xt70zp3vtf83 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vtf83/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 2006 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumni, vol. 77, no. 2, Summer 2006 text images Kentucky Alumni, vol. 77, no. 2, Summer 2006 2006 2006 2012 true xt70zp3vtf83 section xt70zp3vtf83 ;  ‘ ‘ » -    ’?`     '  `— "   A    »—;    `          "   ‘     `   ‘     ~, ;  
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   The UK Alumni Association Introduces
j UKAIumm
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WI RE D ••
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o n I i n e
I Start with Registration. Then navigate to My Page.
Get onboard online now.
I • Keep in touch with your friends • Send event invitations (
5 • Participate in discussion groups • Network with other UK alumni
  In June, July and August, the UK Alumni Association will give away  
  one iPod Shuffle a month and one T-shirt a week.  

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5.5,;;,;;;.73;* A,   What s Next. What s Now.
li"|lI;j INI ·
Aw".-lA=»l(>· Do you ever wonder what’s next for us from the world of technology? Can it be we will
¥1m1A' · * `J . . . . . . ,
iavnzxitin SOOH l’l21V€ El I'lE1I`1OChlp lITlplElIT[€Cl ID OLlI` SCEllp that 1l'l[€I'3CfS Wltll Ol,1I` bI`E11I1 WHVCS SO WC
§§bVqlyi_¤qL¤;zv,i:; can just think out our e—mail messages and send them on their way? No keyboards or
Uaf ·'t: all `:¤ . . . . .
°”ll·W·MUl·l voice activation required. No longer will I need to lug home my laptop computer and
rl rw sv 14/-,1/:i:»z::1.::w _ _ ,
,,, ,,,,,A,,,,,, backpack full of benchmark magazines and article research to find a peaceful place to
""" ”’*‘” °’ write. Putting a column like this together will be direct from concept to delivery, no
  I)II¤I;(. [U/v    
I';/it ar 1 0H_ "h . . . . . . . .
3 mw 2, HV R One of the interesting aspects of the journey in this profession is the impact of tech-
.l .·l.\L·l!/. '(I { J ` `A _ _ _ , ,
’·""’" "¤""'l‘ W flOiOgy OIT pI`OClLlCUOIT f€ChI'1lqL1€S. Wh€H my T`1I`Sf Clally Il€WSp3.p€I` 21I't1Cl€ HS 3. SLIITIITICT
gAj;,j`%f{f;’·"‘·t intern at the Toledo Blade was printed, the editor presented me with my byline that the
,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1.,),,,,, linotype guy had hand set letter by letter. The process evolved from linotype and galley
"""’ """i“"""’ “" layouts to software programs that prepared typeset copy as you wrote it and produced
‘ilZY,',fsiilllilrfwliéll('R page layouts electronically. Today the whole process has gone digital from creating the
yy:-wv) H content to the final piece printed on a computer-controlled, printer-inserter—binding-ad- l
I'I'II( (I {IIN . · • .
my·;·V#l;;gVmVg;ZM dressing machine that does away with scissors, rubber cement, photo labs, rulers and
)j5jjjj(·,’m;‘, calculators,page film, and more. Even delivery can be electronic only
jf;,'7}j,,§f,fQ’{, AU, This is something editors debate when kicking back in the evening after a day at a
léfll]ZlEIn`l(}ZZIQQZ$l, conference. For now we see magazines surviving the 21st century One colleague theo- l
(ZSZCl3Z"£}.ZlIZ"}Z'}" rizes, "as the world digitizes and electronifies and miniaturizes and technifies, the things
l'·?A,`,ZZ"\»ZZl$EZ}, W. that can be touched and felt and pawed over, flipped through and smelled, taped to the
I-rv r uw ll In In . . ·
H ' fridge and saved for later and mailed to daughters — those will be ever more sought af-
': 77N .2 . . . ·
ifefnlxcciqibllrrrrnrrltI%\`.\ [BT Ell'](l Ch€I`lSl'1€ClQ SO books 21HCl ITl3gHZlI'1€S, HOT to ITIGHUOH hHI'1ClI'ITHd€ tP]bl€S and shirts
";J·/».'U`» njrrl/1I1»/wl _ _ _
tlyZtj;~V·;Vi¤lL¤V¤l {{};;V[V;;;[‘···‘~·#»l and drawings ctc.,W1ll n0t die but boom."
