xt70zp3vt865_307 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Stumbo, Anna et al. v. Clark, James, justice of the peace, et al text Stumbo, Anna et al. v. Clark, James, justice of the peace, et al 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_27/Folder_17/8954.pdf 1934 1934 1934 section false xt70zp3vt865_307 xt70zp3vt865 2 . , _ :_.,»"f’ , j ‘3 Jr“ , in: ; g ,r j.“ '
. _ , ;
, SuccessOr to The Floyd County flppeal ..:‘Ind .M'ountain .Messen-g‘er ~‘
. VOL. 3. No. 51 ALLEN, FLOYD COUNTY, KENTUCKY, THURSDAY FEB. 8, 1934. $1.00 Per Year in Advance
_G———~_‘¢WAC—gfi—]#Mu_fi , #B~_“ ] t B J to ‘ f P
? V , - ' lFive Taken In Liquor IWRIGHT SENIENGEDlAGED MARTIN WOMAN ,‘ . c
_ Rates W111 Bel Raids 011 Right Beaver: _ Q Is TAKEN WEDNESDAY 51111,, W1]! Be
. __ 1 ~________
L d F Five men were arrested Sundavl-i-O ONE-YEAR TERMS Mrs. Margaret Boyd, 86 years old, , . 1. . ,
- _ O‘vere or by Sheriff Taylor Stuinbo and 59V”; , , Qdied at her home at Martin Wed-IInStltlltedb‘T ‘
I ' eral deputies in a sweeping raid 0f 9 BY flOYD 00 JURY nesday of this week, after an illness .
I l the Salt LiCk section Of Right Bea—f I attribute t com lication arisin ’ ° . “it I
311868,le “GkS ver Creek, four of whom were found; _._...__ , ; from he: exotreme page. s g! Flscal (/, 0 u rt .
..'_.__.__l with small amounts (if liquor and : CHARGED WITH SHOOTING ANDE Mrs. Boyd was one'of the oldest; . .
STATE LEGISLATURE IS SAID one of whom was we???“ m DOS-'.' WOI‘YNDING “YITH INTENT Eand best—known women in this sec-3 , , . ' '
‘ - v ' essi01 of a large distilling outfit. , TO KILL l , CLAIM LARGE SUMS WERE MIS-
l‘ ‘ TO BE READ‘ T0 ACE S I . " : 1 tion of the county. She was the APPROPRIATED BY FOR. ,
' ON BILL Dingus B'olen, of. Salt' Lick, was: ’ ‘m ‘mother of Ernest Boyd, prominent ‘ ‘MER (SFF‘ICIAIB
m “1'85th and taken to “11‘: count? ARStm \Zli‘ight, 25 yearstzld, twas Martin business man. Her husband " ‘ ‘
Followin its a roval of a re- jail. after having been ta en Wit fisentenced 0 one year in e s atel receded her in eath mauv ears . ._..___ _
duction of gabout 3§pper cent in the{ the still. and, according to county: reformatory by a. jury in Floyd cir-l :go. ' d ' y .. Claiming irregular, illegal and
cost of license plates for pleasure officials, 32 gallons of whisky and ':,15 cuit court Thursday‘of last Week. Funeral services were held on if.afigfulgrft'ba?:rofrflattmnfis‘ltffdmczzz
’ cars, the state legislature this week large amount of mash was poured : on a charge of shooting and wound—l P 'te Cre k Th “1 . it h‘ ’1 “E u l e 11% g 0 y
‘ L ~ ' t Some of those arrested have! ing with intent to kill in connectionI , ra r .e my” a er w 1c. ty were made by former members
was ready to act on another b1“ 0“ ' E .' . . . . Interment was. nude there under the of the f- cal court the court in spa-
* , - which would allow a reduction of paid fines and others are out under} With the shoot1ng of wmle “rug-ML direction of 15‘ i‘ Arnold . is , .
' “31,25 'er cent in the bond. ' {at Brainard last June. , 1 ‘ " ‘ ‘ ‘ cml sesswn Monday of this week
. approxmia 3 p y . _..;__._.n.nfi..-.._.».m-___. i \V‘ll‘ WV" h‘ Wh i~ , cou" r; _..—.._...“ “W' made an order asking that a thor-
. ., , 131-106 of. bus and tiuck license tagbb; _ , A‘ i lav-“5t ., 041:0: t 511110;;1. , ough investigation of the county’s
: ' Assurance that t'hebbdeO-m-dtrajAGED WOMAN DI ESE, 115ml \tgg ' 11::“; tha ChiwéiSAM WA [KER GETS books he made; refrained the coun«
II: ' VigpIPOVfSaJZSS gilji'zlnda; B. a1:::;:oon :ziiig‘nlfi hi: if: :rm, Tie shoobt—j ty treasurer from making»~ payment
.1 . Whén the 110115; passed a bill til} king was Said to have been the regfilti-l-[RM WEDNESDAY Upon any Warrants issued prior to
X ‘ bring trucks .Weighing less than‘ :of‘ trouble between. Austin Wright? their 133'; session, and instructed
5,500.within the provisions of theI ——-—~——‘ . .and Columbus Wright, father of Lid-gt H..... County Attorney Forrest D. Short '
' . , 1932 act regulating and taxing com-l PASSES AWAY, FROM CONH)LI(L‘~L wounded man. 1 WAS CHARGED WITH SLAYING to enter suit to recover such sums .; .
