xt70zp3vt865_286 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Pike Elkhorn Coal Company [Part I] text Pike Elkhorn Coal Company [Part I] 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_26/Folder_10/7717.pdf 1932-1947 1947 1932-1947 section false xt70zp3vt865_286 xt70zp3vt865 .: ‘ i"? I " i ’ 5W i " ';‘j r. 13')" , " ’ , ' ‘ ‘ " ‘.V5'-".’f"':},, .24 *\ {':{eéljiufi ‘:;",‘f'c-fl :‘-*:.;,Jgj
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, ' ‘ .’ i M . 5“ i, "f _, , ~ 3. I: j .0 -.. r .: ‘ r;
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.:5 the nawa of fiina fiarr;s, «30 is tue deceased uifa a; .Liliam ,M
ggi Harris, affluufifl 43 a ,rumbec in saga need. {an Luicv~,ns that -,M
-' 'i - ~ 2* i - i ‘ m ,7 . ..~ .:' . - g w, .. .’.»; at; ”3 ».,» .V a .
1.; at tab Lida ullllam Larris dellfwPEd to 30% ufifl aqu :rum him ';:
v"fi $5 TOR, he also dfilivwveu am you the deoflfrow flay ghaqlfifi to Bfig
“3 fllfl; that thc name sf Lana darria fiié not aggwar am fl grantee s;
» ’ “ __ x ‘1. . .,“ . . . ,. .:.. u Aw V rm" 4. .3:: H .I.: , \ _‘ . ,,,, 3:;; h., r7 .,.
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3w t9 Jiiliafl Harris was Jul vareut,o yaw anu meQPfi is ”as record- 3m,
f9” ad, tug name 0f unma Hairls wwn written thereon as u ”rautaa in }fl;
;¢;: said deed, and without yam? knowledge or naaaant. jg
::‘: :3 If . , , _ , , ,_ , 4 _ , _ g , 7 . ._ _,, ‘_ . . “If“:
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g4; it a; Gare $903 the racord be he carracted, an& the 3&3; of finna if“
fiym fiarris :xpunged 2%eref?6m, and upon :* ?n£ng finally adjudged 3f“
ggj, fikat tum wage of gnna Burris Was wraugfully inscrtau 13 said 3%
fifif Peed befira thfi wuaerdatiwn thereof, aad that is“ unfincmn heirs 15
£9] hflVv no title to said prmyart?, and Rhat you are the sclw owner 3;;
;£J' of said lots 33 land COnVeYQQ by Jillian Harris ta ~ou. ha will ,?fi
23, tueraupon pay you the further sum cf gdSO.Lb 1695 avr wanrt coats ?e£
.- .. »' - ‘2 _, . ‘ ,.. , , , _ i ' ,. .. , .:.3 4,, " : W ' ‘_., V ,. :9 _" 1 1.1:;
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5;: date hugast lé, 19$5, and ;h ; eurueu Ln ufleu gaoh lab, page 256, ng;
I". - ‘ ’,‘ .:‘r " ‘ 1 "" A. P ., A '~
;; floyu county Lourt blerk's affiicu. ”fl
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gig. EIR5~LLKHO¢fl .SHL $3. Jig
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fiiigiiiiffimne September 17. 1945
Pike Elkhorn Coal Company
Ashland. Kentucky

Furthering interview and discussion at our office at
Prestonsburg on September 13-14, 1945, we beg to advise that
it is agreeable and satisfactory to us, and we hereby conD
sent to and authorize you to enter upon that portion of the
tract of land in which the coal and other minerals were
conveyed by William Honaker and wife to Walter S. Harkins
and Jno C. C. Mayo by deed dated Nbvember 1, 1909, recorded
in Deed Book No. 25, page 495, Floyd County Court Clerk's
office. which lays on the left hand side of the left hand
fork of Camp Branch, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a sugar tree on top of the ridge

between Betsy Layne Branch and Camp Branch, a

‘ corner to the Betsy Layne Coal Company's lease

(Big Mud Coal Company owner); thence down the ridge

between Camp Branch and Betsy Layne Branch N 41°

10' E 310 feet to a stake; N 52° 35' E 109 feet to

We stake; N 70° 55' E 294 feet to a stake; N 70° 15'

E 357 feet to a large marked white oak on the knob

between Betsy Layne Branch. Powell Branch and the

left fork of Camp Branch: thence leaving the line
of the Big Mud Coal Company and running with the

