xt70zp3vwp6t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vwp6t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1911-01-05 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 16, January 5, 1911 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 16, January 5, 1911 1911 1911-01-05 2015 true xt70zp3vwp6t section xt70zp3vwp6t  
 ‘l`HE IDEA 
. fr} fx
, J ‘ `
a t Vol. lll   LEXINGTON, KY., MNUAZ g,>;911 No.16  
5 OUR NEW ERA. existence will be born to an awaken- once aud make Mba work this term but all. When one activity is tbad
-   mg youth which will use up-tthe full- something worth while. Everybody to the expense of all othem, it is time
4*] While the whistles and bells were new ot their young mnmhaood and get in the game. for tt to be abamtdoned. 'Illus is uruc
  usthoring in the new .yoa.r, how many womanhood to my hold of this ground The axmuad State Convention, wthioh in other sdhools ag well as this onq
’ T ot the students and friends of our opportunity oiterod mhom by that twill be lhold in Danville tthis year, is amd is it a. sad state of ammo indeed.
" grand old Undvorsrtty shopped no mink Oonxmouwoaltah. No longer will sho not tar of!. Besides being 0. pleasure, The Lyceum Course which Prot.
A ruhalt. tthe wine mutmmonts of sound be an unknown quavnxtlsty but will be it ls in raalvtty s privilege, to bo able Spam- mms so well arranged; for us, is
were also ushering in a. now era for s topic ot daily discussion around nlm to zwtentt one of tlhese conventions. The one step weld taken to form a. new paltm
Summa? How msanty were thoughmtul hoartthstonos of Kenmuckyb "grea•t benefits derived therefrom are almost instead of tlollowting that over-meritod
enough to welcome our Uurtverstty common people? tnestsimable, as tthose who have at- pavh which loads only wa. very expon-
. with a propitious year loading to a Right in mms propicious time steps tended one will testiiy. We want to sive amusement, and sometimes to un-
great ttlutmue under me lcwtiendbtip of a man 00 cho presidential helm with send a $00d delegation thus year. Now saltismctory results in the cmd.
  _ our new President, Judge Bolkor? a judicious knowledge second to none is the time to bogicn mhlnldng of and To one not well versed in ·hls own
  In houm we dof! our halts att. the in the state. He comes to us with preparing tor this convemtion. tongue, the only Word rthaxt wm ox-
mcnttiou the name ot our President ·a.11 the vigor that mm prime or ms lite press our appreciation tor all training
Emeritus James K. Patttorson, who cam give and brimming over with u ‘*"°'°'°'"_”" of a. literary nature is l·tt.ora.ry dlswc-
haas gwivon a. Ions and brillltlnmt life for desire tor a, stupendous success, WHAT SHALL WE °°? tivlty. If there is no such word, it
the school wto have learned to love. Wi-tm sudh a mw to stir "tb.1s grand ___ would be well to adopt it for Ulmt pur-
Nclther do We forgot the name of 6110 otd ship of Smalte" we feel sure that Pi0¤1!'6S<1\l€, ¤Hd&\1¤·t»9d and \1HS\1!‘· pose. There is less interest, lass ac- •
one who flias labored by his side for she will reach tih»e eminence we are passed, the Umlvorsity stands among tlvity and less energy spent in this
so many yea.rs· ospouslng che same hoping har no amtain. 0ur President its contemporaries, but shall we let work than any ovhgr that can be
cause, mm tmder wthose gtuidanoe is coming to render to us his life and them be placed on an equal with us? thought of that is to the good ot all
Sumo has achieved so much during science. Ilellow students, wnhwt are Shall we lot them carry ot! victories concerned, and everyone at large.
the past year. With vhese two well wo bringing hmm? Now is a critical that are due us? Shall tihey defeat us
equipped men wt Mlm helm State has time. Something depends upon ug, in couttosts that mean more to the A CHMSTMAS Gln
made s-low but steady strddos ilor a. Yea, as ·mtu»dh, if not more, tiham de- University .t·l1am b€i¤»8 victorious on '
College honing only one graduate in ponds upon mm, tthe athletic Hold? Shall we ever un- Ou Friday aftglggm December 16.
’69 to al Untlvorsimy having over etlgthmy so wmy -8,;;. aye giuglg mo the Swag. shackle ourselves from that soyhisto- just before the classes of the Law De-
prospective graduates for the year wt possible wdtvantcoment let us rally Gated id€¤· that f00tb8·U is @6 ONY partmem were mmuy dismissed for
IE 1. ’¤· She MS mt ¤¤lV¤¤¤<>d‘ by l¤¤¤¤ *0 hw <>¤·¤·*· Md SWG him W ¤¤¤¤‘¤Y “““g ‘“ "°“°g° “’° “'°""‘ ‘°°"‘*“g “‘*~ me holidays the students assembled
and bounds no at place one mmm cooperation. Let us mn; md walk and the only thing worth striving for in the ubmgy and presented to the
maintain, but she has ripeuod and ma- for our Umivorsilty whenever wg go, is to bc a participant in a heroic but- Dean, Judge Lanerty a handsome
tured for each plume she has occupiedt ond before our decade shall have pass— UQ 0¤_th€ S¥'idi'¥‘°¤? goldmeaded cane bearigg the mscrip,
The sigma of the times now indicate ed away, ours will be uho greatest "B·¤ild 0166 H1<>1‘€ Stately m&¤t8i•¤¤¤¤" mm: ·.T0 Judge Wm T_ Lafferty from
mm.: a new em ta downing upon- me scuwt or tm soummmu, ono or wmtm ch my friends 1<—>¤t vlw mms wd tem- appreciative Studeum December 25_
  University. W·tt1h· joy how mounds Kentucky wlil·1 be jughly proud md pest of the outer world should tear 1910].  
