xt70zp3vwt86 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vwt86/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-05-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, May 04, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 04, 1979 1979 1979-05-04 2020 true xt70zp3vwt86 section xt70zp3vwt86 k'm
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Vol. l..\\l. No. ISO an independent student newspaper l'niversity 0‘ Kentucky » ', -- . ' ii"... 2“
Fridayp‘tipilst. I979 Lexington. Kentucky ' I ,I ' I . i -_ g
Pl ‘ ' ' - , ' 4: ,
a ers dISCI lined after end - ., , ' ~ -
-. at .
9: " -' . v M " ':;; :‘i. .
of Dean of Students robe ' " l ”W ‘
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Prom staff reports disc1plinary records are protected by Fayette (irand .lury failed toindietthe . . ”Zr“, 4 v 2 . i ‘5‘ ”i 3/ _ '
"Appropriate disciplinary action" the same laws that protect a student's students last month. leasing the Dean ' a, 4 fig: - . " 33 3 =13” re . I
has been taken toward the eight l'K academic record. as well as l'iiiyersity of Student‘s office free to make their ' j; fiat? / if. " g 5/ by 't .
' football players charged with rape and policy. he told Hie kernel yesterday. own intestigation. . a: /4§ 9/5" "13% -., .
sodomy last month. Dean of Students lhe players were accused of rape by (‘harged in the case were [any - 4 ag’ 2 4 "" :2 7
‘ Joe Burch announced yesterday. the l9-year-old daughter of a l'K Mc(‘rimmon. of Tampa. Fla; Randy " . ”4,” .13.”:- :1 M‘s 5
Burch saidinastatementthathchas professor. who said the attack was Brooks and (‘harles Jackson. 4: é ,. 5:? iii ‘ a? . '
completed an imestigation into the made iii the Players‘ dormitory. A (icorgetown. Kym. Norman (ireen. 1' ' . ’7 - ‘ W.
incident. whichoccurred March 4. The 7‘” ' '——--““ ' "M Martinsburg. W. Va; Earl Wilson. - 2 .2 .” '
probe determined that in some cases l One 'ast hurrah l .Atlantic City. NJ; Venus Meaux and IIWIII . 19°44 .’
. there were yiolations of the (‘ode of ‘ . ; Henry Parks. Harroosburg. Ky. and I i ‘ i H ' 4 423% .
Student Conduct. as well as \iolations . Because eien loUInalists base i Robert ('obb. Sheffield. Ala. . .' w. . fr ' i
' of residence hall regulations. i finals. too. this isthef‘inaleditionof ! The players were suspended by l’K .-- ,. ' '.I' T? i - . II I'
' Details of the intestigation's ‘ the KCttlUCk)‘ Kernel ‘th spring. l Football (‘oach Fran (‘urci for. next -' I “if-'5 H .
. findings are being kept confidential. ' llk‘ P8P" “in PC PUblthd “it‘ll l season. for“football team Violations." .1 { i‘ta- i
The players‘ names. their \Iiolations . “t‘t‘lk' during ‘th summer “5‘5"?"- l Burch said the disciplinary action will 9‘3...‘ ~ 5/9”} v //
and the specific penalties will not be ,1 and. of course. will return asa daily l not affect the grants (“players who are for,” f/j}./ ”‘flfl ‘ .
released. Burch said. Student ml‘LlL-H __-,,‘__.‘l on football scholarship. ' id; .
Burch said that each student‘s case wflzl'fiflifféis ’... Egg 'i .
u was considered individually. The / I . ' ,. , i ii ’ .
U K Home Econom ICS players and the Dean of Students .. ”a; 4 .I 77,-: xii/49%: ' -
()TTICC agreed [0 ”10 conditions 0‘ Egg I. . I . I .,.- -..':-II.,.II,/I,IIIIII MIN/flea It
. - . . . disciplinary action. and no Judicral 11/24/53,. i;- I .- 4 '
. receives accreditation “W" “6“”"35 “i“ ”6 CONW- . 2%“
' . ‘ . . m '. 5M4 -:'- :zei-iéib’isigtzi-tzg- *..5::;'-- /V1x/*"rt”‘ .‘ I
\ (l “d” ”‘5 S‘Uden‘ Old“ “ ”“1"" . 4%? ‘ / 5-:- .3431; i. .
m... .. .t. as... in... a . trams»... t... ”ammo m... a... . J-Board hm... " é 6. c” ~ - -
- i The College of Home Economics objectives Md ”mulling Progress. determine guilt or innocence to ~ . ,4 W i i, i '
. ' has been accredited by the Council for The effort by the faculty to intolye charges 0f “0'3ng the coder . . _ :4/ I; "I .
