xt70zp3vt865_327 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Wilkinson, Thomas, administrator of the estate of Nellie B.D. Wilkinson, deceased, v. May, Colonel A.J. Jr. and Wilkinson, Richard Lonsdale [Part III] text Wilkinson, Thomas, administrator of the estate of Nellie B.D. Wilkinson, deceased, v. May, Colonel A.J. Jr. and Wilkinson, Richard Lonsdale [Part III] 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_29/Folder_5/10717.pdf 1919-1821 1821 1919-1821 section false xt70zp3vt865_327 xt70zp3vt865 h r '1 3 l‘«:3=.T 11 , J13. , w..: , 5:1-:3 .‘.‘.ruAflTo.
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 IE 7:}110‘69:i.11_5, 31...:0 V2.3. L DELL-.’; .. .2713? L 1— ... r12 4. ("LI 39.3.1. :2.}. 1 (3. 5.5.9111
flexeaifia. he burn main myself and wlje, fiuch 91119 ahall
3:19 333 maiivifieg 3911 a: my 951$ cgtufia, 13 $53 315319.
fle03fl¢w~~ i: at Lfij Lino duxig; the infaflcy GE $uah chilfi.
221;; 11.13 £11,313 if, he: 3;.}; .'- :5.: _ unwary" “L313. 5; 121128 ZEUS v ‘.”)i :3 {it};
-'. ""'r'E ‘ '.": :59 5‘}; '.‘" .~. 91% A i <0” ?) Irz’ I'EE'W ’»- " t." F“ ’ ' ”’3" '1': 1”"! .:IA'v":-.r .. =".r.c.~r- .3:
him. .va.. J..... ..:.. .1. L... VEJ L» . {IL ; .».“.qu 3.:... {9.1. (1.1.! (..I/1):. 3.1.1:. 1 9.0% '32 :14..- "‘”qu :.u ..‘. CL.
t0 Hell anfi convey gaifi child's intefiegtg 1w aaii estate.
a? any ggrt fihexeoi. anq fiigpase of”fiuz;¢0§oaig 01 such
male ma sme deems groper. 21129999 if guch Shilfi shgfllfi die
'1‘.1';»'--’ " to '” ‘2“”5‘ '1’ “us? I'wv "'3. 1‘71": "9 43'" In. .: .1: {‘2‘” ’1 '” “7'2; 2‘11... I‘m; ’ .9. ":1
~ .. :;:/«J. 11,. . 3. L) 3...: l...L~, .3.th J .'. .L .. .'. (.‘. ..-d . ‘.‘“... L: L .. . b11913. '.'..uLLHl. ‘1 L; C. 11.. ‘_\/ ’..' L» U-. UL
of such chili 5% ll vauz 1a gnu £9 tfia pru§arty in fag Simglfi
01 my 3913 311:.

f hemaby aanstifiufla my wiie a3 exusutxix, aflfi yo magi
_.’. ‘.. 5 jv. .... .,L- J.J. . ..'1 .9”... _‘.. y ' .'3.... 5.. ._ D 3.. LI I,.. ..7: .1.“. .... .. .,,= -r .,.... ' f;

' 19.1311. ’..: {'.2-.1182! UL; $91.1. bbS‘LL 11".) “.:.;LLlLLJ ~:.-(b .';: LLbll '—:'.‘.L E.LLALL :i}lVl 11.]. b01191.
@iven under my hané, @913 abave writiem.
1.5. Jay.
infieylineatian ChOVG of “ 01 any parfi theraof” wage by me.
. a J a 1.45;ng

Uodicil to tha last Hill and testamenfi of Lhe undergignad
..I' 3. a J. a ‘..—{’3' a

Ifl my wife flies before i do. and my baby mentionea in
my last .111 and testament, $hould be born dead, or flie
before 1 d0. 1 give, bequeath and devise all my estate, real
and personal, to my Son. E.D. gay.

