xt70zp3vwr9p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vwr9p/data/mets.xml Missouri Missouri Historical Records Survey 1941 [3], 6 l.: map; 28 cm. Local Notes: UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number  FW 4.14:M 69oc/5 books English St. Louis, Mo.: Missouri Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Missouri Works Progress Administration Publications Quarles Baptist Church (Henry County, Mo.) Baptists -- Missouri -- History Henry County (Mo.) -- Church history Missouri -- Church history Historical Sketch of Quarles Baptist Church, 1891-1941 text Historical Sketch of Quarles Baptist Church, 1891-1941 1941 1941 2019 true xt70zp3vwr9p section xt70zp3vwr9p 1 M ' )f * “WQ‘5\5‘5““3hW‘W‘J‘W‘w}‘§‘$‘§‘53‘9‘{5‘355‘f5{‘WW{‘959‘f5§‘{3‘§“3“‘55W T ‘ ‘ - ' ‘

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1 i
. OF THE §
z . QUARLEs‘BiPrIsr'cHURCH .. .' 1' 3
1891-1941 5 .1. {1

(A reprint from: - ' ‘ ‘

"Inventory of the Church Archives ‘ . 1

of Missouri: Baptist Bodies, . %

Tebo Baptist Asaociation.") ‘ . j

. 1 . 1‘
. - ,1

, {7. _ j

Prepared by .; ' ' 1‘

The Missouri Historical Records Survey ’ ' . . ‘ 1

Division of Community Service Programs , ' . . .1

Work Projects Administration - '1

~ " 1 I

1 . a

, : 1‘

' i J

- . 1

1' .,

, * ‘ 3

St. Louis, Missouri I V 1

The Missouri Historical Records Survey 1 .

June. 1941 . .

 i I -
3 .
'5 . Sargent B. Child, National Director
5% 5 * George W. Hubley, _Jr._, Regional Supervisor
9 "5,: A. Loyd Collins, State Supervisor of Missouri ‘
5 ,
%" ‘ ' 5
? 5,
E I Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner
1 Mary G. Moon, Regional Supervisor
5 Lena B. "Smell,“stote :piresitor of Missouri
5 A. .
‘ VQD {1%
5 , ' _v ’ 5r, 5 I l .
5’ _ ' ‘ l- > H , Howard 0. Hunter, Acting Commissioner
5 5 ' 5 » ‘ George H. Field, Regional Director
5 ,. 5 -5 5 ‘ B. M. Casteel, State Administrator of Missouri
I ' w -
Q 5?; SPONsm"
5 Dwight H. Brown, Secretary of State
5 , ,

 - _ I ‘ ;
\‘ , ‘ ' l; 1
, r: ‘5 J I
_ g 5
PREFACE , . ' ;
The following historical sketch of the Quarles Baptist Church. I
1891-1941, is reprinted from: "Inventory of-the Church Archives of ;
Missouri: Baptist Bodies, Tebo Baptist Association." ‘ ' , y
This edition was prepared for the fiftieth anniversary celebration }
of the church. The booklet also contains the centennial address made j
in 1939 commemorating a hundred years of Baptist activities in Henry 4
County, Missouri. > , y y 1}
' 1
(”0 , j
a $134” ’9. W V ' 5
‘ A. LOYD COLIN s, State Supervisor _ y . i
_ Historica Records Survey ' j
. ,. j“ g
St. Louis, Missouri ' ‘ 5
June 4, 1941 - i 1‘
, 1

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1 '<: ‘—"‘"-I’“' MK 29* I *35
DEEPWATER I ' .-_ . a .
. _ BEAR I FAIRV I I o .
15 * - *21~ 51* g
. ~ * 6 *28
I I *22 17* .
' I St. Clair County I
l . Sardi s 12 . Hartwe l l 25 . Salem I I
2. Tebo 13. Mt. Hope 24. Garland
3. Mt. Olivet 14. Urich 25. Parks Chapel .
4. First Baptist, Windsor 15. Montrose 26. Pleasant
5. Bethlehem 16 . Fai rview Ridge
6. Calhoun 1?. Peaceful Home 27. Queries
7. Mt. Zion, Huntingdale 18. Corinth 28-. Mt. Zion '
8. Bronaugh Chapel 19. Bromington 29. Stone Mission _
9. Good Hope 20. La. Due 30. Hickory Grove
10. Mt. Gilead 21. Deepwater 31. Finey
11. First Baptist, Clinton 22. Pleasant Valley 52. Golden Gate
35. Baptist
' Mission
34. Second Baptist, Windsor ’.
55. Second Baptist, Clinton - -
132»- " " I 1

