xt70zp3vt865_325 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Wilkinson, Thomas, administrator of the estate of Nellie B.D. Wilkinson, deceased, v. May, Colonel A.J. Jr. and Wilkinson, Richard Lonsdale , correspondence  [Part I] text Wilkinson, Thomas, administrator of the estate of Nellie B.D. Wilkinson, deceased, v. May, Colonel A.J. Jr. and Wilkinson, Richard Lonsdale , correspondence  [Part I] 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_29/Folder_3/10402.pdf 1918-1926 1926 1918-1926 section false xt70zp3vt865_325 xt70zp3vt865 .. V n
$3111 ' Name of decedent --;;gllg“13.,":11,.__'JilkinEQIL___,V__,,n,,_____,,, Day of death.”__éégyfiiiigggfiz.0.....__,____, 19.399.
_~L Residence at time of death (Note. A) -»--—-»:£?1368$02le11IE;t‘l¥¢-
,5 t - -
3 .._...T “:3..." Tiag§eg _______ (Note B). ~
kl *5 gm“ yfiaiacctdrvnfirna Advent-{6,
g5, A --»----—-------vmeanvi-Lle-,——-J+igy1—---—~-
Egg ,/ I, ......Lféleyggg"2311151113011..._.,,_,,,,,,,,,,___.,mmm, whose signature and address are affixed below, do hercbyfoleninly
’4E-t'1 r . ,. ,. a A, » _<., , , {..:.I/ I .7',‘ . a _ "3w "tr'”SDl‘Tg
m4 0,! decline that on the ___.) _ day of--- 11 _v, 1 3 ~ armklf)18ll ,._, ( (Mr; Igg'ai’gy-I()UIILy-r(0111i,at.'5-"£1331.___!{f}________"d, _0.
EH 3;”, granted Letters Testmuggzu‘y—lrettelrseegfifinfiqration—ti) me it [J I: I
CL‘ -‘ Z .
{3;:} g Ll: Name: ..._--.__..____-....____..-.___."mm".A_."..._______,_,,_,,___.___ Address: ,,_,,,_____m
EBB fig Name: _..—__."......r..:__._____,’__,:,fi,_1_,,7”._‘...___madmfidu“___ Address: ,A_,,,_
E; if: t afiiéegltgpfjmlminlstrntors16f Mixed-ate of the decedent, named en the lll'rL line abeVe; that to the best, of my knowledge and belief
4 w o ‘ ,~ ," 4 . . v . . ' 7
HE E E: the gross value of all the pmperty and Interests of the sand (leeotlent, (i\t)l0 (‘) approximates S-"Lin-.,_kgizxunn..:., and the net value,
g: E, 1: iIICllldiIlg pl‘ODC-l‘try heretofore transferred and property hereafter transferable to benefieiaries, will approximate 3 "flint-5.33:5..._____V._____;
of v . . . l .
m ‘ [4 that, ’50 my knowledge or belief decedent. had )ropert ' situated 111 other Internal Revenue Districts as follows Note D ..._,‘..____m,,_______
<3 u I y
H‘tFl ‘m’rvrt
Z d rrvqflr"-__—»_:_--_-~_»~77:_»',_-_____-_->“~"‘_"'.‘-~_'-__‘______""VA"‘"->.>__:___7""__"__'1"'7“““>__"'—"'7"-_’-_"t""___'-"‘.‘-___"".‘—”'“_>-T_‘""_‘_____'"_7__--"__77V7‘7___“w
5‘: "m and that}, prior to tins dgiy, the following—named beneficiaries, or their legral representatives, have received guts or transfers .xnadeéw
a s the said decedent 1n antlelpation of or to take effect at the decedent’s death, or advances upon their interests in the estate: - ‘0'“
Eli; Beneficiary’s name: -,-_»u________________,A,“_____________,V_,",________,",‘____ Addresg: ,,V“_______,“__,_______,,_________,,,______,"_______,_,,,_________V_,,_‘__-
E Beneficiary’s name: -_______,.._.,_"_,"._,__,__________,_V“WHAM_____,,,,______,A Address: Hfl,A___"W,”m___",",_____"_,_,A__,,_,"_,_____,"fi,_,____V_,,",,,__
Beneficiary’s name: V_____,__A_________,____,,,__A___________,_,_,""V_A___,,,,"___ Address: __.,,,,,,,,.,_.,,,WHAHHWVWA,___,,V__,__"__,,,__,___.,,,,,_____._._,__
LOVER] 272071

 All and each of the statements made herein I solemnly aver to be to the best of my knowledge and belief.
WAdministrator’s name: ___..._.________,_..‘_______,,,,,,_.___,,.,,__.._______.....__._,,.
Address: ..._.Rresibonsburg,._,__,,.,..._-..____
Date: 19 Kentucsyi

NOTE .\.—If the decedent, was a nonresident oi the United States, Hawaii, or Alaska, the principal place of residence of decedent. in a foreign eonntry, Porto Rice,
or the Philippine Islands should be given, _ ‘

