xt70zp3vwr83 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vwr83/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1998 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, May 1998 Vol.69 No.5 text The Kentucky Press, May 1998 Vol.69 No.5 1998 1998 2019 true xt70zp3vwr83 section xt70zp3vwr83 l 1
l.' ‘ ' f
3 Mark (THE KENTUCKY May’ 1998
. _ . Volume 69. Number 5
Y . y . i 4 F (m LFX M) TrfiehOfficial Publication
I i . ' a ‘ (ifNTRN SERIALS RECORDS o t 9 Kentucky Press
UNBOUND “lendar ; ‘C ’ ‘V f 7.‘;“‘.’3A2iET l KING LIBRARY Service
, PERIODICALS ' l ‘11‘;’QQ1§lTYOlj KY LisnAnmés .
COLLECTION fistula-29 i 4;. ‘ -,t;:mc.To.\i KY 40505
i ' mm. : = _

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F ff . ll 1 lb til .th
A former Russell County judge-executive —-—_-—-————- was hired to represent the Times Journal after
has lost again 1n his effort to Win defamation “This case really was9 in myjudgment. a the $1 million verdict. filed a motion to dismiss
33$?!ng against The Russell Springs Times clear cut case ofa clean editorial written the second suit in Russell (‘ircuit (g‘our‘t.
sasssss abut tvabta atub btbtb fiattb
' _ . . , _ ‘ 2 Pa , v U g9 . l0 AUVO 8C? 0 (‘ C859 ln
2: thflt theiefdltorlal lanuestlon clouldn t,be con- and was vert: Star” prOteCtad as we" alieyance since the issues involved were basical-
'; (Siarrtiie Slichelgsnslfiy)?heysl;vrfdlafd Eff: 21:22:; as emg truthful' ly the same. When the U.S. Supreme Court
« 3 ——~-a refused to hear the first case Loveless dis-
ff 1. . - - ' - s
0 wlfl‘he lawsuit was filed by Terril Flanagan Jon Fleischaker missed the second lawsuit and the April 24
who lost his bid for re-election in 1993. KPA General Counsel Court Of Appeals deClSIOH upheld that JUdg—
, 4; Flanagan first sued the paper over three arti- ——————_—— men}. (1 S C b . d it h . .
;: cles that appeared in the Times Journal in 1992 decision, thus putting an end to the first law— . .u ge ara (hm S’hm ra mg: 6 majority
at; and 1993. A local jury awarded him $1 million suit. opinion, wrote t at t e. editoria dea t w‘th
' but the Courtoffippeals threw out the award in The latest suit stemmed from an editorial Flanagan 5 performance m office, so he had to
November 1995. The appellate court ruled a printed on Jan. 13. 1994. after Flanagan had prov‘e actual malice.
; public official must prove the newspaper pub- lost the election and about 10 days after the . ConStmmg the statements at’OUt Flanagan
lished material it knew to be false or recklessly new administration took over. The editorial w‘thm the context 9f the editorial, we cannot
1 disregarded whether it was true or false. The praised new judge-executive Charles Smith‘s find the” ‘g'St 0’ Stmg to be defamatory 9V9“
" test is called “actual malice.” position on a payroll tax, contrasting it with under a layman's standard — much less the
The state Supreme Court and US. Supreme Flanagan’s position on the tax. more rigorous test of actual malice,” wrote
Court refused to review the Court of A eals’ KPA General Counsel Jon Fleischaker, who See BATTLE, page 12
0 ° : f s 1‘1” 4 7 A swig
. : . i ,_
,3 backdrop for conventlon b s so
. l JOW KH‘i-TPA summer 18-20 in Gatlinburg, Tenn. f '_';' ' ‘ . ' ‘ . l ”I .
l ' ' ' This year’s convention is a i "V "1 a ’
i meenng In Gatlmbwg joint meeting between KPA and l 7'” ”if; s s s I am ~‘
0 ers fit" education the Tennessee Press Association. j s' 75‘7““ ‘ _ ‘. .:t_us-.".;r;t‘”:i";:..;:7.5'l7‘ ; ,
l 5 fl A similar meeting in 1995 in 5 ‘t 3 f‘afl’a
s i . g .fi‘r _, ,s * swig. ‘- ’97‘" 4A.... -
l 3 By LISA CARNAHAN Gatlinburg attracted nearly 300 , a” g . ., V, gstitv’ma“
I : KPA News Bureau KPA members, the largest sum- i W‘ , '3“ . s ‘E bf ‘-
§ If you still haven’t made mer convention crowd of the past 3 § s " b M ‘ '
vacation plans for this summer, 15 years. . . l “Think About the Game"
. ; then KPA has a deal you Shou‘d- The aet‘V‘ty gets underway 3 Jack Azman encouraged KPA members attending the 1998 Spring
i n't Pass 119- It ineludes golf, a ThurSdaY at the HOI'fiay 1““ ' Advertising Seminartobepreparedto sell nauspaperadvertising beforethey
theme parks and quality music SUUSPree Resort . Wlth the i leave the office. Azman, a newspaper veteran with 34 years of experience in
5 entertainment in one of the pre- KPA/KPS 3081”de Directors lun- ; bringing sales staffs up to top productivity, was the guest speaker. He said
5 mier vacation Spots in America Cheon and meeting- Registration l planning and practice are keyelementsofany “pregame" strategy.
: plus workshops on topics like will also begin that afternoon. ‘
t Open Meetings and Open The fun begins that evening _~ 'NSIDE
l Records and Advertising with an opening reception at 6
; Legalities. pm. at the Sunspree. At 7:30 s MM!!!" “WWW“ Wm“
‘ What could possibly offer all p.m., convention goers will head j hum! bettintoopon 4 plnceofhagdwrlttan
i this fun and prov1de a learning to the 0mm Stampede and t Nobodywinlinbed 1" pg
.: opportunity, “3)? It’s the }998 Dinner Show. Those who made NIP-m Afieedudentprc- Mdm
l KPA Summer ("“79“th ' une See CONVENTION, page 12 : uhflonnhims hwoflhtheMO WWW]!

