xt70zp3vtb91 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vtb91/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1917-03-feb21-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1917-03-feb21-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1917-03-feb21-ec. 1917 1917-03-feb21-ec. 2011 true xt70zp3vtb91 section xt70zp3vtb91 

                 FEBRUARY 21, 1917

     The Executive Board was called to order with Chairman
Nichols in the chair, Messrs. Terrell, Brock, McKee and
Stoll nresent.

     The minutes of the previous meeting were aDnroved as

     President Barker made the following report concerning
the proeected establishing in the University of the Chair
in Stocak Breeding with Gano Johnson in charge:

     In obedience to the recuest of the Board I have made
such examination as I could i.nto the wisdom of establish-
ing in the University a chair of constructive Live Stock
Breeding.  There has been filed in my office a large num-
ber of Detitions and recommendations from various stock
breeders in the State requesting the estcblishment of such
a chair with Mr. Johnson at its Head. Those signing these
petitions and making these recommendations are among the
first stock breeders of the State. Men whose standing in
the community and whose knowledge of the subject under dis-
cussion can not be questioned. ftmong these are judge Bd
0. O'Rear, ExOGhief-Justloe of the Court of Anpeals of Ken-
tucky and Judge C. G. Turner, Associate 'hief Justice of
the Court of 4DDea1s of Kentucky.   "II these petitions and
recommendations are now on file in my office and subject to
your inspection at any time. Taking them as a whole, these
recommendations constitute as satisfaotory a certificate of
the usefulness of this chair and the knowledge of Mr. John-
son of the subject of stock breeding as could well be secured.

     In addition I have talked to Mr. Johnson personally and
he has satisfied me of his earnestness and ability concern-
ing stock breeding in Kentucky. After mature reflection, how-
ever, I am convinced that it would be wise for the Board to
postpone action in this matter until the selection of a
permanant Dean of the College of Agriculture.   This Dean will
undoubtedly be a man of the highest qualifications for the
position he holds and will be better able to judge of the needs
of such a chair as we have under contemplation and ability
of Mr. Johnson to fill it if established through the Membdrs
of the Board.  I therefore recommend that the whoni matter
be postnoned until after the new Dean is selected and in-
ducted into office.


                                       Ii. S. Barker.

     In discussion of the matter, Prerident Barker said in
addition to his renort that he was unabl: to get Mr. Johnson,


in a recent' conference, to go into details as to the actual
cost of establishing the chair.

      President Barker's renort was received and ordered fil-
 ed and made a -art of these minutes.

      Mr. Stoll, member of the Committee on the proposed es-
 tablishing of the Reserve Officers Training School in the
 University,submitted the follo ing recort which was adopted
 unanimously with a coDy of a letter from Adjutant General,
 W. T. Johnston, of the War Denoirtment and a copy of the
 General Orders #49 attached.

                                 Lexington, Ky. Feb. 21, 1917


      At the December meeting of the Board of Trustees of
 the University, a Committee was arcointed to consider the
 question as to whether the University should avnly for the
 establishment of units of the Reserve Officers' Training
 Corps.  I have not received a copy of the resolution, nor
 do I know what is on the Committee, although I am under the
 impression that all of the members of the Committee are
 members of this Executive Committee.   At the last meeting
 of the Executive Committee, I suggested that something' sho#.ld
 be done, and the  resident of the University asked that the
 matter be postponed.

     Owing to the International situation which has arisen,
and owing, as I believe, to the Necessity of the United
States preoaring itself against invasion and aggression by
a foreign power, personally, I am of the opinion that the
resources of the country should be available for the protec*.-
tion of the country.

     This University was established under the Provisions
of an Act of Congress known as the Morrell Act, which gave
to the States certain amount of land to be used to establish
educational institutions, at which should be taught agricul-
ture, mechanic arts and military science. Prom time to time
the original donation by Congress has been added to so that
now quite a substantial sum is contributed each year by the
United States for the maintenance of this institution. The
State of Kentucky, in like manner, also contributes large
sums of money for the maintenance of this University. The
contributions by the State and by the Government constitute
practically the entire income of the University, and but
for these donations, of course, the University could not
cont iqElx.

