xt70zp3vt865_319 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Wallen, Ernest v. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company[Part II] text Wallen, Ernest v. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company[Part II] 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_28/Folder_12/9478.pdf 1939-1952, undated 1952 1939-1952, undated section false xt70zp3vt865_319 xt70zp3vt865 1
J.W.GLENN §J§E§ i§§m§ . Gi§ \\ \ H.S.STOKES
VICE PRESIDENT § ' w: t \ E § ‘2 r: _ & §\§ SUFT. LEAF PROCESSING
fix was \ as P. as
flail/1::?“ VVINSTON- SALEM,N.C.
NLA. BRASWELL.'Assoc1ATECOUNSEL September 19, 1959 .
Messrs. Harkins & Harkins,
Counsellors At Law,
Prestonsburg, Kentucky.
Gentlemen: Re: Earnest Wallen v. R. J.
Reynolds Tobacco Company
Floyd Circuit Court.
Have there been any developments in the
above captioned litigation since your letter
bearing date of August 9th was written? we
shall thank you to keep us fully advised as
to the present status of this litigation.
Then, too, please bear in mind that it
is tremendously important that the case be
set for trial on a day certain if possible
and that we be advised Just as far in advance
of that date as is possible.
we shall await with much interest your
further communication concerning this case.
I Yours very truly,
w Department
“ I'd walk a mile for a CAMEL”

I 5‘ ’1ill'i..'_._17 In cCUT;:a
Hon. :. Ergnk HiflCS, Coungcl.
;. J. ye;uolda Tobacco Coxiaag.
”ihsth—flnlnm, ”. C.
EarneSt Tilien v1 1. J. fleynolés Tobacco Can,
Flovfl Civfluit Court.
_ 1
.ear ;irzm ,

1 5>65; fLO iafxzi:ve '1:/;t '10 T; if: ‘i’&iélfi 5;?v: :“e; a:3if;i¢nz {if
the ;i1iiiiff as ugon arciaugxuminution, ani I QUGEGSé you
P113373 ';i‘ti: C:::.i“‘;3-C1.1.1 30;; of 511:1: fist; :.>::':'L"3;;T.o:r‘1.

i Edythe? finflOiC st t: eni of the Tmtirj GHVGfiRT the
ifihigi 0f 1hia :u;0$fition a5 LMQL aresr~3xnxinxtiong anfl beg
to requeut vcuche: fie ipeu;i in :5: tag: 112 ffivvirizi for

1 flciivsry.

. Th; cast has not as get Wgfin assignei far trial. This
‘21; pg ;Qme tomcrxon, ;£;Zéhiflfi‘.339 but the igsignéentfi will more
— -, _~ .. ,. .1. a - '- . .9 . 1 “ ...f‘i'
-I.}.rxiig :Jf—J EIALiClG 1111 we; Le:.;ucr 13*... .‘.:4~ 51410:; ilf}. e15=':.;._fl;1;:15 _..l
advise you as no such Lite. The fictabe? tesx o? coufit will '
3:;‘1'211‘2L1I'igx 3.131111 '9: -Jove;.fms:.- 1.1., 2.111"? I ::.azve $111 46:11”; ‘.‘Iith
jiiiggiii'u COLASQl tint we will reimest the once he be assigned
11 1‘ 3.17.3393." ;.c1;.";,io;; of.“ ~,.I:I;‘,=L€-_:r 025011.313] in ~£.:'a.i1..-;”;‘r,-er.

i ._.;I. c.1611: .a‘Iinil‘Ii’j..ik“j L1.:- _ i :3LII-1:1:1:.-::.1'11‘» $1501: "I- 1-011e-
paugn an? Sliis Irater, Lentionei by Talley as Lorenan unis? whom
he tau .thufl since tin City of his 1110566 injury. Sofies of
such StmL5433ts xiii be Semi on to you when abiginefi.

