xt70zp3vt865_289 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Porter, Henry v. Stumbo, W.L., judge of the Floyd County Court text Porter, Henry v. Stumbo, W.L., judge of the Floyd County Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_26/Folder_13/8060.pdf 1933 1933 1933 section false xt70zp3vt865_289 xt70zp3vt865 Y ti 3. '
Is. 1! 2
Vi; / / / 1131?“: 7‘
. o it. f‘i‘iiiiim 2:3?
‘ this e ease hav;3,..ngg been submitted upon me Etiemhrveer .
_ to the givetition as amei‘ided, and the ccurt being; sufficiently
atiivieed coneidezee and adgnigee that the demurrer to the
. ‘ . amended petition ”he, :md the same is, sustained, mavi the
plaintiff declining; to plead further the court considers and
~ ' cdémigges that said gzvetition he, and the same is, heheby hie-
missed {311:3 thit, the dei’endzmt, 1.93. L. Stwnbo recover of the .
. ~ plaintiff, Eienry Tartar all his costs hexein expended for
which he may have execution, and this cause is stricken from
the docket.
.. To this judgment the plaintiff objects and excepts
and prams an appeal to the Court. of Appeals, which is granted. v

 $757 2.... 1

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’ ‘ 11:1.ch (2111011171: covet:

31mm 1701141713171, ' ‘ ' sieimzsr.

vs: scares ‘.E’EJTITIDH IN 173111511X. ‘

was}, J1me, 17.772 m1. , ‘ crammed 1

A Plaintiff, Henry Porter, with leave of Court, emu [

ends his original Petition 1n Equity herein, and for such enema» E

meat, says; that the Defendant, W. L. Stumbo, is Judge of the E

: plays cguney Court, that at this time, use at 511 times herein %
mentioned, he, the said s. L. stumho, was interested in hemoarstie 1

party in Floyd ceufity, and is generally recognized as the Democretm E

to leader in the county politics; that on December 2, 1932, psr~y E

euant to call by the State Central Executive Committee, Democratic. :

conventions were held in every voting precinct in Floyd County, :

for the purpose of electing a committeewen; that at said convcn— E

tion, this slaintiff was elected Committaeman, for the Mouth of 2

Beaver Greek voting hreciect, and thereafter, and upon the fol~ :

lowing Saturday, there was held in Freetcnaburg, Kentucky, a i

H County convention, to select a Gaunty Chairman; that at said aon~ 1
mention, Without giving this Plaintiff a. right 7m be some _or can... 1

sidered, a Gentest Committee, selected and named by an agent; '3

servant and. spokesman of Defendant, 7.7:. L. Mambo, held that there

1 was no answention held in mouth of Beaver Precinct, and proceeded 1
R to Appoint, George heads, the candidate who Opposed this Flainr E
g g

 : tiff 1n the loaal convention; that has Plaintiff, thereupan 3P* '
pealed tn» matter, before the Congraasional District Cammittea, f
whara the same is nuw pending; that uyon Qha arisinal’hnaring a: {
the contaat by tha District Gommittae, a ranpfinae wag filed by %
firs. W. L. atumbo. who £3 a finmber of the Distriut Executive comp _
mittee, on behalf cf Geurge‘Woséa, whiah reapanae was not signed i
by the saia George Wanda, but wae anfi ia a iargery perpetrated by - T

