xt70zp3vvb7c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vvb7c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1987 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Basketball Programs (Women) University of Kentucky vs. Morehead State University, December 20, 1987 text University of Kentucky vs. Morehead State University, December 20, 1987 1987 1987 2014 true xt70zp3vvb7c section xt70zp3vvb7c `
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In Kontuotor sport has always  that atways do/ng your hast is
boon moro than playrng a gamo.   an attrtooo that ortonos hoyono
  r-rare, sport moans rraorron. rr  r    r      rt         a          th€r>¤¤v·not·r>¤¤-J¤StaS¤&St<€t-
moans prroo. _     yy   r   hall rs my rust haskothall at
_That’s vrrhy wo sopportthrs   ~s·`t   s u,r,tttrtt»r»tt‘t     Kontuotor motor orl rs@t rust C
puhlroatronwrth pnoo. Pnoo rn     »trt   motor ort at Valvolrno. VVrth prroo
tho Unrvorsrty ot Kontuoky Prado   A      and tradrtron, wo mako motor
rn rtsathlotro programs. And         orls proorsoly tormolatoo to moot
spooral pnoo rn tho stodont ath;   ttt°t‘stt   VA|_vn_[|||E· V§uI';!g§},*(QF‘   your oar’s spooratnooos.
lotos who honor us all vvrth thorr   ;·,,·;,g,·;_;·; _ Valvolrno Orl Company
oommrtmont to a/ways dorng   Loxrngton, KY ¤~~r¤~¤~rDrvrsron
tharrbast. _ _ ..,____.__..f""“···’ ot AshIano_OrI, tno. ©198Z
At Valvolrno, vvo holrovo Valvolrno Orl Company

  "" i`! E} {S i}~k (Um:/Q/zsify 05 U(@iitu0ky
*4*1 I I1'] I l'L"
Coach Sharon Fanning .......................... 2 6       E _
B k tb II St ff ................................ 3
Athletics Director Cliff Hagan ..................... 4
Meet the Players ............................ 5-22   .
(Croley 6, Pennie 7, Tarantini 8, Shrum 9, Whitaker 6 _»‘=[;’
10, Harrell 11, Miller 12, Spencer 13, Davis! N: l
Hoskins 14, Ousley/Stevens 15)
Lady Kat Team Picture & Roster ................. 16
Opponents Team Picture & Roster ............... 17
Opponents’ Feature ........................... 18 /
Lady Kat Feature ............................. 19  
Scorecard ................................. 22-23 r-— I ·‘
Memorial Coliseum ............................ 24 E`,
Assistant AD’s and UK Head Coaches ............ 25 D   E
UK Sports Information Staff ....r................ 26
Cheerleaders and Student Staff .................. 27
Lady Kat Records .......................... 29-30
Former Lady Kats ............................. 31    
Wildcat Team Picture & Schedule ................ 33
UK Campus ............................... 35-36
Your hOITI€tOWI1 QI‘OC&I’y StOI’€S
CREDITS: in Central and Eastern Kentucky
Written, Produced and Edited by P
RENA VICINI, UK Assistant Sports information Director
Special Thanks to
ID/‘iAéR<>nn· , ·,»ss  € i .     .‘e.a     i··`,i     ef 3% ,,t.,i       `
piled a 189-129 mark, including   ’ Ar _A A     p,_-   ‘-.·‘`j       .,_A»§   it
five straight Southern Conference   t:,tl`   fg; A `   A          ‘ l ·
championships from 1982-1986.   ` j   A   "ww  di,.   __l; . A i
In 1984, the Lady Mocs went 26-     ,,in,, IA ..  7     »V,,,   ’»r"»  
5 and were runners-up in the   A   - A .   AAAAi Q7.;  'i~`    
National Women’s Invitational     i ‘»~‘‘- < -‘‘» ` ~rr=   " ’   ```i ’     ~
'[‘Oumam€m_ Coach Fanning is flanked by University President Dr. David Roselle and Athletics Director
. Cliff Hagan. BeIow,Fanning addresses the news media after being named new coach by Hagan.
