xt70zp3vv37h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vv37h/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1935 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. X, No. 4, Spring 1935 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. X, No. 4, Spring 1935 1935 1935 2014 true xt70zp3vv37h section xt70zp3vv37h I   The Quarterly Bulletin ef l
J The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.
I? VOL. X SPRING, 1935 NO. 4
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Published quarterly by the Frontier Nursing Service. Lexington, Ky.
“Entered as second class matter June 30, 1926, at the Post Office at
Lexington, Ky., under the Act of March, 3, 187’9.” A
Copyright 1935 Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.

, I come in the little things, i
T. Saith the Lord:
if Not borne on morning wings
_   Of majesty, but I have set My Feet
I , Amidst the delicate and bladed wheat
. ` That springs triumphant in the furrowed sod.
, There do I dwell, in weakness and in power;
I Not broken or divided, saith our God!
~ l In your strait garden plot I come to flower:
  l About your porch My Vine,
1 Meek, fruitful, doth entwine;
l   Waits, at the threshold, Love’s appointed hour.
l j
» I come in the little things,
Saith the Lord:
, Yea! on the glancing wings
.   Of eager birds, the softly pattering feet
° Of furred and gentle beasts, I come to meet
l Your hard and wayward heart. In brown bright eyes
1 That peep from out the brake, I stand confest.
On every nest
l Where feathery Patience is content to brood
I And leaves her pleasure for the high emprize
Of motherhood—
There doth My Godhead rest.
I come in the little things,
V Saith the Lord:
. My starry wings
, I do forsake,
Love’s highway of humility to take:
Meekly I fit my stature to your need.
In beggar’s part
About your gates I shall not cease to plead-
As man, to speak with man-
Till by such art
I shall achieve My Immemorial Plan,
·‘ Pass the low lintel of the human heart.
Acknowledgments are due to Messrs. J. M. Dent and Sons, Ltd.
{ 5

The Frontier Nursing Service is ten years old. Ten years
ago in May our work was organized. Ten years ago September
lst, our preliminary survey over, the actual field work began.
Ten years ago next November we incorporated. We are still a
very young organization, but we have taken deep roots, and our
tree is a tree of life and is bearing fruit. ‘ T ,
We feel that we should do something commemorative of our J
tenth birthday and will welcome suggestions from our friends.
We thought of bringing out in book form, the best bits, especially
the stories, that have appeared in our Quarterly Bulletin during ,
all of these years. We could get this out for the Christmas sales ‘
at a cost of one dollar, but not unless we were sure in advance of · q
the sale of at least five hundred copies. rl
We also think that if each one of our nearly two thousand  
subscribers would interest one other person in becoming a Serv- . I
ice member, at a subscription of anything from a dollar up, in El
honor of our tenth birthday, we could double this membership, {
and put the everlasting problem of the budget on a more stable ‘
basis. If these subscriptions averaged five dollars, that would , A
bring in ten thousand dollars more a year—that last almost- ,
impossible-to-get ten thousand dollars, a true margin of security. l
There may be other suggestions better than either of these. ` E
Will some of the many friends who read this Quarterly Bulletin 7
send them to us? Q i
T l
As this issue of the Bulletin goes to press, our Annual  l
Spring Saddlebag Appeal is in the mails. This is sent only to g
non-subscribers, and to former subscribers who have lapsed two l
or more years. We think this year’s appeal unusually effective L;
although it is unusually economical because we used old cuts. As . 2
she has done more than once before, our National Chairman, {
Mrs. S. Thruston Ballard, of Louisville, has paid for the stamps,
‘ so that the appeals can go first-class mail. If any one of our _
regular donors would like one or more of these appeals with
which to interest new friends, we will be glad to send them on
request. Speaking of postage donated, this is a good place to tell ·
that, during the past ten years of our existence, our Treasurer, \
Mr. C. N. Manning of the Security Trust Co., Lexington, has `
always paid personally for all of the stamps placed on the num-
bered receipts which are sent to donors, and his own personal `
secretary has done the work of addressing and mailing. ,