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press. May, 1998
LaWhead named Cdltor Sparks, BUSSC” J01“ Staff dtt‘partmentghas rejoined the staff was the 1991 Winner of the hltA
. as an advertising sales representa- School Bell Award for outstanding
at News—Enterprise at The News-Outlook two-Al m H. d t coverage of school issues
on Wl se in a s ace 0

Deedra Lawhead has been The Bath County News- area busiznesses and dgesigniiig ads. . ‘

gained- edliatlor botfhtThe News— eutltooflft has added two new faces to Bussell will also be working in the Kldwell t0 hadd Stdte
n erprise, 123 e own. ‘ S S a - newspaper circulation department. . . ~ ' '

.Lawhead, 30, joined the Laurie Sparksha senior at A Bath County resident for six AND dSSOCIaUOn
Elizabethtown news staff 16 Morehead State UniverSIty, will years, Bussell says she first became Lewis County Herald sports
months ago as education reporter work in bookkeeping, typesetting interested in newspapers in high editor Gary Kidwell has been i
and recently was named. reporting and also-the deSIgn and layout of school where she served as editor of named president of the Kentucky i
team leader. Before coming to The the ClaSSIfied and courthouse news the Bath County High School year- High School Athletic Directors ‘
News-Enterprise, she was 3 pages. book. Association,
reporter — first on the city staff, Sparks has served as photo Kidwell is 149th (‘ountv
then on the metro staff —— for The technician for the MSU campus , ' Athletic Director and is also spurts
Daily Herald, a 140,000-circulation newspaper, The Trail Blazer. for HOIWCFk named CdltOr director of WKKS Rad“, He was
paper in suburban Chicago. . the past two years. After gradua- 0f Duluth newspaper named president-elect for the 1998'

She holds a bachelor’s degree in tion, Sparks says she hopes to get a D 'd H l k l t' 99 year by the 200_mt.mhtir organi-
journalism and political science jobin'newspaper pagination and Lexingtbh Hera(l)dYVL:i:ider “gwnEOLT; zation. His term ”f prestdtiht Wt“
from Southern Illinois-Carbondale deSigning Internet Web pages. t'~ ) h . b” , d *d't ‘ f th begin in the spring (”2000.
and a master’s degree in public Kimberly Bussell, who previ~ u ”L‘ as ten name t .1 or 0 ’ e
affairs reporting from the ouslv worked at the newspaper for DUIUth (an') News-Tribune. He - -

University of Illinois. two “years in the office/composition assumes the new posmon May 18' FUIIOTI PUbh‘Shlng marks
Holwerk grew up in Lexmgton _
and graduated from the University 100th annlversal‘y

e entuc y r688 ”f K"T‘““'k~‘" H“ has Md “"0““ Fulton Publishing (‘o . Win
. _ _ positions at the Herald—Leader mark its 100th anniversary on

TheKentuckyI’ressflSSN-OOM324)lsptlb- mind 13 Including copy editor‘ repurtor‘ ( ‘ ’I .. (. _ ‘ |( :
lishedmonthlybytheKentuckyPress GlennGray,ManchesterEnterprise Frankfort b r ,.m chi ,f *d'ttll‘i'll June 2” Th“ f'r-‘l ”5“" “f ”I"
Aswciation/Kenmckyl’ress. Service,lnc. ( it u (‘1 (1‘ t 1 IL Fulton Daily Leader appeared on

.. .. 21-! z .' '.
Periodical-classpostageispaidatFrankfort, District 14 p ltd (U or‘ 1m mos n U n ‘l the streets of l‘ulton and South
KY. 40601.5ubscnption pnceis$8per year. Stu tS' ‘ managing edltor. . _ Fulton m,“ i‘ , .1 m th _ W. . .
Pmm‘aster;59nd changeofaddross to The fi ar K "HE’S“lT’ . y- I.)Urln§l his tenure £15 t‘dlttlrl‘dl ‘ ‘ _(‘ (“’\._‘ l‘ ( ”f ‘5‘)(vlp‘ r
Kentucky Press, 101 Consumer Lane, Somerset l ulaski hens-Journal page editor, Herald-Leader staff has published sinie that time vy ith-
Frankfort,KY.40601,(502)22}8821. D’ t' tlfiA writer Maria Henson won a ”“1 ihterrupltion l l _ f' ‘

isric .— - ~ - - . - r-Ix n .

