xt70zp3vwr7h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vwr7h/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1930 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, November 1930 Vol.2 No.10 text The Kentucky Press, November 1930 Vol.2 No.10 1930 1930 2019 true xt70zp3vwr7h section xt70zp3vwr7h ‘ 1 -—

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. 1
1, W 11 1 i
1 1 Volume Two 1 :11 11»
1 _ _ 1'11? 11 1,1
11 4 , 1 Number Ten 1 , ‘1 1111
1 1 1 1‘1:
1 ‘ November, l'93o 1 . 1

 " ”‘7?“ 17.1..“ 1‘ , ., 1.
-1 l l , 1 .. .
,1? 11:21'1111 1
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L" 1‘31: "‘= ‘ . . 1.
l :11 ‘ Page TWo THE KENTUCKY mass November, 1930 . 1
11‘i,i.i] ‘.‘ ,
;:1i;slfll11 . . . 1
‘ 1’; 13.: 1:31 . slow it is up to the publisher to get his

1 1 11 . . T H E K E N T U C K Y P R E S S money as quickly and aspainlesslyas _
1, 2-1 possible. The Christmas seasons gives 1
1; 111‘ 1,1 , ————————-———————-——— him his best opportunity. It is neces-

1:: 31:; 1‘1 ; . - - ) ' - k Press Association sary to use judgment. Make your calls j
1 ,11 . 51F . ‘- 1 thCIal I Ubhcw early in the morning if it helps you to "

.1-1"‘1;.:i‘.‘.! ii, ‘ _. _ . - contact with the mechant at a time .

.115 ,111 1 “01110“ R’ PORTMANN' Editor 11“ Chief when he is not busy, but by all means ’1
=i11,i:1:1:..11 1 FRANCES 14- HOLLIDAY’ 5553”” try to get as much money as possible ,

1:11:51 1 ' ‘ -———-——————- _ when the merchant has it.—Minneso- 1 9

. 5 1111 1,1 ‘, 1 Published by the Department of Journalism, University of Kentucky. Lexington ta Press. 1; 0 c . . |

iiv115,111’11 ii ' Printed by The Kernel Press 1
1‘ 1311.1 1". “ ___.__.___.._._—_— PUBLISHER. AWARDED
u 11‘11,11, i‘ ' Application Pending for Entry as Second Class Mall" DAMAGES 0” CONTEST . t
13111”; .1; 1. .Vfi ._.._..-.W.,#___v____fi_ _”________,_.w____,m.,_.. . ._____L —' _ 1 ‘

. ‘ 1,1. 1:: i . (From The California Publisher) .~
11 111311 xi, .1} PRESS ASSOCIAT.10§“0FHCE,RS.H t A judgment granting $610 damages 1
1.5 111111191 15.11 i1 1. HERNDON ‘1' EVANS’ Pmc" '1 sun' 1651 e“, to Walter Waynflete, former publisher 1 _ ‘r

- 1 {11:1 1115.- 1: JOE T. LOVETT, Murray Ledger-Times, Vice-Presuient of The Truckee Republican. was hand- 1 1. 1 ~11" JAMES T. NORRIS, Ashland Independent, Chm. Exec. Committee $521311 11132901322211“? gupg‘io; $1515; 1‘ .1
1" 1», 'i. iii .- - , - - , ,

,1, W11 1': ,,.1- . J. CURTIS ALCOCK, Dam lllc Messenger, SecretaZTfisurer _— newspaper subscription promoter. 1 I
1‘1. 1111 y. . "”"—“‘—“”—‘””—T“_ " ““‘ _ The suit was the outgrowth of an 1
111111.11”: 1 : --—-———-—————— uncompleted circulation contest start- f
1.. {1:1 1 . 1 N_ ed by Landry for The Truckee Repub- i ’1
1 911- :. MEMBER “.5111 _ lican. .
1'1 111‘ 1.11 “51‘ 1 1 W” Member li'fiali 1930 It was charged that after four weeks 1 ‘1
11,111,. 1.11 1“} 1 —--- ' "-=‘-’—‘- of the campaign ,it was found’ that ,‘ ;
11.11.2111 11 K ‘ TUCKY PRES NATIONAL Eon-0mm. Assocmlou less than $1009 had been collected .