 ~ Fnomrimn Nuasmo smavicm 2
Belle Barrett Hughitt Memorial Center
on Bullskin Creek,
Brutus, Clay County, Kentucky,
V I i March 17th, 1935.
*3 This has been a funny week. I think I told you Miss Harris
and I were so busy that another nurse, Miss Macdonald, had
g come to help us. Well, on Tuesday we had one of the biggest
r "tides" since I came out. Our creek was just all over the place,
l   and was flowing so swiftly that rocks and trees were being car- A
  ried down with it. Fortunately, there were no midwifery calls
A   that day, and we did not go out at all. On Wednesday the flood
is had gone down a bit, but the trail up the creek was entirely dif-
i ferent. Where there had been mud was water; where was water
Y were rocks and trees, in place of small stones was a layer of
V sand; and in other places the sand was washed off and stones
I `remained. I had some work to do a good way off, and was not in .
` E till nearly 5 p. ni.
  That night, about 10, the ’phone rang. It was Miss Wor-
I s cester from the next district, the Margaret Durbin Harper Cen-
_   ter, 10 miles away at Bowlingtown in Perry County. She was V
‘   with a maternity case who was not getting on very fast, and had
·   had a call to another maternity case where she was expecting ·
l serious trouble. Could we hang on to the first patient? Of course
I 1 we said we would. As it was really out of our district Miss Mac-
  donald was to take the case, and I rode over to show her the way, l  
1 and to wait if the patient was quick, but come back if she was i
slow, in case of other calls. It was a very dark night and we
‘ made rather slow going up the still scarcely recognizable Bull-
skin Creek, and on up Leatherwood. However, we got over our
· 10 miles eventually. I
· ‘ We had not been at the patient’s house long when there
came a boy with a message from Miss Worcester at her second I
I patient—saying she was in difficulties, had tried unsuccessfully _
i to get our doctor, and if a nurse from Brutus had arrived, would
  ~ I

she go to her when possible. So off I went this time. It was a
cold night, and I had my sheepskin, thick gloves and mittens ·
and raincoat in case of rain. The boy said we should have to
leave "Lady Jane" where she was, as it was impossible to cross
the river except by boat.- So we trundled into the boat, about
1 a. m., and all in the dark he paddled me over. He took me to
his father’s house, where his father was wrestling with the
’phone, still trying to get Dr. Kooser. I gathered that a man , (
named "Mack" was to take me to Miss Worcester. In the ordi- i  
nary way it was only a few minutes horseback ride on the road,
but the river was so dangerous, and all over the road, that it was  
necessary to go over a mountain to reach her.  
Off we went and "Mack" was excellent. We went slick up a I
hill and slick down again, no sort of path, just plunging headlong i
through bushes, mud, thawing snow, briars and brambles, slip-
pery leaves, holes and what not. I had my flashlight and clutched
that in one hand and "Mack" with the other. I fell down crowds .
of times and was covered in mud from head to foot. It took us
nearly an hour, instead of 10 minutes by the road. Miss Wor-
cester and I were there for the rest of the night. The woman
was very ill, but by the morning her general condition seemed
improved, and as it was impossible to get a doctor we suggested
that she might go to the Hyden hospital. In the ordinary way
she would be "stretchered" all the way, about 17 miles, but the ’
rivers were up, so we had to put our brains together to think of
something else. ‘
Miss Worcester thought we might return to the Bowling- .
town nursing center, for breakfast, and to make transport ar-
rangements, by a worse bit of the hill but a shorter way. Well,
if the way with "Mack" was a nightmare, the other was perfectly
ghastly, right down the face of a cliff. Every twig and branch A
broke in our hands, all the stones or rocks we tried to hold on to
came away in our hands, and in several places the only thing to ·
do was to sit down and just slide over the mud on our pants. We
were in a mess, hair streaming, hands cut and bleeding, and plas- _
tered with mud. We felt ready for our breakfast by 7 a. m., . *\
when we got in. Miss Worcester did a lot of masterly organiz-
ing, and it was arranged that she would go back to the patient
and fix her up, and I would be back at the patient’s house, after