l881"¤•€d of thé DBSGBBG of (the High whose memory we will cherish 3,11 the \’h€lH 8B\111d€l' OH 8·00t>¤D.t of the H11- Judge Lanerty has gotten very
School Bill by our last legislature, and more because wg helped her to mttmu Substamtdal pillars whtch. hlave, by an 01088 to the hearts of each and every
could not retmtnt from predicting the the height she rightfully deserved. ¤¤»¤km¤<1 'h“m*d· Men chmelw Mm member of the department by his
fultmro this meant for her. A result I the huge block of knowledge. It our wmmgness to aid them in every p0s_
of this is soon a·1ramd·y, tor our Uni- y_ M_ c_ A_ cducaltion is not well founded and well sible Way, and his deep personal inter
varsdrty can boast tshawt the present ___ grounded, our castles of the future est in an things concerning their wel
freshmen class is the largest ever en- The class under PM!. F8J°QU·8·h!`. Shtall fade awaly, als a. mist before the mtg
rolled, it being almost, as grewt in wlhich meets every Sunday uilternoou mighty glare ot the sun, and leave us
number as·n1a:ny ot our slsetew sdhqmls in Prof. Me1c•he·r’s recitation room, is mixed, mingled and bumtod by the POSITION ACCEPTED
w¤hlch· are malntng so mum; rwket, If now well estwbllsdhtd and progvrossiug occupants of the under world. If we BY STATE STUDENTI
me rmghmgn clggg gg impwsgd, 30 or nicely. As autticipatod, Prof. Farquahr are not to booome l—oa.ders, who are?
40 wlnhiu one your www the pagggge is proving a most interesting instruc- Shall we sit back, often spending our Mn w_ R_ Tichgn0y’ a juuioy Sm.
ot the High School Bm, wlhlwt will be tor in thi-s work. Tho clalss will moot time amd money in Our training. Mid dent in chemistry at State Fniversity,
tthg iI\»¢.1‘6Q§6 after {hg   Sdh(¤)]g for U18 HIST. tilllé tlhlt [GUID, S\.1l'ldB»y. lét i!l(X)Illl)8t€Ilt[ iIldiV1dll2\l—S g0V€I'l1 US, has accepted g_ [‘Qsp0usib\€ pggitign in
we all completed nm are having g J·a.nua.ry Stth. at the regular time and or shall we become the irwompcteut me laboratory or the Lackawanna
regular graduating classes? On-o teas- Dl—8»0€· ·¤¤<19¤8'? A college GGUGBMOH ¤h0\1l¤ steel Company at Buffalo, and left this
on wth·y our wlwol has mt been any The regular weekly meetings for the fix us for leadership, butt if the wrong my yesterday to spend a few days
larger in number, is because sho has first term were as a rule, exceptional- conception of college life is instilled with friends in Cincinnati and New-
not been brought before the mind-s or ly interesting and well attended. How- into us by our environment, and it pm-; before leaving rm- [hg East, Mp,
the people. Thome are bhouswnds or ever, we want to take a now lease on we do not take advantage of the best 'Fichenor ls at graduate of Hopkins-
__ Kontucky's bad citizens wtho aero on· life now and make things hum until opportunities in college, we are sure ville High School and was one of the
tively lgnor-am of her existence, but tlho end of the ye-ar. We were for- to bo tlhe in·oo·mpe»tcn.t leaders, should n1ost nctlve students in the university,
the "llatrk Agos" are twat coming no Innate in seourlnlg some good, new we load at all. both in his class work and in other
n close. men, but were unfortunate in thuvlng A State Universitly which boasts branches of college work, and his
The High Schools are a medium S0lH·c of ollr Oltl HIGH dl*Oll by the Way- Hf Seven colcges should have some in- many friends here wish him success
mrtlugh which the knowledge gt her Side. LGVB shake off this indilller- tercst in college activities, not one, in his chosen work.