-_‘ 3111...; 1 ,1 , ————__ whereas the list of prizes which had ..
1111111 1 1i 1‘ ASSOCIATION been advertised for the contestants , ~
» 111'151'11‘,’ 11 . _ I ”A“ I“, would cost about $2000. The publish-

' 1 1311111111 1 ”“11"” 1 ' —'__"_—- er testified he became aware he was i
1. 111'; 11,, ‘‘31, 11 Wégzzx;”:2w duet fotr a financiial loss andt Charis??- 1 ‘ 1
‘- 1-‘ 1‘ 1t “ ii ‘ ‘ . ' tha he campa gn organiza ion e _
11.111, 1 ,11 , " ‘ INSIST UPON PUBLICITY IMMEDIATE RELEASE him to work out the situation as best 1
‘1 1611 1 ii i The ublic official who does not We opened just fourteen envelopes he mlgh. , 1 ,
11111111: 111 1 want too publish periodic financial which came in the morning’s mail all Waynfiete called a meeting 0f the

1 1}: ii 1i“ 1 . statements always says his books are containing news stories (1’) with a line contestants and 6390“” a compro-

'1 111-111: ‘ 11 public records and are open to exam- at the top of each reading (for im— misc whereby the 31119111013116 set up 1
1: 1111111411 1 ination by anyone who is interested mediate release.” As each story was as first prize W35 eliminated and the 1‘

' 1.1113111 His statement is true, but it is only a an advertisement for the person or rest 01’ the PFIZGS. were awarded. _ 1
111111111111 . 1 1 half truth. How many people have firm sending it, we imediately re- Then the 1311131151081? bI'OUBht Slut 1~
11'1111111'1 , .. . the time to make such examination? leased all fourteen to the boy who against Landry for damages . I
:11 1111‘1 ii ‘31 How many are capable of putting fiig— does the paper baling.—Little Falls Judge Tuttled gave as_ his (190510“ _

1. 1.1111".1 1:1 i ues together and taking off statements tMinn.) Transcript. that Waynfiete was entitled t0 $610 ’

11‘1 .1 ' that mean anything? Then there is .., g ,,_ damages and costs. 1 . ,

, 11.1.1}; 5 1‘: E} I always the chance for those who take In the course of the entire affair, j

111.1- "1.1 1'“ 3 off only such figures as answer their NOW IS A GOOD Waynflete notified the California

5111111: i c purpose and use them to bolster up TIME TO COLLECT Newspaper Publishers Association, . ;

1111.131 1,11 1 misinformation. This is evident in —— Inc., of his situation and member 1

11111111 1 111; 1 most any political campaign. Finally There are few men in this world publishers were advised to contact him 1 .
.11‘111'11111‘.1,i1‘, 1 there are plenty of instances on rec- who will not pay their bills if they have if contemplating a similar campaign. 1

111‘. i ,1: i1 1 ‘ 1 ord of improperly kept records. Per- the money. For that reasons it is a John B. Long, general manager. and 1 g

1 11;? 1,. ii iodic publication of statements compels good idea to collect from the slow pay the CNPA, Inc., were notified by a , i:

111 1g . I i . the keeping of proper records, and in men of your town when money is com- Grass Valley attorney that Landry 1 p

13111111121 1‘? i ‘ correct form. In one case, after the ing in fastest. Publishers who have contemplated filing a libel suit against ' J

;, 111:1 .. 1, death of a city clerk, it was found that bad accounts on their books will do the publishers organization. 1 l

11111. 1‘ ‘ he had nothing but a mass of unin- well to set aside part of their time dur- Long suggested a personal confer-

1.111.111: 1 1 1 telligible memornda. He was familiar ing the holiday season to collect mon- ence with Landry and his attorney

1 1.111111; 1 1 enough with it to get along somehow, ey, because at that particular season prior to the filing of the suit. The

1 ”1.1112; 1, 1‘ ‘ but it meant nothing to others. The money comes easrer than it does dur- conference was not held.

' 1 111:1. 1 ,“ 1 finances of the city were thrown into ii‘ligtthe 01111611 momttsls ofbtlrlle yeah/‘1. 11111111: :1 :1 1. a a

1. 11.1.: ‘ ' j: ' a hopeless muddle. Schoolboard mem— e l or w o presen a i on - on ay . . L. ,
I 211511] .1 1‘5 1 bers and others whose duties are light. mornme‘ follqwme a good Saturday 15 $121182:bfhgissggsfrfiigipgficgfi? |_ I
1.: «1‘1, 1 1 5 1 . often have no recods. Periodic publi— much more liable to get a check than 3 d 1, b f th “s ial1 an: 1 1
1 1111113 3 1‘1 cation of statements is valuable from if he waits to pesent it when the holi— 1“ ging 31,55,913: 0 1:1 fire must ' ,1
1 I .1: 11 1 all points of View. There is no valid day business is gone and the merch- nouncelljiiierig t ingbma 6;; 'll . an 1 :
1 "W111113‘1 1: argument against it.—-Ole Buck. ant’s desk is piled up with bills from be dou e a num‘ er W 9 WI. m .. 1
1 .111}; is the wholesale houses Get the money emergency sell their publications for ,