ProtesSional Deyelopment of the students in program planning and Burch would not comment 0“ .. . . 1
America n H o me Fco n om ics eyaluation deserves recognition." whether the d'WlPllnar." “Clio” would : »
Association. L'K isthe only uniyersity' The college's goals and objectiws “Find all" Of the students ml"? '" ; I '
in the state with an accredited home committee is Chaired by Dr. [)ayid lniiersity residence halls '" the : I .
. economiCs program. Payne of the department of family future. . . . I ' - '
[he accreditation is based upon 3 studies. it is an outgrowth of a two- Asked If the intestigatiIon Showed i B (. V . . S ff '
self-esaluation report compiled by the 3'31” self-study program “'thh Sit“ it that .thc football team 5. housmg " "Tm H m‘RS/Kcm'liu '
I faculty of the college and a campus reorganization of departments within “wail?” had Ia need for . more overload
Visit by a four-member accreditation the college. restrictive supery'is‘ion. Burch said "the
.I team. Dean Stewart said. “The council w'ay'Ithe team was housed or managed .
l'K President 0m Singletary' said. especially was impressed with the cant be blamed . . . we belieye that the People who think Finals Week is tough probably the day in the ('omputing ('enter. He has— workingon . .
"We are yery pleased with this deielopment of a monitoring players must he held responsible for haven‘t been through the week that comes right before. aIelass project. Hayse is a sophomore majoring in -
’3 accreditation. It is a commendation to instrument designed to assess goals their own behayior, John Hayse. for instance. looks like he s spent most of Biology. ’. ‘ ' .
‘i the faculty of the college in proying to and oinectiyes." .-
.' an outside agency their commitment She pointed to the role of home .
‘ to the highest standards of quality economics to pull from some [0 root . '
education in home economics." disciplines chemistry. art. biology. 00 S at Eng/[Sh textbOOk case 12“.:-
._ Dean Marjorie S Stewart said. “1 economics and others and integrate
feel this is the best program and the them into one functional whole for .
best qualified faculty we‘re eyer had scryice to families. By Rl'TH MATTINGLY English PFOTCWW5 and Ill-“Watt” "10 “mm P“ taken ll deemed ”CCCWUF- 'l'K President ()tis Singletary said
and this is one wayto recognizethem." “it is our concern for the family unit ('opy ldttnr find 01" “he“ gouty ”n" for the "WC might make if WW” 1“ lllt‘ he would comment on the issue'at the '
The Washington. l).C-based that makes us unique." she said. “lhe ""“l P “hm“ chapter. and hm“ “ ”“4””0” ”01ml 0' l ”NW“ meeting “5-“
. councilcommcndedthel'Kcollege on council wants to make sure we do not The UK chapter of the American lhe l'ls’ chapter. which includes passed concerning the matter. and luesda). :-
"efforts to proyide quality in the lose that particular focus.“ Association of‘llniyersity Professorsis about [65 professors. is concerned suggest that letters be written to "I am concerned about the '
specialized home economic programs. The accreditation.. which is good looking into the English department‘s with basic quegnong of academic l'niyersity officlals suggest censure. or allegations that the controversy 1 .'
’ while proy'idng for all students and for fiye years. is primarily concerned h00k banning issue and its freedom andthc place ofthe faculty in any one of seyeral other actions." he imttl‘s‘t CCHSttTShlP~" Singletary‘ said. . i
. faculty to become familiar with the with undergraduate programs implications for academic freedom at determining l'niyersity policy. said said. adding he also was concerned that it . 2.
philosophy of home economics.“ preparing future professionals for l‘K. . I Weil, "At this point ittthe intestigationi |.\ shows disarray in the English -.
» The accreditors also congratulated careers in such areas as business. DLJCSSC \h't-‘tldtphyhtcs PTOlCSSOTtS The conflict grew out of English not that formal." he added department -_ ‘ i
the work of the college‘s committee on education. dietetics and food science. chairman 0i the chapter‘s Academic Department (‘hairman .loe Bryant's ‘ ‘
goals and objectives for its efforts to child and family. clothing and design. Freedom and Tenure Committee decision to ban the use of certain .
“involve all faculty inthedey'elopment “WWW and community 380nm“- Weil said he has been talking ‘0 books in freshman composition U K StUdent sample Says I . , '
. courses. T he action came aftera father ." '
~ Oda of a student complained that some ' ‘ '
passages in the books were sexually B t h Id It - ' -
'- “were seyerely circumscribed b) their basic lack of police or explicit. ryan s O" n res'gn i ' - . ‘
' intestigatiye authority " lhe (iuyanese goyernment did not BUM“ has ‘4‘ld- though. that the : ~ * ‘ '
State tIryto keepaclosewatchoniheyungleencampmenmhe report books were withdrawn because the} -\ sample of campus opinion lhs‘ percentage breakdowns 0i classes i
I said. did not complement the nature of the conducted this week by The Iu'nmt/ii' were: freshmen. 26.8; sophomore. I; . ' -' ‘
- " .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. courses. which emphasize teaching A'cnudshowsthat most people at l'K 32.4; junior. l27; senior. 26.8 and 'I- ‘. I] .