Sivan under my hand fipril 1E, 1905.
,r‘. n J a -.Zaaya

 42.3 .. L 1.3. :.:;.}. .3514.“ :€";:.:.. 2.1: :.. ~ . . .'3 .4 ; - . g4" '4 21.34133
3:3 ..:/3.32.2: 3 :4. '3: 413.::.;3 3 33' 1:33:91. 333 , .3 :i 3.1.9133 12.213114. 3 4:4. 9213—3: ”4.?
1:3,: 33:33 e1. 4:;2'33': ..:; 3.43.4533}: :cé3123 , 1'3. 3W, ::'-.1. ..:": . 1.3. 3'93: 3.;: .715. 3:23.257“:
.'I' .A :'4"".3,~. ‘5, . .1, ,,.... ‘3.“ ‘3 I; ._.5 ”.1.: 5..”.4'. ._: : ,“,)“ 4: ,- ,., :3, . .~ ..I ' '.‘m‘?’ '3':" .3.. .: .'...f, .
.’.Lk l; :::.; 3.; r.-.4.'.L\.‘ :J.'3}1..\)v"‘.h.o¢. 91* (.3 .: 2)..; ‘.:.L. ;1.'.,>,.\J ALL; . .:,,1, 4, 33: «.,. .4 ‘-,}3,{_ U L;;, {,:,:_,3,€;} ~
9.1.53} {:::./3 a}; :1 \}3’ 6.1! "34‘ "' :.L: 2? .'.. 'J '3: ..' ' 4 '1' “,”,-:1:}, .;3.:....L.... L: .‘..ij .1 ‘0 '31:. 4::.) . 3 [3.1.333 0134,!
4 3 , - :4 3.43.1;431‘4333; V 3'4 . :.:. ‘:.-3:3)..1 3;..13 :.3.-2.4"“: .':-s neg-3'33: 4
-~- :4- 31.24.. 4 :3 . . ‘..4. -; .- "3.. ,.,,.43;4..3.4' 44,, .1"- . :'~
: :e..4.31(35143.4 _ 33.4.2. 3; '.,- "JB. .4.: 3,153.: . .3 1.1.4.: 33.33.2554 .'3 4.43:.E':5r.)%.;34.‘1. -.'4.4.c:.:. 7433.333: .1. .L L
3 _._-.3 ' i. 4' 34 '3' 33:: 3 - ":3::
.. .'...: .' ' " .,.1 ,. : . . .' ”.1.. ,'. ..4 ..." "4,
:'33.'3.l3..3. {iii}. . it: L2. :.:.; (33.33}. . :.: .. ".‘:.3' .L. :1. . '.4- Oi J13“) ..L 4 2.3133; 3 3.
4 ..'. .4 .. _ .'-.3, .. ., .I.. . ." 343,. . .'3. ', . . .1 . . ..'. .. 2 ,.2 .4.: '1 '2
.'.!l; 3; ,.L.L".).3":l b.!.;»éi:f {A} 3.3.! 2.2L: if- Liui‘c; 0311;} 5:;‘J. L-U‘CA. L13; 4.).L. ‘...LLJL
. '9 1 ' 3, ,~.. ”3 ,, ‘_ .... .4: ,. .. .- 7 ..‘ "r ,. '. 'I'. I..... . 3 , , .4‘. .:. . .
.~.: 3.3.210 31.44;:..L4'_$...-.43 ~: . . ~3’41:.-",4" : 13.1.33- 35;,.,5.U ' 3'f.LJ...' .:- . 3 r , 1..-11.33513: 4 .31 {3 333”:
52.3114 3.1:4' "em": J.. 5.11:3:; :::.-.:33: :.:;.. 5.: 13..- , :1 o '3?:21: :3:; Silt} {3339i
3 1:45 -. J I .15: . -' .13.: 31::- _ ”)3 3;.3";
3" "if: firms: '} ';: g2-,.) "I 7: '.:,-3 " “4’ .4 "4'33 "‘,‘-3 :2 ',', 3 '4 ‘ "4 4.3.30 '3'?" +1231 334' j ,3
..)~. .-.-.3 .‘.. 3 :.:.-.3 .3.. 3. .:.-..:. .~-... 3.44--..9.1. 4- J £33.. 3., 4JI:I‘J.'. \)..~.3. 1.41:3: ..~ .~.-4.c.
.-': ,.., ,'1'4 .': 4_, v..44 ,.,, .','; ”3"" ., .'3, 44.
'34 giggly; ' 3,33; ¢ 3 3. 5, 3..“..L;: .1, ..‘3 37.1. 331.333.: :.:.». 3';'44'..'..i.«,3. '.:LJ. .E. 3:333:32 33": 3.3'3; .. '..L.I
£93.32 3:;: :23 :4 3- £44.32: '3;-::'!) {,:. 3 ::': :;‘@:2(::L“3:'3:2.3; 302'}
{3331' ’2 £14.33 3:...j3di. 2314;142:3333: . £::'4' .. 9 ::‘; .355: . 33'sz..."éje. 3 314.514. -
' .3 . ':.. .33.". ,1, 3, I ...? . 33' ,... , ., ,3’ «:5. .4 4--:3.- .I , ,“,, _ ._:} ,3 .1 .. ., :13.“
.4'1'4t..‘3 3.;: 3. 33.1.3313." :33:; D .4. (1.1.1; '30.. L303}. wit: :1. (Kl-3.42-4.3: 3.13. 3.34. .1.:23 .3....3. ..'- .
I .434 . ‘3, 3;. .3 4 f .. 3 .53: I.. ,.., 33.4 .,...: ." ... ,._}. 3, -4.’. .3;“, ., ...: ..4 '\ ,., .'. ', ,..,_'.I .I...‘
:.3.-311.143. 27.1.13: 55 3.../.:. '4.) 1.331.325. 5354.5. 15:81. {:.L e: 3.4.5. 33!: J. 3334’; 33116.; 11 (LLB $3311.21. an:
. . .2,..'§:‘ .4 .', ..l.'_., .3 ..,. '3. . . "3 ‘. 1, .0 _ '4 ‘ ._..,— "3‘4" 1,.“;
.3331; (335.341.3151 3.3.5. but: 313533.36 3)]. LALG 3:33;}.3: .:'-3611323 .3 :4 3 4 14:2); _3 vii 3.! £3: .3.;
.“... .'3..- . .:. .:..» 4.,. .. 3 . _,' ,:.: _. ,4: ' ,. W -. .94., , ,4.. 4.1:: 3. ,: ' 4 ,.43 ,.+ .3, ..4
.; .L 034; 0.1.5316 5,30 b,}_;3L‘?¢ .CECG’L vex}. all"; LLLCXlQJE J‘_J.'\.).L'.A 1511‘s U43. fez-'34:. S .4.) U‘J‘JiL‘EJ
.‘1 3 «3’ 34. .43.: 3: ~41: 4.. 3:..4 ' " 1)" 3.]. "If '43,. C434. -' '7 . 4,13,”: ,4: 3"./2"“
3.LbV.L3';3pu3 333113.383. 434.41%. «.3341. U . L133“. 3331413.: - 4. 3) 3,3, :.:.-43).. 33.3133...» 33'. ,
.... . ,. 3.1-3 ‘ .,... 4 ~ 4i. .3., .0 .' . ' .:.3“; .,.. J, _ I. 3 ‘3 ;, .:‘! 5,3 .I.? '.: . ,“,,I. ._ .. .:...-
4.33m. 333 34:33: ......33433.m :33 .3. (men/333%. .LE 03.: 3,1332 :3:—31943 3:. 535.333: ,4... 33,3323 3,:
,. ,. .. ,'.‘x I..... ,“4 . y. . ‘. . ' .I. . ,I._ ': '1 n 3 :‘ ._. '7 3. :3 3 II. ::'... . .5."
33:; £301.13 31313;. ‘L 310 earnlngs 4.3.110. LLlVLaeflClS 36803.3» @433. .:..4'. cm me
4. 4'44. 4- 4 .~ 4 447, 4 4s .3 3 ." . n 3 444 '43» 41 ~ ' . -
.3. 32.331333: 53.333311; has 3330.3 , 34,1133. -3.. on". L113; .3 3.06.3-5 03331933 by the 54,3131
' "'. ' 4.3-4 .' 44 "4 ‘ 4 " J? ' 4 4 44,3 '.1 -.-3‘-‘ w .4, '1 4. 4 .44. .-— .3- ‘ 4 .4”
. 4.- ., .- 3.43,}: .34.: (31:3 11 361313413: 3333:... .3113. h I353..:Sse'3~. 1.3313133: 334.3131. 3.4.311
:3 a - 1 ' '
' (.:5: 3.. .:3 4, -'»' 4,3", :3 . 43 z 3 3° 3. «A -. ' 3 ' ' ‘ " -3 “'
. .4./134....» 41.34.13,: 34.3.1333... 313355361; .,...m. 33113; 333314.: Colunei :3:..151' .. 3

