xt70zp3vts6f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vts6f/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1939-01-10  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January 10, 1939 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 10, 1939 1939 1939-01-10 2013 true xt70zp3vts6f section xt70zp3vts6f The Kentucky


The Editor: Talking about
propaganda, that column by Joe
Belden in the last issue of the Kernel was an excellent example of
reactionary propaganda. This business of college students 'suffering' frcm propaganda
is a lot of bunk. First, because the
student should have enough sense
to absorb or disregard information
these 'isms' are merely economic
and social doctrines and not hideous monsters. I condemn the column for insulting student intelligence and discouraging progressive
thinking." S. W.




for all women students who
University durattended the
ing the 1937-3- 8
session, has
been scheduled at 4 p. m.,
Wednesday, January II, In
Memorial hall. Dean Sarah
G. Blanding will preside at
the meeting.
Any women students who
will not be able to attend are
asked to report to the dean's
office before the date of the

Annual Dinner On January 17
To Conclude Discussion
Group Series
Dr. Frank L. McVey will speak at
the annual Discussion Group dinner of the YM to be held atj 6 p. m.
Tuesday, January 17, in the Union
cafeteria. Discussion leaders, YM
cabinet members, three representatives from each of the other groups
are to attend. Secretary Bart Peak,
announced yesterday.
The dinner officially ends the dis
cussion groups established by the
YM as an annual feature of their

Six weekly discussions
were held this year. All the fraternities, the dormitories, and several rooming houses took advantage
of the YM offer to have speakers
appear once a week and discuss
"six great personalities influencing
the world today."
Hitler, Mussolini, Stf'n, Jane
Addams, Will Rogers, and Ghandhi
were the six persons discussed.
"Although Jane Addams and Will
Rogers are not living today, they
are a part of this generation and
their personalities live on in the
work they have done," Mr. Peak

r. a.

Cried For It
Listen fellow, the reason that we
"dote on" the Union building is be
cause we remember how you all
cried and clamored for it. Besides,
it's worth "doting on," and not
nearly enough students take ad
vantage of it and make suggestions
for the improvements of its management and its dances suggestions
which are always welcome.
P. S. We agree about the doors.


Leaders of the discussion groups
were: Professor E. A. Bureau, Professor Lysle Croft, Dean Alvin E.
Evans, Rev. Hayes Parish, Profes
sor J. S. Horine. Dr. J. E. Hernan
dez. Dean T. T. Jones, Dr. Otto
Koppius, Mr. Poster Johnson, Prof.
Charles Tucker, Dr. H. H. Downing,
Dr. Gtenn Clark, Dr. John Kuiper,
Dr. Robert W. Miles, Professor Roy
Mor eland. Professor J. W. Manning,
Rev. J. E. Moss, Professor A. T.
Ringrose, Professor Blaine Schick,
Major Irvin C. Scudder, Dr. Amry
vandenbosch, Dr. Howard Whitaker,
Major William S. Barrett, Professor
Robert Lunde, Clarence Geiger, and
tsruce Maxwell.

Jay Jay of the Lexington Lead
er agreed that the idea of naming
the new addition to the armory in
honor of Col. Brewer was a good
one. How about the students? Do
you agree?
Drum Beating
Another suggestion was received
from M. F. asking why we can't
have more school spirit, like that
of the University of Maryland, for
instance. At that school before the
Maryland and
Georgetown, a large drum was
brought out on the campus the afternoon before tl)e day of the game
and was thumped all that afternoon, night and next day until time

Turning Tables
And speaking of other schools,
M. F., we notice that an annual
Dames Ball is given at the Univer
sity of Indiana. What makes it so
good is that the women act as escorts, have to call for and deliver
their "dates," have to endure compurses bepacts and
ing slipped in their pockets, send
boutonnieres, and "pay" in general.
To them it's leap year every year.