1 11.111111" - 11 1 ’1' 1‘1 ’1‘ . 1 - less than the cost. Poor business in our . .
I, 1. .1; 1, , when the merchant has it He may . d t b If (i not lace 1

1 11111. 1% DOES THIS FIT YOU? stutter about his bills and he may 3" Emmi 193’s. Y0“ 0 h Pew [ ,
1 11111.! 111: ‘ In the plants where a little extra even cut down on his advertising but a. hlgh_‘31‘ va ue 0n 1“your papeil-VI _ ow 50m . ,
1 1.111111" " 11: thought is being given to the needs of you will be better off walking out of you “9601' other do 50-“ nine 1 s
j 1 1,1,“ ; ,1 . the local merchnts; a little extra time his place with a- check than with ad- Press. .1 a a g 1 1
1 i 1,11 ‘. 1, .1 ' being given to work out new ideas; a vertising copy _if he feels that way 1 _ . 1 1
i 1 ‘11? 11 '1‘ ‘ 1 ‘ little extra salesmanship used; a little about it. The ideal way to handle ac- W. W. Porter of Cincmnatl, has pur- . ,

1 ' iiiti 11L 1. . extra quality put into the printing; a counts is to make collections every chased the Pendleton Reformer, of .

.1 11111111.? 1 little extra effort made to deliver the month. If this is done disputes will Butler, Ky.. from J. M. Wilson. Mr. 1

:1 .:1.111‘11 * 1’1 ‘ work early, and a little extra effort seldom arise. It is just when accounts Poter took charge of the Reformer on ' g
1 1111111111 1., 1~ made to speed up collections, there are pemitted to grow to great pro- October 2. Mr._Wilson had published _ 1
1 3111111, 1’ - has been no depression—The Colora— portions that the merchant balks on the Reformer Since April, 1918. Mr. .
1 111, 5 do Editor. paying. However, when accounts get Wilson is now located in Louisville. .. 1
1.511111%” 1. , .
W1111111511 1; ; _. j

111111 .

1111‘ 1 ., 1 , i “ 1

75:21. 51:11 .1: ‘-
11 usi‘i‘}.:~:\ ._' .. W *VWA“ 7.7. . ,. 777777777 ”2772* » ..,.v.-,_‘_


 j 1 1
1 November, 1930 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five 1 11. 1
1. 11111111
1 — ' ‘11- 1111‘
1 1 1E
1 . - 1 1
' . 1
1 1 1 111
' *1. 11w 1
1. - The Kentucky Press Association can only live thru the 1 1 1 1 1
1- I 1 , cooperation of its individual members. Every member 11 111.1
. now has the chance to show his cooperation and interest 1 1 1 1
‘ ‘ . . . , . . 3'1 '1 . 1.
1 . by paylng 1118 1930 dues promptly. Notlces are being , 1.11
f . sent out by the secretary this week. Let every member 1 1 _ 1 1 ‘ 1 1
. 1' respond and keep his membership in good standing. * 1 - _ j 1 11 1
1 ‘ '1 1 1‘ 1 1 1
‘ .. " ' . 1 1:12 1
. . j ; 1
I 7‘12“: 511111
.. "-1 e . - , :1 11]..
1 . ' Lookout for them , . . 1
g I . 1 1
. 1
1 {.1 DOOZERDO BIRD . 1 g ,1
1 g 1311 1-
11-11;.“ ' ‘
i' 1.3:" ' ' :1
-, An invitation is extended to every Kentucky editor to . '1' 1
1 1 join the KPA today—The KPA is working for your in- 1 1 1 1
f .1 terest 365 days of the year. Show your appreciation by . 1 1 f .
“ 1 ._ sending in your membership today to Secretary Alcock. , 1‘. 1 1 1
.. LET’S MAKE IT 100 PER CENT FOR 1930 1 .1 1.
- . 11 11 .
1 11 1; 1111111
,1" 3&11‘1 .