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‘ 4     SLL771772€l’2006 • Volume 77 • Number 2 .
y I      12 Paul Leone: Creating ·f,» I _ r   , , I   '
· · wg, 'A AA* r', a, Ai ` .
l   ·, Success at a World-Class my ·_._ _f_i;ggL,,)   _ ; .1]}-E?
‘ Resort §_— {     AA.
His position at The Breakers Palm ...-.   o__oo_   A
0n the c°‘{€"? _ Beach has Paul Leone ’80 BE oversee- . as   ‘
Paw N- Leone 80 BE, r>r¤S·¤<=¤r and rag 8 starr Or 2,100 at this AAA Five  
Emi;] %%;?I§'n§nOrIlgig;iOf|;lT.€Breakers Diamond resort as well as shepherding Q
rrinarssancé resale rn Sami? efefm "f€r¤<>Si¤¤¤i¤e Md r¤i¤vie<>r¤t- , .   _
mg of the resort, a renovation that • • ., uikggl
Photo: courtesy of The Breakers Palm Beach poured more than $225 million imo the V hw .
property since 1990. 'O l s A
By Robin Roenker
17 2006 UK Great Teachers
In its 45th year, the UK Alumni Association’s Great Teacher Award is
t bestowed upon six UK professors for their outstanding and innovative
classroom presentations and superior knowledge of their subject matter.
By Linda Perry
22 Brad Riddell: Easy As Pie I .
OPENING REMARKS 2 Brad Riddell’s life appears to read like   A AH   AA  AAA
PRESIDENTIAL a great Hollywood movie script: move { °.`_iY;?," ‘··r—   { 
CONVERSATION 4 to Los Angeles, Calif., go to prestigious 5 I ` r   E  Y
A UK BEAT 6 film school, and have first script made .g~ Aw;  " *:1;;
jr RESEARCH 8 into the movie Vtnzerican Pier Presenrs   g “  AA__ AA  
5 Band Camp — a movie partially ~   e gg ....
  OPEN DOOR 26 based around his own experiences, as r    A Q) ’
  CLUB HOPPING 29 well as experiences of friends, while at , ;;_[|A,yU JT {A?
r UK. Q ‘ ·   Lflrljp
By Kellr Elam  
5 CLASS NOTES L[U/WE TU Rupp   The Cat Club
_ SPORTS 42 . Current and former Wildcat mascots get
— KERNEL GLEANINGS 45 -- -- A together at Ovid’s to talk about their wild
47 I _ AA _· ..   _ experiences while entertammg UK fans
BOOKMARK Aj‘—A· ..   .$“:” r, el . at football and basketball games.
QUICK TAKES 48 ,AgA·2 AA   :2,;* By Chris Johnson
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  Alumni Association I Q
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  f   Turning Point
'V·‘ * gi ,- -— ·   . If we are successful in our quest to transform the University of Kentucky into a Top 20
fa     A public research university, higher education historians may point to spring 2006 as the
  _   _,/   turning point.
‘  I I I j   For the first time since I became president of UK in 2001, the Kentucky General As-
'T ‘ E   sembly passed a biennial budget this March.The budget was as "higher education
  friendly" as any I have seen in this state in many years, fully funding our Top 20 Business
  C Plan in 2007-08, while supporting the university’s top two capital project requests — a
new pharmacy building for our Top 10 College of Pharmacy and authorization to pro-
ceed with the $450 million expansion of our patient care facility at UK HealthCare’s
Chandler Medical Center. Although 2006-07 will still be financially tight, the overall
commitment we received from our elected officials this year has provided UK with a
much needed boost. Y __
As important as the legislative support was for this university, it has been the  
newfound campus energy that has me smiling.  
On April 24, we unveiled a $4.2 million, 74-project initiative to renovate, repair and  
upgrade classrooms and other facilities as part of a significant effort to improve the  
university’s learning and student environment.  
