xt70zp3vt865_315 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Vaughn, M.V. v. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company text Vaughn, M.V. v. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_28/Folder_8/9313.pdf 1912-1913 1913 1912-1913 section false xt70zp3vt865_315 xt70zp3vt865 ' F L O Y D C I B G U I T C U U n w . "
_' fl. V. Vaughan, Gynthia Vaughan, Plaintiffn. ,
' ”swam“: z: Petiticn.
_ ' Chesapeake an Ohio, Railway Company, Defendant. ,
g, The plaintiffa atate they are huaband and wife, re- '
I V aide in Flbyd County, Etate of Kentucky, on a traet of ‘“
> land situated on the neat aide of Big Sandy river an the F
l‘ lower ymrt of the said county, knawn as a part of the Wil- ,‘j
5 .' 11am Eurahett land, that a more specifieaéaaoriptian of it . ‘1:
will be gum in due 1.11m. and man of land is wart}:
iff5 about two thcuaand dollara; that the Chesapeake and Ohio ,2;
f 8 Railroad flan: between their said land and Big Sandy river. f);
>;1,j ?he fiefendant is an incorparated company. empowereé by its ”a;
H. charter 29 own, aperate and control a railroad fer general '"1
~ ‘ traffic. and the carrying of passengers up and down Big {1]
* Sandy river, that it may sue or be sued in its corporate ,1“
,.‘ name. which 15 ”Que Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company." ,fj
>." They say on the 29th day of August, 1902, an incorpau *1,
l1' rated company known as tha Big Sandy Railway Company, purn ijfi
I; chased from the female plaintiff and others who owned the 5?
tract of land she now owns. a right cf way one hunflred feet fI1
_' wide aver their 531d land, and erected a single track rail» #7 
' . road on the said right of way. that the said Big Sandy aau- jg}
7" way Campany oovenanted and agreed in the dead far the sat; :: 
_‘; right of way with the owners of said land to erect gag; f .'5
_,- maintain all necessary crossings aver tho said road: that ‘5:
v‘ J said oovenant in the said deed is as follows: ”831d  £€
  grantee to erect 35d maintain the necessary cafitla guard! f;

 1} and all necessary crossings an aaéd land.“ Th3 aaid deed L:'
T?‘ is af reeord 1n the affine of tha clerk of the Floyd Gaunt? "
‘nf' Court in deed back E0. 3 page 119. A copy of which will
1 " be filed aa part of this petition. _
They say some time after the said deed for the saw
'£, raght of way was made, and after the aaid railroad was _
_ . completed, the said Big Sandy Railway Comyany sold and can— :
;‘f veyad to the defendant company all its right and title to  7
'  said railroad and to said right of way. and tha defendant
 r ,has been and was before that time using and operating a I
f " railroad over the aaid right of way. They say they live
‘ ; : on aaid tract af lan,d fihat they ara farmera and are en— {f
Jitf' gagad in cultIVating it. That the eaia Big fiandy Railway 5?
fffg' Gompany failed and refusad to erect for their use fihe L;
, %é' crossingseither war or under said raad it agreed to erect ‘;§
:fi§;€ and maintain. that it did pretend to make the aaid eraaa~ ‘fi
_4,  ing on one aide 0f said raad anly, and made a temporary way V
Fiii by which they aould walk over it an tn the grade of the Va
:jf' said read. but never pravided any way by which they cculd g 
gkf} get off the grade on the opposite side. That the way i;
3:;; that was made to enable them to get an the grade was never .'
a good way, that it was no shabbuy and impatiently built
\fif. that it baa lung since become no defective for want of . 
i?! repair that they cannat use it to walk, ride. or haul over, f
1%:  that defendant is wholely neglecting and refuains to mako .
 flf them auah crossing as was contracted for or to repair the 1
'i f dafeotive and imperfect one they did make to enable then
szf to get on the grade of the said road, that for tha want of K

’7} this crossing they are hammad in and out at! from all i;
f . communication with the publte. fhe imperfect and inautft- ‘
.: ;- cient way the Big Sandy Railway Company pretended to max. _f
.. ~2- '