And while her teams were
rea in lor for the school, . . . ,, . 1 ·
ealliigriiiiifiig was receiving gennlneiginffegi gf jlgleggge   ,_
personal honors as well. She was hzgciloghc AQUAAAAES W; gvérc .       ,
  ETQES §?F§E€§2f?SfT§E2°Zid leenine nn ee nn nnn eeenien·    5   . -
1985 and was nominated {Or KO_ She is not only an outstanding    nyA®    
d_ ,_ . coach, but she is also a fine per- A A,§_   A-‘» I ‘·i[ ‘  A " . A       _AA_ .9.. _,_»_ ,_  
- ak s national Coach of the Year A,   _    AA .A     AAA ,»,.A A     l.A. ..
  iii rest in ieee sis was   Wne enl ee e eeen nele       s   si       aala   .,    ., a    .,,a_ q
coach of the North squad in the model for Our young athl€t€S' We ·iii'i? i.ir-   ·ri· . f     iiliil i 
e ns. oiyiripic resiivai ini sgi neneve nnennen eeneennlny enn -e     iei   »   » 
` drive will give this program the .      {  
summer she was named to the b A .t d . ht ,, P » , A   ig,
staff of the USA Select team O,?,§’A€l3;€;€;Yr;§d Figs;/i`ng 3   a t    ‘  
xE5;?fl“g ‘“ S"°“le Kenee ‘“ riiiiive of ciiaiaiieega, eempieiee   l J Al ..1
  "We   riiiiiiai is have ceaeii nen nneeneneenene eeeeeeee UTC       1  
A in 1975 while competing in both   e ’A‘;, A A  ` “
i T T  li basketball and volleyball. She     ...    T .,,    AAA
· ‘ ` I e     V received her masters degree in   ‘.i   J    
`   9   ``ii’f`     - . ·.i_   1976 from the University of Ten-
A .  ,       l iA i-A’ Z. »A   I'l€SS€€, Wl'l€I`€ she S€I`V€Cl HS H |:ANN|NG»S RECORD AT UTC
n   — Ass AAAAV, i   i.       °..r A   graduate assistant coach to Pal YEAR W L PCTA
,i ’  e   e .    * __ ·A —.   .·‘`~.,   ,iA—   Head Summitt for one year be- 1976-77 20 is eos
    A  A A  YA.  iii   fore returning home to build a Egg? lg A?  
  ` 9   ~   .A l  Z A I .. program at her alma mater. 197980 15 13 A536
  l-i·     A  _  9   ‘-i‘-``”ri . i A noted speaker who is very ieae-aiA 19 9 679
AA     3Q[iV€ lf] CIVIC Elff3lI`SA, Fallnllrlg        
     A     also served as Coordinator or ,983_84.# 26 5 Am
  .__i   A   ,  »»  · ’`°`‘°    Ae       Women’s Athletics at UTC since 1984-85; 16 13 .552
  Q ‘   `t‘ f     E _, ».-. i   1978 Sine is e ennnent nnennber ef IEEE? li $3 SES
  ·`l`l       . ...·   i```.. ;.   in.   the N¤¥l0¤¤l W0m€¤`S Basketball reiais Ei? TE  
This summer, Coach Fanning gave instruc— Cemches ASSOClatiOn BO3rd Of '$¤¤ll*em C¤¤le*e¤¤e €h¤mPl¤¤S
tions at a basketball elaine in Jackson, ky. Directors. "NW‘l ”l*"°e'eUl°e

 T   Cl/{muy/zstty ori Waafucky
i Andy Barnes Adena High School, tion in 1979 after serv-
. _ . t A t Andy begins his tirst where she earned All- ing for four years as a
_ ‘     year at Kentuekv after America honors and was student trainer. She was
   r __    It serving as an assistant te named the Outstanding graduate assistant at Pur-
    i,    Coach Susan Yevv at Athlete in Ohio. She due University, where
t   xr  ,{  ir Drake University iast went on to similar glory she earned her Masters
 ,     a‘   seasen_ At UK, hc will at the University of Ten- Degree in Physical Fit- .
_   ti    teens nrirnariiv en re_ nessee, where she earned ness and Exercise Physi-
i...,_ t·,,,,i%·_`i%i°(·, t,.m Cfuiting. A native of K0d8l< AU—Amer1ca hon- ology lfi 19gi_ t t
,_ 9 " “ 9 " iehnsen City, Tenne and ors before graduating in A native of Smithville,
i           A a 1980 graduate et East 1983. Ohio, Sue serves on the
v_     V, Tennessee State, Andy In the meantime, she Board of Directors for
l` ar  r__, 9   taught aha ccachcd at the was also establishing the National Athletics
_ A s’V·?”     high seheei ievei fer six herself as a great inter- Trainers Association.