     The first duty of a citizen is to protect his country,
and it is peculiarly the duty of citizens wiho are educated


at the expense of the State and the nation.   The military
science taught at the University is, theoretically at least
for the nixrDose of training soldiers to defend the country
when it needs defense, and it is the duty of the University.
in consideration of its income, to so train its students,
Today an officer must be better trained than formerly. The
ability to drill is the smallest part of an officer's trhin-
ing.  The officer should have knowledge of sanitation   en-
gineering, probably aeronautice, international law, strategy,
higher mathematics and of other like subjects, and no man
can pronerly be an officer unless he has such knowledge.

     In my opinion, it ie the duty of this University to
train Reserve Officers for the United States Army. Recent-
ly I wrote to the Secret ry of War asking him to send me
such information as the War Denartment could give me rela-
tive to the establishment of units for the Reserve Officers'
Braining Corps in universities and colleges, as provided
by the Act of Congress, approved June 3, 1916. I have re-
ceived from the Adjutant General of the Army General Orders
#49, dated September 20, 1916, accompanied jy a letter from
him to me, a copy of which is hereto attached. I have read
over and have carefully considered the General Orders #49,
as well as the extract from the Act of June 3, lql6, record-
ed in the pamphlet.

     You will notice that the General Orders provide that
certain instruction should be given in the.University, and
that some of this instruction will in all probability be
required to be given by professors other than the professor
of military science. Therefore, I would recommend that
this matter be referred to the Committee of Deans of the
University, with the Commandant added, with instruction
that they report to this Committee at its next regular meet-
ing, or earlier, if it can be done. outlining a course of
study in accordance with the  revisions of the  &ot which
course of study shall be similar to other course of study
taught in the  niversity, designating the members of the pre-
sent University force who shall teach the various subjects
and the hours at which these subjects are to be taught to
the end; that if the University desires to accept the Pro-
visions of the Act. that the acceptance can oe made and the
course of study can be outlined in the next catalog of the
University;  that the Daans, with the Commandant added, be
also directed to report to this Committee at the same time
whether in its oninion the two years' course in military
training as a minimum for its physically fit male students
of the University shall be compulsory or elective.

     I am attaching to this report a cony of General Orders
p49, and I recommend that the Secretary Drocure, if Dossible,
from the War Department a sufficient number of the General
Orders #49 to submit to each member of this Committee, to
the end; that this Committee may carefully consider the
Provisions of the orders and act thereon at, its next regular


meeting;  that a copy of the General Orders be also sent
to each member of the Board of Trustees with the request by
the Secretary to each member of the Board to advise this
Committee before hIArch 21, if such member cares so to'do,
as to whether or not In his opinion the University should
accept the Provisions of the Act and establish a unit of the
Reserve Officers' Training Corps.

                                  R. C, btoll.

                              Washington, D. C. Feb. 17, 1917

Richard 0. toll, Esq.
605-606 First & City Bank 4ldg.
Lexington. Ky.

Dear iir:-

     The Secretary of War desires me to acknowledge the re-
ceipt of your letter of the 10th inst. requestiag information
as to the extablishment of one or more -units of the Uoserve
Officers' Training Corps in universities and colleges, and
to invite your attention to the enclosed copy of General Or-
dere No. 49, War Department, 1916, which pablishes the regu-
lations and instrructions governing the establishment, adman-
istration and maintenance of the -'eserve Officers' Training
Corps at educational Institutions and the issue of government
property thereto in accordance with existing law. Your
attention is also invited to the prescribed form for apoli-
cation shown on Page 37 of the enclosed order.

                                 Very respedtfully,

                                 (SIGNED) W. T. jojzuson,
                                           Adjutant General

     The secretary was ordered to notify the Committee of
Deans to make a study of General Orders No. 49 precaratory
to outlining the course of study referred to in Mr. Stoll's
report and further to procure from the War Department conies
of General Orders No. 49 and mail them to the members of the
Board of Trustees for their consideration. The Secretary
so notified the Committee of Deans and wrote to the War Depart-
ment for copies of General Order% #49.

     The following report was submitted by Professor Frank
McFarland making general recommendations as to campus improve-
ments, which re-ort he asked to be considered in lieu of a
report he submitted at the previous meeting.

                                     February 20, 1917

President Barker and the
Executive Committee of the

University of Kentucky.



     I beg to submit a general Dlan for the imnrovement of
the University camsus for the coming year.   In view of the
fact that the general improvement of the cammus involves a
great deal of planninp and labor, I deem it wise to submit
a general plan now and insert det2 ls from time to time.