The University of North Carolina,
like the University of Missouri not
so long ago, is now faced with the
problem of a Negro woman who has
applied for admission to the graduate school. Some seem to think
that this is probably part of a similar movement forming in all Southern states as a result of the recent
Supreme Court decision granting
Lloyd Gaines, Missouri Negro, the
right to attend University of Missouri law school if equal facilities
were not provided for colored law
students in the state.
The Alibis
"Dear Editor: In recent columns
of Clearing House, you have printed a series of excerpts frcm letters,
both praising and criticising Joe
Creason. This letter is a combina-to- n
of both. Joe or his associates
have a very obnoxious habit of attempting to alibi defeats of KenThe most
tucky athletic teams.
flagrant case was the story of the
Long Island defeat in last Friday's
Kentucky lost, to quote
'with three men on the battered
In All Fairness
"Again on the first page of the
Kernel, a defeat by the Tennessee
team was alibied 'on a disputed de
cision.' Would a mention of the decision have been made if Kentucky
had won? In the future let all Ken
tucky fans take a defeat in the
right spirit and at least give the
winners a clean victory. In all fair
ness to Joe Creason it might be
coladded that his
umn is quite interesting and one
of the best columns featured in any
of the collegiate papers that I have
read." H. C. R.
(.ink) Journali.Mii
According to good journalism.
!i the duty of a reporter to inter- t
erd e;.p!au!, fao if three men
Kfcre on the fcatttrtd Uit.



Prof, and Mrs. Victor R.
have announced the birth of
a son, Joslyn Victor, weight 7 pounds
and 13 ounces on January 4.

kick-of- f.

All Southern


A compulsory

Door Trouble
"Dear Sir: I'm a very mild person, not easily irked. And I love
the Union building which you continually dote on. but I'm having
door trouble. The Union has big,
fine double doors which would be
wonderful if they worked! I'm tired
of running up and wrenching an
arm In finding that I've pulled on
the wrong one of the two parts.
Would it cost any more to unlock
both sides? Either open up the
double doors or post a sign on the
workable one saying, "This One.'




Compulsory Convo
For All Women

Another Definition
We doubt if Joe Belden will hear
you because he is staff writer for
the Student Opinion Surveys, Inc.,
at Austine, Texas. However, we imagine that you are finding fault
with the headline rather than the
story itself. There is no editorial
comment in the story. It is purely a recording of survey results. Unfortunately, the headline was written by Kernel members. But they
were using 'suffer' in the sense of
to be affected by; experience; pass
through' gocd definitions found in
the dictionary.

for the




i W ""

Biological Sciences Structure
Planned To Get Under
Way In Two Weeks

Provisions Are Being Made
To House Animals On
Roof Of Tower

rapidly growing collection of famous manuscripts. As a lifelong friend
or the famous humorist and a
writer of no mean ability himself,
Fred G. Neuman is well qualified
to write this, the only biography
authorized by Cobb.
In addition to the manuscript.
there are many books from the li
brary shelves by Cobb, including
the series called Cobb's American
Guyed Books, on various states such
as Kentucky, Maine, New York, and
Indiana. Also in the collection of
Cobb works is "Old Judge Priest,"
pronounced by Ray Long, editor
of the Cosmopolitan magazine, as
the most lovable old gentleman in
American literature."
In one story about Cobb, Mr.
Neuman quotes his old Paducah
buddy as saying, in reference to
Kentucky, "She has her faults."
"Occasionally she is rent by foolish
quarrels over dogmas, and frequently she is seized with spasms of political hate. But underlying these
surface symptoms of passing disorders are those traits which make
her distinctive among states the
spirits of hospitality, of tolerancy.
of kindness, of human charity, of
Drawing a breath after that one
Cobb went on "She has a glorious
past, has Kentucky. And now she
is progressing out of a somewhat
6leepy present into a splendid future of achievement and progress.
All the signs point to this, and, as
a Krntuckian. I am proud that my
state is giving such unmistakable
2tt sxii coinrjlcte
evidence of a








A revision of Panhellenic rushing
rules on the Kentucky campus will
be presented to the Panhellenic
Council by the rules committee at
4 p. m. today. The proposed revi
sions will be discussed at today's
meeting and adopted or rejected, ac
cording to the opinions of sorority




