xt70zp3vt865_323 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. White House Cannel Coal Company v. Cumberland Pipeline Company text White House Cannel Coal Company v. Cumberland Pipeline Company 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_29/Folder_1/10373.pdf 1903-1920 1920 1903-1920 section false xt70zp3vt865_323 xt70zp3vt865 I]: ' ' ' W " k ' ' ‘ A '7' " 7 V C 7 CW“ ”'CA—W V II "C V C 2. V V ’ ' V " ' ' ‘ ' V 7 A ‘V' "n——"”_‘ ' "' 7E2 _E. :E 11.1335!) ‘ , 2
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 {£3 13 u:3”@;&"--hn. 32m £3: E‘ Keel? 17:13.4 @EK'i‘Z‘.
' JOE-1228011 Circuit Court.
Whitehounc Comical {103.1 *L‘Ioznpaingr5 Appellant.
Cumberlsmd Pipe Line Conqumy. Appelloe.
“She {13,-pcllant, 'ik’hitohouse Carmel Cool Cowpeny and
their Preeideznt, Joy H. EEor‘t}.».up, will take notice ”cheat on the
12th day of October 1903, at the office of the Cumberland
Pipe Line Company in Oil City, Pcrmeylvenid. the opgiellce,
the Cumberland Pipe Line Comm-.13", will proceed to tame the
depositions of C. H. Payne, 13.13. Coiling and H. I..
Shrofford, to he read, as evidence on bel‘zalf 01” the appelloo,
the Cwn‘oerlmid Pipe Line Germany in tine above ez'ztitlod cameo.
The taking: of said depositions will be continued
from cit-'3 to d sandy e excented until finished.
W t: J - .
This the Qfilnd day of Scytcmbcr 1908.
Gumberlnfjhd Pipe Line CO??1pE}.Z}y
By Gounocl.
Vaughn <3; Bowen and Walter S Iieirkine.
Attorneye for Appellee .

y, , . x > _ f .:. _ ,. , _‘ ,. . a.
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T{fl{’fi¥eflfi (Ilkifi SI v 3\HJJJJ.
WMitfidOuse “azuel Coal Con}ao;, 5
Plaintiif, )
- 73 - ) A O T I O W R
) \

Sandy River Cauoel Coal )
Company, Defennant. )

The defen not, Sendy Fiver flannel Goal Company,
without entering its eyxearawce to the on se of action
extmonea in the e ended yehition Heroin filed Tune 15, 1505,
moves to strike fro» the files herein safe agenda. ietition,

e , .
‘ ' uno for cause ageifns:

We yrocees or e TLMfiS has ever been issued thereon

'or served njnn the uofev ent Norein.
é “DY FIv~“ ”h“‘*T COAT CO.
Welle 9 Forkins,
Attorneys for Defenuunt.

 . fivvw,“ ”‘., ;1 ..,. M . .
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comm BF mom // 50‘s.
1, J« B. Clarke. a Notary public within anfi
for the County enfl Steie aforfiegid, fio certify that the
, fOTEEOiflE fiGDOSifions of W. H. E3333, nnfl others therein
Stetefl, were tfikon by he at the tines en? place, enc for
the same purpose as stated in the cuptien, pursuant +0
notice hereto atfirehefl; that each of 53:3 witnesses were
fluly Sworn before giving rhoir 331R fleposition, exeeyt as
to the witness $8 Eclph1y, who eoieanlg affirmed.
That by agreenent saif flepieifiions were tgien
by we in steoogrnphie notes, afterwarfle transcribed and
extended, aiinerure of the TliflGSUCS thorrto waivefi, with
the game force unfl effect me if written er length in the
Llesenee of said Uitnaegee, reef fie ~Ad ”unscribed 3; them
in the presence of the flotary, and that the foregoing 108
pages of tygewritfen fiétfler is a true anfl correct transcript
and extension of fly eeifl ettnogruphic notes enfi the fieposition
of said witnessee so give:.
ff ,L3.j111',i.":1.,'1$ germ: l"(2],.1L".:..ui’3.?17:if; 17:; their attorney
Jr. 3. R. Thenlor, except as to the witneeees, N. 1. White
Jr., Lonnie Robinson, U. T. Wallen, J mes gizenore and
Jim Pavideon, whose depositions were taken by me in
stenogreynic antes, niterwarfia trenseribei ani extemiefi,
and saié traneeripi thereof reefl to and eubeerihEG by Said
witnesses in my ureeance. Thur flefenfiante were represented
by their atiorneys, Messrs. Henilton enfi Wehlen‘
Given under fly a hi, this gehruwry 18th, 1920.
Fetai ?ubfic, Elofifi Co.
EfiXATIQN 0y cgggi
To days taking notes 4% $
To - days taking notes J$Nu V
To franseribing 108 pages”" "N“““_"
from notes gee; per page 32.40 -
smmmr's 0051‘: ""“""‘"““‘
To executing Sumn%ps on
witnesses Q 25 each, "”