 2 T H E I D E A
A•l¢ Your Grocer for- A TRUE STORY. quirtng eye at the lofty hetghrlis of thi! ° ·  
.` __..... .thlr·d floor. 'Phoen adventure N0. 2 , ,
    mrti was 0: Sdmgm   b°f"” tm uf tve evening occurred. Suddenly,. t
Dcnft rorpt Hm (hh nal T °;m°’S §“;y°‘ · lxvy v:;T:t and wi:·h,o·ut warning, in some mys· t
· ‘ Made B ~ - pt had   n A . **9 terious and nnmcoeu ble munmep; . _
, _ Y   °“’* ““° P¥'°‘m° ' °’, . S‘°“‘ L““° quantity dt Qatar my ‘ eeeendez
Lgguurton P¤u•¤• Mills Obi ,,,_ amd evérhggéh B W W dérm $1**k** frgrn the V zgtvg Mattel "loftt
—— ~ ».Y.*’“`*` ll? d"“ .d,. nm jm _m°h` helghts".an · with ‘mig srplaetg, \` t
· · `LUOWS who   _?°°° b°f°°°‘ A fell upon etzhe uptnrned face and imno l ` l
M A R ( : H sweet ca,r leisurely plodded its weary the mquymng eye of Om, hN.0_ CLIFTON BEDFORD 1
·· Mm nun s 1 m n
way wttth wthtrring wheels along the A11 was .;_.ilent fer ant instant, save     n I
qggp ]·URNj[TURE, ““‘*‘*’°"’ ‘“`“°k“· and “‘° "*"°h““'$"‘*’ i`.1‘ st eubunea coughing and e rew tn- New `
  ¤¤m<:;1{¤;¤af;:i:t ¤T;¤;<-T; ¤¤<{ cztierent wm.a.~k8. men, urged on Notch COLLARS •; t
Carpets, Wal] Pape! and St0V•|. 1 up msu Bmw ‘ S th· by tt e stimxlng l:.s=h of resentment, he 1i•.,»|{6r|•. cmu, 1>¤m1ygc¤.,u¢m
ng an c · · OWS upon ‘ e SHOW- asp nd`; Mp tm. Hi ht. f t i _    
"'-"'""'T ‘K""_'"c"0`c' K' " ' ""' covered surr0u¤d¢l¤£S· {mf m(e·pg Jr g ·tiz;·e~;nr? ;O;dal;I`S€8· · I
‘ ' { The mmshtt hm"` was nm mr dis` ¤¤· ¤·f
3 S` uu was a Ou 0 pu 6 O · °" the third floor pursued the usual dren- ga, CO
BI       fain: whispers could be heard mingled rv nightly routine I the mon °
_ _ . —· t . justt
··The Tailor That Satisfies" wm`] S`u""°'SS°d laughwr md much ocross the h»a.1l H Bagb and B ';`0wn- HE AD
hilarity send b]€I1•d€d shores in an unceasing T Ln mg 1
STEAM and DRY CLEANING. {rtttx, ae it pqirtg was freadhed (gp? hmmmlious mpdleéx To me right and SPECIALTY HOUSE
159 0 th Limestone *” ° ·~‘° _'“ °”S°° °¤ ° 8* °° an nm, me boud are dt J. mm, D. webb, ·
8 u strtcr w1th S. Lime, several voices l»_ U_\Sw€u_ agd F_ Naylor were als uh.?  
WF"` lifml and 8 few lusty °h°“t° tomb in their deatth-like sttilnests
UNIVERSITY LUNQH STAND floated out upon tlhe keen frosty air, Up the COWMOI., came the pllamtive .  
Fwst (llass 1,1111;-11 and °8·U¤¤¤ the name of a cvertatln person VOICE of L. Weler in lamemaytiou Over
Hot Alcals m·0•minen»; in college circles. It was an unS_&.iSfmtOl.\. grade while dow/D IN HIGH CLASS
, AT ALL IIOQIQLS at mis mf*mf°¤t that adventure N0- 1 me mu mated the innocent tones or OUTER GARMENT8 AND
`A. lf. ]§.lRRln{1` ;;;();h;b§;"“;’;g£ ;’°°u;"€’f· h AS has B. Phister taoccnulauied by P. Miles MILLINERY. ”
(lor. S. Llll10 and Colfax Sts,   l 9 dv Pt, 3 ven st outs were and J_ Fitzpatrick as {hey warmed
,     AT onli 3 fem fi"` before the the"` favome m<>l<>dY· "0—<><><¤*¤» Y<>¤ FQR
EVERYTHING FOR THE fchndeip tin; fttre §*1l*l11€'-dléd away. th? Candy Kid," In tthe room 0DDOSiT·~0
KODAK! fla A- fhg ’lO;1 indiudual (`mergod the Singers, O. Baird bemt with prgg- W M d
Developing and Printing `l·;ll`l Y me lsm mxetl doorway of a pi;-mg bmw over the Drepamatlon for 0       .