 1.19,: ;.E ‘
1‘. . i
’ilhtz'f lEl ‘ I
,‘,:‘E§,.ls;j EEE ' Page Six THE KENTUCKY PRESS November, 1930 E
l.‘-:EV‘ 2 l. .‘
. 3 .2 E133 EE EVERY COMMUNITY IN- people who live there, by the use of its community intelligence made up . of
Ex} Eli, Es; , STITUTION SERVED BY lnfluence, its energies, and the personal news, editorials, community seIVice,
Mir: EEE . . THF HOME-TOWN PAPER work of the editor, to correct some advertising, politics. This life-blood is
, ii E! if; 3 . ‘ —_ evil, to expose corruption, to achieve just as essential to the community
1. E , E 1‘ By PROF. RALPH L. CROSM AN are doingd tgiese things irE DIX-Ellway or systenli) :s is Ithte ‘llfe-tblgodflof the hu-
1, E,“1 ,, Head of the Department of Journalism some nee e improvemen. ‘Ii'iapels man 0y: n 811111). 1 s ow in any E
“3,1, . . University of Colorado anotner. The papei that originates of its alteiles, and disorder inevitably ,.
..‘ii‘lr‘. E'E ‘ ~ - - , things, leads them, carries them occus. Pollute its stream, and disease .
, ,3} :3 . . (In this article, written by Plof. f“ ,, ll th t' .11 h th' f '11 .f t 't lf St th h t .1
;»,'EEE t E Ralph L. Crosman, head of the De- t2? 2th ed file WI 8.16131. 15 11?? Wld lnanl es ‘tl sde .th 0.1))“ of near E
; EEE , .: partment of Journalism, University of _1oug .tan‘ d'feps- some ing on e an communl y ea quic y o ows. L
T'IV‘E‘E :3. ‘ Colorado, for the Colorado Editor, the tl°n.m°S tea ‘y ‘ecogmzed .and at" _______._.
,,_ $.39; ,- .3 . - . preciated by the people of its com- A LIABILITY
. 'H NERVE E: i way “1 Wthh the communlty news— munjt Some 3 31's carr on this A report from Iowa says publishers
I still: E. El , , paper contributes to the functioning of _y. , _ p p y . ~ - -
WEE”? HE : all community institutions is de— function incidentally, more or 1655‘ m m that state do net show much inter ?
' t E E?“ E139 E scribed) their news and editorial columns. It est. 1‘} the proposal to develop a SUb' :
‘ Ell 1: I‘EE 3. 3' ' is set out separately here because it scription collection seerce as a. press
: :‘E‘Ett 33E E'EE’ - That the newspaper is an important is believed that it should be regarded association activity. Probably one rea- '
- rlf‘rlfiEEt slit? Ej‘t‘EE-E factor in the life or the community in by the nwspaper man himself as a son this is true 18 because some pub-
E7 t‘,“ NEE. ,EEE Eti‘ . Which it is published has been asserted . t f t d b 't, _ llSheI‘S are actually afrald to attempt E
‘zii 1‘ ..,r TEE . . 5813813 8 unc 1011 an 8031158 1 15 to clean up their lists. They would E
,., HF ,_ , frequently and loudly ever Since it . .
.. 3 ,E , ,E. 1 . . quite clean that the people should rather carry a lot of dead names,
E? EEE ‘3 E-EEl 3 came into existence. It has been hall” recognize it as such. hoping they will some to life sometime
'? llal ;, 3E3, 1 ed as the palladium of liberty, the , . ~
3 e 3 l r . E _ , The church was tied u to advertls- and pay up, than take a chance on .
E g a, 3:1,... gEE , champlon of democracy, the sentmel . 1 'th b . p t having to emove such names from their E‘
2-1 EEE‘,, lr-EE 1,1. lg of the rights of the people since “mem- mg ahong WI usmess, goyemmen,’ lists If they could be made to real-
E; E; ‘_ HE‘S it E 0W 0f man runneth not to the con- and ome, because unquestionably 1t ize that such names cause a substan- ‘
,z’a I’EEE}? E.- E E trary;” acclaimed thus by those who Feeds to make use Of thls fl‘mtw“ 0‘ tial loss each year. they would change ' 1
g’EEtEE. E; E? , knew what they were talking about, Its newsnalier. Every church ought to their minds. One reason for carrying ,3
Er Elil' _ Ef, ‘ ‘ ~. and by some, undoubtedly, who did E39 advel‘tlsmg‘ every week. Spme are (10- big percentage of delinquents, is be- ,
.11, EE. nOt- It is easy in any community to ing so. The church‘s busmess .is not cause so many publishers think ad- E
E, Eit E ,1 3 find someone who will sing the praises gomg well. It has to compete with the vex-tisers are 1limpi'essed by aAtaig 132st...
E, tltl'EEE" r,\ . . Of the press-especially if he is feeling open road and the automobile, the H.919: agaln, t ey ale wong. V8 15‘ .
WE’VE .. 3, . , . . mov1e5_1n some places and in more es are WISE enough to know that the ’
E:EE::‘,1E| ‘ ‘r .3 . ‘ the need or 9’ little free publiCity. d h th . reason the recipient of a newspaper
313-2; l '3 : . : ; Businessmen, even, in some communi— an more eac year-I e radio, and does not a for it is because it does E
‘3 .E . :1 ‘E lt . . l . many other modern things and it is . p y . ’ . E
rpl 3 ~ . . ties, recoemze the value of the home- . . ' n t lnt rest him. If it do 5 ot inter-