“Kigali;iltmi.siiyi,::::.:i,i:iEfiifc‘iuftii :iiiliin: world IcIoIerinaoIinItrizn. BpittImtheI IsItIuIdIy'I, OI; arIeI familiar with the l nglish other cI'IltisinfiIIc'gtitItnsI. .5 ‘d III III . i: . . II 2 I. .
Association. and not thel nited Mine Workers. man election TV A DARING DAYUCHT ATTA('K A MONTH yesterday {Dir conirii‘nts it: mad!“ tli’t dar‘dlfmuit [505* hIaInniIng [Suc- dim 0:; ml“ Tying“? M“ \l P} fie.“ ‘ 2". .'- -'
aimed at ending one of the longest strikes in HM“ history. BEFORE ELECTIONS. terrorists raided the Rome ' f - . ‘ .L. ' .P .“ lI‘” ‘1 md-loml Mlle“ department 0‘ r. ‘ ostp r-‘dm' ' In“) [“0 . ,
offiCials said ' headquarters of the dominant (‘hristian Democrat Party .Cmmmd the “him-l 0' English (hairman .loseph Bryant hhtll‘ltl “01 percent. haying been gnen the name. ’ I' .
- .lim kerree. with the National labor Relations Board in )estcrda). ettploded bombs in the building ad escaped afte'r instructors. . “Slim hl" post. PM“ he had Ibeen mmhed In the i ' i I l i "
. (‘incinattL ”Id ”,6 Hm. “a. l ll)forthe.lFA.lormed last “I” killing a pop“ 0mm, and wounding ”.0 others critically. Weil said he is mostly concerned Howeycr. ()\'Cr 73 percent or those book-banning lsstlc, ._ I.
. by employs... hired by steam. an,” [hc .mkc began at [he they-fled intothe narrow.cobblestonestreets ofdowntown (with the issue of how much discretion polled said they disagieed with (iiyen a choice of interpretationsfor ,' I _
. southeastern Kentucky mlnc. Rome afterthe midmorning attack onthe building six stocks a faculty member should use when # -- -— -~ -- -- - -- - - the withdrawal of the books. 49.3 . _ ‘i. .
1 None of the ballots were challenged and none of the \oters from Piazza .Voyona. a popular tourist spot. expressing an opinion. The campus poll was conducted by percent said the books were banned 9- - '-. .
:pIthngtoi theIchoict of no representation. Ferree said lhe [his gang. which may Ihaye numbered as many as I5 I [think C‘Cry'h0d}'Ih35II‘hC pIriyileIge Kernel Staff Writers Dale Morton. because an influential man had t. .' -I -.
. . must terrify the election. , , them m- sctahled the lot-minted stat s\mbol 0f the Red of oftering an opinion. Weil said. ('indi'MeGee. 79,95“ Young. Bridge! complained about them. Fourteen . , . "
All parties to the election hate fiye do.“ after they receiye Brigades. ltal) s most feared terroristtlang.onthewallstnside “but there‘s a responsibility to be clear "(Far/and and (.0 I I'diror Jai' percent said Bryant acted because the . '-
the mic tally in tile OhJCCTIOHS The t MW. which had no and sprayed in red letters. “We will transform the electoral about what \' )u . \' ind b‘ ., 4 l ' P) ‘ . ' b \k h' d ' ,t b‘ ., ‘tl . ’I
representatiyes at the election. will recciye the tally by mail. fraud ”“0 a Gilt-SS war" , - A. . a d t tart u F0550". Raw,” were compiled by m I ‘ d m ten U ”a '\ ; 7' i A
extending the period to eight days. l-crrec said I “1 Marsh '97“ the Red Brigades kidnapped (‘hriStlan you Hi not neCessarilyI(speainngiIIas d Managing Editor Richard McDonald .ipproied, ‘ ' ‘ ‘
”6"“,ch leader Aldo Mom and left h” bullet-riddled body representatiye for an institution. and the “mm. was prepared by (any ()nly ll) percent thought the books . - I '.'.
I . in downtown Rome May 9. ' Weil said the AMP has guidelines Editor Ruth .llalringly. “Cts‘ t't‘mt“ t-‘d because ”WI." were .- ' ; .
"aflon for faculty members to follow in .. fl“ ""—' _.. c" 2 ' " ' ' obscene. while l5.5 percent offered no .