p lt , t *dt il , t r. . ytar ong t( t nation o tit

Sffictsrskan: Dirgctors' ti Tom Caudill, Lexington Herald-Leader u I Z( r or t 1 ”r” “n ”1L event is underway Among the
en c y fess ”(ma ”n . , ‘ , activities is a contest to locate the

, D‘Str‘CHS'B 7 Fonner Oldhdln Erd oldest Fulton Daily Leader The
Pres‘ident John Nelson, Danville Advocatelvlessenger - . ' . .. . , "ll l ‘t . t } ..
Guy Hatfield,Citizen Voiced: Times edltor dppOInted m “ *P‘IIXY‘ \:1 “is an opt n ioiisi

StateatLirre on June 2;) Daily publication
PresidentElect Z ‘ 1’. . ,. - x . t0 SChOOl bOard changed to Weekly in 1989 and the
Russ in)" A'hh d D .1 l d‘ ) d‘ t bharonTuminski, WinchesttrSun . . ..
L , s in my n cpm in Former ()ldham Era editor Kit n‘evyspaper s name became The
Past President Ed Rjney,OWensboro Messenger lnquirer lVIillay-FUHO nlov e has been F ulton Leader.
GeneqabfilRemrderNewspapem appointed to the Oldham County . . _
. . Teresa Mullins, Berea Citizen School Board. . JObC FalnllV PUblIShlng
VicePreSIdent Millziy—Pullenltive Will serve on '
Tom Caudill,Lexingtonllerald-Leader Don White, Anderson News the board for the remainder of buys Butler C0. papei
Treasurer . . . . 1998’ filling the expired term Of a Roger and Deborah Givens
Teresa Revlett,McLean County News Assoaates DlVlSlon . Tim Fceley who resigned to run for have sold The Butler ((‘ountv ‘iiid
Ed Mastrean, Kentucky Educational state representative. She was edi- T‘he ‘(Vrmln Riv . R ‘ ”.1,
Distri tl TeleVision tor of the Oldham Era for more I . ”i ipu ) “(m
. .C . . . . . Banner to Jobe I‘amily Publishing.
WilliamMitchell,FultonLeader . , _ ‘ ' than 1.3 years and covered the
SvergsmliD‘lVJelle“ H ldl d school board for nine years. She See PEOPLE page 11
. . rry r00 5, xmgton era - sea er
19d Dflhngham’ Daws‘m Spmgs hog‘ess News Editorial Division Deaths
District 3 Mark Neikirk, Kentucky Post
Teresa Revlett,McLeanCounty News Journalism Education Kay Ellis A funeral mass wastcel‘ebrated :
District4 Jo-AnnHuff-Albers, Western Kentucky Longtime Voice-Tribunt' h‘lareh 24 at Holy Spirit (atholie .
Charlie Portmann, Franklin Favorite University reporter and food columnist Kay ( hurch-were showas “ '_"“mh“r "f
DI 5 Ellis died March 21 following com- tllie I’ariish (l‘oiiincil. The lanliily also
'strict General Counsels plications from brain suri'erv. p annet to io ( a memoria servn-e
3:33:er The Kmkaysmda’d' I?“ Fleischaker and Kim Greene Ellis was best known for her in Rhode Island .

i DinsmoreatShohl government and consumer advo— . ‘The family suggests mfimm‘ml
District6 ‘ ‘ . . cate reporting and her food column gm)“ i”: made .1” M \ ”)le
Dorothy Abemathy,0ldham Era ::::3::Y 3:: 3:133:32; appeared in the (ilouricr—Journal. Del aul Sublet). >- St. Jude lloust.
[15an David TyThompson Executive Director Louisville Magazine and The New . .

Kelley Wamick GallatinCounty News Bonnie liloward Cohtroller Albany ilndfl Tribune. BMW“ coin- Betty Mllhken
' GloriaDavis,AdvertisingDirector ing to Louisville in 1991. she Betty Milliken. a former cw
District8-9 Lisa Camahan, News Bureau Director worked for news publications m owner ot‘the Franklin Favorite and
Ken Metz,BathCountyNewsOutlook Rebabwisficsearch/Marketinngrdinamr Massachusetts. Rhode Island and WlfKN. died Alml 9 ”l Nil-‘h‘ln"
District 10-11 Sue Cammack, Administrative Assistant Florida. Sh" “HQ-‘92
MARY Backus Appala I . NeWS Express BuffySamsl Bookkeeping Assistant Sht' taught English at schnnlg Alllllkt'll illl(l IV‘VH other part
' lamieHobbs,Advertising Assistant in Rhode Island and New York ners purchased the newspaper in
District 12 Samantha Barger, Advertising Assistant before beginning her journalism ”I" 194053 and (“MM ”1“ ““l'” 5‘4“
lack G. Thomas, Jackson Times David Shropshire, Indiana Sales Supervisor career. See DEATHS. page 11
I l