a clean up and slight rest, at 11 a. m. in order to take her to
. Hyden. Miss Worcester, being on a single district, could not be
away. We knew that from a place about four miles away, called ~
Gay’s Creek, there should be a "bus" some time during the after-
noon, which connected with a train at Chavies, which would go to
Hazard, and some of the hospital nurses could meet the train and
take the patient by car for the last 25 miles. Of course we both
. I had to cross that hill again, but we did not repeat the perform-
4   ance of the cliff. The other way (Mack’s way), was not so bad
I by daylight, and the snow was gone, and even some of the mud
i had dried up.
i Just after 11 a. m. I was back at the patient’s house, and
. they had made a stretcher of poles, two sacks and some quilts.
The patient was well wrapped up, but was in such a poor condi-
tion that she could not keep warm, so we put my sheepskin on,
which was fine for her. We started off, four men carrying the
‘ stretcher and other men to be picked up en route. There was
· talk of going part of the way to Gay’s Creek, down the river by
boat, but at first it was uncertain whether the- men considered it
safe to take a boat. We were about a mile from the river in any
case, so we started off. We had four men carrying the stretcher, ·
and Nancy (the patient’s sister) and I brought up the rear. Of I
_ course the track was very rough, just down acreek. We had a
long rest on someone’s porch near the river. We put the stretcher
_ in the sun, and Nancy and I busied ourselves with the patient. .
While there some of the men decided the river was all right, so
· we proceeded down to the river. The boat looked very small, and H
the river very swift. However, hoping for the best, we
discussed the best way of arranging the patient. An extra piece
_ of wood was nailed across, and the stretcher was put endwise
. on the boat, the poles resting on two seats. One man sat in
front of the boat, then the stretcher, then Nancy and me together
` on a very small seat, and at the back another man for the steer-
ing. And we just went down on the tide.
l i It was a glorious day and the four-mile trip was really lovely,
with mountains all round. The rest of the men rode down on
muleback. At the mouth of Gay’s Creek we got out, about 2 p. ni.,
and started to wait for the "bus." At the side of the road was a `

pile of planks, and the men arranged those so that the patient  
was not too uncomfortable. She slept quite a lot. One or two t
cars came by (there is a "State Road" there), and people asked I
if they could help us, but we could not get the stretcher into a
car. About 4 p. m. the "bus" came, but it only holds five people I
and there were already seven in it, so I said that would not do. The
driver was very good and said he had to make another trip in *.
any case, and that he would "make it snappy," and then come ~
back to us and take us slowly. Just before five he returned, and ((
we had the worst job getting the stretcher in. The "bus" had a
door on each side, and we finally had to put the stretcher in that l
way, and drove with both the doors wide open.  
At Chavies we had to go into the waiting room till the train Y
came, then four more men carried her out, and— we hammered on .
the goods car door (baggage car) and up we leaped. The stretch-  ‘
er had to be on the iioor, and I shall never forget that hour’s ride. ·  
Nancy and I had to get a little amusement out of something, and 5
we were nearly helpless over the dead pigs (all dressed up in  F
little white frocks) , the crates of live chickens, and boxes of eggs
marked, "L0ose mixed eggs, fresh." At Hazard out we all got  
again, and two nurses from Hyden hospital met us with a large {
car. They managed to get the patient on to the back seat, and {
they drove the last 25 miles. We have heard since that the pa- ‘
tient is doing well, but the baby was dead—we knew that before  *
she left home. I
I was to spend the night at the Grand Hotel in Hazard, and  I
was I hungry after all that? I went to a restaurant for my sup- ‘
per, and had to hang my sheepskin over the back of my chair as I
though it were my evening cloak. I clattered in in my riding  ,
boots, pants all muddy. But I enjoyed my dinner. I had to
catch the 6:50 train the next morning, and all the way on the  ~
trip back people asked me how the sick woman was. From
Chavies I got the "bus" back to Gay’s Creek, and then started to
walk to Bowlingtown, as the river had gone down off the road.
The mud was appalling, backwash mud they call it. At times it _‘
was to the top of my boots and I could scarcely move. It was a g- 
very hot day and my sheepskin nearly killed me. However, in  °
time I arrived at the post office, and the woman there said she '
was "aiming to fix me a mule." And she put up her boy behind ,