On April 27, we announced a partnership with E.ON U.S. to study technology that  
could improve air quality worldwide. E.ON U.S. committed $1.5 million over three years  
to UK’s Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER) for research into the reduction of i
greenhouse gases. Specifically, researchers will examine technologies to separate, capture
and store carbon dioxide emitted by coal—fired power plants. ¥
On May 1,we opened the $17 million Center for Pharmaceutical Science & Technol-
ogy (CPST) on Coldstream Research Campus. The 20,000 square foot, state—of—the-art
facility is being tabbed the "facto1y of the future," thanks to its innovative approach to
formulating and manufacturing pharmaceuticals. It is estimated that by 2011 the CPST
will bring in $15 million and employ up to 100 scientists, engineers and professional staff A
at yearly earnings ranging from $50,000 to $150,000. I
Also on May tl, I had the privilege to tour our new basketball practice facility, which is
located just behind Memorial Coliseum.The facility promises to be one of the finest in #
the nation. with construction expected to be completed during the coming season. i
Not only were these announcements important for the future of the university, they A
symbolized what this university is trying to accomplish.We are investing in our under-  
graduate experience, as we continue to enhance student learning. We are serving the I
Commonwealth through new research initiatives. We are working to diversify and en-  
hance Kentucky`s economy. And we remain committed to strengthening the athletic pro- 3
grams that have brought this university pride and honor for so many years. 3
This Top 20 mission is not just about one program or area of expertise. It is about
building a unique, dynamic university that is prepared to lead the Commonwealth in L
the 2lst century. i
President Lee T. Todd Jr.  

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William H. Turner and Lee T. Todd l E 5
i    “ `     Lg
the fourth annual Presidents Awards l   §“"`*·· ~ Q»$}*~  @   "” -. » g
for Diversity in honor and appreciation     " ° ~’   ` ’ — *     '’°    §
of those who have demonstrated   E  
outstanding efforts toward advancing   CL  
U K`s mission of embracing diversity l ' kv
while maintaining academic excellence. l Llttle Kentuc Derby Returns to campus
The winners in their individual   After a decade’s absence, the UK Student Activities Board reinstated a well-
categories are: T loved UK tradition — Little Kentucky Derby. For over 30 years, Little Ken-
UK Depa,,,,,e",/Uni, l tucky Derby was the highlight of the spring semester. SAB brought the fun
. james w_ Stuckcrt Career i back for students and the community with a variety of events, including a ,
Center ping—pong ball drop from Patterson Office Tower, a barbeque on south cam- l
UK_g,,,(]e,,,s pus, a concert in Memorial Coliseum, and hot-air balloons. l
• Willie NV Craft Jr., doctoral . .
CZlH(llLlZl[C. molecular ml UK, Alltech To Improve Animal Diet, Health
€§ll_¤l¤T bl<*€h€ml$lW The University of Kentucky and Alltech Inc., a multinational biotechnology
‘ Lim MOTTCW ¤¤¢lCF§Y¤dU€ll€· company based in Nicholasville, have joined forces to advance research into
( vllcgc Ol Ph¤Tm€l€Y animal nutrigenomics, a relatively new area of science that could improve the
' lgllilclll D€Wll¤l<<>V¤€h·d<>€l0T2¤l Cimdk The partnership was announced in conjunction with the awarding of a
V dum- P$Y€ll0l0SY $1 million state grant to help Alltech build the Center for Animal
UR A¢]”¤f¤{·YU‘¢¤0[ _ _ Nutrigenomics and Applied Animal Nutrition in Nicholasville. The UK V
° Wllllilm H; l¤¤`¤QT— VIQC College of Agriculture, primarily animal sciences, and the UK Graduate
PT€*l¤l•¢¤l YOT UlliV¢T$llY ¢¤§2lg<$· Center for Nutritional Sciences will work with Alltech to help make the state
mwl imil €¤$$€¤¢ll€ Pl`0V0§l YOT a leader in the field of nutrigenomics by supporting a variety of research
multicultural and academic i pyojccm
affairs l _
llrr rllallll- T Dance Ensemble Performs Spring Concert
°   5°l‘lH‘l~ ilmyafuc 1 The University of Kentucky Dance Ensemble performed its spring concert at
  Liv Hmmd an OOC the Singletary Center for the Arts. The concert featured new choreography by
UK gt Emkw dance students and guest choreographcrs Gretchen Wagner of Lexington and
‘_ al) _b W I DI 1 1 __ l. _ _ _1 _ W. Dalia Carella. a contemporary ethnic dancer/choreographer from New York f
.  (_, A 1\ All ful; EL Ol if City. These works were the outcome of independently generated choreogra- ‘ 
2)   ;l“lt'°?"_l Ylgcn   _ phy and include a mixture of dance genre. The formal concert enabled the 2
BI;);;‘T?CnT;YE?/£lEh(:ln° UB artists to present their work with lighting and set design in a professional _
r s = performance space. ‘
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Acid Reflux Disease and Esophageal Cancer FF" "“" ~  
Researchers at the UK Markey Cancer Center are studying Kentucky’s     ''‘‘   _
Fifth Congressional District to explore the link between acid reflux disease · J  `  _j     L.°l=as  
and esophageal cancer. This area was chosen because three counties in the "    !;‘‘   A         I
district — Pulaski. Laurel and Whitley — have esophageal cancer rates "          ;;__  
among the highest in the nation.          