MARGARET THAT(‘HER'S OPPOSITION making public statements. He added Bryant‘s actions. l5ighty~sis percent opinion and fl} percent thought .
(‘ONSERVATIVE PARTY captured lite seats from the he is concerned about statements that said they had neycr been offended by Bryant had reasons other then those ‘ .'
_ THE GOVERNMENT YESTERDAY 0011““) n. goterning laborites in early returns today from Bitain‘s could raise questions about material assigned them in class. ()nly stated abtwe for banning the books. I ' . -
estimate of radiation exposure to the public trom the Three tlt‘m‘t'dlt‘ls'ctlttn- \l‘“‘mt‘d|fl mml‘t'm‘ Ptttlt‘s‘thatmflfihmtI “professional competence and Ill percent supported the iemoyal of .‘ylost students hayc had teaching ‘1 .
. ' WI" l‘ldndI “We?" “CC'dt‘nL l‘mml‘llntl ”l W Smut“) (”memfm“ "“"V‘ confidence." the T-iiglish tcus. and more than I‘ assistants for instructors. as only nine ' .‘ i «
. Joseph A (alifano to predict at least one additional cancer The (omcttames also had a 96.539 mm lead in the [)r I - B k [\Al'l’ . d‘ . .. ff‘ ‘d .. . id ”1.. ”1.. h.” not.
. . death among residents of the area popular ‘0ch . . .0utsI roc . . prcsi cnt. When! 0 ere no opinion. percent \ltSpt [it c Itl I Le I t . .
- ' (‘alitano at... told 3 59nd... hearing mm mm. .mmlm It the trend mmmuu ”mam will become l'urOpe‘si‘irsi said the informal approach “CIT is lwenty-two percent agreed with ()f the 9f percent majority“ l percent .
. “would predict up m l0 additional cum.“ deaths" for the 2 “mm" prime mmNflI ending me years 0‘ rule by anc taking toward the intestigation is not members of the English (iraduate rated the lAs teaching abilities as I . I ,
. ' million central Pennsyluinm moat-nit 1mm. “1mm 5o m”... Minister .Ifln1C\ (gingham labor in)”. ' unusual. Student Organization in their request good; 2.15 excellent; 3.! fair and 5.9 I' . ‘ . .
. . ofihe stricken plant Resultstronibooolihe M5 parliamentarydistrictsgayethe “It's more or less a study of the for Bryant‘s resignation. User 62 percent poor. while l0) declined ‘ 4 I
' ' i- '. ”"5 WWW”) of Healthlducaiion and Welfareabandoned (ionsertéttiies 30 seats. including TIH‘ taken from labor. situation." Brock said.“lhisisthe way percent disagreed with T‘(iS()oii that comment, . . ‘
‘ ’ .- h" “ll'fla‘mt't‘nthflt the March 2* accident did not Pose a “hlch held on Britain's domestic Press Association said its we usually handle things.“ He said he stand. and no opinion was offered bi Sixty percent of those polled think ‘ - -
' I“ -iI cancer threat to timone hung within 5ft miles of the Plant computer P’i‘ls‘k'll‘m till” ”W (‘onseryatnes ‘1 “h"Pi‘lnll expects the PK chapter to make l5} PCTCCnl- l '\‘ ‘h‘mld "Nat“ he allowed} m i- s‘ ;"' i . '

I . I.I maiority of 65 seats in the MS-seat House of (‘ommons The rec o m me n da ‘ l 0 n ‘ a y t e r the The sample “a. a random .iir\ey of choose their own teaching marterial. I' ' .. i ' -‘

. I. I ’9 THE STATE DEPARTMENT “AS (ll II.“ ("I 2:13:21?!:lt‘b‘IIIL’;"ISI'II‘IgrtIlItIMUCdaPritlt‘t‘tli‘h ¥|\'n¥'ht~' intestigation is completed. persons iiiteryiewcd on campus \early 25 percent offered no opinion. - .
- -'~ i “mm“ ‘ncll'C't‘ns‘l “ml Wmu‘ mouths“ .n Iudgment in its ,\ WI:, 0, ”I. “I.” I‘ n‘e'eded W a nf‘lltirlh Brock. an Engineering professor. between If a m and 3 30 pm and ”.1 percent said I -\s should not - s‘

I , '..--; reactionto eyentsleading iiptoihe mass mllrtit‘t~\Ulc‘ldt‘tll[lie ‘ ‘ said the issues of the l'nglish Seyenty-two people. mostly students. make final test decisions ‘ -.. '
I‘I..I.‘:' Peoples Temple commune in (itiyana. a department report department‘s book banning and were asked ltl questions about the Host students polled had read at . '.