The most drastic changes occur
in the addition of a quota system.
the teas, and in the method of ac
cepting bids. The rules committee
has suggested that the first three
days of rushing, Thursday, Friday,
and Saturday, be without invitation.
that is, all freshmen interested in
being rushed can attend without re
STUDENT COUNCIL ceiving this plan,invitations. toAccord
ing to
in order
rtTr, it .' mT , ,wmT 1 the teas, the rushee must go to a
compulsory meeting and, if inter
ested in being rushed, sign her name
and pay a $2.00 rushing fee which
ARMORY will be used for Panhellenic expen
ses. This plan has been tried successfully in many universities and
Group Passes Resolution To is believed to eliminate the usual


F.D.R.'s Collegiate Air Corps
Has No Money For UK Course

Notre Dame Alumni will
give a dance Immediately after the University of Kentuc-ky-NotDame game in the
Continental Ballroom of the
Henry Clay Hotel. Louisville,
Saturday night. The University of Indiana orchestra will
furnish the music.
Admission is $1.50 per couple
and dress is optional. Members of the basketball teams
and the coaches are invited
to be the guests of the Notre
Dame Alumni.
The University of Kentucky
Alumni and students have
been incited to attend the
Two years ago, the
University of Kentucky Alumni held a reception in the
Brown hotel after the
. Dame game and
invited the Notre Dame Alumni.



Ag Students To See
Pictures Of Meeting
Future Farmers Convention
To Be Shown Thursday
In Dairy Building

Motion pictures of events surrounding the last convention of the
Future Farmer's of America at
Bowling Green will be shown at a
meeting of the local organization
to be held at 7:30 p. m. Thursday,
January 12 in the Dairy building.
Films of the organization's camp
at Hardinsburg will also be shown
at the meeting, Secretary of the
group, C. A. Berry, requested that
all members be present.
Other officers of the newly formed
local group are Frank Clark, president; Julian Pierce, nee president;
J. D. Talbert. treasurerJiinti

Repeated Violations
Proposed Changes To Be Put
Of Tradition
Before Rules Committee
balloting on the
At 4 P M. Today
Basso To Give Third Concert
question of continuing the FreshIn Series January 27,
man cap tradition will be held
At Henry Clay
Thursday. February 16. the Men's
Student Council decided late yes
The date for the concert of Alexterday.
Committee Suggests Three ander Kipnis,
Council members
stated that
Conbasso, appearing on the Artists
Days Of Rushing Minus
plans for getting student opinion


'Irish' Alumni
Invite UK To
Attend Dance




Kentucky The

Go-B- y

Franklin Roosevelt to the Civil Aeronautic Authority to teach college
students to fly will not effect the
University it was learned today from
the Alumni office. The money was
a part of the National Youth Administration fund.
The expansion program of pilot
instruction to colleges already offering courses in flying is under the
supervision of the Civil Aeronautic
Authority, and the National Youth
Administration has nothing to do
with the program the Alumni office
reported. The CAA will provide for
the selection of persons qualifying
for the program.
Since the University does not
offer a course in flying instruction,
the CAA at present will not offer
courses of instruction to the students here.
What will be done next year will
depend upon the acts of Congress
in session in Washington. The program may be included in the defense program of the nation and
come under the R.O.T.C., or it
(Continued on Page Four)

una uEtUiiiuiiw


Effect Of Changing Name
To Brewer Armory

Brewer Was First Colonel
To Stav Six Years
As P. M. S. and T.

Represents Cost
Of PWA Additions
To Campus

Bids for three projects on
University of Kentucky's new
logical sciences building and
men's dormitory addition were
ened Thursday afternoon in
office of President Frank L.



drinking tea but who has no inten-



University and PWA officials were 4
present at the conference were Dean
James H. Graham of the College
of Engineering; E. F. Reagan, PWA
representative; M. A. Cabot, mechanical engineer connected with
the engineering college, and conInternational Relations Class
tractors' representatives.
And Cosmopolitan Club
Planned by the College of Engineering, both buildings are now unHear Uruguayan
der construction as PWA projects.
Part of the biological sciences strucBy DIDI CASTLE
ture has been finished and occupied
Miss Laura de Arce, of Uruguay,
for several months. Work on that spoke on "The Pan - American
building is confined to completion Question" last night In the Union
of a final wing.
building before a meeting of the
The total cost of the science buil- International Relations class. The
ding will be approximately $400,000, dinner was in honor of the Cosmowhile the women's dormitory, when politan Club which is composed of
completed will represent a total ex Btudents from the University and
penditure of $200,000.
Transylvania College and foreign