j W. L. Stumbo; that numaroua affi$avits were alga praaented at that 1

‘ 5 time by Era. fitumbo, a gra&t numh$r of which,were rcrgad and aignad [‘
i ‘ wgthaut the knawledga or amnsenh of tha parsons purpcrting to have
E aigned thaws that aaid affidavitfi anfi said reapanae ware thereafter
I , taken from tha files, émdy&iaay§éarad, and aannct be taun&; that'
% announeément'was made, at tha timfl this Flainfiiff firat ubsarvad
i aaié raapcnae ané fiaid affidabita, that thay ware fargéries, and
{ upun‘raqueat far certifiad aspiaa thar¢af9 mr$.'%. L. Stumbo,
{ ' aeitad than, vialently, and aaid that shfi had Brmught thaaa papera ‘
i fihdre and she would take than away, whiah ahfi dia. ’ "
.‘ a Plaintiff further aaya, that 3€fGflfiEHt3 w’ L. StuMDQ
Juagea of the mum Gummy com-t, hag made ma satatament, since
saidnurztes’c was film, that, he mum ”out this summit, to '
‘ the Dwale $raainat,‘aa as ta kmep him from holéing the Committea~ 1
* ahiy ia Eouth of Bfiaver precinet. . g
: flaintiff further say». ahat ha haa published é
; a number of articles in the nawspagars at Elayd Gounty, exposing
I V some of the aata and conduatsof aaid W. Lu Stumba, Judge, wiflh
_ V reference ta aortain unlawful raida upon aha ovunty treasury, ~

the undartakina 9f said w. L. Stumbo, to acquit 9r convict persons .
‘ - charged with Murder. in Floya Gaunty. and with reference to the J
3 handling of 310% manhinae. by said Stumbn, and his county patrol~ i
5% men,_1n which at was stated that. alot mania” were diatflbutaé
ifi . i

 E by said fitnmbo. and his henenmen, and thereafter tehen to the _
* Beaver Valley Hospital, owned, solely and Operated by said Stumbo. f
E where enid mohinen were robbed, or diveeted of all their worldly ‘
goedszg end there kept until they could be replaced. an before. i
* That said articles; infuriated the neid Etudes, and on his mliee.
endi‘er the yulfiaoee gaining;- one moorepliehing; his iniquitous ob»
. deed: oi" “rule or min“, in disreggwd to the will of the people. .
and to gorge-tweets his domain: 2:12:322d12155ntion, wholly disregarding 3
the nubile good and convenience, he attempted to avenge eaid L
n boundary line, no not out in meintlff‘e ii‘}1~fi.gtnal Petition. which a
is here Jammie? :md emote at; new hereof. :-
Pleintifi‘ files herewith, and mhee a part hereof. H
an Artiele in the fiend}; Valley new. under deed ’ . I
1933, and on Artiele in the some paper, under date , a
‘ 195:5. Mien are made a goal-t hereof. for the humane of efideneing
to the Count. the cause of attitude of Betendant. ‘25:. 3.. Mambo, 5:
Judge of the mayo County Court. in attempting; to ewlnge said -
boundaw lino. .
: atherefere. Plaintiff.“ preye no in his original 'I '
Pi Petition, and that this, hie amendment be filed and nude a part ,_
h. of no original Petition herein. , '
when? women. f
3 31'1" on lemme-m, V
down: on more...........eotc .
1:4 ' Affient, Henry l’orter, ewe that the etatemonto
set out and oentainecd in the above and foregoing amendment, are
true as he beliefle.
WW ’7
Subscribed and sworn to before me by Henry Porter,
fl, tendency v. 1935. ‘

31mm: PORTER,......................“...HPLAINTIFF.
» vs 3 2::-gonzo}: In EgUZ-E TY. . '
. L. ammo, moon OF THE , » u w ~:
FLOY‘D COUNTY COURT, AND 2 g :4. {.115
FLOYD COUNTY, ...-......” ...Huu u... ..DEFENDAHTS.
}} Plaintiff, Henry Porter, says he is t;
if now, and was, at all times hereinafter mentioned and {l
U; complained of, an actual, bonifide citizen and resident, 1%
g; of the town of Allen, Floyd County, Kentucky. {Q
L: Plaintiff says Defendant, W. L. Stumbo, it
ih is now, and was, at all times herein mentioned, the duly, ;;
if elected, qualified and acting Judge of the Floyd County 7a
if Court, Within and for Floyd County, Kentucky, with power ;i
f? 1 and authority to one and be sued. That, Defendant, Floyd 5%
11 -publio :9
j{ County, is a quasi/corporation, created, organized and ffi
2% existing, under and by virtue of legislative authority :9
t; with power and authority under its charter, and under the t;
:i general statutory laws of the State of Kentucky, to con— 5%
fN tract and be contracted with, and to sue and be sued. i;
?}f ‘ Plaintiff further says, for cause of action ;:
gt; ' against Defendants, that, heretofore, and at the Regular ;:
3:? March Term, 1935, held March 27, 1955, Defendant, w. L. ,§
:3: Stumbo, Judge of the Floyd County Court, acting as and for 9?
U: the Floyd County Court, unlawfully, wrongfully, and without 5%
i; right, capriciously, and with a personal grudge and avarice 'fi
ii. toward Plaintiff, Henry Porter, entered the fOIIOW1ng }%