{13:25.2 19184131122131 £1.51? '39:. (>15 :figzcjrsgr. 53?} £233: . 1:55.53- 0:: '
be the 27.31331 «32.537 0:: 32.33133. . 1§,?l5::—. Ema-2 15111513335331" he 3.11 5:25:55.
€3.35;- Sui ii. 3253118 .2133... Lay ‘iJi5:;:e;»3.::e 3:6 3—5..-:::»;(*;t'j:..r 1::
in: 53361 stile-3:; 2311: 51 1:211:55 ”i: 0.5": L113 _“umu £933.35 3:5; 35.33:. 3.915”; . 15:31::
siluirsxigijlf 5.512. the: 53:..1iii. 35111:; 5- 5 =:.;‘n‘=l;<::23555=:_i i351}
I .3: 53-33331 :5:53.5378@5232:t 3.2:: ' 153 2.3353 311113373; 11:55:": %3 5:
I 3614111:12:15,:313i 5:513: :13153. A . 1::: b3. : Jere if! 33.
T0: 311i_'}_1."§} “2:33:93 3:: 3 3 3337 e::)'=::.=: i511. 3:34.35 3.1:: V
532.113.. ‘13:.- i; he :52:-3:35:32: 1.: :53 €1,259 {Fifi-‘21:};- ')‘<531 51:133‘3355:
"0. 3:5 535.: 11 K e: 3 z 3: -23“:
ire flue ’izisz5e for trig-73L . if 74:53:11.5 1
Tim {5151:221‘311‘3‘: 3:15: says: $1152.53 35 3532333733: . :.a:;.:i 35:: i3:
‘ 3:: 5: OZ :S'siés'izuau:i;-;y',. 1:314. “b.3518 3:31-; a: “3355.553 4:52.155. ~ ‘
4 313118 iii-.115 :,:.:{:,§.T were :.:Li3::'r:i::>i%_ t0 93.9.1633. 55:33.51 “533631; L315}.
131.531.1533ied. ’.:-re 1::. $132353: «39-353.111.533: 1.73:1?) :33. “'5; i153 5.233136 of the fleiii'ifil
of the 5555:1533. 12:31.15": 6 “5.335533: on the fi’th fl: 3:? .5.i::yve.a:5":&mr ,
1918. - . '
. The f;;:1€:~.:‘mi;i ii :3.) i; 1:3 after the 3,133-9 0: H5533.
‘ ‘ plaintiff 53:35. the C5333 Hells .2593. ;y aforesaié. :5 are
' the 6th day Of Quly, 1914, the 331:.3e11e :.3. Milkinsaa ‘ >
3:513:19 55.1151 executed her last will and. immaternent, 1:1 wordis. :.’-mi}.
figures 35313011015331“ ‘
Y‘ 333.: HILL <3}? HELL -3, :silixmji;;ri‘l()3=§ maéie this the {at};
(3.5.3 of July, 1914;
siZT,‘:3E_ZfL;‘-.3}:I‘}FE: I will, bequeath and deviae to my 55-321 .
(jolomel .;.iiajr. all 03’: the property. real. {2327553011 arm: 2:112:93, I
£3165: (32105333 in action {151,7 i may own m: the “time 0:5.” my death V