rn ’
{Y Fnonrmn NURSING smavicm 7
[ me on the mule and we went together to the patient’s house to
* report on the journey.
I At last I arrived back at Miss Worcester’s nursing center at
midday. We had a jolly lunch together, then I was put across
the river in a boat,* retrieved "Lady Jane" with many thanks to
her host, and tripped back the 10 miles to Brutus. I forgot to
‘· tell you that the hotel proprietor in Hazard said to me, "And
‘ your bag, Madam." Of course I had not a thing with me. So
(J you see it is not very easy getting a patient to a hospital when
the rivers are up. I am talking about rivers in this case, not just
,_ our little creek. The total distance the patient had to travel was
  50 to 60 miles instead of 17 if we could have "stretchered" her
 l direct, crossing the rivers.
, (Signed) GwLAnYs E. DoUBLEoAY, R. N.
 Q "‘See picture, inside front cover.
A Hundred Years Ago
l -1
E An elderly lady at a village in Norfolk has adopted the sin-
‘ gular idea that she is an old hen. Her restlessness and vexation
 V were excessive so long as her friends contradicted the notion;
but after a time they ceased to do so, and at the recommendation
l of her medical adviser, suffered her to think and act as she
I pleased. In consequence of this indulgence, the good dame is
` more positive than ever of her feathered state, and has even gone
 , so far as to make herself a nest in a clothes-basket; where she
~ sits a great part of the day, with most praiseworthy patience, on
. three Dutch cheeses, asserting that they will be hatched in seven
weeks’ time.
-—From "The Spectator" of November 23rd, 1834,
Christmas Number.
jx ,
' He who cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which
· he must pass himself; for every man hath need to be forgiven.
-——Lord Herbert of Cherburg.
 l <

Sayings of the Children  
—"— {
Jimmie, asked if he wanted a little brother or sister, replied, ‘
"I wouldn’t mind a brother, but I sure don’t want a sister, but I =
sure don’t want neither, I would rather have a pony." _
Oscar, aged 3%, had been told by his mother that the baby {
was brought by the nurse in her saddle—bags. He tried to pick T
her up and put her back in the saddle-bags. The nurse said, I  i
"Oscar, she is much too big." Bent on returning her to the place  »‘
she came from, he replied, "Oscar’ll git a poke." A I
=|< * * * `
J. D., aged seven, of Grassy Branch, welcomed his little  l
brother. His Aunt Ollie had had a baby two weeks before. He j
looked them both over and then announced, "I am sure glad l
mammy bought our last one from the nurse’s new batch andnot {
from the batch Ollie got hers from." I
John Gilbert, aged five, went down to the Cincinnati Chil- §
dren’s Hospital. When he caught sight of the Ohio River from I
the train window, he exclaimed, "Gee, what a big ford! That 3
beats Red Bird River. Do we have to go in hit ?"  
Mary Cummings, Columbia Hospital, Class 1931, who for
the past five months has been with the Frontier Nursing Service
of Kentucky recently paid a visit to Nursing Headquarters.
Miss Cummings is on her way to take a one-year course at the
Western Reserve University, following which she goes to Scot-
land for a midwifery course preparatory to returning to the ‘
Kentucky Mountains. The talk given by Mrs. Mary Breckin-
ridge in the auditorium of the Marquette Medical School over a
year ago was the inspiration for Miss Cummings giving five  '
months to the Frontier Nursing Service on a volunteer basis.
· -—From the Bulletin of the Wisconsin State Nurses  n
Association, Silver Jubilee Number.