 1’ on one axes of the road only has always been dangerous aha glp
. only enabled plaintiffs to climb on the grade, at a pleas {7%
I s where it is elevated about twenty two feet above thé’legal u‘;
, of the ground; that to get ff the said grade on the other g:
‘__. side, they had to travel five hundred feet along by the Eff
I. " side of the mm was a amassing that m them to the public
i ‘ reads cf the county and to the river. This narrow way is it
’7’: but four feet wide. that it is net and navqwhaa been anf— ‘Ih
Vb; ficient 1% Width to enable them to haul ever it or to use ff
f it in any way except towalh over it or take a single I;
' ‘ horse, that they aver have been able to take a wagon acres! I5
; said read. The Big Sandy Railway Company permitted this .5:
§ ; dangeraua and inconvenient use aleng its grade until it .:;
gibg sole to the defendant campany. and 1t permitted it until 5:
:15} about three menths ago. when, with the avewed and express ?;
=§j§i puryoaa to prevent plaintiffs from using even that way, it
ifs], placed in the only way they could get to the public road, I}
if; and in the way they had been permitted ta go until that let
if;- time nine pasta, and to prevent them fram travelling along .1
ill the said railroad on the other same they placed three posts i?
~.’ and in the manner and way above stated defendant has come af
3‘ ' pleteiy obstructed and closed up every way plainttffahae ii?
li‘l from their home to the public roads and to the river, and '2;
3" failed t9 provide any other way, sampletaly shutting than £3
[*“. ‘ in on every hand from the public roads, the river. ahurehe. f;
“' annuals, the ecurt house, and from their neighbara and if
V" their neighbors from themi and from all other places where :fi
'gfx they have a right to so. all this injury has been caused “a;
if‘ by the failure of the defendant company to provide and ;fi
3 f maintain such crossing as is provided for in the deed for 7f:
_. I the aatd right of way. 3%;
' ' a -a- _ a

 , _‘ They aayethey are entitled to a creasing each as is
Oh. previded for in the said dead. that the said railroad is
V on a high elevation all along the front of their land, 1
1 where a creasing can be made, that to make aueh a crossing .
I'i. as was contracted for will cost at least one thousand
D dohiara, the defendant having failed to make and maintain ‘
_ ‘ i such creasing it will have ta be made by plaintiffs, and I
7 v_ it will cast them one thousand dollars ta make it. The i
..L: damage and inconvenience that has reaulted to them from
..I“ being deprived of the use of the said creasing. from the
H} time they should have had it until the present is not less
Vi_f than two hundred and fifty dollars. whey say the His _
1‘00 Sandy Railway Company wee liable to them fer failing t9 .éh
¥¢; make and maintain the said creasing while it owned tnfiy j:
01': aeid read to the extent above stated, that when it said é;
‘fgfi- and transferred the said read to the defendant herein, 1% g;
‘ ' assumed and became liable to plaintiffs to the same extent if
-Lljj the Big sandy Railway Company was liable. The covenant 1n ;;
,ihi? the safl deed to build and maintain the neceeeary crossing .;;
'f'23 , as one than runs with the land, and the defendant 13 line 70
- "_1 his to them for the said crossing, which crossing in aha» ,
j lately necessary to enable them to use, enjoy and culti~ ,
D i 'vate their said land. «
> hi, They say the legal title to the said tract of land I
f',' out 9f whiah the railroad right of way was sold is in the
‘fi female plaintiff, and that she should recover of the den '
' . fendant in damages the sum of twelve hundred and fifty '
1 dollars as above stated. '
Par. 39. 2. ‘
_ As a further saute or action against the defendant, _ »
.4. A

 they gay the Railroad camwany, in its gratended effoxt to .
‘ . aaeape its liability fer the aaid craesing it agreed ta .}
build and maintain, in providing a Way to the tag of its .
. railrofi grade an une aide of it, made a fill écrasa a 1.
stream of water thafi flowed ever their land, that at tbs '
I bottem or» foundation of «the mid fill it made very den '1 ‘
_ fective and insufficient culvert for the said stream to '.5
1 flow through, that it was made cf plank only abcufi one ‘-
inch 11111211. that the plank has rotted. and the earth placed
J - an it has fallen down and obstructed and filled the place If_
I provided for the water to flow, and stepped the flaw 0f , J
’_ it, and caused a pond inform an their said land, and ,1
'1 F scmefihimg over a half acre of rich fertile land ta become f
I flooded with water and its value to become deutroyed, that /
{1' this injury is the divect result of defendant’& negligence 1:!
:3 to keep the said culvert apen so the water can flaw thruuah '.I
_ it, that the said flooded land 15 worthless to thfim, Lhat )
1. 1 they have lost the age cf it for the last two years, and
will lose tbs use of it in all the future years the dew ,Jf
_ fendant keepa it covered with water, that this wrongful act
.1; of tbs defendant baa resulted in damage to them in the 3am
7-:' of two hundred and fifty dollars. The pond of water formed .“
9'} as above stated is close is their dwelling, and createa a ‘1
nuisance for which fine defendant is responsible. - ’12
» Wherefare plaintiffs pray that the female plaintiff -p
‘ roeover of the defendant tha sum of fittteau Sundred Dollars 1
1 in damages for the wrongful acts and negligence; and for .
m fans to provide and maintain for them the Granule; _ '
‘- it contracted to make. Thay pray for coat and all proper 4
- and appropriate relief. .1
_ 1 :“ Janna Gable. At§3.7 for pitta. '