 .23 ; ;. 1, . “3:. .2’. =
...=._ ,. :..,...-_..' 3. . '.. 2 .2,) 7 ‘ 2;»'..v .1 2 2 ~,» -_ .':.
,2 :" r: :32. 23:: :2;- .-:~ 5.3 , ;:.:;». ».a: :., 3...». :3»; .3.;3 . :.:.-..:. ”:,.; ',’—::3
F..§ .‘. 5..? .33 ’ii finisywwti 2 2' 3;.-'.: ‘» , y 5» j .23.]-2.’ ..»; .7312;
. 2 . . I 2 “ ' . 3 . .. 'I, '1 I. I J .’ - _, .l' 2. - ».: J.."
‘ 1335,1231»? f.;‘ 1.3;, _ .' .2 .‘:.f w . “ “2.3 533:1. .‘-‘ 15-. ».:..‘.»:)1'C’,-C ll;
-.. . J ' . .’: . .. :1 .i ' i . L'.}: ~' ‘- :;}, a I. .. ». :I 2.,-533;} L: I_.»..J» 33.3 3.4.? 9 u?
‘2‘ f = . ', -»»-‘.-'"' '3, if 372-3.» .3 ‘3‘. .3 35713”? I ‘2 '.j; : . -. _1 .51}: 37:1; .'
2 .'.: .: z. 7...; .,.: \, IL, 1,1 23;)? 333213;”
5 .:...., 222 -. »_ “,1 .41. \ .: . ,. . .» ;_ - »‘3'; ,’
.‘ 13223:) 2:26 73;,» = vaji; {,.2 '2 »» ;= .3. ~ . 3.53;. .2
{:.L.?. '.. 3» .3.; 3.4.1:}: 353 j}, r
' .” L; 41.59:“ U ,. "'
"1‘. .‘.- ' .
31' . 3a _U V .L- .' ‘ .,
”1:30 ..'3 - EXELCJLLV:
._ . 52* *‘2 mil?“ .3". ' '- 13 -'.-': :5 Z *7 f3“: . ‘2 '3. 3253'
. . 2 ;:- . M”. .‘"3“. ..,» W .15 3 . ,. . 255;. , -z;:.r~
-; .2 1,3333... .. ,. .:J..;
' I». : m. .3. .11 2... . . .I. {..‘ 3.1:: 2.3.3.}. 3.. 1A,; :.L :1 22.3.1“, ..).J. ;.23 ».2) ,.ML - mile 2 ., .». :. , 1.. 11.::/3.213%.) Oz; 9
33.3 2323.23.33 I. r2“; .3... a, 23.9 :::.-i2... .2.»: {3.2. 22 ..:-3 .~.. 3../..2. $3621.30, 2 ..
.4 :..‘ ~. ,. 2. 2 ‘ .. ,., ‘., .:3 (._.. .4.. ..= .;, . .y 3'» .,H » ..- . .. 2,»]. ~ .2, 5 . ..2 .L‘ -4 .'
2 11353321393: 13:31.: 36.13.23. 2;» ,, .LLG {,3 E. 333:1;3 113...; 33233:: i”: 2'.) 2. 1b 1 «3.33.13 \33. {32.3. I :.3..
”iii. , ;
“ 4.9 .:- 32%.,» (.._ .=. ,1' ”‘5’ . . 5" 2 “., . .2 . .. ».».»- ‘ 13‘.‘»3 I ’ ‘i' . '
wk.u u3a “33d while p.3033ik1uboa de.23beu UmL: 31:0 on ,
."s .
. ..9... »