l ' mercial trucks using the state roads ,TIONS RESULTING FROM . .._. ---..---..-§..-.-._-.-. OF‘ BILL MUSIC ON ?f money as apparently have been
" fol. hire. {After striking out the; ‘ CANCER ' ‘ P’BURG GIRL ONg‘HONOR ROLL § CHRISTIVIAS— EVE illegally; paid out ofl county fugf.
~' - emergency clause, the House pass- —-——-—— , ‘ _-_—L _ The iscal court aso named ey ‘ _
. ed by a vote of 5,9 to 28, the bill‘ Mrs. Elizabeth Burchett Robin—1. Miss Naomi Gable, of Prestons—§ .8311). Walker, 01 Drlft’ charged K.. Hayslip. a certified public ac- ‘
” , designed to eliminate discriminatory son, 85 years old, died Friday ati burg, a graduate of the class of 1933,“; ““1 murdernn connection With the countant, to make an audit of the
' ' ‘ features of the 1932 law. ‘It ex—g the home of her son, Sherman Bur"1Prestongbufg high school, is one of} death 0f Bl“ M11310: 2Lyear-old county’s affairs, and appointed An-V
. -' empts tI‘UCkS hauling farm producel chett, at Wonder, from complica—i the 13 Students in Eastern Kentuw‘ Johnson county Youth, IWhO was drew E. Auxier, Pikeville attorney,
' ‘ ~~——-—--~~——-———~—~—-« itions‘arising from her extreme agei ky State Normal at? Richmond to? Slam at Du“ 0‘1 laSt Christmas Eve, as assistant to Mr. Short in their
. Iand a cancer from which she had: meet the stringentyflrequirments 31$ “”513 SW9? a .five-year _tel'm in the attempt to make recovery of the _
‘, .- ' - WAIER PROJEET g been suffering for. several years. zloxving her name tdébe placed on the, state-penitentiary by a 1‘11? in,Floyd large sums of money they say have
: =4”? .4 1 ‘7 _ 1 . } Mrs. Burchett was one of the best‘} 11011.6} "r611.”"iVIiss fidu’le, '.‘whol‘wirs iii: cu Fillilt . court . Wbdnesda) Of, this been vmisappropriatedu “‘5. ,' , 7 , 7 > “My .
. ' H '- ' I ’ ARIIN! known "V0139“ in this 89050? "lfi years old, has prevenherself a. veryi wee ‘ . v. . ; 1 Early in January, Magistrates M. ..x
l ‘ ~ . - . IFl'oyd county, and wasi'a devout; brilliant student, notonly in high; MuSic was slain, his throat cut C. Wright, Willie Hall and Janms . ,
~ - I ———~———-— 1christian, highly respected by llll school, where she .’graduated with. With a knlfe 01‘ razor, in a drunken Clark aSked that a special session ‘
‘ ’ Will]; START CONSTRUCTION lb" who knew her. She comes from;. honors, but: in her college'work as; tight in WhiCh' it was said about: be called for an investigation of the
1 ‘ ABOUT THREE WEEKS, zone of the oldest of the county's? well ‘ geight or nine other men were m'icounty's affairs, and while settiugf _
‘ . / ' )8 REPORT ’families. , i -_...m._..,~___'____.h.-._.. l Volvei Walker’s defense was that; Monday as the date for the session .