 3mm or mruem,
31.0753 GOURTY. T,
I‘I" I‘I" IT‘VETWTW WW5“:- iha statements in this pctiticn

,_ arf} $3"qu 338 he 29311919733“ ‘
Suharibed and sworn to before me by m. V. Vaughan I .
T “TTT The «my 6T“ fie‘brmw. 192.2. , T

 '~, ‘ On the Big fiaady river in Floyfi Soumty, Kentucky, aad m ,
;~4‘ fiougded and flaacribefi a3 follcws:« T;
f3“v Beginniag at a paint an the center line 0? the Big »
*er, 8&ady railway where said aeatex line intersects the dividu ‘fl
 ‘>: 13g line between the lanas of fira. Emily Burchett and I. “
“*»- Vaadarpaal; thence aleag said dividing line 3 19 00' to ;
;3~9 a disfianoe of about fifty one (51) feat to a gaint, aaid '.
"_ yoiafi being limit fiffiyfsat fiigtant fram aaid canter lina _
'_  measurafi at right angles therfifrom; thence in a Southm ‘
',’ easterly direction, yarallal to aaid center ling an& an ;,
V_ umiformally distant fifty (50‘ faet tharafrom, a distance 3
.“r of about tW&nty thraa hundred and thirty five (2335) feet
;f95‘ £6 a yeiat an tha iividing line befiween the lands of fire. ,
fimg* . Emily Burchatfi and 8. E. Euaiok; thence along said divid- L;
jjfi, ing line S 35 00' w‘a distanca 9f about one hundred and 1*
,Jfi” five (195} faefi £0 a point; said paint being fifty (50) AK
;jwf. feet digfiant from said centar lififi measured at right v
ggfw, amglfia thersto; thanae in & xaxfihax nerthweaterly $1280» 3
_“T? tion parallel ta aaid manta: line and uaiformily distant fl
“5;? fifty (53) feet tharefrom a fliatamae cf about twenty two ;;
,-T‘ hundraa and ninaty (339$? feet to a point 0% the dividing ",
_31,. line betweea the lands 9f 1. Vanderpeal and Mrs. Emily =3
Kfif Burchetfi; thenea along said dividing 1133 8 Ifififi 19 00' w 3;
“L? a diafiamce ef about fifty (59) faet ta tha poiat of be* ;“
gVT‘ ginning, containing five and thirty one hunfiradtka (8.31) ,W
;;gr acres, more or 153%, aa aurveyed by thg engineers for the I
aggfi, amid Tha Big fianay Railway Campafiy. “
'9} , Datez~ Augusfi 39th, 190a. j
fi,3 Hamaa of yartiea:~ Emily Burchett, widow, *3
'4}; Mrs. Sarah E. Mueick, wiaow, w;
:uff _ Elmer Burchett, 4;
y‘gV Daniel Burchefit 1Q
2*fig Hillqe Vaughan g3
*NP: T. J. Vaughan :Tg
;f1' 1&1}? Elmer Burchett does not Sign dead “3
L35 mewar ‘7‘- '_
ZV’; The Big Sandy Railway Company~» -g
{{‘V Recorded in aged book so. 3 paga 119. ;{

Commonwealth of Kcnfiqcky
If? ’
' ' ¥
rear before tl’e Judge of the Floyd Circuit
Owjthe 5‘ day of Its next
\v/ ‘“ .:. , _ 7’)
testify on the behalf of the .fw.
i f
Wfl/ in an action he ween
- .”./”... ..r'mrr /
, [@‘QI/Wb&1~—" Plaintiff
_ /Z%i:gt Defendant.
uiven under my hand as Clerk of the said
<7 3 ca ca
Courtthis...-;’?./.. day MW 191$.D
Q .
%/I4~// . .. .W.... Clark
”fl” . .W. D.C.
_.‘mPvess 13f The 'EZfi'Jt urg 11"”i‘tmne