~ ind; ItItI ‘aId yesterday weathef degree of confidence iii | As would be censorship controycrsy as they walked least one of the books. poems or plays ' . '. '_
whzijhelrhietnlifrriiireld‘fixfiirr‘hiiiii":irfh'tilif: iiiiiii-Iiiiliiiiiiiitiii- Rust \(‘AIV toms \VDTOVIt‘H'r - » dlwmd h" m“ ‘V‘H, ““1”“ hsl'hflih‘imm-‘Th-‘W‘(”'“mm‘ banned h" Bryan" [The permitfgsc 1" i ' .1151-
J. 1,2:- .i}.’.‘ : preyentcd the deaths of Rep leo.l Ryaii. l)-('alif and four heayy tit time: with highs in the it er so: to ltiiim‘flmglmi:L eomImtttec. Student ( enter and Patterson ”ch breakdow n “in Dracula. .- M Ii" “1 l' 5 ”5‘
i.‘.'-Z:~ 74.73% companmm m Ihmc I” more than 90“) tollowersoi Rey .Iim mm m I lh‘ d to I er ‘0‘ (TIT d I . ‘ " ‘ Weil said the organization often lower buildings \loliere s plays. lI‘) 4. l ight in August. :‘i- '5‘1-‘L‘3‘,’I“-.’
- 2‘ at: g n ‘ n" ‘W ' ' "” ~‘“"d““‘l“‘m“'“‘“ - ~ - : -- - . ~ . - If f and.lu\cnals oems.b.9 rcent. .. -. .-
't“'.l‘. . '.~' I Jun... “uh mm gradually diminishing In the morning Highs In the makes inycstigations. but not often in The male ftmalt i.Iitio of tht poll . Ip pe _ 42*. .I t...
37)}...11'1.‘ The report noted lhat t s t-mhiim olllt'litls in (itiyana low not ' matters that recene much public was balanced. with 4s n percent male Only in I percent had read none otthe V“ 33’“:
'35.,3‘9-1‘5 ' ' notice He said a number of steps and SH percent female breakdowns .ibote 3277:} :.I_‘I ‘3
i'. ' f~l ~-l il‘:.t““i~"-
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éifi’g’mflé . ‘.. .- ‘- . r - ' .ssfaa - few; «12:. -. . .

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“\. , . g. . . . _ I _l.. l\~.'fiis, . ..e.. . . .- .. ,. ‘o .
__—_———_____—__ W
KENTUCKY Steve Ballinger l isa |)oussard lhomas ( Iarli Wilt" 1...“. Jamie \“lm lom “0"" !
liliiui Ill ( liii/ [ill/tum! lililm .la) hmelt l d I I‘m“, S/ti-ili Iiluui Itimior u/ I‘lio/ugniphi
I Debbie \trlhntel
Steve Massey i
' 2' ”2 Richard “(Donald (.regg I-ields i-VVViVinliVil'iLVitVV (ary Willis John (‘Iay ltlnda Campbell V
\Iiimieme It/lft't Jeanne “chives (it/‘l [ill/HM “mm,“ l g I I‘m“, Brian Rielmd Minn. mum-l, \
Intuit/i Idiom ‘|\\I\Itllll Spoils lililutv ‘
o o I»
editorials 83 comments .. a
I he Annual Kernel Golden Fork Awards *
. i
, Commemorating the people and eventst at never made sense to us ,
\o doubt about ll, it‘s been a year The Wishin'You Were Here Award The You Mean He Doesn‘t Have to The “V9“ Ht"? Voted Yes But We Committee. which made valiant
where events that would ama/e and o. goes to former l’K basketball players Play Basketball? Award goes to the Were 5“" In line AWll'd 8065 10 thc attempts ,V‘" broadening l'KI “WW“
astound the world at large occurred Chuck Aleksinas and Tim Stephens. l‘niversity' administration for their étUantsthit sincerely wanted to vote appreciation ”l the worlds ““0115 .
" with regularity here at the bastion ol who quit the team during the season. concerted efforts to recruit more In the alllrm'dllVC lor the mandatory musical forms. But. alas. the world 1
Big Blue But these events dldllVl Could this have led to l' Senate‘s new minority students. Sorry. guys. non- health fee. but wereIat the Health starts and ends at .\ew Orleans.