Burns' heirs lands, down the ridge N 11° 20' E 184

feet to a stake; N 12° 10E 173 feet to a large

black oak stump; same course 245 feet to a small
sugar N 0° 25 E 319 feet to a black oak and hickory;

N 14° 15 E 245 feet to a stake- N 13° 15 E 213 feet

to a black oak and dogwood; N 13$ 35 E 196 feet to

a stake; N 18° 35 W 129 feet to a stake; N 26° 20 W

391 feet to a stake in the gap; N 4° 15 W 261 feet

to a stake; N 8 E 212 feet to a stake; N 4° 45 E

128 feet to a stake at the top of the point; thence

down the point in a north west direction to the out

crop of the Nb. 4 seam of coal; thence running with

the out crop of said seam around the left fork of ~

Camp Branch to a stake; thence leaving above said

seam of coal and running up the hill side S 10° W

 feet to a double beech on a ridge between

the left fork of Camp Branch and the John Boyd

Branch of Prater Creek; thence up the ridge S 31

E 147 feet to a stake; S 29° 20E 115 feet to a

chestnut; S 18° 15 E 113 feet to a stake; S 17°

55 E 119 feet to a small hickory; S 27° 50 E 141

feet to a stake; S 28° E 105 feet to a small ash;

. thence leaving the ridge and running around on
Camp Branch side of the hill S 84° 15 E 114 feet
to a white Oak stump; N 78° E 154 feet to a stake;
A N 71? 45 E 186 feet to the beginning. Containing
acres, more or less.

Branch, -
Floyd County, Kentucky, which were conveyed to them by the
fol owing named persons, by deeds bearing the dates herein
set out, and recorded in the Floyd County Court in the deed
books and pages herein mentioned. and containing number of
acres as follows: .
1 1191909 W. T. Honaker 190.30 25-495
12—10-08 James E. Jones 18.52 24-153 -
3-7-10 Wm. Amey 243.52 25-491 ‘
That the estate of Walter S. Harkins is the owner of
the coal and minerals under the following tracts of land
situated on Camp Branch and Prater Creek which was conveyed _
to Walter S. Harkins by grantors hereinafter named, upon the
dates of the deeds herein set out, recorded in the office
, of the Clerk of the Floyd County Court in the deed books
and pages herein named, said tracts containing the number of
acres herein set out respectively:
8—21-02 Nathan Justice 42 4.115
8-2lu02 John Layne 38 4.111 '
' 8-5-07. Sill Akers 32 20-325
12-1—00 Alex Boyd 98.75 , Y-425 / ‘
8a2-07 Elise Kidd 51.9 20097
' 4—23-01 Nelson Boyd Ye406
(That part thereof on left side of
Hunt's fork of Prater Creek,extending to ‘
Anthony Hamilton line.)
That there is a further tract of land on Camp Branch con-
taining 40 acres more or less, as to which Joseph D. Harkins
has arrangements made with the owners thereof to purchase the
coal and minerals therein. for and on his own behalf. known as
the Lindsey Layne estate; and that said Joseph D. Harkins is
negotiating for the purchase of the coal and minerals under a

 small tract of land from M. Meadows, or his vendee, and con-
taini about 7 acres, more or less, and from Elizabeth Honaker
near Efie mouth of Camp Branch containing about 35 acres, more
or less. -

There is hereby granted unto you the privilege of going
upon said tracts of land now owned by the undersigned(and those
in process of being acquired by Joseph D. Harkins when and as
the same is acquired) to prospect said lands for coal thereon
by drifinnouth openings and by bore holes. as you may desire;
and in the event you should desire, after such prospecting to
have a lease for coal and mining purposes thereon,to execute
to you a coal lease upon said properties, which said coal lease
shall be upon the same general terms as are set out in a cer-
tain coal lease from Josie D. Harkins and others, to Floyd
Elkhorn Coal Company bearing date June 1. 1944, recorded in the
office of the Clerk of the loyd County Court, Deed Book .
page . with the necessary modifications thereof
pertaining to the individual properties hereinbefore set out,

1. The tonage royalty as to all of said coal (except
the No. 4 seem thereon on the Honaker tract leased to you
September 17. 1945) shall be at the rate of 10¢ per ton of
two thousand pounds.

2. The minimum royalty thereon shall be at the rate of
$3.00 per acre for the second year ensuing the execution and
said delivery of lease; at the rate of $4.00 per acre for the
third year ensuing the said execution and delivery of said
lease; and at the rate of $5.00 per acre for the fourth year
and each ensuing year thereafter, after the execution and
delivery of said ease.