     For the coming year, I believe that about two hundred
and fifty dollars should be set aside to pay for labor in
shaping up the campus in general.   By this I mean, the edging
of grass plotse  making of pathst mowing of grass;   pruning
of trees, etc.

     Many places on the campus are bare of grass on acnunt
of the constant use as paths, and it is my plan to do away
w4%th some of these paths and sod places now used. A good
many of these paths are made by meople not all connected
with the University.  A start has been made to make cinder
pathe from the Agricultural Building to the various parts
of the campus. 1hese are very serviceable and while they
are very cheap they serve the pulrose very well now,

     There are many small patches of grass on the camnus
espeeially around the corners of buildings which ought to
be kept out. These places are unually too small to be cut
over with a horse lawn mnowur, so I think that two or three
hand nowers should be bought this spring.   There is but one
mower owned by the University and it is practically worn out.

     Many trees on the camsus should be pruned this aspring
and early summer and, perhaps, this coming fall.,   here
are several of the old maples along Limestone Street which
ought to be removed on accovnt of their rotten condition.
These, I had planned to have removed this spring.    the whole
row of water maples needed pruning, and since they were ser-
iously interfering with the electric lines, I gave permis-
sion to the General Utilities Company to remove the larger
limbs from these said maples, and that our workers would re-
move the smaller branches and-the stubs left after the oper-
atione of the workers of the ileatric Connany. vI went over
the situation with a Mr. Jones of the Xl ecric Qomtany and
pointed out what should be done, However, when the work
was begun. Mr. Jones nfever apreared on the gmunds and the
workmen had most of the trees pruned before I noticed what
was being done. Nevertheless the trees were not hurt as
badly as others expeocted.

     To look forward into the future, we can see the row of
water maples will not last long (but a few yeers) so it
would be a good thing to begin to set a row of Pin Oalts
just inside of this row of water narles to stRrt growth
while the water maples are being replaced.   There are other
trees on the campus which ought to be removed for the sake
of the growth of other trees. My slogan has always and will
always continue to be, "Nlot a lot of trees but a select lot


Lhis is what I an gradually working for.

of good trees".

     What I desire to do with the improvement of the campus
Is not what I can do for a month or so, but what I do I wish
to be continuous throughout several years, and this is what
I wish for you to back me uID in.

     To do this work I shall ask for the minimum.

     In the way of roadways, I can not give anything def in-
ite at the present time. Most of the streets on the campus
are in need of repairs and this mostly in the form of crush-
ed limestone.  The proposed roadway from the Agkicnltural
Building to the new Chemistry Building is now being consid-
ed by, Professor Terrell and as yet has made no report to me.

     I regard the nlanting of trees along the roadway from
the agricultural building a necessity an& these ourht to
be the same as those planted last sTDring, the Chinese Catalpas.

      hen the old fence along Limestone Street was removed
there was left Pt various places along the side walk qulte
abrupt drop-offs.  In order to correct this some grading
sho-ld be done. This, in my opinion, should.,be done this
spring, also just south of the Agricultural Building there
Is another place that needs considerable grating.   In order
to do this grading I do not feel that it would incur any
great expense since the dirt could be had from the South-
eastern Dart of the campus near the horse barn.

     To sum up in a nut shell what we want to do now, is to
make a big Impression as quickly as possible.   To do this
everything must be dons systematically.   I have thought out
this plan, 6nd to make a nice apoearing campus let us plant
a good many shrubs new.   After planting we need only a few
to keep the campus in good repairs.

     I am attaching several recommendations which I qubmit
for your approval.

                              Resnectfully submitted,

                                Frank. T. McFarland

                                  Feb. 20, 1917

                   QOM~ENDT IONB


     The imonortance of shrubs for camnus work is well under-
stood. therefore. about $200 ought to be net aside for the
puarchaseeof shrubs. Lhese I may add can be bought from Lhos.
Meehan Nursery and Dresheer, Pa. at wholesale and their nries
is just about onehalf that of any other nursery.


     Of the $200 about $25 will be used in buying Uannas and
other perrenials.


     Trees for the South Limestone Street and the Roadway
to the Mechanical Hall from the Guinea Pig House will cost
about $135.