  were     years before joining the Il8[101’l3.l COIT1p€[1IO1‘. Sh€  
   , __ , r        Starr at Drake. From was $9199*9919 919 1979 La, Reed
iii   99999* `‘‘‘ “    1980 to 1984, he was W999 U91V91911Y 999991 . . y
nr.    i   assistant hevs» baskethaii the 1980 Olympic team, LBC J011}€d 1h€ Lady
itgitatsettdftir[strait;titties) eeeieh end head eeif [hg 1983 P3;] Amerlcgn Kilt staff 111 D€C€l'I`1l)t€I',
J     L - s coach at Daniel Boone mam and the 1984 1983‘ She was pr€VlOuS`
    'iii A A ` i’‘..     nigh School in Gray, 01y¤11>1¤ S<111a<1· $119 9159 1y 9111P19y9<1 by B9“h9‘
  ’ 9       Tenn He then taught ter played professional bas- lomew COUHIY W€lf21Y€
1 _  `  r ene vear at Sun Valley ketball for one year in Department and Colum-
 V   · .·`' —r  r tv ri   SChOOl in Monroes   and fOr [WO >/Cars bus East   School In
  t i N-C', befere returning in ]3_p3n_ COlLlml)LlS, lHCl18l'1&. A
1 1      1~i1      tei  A [  to his native state to Cmd? W119 W99 111~ 1191199 91 W11119991119»
      teach and assist in boys- <1119t9<1 111*9 919 N9¤¤¤91 Ky- 1-99 19 91911199 t9
1   1 baskethaii at umcoi H1g*1 $9*1991 H99 91 B9? Remy md has WO
m1.t[b1§{9mi/ mm, County High School in Eamc last Y99Y» IS map Ch] dren
  -=1-= 1 `.1-_   __ Erwin. He is married to 1199 tO Mark 19199991- i_ `
A ( _t.. if ( gg? V_i_ t   1   Marsha Barnes. mall Lee Youster
— , __» ‘ ° 9  A  nnni  " ` 9  `··· . , i""-  Lee has been assistant
“_ A     _,_.  ,  E _ `j  strength coach at Ken-
1 1r 1>a      L      , 911111y 1991119 119111991·11911 may rot time yam. A
A A  Zi   Cindy’s experience as 1980 graduate of
.   a great player at all lev- Sue Stanley Yankton College, he re-
  els of competition made Sue joined the UK mained at his alma mater
  her an exciting addition training staff in 1982 for two years as football
  .. _  to the Lady Kats staff. A after serving for one and strength coach. He
t   i _ A two—time Olympian, Cin- year as Co-Ordinator of then served as a graduate
V   ' i l   dy joined the University Sports Medicine for the assistant strength coach
A   __ ___   of Kentucky for her first Department of lntramu- for two years at South
I fp   coaching job in August, ral/Recreational Services Carolina and as an assis-
  1 r` 0,..   A 1985. at East Carolina Univer- tant strength coach at
in g   A native of Clarks- sity. Sue graduated from Oklahoma for one year
    `iii A   ii``‘·   burg, Ohio, Cindy began Ohio State University, before coming to Ken-
L. ~ if ‘ A as fume i` iiil   an outstanding playing where she earned a de- tucky. Lee is 29 years
` 91~1»g1iz1mti yt.t1~1t·,. warmly, nacty career at Frankfort- gree in Physical Educa- old and single.

  M/aaa ar %a‘~aa  
  H  Executive Committee of the NCAA Division PRESIDENT  
1A Athletics Directors Association. l
DlI`€Ct0l' of AIIIIQIICS A two-time All-American basketball center DAVID P' ROSELLE f
at UK (1952, 54), Hagan helped the Wildcats
    _ win 86 of 91 games during his career. Includ- · ~
_,  ***3 , I  ee ed in his career is a 1951 national champion-   M ,
_V,{   __=_     ship under legendary coach Adplpg llljupp,  i`   ·»__ ll .
    As a senior, Hagan helped ea K to a     ‘
  eeil s     perfect 25-0 record and the Southeastern ,  __ __ e
 ig   . Conference title. That season, Hagan aver- ’   A `*
        _   aged 29 points per game and led the nation in `     .
  ·····     rebounding (13.5 rpg).     .
