xt70zp3vt865_294 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Rice, Mose et al. v. Castle, John et al text Rice, Mose et al. v. Castle, John et al 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_27/Folder_4/8378.pdf 1935 1935 1935 section false xt70zp3vt865_294 xt70zp3vt865 2 ' ‘. ... I,
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 JOEEYSG‘EE cmcum mum ‘
when Rice. et ale PLAIETIFFS
John area Williams, $uper1ntendont—eleat.
Jehnnen Caunty $chools, Johneen County; KY. DEEEEEANT

The defendant. Jenn Fred Williams, for answer to Plaintiffs?

' Denies that haretafare at the regular . 1934 .
meeting, the Jenneon Gennty Baard of Educaticn adopted rules and
regulations and byulawa, a part ef whieh was:

‘'(a). The superintendent shall be elected at any

time between April 1 and July 1 befare he assumes

his duties July 1. His term of affine shall not

exceed four years.“ ,

_ Benies that seation 4399—34, Kentucky Statutes, previdea
that each Board cf Education Shall appoint a Superintendent at f
Schools whose term of affine shall begin on July 1 following his
, appeintmant and that said appointment shall not he made until )>,
after April 1 and between that time and July 1 at whisk time
said Superintendent ta ta take office.

Denise that the appointment and the sontraet entered into
between the Johnson County Board ef Education and this defendant
:§:§§:§§§3”§, 1935 were each made er attempted ta be made prior
to a time when by the rules, regulations and hyolawa of the '
Johnson County Board at Education or by the Statutes at Kentnoky.
said appointment could be legally made er said contract could be
legally entered into; or that hy reason thereof said appeintmont
of this defendant or said contract were each or either illegal,
unlawful, unauthorized, nu11 or veid and of no effect.

Bunion that this defendant. John Ered Williams, is unlaw~
fully. illegally, or witheut right alaining to be the superin-
tendent-elect at Johnson County schools at Kentuflky.

Denies that by reason at the alleged divers claims made by
the 21a1nt1ffs and the Defendant the court must determine
whether the appointment at John fired Williams as Superintendent

 . - _ é _ _ _

a! said schoole of Johneon flounty made on January 7. 1958 is legal
or illegal. or «harbor the oaid John Freé Williome is the duly
appointed fingerintandent of Sohools of fohnaon County for a period

A of four yoero from end emouing July 1, 1955, or that whether or
not his apyointmont on Jenuemy ?. 1935 was premoturo, unauthorised.
iilogel. null afid void: or that the administration of the schoolf
system of Johnson Sountye Ky. or that the aohools of Johnson County.
Kanteekyi or that the teachers and coke? emplayees of the Board of
Education will likely eurfor if this controversy is not speedily
aottleé; or that there is an actual oontrovoray existing between
the Plaintiffa and flofendent harain. or that Plaintiffo are untitu
led to have a doolarotion ef'rights as to the questiona»aet out in l
the petition aué in controversy herein act out.

§g&_§. @he oefendent further says that fiection 4399-54 of the
Kentucky Statutee being e P rt of the Ant of the Legisleture of
Kentucky amenaing and r92aneoting the Sahoalf Laws of Kentucky
adopted at its 1934 seoaiea, provideae

”Rena Board of Eduoation ahell aypoint a fingerintonoent of
schools whoaa tern of offiee Shall begin on July 1. following his
ayyeintment. and void epyoiatment may be for a term of one. two,
three or four.years.‘

mar afiar said amt game into effect; on the 8th day a:
Goteborg 1934 the Johneon county Baarfi of Education did edopt rule;
and hyvlews governieg it! p§ecoedinga and meetings and adopted the
rolliwing byulaw with reference to the election of tho Superintendh
out of eohoelns

’/ “(a). The Superintendent shall be elected at any time between
\ January 1 and July 1. beforo he assumes his duties July 1.

{“313 term of office shall not exeaed {our yoers.‘

Ga Januany 7, 1955 eursuant to the provisions of said atatuto
and the said by-law and regulations of the Board relative to said
alootion. the aaid Johnson County Board at Edueationgoll the members
being pvoseat, duly elected and appointed this defendant an Supor~
intenoeat of Schools of Johnson County for and during a term of
four yearn beginning July 1, 1935. Each and all of gold numbers.