     Labor as outlined in the general clan will total up to
quite a little aiurm. Nothing can be done unless we have good

     Ihe best I could figure on this was in the neighborhood
of about $300.  this sum to be sufficient until about next
Seotember. 5this amount should become available as soon as

                        F OUR

     In view of the fact that a good many pjlants (tender annu-
als) must be started in a greenhouse, and since Professor
Mathews no longer makes much use of the greenh use adjoining
the agricultural building, I wish to recommend to the Exe-
cutive Committee, that the greenhouse be permanently placed
in my charge, and that Professors Mathews and Gilbert be
so notified.

     (President directed to investigate this and report at
Its next meeting).

     I feel that the Botanical Department should have charge
of the greenhouse and since a good many plants could be win-
tered over it ought to be. in charge of the person in charge
of the campus.

     The reason why I Dnrtically ask for this is because
we have had some trouble as to iAet who has charge. Appar.
ently, no one shoulders the responsibility at this time.
It just seems to exist.   As a result of this non-resnonsibil-
ity. last November, many of the plants in the greenhouse froze
for want of sufficient heat.

     About $125 ought to be set aside as an emerganoy fund.
No one can tell now what will haponen when summer comes on.

     Out of this fund tools are to be urcahased.

     Many of our poorly taken care of plants on the campus
are badly infested with San Jose' Scale.   It seems a bad


thing for a tublia institution to have things which it
teaches against.  hese scale insects are responsible for
the death of many trees and shrubs.

     Since Professor Garman, the only man who has a well
equinoed outfit for enraying, is connected with the Sta-
tion and University, I can not see why he can not do the

           (President instructed to notify Professor
           0arman) .

     In order to kill these insects. the spray must be
applied before the leaves unfold.

     My recommendation is to have Professor Garman soray
the trees and shrubs on the camerus. He sprays those on
the Experiment  tation grounds.

     In view of the fact that the University has no decor-
ative greenhouse plants of any kind, and that plants are
rented several times each year, I heartily recommend that
about $75 be snent for Palms, and other Preenhouee decora-
tive plants for the purtose of decorating the Ohapel rlat-
form, the Armory and other places as needed.

     I think that anyone who has attended our entertainments
are impressed with the lack of flowers.


     One of the greatest eye sores on the camous is the
old lake. 5inoe there has been set aside $1400 for this
imorovement, who not imnrove it? I can not say w.hether or
not it should be converted into a lake or a botanical gar-
den. On this question I weloome advice.

     These eight recommendations I respectfully bubmit for
your action,

     Mr. Stoll moved the adoption by this Board of recon-
mendqtions in McFarland's r 'port designated as 1,2,3, and
4 and that President Barker be directed to see that shrubs
and trees required by Professor McFarland be purchased by
the Department of Horticulture for excerimental purnoses
and put out at places designated by Professor McFarland.
The motion was carried unanimously.

     With reference to other sections of the report. Mr.
Stoll moved that the President direct Professor Garman to
spray the trees as requested in professor McFarland's re-
port and that he take up the question of productng our own


niants and flowers on the gounds which are to be used for
chapel and other public bntertainments.  Adopted unanimous-
l y.

      Mr. Stoll moved that the Secretary of this Board be
paid $100.00 a year as of January 1, 1917 for his services
as searetary. The motion was nassed unanimously.

      President Barker submitted the following report:

                               February 20D 1917

Executive Committee,
University of Kentucky

Gent lemen:

      Az circumstances, w1hich I exp1ained to you at your
last meeting, prevented me from making a formal report to
you at that time, I desire to extend this renort in order
to include a short description of Farmers' Week. held at
the University of Kentucky, January 2, to the 5th, inclusive.
That week was one of the most successful and satisfactory
Farmers' meetings we have ever hal since I have been rreal-
dent. The attendance was very large and the addresses of
the experts covered nearly every phase of agriculture. We
had the Dairymen, the Corn Gro-vers, the Alfalfa Growers,
the Kentucky Beef Cattle Association, the Kentucky, 1wine
Breeders Association, the Bee-keepers Association, the Mule
Breeders Association, 5heep Breeders, Horticulturists, and
in fact, as said before, every possible interest which the
farmers of Kentucky have, was represented on the grounds.
I was particularly pleased with the enthusiasm shown by the
farmers who attended and the kind feeling they seem to have
for the University. I am quite sure the meeting will re-
sult in great good to the University in building u1 a whole-
some belief that the institution is of service to the far-
mers. This is one of my greatest ambitions, to make this
university ussful to the people who support it.