' . I £4VG Lifldiflg affiievit and LQtiOfl for the court to
Tfifihirw the ;Qrticm of the {lug 05 tobacco nguigin; unused
-r I111. -““~.—‘ »-. :I '1...-.‘+'1. ..,. ...' 111.1 ,....J .~.1.I,11...-»' .1" ... r' '
Cd mg iiie; un gunmlyzpd La a MECIUSCUEIC “Hi sic lCaL cndlySlS,
t0 1. Litilt or exterts in bu?h 11333, to 3: Fax} iated by the
Lourt- ;upies are herewith enclosed. fie uotiom is using re-
sistefl, and 0;: right to such order is guuctiunyhle. JCVQVwr,
I an informed by gluintiff's 0 angel that the ;argle has been
.‘v.:,. ,1 . 1 :I ::.J‘ J‘., VA. ,_fi 4.11,. ‘... +7.. _ ., ..‘,‘ _....1.,.” . .l ‘.+‘ .
I.....‘..::(,-.A-:::?T-1:0. .;_l_.J‘:_l ;kunnz 11.. 14...; I. .‘.‘.Il I, -_t:‘.. .1.-..‘, ; ..._-.:...chI 1 1.,I.:,1Cf|.
and Cheuical Department at the Lnivwrsity of Léitucky, and
tLere i: a bare possibility thit we Pay Fa ablfi ta get in agree-
ment ior such examination at ihe University, umd u cozy cf such
report. PhiR, oi ccurs;, L; th; re“l ;u?pase 17% obj:ct of the


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 v. G at” 1
0, / ”3‘,-ms
It is stipulated and agreed by and between the parties
plaintiff and defendant herein (a) it is not intended to allege
‘ in the petition herein any claim or demand for wilful negligence or
punitive damages; and (b) that said petition herein filed shall ’
not be construed to allege any claim or demand for wilful negli-
gence or punitive damages; and (c) that under the facts out of
which this cause of action arises there is no basis for any clann
or demand for wilful negligence or punitive damage33a=’ and(d)
that upon the trial hereof no instructions shall be requested
to be given, or given, predicated upon wilful negligence or
punitive damages.
This September 23, 1939.
i /\<

 - a """
‘ J.W.GLENN § § ‘_ V ‘ . -' ‘ \C \ \ H.S,STOKES
§ " : \ : ‘ \\\‘ \ > L “ - ~ \ e K \ fi‘ sue-r LEAF PROCESSIN"
JOHVTCEEFZSL‘LCTKER \ka‘§ W\>~§§W§NW®WWW§$®\®W\ \ \ § \ \gm‘iexwut Waxy §§§ P' FRfoTJSSZENES
Ems:mat-mzzzzrtszzza September 26. 1959-
F _
Messrs. Harkins & Harkins,
Counsellors At Law,
Prestonsburg, Kentucky.
Gentlemen: Re: Earnest Wallen v. R. J. Reynolds
Tobacco Company. . ,

This will acknowledge your letter of September 22nd
concerning the above captioned matter, and as requested
therein, we enclose herewith check payable to Elizabeth
H. Layne for $19.50, covering her services in taking and
transcribing deposition of this plaintiff. We return
this bill with the request that it be receipted and re-
turned to us for our file.

The writer has this morning discussed this case
further with our Manufacturing Department and We have
agreed that when the case comes on for trial that we
should send two good witnesses to Prestonsburg rather
than try the case on depositions. Accordingly, it is
our purpose to send to Prestonsburg two men who have
been in the service of the Company for a long number of
years and who are entirely familiar with each and every
step in the process of manufacture of DAX‘S WORK Chewing
Tobacco. We feel that, notwithstanding the fact that it
will cost us considerable money to send these two witnesses
there, it will be tremendously helpful to have them present

‘ in Court and testify in person.

, We request that if at all possible the trial he set
for a day certain so that our witnesses will not have to
lose any more time than is necessary in attending this

We note that you have undertaken to require the plain-
tiff to file the tobacco in question in Court in order that
it may be subjected to a microscopic as well as chemical
analysis and that the plaintiff is opposed to producing the

‘ tobacco. The writer feels that it would be unwise for you

‘ to proceed further in that matter as you have already put
into the record that request for our examination and you

“ I'd walk a mile for u CAMEL”

 - m“ " I
Messrs. Harkins & Harkins -2- September 26, l939.
have plaintiff's refusal. It occurs to the writer that
that is the best possible shape to have the matter in.

We have read your examination of the plaintiff be-
fore trial and are totally unimpressed with his claim
and we sincerely believe that a proper jury would be
likewise unimpressed with same.