- l;t‘.lll‘} l\‘Sl(l(*I].<`€ uml, w1th menacing H ;,i5_tm.y quiZz_ _ ·
        S°‘(’f`S. Z?d\'Hl]C(’·(l u])OI)   r(‘Ckl€SS in' The I~n,uch_injur€,d              
Over Kirbws Ten Cent Store tru/.t·;·e who 11:1,1 a·ttemrpted to disturb uhm; the eortridor, and entered 0I1€   C
his nocturnal slumbers. Alreadv con- Ul UQO Of me Ooms H h   & O
. · ` ‘ . mad ·
  it(LYinHYtIOII agltd   had ·S¤QiZQ·d thtg Oil for Sigme aime,     •
x ,t .». ‘ -£ ,r VH`] ' 4 >`_‘ p " ` -,»‘ · .. ,
Am°@°‘n Mmm A11tn2·:::HU:,lS.' U S llumeq min “"s*‘ “‘° b°>'S md wt me Same time @.111 Street East.
lvl: CRF XU PAIN OR   ‘ _` E`} SLHW t' Wt awngmg keeping a sharp eye tor a clue.
_ A _ __ _ , .·<;nt·-exe am>roa<=h1ng wtth a lsturdy Finally, he bade them geod·nigvh·t
AND LUNCH STAND   triatid born of'athle·f1c aeh- and, closing the door, again Stood alt
South Lime und \\·lI]5l0\\r’ Streets ma]. uuid Ono (irmer mus, Y”h°.]°gB.°f the top of the Steps Oompwtcly baf t
_ nmjme heart tgggerf ’:mam ;m;·0UV€ tied but hoping that somgtmug ygt   i
‘ mo 93* ca m Y· S0 migtntt happen to betray rtihe wherea-
•· -· . . . " 7
J· U- FITZGERALD ‘;mv‘ OE; accord mel turned and fIt6fi bouts of those pertinent mtamuders.   M  S   t
PLUMBING     street toward the tranqull }·*.,r some time he remained stand- °
Steam and Water Heat. N UF *» $..6 cnmpus. I *ng there against; the wall. The little FALL LINES t
269 W · mg _¤ l<$g t ti) deeened street they 03.mG clouded electric bulb, suspended fmm OF
. Short, - - Lexmgton, Ky. I lp1].n.$— 1owm;g— strainmg every the comng, Cast a yellow, unwamhly FURNISHING GOO},
  U EC; lY;ii:h€’ll‘1f¥`?~UUC h$iU?t€- ligth, upon his stern features, "O-0-0   and
C_F _, te mys euous pursuer dogged night wind which hed stolen in thru NOW IN-
.· ICE and YARD- their steps Wllh relentlesw v' · ·
No 157 N B d ` 5 *80** the up-raised thall wtindow, reached J. & M. and F`l0'1'ShGL'II1 Slhoes
RM] ROA) . POB, Way. B ltgttllly al; the far end of the Main the ears of the lone listener and then ` Stetson Hats. t
. YARD-Ct S_ Freight 1).. ul < 1118, L Gy halted and, striving to trailed off inmo a. dreary wml, gg me ’
pot,   Broadway and Christy Su Suunress their labored breaxlhting, warblers fell atsleep in the midst of  
. tvauett to see where the Knight of their beloved ballad. Baird, locked 140 w¤8t will Bt.
;*" * plied Sturdy Stride       in the   Gmbnace of    
.f. Had he been shake Orgs W o lon er nd ed
    S9 n . as n S D0 Gr over tlbe difference
· he unable to stand the mad pug? between 0, friax and a monk. Even JUST RECEIVED!
UUHANGE'8 CANDY KITOIHBN T*"*S€ ttuesuone quivered upon me \V¢~11er had fvrmvtw his ¤‘<>¤b1¤¤ i¤ ashipment of
119 South Upper St. F""m‘bli¤E HDS of Uhe little group at the peaceful oblivion of slumber. Si·1-
Lexington, · · - · Kentucky the far corner of the buildrlug. ence 8114} the spirits of mgm hgjd WHITHAN’S
But ah! vwin hope! For soon the brooding away over the sacred pre- TMR tch I t d
 ·-1 waeked gleam or A cigar wt {the Opp., cmcts or the ··tm¤1 nom". °° °°°° °“ “"
J. M. Bronau  site corner told tthem mhwt their prgg- 'Dhen, Wibh reluctant steps, our Confectmns Made'
em posi-tion was yet uns.a,fe—so with Knight of tlhe S·turdy Stride, Utrodte  
much haste they soalmpered out down the stairs and murned ln the dd-      
 t A few moments later, trne Kutgm reotlon of home. And the clock upon Pharmacists
of the Qturdy Stride entered tmg 11;;].1 uhe distant court house tower wlled N W C M · .
an K ck B uu ’ of the New Dorm md, halting at the fortlh the hour of one as he burned ' ' ogoulampasd L1m°‘
’ “ ‘ “*-· fw! of the vwlrwuy, gazed wt-tm tu- tuto a residence near we tuteneeum w°`123·

 * {
n T H E I D E A
{   ota certain street wiuha S. Lime. · ·
A Penny Saved   ln u. tow hours, me nombre gnu of
, . ,4 usriy morning crept into his wom. Ho
[_; g Pgygny   ;_ ¤ g   was already awake and poudeniug over )
the avant.: at the might before. "I
·   g __ It CII uw you many pnmiu "*’*;d‘m°£' "'°*`° U; tgt °1'*:'h‘z1 I ‘
 ‘ —‘ » U- wou·~ Laommeo- you ex- » jx
, b, N mg you h·ubomnce out of ·t1hem," he remarked   \§ W _ ,
_ ‘ » no hmmm. ···nuey did.n’t. do mm may C, jghfjj _ The World’s Standard. Tone
‘ Y T  P  Dr  ·im their lreshmcu and wpbmmfe {  Jn cl¤ar,mcll0w Bhd V¢1‘YPOW·
} , yoans, you bet," be added wmn u grim   · crful. Absolutely perfect in
% C0, j' amnle. Presently, mhmugh time aet.m0s· .{ ' · :   scale. Finest workmanship.