     We have also had, between February 6, and 10, our
annual short course in Highway Engineering, under the aus-
pices of the Highway Engineering Department of the Uhiver-
sity, of ,which Professor Dan V. Terrell is at the head. I
adopt as a part of my report a short statement made out by
Professor Terrell for mvy use, which is as follows:

     lIThe annual short course in Highway n'ngineering held
by the Highway ifnineering Department of the University of
Kentucky, Lexington, closed on February 10, with the gen-
eral expression that it had been the most successful of any
previous meeting.

     "'The course covered a neriod of one werk and was com-
nrised of a series of lectures arranged to cover In detail


all the phasas of present day road building. Very' excellent
addresses were made by Engineers from the U. S. 0 fice of
Public -Roads and from the State Road Department together with
other experts engaged in this work. It is not exaggeratii
to say that the quality of and the information contained in
many of the addresses was much sunerior to what is usually
heard at such meetings.  Lhis fact was generally recognized
by those in attendance, as was very evident by their con-
tinued and regular nresence at each session,

     "The success of the meeting leads those in authority
to contemplate holding a course covering a period of six
or eight reeks, in future years. This longer course would
doubtless oomprise some regular class work together with
the lectures by Eighway experts.   urther it would give
those in attendance an opportunity to obtain valuable in-.
formation and. instruction throueh the very complete road
building laboratory, which is maintained at the institution."

     3 call your attention to the fact that the time has
come to nrenare for the summer school. I have thus far
assumed that the Board desired the Summer Sahool to go on
as usual, and I have been making all my arrangements bas-
ed upon that theory. I suggest that the same anDnropriatlons
be made for the coming Sumimer School as were provided for
last summer.

     YoUm will have befqre you the rules and regulations
governing the William kinle7 Loan fund. prepared by Dean
George Roberts and the Business Agent, Senator Peak.
Senator Peak will submit the matter to you for your approval.

     On the tenth of Feiruary, I was invited to deliver an
address Pt the Linoolna temorial Institute at Horrogate, Tenn-
essee.   here were many distinguished men from the north
there and our an Governor delivered the welcome address. It
was inspiring meeting and shows how much good is being done
in the mountains by such institutions as Lincoln   memorial.
Berea College and Oneida Institiute and other institutions.

     The Business Agent will nresent to you the financial
statement of the University covering the period since our
last meeting, and which shows that we are living within
our income.

     Everything Is going along smoothly on the campus as
usual. The students are quiet and well behaved and the in-
stitution is going forwa d with Its accustomed vim and

     On the twentieth day of January the student body of the
University met in the Chapel in a convention and unanimous-
ly agreed to ask the Executive Committee to increase the fees
from fifteen dollars ($15.00) to seventeen and fifty cents
($17.50) and of this sum to rive to Athletics S*ven dollars


and fifty cents ($7.50) in tead of five dollars ($5.oO).
This was done to enable the students to pay up a deficit on
their Athletic field.  It was entiiLy voluntary on the part
of the students, no one in authority narticinating in the
matter in awn  way, shape or form.


     We, the Advisory Committee on Athletic matters anpoint-
ed by the student body in mass a semblage, Thrusday, January
11, 1917, respectfully submit the following report:

     We deplore the fact that the additional two dellars and
one half can not be taken from the eight dollars that go
Into the general fund of the University and that the men who
have formerly gone security for the needed funds no long-er
feel justified in renewing these securities, even though
according to their own statements the financial condition
of athletics is better than ever before in the history of
the University.  Yet we feel justified in recommending the
payment of the additional fee because we believe it is the
most feasible way at this time of relieving the present im-
pending financial crisis of the Athletic Association, and
to this end we recommend that the sum of $2.50 be added to
ouar athletics fee for the year 1917-18, and said fee be col-
lected for only one year and to be used exclusively for ath-

                              (SIGNED) John Peters RickettsGhrm.
                                       Prof. Frank T. Ncarrland
                                       Celia B. Creagor,'18
                                       W. B. Martin     t 18
                                       C . R, Lisanby
                                       Frank Shinnick   '20

                                       Jan. 20, 1917

     This is to certify that the above report was accented
and the recommendation therein adooted by the student bod-y
of the University of Kentucky at a mass meeting in Ohapel
this day.

                                   J. V. 4% hamberlain.
                                        Chairman of Meeting.

     Mr. Brock moved that the Student fees for the ensuing
year be $17.50 for each student, $7.50 to go to the sunport
of athletics as recommended by the Student Committee In the
report before mentioned.    he motion was adopted.