We note, too, that you are undertaking to get further
statements for use in the trial. Please continue to
give that phase of the matter your best attention because
after all the witnesses we send from here can testify only
to the care and caution used by the Company in the manufac—
ture of DAY'S WORK Chewing Tobacco.

We feel, too, that an interview with each doctor
alleged to have had some interest in plaintiff's illness
will result favorably to our cause.

Please have this case set for a day certain and
please give us just as much advance notice of that date
as is possible so that our witnesses may arrange their
affairs so as to enable them to be present at the desired

Yours very truly,
,,mlaW’Department %
I ‘:;/._. 4‘ /A 7‘ 7 L ,
PEH:I BY (3 a‘l ii« 9 sq« s’“ (i! v.
ncl _A 7 7VN__,W
Enclosures fl;~:"""

 .A. ~ 4a fit»?
Hon. 1. Brent names, Counsel,
. The A. J. hognolis lobacco Comgany,
hinston—ealem. u- 0-
Ernest fiallen v. 3. J. Reynolds Tobacco 00.,
Floyd discuit oourto
Dear air;-
luu; letter of ucptenbor l3, uni enclosures, CQLC duly to
hand. i have ;elivercd the vsucher sent over to me, and em returnigg
herewith reccigtad statoxsnt covering such paymento
, I note that you have ieciflefl that it will be best to send over
two good witncsses to appear at the trial. rather than to take dep—
ositions at Jinston salem. 'df course, we much grefer to have the
personal etycarancc of witnesses rather than ficpositions.
Due to divers conditions, the instant tenn of court has been -
much disrupted, so much so that trials and the time thereof were
and are nest uncertain; on oaturday, it was proyosod by glaintiff's
counsel that the case be continued until the next term of the court,
which will be uanuary—Fsbruary, and l concurred in this suggestion.
. Jhen the case is finally set for trial. 1 will endeavor to have
it assigned for a day certain, and as far in advance as gossible, so
. as to enable you to have suf‘icient time to have the witnesses here
at the grorer flute.
' Very truly yours,» ’

 Heoomoor :30, 1959. ‘
Eossrs. Harkina 8c. Harkins,
Counsellors At Law, _
Prostonsbm-g, Kontuoky. ,
Gentlemen: Re: Earnest Wollen v. R. J. 7
- Rg‘nolds Tobacco Cogganz.
:3: o Is it possible for you at this time to
' - give us any idea as to when the above eag-
' tionod case will come on for trial? We are -
particularly anxious to have Just as much ad-
vance notice as it is possible for us to have
and we are quite hopeful that you may be able
to have the case sot flown for trial on a day j
y certain because by so doing our witnesses can .
, - time their arrival in your city properly and
they will not have to lose so much time from ‘
' ' their work here at Winston-Salem. _ .
Tho writor would like to have youhx»
* press your opinion as to the grobable outcomo
I of the case too and would appreciate it it '1
' g; you Bould do so in your next letter.
‘ With the Season's, Greetings, we beg to f
" remain, 1
, TI Yours vary truly, '
, R. J. ammo TOBACCO comm? ‘.
y ' Law Department
. A sz BY ' .

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Afif Duke, and other places in North Carolina, he would not want to agree m'-
;ggv upon anyone from North Carolina, because of possible influence .4
'fi%' the Company would have. I called his attention to the fact that ,‘T
-;§ Ohio was not a tobacco state, to which he agreed. Qf course, our _f;
33§[:> motion is in the record, and concuring with and following your views u"?
;f ' I have not pressed it. He tells me the piece they have is molded fqy
.fy some new, at one end has turned a brownish color, at the other end '“g”
1;; a poisonous greenish color. It may be that the length of time ,5{
flQJ' intervening since this tobacco was processed, coupled with the iii?
figs adverse conditions under which it has passed, including being for 132
fifil awhile in the pants or coat pocket of 3 EPA workmen, would account -;,f
sin for such molding, and that it would be just as well for us to leave _.w;
;l3 it for our witnesses to express their opinion about it, after ex- 1A;
kg} animation, as a scientist. On the other hand, you can suggest 'Vfl
yfi‘ acceptable or non-acceptable men, whichever you determine most de- ,‘
my: sirable, if either. wallen is not financially able to have such ;.5
af, test made, and I dont believe his counsel have sufficient faith 5”,
-gu‘ in the case to take care of the expenses themselves, even though Lhex3$
;gfi doubtless have the case on a contingent basis. If?
,ggr I will appreciate your advice along the lines herein indi- fig?
if; cated. ?Tfi
-ifi Very truly yours, 4,?