 The Kentucky Press. May, 1998 - Page 3
CO S VS 1'6 OI'tEYS' Bad HE S 61 On 6 b
. p . W r 1‘ 1‘ V r
C O O C O ’ 6 . ’
relationship is a nO-wm believe tOO muc h

When I lived in a small town , Think het‘ore Wilt use the verb with the heart. the soul. faith. ()ne
years ago, my friends and 1 used coaCh s “hphpw " {WIS with the 5“wa the ”Hutu,“
todoa stupid thing. I; Because heliei'ing is not the ()ne thinks with the mind. iiitels

Late some nights. we‘d get corner . ( same thing .is' thinking lect. reason

I drunk. then go outside and drive ___________ ,. ..- . lloes anwne think amnion ‘ “You lit‘lll \‘e in (lotl_ you
I golf balls down Main Street. Not a By Jim . ‘ Q \" Home alaxs. l wonder Because lieliei.'e in a hereattet. \‘ou lieliei'e
. smart more. especially as the Stasiowski . . Fl 3i nrnaiists thought more. the in her _\oii helieve that she Wont
count) sheriff li\'etl “m. house " __ l" t ple thv \ \x mm ahoiit Hulllil let \oii down _\ rt ldi nt hell. \t
”Wily .‘ii'ree to a'i\ kind e‘ hel'iteii toys I l'll'fll‘l“ l' “ '\l"‘l ll "\"‘Y'\'*!H' \H'h' met I. tote ll iloii‘. think we
Making 1n“ “d" “Hi-”I" I" 4" rwt'lliill or change in '.h: new ‘l'~' I l" ‘ll ll‘ "l 'l' ‘ ‘ "l' l” l H l haw
I had ltlt‘it. lilit ttitlt‘t‘ialisls (l1: it all p1‘l‘>\Ilttll\\ II”! \‘tili I it. (Janis. I '3 >t'.:;i Iw'haih spt .ikmy \ i; hiihi.11_trw_ ‘.‘_".lllq_!l(1ll
I lllt‘ lllllt .‘\ll(l.l‘tII’_l‘l;.'t'l1_‘-'illt‘ \iilliil lf'll . Hr willli'.’ \Klfl. li' .. I l»‘ . ' r I . t I l\ Ii.t \l lifl, ‘l iittl \ 'li .:tt .t ~ ll t’ldn." Ill]
3 ‘1‘“ ”WY“ 4“ \‘~""'““’>s' ‘t‘mll‘eil‘ .tlt"l‘» 'i'alk ti-izn- editor aim; no i i“ ""31!" it” '“t‘ it l" “ Vt“ ’-"‘ “I”! W” It'i'l l'i"
; . , I .. . .. . 1“ . . . II .I .I II . ,I II I t I
I €l'.‘11l‘ili; \le'II‘I llltt‘i‘ttIit'l‘ltll‘.t' “lap-I Iit‘ttlilt-t‘ii Ill: .1 l-- IIIIIPI .I [:7 IIII III I ll . ,t I». t‘t. .. l .i l sl .i[., ! wit. l , l..\Ii 1 ,\ ill Itt l Iliiti
Iclnei‘s is a litige prolilt n: ...i tin.- iim; ;. Mattel: l. ti ti» I _i' -' “'"li‘li t‘ lli' st wt ll‘ii' tto spm i iin-it ‘ll‘rltl'l he n-iitorted
h’eitortei‘s at several staté iei.- “In”, ,1” hit \ I _ inrn t9 n :,.;.e i} tux“ inen HY thing- ii -11...th he:
' I \ 1 ‘iit"rii\ t.- , tvln Y - l‘ .) "'~“i"\ in“
I \eiitions this winter asked int. l“r:iii'th II arn xiinr stat: I i .iio iit In t A III] .tio it. Hit! oi i.i it \\i it list ill
I “ll"! ”1‘“ “mm d" l" :11'1 l’llllrlll‘i' t‘Ilt‘ll‘I‘t‘t'HE'tlS laws \‘u iiillllltlllslsl .\ «iatiti . mini. ii iit‘ Hi to ad n ‘rt I’\.|\ n \w \ttitt_ \\ ll
i V l I l ' ' \ l‘st l“' ‘ " I 't t i' \i t4'l oi .\s‘ ‘ t' ‘ ‘ i‘
I Tiiiii troni ptillt'e cliiels \kne “\iilllt) are IIHIHIIHIH. and we taint like tv. I ..ii vl. i iii... .. .t nitiiaii liii,_ IiIe ttia \ II in «tit \\Itllltl,
. ., trio” cm .\.~. I i . . \ I_
;Tii‘e them nothing i"‘“‘ our legal detinitiens and dier Iiillt .i..iI.i nai Ill! i Itlnt ial IIti A. o \I\.'llt .iii;,.t tpiint. thought
" ’ -v \ tr -- -,\i .. t .iv\.I' -i \
l'it‘St. I {Ultl IIIHinII let the (‘litt‘l tit‘it'tltitis uniting illltt'rt'tit IIIIIIII I lit in: .i It till. I“ .l\( ti .etiialla .ii ltt\- io.e ii Ilii I’IlttJiiali
sm- you‘re a human heiiig Most documents Thus. a Iliillt't‘ chiet , . Mlli ”m lImmdhl. l'MIillIl'lm ‘l‘m’l In‘lllil ”mi Ml‘ “If“ lhml‘
. . . ‘. , - \. -. -. . _ It, , . . I .- 1‘ ii r .I
holice chiefs and cops think ot us can often hanihoozle as h\ lllMsI Ill‘ml‘ml "ll lullIl; ”H“ ll H H ‘l wmm‘m.‘ mlIm“ ”H“ n l “Hm
as Voices over the phone. not real ing he doesnt litiVe to show as l‘“ “mm“; I‘ll’l"__lI H‘ “ll. h ”m l: t“ I ”llel‘” l htm"
people, We call. usuallv in 41 what we want lnIlI‘H l “ml' ”IlIlMli lb ”III: lw'ulI.lmIl\lIlll‘l M l l I i
- s- ' .’ ' ' s.( '- )\ ,.
hurry. and expect the cops to have He is prohahix' t‘ttIliI. hot it \\e H ”ll I.” WW ‘1 WWII” pm” It I l m ”l H VIII“ “l \ .l‘m‘l‘
- - . ' ‘l i ‘. ."i e t ' e t eel. t a some ,c; ‘
some First Amendment allegiance don t read the law. lit can get ' l}! H ”q,” l I llll ml mItIl l with H lllt'tl H l l.“ ”t 'l
. o er wt _ie ( i erei (t‘ l.’ .‘ll it a iat t1 erence ttoe,‘ 1 tea. "
that compels them to tell us every— “way with anything l l l l . . l \ \ l . ,. \ l