     President Barker renorted as follows on the matter of
increasing insurance on realty, including in his r'eport a
statement made to the President by Messrs. Claude Inyder and
Senator Froman, reDreeenting the Henry Glay Fire Insurance
Company. In brief, their prooosition waz to carry the nre-
miums for the University and get a five year term insurance


contra-t for the raym.ei t of a three year nremium, which Mr.
Snyder explained would be increased by a new rule they ex-
pected to go into effect March 31; and that by taking advan-
tage of this arrangement at this time, they could save the
University about $4500.00.  For their brokerage fee, the in-
surance comoany was to have $1500.00. Mr. McKee said the
proposition looked like merely giving up +1500.00 for bro-
kering a proposition of the University when insurance agents
would handle it without brokerage fee.

     Mr. Stoll th.en made the following motion:

     The Business Agent shall have the real and personal vro-
perty of the University insured to an aggregate amount apnrox-
imating $500,000 placing an adequate amount on each building
and its contents; that such insurance be placed in companies
which are eound and adequately able to pay the losses, if
any, that might accrue; that he shall take such stopes a. may
result in decreasing the rate of insurance, provided such
can be done; that a schedu-le shall be prenared which will show
the amount of insurance placed on each building and its con-
tents; that the Business Agent shall 3elect the companies in
which the said insurance shall be placed and the agents through
which this insurance shall be written.  He shall report his
action hereunder to this Gommittee.  Seconded by McKee, the
motion passed unanimously.

     Mr. Stoll, in addition, moved that all heads of depart-
ments furnish the Business Agent by Saturday noon, February
24 inventory and estimate of value of a11 personalty such as
equ-:piuent,, etc. in their charge.  It carried unanimously. The
secretary was orderer3 to notify the heads of departments of
this action at once and they were so notified by teleohone on
the same date and later by official written announcement,  

     Mr. Stoll moved that the Secretary be directed to have.
printed 2500 copies of the Droceedings held in the University
on October 24, 1916. known as the Wolden Jubilee; that 500
copies be bound with permanent backs and 2000 copies be bounnd
with paper backs.  This motion was adopted unanimously.

     Mr. Terrell moved that the salary of P. D. Moore, general
utilitie8 man, be made $60.00 a month. This motion was adopted

     Mr. Stoll moved the chairman of the Executive Board and
the Business Agent of the University be authorised to execute
a note or notes in behalf of the University to any bank in the
city of Lexington in the amount not exceeding or in the aggre-
gate of all notes $40,000 for the puroose of obtaining funds
for the University use, the same to be paid out of the first
moneys available for that purpose. Motion was adopted unant

     The motion was adonted apnronriating $60.00 for uses con-
nected with the office of Dean of Mon.

     Motion was adooted anoropriating $5.00 to Professor Zem-
brod, Head of Modern Language, for supplies.


     The following report was submitted and ordered filed
and spread upon the minutes, by George Roberts, Dean pro
tem of the College of Agricultures

                              Lexington, Ky., Feb. 14, 1917

President H . S. Barker,
and the Executive Committee.


     I beg to submit the following report for your consid-
erati onc

     Professor James A. Farra, Assistant -rofessor of Farm
Engineering, resigned on January 29, effective January 31,
the beginning of the second semester. Be gave as his reason
that the salary and equinment for his work were not sufficient
to justify his longer continuance in the work. There is
some justice in his statement, for he had been here five
years and was receiving only $1200 per year, and had absolute-
ly no place to store farm machinery or other equinment for
his work. I consulted President Barker, and as there seemed
no possibility of relieving the conditions complained of, I
recommended to him the acceptance of his resignation, and the
suspension of the courses in farm engineering for the ereo-
sent semester, which met his approval. This could be done
without loss of time to the. students taking these courses,
by transferring most of them to a course in crops with the
idea that they will take the farm mechanics work next year
at the time they would have taken the croo work.

     Professor Farra's resignation releases $500 that was
budgeted for his salary. I recommend that Mr. A. N. Gordon,
Instructor in crons, be allowed $100 additional during the
second semester. as he receives only $900 per year, and has
taken over some 45 students additional who were registered.
in Professor Farra's courses. I ftrther reogxmend that we
be allowed to use the remaining $500 for general exneneen
and for providing equipment for the soils laboratory. You
will recall I appeared before the Commiittee at its last
meeting an