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we": PRES‘DENT “lg Nix “\s‘ MGR. SALES DEPT.
“7 ‘ Y
CLAYTON M0::a2:::l|:::::::::: February 7 ’ 194:0 '
Messrs. Harkins & Harkins,
Attorneys At Law,
Prestonsburg, Kentucky.
Gentlemen: Re: Earnest Wallen v. R. J. Reynolds
Tobacco Company.

From your letter of January 31st it is noted that you have
been successful in having the above captioned case assigned for
trial on February 19th and that it is the first case on the day's
docket and that there should be no question of our obtaining a
trial beginning that morning. We note further that you are having
subpoenas issued for such local witnesses as you may desire.

With respect to a settlement of the case, the writer simply
could not get the consent of his mind to recommend to the Company
that it pay an amount greater than $200.00 in settlement of the
case out of Court and if the case can be settled for that amount,
this is your authority for so doing. Otherwise, please go forward ’
with your preparations for trial.

We shall send nr. 0. T. Dixon and nr. A. B. Hauser from the
plants here at Winston—Salem to testify in the case. If you will
refer to our letter to you dated march 24, 1959, you will note
our references to each of these witnesses.

It is our intention also at this time to have former Judge
Clayton Moore, of our Law Department, to accompany these gentle-
men to render such assistance as he is able.

Please advise by return mail if you want us to arrange to
have our Division Manager, Mr. Logan, and any other of our sales-
men present at the trial. We should have this information promptly
so as to communicate with them and be definitely certain that they
are in Prestcnsburg at the appointed time.

If there is any possibility that the case can be settled for
the above authorization, please make known that fact to us here
early next week because it will be necessary for these Witnesses
to leave Winston—Salem the latter part of the Week in order to
arrive at Prestonsburg in apt time.

1“I'd walk cl mile for a CAMEL”

 Messrs. Harkins & Harkins — 2.

Please advise promptly what time you would like these wit-
nesses to meet you at your office at Prestonsburg so that you
may discuss the matter with them prior to the trial.

Expecting to hear from you promptly in reply to this
letter, we beg to remain,

Yours very truly,
PFH: I BY (C1; 1% 2 , Jim/t L” "74424-44 .:4 4

 ..’- a Ecwamgisgeeoj

Our tobacco comes from warehouses to our Leaf Department. Here
we shake each bundle loose and hang on long sticks. These sticks of
tobacco are run through a 152' Drying Machine at a temperature of 180
degrees with nine 13' fans running at a high speed. That keeps the
tobacco in a continual motion. The tobacco is in this machine under
heat and fans from 40 to 60 minutes. The tobacco is then packed into
about 1,000 pounds Hogsheads and is put in storage from 2 to 4 years.

It is then carried to the Thermo-Vacuum Machine and brought back to
working order.

The tobacco is then brought into the Manufacturing Department
to an air-conditioned room, opened up and picked or graded. Then the
tobacco goes to the Stemming Room where the stem is taken out of the
leaf by machines. The tobacco then falls upon a searcher table where
there are five trained people who search for stems and foreign matter;
then it goes to a drop leaf table where three people search the same
tobacco again; then to the finishing table where there are three more

This tobacco is then put on a conveyor and passes over magnetic
rollers to the Casing and Drying Department where it is put through a
Dipping Machine where the sweetning is put on. It is then put through
rubber rollers and wrung very hard. The tobacco is then spread upon
wire aprons on a 12' x 160’ machine and is dried under 180 to 190 de-
grees of heat for 50 minutes with ten 12' fans running at a high speed.
As this tobacco comes off the apron we have more searchers. The tobacco
is then packed into large wood boxes for 84 hours.

It is then run through a Shaking Machine to loosen the tobacco.
The tobacco then falls upon a large table where it is searched again by
trained and experienced searchers. All these searchers are under super-
vision of Foremen of long experience. The tobacco at this table is put
into tru