I where of the approaching Yulotide, the °   ;    Prices from $15 upward. G)
' 3;,;; gf zmgd of Good Will descended and `  *.5) Send for 1llustratedCata-  
under the spell of ber magic wand the X 4Q?}   lcs to th¢ m8k¢¥'$•  
, _ _ ,4%/ Forulebyallleadingmusicdealers. Q
CO") GREAMS 'iii"3 Z°§.°`2§°?,1Z°§“2$°n;Z‘;‘$ §‘LfJ’Z22‘; » ` "     ·>··~ M  
U' ~ ·   .··'··.’¢I’”
SOAPS 5 ’ hy       _ LYON&HEALY o y 
_ _ as Um arch-l ght._; do each nigszt upon \ _ _____..   »· _; I \ CHICAGO   {{3*:
  S. Lime. "Tha.t was a prcmty geod       ,   M (95)   ”/   __
x·4»_ _? 4- _;   ' _ '// _ Q
    juke, anyway," he whispered, somxy -~   _. »—}==;:»:7" ',-    
. rubbtmg the eye which had been flood- / fi   `   ‘\ ;g;;1?f W Z ( • F
[ AT LOST ‘ __ J     · \;.~. =— \-*  /,0
ed witm adventure N0. 2. 'Dhay are _\ __ ·—   *   »_i[; ,_T'___ NIA [ -..,  
--—— a wry good lot after all."   ·Q ’ ·’ L‘ZUf§;]'g?Eg;§J= W   
_ Th-an as the rising sun slowly dis- ·    
The BCI! H0! CIIOCOIGIC 111 polled Lhe s·0mbr0 gray of early morn-
out wf the window on another errand
_ ·——— of mvrcy and lovn, all resentment.  -
l • mllhou. away [FOI?] Lhe heatrt of The -I-HE -I-OWN OF NOTHING}!-O_DO_
      K¤*··g*·¢ of the Sturdy smdoe and he
• was as or old..Fhe mem of me boys. .` . MO' I  
(Edgar A. Guest nn Detrmt Free
Phone 154 Your Nearest ’Drug Stare MEC}-|AN|CA|_ Ng·|·E$_ Free Pr€S?" _ W , I. I. S . U
They sa somewhere 1n the dxstfm ez ants you Diem G mcg 30 len
After being soaked with an all-day fa; h’ ‘ ‘ C hOme_SO does your
cxum. in electricity on Tuesday, fol- I I ’ _ f _ _
P E E R I E S S lowed by one in valve gem lasting W; "°l *°““ in “°“‘§“g‘*P‘d°· SWEETH EART
all day Wednesday, the Seniors d€_ ere me Sun. ey say, shmes every -..wh_ eees
I A I I N D R   parted for their various villages for X ddgly k_ I _ bl CALL AT
h the holidays like a bunch ¤r broken   “ " S ws ‘T“’ “ "ays. “°’   H h '    
dw. W hmm. However, after me *“;~‘$ ¤·> one Ives fr =¤ S:;~’<>r DMB umn my S U I0
      t  ll d t . d t. t. f , nr no one s mves or go ; _ ’
T 3 F", ““"?S_"€i‘“" ‘“?‘ ‘°‘* ¥°‘¥ ° There every me has taken place, ¤¤¤ M mm help >¤¤ ¤¤k¤ ¤¤<>¤¤¤r
w_ C_ \;V][_S()N, A(;T_ hhrnstmds deluaues and an unlimited A d t I b t ld happy and also help you to win
——-——————-—-——-————-——— amount of sleep, the bunch is back and H every a 8 een O ‘ ,
BIG LINE OF BOOKS and OTHER ready for the last strenuous stretch. _ your    
USEFUL GIFTS for HOLIDAYS Everybody reports a most enjoyable The blacksmith sings as his anvil _
Christmas. rings wxih soma of thozr
A Souvenier Booklet with The Juniors are begining a journey Of the town of Nothingmo-do, UP_`[O_DA'|’E  
Each Purchase imo the realms of mechanics which And vows in his song, though the road Special rages to S;u·;€mS_
` will prove slightly interesting. Before is long . - .
’ 341 WLST MAIN ST. iw Pl 1035
PRINTING long they will be able t0 think and When with anvil and forge he’s ._....._.....  