I. —-——. ' She leaves to survive her five; ' {while he was engaged in the fight,:; Judge W. L. Stumbo Questioned the
, ' The Public Works Administrationi children, three sons and two daugh-i MARY PAY-{0N 63 1 he was not guilty of the slaying. right of these men to hold office, ow
. last Smurf-2W alloted $43,000 to the‘ tors, Sherman Burchett, Richard: '3 9 f ‘ The slaying was done, it was said,‘ ing to the probability that the coun- '
.\ city of Martin for the constructionl Burchett andLacey Burchett, all or: MAYT WN :‘While Music was trying to seperate’! ty was illegally redistricted last year,
¥ ‘ . Of a city water system, WhiCh it 1123»S Wonder; Louanis Kenderick, and? ' l'twa men who had fallen to the} and stated thatthose who held these
‘ ' been reported, will create employ-l America Blackburn, Wonder; oneg ......“a {ground while fighting some pei‘son,l ofiic'es prior to the last November»
_ . ment for approximately 40 men f-brother, Jim Tusseyl! Burchett, of? PASSES AXVAY CAT WEBB HOME}; alleged to have been Walker, comingé election still hold their offices and ,
' « . the wonk _to last ‘.about three ori Woods, and one sister, Dollie Ses- AFTER SEVERAL MlON'I‘HS’ :np behind hiui, pulling his headj will hold them until their successors
‘ , ' four months.’ iter, of Ashland. ‘ ILLNESS ibackward, and cutting his throat; are legally elected. ,
,7. This allotment was 53m to have! Funeral services were held Sun-I 'W :from ear to ear. ! Other orders made by the fiscal
‘ hecn'a grant for 301331. cent 0f the" day afternoon at, the home of 1181‘! Miss Mary Patton: 63 years 0151,; "“"“‘—"~"‘”"““”‘"'—“ icourt at this sessiou were fOr thg
" ' ' "‘33? 0f labor and materials and a son, with the Rev. Isaac Strattoni 0f Maytown, died 'l‘uesday Of this? IS CERTIFYING POULTRY ’ repair of the county courthouse and ‘ -
‘ . direct loan for the remainder 0f “10‘ officiating, after which interment! week at the home of the late T. J." W. L. Baldridge, Floyd countv i the jail at a cost not exceed $4,500.
‘ “ money necessary, “lien "”15th “a"; was made in the home cemetery- iWebb after an illness or several poultryman, is certifying his Ply-iii the CWA would agree to furnish
, , paid ,by the city within 15 years. . ‘ _ ______._......_ 1 months. Miss Patton was never-g mouth Rock flock, and keeping demel labor; an appropriation of $750 for ‘ 3
\VOI‘k 011 this Dl‘OjeCt is GXDeCte’l‘ {married. but had been a hotisc—;oxisc1-ati0n records. _ {the construction. of a bridge across
1 > to start in about three weeks, or =18 PIKEVIl-I'E YOUTH " keeper in~ the Webb» home for zip-1 ~~~~~———~———~—-—--m—— lthe Big Sandy river at Tram, and an
.‘ 50011 as the contract is lot and 31" y proximately 50 years, and after the! order allowing $40 in each case for
i ’ proved" by the federal government. ' 3 death of Mr. Webb’s wife manl’QGHll-D IS Kl '.'-[B BY lthe burial of paupers, which is to be "
, WW’W l l years ago, she t00k :charge Of his[ I done under’the direction of the mag~ 1
. :Fl'oyd Miners Attend -_.. ”Ware“, and in that capacity 211-; TRAIN WEDNESDAY i istrate and in the district in which 4 ,
‘ ., ‘ . Funeral Rites In Pikei IS FOUND DEAD 1N “003111;”; deared herself not only to the tam—l ,the person died.
1 » ___._._ HOUSE IN LOUISVILLE . attended by hundreds of friends; . _.___. . ,‘ Judge Stumbo refused to sign all ’
‘4' y . Delegations of Floyd county mill"; SUNDAY NIGHT 1 (5'1" Mr. Webbv throughout this sec-l \VAS TRYING TO SAVE HIS DOG! Orders approvod by a majority of the
‘ , ers, representing the United Mine! _____~ 1 1011 of the county: ‘ 5 FROM DEATH \VHEN imembeis of the court, and Magist- ,
. Workers of America, went to Pike % Robert Robinson, 23 years 01¢! Funeral services were held at the STRUCK irate M. C. Wright was appointed a
. county Saturday of last week, where} of Pikeville, a student at the School; Webb home Wednefday afternoon,‘ .._... lisubstitute to sign in his stead. .
. » they attended the funeral of Perry, of Law, University of Louisville, wasi attended by hundr ds of friends; A four-year-old child, son of! The TESOIUUOD ordering an. aneSi- _
» Adkins, of Henry Clay. a miner who found dead at the rooming houses Rev. 0. P. Smith officiating at these} Robert Tackett, of McDoxvell, wasl gation of the county B shows fol-
’ was shot and killed there last week where he was staying last Sunday services and in his sermon praised) killed Wednesday of this Week! lows, in full: . ,
in a clash between Pike county ol~ night, a victim of asphyxiation from] this woman for heT unselfish ser-’ when struck by a C. & 0. passenger (Continued on Page Three)
floors and striking miners. gas fumes which came from an un— vice to her friends. Interment was! train at Dwale, while trying to save ~--- mm-
--..-.w.-. ”._.“... ‘vented gas heater, flames 0f WhiCll niade‘in the Webb cemetery underl hisdog from being struck by the MP8. cabeu Succumbs
» y i were turned onat tull force. the direction of E. ., . Arnold. engine. At Wayland Last Week .