 _ 1- 1
QUARLES BAPTIST CHURCH, 1891--. Quarles (village) 6 Mi. N. g
y of Clinton, Shawnee Township, Honry County. I i
' Organized in 1891, by Rev. John T. Cowan, while serving as j
. missionary of the Tebo Baptist Association. It took its name from the ‘
: Quarles store which was located nearby. The church joined the Tebo
. Baptist Association in 1893. During the first two years, services '
I were held at the Courer Schoolhouse. Among the charter members of '
, the church were: Mr. and Mrs. William Adair, Mr. and Mrs. we. Pitcher,
Mr. and mrs. J. T. Jones, Mollie Jones, Emma-Jones, Mr. and mrs. S. M. j
Thompson, mr. and Mrs. Alex. Miller, Mrs. Frank Redford and a Mrs. .
‘ Bleil. S. M. Thompson was the first church clerk, and C. M. Massie j
' was the first superintendent of the Sunday School, organized in 1892.'
The present and only church building was campleted and dedicated in
the spring of 18$ by the Rev. Dr. C. G. Skillman. One and one half I
; story, American rural type, rectangular frame structure with Small i
.belfry containing bell. Heated by a coal stove. First settled clergy- !
. man, Rev. John T. Cowan, 1895-96. Common school education. He was I
:' succeeded by the following pastors: Rev. R. Jenkins, 1897-98, 1908; 1
: Rev. E. A. Leonard, 1899-19003 Rev. J. M. Ramsey, 1901-6, 1911912; ' ‘
: Rev. T. P. Todd, 1907; Rev. G. W. Plumb, 1909; Rev. T. M. Estes, 1910;
? Rev. M. E. Broaddus, 1914; Rev. E. L. Barkley, 1915; Rev. A. Jackson,
' 1916; Rev. S. M. Victor, 1918: Rev. W. S. Weir, 1921; Rev. G. A. ‘
. Hoffman, 1922; Rev. W. E. Davis, 1924-25; Rev. Homer Delozier. 1926c 3
28; Rev. G. C. Faulkner, 1929-30; Rev. W. L. Kalle, 1931-34; Rev.
warren L. wyrick, 1935; Rev. Dale Huft, 1936-37; Rev. J. 0. Miller,
1958. Present pastor is Rev. R. M. Webdell, Calhoun, Mo., 1939--. ‘
; Graduate, William Jewell College, Liberty, Mo.
.2» “M r - ‘

 y I: ' .
See: James D. Briggs, History 2£_the Tebo Baptist Association,
p. 22. Tebo Baptist Association, Minutes, 1855--. ;
Minutes (including members and deaths), 1909--. 1 vol.
a ' (Prior records lost). Kept by mrs. J. L. Kimes, R. R. #1, Clinton, 3 a
' Mo. Sunday School reports, 1895-—. 9 vols. (1898-1905, 1908-9, %
1913-14 missing). Baptist Young People's Union, 1930-35, 2 vols.,
1930-31, 1932-35. (Discontinued 1933). Both kept by Mr. Lyle Ommer, ‘
R. R. #1, Clinton, Mo. Financial records, 1919--. 2 vols., 1929-50,
. 1957». (1931-36 missing). Kept by Miss Ruby Tubbesing, R. R. #6, ,
Clinton, Mo. Deed records: Henry County Recorder's Office, Clinton, g
warranty Deeds, Vol. 94, p. 155.
By :
A. Loyd Collins, member Executive Committee, ' I a
Missouri Baptist Historical Society.
| n
7 Brother Moderator, Christian Friends:
The history of this association has been written by the lives and ‘
in the deeds of noble Christian men and women. The consecrated leaders ‘
of the past have labored at the sunrise of youth, amid the energies of 5
manhood and womanhood, and through the ripe years of age when brown
A and golden locks have been whitened by the snows of many winters.
. The early settlers of Missouri were a courageous people — sturdy, 3
strong of muscle, big of heart and determined of mind. They have been .
3 called the cream of their age and the history makers of their time.‘ ;
. The majority of the Baptist pioneers came from the mother states of ‘ 1
, Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky, the land of Daniel Boone, and ‘
They helped to blaze the trail to the westward, from the rock bound 3
; coast of the stormy Atlantic in New England, across the sluggish and
sleepy waters of the majestic Mississippi, over the barren plains and
, prairies of the boundless West, beyond the rugged mountains, even unto ‘
i the peaceful waters of the white capped waves of the great Pacific.