    &   d1·e·:1m of nothing but this delightful through,
• • subject. These Juniors know how to He will wander far, where the glad
Inccorporated VVOI`k Zlnd 3I`€ tllrning out SOIDO pI`€tty f()lkS are,      
classy stuff in the drawing room. And will rest in that happy town. EXPERIENCE
No. 152 West Main Street '\`l¤vr<> are said to be some in the Class He dreams of the day when he’ll put
who are experts in telephony. We shall f r aye
Lexington Ky' 800. His Zammer and apron down!
  TIIU (]ll(‘StiOll iS, H\Vhy (lid SOIIIG of
· the Iuniors and Seniors have such
` ‘ —· *1 tth ‘l ·' lt,
    elongated countenunces after their Oh It mamls not “ la .9 ml el S 0 T’“°‘ MM"'
_ _ Bo he preacher or soldier brave, Dumas
first visit to electrxctydom this term? , cqpymqnrg gc.
B b   - T¤<>¤g¤ he d<·1v<· a <*¤<>h- **9 M gmt A .m,.....u........,.c»........ .... . ...).1....,
oar CY OP C*"""` “*’· “‘° w°”‘ ‘“ yet ‘° "°""" or neu ¤··*:*5*···°°"·*‘;: ?,\"°‘l'é‘.§Y§‘¤£1°°c"»§Y$}L7T¤€$
_ Get Péady for ¤€¤¤¤d exams- , . . . , . t\$?;‘§}?£.§$§53¤3¤.&&‘. musuux »·»¤»·¤¤¤¤
° · Be hf Judgé Ol Stdmbnmn grave- untrue. Oldest; oncy for securing patents.
The only first class shop m Lexington The smoker gnven the Seniors by . °°;},.w.m mum zgrou u Munn a Co. r•c•iv•
. _ H9 dreams always of th? ¥l1U1¥‘€‘ d3·Y8 ialnottc qmmuq, cimrgo inthe
Yale Pompadouraspecnalty. _ the faculty of mhns department on the when hou come to ¥Othmg_t0_d0 ”"° ‘· •
B. FOTSCH, Pr0prl€t0r evening of December 16 was pronounc- when mss heed m,(;,S test wud 'his    
  ed by all the most enjoyable atfair of t ' ‘ Ah.¤¤•om¤1ya11¤•¢r•¢•d nouy. Ixnuen mr-
, h8.IldB will PGS! culntlou of any whonmic iournsl. 'lorm¤.|3•
. the yG21l‘. J\1dg€ Mlllligillls talk OH . ymu•:!ourm0nv.h|,|I. Bodbydl novndoalers.
. And his time to tonl is through.
  the early history of the university, of   88|Iro•dv•y,   
h 222 West Main its struggle and its development and ; Bmw m0O.b'°sL•wlIII\II|(0ll.D. .
h , ut Nothing-t0·d0, folks tell me who
AND PHOTQ8_ Judge Jerry Mills added to the enjoy- Have journeyed the hills and found
ment of the occasion by some of his it,
Brin! your Kodak trouble to ,m_°` ininnituhle mimicry of one of our is an hollow luke, and u big mistake, |·-;°gg| Room Cgrd,
most noted profs. Ask Hon Snmrr. For the 8tl't‘21lllS0f('2l!`B surround it. One Ring--'l`¤·~n cents to mv ball
  & CO` Prof. .\nd<·rson’s absence on account .\nd the people there, they ull declare,   _ _ M FH ‘ 'L »
- of illness was the ono and only un· Are gloomy and sud and sighing, P"? `U"*"` [Un °`"‘” ° °°
pleasant feature. Prot'. Vvilson pre· And they yearn for strife, for tho joy _[_hH_`_ mH__% i A qumwr to mv po"
FRESH ETVERY DAY sided with his usual make—y0urs0lf-ut- of life W,.
]()7 East {main Sy homound-have-a-good-time manner. ls something to do worth trying. o -o-....-

4 T H E I  E4 t
item is to be related or rome nubjoct
    dlacutcd, it is not belt N jc! down t     l
Published avuy Thundgy by th• •tud•¤t. body of Bute Unlvordty ot Kentucky, ‘mbTe buvautnment of flctl. Illltotd • l i. ;  ° `
fw   ¤¥_*·¤•_ _'}°#'Q¤?§.*u{m\W,_.§F‘~     :,—. of using, brief, tene l•.¤¢\1I»¢0, \!'\‘\¤86  as
  the sentences in attractive form sbd ·
durlzglihgpghéza y•u·.. lu ¢?h|•|‘-objlci it tb give the odlqo n6wi.0f Kentucly. naffttc the circumstance! in ¤.|‘ Gh-
1n manson thereto lk dns itat! ohihterlh ccvncqring pther universities nd tertaining mane, ” p°··lbl°_ Thi.