' MAR-[IN DEfEATS At the coroner's inquest his death —-———~——~—-% ’.‘-“"m a The child was said to have been - _
‘ was attributed to gas, but officials , Iwalking along the tracks with his Mrs. Cabell, aged Wayland resi—
' PlKEVll-lf HIGH were uncertain as to whether his i . mother when the animal ran onto (lent, died Thursday of last Week ‘
. _ death was intentional or aCCidental. » ’ 9 the tracks In‘ front of theLfast ap- at the home of her daughter, Mrs
. _._.— He was said to have been dead sev- DIES I" 8 WEEK proaching train, and the child, fear- Jean Durant, from ‘.an illness of
; BEAVEB CREEK BOYS SWAMP oral hours before being found. ‘ l ? mg for the safety of his pet. ran several weeks, brought about by he, , i
y VISITORS BY SCORE A three-page letter was found mi -———3- after the animal before onlookers advanced age.
> > OF 56 T0 13 the room addressed to a Pikevillei PASSES AW'AY AFTER HAVING could interfere. The d0g was killed Mrs. Cabell was a widow, hei- hus-
‘ ______> girl, which said in part: ‘.‘Character BEEN BEDEAS’B FOR instantly, and the child was-terribly band having passed away many ‘
:. , The Martin high school Purple istics prevent me from making al SEVEN 1%EARS mangled, a part of the engine tear- years ago. Funeral rites were con-
Flash basketball team “wiped up the prominent. citizen of myself, worthy -—-—-.:,- iiig away a great part of 'his face. ducted at the, Estill cemetery Fri-
gym” with their visitors last Friday of being somebody. Dreams I have: Troy Prater, 33 years old, son of The child was brought to Allen- day, after which burial was made
I night when the Pikeville team went had of becoming of some serVice to; Dan Prater, of neai‘iHueysville, died by members of the train crew, where there. . ,\
, there and lost to the Beaver Creek my community and my country :11»; at his home on Brush Creek Monday he was placed on a bus, but died _~___ '
boys to the score of 56 to 13 Al-I pear to be broken. I’m dissatisfied; after a long illness? His death was before reaching the hospital at] Many Graves county poultry flocks
though the Pikevill‘e boys were bad-I with myself.” lattributed to a complication of ail“ Martin. . [Were bloodctested and accredited,
' ly beaten. it is held by those who: Robinson’s father is connectedi merits which had cox‘ifined him to his] ,. - . , and several demonstrations held, by
‘ , know their basketball dope that they: with the Big Sandy Fruit Company} bed for the past se‘ien years. A Powell county farmer spread a local hatchery in cooperation with y
f ' could have made a much better: at Pikeville. i Surviving are hisi’wife, Mary Hixl eight tons of marl on three acres the county agent. .
“ showing had they not been handi-a m___...w...w [Prateiw two children; his parents,' of land, and is planning to treat ._,___,__ ___-
, , {Continued on page four) ‘ Palmer Crisp, Allen. Ky. .1 I‘C'Ominued Millage four) {several more acres of his farm. i Mrs, Ben Norris, Martin.
; - i ,
.' V l . '3: ‘

 . , ,
"AGE TWO ‘ . The Sandy Valley News, Allen, Kentucky THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1934
‘" ‘ LEY N WS ALLEN” l ' ' '
-- SANDY VAL E , l A 0R Economm Highllghts
_ ” . Published Every Thursday. A "FRO‘M— 7‘ .. L p _ ‘
” , , _ ” . A' 1“ ALLEN" ' ' ' ’ ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' 'Ednf’r A THE WINDY HOE!“ ., The Republicans call it gag rule]. gradually, in the light of industry's
,” ‘ ww__w;a_~—Pwel——~ I ;T_—'—"_—.__:_—'”=—— —the Democrats, for the most pend financial ability to carry larger DRY-
. ' ‘ Entered as second class matter‘August 1, 1.930, at, the post, office at A] BY CURTIS OWENS _ simply smileand say nothing. What—l rolls. Hope is for an 8-hour day.
.- . ' Allen, Kentucky, under the Act of March 3, 1878. l so Bernarr McFadden Opposes thel eler it is, the Roosevelt Parliment—i a 4-day week. Lapping a day from
' _____——.—_——————-——_-—-—-‘——— . -. . l ., . . .