 , ,. . 3 - N _
including the Plaintiff: in this aetieng voted t6 3a appoint the
defendant as said Supariatendant and autharizad the execution of '
said aontract.

By reasan af gala appointment and elaation and contract
agreement he 13 the flaky alacted and appaintad Superintendent of

‘ acheaia of said Gaunty far said term Dr Egan years.

Datendant further says that aftev the adaption and appreval
a: the hyulawa and eegulatiana harain set out ralative t9 the
alaatian cf tha Sugarintendent, that the yresant Suyerintendent.
A: He Johngana wha waa at the time and ie new the aeting searc-
tary of tha Bagra, having augtody of the weecrds of its proceed-
ingag unl&wfu11ys wrongfully. withaut the knawledge or censant
at tha maid Beard 9f Educatiau.ar 1&3 members, ehangeé fha
aaid hy—lwws so that as as changed 1% is made ta read that fun I
Supfirintandent shall be elected at any time betweeu April 1 and
July 1. €hia changa constifiuted anfi $3 a forgery a! said vegan
lationa and hynlawa and it is nut thfi bynlaw adoptea my the
Bear& at Bduaatian and was not amen hwmlew at the time defendant

‘ was electeé Sugarinfiendent as atareaaifl. .

Befénfiant further aaya that sinca tha aaid change was asaoru
tained fifid brfiught ta the attantiau a? the Board of Education
ané‘fihia defagaant find as a pveéautionagy measure. the aaid
Beard 0: Educatien at its regular meeting an June 3. 1935. ro-
apgciatafl this dafendant and entered an addit$ona1 order showing
his aypointmant and eleatian as such angerintamfient for the

team a! four yaava beginning July 1, 1935, whereupen he accepted
the appeintment and duly antevad into a aontraat with fiha Board
of Education as such Superintendent far said taym.

The salé éetandant and gala Board at Enuaatian dla not and
flea: mat ralinquiah ahair elaflm at thfiValid appointment of de-
femdant on January 7. 1933 bufl said rewapyolntment was made
for the purges. a! meeting the contention of thc Plaintiffa

 _ , , — 4 ... . -

that the byulaws in their changed condition prohibited the appoint:-
waent of defendant in January, 1935.

33y reason sf said situation and appointment and watt-act so
made and entered into on January ‘7, 1935 and the curative election.
appointment and aontraet entered into June 3. 1935, the defendant
is the duly appointed. elected Superintendent for the sour-year
tem beginning July 1, 19:55.

' vme‘mfere that nefendent prays that Flaintiffa' Eetit‘lon be
dismissed and that he be adjudged to "be the duly appointed and,
elected superintendent of Selassie fee the four year term beginning

July 1. was.
El‘reye for east end all proper relief. bath special and
flair J; Mg/
Atteraeys for Defeneent
- , . state at Kentucky; Johnson County
‘ ms effiant and defendant, John Med willieme, says the
statements is the foregoing are true as he ”believes.
Submitted amt mom ts mtefore me by Jenn Fred Williams
this W 18th day of June; 193%. ‘
I IWune? I ’
Jehneoe Gaunty

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mOSE RICE, 1:1th 9 PLAlii’i‘IFEF‘S '
' vs /// mamas
T3211 cause Q1155; sybfifiated upon tké‘lmotion of "pm"
‘ / Tgugfi'fidEETBI‘ldant f0 rule agéfi/fist. the plai'f’i'tii‘fs to e/Zwét herein
», ;I "‘ 4‘ ”I \ “
' 1 He“ gig? and the court ‘0 fig; suff Liam-1y advised fldfisiders and
.1": A I g fa) , f" .V/I
” fig‘ adjudges th said notionffc rule toxie'lect be and the same
‘ ,T 31:/M”; ”If”
%g“ is he? y overmledflflto which the? defendant excegt-ts.
‘ This cause being subz'zfitted upon the special demurrer "
_ of the defendant to the ;wtitian herein and the court being
sufficiently advised considers and adéudges that. said special
' demurrer be and the same is hereby overruled, to Which the
defendant excepts.
. This cause being submitted upon the general demurrer V
, of the defendant. herein and being argued by counsel upon ,
said general demurrer, the court takes time.

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