4 ‘ ‘ . l‘llt important I ntortiinatelv. the make lhe sentences ahove are

thing. At a state conxention. one ltl t l ll t l l t l ll
-- ,~ _-.,, e‘i' s -e i s' o iave grown ) or t'I't' ain \ tint ers tlHt a i e even

My friend and mentor. Denny reporter told me. lhe police chiet I \ ‘ l ll I H ‘I‘ l t l tl l l p) t

- ~ , - . ~ \ ttllititlL’ t eat me one it't wri ers w ien i wrote: Wort is iisir ii
Diblt‘. managing ”11“” 0f the can withhold SUCliiHHl-sut‘ll inlor— r l ’

‘ . ) . 4 . - n . and editors the\' tailed to Iirt's‘i‘rVe the nuance
Dominion—lost in Morgantown. niation. and another reporter ..

v .. -. .. . lhe sentences l iised ahove that is so important in writing
W,\a.. told me. The telephone is overheard us and said. f\o he , _ .

,. - . . .. . \ierent hard to liiid ln tact. .siieli Words were meant to liai'e we
the enemy. Visit the police depart can t. I dont know which one was - I .
ment \lake conversation with the right hut the tl'ict theV disagreed examples art much too prevalent eitie iiieaiiiinj, and when the\ lose

- ~i . . , v i - ‘ h iii Ht wsiiapers. niaz'aznies and their nuance. we the uriters and
chief. sav. Hev. I saw vou in k- spokeeltitILlenthtil our ignorance . - . I

~ . ‘ ' .. . . ‘ nmu’sletters .ind on tele\ision and readers lose an Important means or
mart checking out the fishing l‘lllh. ask \‘tilll' editor or piih
v - - . . ’ . . r i-tiw iiew- lt s the same ext-rx t'iili\'t‘\ttitf our tlioiiizhts‘ and our
"car. “l1?” (l0 “’11 L”) “*hmu listier to him .i couple ot Iioiice . . . I
" lh .,.‘ tl t I I r tit k .Hiei'e \\a \e lHI'vii'Ht‘ ,i nation that i‘eltets .\ltev‘iiis' tlii :neaiiiiiL' el
: oi ( ere scanners ia .‘e itit‘.t' .s i'.’ .i e _
lr m - .. l l. . train-state :tthinks .\ trils and phrases to liti'\!tlt
I Dennv said we otten trIV tii L't't home \\ hen I started as t pnetes' I II I' , I I 4 II ‘ . _
|' . ‘. . . . I ., .. I, I ‘.‘,’tl s li:‘.!¢‘-."l.tti.ili w IIt‘\Ilt§‘ sIH't nit Et\ :s :ait I-t or 'i it ”.1!
Iintoi‘ination when the cliiet is raiinerai a sinan paper in i‘loiiiLI I ti I tl II, , t I it n t H] ' Hi 1'! t l'nii i
. .. ' . - st. v‘.s iii ,ll‘_.,lv. ",iti iii . i ii 1" ‘ ;'!i_‘
's'weating over a hi;r case. "lt lin a l tisett to takt the scanner nine i .I .I I'lIl -11 I \ I II \ I III III I III III I III III II
- - , . -- . htt" ‘;' t-~’ I" s.i‘i- .is time w tits: ".1: Us .\ sii l
lchiet Dennv said “and l iust and inaiii‘ nights to “H wites i na l l "W l 'l l ‘ , ,
I i ‘ ‘ ' " ’ " ‘ ' iiie lliinkine is vlll illidlx'lltill t-rsiitvis stopiiiiitss
i spent 11 hours working on a case. grin. l was out elitist“; i‘riltlt'. tie-”i I I h IIII I II II t t o") “llllillih; nd 'h. III III .. III I I
'i'iit'4.\~s_ It i" t,‘ ..\.l .’ 7H t it | ri . 'x‘ t ' i
l and some pushv. cockv reporter dents and the occasional alligator ’ ' l _ . . ,,