. ‘ ‘ _ , . . .. . child labor amendment. He asks] aryv technique works. .. . the week would, it is estimated, cre-
AdVeI‘tlSIIlg‘ 15 the all Of makmfl yo“ and lne to go out and kill it. A maJor test of PreSldentlal pow- ate 1,500,000 Jobs. How to reduce
. "9601319 want what they _‘otherwisel‘ And that, LIT. McFadden, was a11weL er came early in the House when working hours, employ more men. .
1’ I _.__ would “Qt know about. The great—i were waiting for. Yes, now that Democratic leaders adopted a rule raise wages, cut production, increase
. F a. manufacturer’s prices are “St indictment against the, patent: you want it, we’ll kill the amend— of procedure whereby no amend- business’ capacity to pay the bill, is
I” ‘. . I ” I too low, he will lose money; iii. medicine is not that i": contains p01», lnent. ment could be offered from the: the problem. ‘
' _, ' ' they are too high, he will loscl sonous 01” habit—forming drugs, but A 1 am. not acquainted with you, floor Which would effect the econ-A —-———
‘” , ”I . business; so there is adequate safe- lhat it deliberately makes well peo er. McFadden. j Your purpose and only sections of the Independent Of—l if you like big figures, take :1 .
guard against both ”extremes.” 1’19 think they are SiCk' tor the pup} interests may be honest and honor~| flees Bill, then under consideration! look at the Reconstruction Finance
' . This was the conclusion of Hor- Dose 0” Stimulating saleSI gable. l' anl not able to say aboutI or any.other appropriations meaS'IICorporation’s first complete report
I ' 7 man H, Lind, managing director ofi “fl“ “T” '.. ithat. But 1 have read some part ure that would appear during the to the public, Between February 2, , .
IV I’ . the National Machine Tool Build A“ ' " got‘ the trash thatlfious from your session. The rule was unprecedent- 1932, and December 31,_ 1933, it ‘
. ” ~ ers‘ Associatmn, in discussing in the Lt ” _ { pen. And. . . .v‘lrell—I have an opiu edwand it passed. ' There W069 had disbursed or authorized dis-
' ,I , I New -York Times the "steady i111 _ l ., > ...; .._ 1 -- ”glen about your sincerity. heavy Democratic detections, Wthh bursement of $6,000,000,000 m1 _ .
i: ., prdvement”. in this impo‘rtant capl b NIELE ER“ Pfli i The Matter in Question, resulted in Democratic leaders WOl‘k- 8,541 institutions. In 1932, $1,~
1 '» ’ .ital goods industry under NRA, I l. ‘ ” L But this, you may ,say, has 110th ing over the, mavericks in their 500,000,000 was distributed ._. 55
‘ since being “at an absolute stand- ——— ;- ling to do with child labor. Very party. Result of that was that a percent to banks, 20 per cent to .,
’” . , still last March.” (BY The 311911ng Bee Editor 0t . l‘lveil. Let’s get‘ to the point. move to recommit the rule wasL railways, the balance to insurance ,
z. ' As have many other industrial— The Courier—Journal) i “Because of,a few instances where slaughtered, 240 to 141. companies, building” and loan coni-
.” _y I -\ ists, Mr. Lind said that “productiOn _ The United Siatés .by yeason 0”] child labor isl ill—used,” you begin Most‘dramatic VictOl‘y Callie OUL cerns, relief agencies, etc. ”
. ””7”! .. costs have been lowered in vari— its great llllluX 0t immigrants 1"‘IS‘iII. Few!” ‘LFew? My dear Mr. January 20, when the Roosevelt] The RFC was due to pass away ”
”” ” , ” ous enormous trades. The econom- past decades has been termed if—l McFadden, where are thosg install. dollar devaluation bill swept thru' on January 22’ 1934_ But it was ,
ies effected have met the, added “melting POL" 1“ the sense *‘flmt cos of real child labor’s being any-,the House by a COll'OSfll margin Ofl given a new lease on life—”bills went
7'5, , , costs of factory reemployment un- it has received people of all nation, thing else but ill used? §360 to 40. It is doubtful if anyl smoothly through the Senate and
‘. ~ _der the codes and without much alities who have intermarried andI “But the child won’t get to wm-ijiece of legislation of comparablel House extending its activities until‘ ‘
. ' ” difliculty, Orders for machinery and blended through several generation-a till 16,” you go on.. I importance ever carried so fast. De—‘ February 1’ 1935’ permitting it to
- machine tools frdm Europe have into admixtures of all races, it is u. Well, what of it? Does the Unit-l, bate was almogt entirely shut offil sell another $850,000,000 of deb-
” ‘ . steadily increased since the revalu- melting P0t- I ed States heed the labor of chil—§ A11 OPPOSition amendments WGI“’-L sutures to, the treasury with which
.‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ation of the dollar,” he continued,1 Did it eVel‘\ocCu1‘ to the bOYs and dren? What of the.men___five mil—l shouted dowu, Dozens of represenvl t9 finance future operations, ,
,. “and increased domestic‘demand is] girls who are taking Part in the lion—idle and. hunting for W01'k73l53tiVeS who admit they do not uu-l ___________..._
. largely, from the automobile mau- Spelling Bee, 89011801”ed by the.Cour-‘ My dear friend, will they help to derstand the present d011'ar polioy| E .