3. The royalties and minimum royalties in said lease

‘ shall be paid to the lessors. based upon their ownership of
the respective tracts of land herein set out. unless other
arrangements as to said royalties and minimum royalties shall
be made by agreement between the parties lessors in said lease.

4. The mine weights shall control the payments of '
royalties hereon. unless special agreement is made by the
lessors in said lease as to railroad rates controlling the same.

5. No coal from the lands of any other persons or cor-
porations shall be transferred over, or through the lands em-
braced in said lease, without the consent in writing of the


 parties lessors in said lease, with the exception of the coal
from the lease now held by you from John G. Burns and others.
dated April 29, 1944, recorded in Deed Book 123. page 239,
Floyd County Court Clerk's office; and haulage royalty of 1s
per ton shall be paid for the transportation of the coal from
the Burns lease over the lands herein referred to.
6. The term of this option shall be to and including
February 1. 1946.
7. Proper provisions as to assignability of said lease.
8. Said lease shall apply to all mineable and merchant-
able coal. except as set out in No. 1 supra.
9. It is a condition of this option that you furnish
to us copies of all drill hole reports and reports of the
thickness of coal and of all prospecting which you may do on
said property. and any further information which you may obtain
in prospecting said property. but that such information shall
not be furnished to any other person or persons. or corporation,
other than the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Company, or any
financial institution with whom you may negotiate for helping
finance this property.
» The consideration of this option is the sum of $10.00
. cash in hand paid. the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged.
Very truly yours.
Estate Walter S. Harkins.
B or '
Attorney and Agent
;? Joseph D. Barkins
' are. Jno C. C. Mayo Company
By ‘ ié27-;ZZ7 __
Pres de
, Accepted September . 1945 Attest:
Pike Elkhorn Coal Company. 2;:f" jumé;?~. ‘75"“‘\\
‘2 :M g é 2 E E 3 President L Secretary

 ? was new 02“ CQNVEYAME, made and entered intn this 3131-. _
day at” December. 194.5. by and between Jew Km) and mm. am, his .
  , wife. both of Tran. Floyd aomty. Kenmeky. parties cf the fimt »
_ part, anti LEONAW M. 53%me of TM. Floyd County. Kentuclwg
' party of the second part; «
WITNESSEm: That for and in coneideratien of the mm of »Q
. r Fifteen Hundred. ($1500.00) Balms. cash in hand paid. the receipt
" . whereof is hereby acknowledgea. the parties of the first. part. have ‘
Q this day 3016. and by these magenta dc hereby sell, alien. confirm
-> and convey unto the party W the 33:20:33 part. his Mira and aseigna.
_, the renewing aeaeribed pmpertys situated at. Tram. Floyd county, .
V Kentucky, viz: ‘
. "Leta Nam 23: 34a 35’ 26 and 37 Of the POWGu-fi ' '.
‘ , Stanley Addition ta Tram, Kamucky. as shown
' by plat. or map of the same. of reeord in the
cfflce of the Clerk of the F‘loya County Court.
* which said map or plat. is referred to and made ,
_ a part hereof for a cmnplete description an: -
. location of said pmpert‘m mm the aame laws
, cemeyed to parties of 1*. first part lag Dora m.
a my and LJ’. zfiay. har huaband. by deed earing
‘5 date March 2, 1929, which is of record in Band.
Egg: 83. page 80. Floyd County Cam Clark'a '-
9 ea '
'- Also 3.31. No. 28 of the i’owall-Stanley manna
to Tram, Kentucky. whim: was conveyed to parties: . J
* of the first part by May etanley, (widow). at .Q
._ Tram. Kentuclw. by deed hearing date March 30:; . ‘
‘ 2.933, of record. in Dead Book Na. 94¢ page 607, ,1
Q ‘ moya CCounty Court Clerk'a office. This: being 1
the same property mentioned in deed entered into -.
f 15th day of 513%. 1944 between Boas Jones and _
wife of Tram. entucky. to John Kidd and wife 91’
, I‘Vfilp Ky." ’
I”) To HAVE AND To Him!) the same. together with all appurtanancel '
g}; thereunto belongm, unto the party of the “com part. his heirs
and assigns. forever. with covenant. of general warranty. .7,
IN mewmom WWW. the parties of the first. part have ‘- t
executed and delivered the foregoing daed 0f conveyance the day and
date first herein written. 7

