade Mme mlm' memo? the most stubborn and most ,- " " - H- ‘ a 'fi' ' ‘- " I z .. and "several hundred angry female :
said FDA spokesman Bill Grigg. Al- . , i - ¢ - - - ‘ g. .. persons who wrote to condemn me t
though it will not cure her‘ms‘ the contagiots of veneral diseases and l - o- - h. c ., ‘ g, , . .- f -. p . asamalechauvinist pig ..
drug does reduce the severity 0‘ re- one When has spread rapidly - " .- ‘ " H " V "‘ i V ' slit" 2 - . - " 43 - Royko‘s poll was inspired by ad-
' curring outbreaks 0‘ herpes 50m throughthecountry. l H- ‘ " H 9 H- " . A i . i r 9 J vice columnist Ann Landers’ recent
and Speed their healingltirne, the “' at - ‘ -a " q " A 3%: Q " > f” - ' : 4" \ survey in which the majority of the '
FDA and the company said in sepa- An estimated 300,000 people a year 1‘ - , " - _ .. .h _ \h in - J” ,_ . . ~ , ,, h more than 90 000 women responding
me a““°‘.”?°°mems‘ ”ma“ genital hemv the FDA l=_____‘ - ‘_" ~£,,‘-_ _a__*" _.._ "i said they would be content to be .
In addition, the announcements says, second only to gonorrhea .uc‘smmn/xcm. 3." - ¢
. . . held close, treated tenderly and skip ,
. said. the drug also slupplttflsses 01;: among sexually btlransantted dis- Off the wall sexual intercourse
‘ b k“nman e,oeri ti ~ esltisincura e,a asmany . . _ . _ _ . ' . .
poggbbillty thatypepfitp‘l’e who no“: ar. £520 million people _ more than 3 Penny Jacob. 21 computtar SCience Junior. and Rick Kingsland, a finance senior take down an advcr- ramynlg’e’fgdugl‘lllgngozft '3: $31,:
virtually disabled by severe cases of percent of the U.S. population — tiSing banner at Kennedy 5 Bookstore yesterday. ,_ Emotional and physical _ of their
the disease may regain control of mav have herpes infections. . . . . married life ,, But he also said
their lives. .. ' . l f 1
. The oblems in for those with M d bl l t There are many miserab e, rus 3
' ' Acyclovir ointments have been genitalprherpes 22%“! three weeks eese name In pOSSl e Vlo 3 Ion trated men out there.
. , available for more than two years mt... exposure, when symptoms _ ' . _ . _ . . Royko said 22 percent of the men _
‘ for treatment of initial herpes out- Deg”) to appear. Often starting with By LARRY MARGASAK Martin informed the committee pomted- to investigate allegatiors indicated they would opt for boul-
breaks, and intravenous acyclovir ‘Iu-like symptoms, an outbreak pro- AssOCiatedPress Jan. 24 that no ethics Violation 'by concerning Meese’s flflaflCIal deal- ing, drinking, golfing. cuddling or al-
' . has been available in hospitals. Tessas to painful itching sores in M8950 occurred, never_mentiorung mgs With associates who later won most anything else.
‘ But both of those are only for the the genital and anal areas. The WASHINGTON _— Attorney Gener- the staff report — which became federal johs. The other 12 percent included men
' first exposure to herpes; neither has symptoms disappear in about three ail-designate Edwm Meese Ill said known through a news account Mon- Stein said there was no grounds to who couldn't decide, “or took this as
been found effective in cases where weeks yesterday he has met “ethical as day. prosecute Meese. But Davis and an opportunity to write a creepy
, the herpes virus recurs repeatedly, ‘ well as legal" standards 0f conduct, The internal report'by staff attor- Feathers drew a different conclusion note to my secretary."headded.
sometimes as often as 12 times a For a few relatively lucky people, but a report made public at the in- neys F. Garty Dams and Nancy when they went over his thick re- __
year. Nor do they suppress later out- that is the beginning and end of Sistence of senators concluded that Feathers was made public as the port.
