xt70zp3vt865_290 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Porter, Sam v. Collins, M.M text Porter, Sam v. Collins, M.M 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_26/Folder_14/8074.pdf 1923-1927 1927 1923-1927 section false xt70zp3vt865_290 xt70zp3vt865 .,,: K"
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 _ . . _ . . '77. ,__ L.W_
:7 > The pleiniiifi states Lhet Luereeiter aux within ninefi; flags
affier the Qete of the abeve a rec eat mug in pufeuenee thereof the
elaimtiii 84ereieeu gig r;;;; en“ sexiee to :exl guie 3300; to Lhe
deieeaaut :3 fine price ueuefi in auid writigg egg uetiiiee the
' ' fleieeaeut they ;e flea Qeeieee ta ee3i uaie etee; to 41m at £31m
' e gfiee: axe exegeefleh ”cued an; obligafiea hivecg; Le eeziver eaii '
_ étjfi= eluszw3; <3: :;ficw3;:‘LCx LLLO 1‘GilfiQWlflJfb L;L a,¢ '81116 ei;e:- 4&191 e;gL :3f 3
> t;e gale eeggiueyetiu; e; wé3,ege.eeu Le states tgea tge aeiexéaut
. egreed egfi greuige; 30 we; ;ifl tu$ :eig age 0; lew,aueaQu i0? sale
1' steel; 01.: 03: Lyme L'Ee li’LL; e m.” elk-Leia: , 1:429:23 'iz‘eteig the
3" ;ieiebifi i5 gun, and ha: as 331 Limeg ii L$ ipgg; inh, 1929” been
1e, :12;-4e 5.33:1. :.:LZLiinzv La: ‘5335..;;s:-'::<;s39 ;‘...wx-H a.x.-3 3L9“ 330 L210 115mg?)
3 ulcer? iree 3;; Upifififififlfifbi titge tn eeifl yteeL'egen pLQHeLL of
,= said seasideratieg, Chi the fiiaigfiiff new tenier: and oiierx be ,
geiiver ‘54:; “L;:..e meieuieg L ( Suffix; gee ;’.;Lefe: 9i“ ;“Loe; i; _L
‘l , I < ‘ -, J _ " ' _" ,, v',_ e .,7 , 'A , _,» _L' . _-’ , ' ”JV.
eorperetsee, Jr'OZKJéJOI' -.LlliLiiEi ‘L/eifyijnhqv , U43” LC;.I;.‘.1=»..:V:: 0.; mm; VLL {:..-.L-
:1 pegmeet oi scie eoneieexgfiiox oi kee,eeai;ea
Tl She plgiutiii etete: that Lie Eefiter Wining congeag is a "
Kentucky corporatieg, aei that the Lefenflagt uhfl hie brother own ‘3
. LLreewfifthe of the etee4, and Lhfit said SL003 ie not lieted ea
any stock exchange egd nae no market vulue, and pleintiif he: go T
3' efleeuate rewefi; at law, because no one wehlu buy eeid steel exeeyt
fiefegeaut, 5;; ehe dewageg for breaep tyereof i; tee cent? et yrice
of said stock, the :ere being whe;l; wiehout market veLuee _
WEEREFORE, plaintiff pray: that me have judgment a;¢i;et [
m' the ueiendagt for 192,395.95 witg.infiereet item Jehnuar; 17, lSBb, ,
‘ ELL11 peié, emd Lnet the defendant be eemgellea Le aeeegt traeefer ;
;y of fine said eneye: of stock? for the costs of this action, egg fer
'> all groper relief. ' .
:3 I Attorney for Pleigtiff. .
.3 Verified by Sam Porter April 20, 1927, before Meter; Public. x