3:9 , , . Notary Public '
-» within and for the county and state aforesaid, do certify that -
the foregoing deed of conveyance from John Kidd and Dora Kidd, f
his wife, to Leonard M. Stei'i‘ey9 was this day produced to me ,1 i
. in my county and was acknowledged before me by John Kidd and
Dora Kidd. his wife, parties grantor thereto, to be their act
»V and deed for the purposee therein mentioned. .1
‘.‘ ’_ I further comma my commiseion will expire ‘*
the __ day of , 194*. _
_ Given under my hand this the __am day of December.
_. - 1945. .
'7' 1 WWW _'
it COUNTY OF FLOYD...” sCT. ‘ ,
'.': I, . Clerk of the
.__? County Court within and for the county and state aforesaid, do ' A
certify that the foregoing deed of conveyance from John Kidd and
Dora Kidd. his wife. to Leonard M. Steffey. was on the '_____day
of .194____. duly lodged for record in my office
whereupon the some. together with the foregoing and this cert-
ificate have been duly admitted to record in my office in Deed _
Book No. __. at page ______. If"
Given under my hand this the __day of __________________,
12m;a '- r
ByWD .C o

 TEEIS mam OF MORTGAQE, made and entered into this 2nd day _
cf Jamar!” 1946. by and between PIKE-WORN CQAL (26., a corpor—  
" ation of Ashland, Kentuclwg party ('21? the first part and Tim Emmi ',
: JGSEWIM, of :T—restonsburgg Esta ntuclw. party of the second part; » ,
'iij’ITNEESSETH: That the party of the first part, for and in
consideration of the matters hereinafter set 0111:, does hereby sell.
alien... trangfer and convey... in mortgage. to the party of the second
part, its successors and asaigmg the fellowing described tracts or I'
‘ parcels of land. situated. at Tram, Floyd County. Kentuckygviza I
'; "Lots Nos. 23. 24, 25, 26 and 27 of the @pxyeu-Stanley ’ :
Adaition to Tram, Kentucky's 3% shown by plat or may of I
. said addition of record in the affice of the Clerk. of ;
' the Floyd Com'zty Court. which said map or plat is re-
ferred to and made a part hereof far- a more complete .
f demription and location of said property. Being the
' same lands conveyed to John Kidd an: Dora Kidd, his -.
‘ wife. by Dora May and L.T. May. her husband, 13% deed
bearing date March 2, 3.929, of record in Ueeé ’oek 82. .
page 80, Floyd County Court Clerk's office. -. .I
; '- Also lot 3330. 28 of the Powell-Stanley Addition to Tram,
Kentucky. which was conveyed to John Kidd am} Dora j ._
Kidd, his wife, by May Stanley (wifiow), by deed bear- ‘-I
.; ing date March 20, 193.3, which is of record in Dead
Book No. 94, page 607, records Floyd County Clerk's
I: Office. :2:-‘3?“ \ I
f All of the aforesaid tracts were conveyed by Qgfin Kidd
and Dora Kifld, his wife, to Leonard hi. Eiteffegf and Axmie
Steffey, his wifeg by deed bearing date Dece’m‘er 31. .
1945. which is cf record in Bead Book 1299 page ._._....» . »
-. Floyci County Court. Clerk’s office.“ ‘-
If} Being the 8am lands conveyed to party of the? first part. by
-_ Leonard M. Steffey and Annie Steffey, his wife, by {Mad hearing date
Jamary 3., 1946, which is of record in Dead Book 129, page , ‘
., Floyd County Court. Clerk's office to which reference is made.
To HAVE AND To HOLD the same unto the party of the secem part [7
its successors am assigns. forevermrovided. however, that these pre-
seats are upon the following conditions: That. whereas The Bank: Joseph—
zine. of Prestonsburg, Kentucky. has this day loaned to the first party
the sum of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars. evidenced by note due and I‘
. '- ~1~ I "J9

