xt70zp3vt865_301 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Second National Bank of Ashland Kentucky v. Harkins, Walter and May, Thomas R. and B.C text Second National Bank of Ashland Kentucky v. Harkins, Walter and May, Thomas R. and B.C 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_27/Folder_11/8271.pdf 1893-1897 1897 1893-1897 section false xt70zp3vt865_301 xt70zp3vt865 Seconb Xational Bank.
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for confessed 0790/39/de be proceeded against for contgfiand you, will
make ciao return of i7 ,8 summons on the first day of file nextcfi'k‘k Term
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it? ,LLI/ lit/5% I- 4‘ '4" (10‘ D511 /W/é;/6ZZ%/L Lawzyyéz/a wank

V4» .2111 .‘VL‘L 'L‘ptal, $1313 // c :7 ‘5 "
V , Protested , 4%% . . I . . 1893 '
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-. ' ... ... H. 4... ,.....Nnt‘m‘y Public. > r 5; W
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Ashland, Ky/ J __. Lax
"J '
Be it» kuuwn. that on .... 4’1}! ‘3? !%/fl .the /.\l. 3 .. (.’.. . .. .3 3 ..
(lay of W 3 . . . 3, in the year ot‘nur Lurd. liiglileen Hundred and ninety. 3 . 3. . .
l, \fi. . . :'. . i . . . . . . . , . . 3 . . . . . 3 . . . ., a Notary Public for the county of Boyd, residing in the. t(,y\\'ll (:‘f
Ashlanlgzgt“ iifln‘esviid, tlul_\‘ cunnnissioned and qualified h)’ law. :at the request mt" the. got/7M"
3 . 1 . . . 3 . . , . . . .’;/.’ZWPNA’L‘IUNAL BANK. of .,3a/7/{lk/L/d/quL1q; holder (_ir'the
im'iginal 7../LL79. . . 3 , . , at which the above is :1 true copy. ;.)i'eseiite(l anrl ,(JV//zav fwdii/fl/y
fl/zacfi‘ ‘1141 \*~{ csz‘ V, _,. “Wt/;’ééiééta

,_ "V; _ _ ,/?,— ,,
jazzy/«L KaZzac/OU/ue’ita///c «Mia/z/x

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(Commonwealth of Kentucky,} 98

‘7' / Z 7
Be it Known. That on .r Wildlw thed
day‘gf (/4:, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety
MSW/c \ I. A. S. FERGUSON. a Notary Public for the County of
Boyd, in the State of Kentucky, by lawful authority duly commissioned and sworn, living in the town of Ash-
land, in the County and State aforesaid. at the request of the CASHIER OF THE SECOND NATION—
AL BANK, OF ASHLAND, holder ofthe original 2/7" 1"} V , hereunto attached, at the close
. . ‘ ‘- h.’ 5 NE“? '3 as,
of Bankmg hours, presented the same at the counter amfi“? ’ATO‘L'E‘“ .
.A .r mm : raw-'5 afar/V
where payable and demanded payment which was refused.
.1 then PRoTESTED the same for f/Wzfl‘i/Hl fiand nonfidfi/Wvgf/fl/fi
7‘ I ’7. .» 1’. »' . // {/7 /
' by depositing notices for/ /1f/é/’¢%¢7W\J, Notary Public.
/'/ :< r

 N0754/7 ‘
Amount, — .‘s $5 7?; .0 0.0.
Fees, I \ ‘ , [7‘5 ' —
Total, - $5 7&Z,7¢5./ I .
I - /
Protested % 7 2 1893 _
)ayer. . I - ' v
..’ I?ndorsex"s, I
A. s. FERGUSON, Notary Public. 1 '
' I
I. - . l. , A

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2 . a .
i , Floyd Circuit Court i
I} ' I
g The Aultman and Taylor Co. Plaintiffs %
. s! ‘
i Against Judgment E '
' 5 Felix T. May and other' Defendants i I
E cause 3 ‘
g This nausexnnmingxunxferxt being called for trial and it }
9 E aypearing from the record that the Defendants John May and ! 1
I i
E Thomas M.Laynehave each been served with process for more th— :
i an teh days before the first day of this term and failing to 'é
E answer .On motion of the PIff the allegations of the petition % .
E are taken as true andas to said Defts and this cause i s sub~ i
E mitted for such judgment as can be rendered in the present 1
5 state of the record.The Court being sufficiently advised dec- %
rees and adjudg‘es that the Plffs The Aultinan jun-u Taylor Co. E
' . . :,recover against the Dcfts John May and Thomas M Layne the 1;; ¥ I
I I 5 following sums ziz. . i
/ §;The sum of Two hundred and forty two dollars ($242.) with six 1
y 1
:per cent interest thereon from.the 20th day of August 1892 j
. éuntil paid .Subject to a credit of $I90.paid January 2nd I895 :
' ,‘Alld the further credit of $7.50 raid July 8th 1895.
9, gThat Plffs also recover against said Defts The sum of Two ; V
thundred and forty two dollars with six per cent interest the-
, ;reon from the 20th day of August 1892 until paid. :
*éviAlso the sum of Two hundred and forty two dollars with six E
:per cent interest thereon from the 20th day of August I892
{until paid.
. . E
A! ,Also for the sum of Two hundred and forty one dollars with E
;six per cent interest thereon from the 20th day of August in
;1892 until paid. i
.V ’
-J7 gAlso for the sum of Two hundred and forty one dollars with i

 $731.} H , figppi, - by a .wacyu %_J.:: V , . H 'E“ , ‘I 9
, ; .m i
9 , . f
, g
E six per cent interest thereeon from the 20th day-of August
i 1892 until paid. i
f g
2 Also for the sum of Two hundred and fortyone dollars with i _
5 six per cent interest thereon from.thc 20th day of August i.
a 1892 until paid. V ‘ g
a, l ,
3 : The secOnd amount above stated is entitled to a credit or
1 one hundred and minty dollars paid by the Deft Layne October
' t 7th 1895. 1
: It is further adjudged by the court that the Plffs recover j .
i f
? against said Defts all their cost herein expended;and may
f; g
; have execution on this judgmentagainst the estate of the said ‘t ‘
g Defts. . a
. - i All questions relating to the enforcement of the mortgage
'”"” t lien herein on both personal and real property is reserved ’
ii ,
y for future adjudication.And the Court specially reserves the i -
5 right to render judgment herein enforcing said mortgage lien ;
i to satisfy the amount of this judgment.And the rendering of g
5 1
i this judgment is not in any way tt affect Plffs right to g
E an enforcement of their said mortgage lien hereafter.And this 5
t cause is continued 1
t ‘
E *
i3 ;
i . i
_ f} E
Q i
r ;

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