  not only adds interest to the paper. ,  
SUIICRIPTION ON! DOLLAR PIR YIAR: HV'! QlN1‘| PIR c¤PY but uoxceuont training in phnlwlo
Emerred at Lexington Pon Omccaa second trlnm mall mailer. gy for the contributor.       l
WILL H. TOWNSEND, Editor-In-Chief. ‘ The Idea desires tn make every one V ` ·
1;:. £»·,M;1`·K¥;1,Ey ............... l ...... :2 ........ :;:;::.;.-....2 ZZ: ::2 .A§1h?:t?g.'gl;g; feel that ite, stncgfzl dfpe;d:t•u'i;gr;  
E`. ij, Bmcx1§i1".`.`[[.`:..";;;:;.;: .............. . ........ Aumam Ammic melon- :::3 b’£“:;';:1’i¤;‘re;·c:? usd (gm] the Colne tc ‘
S. C. E;;;;¥rT°;u:.;:;'mn M, earnest work of the editor and staff, I
F. L. MARX, Asst. Business Manger. J. B. SA.NDE§S, Asst. Adv. Mgr. together with the hearty co~0por•,ti0u
'1'HEO. SLADE, Advertising Manager. W. A. LURFEY. Asst. Sub. Mgr. of the student-body, the college DSDGT 8
V. L. DOWNING, Subscription Mgr. E. J. KOHN, Asst. Sub. Mgr. of K. S. U. should have no superior in
  all the South.
This issue of The Idea was pre- The next issue ot The Idea will be
pued by the following members of prepared by the toliowing members ot   M O D E I
Th. Idea Sufi The Idea Stoit • • .
W. B. me., J. 0. mi., Walsh 81 llurray Printing C0,
.1. F. Bruner, H. A. Bmbb, Incorpomsed 'h
W. C. Duncan, M. M. Harrison,   I     And See “ at we can
Alice Cary wmmmS‘ H' Kem" nua•-• wonx A e•¤•··c¤A;.1·v
RE8|DENT' dark shadows of our mountain land,  
OUR P.._. from whose somber bosom ever rises Always the Best
l`D0¤ this. 016 b€Sl¤¤i¤8 of the New the ancient cry of distress, ‘C0me .
Year, Judge Henry S- Barker ¤¤¤¤¤¤¢¤ over imo Macedonia and help us: *· St8t€ Tlig Plan tlig Stylgs cum; Fmm
his duties as president of our iustitu- yve believe that this is true and • •
tion- 'I`h€¤‘€ CMI be ¤0 Stronger man' that when this topic has been thor-  
ifestation of Judge Barker’s interest Oughiy discussed in the puipit, in the   E  
in the educational future of the State press and in the home; when Om-  
than his acceptance of this position in 60 ie have become really aware of ,
preference to one 0f the hi8¤€¤t ¤¤b· Fuel? common, Kentucky will take "'E CMLEGE MAN S STORE —
lic offices within the gift °f Kem her place in the foremost ranks of   Chu L_ sm,,_·,, _ _ _ Mm".,
i\1<‘kY'S D€0Dl€- the States in the training and educa-  
Our D¥`€¤ld€¤t not °¤lY enjoys the tion of her citizens. Oihzrs free twilion in all depart-
¥‘€‘SD€€€ and €$t€€m Of the most i’m“` Meanwhile The Idea, on behalf of ments except Law to graduates of
Pfiiial citizens. but $$0 the Conn' the student body of Kentucky State Kentucky High Schools Wb.0 BTG  
d€¤<`€ mid affection Of the "gmat °°m' Fniversity, extends to our president a prepared to enter the Freshman
m0¤ D€0P]€·" Hemtofore the p"°g' most hearty welcome and the sincer— Class,
FGSS of UW $0}*00] has been retarded est good will. Each county in the State is 611-  
by the cold indifference of those who ______¢_____; tmed to Send FREE of tuition, _
Should have been its p*m`°“S· Nmhiug THE IDEA. matriculatiou, laboratory and 0th~     l
could have drawn these persons so ___ 61. fees, Om, 0]. more appointees.
vlose t0 the University RS Uié ¤€l€€· The Idea IS the- student publication Necessary expenses moderate. _]
tion of Judge Barker as president. In of the State Imversity. It is not, F f H . f t. d.  
the practice of his profession he has nop has it ever been, under the con- qr u In Orma mu mgar lng l
been intimately associated with them. im] gf any Special class or clan, To appOu1t’€€S* courses Of Study, cost
He has gone imo their homes and has Serve the best interests or the school of b"“"d· €t“·§“pplY t° Call for the Genuine
heqome acquainted with their needs. us it whole has ever been its faithful JAL[E* G'. \VHITE’ i
No longer will the dotiug mother Of uint, A ctmq I?Temde"t•   {
the country districts blight the PH- We believe that any past neglect or Lexmgtom Ky' _
roer of her ambitious b0Y UY Y`€Y¤8i¤8·' inefiicienvy on the part of the students       ‘
t0 allow him the privilege of attend- has lawn due, not to a lack of inter- _
im: <*0ll€l:¢*. l¤S\<‘3d. hé will bf? Sent est, hut to u failure t0 properly under- If You “·zmt Under Fayetw Nammal Bank
to the- Stal? i`Hi\’<*¥‘Si!Y Bild ¥h€ f0¤d stuud what is ue<·e¤ss:1ry to support a   5  
‘f"’. ""‘""“'S "'¥" "‘°S‘ S‘“""‘"" ‘“ “‘° "’€` ‘‘‘’ ""*"‘ "“""'· . . l_ . P""“‘d M**“°*‘ Fines. Hair cumug and shaving
hui that nothimr, <-an harm their boy lu ()l‘(l£*l' to huvv u thrivmg l)lll)ll· _ _ ` _ Parlor in the Cir
lil lll(* lllSllllIllOIl \\'hPl'(‘ lll? IDBI] \\'llOI`l] t·;iii()ii’ iiigitgpigil [NUS] bp ()l)[;iingd_   i11Cll (»¢>lllI)L‘lS Al.l(*llt]U]] ` 4 y
¥l¤<·>‘ ii<>il<>i'=¤i1¥‘<*Sid€‘Y1l3· This tniutwitil should (‘OllSlSl of av- . V _ Y __} V __ M .