 4   3
el ,
ll i
[ Desha Breckinridge, 0f Lexington, Kentucky
‘ ~ August 4th, l867-—Fehrua.ry 18th, 1935
. ) "Rccetve with constancy this mo·nzentao·ly blow of death."
 ( ST. BONIFACE, before the Frisians, to his f011owers—Eighth Century, A. D.
_   In the loss of this trustee, the Frontier Nursing Service is
i bereaved indeed. His public career has been given fully in the
I press and its most significant feature dwelt upon, viz., that all
  his life he refused public office in order to champion through his
 ` independent newspaper, the Lexington Herald, the causes he
_? held to be right. "Never once has Desha Breckinridge sold the
  day to save the hour, nor given one minute’s consideration to ex-
i pediency, nor hesitated a second to weigh the popularity of a t
  His life could not better be summed up than in the words of ~
{ Bishop Abbott’s prayer at his funeral service in The Horseman’s ·
? Church, The Church of the Good Shepherd.
A "Almighty God, Creator and Sustainer of men, and the
j Giver of all good gifts, we thank Thee for Thy servant, Desha
l Breckinridge, who has finished his earthly course and been
l gathered to his fathers.
"We thank Thee for his spirit of public service and for all
the good which he was enabled to accomplish in this community
and state, and, through his far-stretching iniiuence, in the nation
at large. We thank Thee for his advocacy, fearless and uncom-
_ promising, of every worthy cause, looking towards the better-
ment of social, business and political conditions.
"We thank Thee for his exquisite facility of speech, and for
  the lucidity of his literary style of expression, for which he was
' so justly celebrated, and which made it possible for him to woo
 ` and win his fellows to a militant conception of justice and of ,
truth in many departments of life. We thank Thee for his charm

of personality and his selfless generosity of outlook which gath- V
ered men around him and transformed them into friends and {L
grappled them to his heart with hoops of steel. l
"We thank Thee for his indomitable courage, which ever F
refused to accept defeat, and for the patience, the heroism and
the resignation which were manifested so conspicuously in his
closing days of suffering and disease.
"For all these characteristics and accomplishments of na- l ~, ·
ture and of life, testifying to the durability and the lustre of the i`
metal of which true men are made, we life up our hearts in ‘
gratitude to Thee, for it is meet and right so to do. And we be-  z
seech Thee, O Heavenly Father, to endow us with at least a t
measure of Thy grace, that we too, having served our day and
generation, may fall asleep peacefully in Thee, and awake for all
eternity in Thy divine likeness, satisfied." »
The feeling of Desha Breckinridge’s kinsmen, his wife, his  
sisters and his friends, who were with him during the torture of i
his long last illness has been well expressed by one of us in the I
following words:  
"As one ponders on this bereavement, a crowd of thoughts `
surge forward for escape. Uppermost in this throng is the feeling V
of amazement at the patient, heroic, and uncomplaining endur- .
ance of the sufferer as he lay on his bed of pain. All of us knew *
of his courage, his strong heart, his iron will, when flushed with L
health and strength and confidence, but few could have divined T
with what rugged fortitude he would walk through the valley of  
the dark shadows to face death without ilinching. One realizes
full well now why he loved the thoroughbred; he was himself a i
thoroughbred." *
"A sweeter and a livelier gentleman, 1
` The spacious world cannot again af‘ford." ,

i Sir Leslie MacKenzie, Kt., M.A., M.D., D.P.H.,
I F.R.C.P.E., F.R.S.E., Hon. LL.D. A
Born at Shandwick Mains, Ross-shire, in 1862
V _ , Died in Edinburgh, February 28th, 1935
lv' .
l —·—·
  "A great h.2¢ma12.ity not only l’7’Z·S])Z.7`€d but shone through all
has 2v0rh."
—T1~us Scorsnmx.
  When Sir Leslie and Lady MacKenzie came to Kentucky in
  1928 to dedicate our hospital, we said about them:
I "Better loved ye canna be, e
Q Will ye no’ come back again?" .
l Some of us saw them occasionally after that in Scotland, and ·
V they always planned to return to a Commonwealth they loved
. only next to their own. But Sir Leslie’s heart was failing through
’ the intervening years, and now that mighty heart has broken
i and he, the humane, the wise, the kindly, has passed on to the
L Land o’ the Leal. We wonder if even in Scotland his friends
5 could sorrow more for him, and for her, than we do here.
_ This is not the place in which to outline Sir Leslie’s long and
j distinguished career. We can only touch upon that part of it
` which so inspired us, that out of it grew the Frontier Nursing
i Service. Indeed Sir Leslie himself loved most of all to dwell on
_ the inauguration and growth of the Highlands and Islands Medi-
» cal and Nursing Service. In a letter received from him, shortly
_ before his death, he says, "This is the most successful piece of
· construction that I have ever undertaken, and I should be quite
‘ » satisfied if I left only that behind me."
. The following paragraph from Sir Leslie’s obituary notice g
t in the Scotsman of March lst, brings out the far reaching signifi-