“E‘EE““ t- td th thdtht 0 6 en
, E 2", town paper, will admit it is “a good tymg 0 0 SO “’1 me 0 S a were est him, he does not ready it. If he “
‘* ‘E,l~ ' ,2; ‘1‘ . t thing for the town,” and these admit- dlscatded many years ago. It muSt does not read it, he is of no value to .
l .. .1 r. . r. 11 ~
,5] _,;,E E‘ ,1, ters have been known on occasions, sell .ltself. and thebest way to .5611 the advertised. Hence such names are
EttE EE to take a small “ad” just to help out." anything these days is by advertising. not only not an asset in selling space.
E ,3, 3 Most of these songs of praise have There is some queStiOP as t°,h°W much theyEare a liability, because it is taken
E! _Ez:;;; 1E. 1: I lit' - th . - longer newspapers Will be Justified in .fOI' granted that m fixmg his advertis— 1
_,, ,, on y genera ies in en lyrics. The .
vi ‘31 j» ;- lE ‘, - ~ printing church notices free. They are mg rate, the publisher is governed by
, E.E,l': .. tune sounds g°°dv “Peelally ‘50 the “11' . . . the size of his circulation. If this is E
3 ,l ,E- ,‘ 1 3 torlal ear, but the words do not mean adveltlsementt °f 9‘ gathetmg 0f people trfue, then his rate is too high for .
E E EEEEE E E much Even some of us in the business where money 15 taken in, are they “Qt? what he is able to deliver. .
. 3 EEE”, 3, 3' ‘EE are vague about the matter. They, why should they be published _._________._._. E
ills! ~ 2‘ 3 ‘ . . free" ‘ ' !
iiE if. 5 EE I The chart accompanying this article ' . . . B111 Hefferman, gamal representa-
EE‘EEEEE E E ‘ gives us a picture of the facts—and heights-1:55" tglstuahzcd tbt, tthe .Chzilt’ tive 0‘ the Linotype, has been advanc-
E t ESE, i E, 1- ‘ those facts make a striking story. If 5 't e. a no inst} Ex ion “.1 He “1 to the Cleveland office and h“? ..
E , [E213 gt 3 ‘33 they could be rhymed and set to the $3.13? fifths: “isgigalge’r “HE‘S in: 22:31:50 ihaggggérv‘fixsgrfl‘é‘ 19:31:“
:7 ZIEiEtl' E r . tunes be’ng..sung' ‘9“ 0f pe°p1e would heart of the communit um in' out the Chicago ofiice,’ will now have
EN... ny pg
.1 ,W ,, . listen and something would come of throu h 3 t .. th l'f bl d f charge of the Kentucky branch and
E El; ; .E it." Three of the major functions— g many ar eiies e 1 e- 00 0 we welcome him to the state. I
E E51, ’ ,, news, community service, editorials— __.____—___..____________._
EEWEEEE Eé “tend directly, every day or every m
" it“? .v,‘ ‘ : week, into every community institu-
..lh...l. 3
f “it, ,, E" E 3 tion; advertising extends into four; (‘et Y
3 “t t E. E politics into three. The whole picture " our
E‘ l,E j E,‘ shows how vitally essential the news— IMPERIAL
f ,,, , paper is to every institution. Metal Direct From ,
E; Elli}. . l, , This IS an} illustration 0‘ ho)” the (lincinnali. Louisville, 01' Nashville Warehouses l
, , 'l: E‘E 7 g, E newspaper gives to the community in— E
3‘ “‘.EEE ‘3 Er f stitutions, not how it gets from them. The Imperial Typo Metal Company manufactures nothing bl“ type '
EEE‘VE’IE ; ‘i ‘ The lines extend from the function to metals. This spec1alization has resulted in quality and uniformity,
E, E s, . EE the institutions. Take news for exam- hitherto unknown in type metal mixtures.
E :tEE‘E 51,. EE . pie From this function a llne extends This paper that you are reading. the Louisville Courier-Journal, the
; ,l‘EE'i§._ 3, g ' , Lexington Herald and the Lexington Leader, as well as a majority or '
E ,’ EEEEE E‘ - EE to every community institution _ the other papers in the state, are consistent users of Imperial Metals and E
l ’EEEEE i _ E, home, business, government, church, the plus plan. 3
i EEEEEE EEE SChOOl. club. The purpose is not to The next time you need metal, get Imperial and compare the results. r
E :EEEEiEE :' E show that these institutions are sources
7 ' ENE? E: . of news for the paper but to demon— CINCINNATI NASHVILLE LOUISVILLE
1' . ‘Ei‘lti 1.; . . McHugh Exp. Co. Robert Chadwell Dickinson Co.
1, E EEEEt‘ - E; . . citrate that the news the Pap” Pub' 220 w. 3rd St. Trans. & Storage Co. 119 N. 4th sc.
,1 j .IEEEEE 3; j llshes is “tally essential ’60 every one Main 1150 101 B’dway Tel. 6-8572 (my 7951
E ESE-El” l. ,_ of them. They, none of them, could . -
z . EEEEEE E 3, get along without‘ it. Imperial Type Metal CO.
i Q giltEt . 51. ;- The function Community Service” Philadelphia New York Chicago Los Angelou ,
s,’ EE‘E‘E‘: ‘3 ‘ means all things a newspaper does for E r
E .EEE‘E‘EE ' E1 3 the welfare 0‘ its community and the W '
u- . E. . ‘
;.;. ‘ E ‘
4: 33,1 5 '
HEM E 3»
l: =1. l 3
_ aim. ‘. '3 ' ,. ’ a , ,, ‘