NOTE B.—’l‘his notice must be tiled with the Collector of the district. in which decedent was a resident at the time oidoath. lideeedcnt was a nonresident oi the
United States, Hawaii, or Alaska, the notice must he tiled with the (‘olieetor in whose district the property in the United States, lluwaii, or Alaska was situated; if
SUCh Property was situated in more than one District , the notice must he tiled with the Collector of lnternal Revenue, Bah imore, Md. _

Non; C.-’l‘he gross estate, as defined in the law, includes the estate in charge otexeeutors or :ulministratm-s, gifts or transfers oiany kind made by decedent Ill
Contemplation oiorintended to take eileet at decedent's death, decedent’s interest injoint bani; account s antli 11 other property jointly owned, certain insurance, etc.
The executors or adminstrators are required to ascertain such propert y and make return thereof. (rice Title I I, Revenue Act 0 1 September 8, NHL)

NOTE D.—tii\'e city or town and State or Territory. This information need be given only in the case ofproperty o ta notn’esident.

This notice is required to be filed with the Collector Within 30 days after the original letters testamentary or of :ulininistration
are granted.

This notice is required only where either the guess estate, as defined in the law, exceeds $60,000, or the net estate, as defined in
the law, exceeds $50,000, EXUE PT that it is required in the case oi the estate of every nonresident decedent haying property or interests
within the United States, Hawaii, or Alaska.

Penalties.ilt‘or knowingly making false statement in this notice, a fine not to exceed $5,000, or imprisonment, or both. For
failure to file the notice, as required by section 205, Title ll, Revenue Act of September 8, tom, a tine not to exceed $500 with costs
of suit. 2—2071

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T E L ON . 7,12
HARRY BJHTCH. ‘3‘/J/// /[//"M‘;;fl
December rd 1 18.
Mr. Joasph D. Harkins,
Attorney at Law,
Prostonsburg, Ky.
Dear Sirzs

3 Referring to our conversation in reference to the conditions
under which we would execute bonds covering the above guardians, and your
wire to our agent at Prestonsburg, we beg to advise that we will execute bonds

' covering the above guardians in such amounts as the Court may fix upon con-

First: That the funds are deposited in The Bank Josephine, to the
credit of each guardian subject to the counter signature of George P. Archer,
no funds to be disbursed except under order of Court, and all checks to be
countersigned by Mr; Archer. However the guardians would be permitted to make
such small resonable expenses as might be necsssary,psnding a specific order
of court for monthly expenses for these wards.

Second: All securities are to be deposited in separate boxes in The Bank
Josephine, said boxes with securities to be under the joint control of
George P. Archer, and no securities to be sold,withdrawn, or otherwise disposed
of, except under the control of Mr. Archer.

Third: An agreement must be entered into by which the handling of the
estates of these wards will be by order of court and under legal advise and
approval. -

, If this arrangment is agreed to, we will issue and deliver
to you special powers of attorney authorizing the execution of these bonds
but the bonds are not be executed untill you have an agreement as outlined
above‘from the two above mentioned guardians.

Yours very truly, ‘ /,'
C. L. NgggpN Resident M
,1 1 w..., 7W1”

 /fl W/ Q ?/ WW
ROBT..J.HILLAS.RRE5IDENT [/7 //%9 1::/y, /
,fl' e/fla/a/ma/
THE PAUL JONES. (% , /// /7///
HARRY B.HTCH, -A»'6544¢&Z126fl1,;é
Mr. Joseph D. Harkins,
Attorney at Law, '
Prestonsburg, Ky. In Re: Guardian Bonds-Joe M. Davidson,Guardian
Colonel May, Jr.,4Thomas Wilkinson,Guardian
Richard L. Wilkinson. - “
Dear Sir: , “f

- We regret, however, this delay in completing arrangements

for the execution of these Bonds, and trust same has not inconvenienced you.

Upon submitting the contract to Mr. F ed Forcht, Jr.,
our Attorney, he insisted that we put the responsibilitygéo the Home Office
and submit the cantract and arrangements to them for thein‘apprOVal, especially
as the papers could roach New York by Saturday or Monday, and we could receive
the telegram of instructions on Monday.

The matter, for same reason or other was not acted upon
promptly by our New York Office, and we did not receive a wire until today.

We are sending in this mail Special Power of Attorney in

, limits of $ 50000.00 and $ 25000.00 respectively, authorizing Mr. Layne to

execute these Bonds as soon as the agreements, arranged by you endothe writer,
are signed and acknowledged.

We are enclosing these agreements in duplicate together with
a carbon copy for your file, and will ask that you have them properly signed
and acknowledged.

’ We should also have a copy in duplicate, if possible, of
the Will of Colonel May, Sr., and of Mrs. Nellie Wilkinson, for the information
of our Home Office.

We should have a letter from Mr. Geo. P. Archer, cashier
' . i tho—aoemnfirfii»
of the Bank Josephine, stating that the funds are all under

his joint control, in accordance with the agresments entered into, and V
the securities of the Wilkinson estate are under his joint control u§0a&1£QZééjj?
' the distribution of same, to the Guardians of the two above wards.
We believe this puts the matter in shape so that
there should be no further delay, and we thank you for calling upon us
and enabling us to arrange the matter to the satisfaction of all
Very truly yours,
Resident Manager.

 ‘L ' ‘ - .
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