 i - 3 -
. Champ Clark once said that our illustrious forefathers crossed the
Mississippi "with a rifle in one hand and a Bible in the other." They
first built log cabins to shelter their families and then rude church
‘ houses in which to worslflgaAlmighty God, which also usually served as
a school in which their children learned the three fundamentals of
primary knowledge . reading, writing, and arithmetic. Their pathway
was lightened by the golden rays of—Divine vision and truth was found in
the sacred words of Holy writ. ‘
- Golden are the memories and beautiful is the story left by these
. patron saints of the past. We have reaped many of the bountiful fruits
of the spirit which they were so instrumental in planting. They did not
leave their record in parchment or upon printed pages, but in a memorial
which will last through the endless realms of all eternity, beyond the ‘
grim portals of the silent tomb. They left their record in the hearts ‘
and lives of their posterity and in the religious heritage which they
have handed down unto us of this age and generation.
Theirs, my friends, is a story of hope, of sacrifice, of struggles, ‘
of sorrows, of joys, of anticipations, and of a faith as strong as the ‘ 1
Rock of Gibraltar. Theirs is a story of life in its fullness and beauty, ’
amid its problems, vicissitudes, and achievements; and of death and
the sacred memories of those who have gone on to the home "over there"
in the New Jerusalem. It is a story of love and lanes lined with lilacs :
and roses, and home life in all of its beauty, so characteristically i
portrayed by the song writer who spoke of home as "my Blue Heaven:"
"A smiling face, a fireplace, a cozy room,
A little spot that nestles where the roses bloom.“ ;
They loved and read the Bible and cherished it as the Word of God.
They sang those glorious old hymns of spiritual emulation and praise,
such as, "In the sweet by and by we shall meet on that beautiful shore,“
“Rock of Ages cleft for me, let me hide myself in Thee," and "How firm
a foundation ye saints of the Lord." As loved ones were laid to rest
in the city of the dead, made sacred and hallowed by the earthly remains
of those gone home to glory, it was "Nearer my God to Thee,“ and
"Jesus, lover of my soul," that gave them courage to carry on. j
One by one our noble pioneers have vanished from the state of human
activity. They have answered the bugle call to the land where "our
fathers have gone before." They have left this world of cares and
' troubles for a land of peace, green pastures, sunshine and blissfulness, 1
which the world can neither give nor take away. ‘
' we bow in sorrow and in love before the will of Him who "ordereth
all things well;" and as the evening shadows are cast upon the trail at i
the sunset, we twine golden words of love in tender memory and respect
to those who have so abundantly lived, so unselfishly served, and who
now so faithfully merit the rewards incident to a well spent Christian ,
‘ life. i
m I
.fP"“Afi_______________*___ '

 , J
.- 4 - 1
Historical Sketch l

The Baptists were the first protestants to establish a church in ;
what is now the State of Missouri. It was Bethel Church, which was ;
founded in 1806, and which is so rich in historical significance. It
was located in the present vicinity of Cape Girardeau.

The Baptists were also among the first to preach the gospel in :
Henry County, being preceded Only a few months by the Cumberland
Presbyterians and Methodists.

Before church houses were built, religious services were held in
the rude cabins of the early settlers. The first resident Baptist
minister in Henry County was Rev. Henry Awery, who settled in the county
in 1851. The first public religious service conducted in the county
by Baptists was held in a log cabin in 1832 by Rev. Thomas Keeney (in
Grand River Township, near where Clinton, Missouri is new located). ‘
The first church founded in the county was the Sardis Church, organized L
in May, 1839. It was of the Primitive Baptist faith and founded in a
little log schoolhouse in Tebo Township, north of Calhoun, Missouri. 1
It was a very noted church in the early days. Rev. Henry Avery was ‘
one of the charter members. The other charter members were: John'W.

Williams, John Brummett, Benjamin Parker, valentine Hall, Mhry Brummett, 1
Susan Hudson, and Nancy Williams. The church was called "The United
Baptist Church of Jesus Christ at Sardis.”

It is also interesting to note, in passing, that Susan Jane Avery, j
the first white child born within the confines of the present limits ‘
of Henry County, was a Baptist and the daughter of Elder Henry Avery. ‘

The dates of the organization of the Baptist churches of the ‘
present day are as follows: ‘
Bethlehem, 1854 Garland, 1890 Mt. Zion, 1895
Brownington, 1881 Golden Gate, 1907 Mt. Olivet, 1844 ‘

. Calhoun, 1854 Good Hope, 1860 Plousant Valley, 1884
Clinton, 1866 Hartwell, 1867 Quarles, 1891
Corinth, 1880 Hickory Grove, 1905 Tebo, 1840 ‘
Deepwater, 1883 LaDue, 1886 Urich, 1868 T
Finey, 1906 Mt. Gilead, 1865 Windsor, 1853
The following is a list of the Baptist churches of a former day,
‘ together with the dates of their organization and when they became

defunct or were disbanded:

' Salem (organized 1886, defunct in 1912) ‘

Montrose Baptist (organized 1870, defunct in 1928) ‘

Stone Mission (organized 1899, defunct in 1928) ‘

Sardis (organized in 1859, moved to Leeton in Johnson 00., 1915)

Mt. Zion (at Huntingdale, organized 1855, defunct in 1893)

Mt. Hope (organized in 1867, defunct in 1881)

Fairview (organized in 1871, defunct in 1881)

The Mt. Hope and Fairview Baptist churches went together in 1881

‘ and formed the Brownington Baptist church.
7W — '
fF‘“'_~__________~________ ' j

, ,I, 5 q.
The first Sunday School in the association was organized in the
vicinity of the Bethlehem Church as early as 1834. The women of the
association organized for mission work under the name of the "Sisters
of Tebo Association" in. 1886.
Some of the Sunday schools in the county were organized before
the churches came into being. In fact, some of the churches have been
an outgrowth of Sunday schools which were organized. The following is
a list of the dates of the organization of some of the Baptist Sunday
schools in Henry County:
Bethlehem, 1834 Finey, 1900 Windsor, 1867
Brownington, 1884 Clinton, 1869 Calhoun, 1884
Good Hope, 1867 Mt. Gilead, 1868 Corinth, 1896
Quarles, 1892 Mt. Zion, 1901 Deepwater, 1890
Stone Mission, 1898 Garland, 1890 Hartwell, 1879
Hickory Grove, 1904 Pleasant Valley, 1885 LaDue, 1904
' Montrose, 1879 ,
The B.Y.P.U. dates from the early part of the present century, and J
our young people have been active in Kingdom work for many years. i
The Baptist Brotherhood is still in its infancy in the assoaiation,
- but it has great possibilities for service, if these opportunities will
> be utilized. The Clinton Baptist Church has had a brotherhood organiza-
tion for a number of years. 1
The Tebo Baptist Association was organized September 7, 1855 at ‘
the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, near where the town of Windsor is now
located. This church was later moved to Windsor and became known as the i
Windsor Baptist Church. 1
The name of the Big Creek Baptist Church was changed to Hartwell
in 1888; and Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church, which was organized in 1868, ‘
changed its name to the Urich Baptist Church in 1875. ‘
Pulling back the curtain of time, we find in our mind’s eye
- vision the pictures of many prominent men and women who lived, worked, i
and died for the cause of Christ in this association. Time will not
permit an enumeration of them.
Just a few of the outstanding names may be mentioned briefly in
passing. Going back for many years, we see the man who may be rightly 3
called the father of the association. Rev. William Gray. We see him in
. all his glory and faithful labors, as he served as moderator of the Tebo
Baptist Association from 1855 to 1894. We also see the Rev. Henry Avery,
pioneer minister and missionary to the Indians, as he made his way over i
his circuit on horseback, armed with his saddle bags and a Bible. We
see'“Uncle Billy" Lawler, minister and patron saint of God, who was
instrumental in the organization of many churches in the eastern part ,
of the county; Dr. P. S. Jennings, who was the conscientious treasurer
of the association for many years; Mr. A. C. Avery, who was one of the
cornerstones of our Baptist work in this county; Peyton A. Parks, who
organized and taught one of the largest and most noted Sunday school ‘
classes in all Missouri; and many others whose names are beloved and ,
j?” " " «a '

 1' “7;;pr . . . I _, ’" z; “ £7. ‘ . .V 3
- , cherished by the people of this county and of the Tebo Baptist " f
Association. ,.d,, 3
, The Challenge , , 1
- ' We lovingly and reverently dedicate this service to the noble ‘ ' V 4 V :
pioneers, who with dauntless spirit and with a firm belief in God laid » :. . v j
_ the religious foundation for those who were to follow after them. They " _
paved the way for us. They have left us a challenge for service and -_ > , . , 3

‘ enlistment. The trials, struggles, aspirations, ambitions, and hopes of 3. . ‘ ‘

' those who have gone before should stimulate us, today, toward greater . - f
‘ ' . efforts, and should point the way to others who shall take up the work ‘ . ,
'- where we will leave off. ' ‘

The future calls unto us. We must live in the realities of the I I ' é

present, not in the glories of the past. We must not look at what .. . v .11

. might have been, but at what is to be. > :7 ' 1» '1 3
May we ever hold the torch of Life high, and lift up the cross of "I ' h 1

V Christ and march onward and forward as true and faithful Christian , 4a,; 1'
‘ ‘ ‘ soldiers. I thank you. - ‘{;:jf::f:':r5-5f1': 1|
73: A ' I; i

. - - ‘ J


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