. ‘ li , l I, . l l .. lki II \I‘ . 'liilill l’xi'eninii the renowned s\‘non\ins ll \‘Kt' 'i'llt‘U‘il in meix
calls on the telepiono ant who hat men so. .H; . ts l --ti:tin=i IIIIIIIIIIII proiided II yooti llittit'. would “II ”III“ tit-hem ”I
demands answers. I‘m going to he Miildownex- s tat poodle t ' - . ,

l t' . .. Y l. t l x t I t n explanation et lll' tllllt‘t‘ent‘i‘ aiixtiiini'

i i _‘ ". (H. till (on ltt 't‘ H H] 1 till 'I - w .

H ”Flu t l .. , . . . . I lit-tween liellt-Ve. think and lt't'l in lhink ahoiit it

Second. tind out what good (‘\('rI\'(‘.21ll,l)HI ll you already know II“ hook “Words on Words ,. ‘lft'fI/{Nt't'tll ft‘lint l/Ie ASN'IC
deeds your police chief does. and the nature of the crime. the time ' ’ Wrote Rreniiier “tine lielIt-H-s HH/h’flll' ’
see it' they merit a story. Some and place. you at least have sonie '
chiefs are active in youth sports. leverage when _\'ou call the chiet’ , ,_ . I, . —; ._._.:, , I _ ,, ,
some in education programs. It' Sixth. woo discreet allies who I . I

I without lowering your newspa- might help you. Sometimes 5911 I.
' per's standards. you can write dispatchers Will at least steer you :I w
about the chief‘s favorite commu- toward stories. PmVHlWl you don't ‘l .
nity—welfare activities. you have N'll ”KIWI“? ”WV” ht‘ll’ln! W“ I l
I remoVed one of his biggest tears. Ambulance crews Will know ahoiit I 9 I
that Vtitlt‘ onlv interest is in iieila— serioiis- iitltiries. as will hospital I a Du 2. S 0| 0' a . l
tlvp stuff workers 'l‘hex cant give you otli j I
Third. sit down with the chief (‘léll (“43115. In” ll ”1“." WI“ L'Wt' ;I l,
I and ask whv he doesn't “I“. the you times. addresses. etc you can II I
I paper. You'll prohahly find he is (ltiIVtHlI‘th'n lt‘t' work II I
‘ I
anng ahoiit a long-ago storV that Seventh when You hear about 1. a e I
A - l
im plied he or his department a crime or serious tralhc accident. It I
screwed ”l’ bypass the police and go straight I —— I
lasten patientlv to his coins to the \’lt‘tlnt.\ or their tamilies I I
tilaiiits. some of which ought he ()nt- ot the hi;r mistakes we make II I: l
t\illl(l Listening is not a cure-all. '* ""mllT-L’ "‘1 l3”l1"“l"rifll “"1”!" ‘I 5555 I
lhiit it never hurts Perhaps he hay iit‘ accident details l‘oiit-e are I __ I
I .
I heen s'tewiiii' tor vears over a cart “ll“"q “'er "ll lllll 'll PM, lllllll l “r ) i j l
' i ' ,‘I .r , '
lien i-riei'_ Vind all he needs ls‘ o rllti t' ’lt“ ("Wm ‘i' ll"'~ " Ulllli‘ I / ‘ — ~. I
l.li.‘tliii-tn\elllll\'i>ll thin? izilotination l!’-ttt “~1?l““"‘ l ’ 7
1 “luv-Ii-i‘» m2: siwi-i SeeCOPSpagegl l
t _,-, __.-A-_ ...._.______..._ _...._,,._,..._.,-,-,._,,. , _ ,, . . _.- .. _ ,, l ‘ — -——————-——-—-s————_.___—...___.._._
z .