Pan American Question Is Topic
Of de Arce At Dinner Meeting

A low bid of $19589.

calling for born students.

the providing of materials and perTopics In relation to the Lima
forming of electrical work on the Conference were
discussed. Miss de
Biological Sciences building, was Arce explained
the two ideas consubmitted by the Beltzhoover Elec fronting
the South American peotric Co., Inc., of Louisville. Among ple; Latin Americanism and
seven bidders were the
the other
Allen Harper Electrical Engineering generally unpopular because of the
Lexington, $23, 695; predominance
of European culture
and Brock Electric Company, Lex- in South America and also because
ington .$23,898.80.
the South Americans dislike the
Six bidders were attracted by a domination of the United States.
for furnishing of materials The 'Good Neighbor' policy has
and performance of work in instal- done much to interest the people
ling heating and ventilating equip- in learning English and has also
ment in the Biological Sciences influenced a more general desire
building. Charles Nicholas of Louis- to study Spanish in the United Staville submitted the low bid of
Miss de Arce is the only UruguaIncluded in the terms of another
project was the provision and in- yan to receive the American fellowship of the
stallation of elevator equipment in of University American Uruguay is
both the biological science building
and the women's dormitory. A low smaller than the state of Kentucky
and is the smallest of the South
bid of $16,835 came from the AmeriAmerican countries.
can Elevator and Machine ComUruguayan
The dark-eye- d
pany, inc.. of Louisville.
were four other bidders for this pro- been studying literature of delinquency under Professor Sutherland,
A meeting of the University board head of the Sociology department
of trustees to be held sometime at Indiana University, and one of
during the week of January 16, the country's foremost sociologists.
will decide who will get the three
From Indiana University, Miss de
Arce is going to International House
at the University of Chicago and
vi.sit houses of correction in all parts
of the cast and the middle west.
Upon her return to Uruguay, she
Or Frank h McVey will speak
btfere the Committee cf "40 meet-s- ,t rants to continue her teaching of
7 .20 c. m
hlitcry and to rtahit hsr ambition
c r i.
13 of".
$17,-35- 0.



Miner Is Speaker
At Retail Bureau's
21st Anniversary
Dr. J. B. Miner, head of the psychology department, was one of the
principal speakers at the twenty-firanniversary celebration of the
Research Bureau for Retail Train
ing, held Thursday, January 5, in
the Cathedral of Learning at the
University of Pittsburg .
Dr. Miner was the first director
of the bureau, which was organized In 1918 for the purpose of "in
troducing better professional training and higher standards Into the
retail business."
Dr. Miner, who was at that time
connected with the division of applied psychology at Carnegie Tech.
drew up the original plans by which
the bureau was organized and conducted. He served as director from

tion of pledging."
Bidding will be conducted, according to the committee's plan, in
the Student Union building and the
rushee will name in writing three
sororities In order of preference.
This list will be matched with ones
handed in by the sororities and bids
will be sent accordingly.
Several rules and penalties are
revised, but, in general they remain
1918 through 1919.
At a banquet held in connection
According to members of the
adcommittee advantages of the new with the celebration. Dr. Miner
dressed the assembled delegates on
system are:
founding of the bureau.
1. No invitations sent Thursday. the
traced the development of the burFriday, and Saturday.
eau from its beginning to its pre2. Sororities meet more girls.
sent status of recognition, which
3. Parties will all be held at the
has prompted University of Pittssame hours, thus avoiding confusion burg officials to turn over the en
on the part of rushees.
tire 19th floor of the Cathedral of
4. Rushing ends a day earlier as
Learning for its rooms and offices.
preference lists will be turned in
Friday and bids will be ready Saturday morning.
The committee has been at work
on the revision of the rushing system for two months. Members are Chemical Research Authority