happen by themselves. Rather. people V seven-day withdrawal policy‘.’ drinkers don‘t count. SCTVICC 3“”le waiting for the”
» that you walk to class with every day ' numberto hecalled. Nottoworry'. UK The (Vi!) 0‘ (VICVEIIHd Fiscal
and in some cases are taught by . The You'll Notice She Never Golfs' The We Need a Community College has it great Offering of correspondence IResponsibility Award goes to the UK
whenIyou get there made this past Award goes to atheist Madalyn on Campus IIAward goes to the courses. School of Music. for inadvertently
nine months memorable. ln honorol Murrav O‘Hair. who reportedly Housing Office. for their new , . . overspending the” 5“1013"“th
. these folks. the Kernel proudly carriesVa lightning rod in her purse. apartment complex beyond In“? If ITO“ DOM “he Jill Then money. resulting II“ "ItUth Istudents l
pmcm‘ mt. annual (iolden l‘ork Just don‘t make many left turns on Commonwealth Stadium. which is \ou‘re Shit Out of Luck Award goes having to auditionlor finanCialaid. A
Awards . ‘ “Chalufilnc Road. MVI‘I O‘Hair. perfect for students if they go to to the Student Center Board Concert “0th mistake. ‘
i . The I Like My (‘ountrymen — With Eastern. '
. The 0m.0f focus Award goes m Salt Award goes to deposed Ugandan
Student trovernment meVdePVVu] dictator ldi Amm. whose cannibalistic ' I I
candidates ( harlcs Main. Bert (Ilark habits led to thousands of l‘gandans Rear In ye Vlew
and ( huck \1alk’us. who weieomitted crving out “Fat me ldi .. .
trom the SCi—Student Center Board ' ‘ ' ‘ ' . .... .
“New “‘0‘“ I“ the “WW” . The “I Had To thit This Long For (V°”V””"."c°pl°'““‘“and“"T”"V" é V
“6“"de ‘0 W“ ”he” . Vosebleed’" mm goes to those “complements- This highly a _-
was a breakdown of communica- ' . ' . , ._ . ‘ . selective group ts composed of people a? ,m ”/é’fw .
.. thousands of brave tooltsh students . . , , . 4 , Wu . afi‘e’fiét .
tions In other words. they never got who spent their winie’i nights camped who kept us constantly amIaied with I 2353;};- 'V’". 3:;th
asked to submit anything There‘s . -, , . their unique way of looking at the .i'53:.i:5:=i: . «an
. . out in front of Memorial C oliseum in .. ‘ . . ,g ,f . W???
nothing like somebody Working For search 0’; the elusive Wildcat W0tld~ lht MW” t5 honored to .. 27,; 4e , I
You ’ . ‘ , present these people with Rear in Ye‘ {a ,:;fj;j'2:=2;IIgfgj , " , "
Basketbtfil Ticket. only to discover at ,, , . . ._ t ,
l tipoff time that their ears were VIC“ Awards. e M 3 -V
l The Family Planning Award goes to . ‘ z . M --
~ the mostly gay disco group The Village popping. .. . VI ”fihVWI - ,VV . .
People ’0‘ P““““‘““"3 a ”M“ The Over 22,000 Students , ' ~
3 form m bmh control. “hm: Malnourished Award goes to vour . M We ’
admonishing U3 to hang around the 3 kind of place. which recentlv opened . 5% 2» f ' .
and enlist in the \avyI where we can up shop across from HolmesHall.and Mtge; . II am.“
"ioin our fellow man. You bet. , . . . f ‘- -' .53 44:95”? M , y . . . .
is reportedly trying to open up in tne [2f ' in; . ’ 2 .. -.
V The Enemy of the Year Award. Wildcat Grille.Greaseisthewoooord. WVV V V . w. Va
sponsored by the American Glove The If You‘ve Seen Mister Ed WV ’.:,:;.,- . IIIIII.I.II,II _ I II
AssOCiation. goes to the Ayatollah . You‘ve Seen Them An Award t .::VV II ,
Khomeini, who developed a hands-off goes 0 .5 ' ,_ __
. , . I -, to the people who brought you the -- "'04s ' w ,
policy literally as leader otanew Three-Day Event that con lomera- . V‘s .I . .' .. ~ .I A»
Islamic Republic. Should cut down tion of elitist snoVbs who clgim that M c" _ ‘ . ‘ . »
considerably on activities rumored to horses are noble creatures and desert? i .-
cause ha”) palms. all the publicity they get. We say Nay. V 1 fl ,
The Delta Alpha (lone Award goes The That Tirst Step‘s a Big One ' ,l M, «W
to all of the wonderful lVK sororities. Award goes to Hollywood stuntman I5 ’V/Vg’éaaM .M , V V V
who verified that there is a place on AJ. Bakunas whose jump from the I fi%/“/fi% .. "if? The Norm Crosby Good English 0UtsVVlV0ll0W9d Sht’rtl.‘ after “"h "I do
this campus for people who only hate Kincaid Tower resulted in his death. “V Award goes to UK football Coach a thorough study of these guys before
one outfit The Student Government lnaction Fran Curci. whose remark that “I can‘t they get here." proves once again that
How Many Popes Does It Award goes to none other than Brad tell how these kids are going to turn logic and sports are like salt and water
The Boys Will Be Boys Award goes Take To Change the Lights in Sistine Sturgeon. who brought you Focus. 50 they mix. but it takes a drip.
to the eight l‘K football players who Chapel Award goesto Pope John Paul Presents: and a million funny actions i
were exonerated of all charges of ll. the first Polish pope. But does he that kept the campusconstantlyaware
sexual abuse. rape and sodomy placed wear clean underwear under those that $0 is working for the students
against them. robes? who are on it. Otherwise. forget it.