. Qi
cance of the Highlands and Islands Service, not only for Scotland  
and Kentucky, but for all parts of the world: i
"A signal honour was conferred upon him in 1928, when he l
was invited to Kentucky, U. S. A., to dedicate a new hospital in ,
connection with a nursing service inaugurated for the mountain-
ous areas of that State, which was modelled on the schemes in  
the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. The State University of `
Kentucky recognized the occasion by conferring upon him the WK
honorary degree LL.D., and he was also made an Hon. Trustee l
of the Kentucky Frontier Nursing Service in 1929. What has é
been done in the Highlands and Islands also became an inspira-  
tion to similar work in Canada, Newfoundland, and in South 2
Africa." 1
In reading over some of Sir Leslie’s extensive writings one ly 
is moved afresh by his profound knowledge of the handicaps of  
remotely rural regions, and his deep love for women and chil-  
dren. "Mothers and children," he said, "the most delicate and `
fiuid part of a population—how much they may suffer from dis- ,
tresses of industry or poverty or isolation." "A country rugged, {
A roadless, mountainous/’ he said of the Scotch Highlands, "where  
a considerable portion of the population is from twenty to thirty ,
miles to the nearest doctor/’ . . . "expectant mothers at the mercy  yl
of distance and the winds and the waves."  
After Sir Leslie’s first investigation on the Dewar Commit-  l
tee, so confident was he that the British Nation would respond  I
to his scheme for doctors and nurse-midwives to serve the High- ,
lands and Islands that he wrote: "As when one climber falls on  
the mountains, the others do all they can to help him, thinking
not of their own safety but only of his—so must the greater coun- _
try answer the call of the smaller islands and keep them within ‘
hail." In this spirit the Highlands and Islands Medical and
Nursing Service was born. Now, there is not a person in all the
Hebrides and the Shetlands who has not available at close hand,
the services of a nurse-midwife and, within easy range, of a first- ·
class medical man. In his last letter to us, Sir Leslie said of these
· · medical posts: "When there is a vacancy now there are fifty or A
sixty applicants. Formerly it was diHicult to get a single man."

 ii .
{ .
l Fnomrrnn Nrmsmc smnvrcm 13
; In Sir Leslie’s dedication address of the Ballard—Gill Memo-
t rial Hospital at Hyden, he said, "With you, as with us, the V
l mother and child demand intensive care. . . In all ages of the
[ world, the love of a mother for her child has commanded the
worship of mankind. If you think for a moment, you will under-
l stand that nothing less can preserve the life of the helpless new-
_ born child. All of our institutions for the welfare of mothers
i and their children have their taproot in the one great fact that,
,1% when the child dies, the race dies, and when the race dies, the
  great fight between life and nature is over." "You too," contin-
l ued Sir Leslie, "have the necessity of facing the forces of nature
  alone, the relative sterility of the hills and glens, as well as the
 i ferocities of the wind and water." . . . "You will always feel that,
A here on the frontier outposts, you are living out the true purpose
  of the Commonwealth—to prepare a worthy and dignified place
 L for every child born to it."
l In Sir Leslie’s Act of Dedication, he looked and spoke like
  a prophet:
_} "In all reverence, I dedicate this hospital to the
l services of this mountain people. The act of dedication
“  will have consequences beyond all imagination. It will t
V   evoke responses along the many hundred miles of these
i mountain frontiers and among the millions of their peo-
_ , ple. The beacon lighted here today will find an answer-
 | ing flame wherever human hearts are touched with the
  same divine pity."
  =I= >i< * >l<
l We have been trying to show a little of what Sir Leslie was
 . and what he meant to us in his own words, but he himself once
said, "Words are only symbols of an incommunicable experi-
ence." When we' think of what he and his wife meant to each
other and of her grief; when we think of his hundreds of friends,
I of whom none loved him more than we do, and of the millions of
people all over the world, thousands of them here in Kentucky,
` whose lives have been transformed by his far-reaching thought
~ put into practical acts, we find that only in Scotland, from the