Instructions were given to the
secretary of the Men's Student
Council, yesterday at a regular
meeting, to draw up a resolution to
the effect that Buell armory be re
named Brewer armory in honor of
Lt. Col. B. E. Brewer, former head
of the University R. O. T. C.
The move on the part of the
Counncil is similar -- o resolutions
suggested by Omicron Delta Kappa,
mens leadership fraternity, the
Kernel, and other campus organiza
Colonel Brewer was transferred
from the University at the conclu
sion of the last school year, after
a stay of six years. The usual stay
of an army officer at one post is
four years.
Colonel Brewer was
extenOf granted two extra one-yeJeanne Barker, Alpha Gamma Delsions.
ta, chairman; Dorothy Babbitt,
Kappa Kappa Gamma, president of
Panhellenic Council; Florine Hurt,
Lysle W. Croft, assistant dean of Delta Zeta; and Didi Castle, Chi
biothe College of Arts and Sciences, Omega, Panhellenic publicity chairwoaddressed a meeting of the Home man. Miss Jeanette Scudder, as
opEconomics club at the Agriculture Panhellenic adviser, offered sugges- the building last night on "Personality." tions to the committee.






cert series, has been changed from
Monday, January 30, to Friday. January 27, it has been announced by
the president of the series.
Other artists to be presented on
this year's program are Walter
pianist. Friday, March 3. and
Jeannette MacDonaJd. American
cinema and concert star, Wednesday, March 29.
The Kipnis concert will be given
at the Henry Clay high school auditorium.
Those not holding season tickets may obtain single admission from the Lexington College
of Music now or at the downtown
box office in the Phoenix hotel lobby on January 25, 26, and 27.



Present Action Is Result Of

Kipnis Will Appear
At Artists Concert



Fred G. Neuman, Paducah news
paper man and writer, has loaned
the University library material for
an exhibit on one of Kpnt.tuOrv'K
most illustrious sons; Irvin S. Cobb. '
Of this material, Mr. Neuman has
presented his manuscript of the
revised edition of "Irvin S. Cobb,
His Life and Letters," to add to its


i2! it

Exhibit Of Irvin S. Cobb Works
Most Illustrious
Son Is Written Up By Pari ucah Newspaperman





Steel construction on the biological science building, now being built
on the south side of McVey hall. Is
expected to begin within the next
two weeks according to an announcement made late yesterday by
James R. Johnson, head of the department of engineering mechanics
and architect on the building.
Mr. Johnson, who is also professor of applied mechanics in the
College of Engineering, said that it
is hoped the building will be ready
for occupancy by the opening of the
1939-4- 0
fall term of school.
When completed the new biologi
cal science building will include
rooms and laboratory facilities for
the departments of art, zoology,
bacteriology, and anatomy and physiology. Preparations are also be
ing made to house animals used in
experimental work on the roof of
the tower.
All laboratories will be equipped
with hot and cold running water,
high and low steam for sterilizing
compressed air, suction gas, and
The bacteriology department will
occupy the basement, first and second floors, and the physiology de
partment will be located on the
third floor. Another wing will be
added in the future, devoting more
space to all divisions.
Laboratory facilities for under
graduate students will be located on
the second floor and will be
equipped with a series of incubation rooms, sterilization rooms,
wash rooms, and media kitchens.
Such features as a pure culture
room where no bacteria are allowed
to enter, refrigerators and incuba
tors, and rooms arranged so that
every square foot of space will be
utilized, will distinguish the build
ing as a scentific feat.
The third floor will be devoted
entirely to the physiology department and will contain offices and
laboratory complete with apparatus,
animal rooms, a laboratory room,
and a store room as well as lounges
and wash rooms.
In the basement, housing the
room, a feed room, and a room for
cages will be
the sterilization of
First floor plans of the bacteriology department have provision for
staff offices and private laboratories,
a balance room where chemicals,
(Continued on Page Four)