lll ull lUi¢il‘€*SS h(·fO!‘(* (hi? KPIl(\l(‘ky pmints (if (hp viirigiig ligppeiiiiigs iii   U kno" “h(l( bull (du ;`(t It  
l*rt·ss Assoviutioii 0n l>e·<·c*mli¢·l‘ 29, <·oll¢~;;e· <·ir<·l¢·s uml all other matter
.lutl;:e· llui·l<•·l· said, in speaking Of ¥ll<* thut is ol` itit¢·1·<·s to siullvilis. Now        
Flillv l'lll\'l*l'Sll}' and e·du<·z1tir’ will H0! find lll*‘i!' WHY. \\'|¤*‘¤¤ thc form of e·xpre·ssi0n in writini.: ur- W. S.  
thvir illuminzntiou will vhusc uwuy th·· iit·le~s for i»uhli<·ati0u. When za hows     (`Tm·m¤i• Mill and Bolivar V

 lv 11 E 1 11 E A 5
THE NEW YEAR. easy. Gloomy days will come; things ·—-—
. _____ wlll go wrong; obstacles, dark and  
I v 7 *     I Nineteen linntll-en and ten, wltll its forblddlns. wlll loom uv ln our path-  
I .. www gnd joy, lg. feline gud we. way. To those who reallze the neces- _;2x;;;?::;x:f_AN_ M ;
_ ee"_ gu tem-, gud laughter, hu sity for earnest study, we would more-     g_ g _ _ _ ,_ _.,___ ‘
passed from the earth forever. Only ly S8!. "L¢t the sood W0l'l¤ 80 0¤:" ‘
· ; * A a short time ago we were looking for- to those who have not done so, we
/   ward to 1910, while it yet lay ln the would remind them that lt ls not yet
_ . ~ hazy distance of the Future; then too late; while to those who may at
  %¢ Z swiftly it came and lingered for a tlmes feel discouraged and who may
lx Je, li brief period ln the abode of the Pres· Blk tll€m¤€lV€l the <1ll¢¤tl0¤ 0V¤l' I O
’ I ent; now it has gilded on into the which men of all ages have ponder-
j `— { realms of the Past to be inscribed up- ed, "What’s the use?", we would say
` 5, on the musty roster of departed years. ln the words of the poet:  
*9 It is at this period that the poet "Pluck wins. It always wins, though
chants his mournful requiem for the days be slow
I"  \ _, dead year, and the dreamer loudly la- And night be dark ’twlxt days that
  \ ments its passing, shakes his head cvme Mid 80- .
  with 8 nigh lol- the things that are Still Pluck wlll wl"- M “"°"“g° l' O
  V, no more, and, with grave countenance sure.
lllh i and quaking voice, utters dismal He gains the prize who can the most t T(%l€t§;$0;'8 su
prophecies for the day to come. To €¤d\ll‘€. _ 0 · · W ur ·)
    read many of the articles on "The Who faces issues he who never shirks,
Closing Year" one would think that Who waits 3Ild W&tCll€8 Mid Wll0 ¤l· HEADQUARTERS
Broken sizes and stoles in Gun-Met- the very light of existence flamed up ways W0l'll8·°° ygg ALL
Ial, Calf and Patent Kid spasmodlcally and then forever ex- With the confidence which has en-
plred with the last midnight stroke of abled us to overcome former difllcul· ,
At 0D**'H°lf Prlcc l the clgck on Dgqgmbgr 31_ ties let us stick to the trail. Let_us t  
$7 Shoes ..... . .................... $3 50 However, to the w1de·awake men l`€S°lv°· iuhp°°°ibl°* ti) avzldrozle  
l' 8.0 € S · •
6.50 FIIOGB ....... . .............. 3.25 and Women °f °“l` lnstltutlolh the l’““' fans tim C rela; soya; and though  
“ `lmcn 3,,0 ing of the old year should be hailed ng ° P gi u' t i i    
I ........••••»•·····•·.••••...                            
.4 cause it marks another milestone °ml’°mry nu °°’ ° a °’
F .
along llfe’s rugged highway toward °“" W