 ,-’ :" 57(/“ [, {
MC/Ii! > :w"; ; -‘ ,
x ' A

M. V. Vaughn, etc., flaintiffs.
'Against // ' Affidavit. I . ’
Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Company, Defendant.
The defendant, Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Company,.
imam says that it is not ready for the trial of this case at this
ammayny »
term of court, and for cause assigns, the absense of A. E.
Botts, a witness important for the defendant to establish.
its defense herein, and for whom it had subpoenae issued on
50 day of April, 1915, which said subpoenae was returned to
defendant's counsel herein, endorsed "Accepted-~A.ID.Botts,
5/24/15'. That said witness is absent without the consent a'
procurement of the defendant herein and that defendant does
not know why said witness is not present, and that it relid
upon said A. E. Botts being present in court to testify as
a witness on the trial of this case.
By said witness, A. E. Botts, defendant can and win.
prove that the said A. E. Botts is a anvil engineer; that he
Ias made a map of the riéht of way through the lands claim-
ed by the plaintiffs herein, and that the blue print hereto
~ttached is a true and correct map and copy of map of the
ight of way through said lands; that the crossing erected
oy the defendant thereon is correctly shown on said map;
hat said crossing extends from one side of defendant's righ
. ~f way to the other, and was and has been kept in good con-
ition by the defendant herein. And can further prove by sad
n tness that the deed of conveyance filed with and as a part
nf plaintiff's petition herein does not cover any lands ownd
-y the plaintiffs herein, as described in their petition.
Defendant further says that it believes that it can

prove said statements hereinbefore set out by said absent
'witnesses, and that said statements are true. That this
' application for a continuance is not made for delay merely,
but that justice may be done it and that defendant may have
a fair and impartial trial of this case.
Chesapeake & Ohio Railway 00.;
jgm%jgfifiz; By Harkins & Harkins; Attorneys.
gammayny .
State of Kentucky,
County of Floyd. .
The affiant, Joseph D. Harkins, says that he is one g?
the attorneys for the defendant in the above entitled cause,
and that the statements of the foregoing Affidavit are true;
as he believed‘
, .
Sworn to before me by Joseph<§§§§irkins the 4 day of
June; 1913.
v . a/t/zc
;fl6 %7 "4’
fl ' ,'I/

 ‘ o
I a 1 0 j ‘. . '
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' I s
3‘ ' n
" '
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.‘ '.f
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2 ., 2 .
-- . , ’ . .'L 1}
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 ..;;.g‘»;«xiijtmaiim ;..;L..%M;é,.;ii,§g ,3;. M .i~;;%.r;..jii._.iLil-4........ I:
3. ¥. Taugunn, much. Flgiubiffs.
-M M .; _,
“15.15;,Jw z; 1:» ".:.;3523. zuzy 213:» u , 5m:=’"<:-:":v‘.:‘i:~‘:.'3:;. .
, {Was c22f‘¢;iaa Lei, 'Znéiaaqyévugzm i; é,i;io ,Xzil%;tqy' fiin:;:21y;, I
in? unaxa: Lam gefcnza Lu i4: flaintiffia yagLLiJn heroin
fiLgx. sign Luci iL hug me kflcylcige or Lnfnr>iun smfu
finggn; nyua using sg 3a¢mu g belief as La uhmbnar yluin
' Liffa yugiuuen yum brunt mi lama menLmezfi an; rmigrreu :
” L9 in an; gatiLign, an“, Luergfsrc,uenics 3332,758f9ndknt
' Samias that ggia trust a? land 15 warth about L25tm.fia ‘
_ Gr any ether sum 0? amount over a: above glypm.wp.  
‘ "@fcnuant 333$ LL;L LL i: untrue an; in genius that
" an the Efitu Say of AugumL, lapfi, 0r abbfix daze, 3n incur» .
‘I . yuraLag comgany knmwn by itfi wig gaudy fiailway Qumpany ‘
H yufchmsed from aha famgle plaintiff n rizht-uTuway 109
feet wifle over txeir 331$ 3;nm. fienieg tart it erectem ‘
‘ a sin 19 track railroad on thfi Sfiii right—of-way. uefendw
ant denies LhuL the said deca 3&ferrec L0 or under which
iL Gluing righL 0f way Lhrough the land menti3nca mum in“
; Scribcd in ylaintiff‘s petition herein as unamumm i; TQ~ -
cardcu in the effice of the Clerk of Lhe Floyd Beauty
Court in deed book 20. 3 page 119. Lhey say that in in I[
V untrue and they deny that tha ‘15 Mandy umilwuy uomyuny '_
failed or rGfUde to erect Jar Lnair use a cressinr eithar
over or under sai; land, which it is alleged it agreed to
' erect an; maintain. {hey deny that it fiid yretend to I

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