, I ufacturers, Who had {0 change ovel‘l ie‘r—Journal, that the English 133%,};iu your allielldmcut? I ‘ ‘thcroughly, voted for it. ii] 6 K PRQGRAM
”, . Production processes for their newl’ ““15“” also is a “1‘11”;ng 1’9””? The”; Killers inc-Great Come From. ” The measure has four specific; 0 l o
.. » modelS-” , _ iwere many yAugloSaxon Words Gr". "But our g'i7’eat eéecutives WorA phases. First, the treasury is _giVen1 ,.l-
” ‘ , , “One of the reasons for the low iginalll'. FollOWillgl Caesar’s ‘50“ workers while children,” you say ‘title to all of the nation’s monetary! . , |
~'- cost production of new cars is thel quest Of Britain‘and the Norman Yes, the Middle Ages had serfs ‘ gold stock, including that held by . , o
" , 'adoption of speedier and more of invasion under William the Con- and Rome ha‘dslaves. But Ame“ federal reserve banks. | Five weekly talks on opportun‘b
1”. , ,. ” ficient tools and equipment which I queror, words of Latin and French ica is leavinthhese things. Besides; Second, it fixes 60 "per Cent Of the! ties in business for women will be
. the builders had taken the ODDOI"|f0und their way into the melting Lincolns and, ”Jacksons are rare.‘: dollar’s present gOId content as tho 'broa‘dcast from the University of
. .. , tunity to perfect during , the” lull DOt- ” ., lAlld you”,kllow the greater numbcrl'maximum of gold value after re- Kentucky studios of WHAS Louis- .
,, ' I , . since 1929. The refrigeration- and The Danes also poured in more‘ of executives are born idwealthyfi valuation. ville beginninv February 1:2 The
:73“ washinngachine industries, both 611' words. The Hanoveria Kings from aristocratic classes. By far thcx Third,’ it glVes the Administra— time” of the talks will be uniformly
f 5.”, ,”‘ . ' » joying sharp sales increases, also "Germany and their friends made greater number of child workers} tion a fund 'of $2,000,000,0,00, ob- 12:30 to 12:45 I) m and will be
, , are installing new equipment. These further contributions. Scientists have been buried in the graves of; tained from the added value of! sponsored by the ”Lexlngton Busin—
if”: , , three industries supply excellent or found it more convenient for their dcspail‘,. l'j‘j, . lthe treasury’s gold after devalue—i ess and Professional Women’s Club,
-I;.;.;; _ . . amples of cost reduction through purposes to Spl'lnkle 111 words ”A “But every state should have the} tion has taken place, with which to’ Incorporated '
” p ‘ '. improved equipment in many in-lGreek origin for exact expression right...” you;_fi;continue. Estabilize the foreign Value of the»MOnday February 12:
i” _- .' ‘ . . dustries and the consequent tapping 0f their terms. A11 boys and gmg Ah, yes! State rights. State Sov-, dollar. , . 12,36 1; 12,45 “0 ..__ . - g
‘ f ‘ of new, lower purchasing povver W110 have Stildied geography are Ui‘eignity agaifi25‘,” ' l ' Fourth, it gives the treasury” tunities ofo- ”Wonllmlg”: Drill? ”
, ‘ . __ markets.” familiar With $1011 Spanish ingrec‘r State Soveréifinty is a very old! greater power in issuing and float.t‘ Greenwood ”Cocana: .1391, liex‘n”; . 3
7” . \ Industries seem to appreciate the cuts in the melting pot as “mesafl lady.. And 59”.,-She suffers again. ‘ ing government securities, thus simvl ton g ” 1 A:
:w , , g vwlsdom of President Roosevelt’s The settlement of the United Well; she hasfifififfered since the na~Lp11fying the great refinancing taskl” 19_”45 ' y' .. " ”I?”