 Ehé Vth day of fiovenmer: 191$, domieiie; in filogfi Sounfiy,
hontwcky, anfi tegtatog excopt 35 tn Said fixatemmitted child,
nichgré ZOflfiSflble Eilkimggfig agfi.tgp3 finereaffiar, 3&3 at
the Haven or term, 1918, 3Q the Elayé auaufiy fiouxt gaié
will of fine amid folio fink” ,ikxinxofi, mi noroinbefafé go?
out? w;% duly ;30V9m :xfi ¢&oiaéai to Eyebaie as ihe lgafi~
will uni testamenfi oi Eng n:ii Hello 30;, ilkiugoa, with
T1039? record ix obi: inor 31 probute ax to Sui; grater»
mittek chiléq
fiho glaiflfiiif iuythey guys that the inveniory anfi
appraifiomoat of tho eguate of the wui& gelle E,D. hilkinoon
baa pat 33 yefi oeoa completei, or filed in the Floyd Gounty
Gourfi; uafl fihét a certified capy'uf gaié iavoatory and aggrw
, - aiaemenfi will be heroinafter figoofi adopiefi and made &
part hereof. 7
The Elaifltiff Sago that he is not informofi or a&vi$od

as to what portioas of @ho propertieg owned by ,.50 gay

, at the time of big deafih gossed to the said Jello 5~~n ’
gay anfi what portion thereof pufiwefi to flue defomiantq Colonel
.fisy, 33.? nor as to what portions of the proporiies passing

' undo: said will to the $aid Colonel gay Sr., have ueen

Sold by the Sula belle b.fi, milkinson under the poaer of
sale giVLfl and granted in said will; nor as to what pxoperties
the proceeas of Said salofi of groperty of the saié Colonel
gay, 5r., an} the incomes receiveé from his said indivifiuml
proportiea have been reiuvegtefl in; nor as to whether or
mt- the power of Sanka ggfia the properties devisea to the