 L ozc‘dcr.3 attempting to change the boundary lines of houth ’ff
1 of Beaver Voting Precinct, Number ten, and Dwale Pre« 7i?
" cinot, humher Thirty, so that the residence of this ff
5 Plaintiff, as well as two or three other families, were oi
included in Dwale Precinct, inctead of mouth of Beaver
i} Precinct, which order is null and void, and of no effect: 3
1 MARCH 27th, 1953.
‘5 At a Regular Term of the Floyd County Court. 5.
, held in Prectoneburg, Floyd County, Kentucky, in and at the ‘_
. Courthouse, on the 27th day of March, 1933, Present and 3%
~- presiding, Hon. W. L. Stumbo, Judge. _ of
2 IN TEE 112112th or m2: CHARGE 5}."
1- It appearing to the catiofaction befara any election by posters put up in feux of the moat J:
¥' public glaoea in said precinct.  j
‘2 Fourth: E0 cyportunity wag given, ta either 'd

I the vafiars in Ewale er Allen firecincts, of the groyoaed '5
" ehanga in aha bounéary lina hetw&an yrecineta; :Q
g; Eifthz Saifl afifiemyted change was mat made f;
:‘ in 390% faith, wifihaut regard far the public geoa or 31
:| cmmveniemca. 3:
4; Sixth: That 3aié urder anfi attempted change 5%
:: ware wrangfully and unlawfully made through paracnal grudge and ::
iéi \ avarice against plaintiff, and 1% arbitrary, and was f 
,f: arkitrarily ané capricieualy attemyted to be mada and entered. fig
;; Elaintiff further gays that the oraer herainabove if
»: set nut af the Eleyfi Sounty Quart, should be vacated, set is
;; aside and held for maughts and the defendants should be forever "i:
1 ‘ 773:1
ii: enjaiuefi and restrained fram anfaxaing, or attgmpting to emu E;
7% force gaid 0rdar. #fl
i7 Elaintiff says no injunction has been asked, _§
5? ficughtg or r@fusafi in flannecfiimn with the factsrherein set L3
3% out, by this court, the Judge tharwof; am by any etner officer 'fi:
5: authorized by haw ta grant an injuncfiion. é;
Lf? ngR3F023 plaintiff praya that defendanta be Eg
‘ii farewer enjoined and reatrainad from enforcing or attampting :fif
3:; ta enforce the order herein referred t9, and that said order E?
if . be set gside and decl&red null and vcid, and of no effect; 2;
2i ‘ for his coat herein expanded, and far all proper reliéfo 5%
mmm PERZ‘ER . W
'5' i2

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:1; was 0‘5 Kern} Ill-iii,
.‘ 1.35:} Gail c £‘l:0YL3i o a a o o a o a a a a I' 3'31?-
‘E’he afi’iant, Henry Porter, says tlmt the ’ .
statements set out and oentained in the above and foregoing
'- i—‘etitien in Equity are true? are he believes. “"
' ' SSubeerih-ed and sworn to before :.:Le this the
. , 23,1331: day of“ _J‘spril, 1‘95?” ..T
' madam rubric, hump C‘.;U..,‘~:T.I§ g £th ,:.;

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