RULES Men s Council Decides To Hold
Vote On Frosh Caps Question













10, 1939

Completed Part Of Structure


G. Neuman Loans Library


ECekn el


Boyd Seniors
See Jones

About Jobs

on the question are a result of frequent violations of the Freshman
cap rule and several expressions of
discontent over the practice.
Sid Buckley, president of the
Council, said that unless the rule
could be universally followed and
enforced by all University students,
it could not fulfill the ideal of a true
campus tradition. Although members of the group believed that a
majority of students are in favor of
continuing the practice, lt was de
cided to conduct the poll In order
to obtain a tangible record of student opinion.
For many years a campus tradi
tion, the unwritten law requires that
all entering Freshmen purchase blue
and white skull caps at a local
store, immediately after registration. These students are supposed
to wear the caps whenever appearing in public until the night before
Homecoming, when m large bonfire
is built on Stoll field. At that time,
they form a circle around the fire
and at a given signal throw their
caps in the blaze.
During the past few years, the
matter of notifying all Freshmen
concerning the caps has not been
handled satisfactorily, according to
Council members.
"If the students decide to uphold
the tradition." stated one member,
"a better system will be organized
for notifying all entering Freshmen
and supervising them in the purchase of caps."
Th poll will be conducted from
9 a. m. to 4 p. m. in the Uniou
building. Members of the ballots
committee are Arthur W. Plum me r
and Walter A. Sauer.

McVey Is Chosen

Relief Committee's

Honorary Leader

President Frank L. McVey
been chosen honorary chairman and
Dr. Jesse E. Hermann, pastor of
the) Second Presbyterian church, active chairman of the Lexington
Church Committee for China Relief.
Bart M. Peak, secretary of the Y.
M. C. A. has announced.
The committee, which was or
ganized for the purpose of raisins:
money for relief in China, is a national organization. Funds received
Discusses Photographic Lse are forwarded to the American Ad
visory Committee in Shanghai and
from there are distributed to relief
Dr. Gustavus J. Esselen, Boston organizations in the country.
chemical resarch authority, was the
Contributions which students wuh
guest speaker at a meeting of the to make are being received at the
Lexington section of the American University business office. This orChemical Society Saturday, January ganization is not connected with
7, in Kastle halL
the student effort made by the
Photography As Applied To Y. W. C. A. and the Y. M. C. A
Chemical Engineering Studies," was
the subject of his address.
Doctor Esselen Is author of numerous papers and was
with C. J. West in translating the
"Textbook of Cellulose Chemistry."
He has twice been a delegate ta the
International Union of Chemists
from the National Academy of
The University Singers will rnttt
He is also a member of various
national honorary chemical and en- at 7:30 p. m., tonight In the Music
room of the Union building. Prof.
gineering societies.
Donald AUton of the music department will direct.

Esselen Gives Talk
At Chemists' Meet



Lewis Lays Plans

Students who graduate either in January or June and
who live in Ashland or Boyd
county may see Dean T. T.
Jones for Jobs available after

For Band Meeting

Mt. Sterling Women
Will See UK Plays

The "How To Study Group" conducted by the YW and YM will
meet at 4 p. m.. Wednesday. JanJohn Lewis, director of the Uni- uary 11. instead of Tuesday. Janrecent uary 12. according to Bart Peak
versity band, attended the
Band YM secretary.
meeting of the National
Dr. C. C. Ross of
Clinic in Urbana. Illinois, and laid the Education College will discuss,
plans for the southern conference "How To Review For Exams."
of music instructors to be held in
March in Louisville.
Sophomore Commission will meet
Mr. Lewis is chairman of the
on Wednesday. January 11. followband of high school musicians ing the women's convocation.
that will play at the conference and group picture for the Kentuckian
multiple string will be taken.
chairman of the
quartet festival which is to be held
in Louisville at the same time.
The Freshman club will meet at
The southern conference consists 7:15 p. m.. tonight in the Y roi m
of region seven of the National of the Union. Dean Sarah BlandBand Clinic and is composed of ing will speak on "What Is The
Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Campus Standard Of Honor?" Pictures will also be taken for the
Louisiana, and Mississippi.
all-sta- te

plays, written and
Two one-adirected by students will be pres
ented by the Studio players of the
Guignol Theatre before the Woman's Club of Mount Sterling on



"Never Come the End," written
and directed by Greer Johnson,
Lexington, is the first play to be
given. There are four characters
in the play: Claudia is portrayed
by Margaret Cohen, Eileen by Bee
Ficklin, Claudia's mother by Emily
McNab, and Tony by Thomas
The second, written by Martha
Hume, Lexington, is "Twin Carpets,"
The characai play of Shakertown.
ters are: Nora (Margaret Cohen),
David (Thomas Downing), Elder
Phillip (Richards Swope), Sister
Abigail (Jane Crump), Sister Elizabeth (Emily McNab), and Sister
Gertrude (Mary Agnes Penny).