 _ l
lips of his own poet, Robbie Burns on the death of the Earl of  
Glencairn, is language worthy of Sir Leslie:  
“The lover may forget the wife that was his bride but yester’  
e’en, il
The monarch may forget the crown that on his head a day hath ~
been, ,
The mother may forget the child that smiles sae sweetly on her (JP
But I’ll remember thee, Glencairn, and all that thou hast been 2,
to me." '
One East Fifty-seventh Street l
New York  
January 23rd, 1935. ` \
Mrs. Mary Breckinridge,  ;
Cosmopolitan Club, I
122 East 66th Street, __
New York City.
Dear Mrs. Breckinridge:  
I want to take this occasion to thank you for releasing Miss  I
McNaught for service with us when we started the Midwife —_
· Clinic. I don’t know what we should have done without her. She A
. was a most faithful worker during her three years with us and 2
contributed a great deal to the development of the Clinic, as well E
as the School. I ` $
Hoping your Annual Meeting will be grand success, I am, 1
Cordially yours, 4 
(Signed) HAZEL CORBIN, t
General Director.  ,

 l .
l ...
  Hyden Hospital,
il Dee. ao, 1934.
JQ Dear Mrs. Pease:
» I am feeling much better now and hope to be up and back
(ip at work soon.
gf Mrs. Breckinridge and everyone has been very sweet to me,
2, and I am sorry I had to cause the trouble so soon after we got
' here. I will be able to ride in about three more weeks, and in the
{ meantime I am going to study and observe cases here at the
j Adeline and I are going to begin our classwork next week,
A so I am not missing much time.
j Life certainly was exciting those first few weeks. It’s just
 . as thrilling as it sounded. My last trip was 14 miles back in the
mountains beyond the district with the doctor and senior nurse
. f to see a very ill patient. We rode quite fast, were several hours
getting there, and the patient died just five minutes after we got
_ there, leaving a premature baby and several small children. It
~  was an unregistered case, attended by a native midwife, so was S
  an emergency call. It was all very sad. They lived in a one-
_ room cabin, with no. windows at all, the only light from the fire.
It was certainly depressing, with all those children standing
. round their dead mother. We left there about dusk and started
P l home, when the doctor’s horse’s shoe came off, and Stevie, the
 l other nurse, offered to ride his horse to our center, which was
 l nearer than the doctor’s, so we left him and decided to short-cut
over the mountains to save time, and distance for the horse. It
. was dark and icy after the storm and we missed the trail several
[ times, then finally, when we were nearing the top after a hard
s steep climb, the horse Stevie had got frightened and ran away,
i throwing her with saddle-bags and all, and running back down
4 the mountain. Of course I was petrified, but luckily she wasn’t
  hurt, and at a cabin, the only one we passed on the trail home,
they got the horse and came partway with us. We had to walk
  and lead our horses down the rest of the mountain, it was so
 ,» steep, and finally after missing our trail again, we got to the

ie rms: ornnranny Bunnmrin l
bottom and rode the rest of the way home. On top of all this the  
attack of appendicitis started——but I didn’t say anything until ll
we got home. The next day a courier came after me and we l
came down to Wendover, then into Hyden where they operated, it
V and my first narrow escape was over.  
I love to ride, and the horses are per