The American Express Award goes The Three-Day Work Week Award
to Jerry "Remember Me“ Rubin. who goes to the UK Greek community for .
held an audience ca me by tellin it - . , . - . . ' 'I kw \ ”so ~ J“ we ' < m V. . > “
exactly who he was F(ind what he fits confusmg Wednesday “VVh HVdalV gt??? «who $8 .. ,I w * 51 g. .
supposed to have done. He was once The But Would You Want Your ‘3: . ~ . V V
qune prominent. you know. Son to Marry One? Award goes to the 3*va New 3 i s, I . I .
American Express dont leave the rowdy gangs who dragged (literally) WW . M ."VV:«-;3V" . ..
60s without it themselves to the Rocky Horror 9‘ I if -.. 5 a II _ I
The Renee Richards Award goes to Picture Show every week. V Tm »V7~__:;V.V M s: 3%; 3% !
that staid North Campus structure '. .3, $1,} a, I I'I. Wig? % .
known as Buy d Hall_ currently an The Books WI" BE In Next WVCCB So ‘ V §§ _-_ VV-‘V 5‘ ‘ . I x92” Troy ,
upperclassmcn‘g dorm. Wthh m thc You (VIII Read About Whit You g . V“ i w N {that WV
tall Will house legally lreshmcn Missed on Finals AWII’d goes {0 [he . V . ‘3‘ VV -§ ”WW/”“7” ’V ‘
womeno bookstores serving the campUs 3 ‘ g M. 0"“? ' ,
The Have Budget. Will Travel and community" who proved that Better V‘gfi V' 5g“ « , . l
Travel and Travel Award goes to Late Than Net" '5 a totally rtdlCUlOUS V ' ”IVE; VEV; V' V‘ ,V ‘5” {3V}? [Vii t
S(i. for giving three ot its members saying. V‘ v, V V' . V V V . :V: V ' 3% l
a paltry Sl.0(l(l for a three-day trip ‘V '- M»... 'x. _ VVV - i -‘V‘V-:-VL_ , V '_ 4% {:9 l
to Denver. where they managed to V V V 3" _» .V V i ”is EVE ’5‘
put "50 miles on a rented car The Best Goddamn Christian V " ' V- 3' o . IVV.;., "g V‘VVVTV'I.',_ t‘V
Honestly. it‘s so hard to tind your Award is shared by all those people V. , .. VV j ' g ‘V-ViV-z-i 3 l
way around a strange city who sought and supported the » - -» ’ . if?“ i.-;‘ V. W
banning of several books containing is given in conjunction with the If .. :fj. 3‘» =, ,
The New Journalism Award goesiiv sexual passages from freshman The If You‘re Not Just Another You'reaPoor Pretty Woman Marrya .V V " .1;..:»IM ‘
the people who brought you form. composition courses. Heaven forbid Pretty Face You Can Buy One Award Rich Man award. which is given to -III .. .- '.
the \(i-SCB newsletter. which proved that they might read them andthentry 80“ ‘0 Kentucky Fried gubernatorial Phyllis George EVEN“ Brown. ““0 l5 V “M“ 7- a V W i
that you needn‘t have any idea what doing that stuff themselves. candidate John Y, Brown. This award running ft“ governor's wife. V ‘. :m i ' ;
you're doing. as long as you have . "W '.I ._: z
inexhaustible student- and l niversity- {V , . r ,
Provided money to do it mer il you The Just Add SUE" and (Vym'de ? - V V ~ V V ‘ ’
make a mistake V Award goes to the former inhabitants .
of Jonestown. (ittyana. who V7,. , ‘ i .
The Rodney Dangerfield Award discovered that low calorie drinks can --. VT . V . .Th' Forfsmh‘ Award 229“ to
goes to l tidy Kats basketball (Vtmt‘h be hazardous to your health. Oh well. ? r t 1: . , ,. lieutenant (iov'cIrnor Thelma Stovall. ‘t
Debbic vow. who survived d year ttl there's fun in the sun I E t 1 .V& V. whose remark You dont think II
I little funds and player revolts. all would have done something stupid "i
tipped oll with a losing season R.l - . ‘ iV- Vlkc 5th without thinking ubvoVVt‘nVV \
_ 1, S-P-TI-T. find otit what it means to The Nobody Does I. Better Award M (i first. at the beginning 0f the special .