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press. May. 1998
9 O O
J (1 f1 efforts tob rm d‘

u ges unsuccess u in t a 6 1a
By KIM GREENE the relationship between the news media and accused or both ,
KPA General(‘ounsel the Judicial system works and the public In February. the Hardin (‘ii‘ciiit t
Dinsmore & Shohl remains informed There are times. however. presided over a murder»for-hire trial lll\'l)i\lli,'_

Years ago. the Supreme when that friction results in a barrier to pt.ibli:' multiple defendants Because the preset-tit. : i
(‘ourt recognized that one of a “-32 i access. which is overcome only by an extraordir was set-ktng the death penalty. the ('our'. . no, I
the important roles of the ‘0‘ 2]"; l IMFV Hitt‘Y‘W‘ntlHH sitivity to the defendants~ Sixth Aniendiiwrn
news media is to serve as a l There have beeti two such instances in right to ;t {my ”“11 w”,- particularly heigliteiiei
the public's surrogate in the k I Kentucky iii recent months In both cases. trial ()ut Hf his bullpt‘ that potential llH‘W“ \\i'l;: 1
courtroom This function is V .e I’ :51 i t courts have closed their courtrooms to the pub— nightmd more candidly to questioning m .t ._ ,, :
crucial for at least two rea ' " ' lie and press during Jury selection in murder ference “mm. be excluded the publn and “I. 1
sons cases In both cases. those courtrooms w'ere hm,”

First. tor a democratic society to work the opened only through the timely c, and costl\ , 'l'wo 1“”th later. the Mercer (-1“.th (My,
citizens must understand and believe that the intervention by the local newspaper\. For that held the trial ”t a double murder UNA “H, , , 1
American iuiiiciary is serving iustice fairly \\ reason we salute those orgwanizations today and the prosecution sought the death penalty :1! 1‘,
can make that determination when we are able we are g’i'atetiil to Ihl‘mf.” the News lanterprise “”th I“ protect the defendant's NV:
to observe the iudiciary at Work. by attendiinr in lzli‘xalietlitown ind lhe l)anville Adyocate . _

. , - , Amendment rights. the trial iudge the. i .
trials or iieaiings or by reviewing the court tile .\lessen:re" - tor serving so well as the publics , , . .. . . . _ ,t
of a case These days. however few individuals surrogate ,iiil tor l;il\'lllL’ up the fight ta ensure (“will ‘l dem“ ”l ”Hill!” Mllmul'“ 1”le ! '

_ _ . .V _ ’ ,‘ ' .ttl(lltlilli. iie closed all proceedings diiiiii; t3~

can take tiiiie than their own dail‘. routines to access to these trials tor .ili oi iis . .
visit courthouses 'l heretoiw we ordinary cit \'. t-«i'less it say any time a murder is «on; “Wk. hill)“ ”Ml ilml “All“ ll“. WU“ [WW ‘i
Zens iiiust iei\ upon the news media to keep iis I‘.llllt"l. the community t.ikes notice This is par willful“: ll-lm'i‘ (I‘llml’llitfll givuig ll“. ill in
”l’l’l‘l-‘t‘tl of court t)t‘ll('t*t'(ltl]:" ”1 ”min.” I”. m“ lii’lll£‘.!'l\ ll‘ttl‘ltllH\‘\'!iIl1t‘\lX"Hll‘:llXilltt‘tllt'>\\'t dant a a taii‘ and impartial lit‘dt‘llltf is one of ii.
wt.“ to the hmmhmht and llai‘roitsi-riii‘u. “up“. neighbors tr“ iiiucl. most Illltiil‘tttltt iiiiictioiis atrial court lit-ti ‘1 _

til‘llt‘riill\ although it is not ti‘ictioiiti'w iiior-- lik~ l\ t i know either the ‘.'li'tllll .' in See MEDIA, page T:

. \ . .

3 . . . .
choitei conVicted of contempt Court tullng could hampei

Kirsten Mitchell. l\'alei;'ii '.\t iigeiiti‘x in response to spills at llli . . l
bureau chiet tor the \Viliiiiiiuton station. lillt tllv settieiiient was Open OOVErnInent 1n Ohlk) ‘ l
Morning Stair has been toiiiid L'ltllt\ reaclit d iii-tore piiiiitixe d images C
of criminal contempt of court toi were announced iii open court Reiss l
readine a toiitidi-ntial settlement and Mitchell reported last ()ctobei Uii Feb l'i. a three—Judge reversed. ruling that the ciz. is
order she was mistakenly L’th‘tl by a that the Siiti million settlement was panel of the l'nited States (‘ourt liable to the officers for (lama. . s
court cit at least $13 llilllti-H more than it“. of Appeals for the Sixth (‘ircuit and that the city must give th

1' S lhstrict Judge liarl Britt Jury awardta unanimously decided that the officers a chance to show the ('11\
ruled that warnings on an envelope Mitchell had asked to look at (‘ity of (‘oluiiibus is liable for should not release the iiiforiiiatiotr
should have kept Mitchell from read» the files in the case Anne (‘aviiit-ss. damages under the federal civil to anyone who asks for it as i
ing the order He tound (‘ory Reiss. a deputy clerk of court. testified rights laws for releasing to an public record in the future
another reporter. and the paper iiiiio when Mitchell asked for the docii attorney the personnel records of The court of appeals Upltilitl.
cent of criminal contempt charges nieiits in the case, she accidentally undercover police officers The Written by Judge Karen Moore,

Britt said he would rule later left the confidential settlement in ruling also bars the city from states thiit the city “(dated the
whether Mitchell. Reiss and the the eight inch thick set of docur releasing similar information officers constitutional rights by
paper are guilty of civil contempt ments she gave to Mitchell She did Without first notifying the police "automatically disclosiiit.r this