_ breaks, as oral acyclovir (105 in their expenence with herpes; the hemayhavewolatedfederallaw. Senate JudiCiary Committee opened .Asked whether he would handle Kernel
. . mostpatients. theFDA said. virus simplv ha dormant in their That finding was reached by two new hearings into Meeses fitness to his relationships 'w1th people who ‘ Clo S If f] 9 d I!
bodies fromlhen on attorneys .m the Office of Govem- serveasattorney general. helped him finanCially any different- I
~le patients can take control of merit Ethics, but they were over- Last year, the committee dropped ly in the future, Meese responded. l Call
* their disease.“ said Dr. Ron Keeney. For those not so lucky. the symp ruled by the head of the office, action on Reagan‘s nomination of “I have a much higher level of sen~ 251 281‘
medical adviser to Burroughs Well- toms reappear. either rarely or David H. Martin, who was appointed his longtime associate after indepen- sitivity now than I did when I ar- l '
. come on the drug. “The disease is often, sometimes as often as 12 by President Reagan. dent counsel Jacob A. Stein was ap- rived in Washington." “flu—WW”!—
not in control of them.“ times a year
. , MW”.
Coal companies case , slut..." “nun” 30......
nt to overnment H ' "mm
\ - TAN St d
59 g , u ios LEONARD NIMOY
iocnlfi‘lfifléfthirlffoéfi'iififipif‘isifiié ii? i 3 Am" “"1“ Dim“. Ph°'°9'°Ph°'
l ' 3 :. . I -
tucky should take their case to the federal government, ’ '1‘ >_ *smm Bleak**Pnce Bleak“ I . and Poet "
notthecourts. a U.S. appeals court ruled yesterday. ' . . * Confessions Of 0 Trek LOVOI' ~
The companies should obtain a decision from the U.S. , 10 m 3501]] K C f f0 "1
. . . U on or r 9 Arts
Department of the Interior and its Office of Surface 1 . . * -.
Mining before appealing to the federal courts, a three- "mm lllllmfled $u.w Wednesday, March ‘3, 8:00 PJI'I.
- ‘ e nel of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Is
m. pa Appea U K m l I D 1 . . Tickets will go on sale Monday, Feb. 4
The appeals court upheld a ruling by U.S. District : ' . .wvaid - - 90‘ 8t “8“ FREE. at UK Student Center Ticket Office
, Judge Eugene Siler of London, Ky., who ruled against "0 film rays “w SM w Units . Cal fl! Amt. $5.00 UK Students and Sonlor Cltlzen
hamssmmmss... mm woo comer-mm:
. . I _
suit under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation ‘55 "“' an“ M MW ”"- '°' "°" “" ”7 "7'
' Act of 1977, saying they want to mine coal deposits
under part of the Daniel Boone National Forest and the ”WW
adjoining Redbird Purchase Unit in eastern Kentucky.
The appeals court upheld Siler's decision that the sur- . ”0K. Re‘ldOHCG HG"! Pre’en':
tace mining law applied to the proposed mining opera- UK Student Tickets Just $8! The March of Dlmos
The companies claim they have title to mineral w Universit Artist Series Presents
rates underlying those federal lands. y .DANCE'—A-mON__
“The Office of Surface Mining has not yet ruled on the
questions of plaintiffs‘ ‘valid existing right' to engage in
underground coal mining. . . . Until an administrative The Prague Feb' 23' ‘985
disposition is made of this question, we will not know S h 0 h 9g.m,.5p,m.
the nature of the restraint imposed by the government
. on plaintiffs‘ mining operations," Judge Gilbert S. Mer- ymp any rc eStra
* _ ritt wrote fortheappeals court.
The appeals judges said both Siler and the U.S. Su- P i I I d .
, Mme CPU" “3."? "fled that 003‘ ”mama. Wh'd‘ One of the world’s great orchestras ——————r 195 ____I'IC U 9'
. , . claim mineral rights under the Surface Mimng Act M h 100 . .
. . should first seek interpretations from the Interior De- oret an mUSICIanS 1“ p.110. TWO COIOF T v I,
partment and its Office of Surface Mining, rather than ' | ° '
A 8°in8fi'stmu‘ec0m5- - nd Prize‘ Two at: c as
Stearns and Ramex Mining have not sought adminis- Tuesday, February 5’ 8'00 p'm' 2 ' n Y n
» trative review by those government agencies, the ap- UK Center for the Arts 3rd Prize: TWO 10'“ 30x05
, peals judges said in their ruling. The companies filed
“ ‘uit after the federal Office of Surface M‘ni told them . . . . .