 i i .. ,‘VtV H
'g :at-c'VV 1.
t ,; V .t t: l
I? at ‘l3 V
3 l3; "V 343“?
November, 1930 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page s"... 4; V I3 V
. .5 § * 33H
STUDY BOTH SIDES . ._,.I. V - Hi”!
l All publishers agree that the cash-in- i 3 . V V 3? 333
vance system for subsciptious is ideal. : 3 313 V V V: V V
A growing percentage of publishers are 3 , 3 V V l .33- . 3:
adopting this plan. It is also agreed 5 A N N 0 U N C E M E N T S 3 ti : 't' “3'33 t
that a large list can be carried it credit 5 3 l3 l .V V,-_V V
is allowed. Arguments are numerous 3 We have recently added to our present line of “Eagle A” 5 .333 ' 33 ‘ 3
as to which plan is most profitable. A : , _ l3 . _ _ l' l . . . 3 ..V VV , V
certain mount of expense is necessary : ‘3." Ln "3'” 33"“ 3m" 03 ngh Grade Announcements and ‘ if 3 V ‘ l
t each year to maintain a cash list. 5 l‘fmcy Papers. the first ever shown in this territory, and f3 E3 1
Man7 subscribers will not renew auto- 2 “'1" he ilezised to show vou this line a a t' - - ~ : t. V‘t ,. l
5 l . t ny ime . . . . t
1 matically. The publisher who attempts 3 ; 2V Vt; E VVV él
; cash in advance without giving thought 3 . 5 V _ V
n to maintenance is apt to see his list 5 CECIL W. BUSH 5 : Vj VI l
“intestine w... s tenneten Rent-eeentnttte t ‘l l I
era-n S ' 5 t -
certainly have a loss to charge off each . WHITAKER PAPER COMPANY ; V; ‘l3 {1V t l
V year.l Even the1 man who uses creVVcVieit : C. A. WALSH FRANK FUND g . V 33. 1V -
‘, intelligently wi have some oss, - . E '3'? VV, V V . V
cause no one can grant credit and g Western Kentucky Eastern Kentucky 3 3 VV, 3V l V
collect 100 per cent. The question is a E VV V V V
3 Whether the 3°55 “eumng 3mm an 333' WWW i 3 ~ 3 3 l
l telligent credit system may not be less VVV V V V V V
' than the cost of maintaining atcash 1: V V V , V
list, While the credit 118‘} may be 0 her- 33333333“: x. ::o o be no 0 o o o. . 3: 3
wise more profitable because it is 1arg_ g X ’3 manna»:::::...:.:.s:xx:xz:x.xzz:x..m:zxxx:nnnxmzazzxzxxzxxmxxzmmmué V 3', V , 3i
t er. Revenue from it may be larger 3 . u . E V . V
.t from subscription returns and from a Announcmg a V V : V V
higher dvertising rate. This is not an a . :5.“ 2 V V | 3333 V
attempt to advise as to which: :VVs 3'36 g ilk" 3;‘ l V. ;
better system. Publishers mus ect e .3 t ‘.\ . /: VVV : 33 V. V
.- that themselves. All we are trying to g < : 0 r r e C ‘07 Pfe V} f 33‘ .l 3
' do is to briefly analyze the Situation 2: )3“ n" V ; V
and set up some conclusions which g V VV . V
may help publishers decide which sys— B d .- V V s V V !
3, tem they want. g 0 n l 71 V V VJVV V
:2 3 ' A 1
M $3 The Letterhead Paper ‘ A l i 3 3: V
t g ‘7: =a~ ~- 1 ‘ .V3 1
There are only two 5 ages in pro- . . . . . v : V, V VV t. V.