 5 a
.» 2 .:- 255 _,-. . 7,52 5.1. ; ' .:. : 2 " . gr: 2,7 ,, 5 ,..,3 ..;. __2 J10}; 5... J; . loll-,2 C n. . g ,1 1.1:. :...u. .J..L-. .L.L_E. 1, 2.5.7... .~.. 2,7.-.EJJ. w $7,221.29, .‘.) 1:2
mix: ozonlu. 2.535.211.6- 72 7. 7 -..<.=..‘,' 4. 2.21117127780ij 5251:.7;.2 ...).2 .2.2:: .5772}. .:..; 5723
5- ..2. 3,... -.5— -:‘— 1- -'~“. «'»-‘= .‘ ~1-.- 2.. .. .77. ..1 ,7, ... 2, 52—71,. 7 ...-z 7'5 ~ 2 »2 --‘ .I ‘z’.-.' 5
lilV 25.; :.J “2.2.2; {2.2. L2._I..c.. .7.) 14.5.“: 1m. 2.5L, J .72.: :..-5.2.7. .L2:. 2.2.5.; 7:J:.:..§.<.-. 3:01.372:
5 1. :' :5'5 337.5 V ...5 .. 1.., ...‘L ,. ...V‘. 11-‘. :....55 .._ 5"",5- . 7. '1.~‘.-5.'\'.5
.7 :.y 2 . J..L.zx.l.l;§'25.)2’.i) 1 2.) «. 2:22.; ~. 71.7%: mola- 2.222.222 3,}. 03.6275 75
.5.-2_.. .. .._:5 ,.0....., 15.,17 ....V .2 _ .:.: "-.2-5.: .-..1. . A..." ..:....,. 1' 5 '5 . ‘5 . ' .1....
. Erin-..: 5;: 5J1. .LUJ‘. u:.2.\; hi: ..'? ; .295. 32;; 5 575.15.. 5. .2 :..5. out? 230.1921 ‘57 ULJYLGJ. ..;..‘Xs
’ 5 2': 5'»:- r. “153.25..“ A 3' .~ 5 -5 - ‘T ..1 52‘ ’2'1 5L; 7 ,."1 .. .7. , 52 "5.555 'i '2'5r1ft‘i‘
.2. a ,1 5. . .5 .I 17;, p.947; 5. ..2 2 2 7, } '.J . 72:, .,2. u -.'3 ».u 2. .. .5 ; .3: 33315:.” 2 .7 :. a .. .1.. .,Lb-.z.,.a..l,2:) 4.5L .
:2. £1 ;- 2;: (3;) 2..-3:21:72.” _Le 125.") “1.22 21’- :.: _..;75. o .2_.="J;‘.:.€; ,1‘. . j, 3 7 _. :5 J 5.3 2.7%.
(351.55 “03.0 ‘75. co "1.5 .2.2--; t:.::.’. 3 :... 7 5 3:.—2: 2.5.; . ll. of: 2;; . .2 7 7? .7 5
- if. v :2‘ 151.52 11%}; , "-155 ‘):=.;; .‘5. if: 2 .:. 15:2."}';‘ 2". ."2 L2}; .5 .43.; 3 .'§ .5 aj's'Jl " "it?
.- Md 1.... .. w .... 7... .. ...... V . 7 .... 7 _. .. 1:... 13.
7H" ng’lf'i- 2.1.57}
001132125613 .)j; '1’. 512;:} ‘;..-‘i_éir““b:]7_/ £!.i3"5“13." “7:5: OLE". Li’U 3.213.595 $52.15;: 79.13;: 2}}. 7.1.316:
',;2:;5.5ou592.~:2:2.5; oi" 5322.. .1.-.52 25, .2123}... r, .2:er 25-5.: - 29:2: «53:2: 52722551. 5:12.
732.532.5212. luggahmj 72016-1 ..:..rnvjfij- 5 .L Lii.1.!2.t;.22.2-21 f2...‘ 1.11.5. odor». 5273.2.52. :.:-.1. MN.
,L‘.‘ r. ....h.a....2:..fj.,.1_. 1 ..‘:55 752 ‘31,.‘. ., , .1 _, _5: .5 . 5‘"; .525 -'-‘-.». ..’ . ;'_, '5 5
2,552.57: ’7-....E-."u 5.2.3.: .5»; ...».52. 5.95M. 75:12:17.1.211. 95.5. no 4. -I 3.1.5.. =.)..5. 123.21»; 3:.; L '3 .2.. 5‘) 1.1.3
- 2- ~ .5 ~ 5.:.,... . .. 2.. .-., .5 ..; 7 - -L ,_ 2 .'.....e.- 2 .54 .55 2. '; - -. .-
.7 » ..2 73.15-25.717; .131 Iliyl {51.112.431.32 :.U 732:} u 2..) 1275“. 1 LJ-:...,..-..e:.x bad uflu...‘LTJ.L2.2.Q:5-..2. 051:;
.. _5’5 .3. .2.,.‘.... .3.) 5' .. 3.1.. 71.5.;._.u..i.. ..:‘5 .;~ 5., ”73.1 T“. 5‘ '.'.‘: -‘5 '5... :..-2-
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