Mitchell was fined $1.00!) and notice a second envelope that had officers affected. and givmg then: information to any member of the
thecase is now on appeal totlie l' 8 been ordered sealed and removed a chance to argue against the public requesting it." which is
Fourth ('ircuit (‘oum in Richmond that one Mitchell‘s attorney. Mark release what the Public Records Act

“lt was given to me by the clerk, Prak. argued she had every reason During the criminal trial of requires public officers to do
and I assumed everything given to to suspect the documents had been members of a violent Columbus The Sixth Circuit also ordered
me by the clerk was a public docu- unsealed. as often happens in court area gang, the attorney for the the trial court to revisit the city’s
inent." Mitchell testified “It was cases. because it was given to her by “(fused asked [hp city to (“sclnse disclosure in 199:3 of the same
never my intention to violate any the clerk, The clerk had removed a as public records the personnel kind of personnel information to
court order " sealed envelUPP ”0m ”1" m“ and 1‘ records of the undercover police an organization of police officers

George Freeman. a lawyer for device on the envelope indicated officers who Were testifying in called Police Officers for Equal
the New York Times (‘o,. parent that it had already been opened open court against the attorney‘s Rights. The court “15“ noted that,
company of the Morning Star said. after having been sealed clients. The city provided the although there wag no ”“11“,th
”the idea she could be held in con Mitchell. Reiss. and the newspa- records under the tmthunty Hf that the Police Officers for Equal
tempt for reading a document she per were well within their First Ohio's Public htimrdS Act ' Rights puspd any threat to {ht-
was given by the court clerk is Amendment rights to publish the Aftt.r the trial ended \vith coii~ undtircmvpr officers and their tain-
unprecedented VVe‘re confident this information “lake us or hate us." victioiis. thti undercover police ilies, disclosure even to that group
will lit-overturned " Prak said "we were ~lust doingr our officer,- guvd the city m federal incrpuspg the risk that the ”mm

“All I was doing that day was jobs" court. claiming that the city's mation could fall mt” the wrong
what thousands of Journalists do Reiss also obtained the settle release of personnel information handg-
everyday. said Mitchell “And that nieiit information from two other violated their constitutional right Although a strong argument
was exercising the First sources. Prak said David Long. a t” privacy could be made to try to limit the l
Amendment right to gather infor~ Raleigh lawyer appointed by Britt The int-“U,“ argued ()hio's ruling to covering only undercover l
niatiop and report it legalh as a special prosecutor after the t' S Public Records Act is tlnt'ttnfitlttk officers. cautious public officials

.~']l)t“]tl(lt‘_ft‘llllnk$ thecase is not Justice Department declined to' tional “0(th it required the “H “.1“ perceive that the ruling logi-
about the l‘irst Amendment. but prosecute: argued that regardless ot m (““1080 the information to ”1’“ cally could extend to information
respect for the courts He has main» ( aviness error. the envelope con~ criminal defense attorney contained m the personnel t'thi5 Hf
1.11:?“ that new for this tase. she ttitizilirtlititi‘gi the) ::t‘.ttt1l;:l:tt.?it t::dth:,l:t:trtlr\t _ Federal judge George Smith. any public‘ettiployoe .

T .. . . l . . 14 .. l B' ,r .l I l . - M' I ll sitting in ( olunibus. demded that .1th 51"”! (”“1” “llmk'
”£3.le5.115;}?'lfi”tiliiiim‘Iw'l?§~"l'7‘$ 3313aiifm'tfil-‘IllL’ll‘mlfiiflLtJiit'tliilii W‘ "t “W “ ”"3““ {’l‘f‘i‘“ .p‘ll’l‘" filth?“ 3 l “‘lmflt
residents of the Wrightsboro trailer t‘onoco contends that publica a serious “Sk to the‘safety ”l ”w l l )())\ “lull M“ “If l A.“ (11.“ 5.

. . . officers and their families. but l‘” th" personnel “’Uml‘ ”1 «no

park [who charged ”ll.” LT” leah? llim ”i “t“! "tlttlt'ntt‘ht :"tount Tl‘ll rlllt'd that the release (lid not PUMH' employee A lllll’l” "ll-“W

lrl‘lll‘lllt"l\\:lillrt\'l'(15:33:“ t(\(llllltlllillllltl)‘l‘ltt(tfl t-li‘ililililtli)liiri\l' 11>”5:19:31}:(llltltllt‘tl‘Tl5TQtttill; mll’l'mt“ any constitutional ”PM may rlfik liability l” damages and

(‘oiioco acted fraudulently and net: damages and attorneys tees I t” privacy, H“. court ”l appeals See HAMPER' page 7



 The Kentucky Press, May. 1998 - Page 5
o ‘ o . .
Openness is the r1 ght way Media Hotllne Attorneys
. . . Jon L. Fleischaker (502)
, to handle olice com laints C°"""”°""°'“ page“ 54°43”
p p ‘ Because it is the pin \\lllt‘ll \\lll Kimberly K“ Greene
BY Bl” l [1‘1