An additional goal is to determine if educating the community on the Eilch y€3l‘,   _      
many aspects of acid reflux disease and esophageal cancer will help reduce more than      i i   gb Y  Ag  is  
the incidence and death rate of that particular cancer. 13 000   ·  »  .` · `   A I
Acid reflux disease is a known risk factor for esophageal cancer, and ’ _   ti ` ‘   g F
recent research has shown that an important step in the progression to Am¤¤¢¤¤S are J ,' I · _  
cancer is a condition called Barrett`s esophagus. Little is known about diagnosed with   4 _    
Barrett`s esophagus. except that it seems to result from chronic acid reflux esophageal   I g   CQ, _
disease and sometimes progresses to cancer. It is believed that certain d . . `   `     ‘
people, environments and intervention—related factors may be associated cancel; an Q , rr ` 
with the development of this condition. Identifying these factors and more than . R  "ief  ‘ *
implementing public health measures, such as screening and educational 12,000 dig frgm it,
programs. could be effective in improving the identification and treatment _American Cancel, Society
of the disease.
"This important effort combines both a public health initiative to fight
one of Kentucky`s most deadly cancers and a research project to expand
our knowledge about the causes of esophageal cancer," said Dr. Nicholas
Nickl. the study`s principal investigator and professor of medicine at the
UK College of Medicine.
If you have questions or would like to participate in the Marty Driesler
Esophageal Cancer Research Study, please call l—877—267—O626.   Mllllcn T0 Evaluate
Ovarian Cysts and Infertility Child Welfare Impact  
CheMyong ( Jay) Ko. an assistant professor in UK’s College of Health The College of Social Work, in partnership
Sciences. has received a $1.2 million grant from the National Institutes of with Planning and Learning Technologies
Health ( NIH) to continue his research on the female reproductive Inc., is the recipient of a $5 million grant
system to pinpoint which genes cause ovarian cysts. Ovarian cysts affect from the U.S. Department of Health and
over lt) percent of American women. Human Services Children’s Bureau.The
'Ihe NIH grant will help fund Ko’s research program at UK for the funding will be used to establish a quality
next five years and enables Ko to hire three new researchers. “Our goal is improvement C€Ht€t IO Gvaluate the impact
to establish the best model of mammalian ovulation." Ko said, "which on children and families of using private
will explain the roles of individual genes involved in the ovulatory agencies to provide child welfare services.
process and help us in developing the best strategies to overcome The National Quality Improvement
infertility problems as well as designing safer contraceptives? Center on the Privatization of Child Welfare
(QIC PCW) will serve as a resource for
information on child welfare privatization
and provide lessons learned from these
FDI mo'? efforts. Additionally, through the initiative,
'"f°rmag'?nk?b°ut research and demonstration projects will be
i gjgggrgt U? Isgit administered to test theleffectiveness and
_   _ Wwwfesgaréhjukyegdu efficiency of selected privatization models. j
‘ ‘ ·t’‘   The grant is under the direction of UK’s  
fj; Crystal Col