~ mc goes to l'K Vice President Robert . _ 2 legislative session she called for .
, Zumwinkle. whodoeswhateveritis he " \ . .2 4 . , V [f January. revealed the kind of self- ‘
V V V The life Sure Is Great Here in the d0“ WV" WCVVV we’re ‘VVVC , V \ ;.'Vz :i confidence and leadershlp ”Viki
. Student (‘hetto Award oes to l K . I j? ., , Kentuckians have become accustomt
-‘ . V . ~ » F The My Broken Hip heels Better 5; , to having
. Athletic DITCLTOT (lilf Hagan. whose Already Award 0“ to Physical Plant t- r : >
' V keen Vn‘VghV VCd V0 th thoughtful Director Tim \S’essels who last H” V
, comment that many students live in brought [B the news that PH) “2“ The Take 0“ Your Coat. America whose poster campaign proved that l
apartments nicer than the opulent hettercqiiippedtohandlesnowthanin Award gum m SO President Mark underarm stains can be removed by
. zVVdiaVHV4Vdgf ,\V_V “1nd” rents on past years Mathcmtbcfiillthev were. Metcalt and Vice President Sid Neal. darkroom techniques. ‘
. V." ‘ ax ‘ m“ d“ “’ 'gh but what happened after vvinter hit" ‘V ‘ I
3."; 'V v
”at - . i t ‘
P:£E££;.; ‘ ‘M. , , . .. .,., .,I..,I..,I...I,.,‘,I;.I/I,. s ,V ... , . . . . . ».,, has. -.~r .. ..W~Ir;~n~rI'~ ‘. r'"“‘ff’me.s-T,..-,-_MM. ......... ... ....,..,,..?.i-II:,I:~:::. :51-’ !_‘.=__“:LLT‘~” ., .
S'cftvi I . I . . ’ I M ’ ’wV . VV.’ ' 3...‘ _‘. _VV . ‘ I I . I _ Vi,‘ . , I V_ II . lV'c I ~ . . . , , . I I
« . - ~ «v .. . e . . . . l BEST COPY AVAI

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____—_——————————— \t . . l . i .
. grade than he deserved. Mark‘s grades 1 l l l I
. were four A's and two B‘s. l, i l
x Send your $ to Using the University‘s grade point ' ' tail 1 l I
i system where an A equals 4p0ints.a B I “I H l
3 equals 3 points. etc.. Mark‘s grades l I li‘tr‘ul l i I H
f The (loss atfair is not the only recent total 22 points. which when divided bv ' -, 4.}. .t l
caseol repression oflreespcechonihis 6 (the number ofgrades given)equal s \ 32g ’ t l ./ a. . . .
campus, 3.333. or a B. |\ 1’ J 1 ll .'. .' “ g l
i five people are injailatthe present Another thing that punles me is J t‘E’ I /'I ,‘ I t . I l l
time and a halt~dozen more will spend that if Mark Goss was so offended by _ A I’! (It i ' .02"? u b. a
most of the summer there. They have the contents of the books and —— ‘ "' i /l/ A. Q ‘\.~’ J
’ been denied parole. assignments included in Ms. Gooch‘s / ‘ I’foto". fl. I?! . _ '
Their crime was protesting against section of English l0|. why didn't he I " Wt lfi’I-l‘: {3:5 ‘1‘ i‘ . t
the CIA. Half of them were arrested drop her section and pick up another " r W ‘ , .s l' h l 7 l
before Stansfield Turner ever came in less offensive one'.’ I I' $L\\ \ I /
. the hall. for nothing more than And why have we heard fromallthe p g \ sq: L/CVy/z i
I holding up signsin the back: the others concerned parties except Mark Goss‘.’ I ‘ //
were arrested afterthey rose fromtheir ls Mark‘s father objecting more ._ -
seats at intervals in the speech. stronglyto his son reading Miller‘sand " e ‘ ,9 W L‘
11““!de banners. and moved UP lh? Faulkner‘s novels than his son did'? I i; '7 - '. “ 1/ ,
center aisle with them. would like to see Mark Goss‘ theme l“ (‘1. . _ \— ”
For this. they not only have the time published so we can alljudge how Ms. ‘ l " o o .l!’ .‘t :1"
to serve. but also owe thousands of Gooch‘s use of the quote from World _ ,* ‘ ((wf' l 4 yo,” l l
x dollars in 16831 C0515 and {968- In of Sex is related to the theme as a v- . - \ . / ' ' . n ‘ «g p, 1
coming weeks. the Committee to whole. I r . , , . “s
Defend the Eleven will sponsor a \ / ‘ ”i" ' t i t t
benefit at a lo