    After graduating from UK in 1954 and    
  `’' serving two years at Andrews Air Force Base ‘    _»   l
— as a commissioned officer, Hagan began a    
highly successful National Basketball Associ- `
  ation career with the St. Louis Hawks. In 10    ~  
le. seasons, he posted 12,433 career points in _ _ ’,.e
M 672 games (18.5 ppg) and played in five NBA ‘ · `
__ _ Allllslal Salllcsll S L _ h_ ll Dr. David P. Roselle was named the
. . . agan paye on t. ouls teams w ic · · · .· _
as Chft Hag-ah ahtars hs 12th vaar as ats claimed err arrielen titles. In 1958, Hagan '““lh l?'°S"l"“ll°f9‘l‘° U“‘”°““y at K°“
director, the University or Kentucky Athletics lleleed lead dle ldewlee le the Welld Cllemee tutrky m Marc 1 87· _ _
Association is undergoing an era of unprece- enehlp by defeating the Boston Cellleel He DT. Roselle C0m€S I0 UK 1CT0m Virgin-
dented growth. dlee Sel el NBA Sldgle game leeeld lee meel ia Tech in Blacksburg, Va., where he
R?°°“llY‘°°mPl°l€d projects lbblbdc the _$_6 field goals in a quarter (12). Hagan was voted Served as Plbvbsl fbul Y€alS· Tllb POSl'
1'1'11ll101'1   Nuttcr Football TI`2111'11l`1g FZ1Cl11- All_PrO from   [ion Of provost at   Tgch is the
ty, the Hilary J. Boone Indoor TenriiS_C€¤t¢rr Belween basketball Seasons at 5r_ Louis, number two administrative position at the
lllb llgllllllg Pl lllb Sblvbly baseballflcldfalgld Hagan earned his M.S. degree from Washing- university, which has more than 22,000 M
gbl; risublfaclig lad ggilmg ilipagglgn qllloi ton University in 1958. gtlldelltg
ld my lac ‘ ," a "°".’ ° ‘ .““ I _ Ha also had a stiht as player-coach of tha A native or Pennsylvania, Dr. Roselle I
abby C‘ Labcabtcr Aquatlcs Center ls near Dallas Cha arals durin his rofessional · ·
r · l · ld- - th l l l ex end; bb g P has a Ph.D. ln mathematics from Duke
mg comp aaaa mlgmg C O 3 p I basketball days. In fact, Hagan was chosen as ~ ,- · »
lures lb Capital expansion projects ta nearly the Texas Professional Coach of the Year in Umvcrbltl/` HC has becn a mathematics
$l5 mllllorr l968 Hls record at Dallas was l09_9O ln professor and researcher at the Univer-
· This past July, the UK Athletics Associa- l975` Hagan was named ee the Kemdeley sity of Maryland and Louisi-
tlbb Board at Directors approved ll record Athletic Hall of Fame. Three years later he alla Slate UlllVblSllY· Hb bbcllmb ll PYb“
$93 "‘llll°‘l l’“‘lg€‘ l°’ me l987i88 bsml became the nrst UK player inducted into the lessor of mathematics at Virginia Tech in
e Yea'- l“ ll "“}° “’l‘°" ma"? all‘l°"° ‘l€F"’“‘ Naisrnith Memorial Basketball rlall of Fame. 1974 and held that faculty appointment
lllcllll arabta¤·hsll>¤¢i`V;;Ais`;>T~A   AQAAA   W5; V E5 V$~V     VA     {VV A ? V V
  “   ii*$‘$`? >*  ?¤’?"¥¤»—'°—:iVVA   4 AE; A re ri V   ~>       V V ` ` —` * V
  AAAA   *“VA   " VV     VAAAQV V V V V AA A — —A —   A AA  
    AAAA     *`*` AA  A -A A       _V V A     V 1
A   ”»’·V    ·V‘‘‘ AA , VVVV i  A_AA V    VVA   ~     » ~V     A A   ,
    AA  J   AA AA W Aj AA; M J   A   AA A _ — "
  A_AAA A   V [   V A VV   V V V ‘
  VV`V     V=~   VA   V   A A
AAA ,g3AA A_—— Q A M   >    ;V     K   V__VL   \ AA V _ V A‘
  V·AA     ZS   —AA~A A EAA; Ai`` AAA       VVs¤       A . V » A A V  
`wélii/·£AAA   Y www 0 [eg ws;   ` sy,   €—>A·A     ,___   A;="   ~A—AV mww   VV · _ A
    V   AAAAA VV A;Aa V     A A ~-VV     V=—V—V VVWWA       ~»AAV _         · A
        "V " ```` {     f       j;AA— AAA;   AA_· A       ‘   V—>·;~   A   X A_ A\__ T
  AA`AVV   VVVV A   AAA_A V AA A » AAAA       A A A _   A _
V   A§  ` · ~ A ` ` ` A MAAAAAAA A AVV`

 . i r 7 ea S V. a y m¤;U.tf;<%r3*’*et-‘
  Q    ¢    .  A\  i 1 ` Ii ’ ~-   F2  
  1.=   Y C `r V    
‘       Y  ~.   
· 2;   .  
  2 » ._ S .. ,     .,V-   _   1} 
  ,,,.,, . .,wV`.<,,.   ,».§.V.,=; S         , S. t S Slst irgtzggri
One of the most talented players in Lady   _.   9  
Kat history, Bebe is expected to be one of the _ ___  _    _»Jy   ,_y· ;  M f .    
top players in the Southeastern Confe