gress; you either grow or grow stag— § Thek ldteSt dddltlon to our W‘.) V- 3' '33: V
nant. 3g stoc 4 5' , ;j v V; 3'3
V a , - :1: V V V It
————-—————_‘ .313 3 t
£3 L . . . VVV V V
Richard T. Ware, former advertising g 0u1sv111e Paper €351.13 dmfiggg VgtV l V :V. V
manager of the Corbm (Ky-3.3.131mes' 3: company Brilliant White Color g f ,; a . l
Tribune, has accepted a posrtionV as g; Incorporated . ., VVV V l, V
editor of a weekly paper atVVVMulhns, g VVrlte for Samples :1: i i i3 |
w. v. D. F. Freeman, lino ype op- :: LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY and Quotations . tt~ :
erator, has gone with Mr. Ware. J. 0. § § V-V . VV 3.3
V Crawford, younger brother of J. L. :zzzzz::::::::::x:::::z::::::z::::::::*:z::::::::z::::::zzmz:mama::zzzznzzazzzzxznmxzrxxxmm 3 1333 ‘3 ‘
Cawford, editor of the Times-Trib- l V_ VfVVV ' V
une, has 'oined the staff as associate . 3i V V
3‘ editor, J 5:...”I.III-I-l-IvI-I-IIlla-w.-l-I...I-IIIIIII.-II.I.I-I.III-III.III-III-I.I-I-I-I‘IVIIIIM~. :33 V 33V - V
I :I :: -,3 V 1V V _ V
"‘—_“"'——"“-“""' " I :1 : l3 _.
MILO BENNETT :: I: g ' 33, ,.
Conducts a wonderful Linotype-Inter— ‘- Q» ' t i a Ei‘VV ! V
type school and can develop slow op- :: e . . . . . V IQ_V a .t' ‘t ‘J‘ 'l V
l erators into fast operators or one of ._ ' ° .‘; i .: t‘ U ,
3 the men or women in your office into :. ‘V‘V I, ‘ l l V
1 a fine operator. Correspondence course, In: 0 o o \33‘) ‘ :I ‘ V: 3 l
with keyboard, for home study, $28; P O t M oh ”A I' 3; ,3 l V :
V six to ten weeks at the practical school. :: 1 111 111g aL lnery . , ‘_ 3% I
[ $60 to $100. Write for free school lit- $ f t j j ' l
erature. Also pleased to give you name . 1 . 3‘ :3 3t 3
l of prominent Kentucky newspaper :: (.omplete Outfits For Large And Small Plants 1 ' 3, . 3
publisher who knows what this school In: :_ ' ' ll : ‘
is capable of doing for you. Address - ' - e e e 3 t t : 1
V. Milo Bemem 5cm Toledo, Ohio. is Boston Snickers Kelly Presses : , t j
t . i3 ‘ i ‘1
... ,, ______~,, ________,.,,._ ___V,,r . i . V l - 1
You put us on your mailing list. We E J ' - _ 333 I '1 ;3 ‘
check and file your paper each day and . t t3 '3 .3‘
when the binding date comes we bind .' tlt .. _ I' . . , . 3: i3
and return them at the following 5prices: .: lave mg Representative ,V V :
333’ Egregiglsgghs 3- 3 $7233 3" ”26 U ' g 3 N l . ‘ i: -. 33. VVV
V w geekiy, frwelvebiugnilisifi gm V 0 111011 etl eel , as lVllle, 'lenn. i3 V l3 t
e re servmg pu is ers in a pars V g '. t . l
3 Of the United States. Write us for fur— (This advertisement set entirely in Bodini Bold) t3 3 t 3_. 3:
V metastasis 3 3 3 ’ ' 3
LANK BOOK CO. 2 ' V; 3. ‘
. 0- J- Forman, Prop. Monmouth, 111- W-JJ.'-'.'.v.'-m.-.-.-.-.-.-.-..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.'.wee-555'.- ‘ l V i 3 3,.
: Z V .
3 -3:3 7 l l t . 31
V. i3 3 33:3 I 3
‘ MI? 3"