,3“ ‘ advice of-last June.‘ When-he Sign- States gave an opportunity for ex- tion” began. 3.137511% "wept at every A that ”confronts the federal govern l ””0 ”013:0?” ”IL—i Agflcu-{tnt E ”"3"
A, ' . . .‘ ‘ ed the National IndustrialIRecovery tended international relations and new thing we tried. She'has moan- ment now. _ The treasury is in“, :; D1312: BO‘PEZRUQ‘Y in 1934 f
“A; Act.‘he said: “I am fully aware that l for much 1mmlgratlon Whlcll brought 'ed from so many. complaints. Shel ed to purchase any type of govern. 1_00 £0 115 m”——‘0- 10‘ :
”A, ~ > wage increases Will eventually rais‘ convenient foreign words intogood has groaned so loud and SO 10113! ment security with any other type .” ” p” \' 1gan me I”
All ” . ” costs, but'II ask .that managements “5339- . A fad for wearing a 10059 that sometimes I wish she would! and may sell issues privately with— (has;
g; .- _, V . give first considel‘atiOn to the im garment peculiar to the Japanese die. ‘ ‘ out offering them-to the general" 1:13 to ,1”3,0 p. m.-“'l‘he Geog—
Ij:.j:' provement of operating figures by gave the Japanese word “kimono . , {rhesmte Linc, Lpubllc. ' mph-y 0i Ixentucky,” No, 6, ny
:54, I_ . _ ' greatly” increased purchasing powei to the melt-1ngpct. ,Turks and Per- ”But certainly she should not in] Main opposition to the bill. is bas— T 1:62:15, (ifs: Robinson.
W . _ 4 p of the public. That if? good econom-l SlanS added 'klosk.. . . ~terfere with the right of our chil- ed on the fear of putting so vast a - ucs a), c ruary 13:
{77.17; " ‘ . .' ics and good business.” It should The mOSt interesting part. Of AM dren. Children are not bounded by' power in one man’s hands—it ob~ 122.30 to 12:45 p. m.—B1ue and
if. . . ~ be apparent that he was well aware‘ this to the: boys and girls Is that state lines. The tots of Kentuckyl viously makes Mr. Roosevelt a mom Vii/bite Orchestra. . .
‘ .” 0f the comparative ‘ease With WhiCh these foreign (””1ng 0””. ’Engllsll and the AOtS 0f Tennessee are b01311” etary dictatOr with hardly a l‘estric- ””45 to 1:00 p. m.—(a) ””Chmk '
, , industries could eliminate whatl Word? inouellce the meanings and children, regardless of the line “L mm Supporters of the New Deal Feeds and HOW to Use Them,” by
””17” . many of them now admit was ap- spelling. Just as all Citizens are tween the states. And you know claim that it what the country is I J' E' Humphrey. Ab) “Agrlcultur.
‘ . . ‘ ‘ . _ polling waste and thus adjust them— interested in the civic and social re that in child labor laws one state wanting; that it is essential to ”a a1 OllthOR For I'ientucky in 1934”
. , ” ” selves to the simple principle of ef- suits 0f the United States as a melt- can play havoc with the other for. covery that the President be gjvpn by Dr. H” 13' Price. . ”
‘ . flcient service/ ‘ ing pot for peoples, so will all boys ty-seven.” . free rein. ' 1:00 to 1:15 p. m. —“Intlma£e
,4. ‘M and girls ”find interesting} spellings You say that it’s easy to destroy /‘ _ Moments With the Masters”.
I: ‘ “ and meanings in the words comprls- child labor. . ,Then why has it not Tue American Federation of Lu-- 1”15 to 1”30 p. m.—-“Carlcature,
Al. I. _ PAIENI MiDlCINES ing “the melting pot known as 1:11e been destroyed long ago? ,, You say bor’s report on 1934 prospects was Past and Preesnt,’ N0”, 2' “Call'ot
” I ' , " . Enénsh langélagte. .11 fi (1 't ntel the NRA has made ”this amendment' 3. good deal more interesting and 2:?n21:: (felglzxiila d9” Arte,” by.