A ~ :hey were required to obtain federal pérn’iligts to mine Tickets 1:5! 5: for full-time UK students With valid ID, and senior
the de itS. became thecoalis under federal land. Citizens. 14 or others. Come to the Center for the Arts ticket
. pos office, comer of Rose and Euclid, or call 257-4929. Visa and Mas- Spo II Id by U.K. Resident. Hulls, Tank and Tummy ‘ W'ML
, terCard accepted. App lcuflons Avalloble At 301 Commons and Holmes Hull
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 , . _ -.. . .. .... ...... , . ._-________ 1
I Andy Mod
a y ats topp e 1 t -ran e ady ulldogs
By FRAN STEWART the Kate a little mm room to they could get at 5957 with just According to Nichols, this plan can _ ' '
SeniorStaifWriter breathe. Reeling off emit un- morethanaminutelefl. fused the Georgia team “because ,
, amwered points, the Lady Kata An eight-foot jump shot by Karen they had torundifferent defenses “ _,
' V » Behind a strong defense and an ea- went on top to stay. coasting tan 3!» Mosley at :04 put the game in the “Just everybody played well de» ’ '
pecially strong lulie Nichols, the 25halftimelead. win column for the Kats, boosting fensively." Nichols said "Offense ' .
’ Lady Kata upset the Georgia Lady From then on. was smooth sailing. their record to 1+5 overall and 3-1 m was our weakness I felt like our de
1‘ Bulldogs in what could be termed a Orsothey hoped. the Southeastern Conference East- tense was back " _> "
dogfight. Lady Kat coach Terry Hall said ern Division. Georgia, the fifth- As for Nichols. "she was every- . I * _
.1 Although the Lady Kats came out she told her team at the half that if ranked team in the nation, dropped where.“ Hall said “We need for her _ ‘ _ '
x on top of a 61-57 score. the Lady UK could maintain that level of to 4-1 in the SEC East and 19-3 over- to play like that every game She ’ 1 '
_ ‘ Dawgs mmged to kwp tm game play, She IMI IIBII team CNId a”. “as ready“) pla) _ . . , 4
‘ , , " close, and pretty much upfor grabs. win. Although Harris was bumped from "She was fired up In the locker f _ . '
'f . a; / untilthevery last second. But the Dawgs came out ready to the starting lineup in place of Bar room She‘s had her best games . 14 4 - ,
f1 ‘w Kentucky started out slowly. play in the second half. More pre- bara Bootz, the All-American led against the best teams " , W. - "
'1 plagued by turnovers and missed cisely, Janet Harris came out ready her team with 24 pomts and 10 re- Nichols led all scorers \Allh 30 .’~ ‘ ‘ ’.
: *‘ shots, but gained momentum b92111“! to play. bOtmgS points and pulled down 13 rebounds .. ', ' . . "
gr \ $11th 1:8-2012211f1rfg1-111Ia ivilpe or-l Harristwhlglfd (1}e01rgia in1s.;(1iringt 1311‘: illeD:uvh§tifi(i:i:: 32:), "11:12de Landers attributed his1team‘s loss .. » ' . - ' 2 .'
, ~ seven ties and four lead changes. gorng in o s mgh 5 con . a cause Bootz had been playing more to the fact that 'we didn tt-ome prev 1 ‘ , . _
, times appeared to be the team. Her ~ pared to work, We confused our» ' ,1 - . _
~ the Kats managed to outplay the ‘econ d half heroics amassed 18 consrstently lately. _ , _ 1 1.
~ ‘ Dawes in virtually every 3599“ 0f 5 ints - nd 15 rebounds to hel the Hall credited her team's “'10 to an selyes . ‘ _ -. - 1
’ ‘ g e thegame. g2“, sawhittle the Kat lead dovgn to alternating defense and an intense “We're flat." he said “Whether or ; a '. _ . -
w . ‘ 1 With the score tied at 17. and less two gints Nichols. not a loss will snap us out (ll ll. 1 d 1- A ‘ _ V, '
. -" ' " than eight minutes [080 in the half. p0 ' She said the game plan was it) llke to think lL'Ki did us a lilHll‘ . 'V ' "
1 ‘ Kentucky widened its lead, giving But two points were as close as change the defense “quite a bit' Maybe they did snap us out of it' ~ . - _ ,
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«1:353:71 Management Opportunities. . . ' - ;
Lady Kat freshman Laurie Hudgens goes up for two of her four _ ‘ ' 1, '
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