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I 22.2 3% L3?“ Eflyfigx/wz _2 2: Faces like these (both .,
' twig-3:2 ’ 223211 «372-2 22“»: ““23“ - Jigs; caPS and figures" W'" ””1 i
l 222:2 . 2 1 '.i-' 2.2 V5 2,2221 wfltteel In the Wide aUXIIIarIeS-
’ I I 222 . » 29‘2” 2- La»: A 2% $222.32?
2 2:13;”: 22’ ; 3;»«029: 5112’; _-, 121/ if wafla‘ffl‘}: 2-‘ 2 .22.}. , 22$? >\%\§~A§2§‘2j~fi 36 Point Mctx'oltlack
2 .22 2272 2 1%;2’034‘: ; “1;." LEE-{4‘ 2 ,. 1 : p21 nggmn‘wj~m_ 33::
2,-2.9.2 « + T 3 II a 2‘... .’ U i '-..,’«€’“§‘~"w3¥§%t$\t&“
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2' l2’ 2: 2 l éggsgq/ - I;VO«%§'§§C2§‘§@J§:§2 36 Point Metrolitc
52" ll 51-52 ' l ‘ Ravwiw l . &4*&i§';§§32§§§ - l
I . . %%I%‘@§§t‘2&%§ixfifi
IaxriI=z=I§2I . «Iewerw \ngmgg 2 . 2
2' l 3‘ L2 l fimifixfi‘w’fifiy‘ \E‘%K&\§§%?Wxfl¥§é ' 36 Point Benedictine Book -
222212221? 272 I ' -
2 2222.22 2 2
2 I22 I”) x .‘2 . .
lli‘ ,. t: ‘~ = . , . . . m z:
'3 F2?“ l P l I All Y T .26 Paint BCHCdlChnC BO 2
2 I. ractlca y ou r ype
Hl s2 7:7 .
N d F O M h ~ I
2 2122'; $2. . ‘ ee 5 r0 m ne ac I n e 36 Point Bodoni Bold 2
22- r';.2:2 2,» I 2::
‘222‘22 2‘2l :‘ . . . . . .
2222 2 The Model l4 LInotype w2th WIde auXIlIary magaZInes I 1N0 1 2 ll
it‘ll Is almost a complete composmg-room In Itself tor the I
.2 22-22222; l - - -, . 36 Point Caslon Old Facc . ,
’5222215‘.‘ 3 2 weekly andIOb prIntIng plant. 2
22': ”I! I ‘ ' '
l, 22 222 2: .2 All the heads and body matter In your paper, the major— I ,I l J O 1 2 2 .
I‘ I2 I‘ :‘I '2" ~ ‘
: II . . . . - 2 - ' I
ll 2 Ity 02‘ ad compOSItIon, and practically all the type you 362,0222200252" .
222 222 :3 2 will ever need torcommerCIal work—thIs machIne makes I INOT 12 2,
i» I - ' '2
2 22 2 avaIlable far faster than any other method. ,
E II"l i . You can get a Model l4 with one, two or three main 36PointGaramoml
2-22 2.2-: ‘7' '2 . .' . . . _ .
1 2‘2; 3‘ ; ' maGaZInes and the same varIet In WIde auXIlIar mada—
E l;I2 '4’”. , 2 b ’ b
2:. .2122: ' - ~ - - - - 2
2l '2 Zines. Equip It to meet your IndIVIdual requirements. .
2212 I » i_.' Notice a few of the faces that Will run In the WIde 36P°thmam°ndB°M 2. .
£w2lill2i‘22" 2 . . . . . . .. g I
22;" 2222:»: 2 2 auXIlIarIes that are listed at the rIght—there are dozens I INOI Z .. 2,
l».l$i':t ‘ t - . '
2l223l232l 3: more. But better yet write for complete detalls of the N
if; 2222.222". 2 2 _ _ 2 36 Point arciss
2;; 22:22:22 2 {g machIne and what It Wlll do. No oblIgatIon. 2.
~;II2=EF‘.II I '3} ll 1“ Q 0 112
’I 22 22.! E ~;
222212 222‘ ‘I .2 . .2 2 2
5 22:2 22 2 3: 24 Point Poster Bodoni 2
:2 2 2. IIIN0T 12
22.22 1:: M E R6 EN T HA L E R LIN OTYP E
21"22 ‘ ~> , .'.
I :2: :I 22 ‘ 2 ., . 5
'1"'~‘l"ll 3 . :1 LIMITED, TORONTO Representatives in the Principal Cities of the World ‘ ' 2 2" - 2 .
2% 2l| l222l 2 ' ' V ’ V. ' ' ' ' ' LINC‘I‘IPE METROHEDIUM, METROTHIH AND Inmunu FACES 520.30.214 ' ... I
' '2’: l l -
‘ - 32" '222' 2
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2221522522"; 2 ‘ .
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