"What is the Campus Standard of
Honor" at the meeting of the
Freshnicft! club tonight at 7:15 in
the Y rooms.
ta attend
All Tr.trr.btri are


Two Profs Lecture
To Bourbon Group

All sons and daughters of Rot Brians are invited to be the guests of
the Lexington Rotary Club for
luncheon at 12:15 p. m.. today in
Dr. Amry Vandenbosch, head of
ballroom of the Phoenix hofl
department of political science. the
Huntley Dupre. associate
and Dr.
Dean T. T. Jones announces that
professor of history, discussed "Con he has in his office four good suns
ditions In Europe" at a joint meet for distribution to needy boys. One
ing of Bourbon county teachers and size is 39 stout and tne others are
an American Legion Auxiliary unit medium.
in Paris Friday afternoon.




Y's club 12 noon. Union
Prof. Ellery Hall will speak.
Professor Maurice F. Seay. head
Baptist Student Union 5 p. m.,
of the department of educational Room 205, tTnion.
Panhellenic 4 p. m., Roim --''"4
administration and director of the
bureau of school service, addressed Union.
Ch! Delta Flu 7 p. m.. Eociji --'vy
the Schoolmasters' Club Thursday
at 7:39 p. vs.. at Henry Clay high Un'ori Min'jxr'r'i cill
ct tca
U":cn icari a: 30 p.
icoc' "Is




� in

during the school year exPublished
cept holidays or examination periods.
Entered at 0 Pnot Office at LtfTtrtnn, Kentucky, aa
class matter under the Act of March S, 1871.
Kentncky Iatereolieclata Freaa AaaoolatlOB

Behind The Eckdahl

Another Sfioon In the Curriculum Pie?


Wh 0 S
Who - cy


seml-wpfkl- y



tKmra Ol

itCPncsiNTcn roe

Onrt I ut

National Advertising Service, Inc.
C allege


PnhUihert Representative
Nrw York. N. Y.

420 Madison Ave.

$1.M One Semester

Lnris T. Icifhart
E. H. Mit.hsi.er
Jfan McEiroy
Harry M. Smith

$2.00 One




Managing Editor
News Editor
Business Manager
Sports Editor


Society Editor




Circulation Manager


Rumsey Garrison
Nancy Orrell
S. Louise Calbert
George Lamason

James Howell

Art Editor



Tex Tranor
Eddie David

Charlie Smith

Wallace Hughes

Don't Look Now
Rut It's Below The Belt
Don't look now, Kirvfl old hoy. but someone's hitting Mm
the bell.
They era II you the campus news-papcand
ihcv wax mighty hot when you fail to announce
thai meeting of I lie Pilly-Dallclub, but they
don't indulge your thirst for
news by giving it to you first. They sock you
with their big surprises through the downtown






Now. old fellow. I rather doubt if you enjoy
being surprised alxmt campus news in this
manner. Because I know that you keep a crew
of reK)iters working hard every press day to
insure against your being surprised; and they
aw h well, thev really catch it when you are
sui prised.
Do vou remember your shock in reading that
Ted Shawn and Ill's dancers were coming to
I.eiugioii under the auspices of W.A.A., a
ramnis organization? And have you recovered
from the blow dealt by Phi Beta Kappa when
that group's secretary refused to release the list
of pledges to your reporter in favor of downtown public iivr Of course, too, there was the
concernlmsteiv of the
ing Jeanne Barker's bid to the Patriotic Conference. After reading in the Lexington papers
that she would attend the meeting, you questioned two or three sources, one of which obviously gave out the news, yet each replied
"noi us."
I won't hurt you by citing any more cases,
old Ixiy. but it looks like you're not getting
much cooeraiion from a few sources. I can
understand your being "scooped" by better
but when it is