. , , ‘.‘“ » oun‘rsuen w1 nle '— .‘ - .. . " .
i {ERICANS spend approximately aining Oto look 8upon the melting Engicf::;y£h 32:11”. thank (if 36L 11”}1p01”lant than idocuments 0f the“Wednesday, February 14.: . ,
” ” ” A $360,000”000 a year on SC"'pot of words as still simmering. :0. 1‘ ”femaIt” 1t'wlotn O a Y mud usually 316' FOIBCaSt was! 12245 to 1:00 p. nl.-“Agricul- f
is: ”. called patent medicines, Dr.‘ New words frequently are bein? .alm. n ac , l mlglhdo somel that'prospects [tor employment andi tural Outlook for Kentucky for . ”1
-‘ . . . . . I“ good. It might keep children out earnings ar conSIderabl bl‘l hter
., ‘ Arthur J. Cramp, director or the m Lsprinkled into the mixture for sea— ”of the ra of selfisl em 10 rs b t h e y g ’ 1934,” by Dr. H. B_ Price.
vestigation bureau of the American‘ soning. Words formerly a part 03- l't mi g .81). , _ 1 p ye ‘ u t at one phase 0f present re-l 1:00 to 1:15 p. m.—“From the
. . . . . .. . _ . ght give their Jobs to the men covery efforts—~threatened inflation , ‘
_ 1 Medical ASSOCIatIOP, told Falm andl the mixture have boiled away, and who are idle” by fiat mone __ d _ h .[ Ixentucky Mountains».
. ' Home Convention visitors at the Ag. I they exist only in a vapor form Wa'l 1 v A, ‘ show ‘ . y en angers t e “”1101“, 1:15 to 1:30 p. m_;.“The Dean
”‘ , ricultural Experiment Station. may recognize as obsolete and ar—‘ ”\0' I thmkg’ Ml” McFadden, thét ” _ 0f Men Speaks for His BOYS." ,
Only the fancy name of the pat. chaic. > . on. second tho-light we may not k111i Four specific changes for the bet. N0. 3’ “Student Loan Fund and
l ”. . ‘ out medicine is trade-marked; the “Menu” from the FreOch is all this amendment. . l"fer in 1933 were chronichled: a gain General Welfare of Students," by
”I. manufacturer does not patent his example ”of a word taken from a Speak [Your Opinion. , “1 employment 0f more than 6:00'0 Dr. T. '1‘. Jones.
' product; because if the public knew foreign language in entil-ity. ”on If you are laboring man 01" are 900; a (imp 0‘” four and a. half 1101115 Thursday, February 15:
‘f'I‘ the elements in the mixture the in- sist” derived from the Latin and interested in he protection of chil- In tho average work week; better 12:30 to 12:45 p. m.——Johnny
.' ” ,” dustry would be ruined, Mr. Cramp meaning to resist has become 0b_ dren from th evils of child—labor, organization among indllStFial Walk" Vance’s Orchestra. '
' said. A monopoly in the use of the solcte.. Within the memory of l‘iv— send a card t the Honorable Alex “‘5 0f alllilndS; all increase in the ' 12:45 to 1:00 p, m.-—“More Home '
; .. > name is obtained, instead. Yet Wheqling generations the development of Hill, Frankfo t, Ky., and say: workers ”1001119 .0: 11-7 per cent. Demonstration Agents in Kehtuc~
'. _ physicians attack ems inherent in aviation has added “msflage” from “I am inteested in the child—la- The report painted out. on the ky,” by Lulie E. Logan.
p , the' patent medicine, business, the the French to replace the evaporat- bor amendmett and hope you can! debit Slde, that businese is 30 ~Del“I 1;00 -to 1:15 p, m.~—Ruby Dunn:
\” I' cry is often raised that criticism 15' ed “obsist’! in the English vocabu- help secure its ratification by _Ken-. cent below normal still, that mosfl and Gentry Shelton.
. caused by fear of the loss of pat» AMY. tuckyj’ l} . ,1mp.ortant thing ls restoration cfl 1:15 to 1:30 p. TIL—“The Search
.- , , ronage. In actual fact, of the poo _ Every word should mean some , ——-—l-—-—-———-I- lbusmess. confidence, that private m- . for All Knowledge,” No. 4, by ”
‘. . ., ple frightened by a patent medicine thing to all boys and girls in the :.NOTICE . ltlahve ‘5 flu“ 0f paramount import L L. L. Dantzler. '
. . ’ advertisement into believing the spelling Bee. Each word should r—-—-I lance. Belief was expressed that the Friday, February 16: ”
> ‘ -‘ they have some disease, probably stimulate the imaginafion and a— All persons, Will take notice that workers always 1059 through infla- 12:45 to 1:00 p. In. — “What- . ”
> more than half go to their family rouse curiosity. How did it get in— pursuant to agreement and consent tion—that only wealthy speculators Farm Folks Are Asking,” by L. :
.> , physxcmn. If_ physxmans ‘were‘ 1n— to the meltnngqL? Is there a spe— of all the stockholdels of the Hop— have a chance to gain. C. BreWer.
‘.' - . spired by commercial conmdcrahous cial reason why it should be spelled kills G10091‘Y;100nlpany, a corpora- About the same time the repo