 payable to and at The Bank Jasaphine of Prestonsburg, Kentucky.
four 040 months after date and to secdre the payment thereof anfi
> any and all renewals cf same or any part or part3 of same this
mortgage is axecuteé as primany security.
Secondg to secura aa much as $1,000.00 of any other debts '
' or obligatiens first party may be or become indebteé or obligated
‘ directly a? indirectly to the said fhe Bank Joaaphine 50 long as
this martgage may be and remain unreleased upan the record of the
Floyfi Sounty Court Clerk’g office.
lhe greatest amount secured or that may be aecured here- ,;
> I under exclusive of interest and c0$tss being Two Thousana flollars. VJ
‘ {5529000.0039
The party 9? the firat part undertakes anfl agreea that it -
» will, at all timas, secure and maintain fire insurance upon a;-
; imprevements situatefl upon Said property harain canveyea with less :
l ' payable clause ta The Bank Josephine in a sum equal to the greatest ,
amount of indebtedness which may be than existing and secured by
ll» this mortgage. .3
1; flaw should the said party of the first part pay» or anyone ,
-l4 for it, well and truly pay to the gala party of the geconfi part,
~ said debt or debts at maturity, nr at the end of any renewal per— _ _
,_ iod er periods that may be granted, together with all intarast and ,
.:. coats Which may acrue theraon. than this mortgage shall become and l
be null and void. otherwise ta be and remain in full force and
effect. ;
l The said party cf the first part hereby especially waives
and releaaes all rights and claims which it has Which arise out of,
, or is given. by the exemption laws of the State of Kantucky, in '_
- -2. ‘

 V and to the properties herein conveyed, and this covenant is S
S. especially made a part of this mortgagee -’
‘ IE? TESTEIOIIY 11“”?th the party of the first part baa ‘

, executed the foregoing-z mci‘tgagssz, by its duly authorized officers, '

the clay and date first herein mitten. I’M

I mm-ammom mm. mamms
_ ‘ By . . ..

I ‘ 1u’zixse President and General Manager , ,

_ . moretazw ‘3
I fSTATE 01? Qumran ‘-
‘ comm 012* m;0¥u......:scs:. *-
~ I, a E-zotazvy mmic within
i and for the county and state aforesaid do certify that the fore--
,.i going Deed of E'fiortgagc from the Pike-afilkhorn Coal Co., to The {AC9
Bank Josephine was on the day of Jammy. 1946» presented t0
me in my county by" Harry Hatcher, Vice President. and General
1’ Manager of the Pike-Eilkhorn Coal Co.» and was acknowledged by
j -. the said Harry Iiatchez' to be his act and deed for the purposes p
: therein mationed.
._: I further certify that my comisaion expires on the
.. day of _.. ,. ___...”elgé...»
Given under my hand this the ._ day of January. 1946. .
'. -' Notary Public Floyd County, Ky. “"

 53mm 0: mmrucmr, ‘ '
I, , Clerk of the County .
, 5.2mm wag-w ami for the: county 271ml state afcresaid dc certify
, that the :fwregming Beeé 012“ Ekcmtggjage fmm the Eilafi-aéfilflzorn Coal Co.
'. t0 Tim-:3 13am}: .Iasezshina was an the m, clay of January, méfi, duly
: loamfl for theeam is: my cfficeg V'n*kzereu1'>on the same.) ficgether with '
the i‘cregzaimgg m mi? cesxntifiezaié have been 6:13.; mecxarfied 11: my
" office in max-(gage £209}: 39 gags? o _.
‘ Witneshs 123: mm: (his; the flay of Januaryg 3.5945.
By Edi. ‘ I
, .-4.

 THIS DEED OF CONVEYANCE, made and entered into this 1813‘
day of January. 1946. by andeon Leonard M. Steffey and Amig—
Steffey, his wife. of Tram, Floyd County, Kentucky, parties of .
y the first part. and Pike—Elkhorn Coal 00., a corporation of thland. _
Boyd County, Kentucky, party of the second part; ‘i.
I WITNESSETH: That. for and in consideration of the sum of *
Fifteen Hundred ($1500.00) Dollars. cash in hand paid, the receipt
Iv whereof is hereby acknowledged, the parties of the first part.
y' ‘ have this day sold and by these presents do hereby sell, alien. '
confirm and convey unto the party of the second part, its successors
‘ and assigns. the following described property. situated at Tram,
Floyd County, Kentucky. viz: ,
— "Lots Nos. and 27 of the Powell-Stanley '
- » Addition to Tram. Kentucky. as shown by plat. or ,
map of said addition of record in the office of .
the Clerk of the Floyd County Court. which said '
. map or plot. is referred to and made a part hereof
for a more complete description and location of ‘_
said property. Being the same lands conveyed to V
. John Kidd and Dora idd. his wife. by Dora May
and LT. May. her husband. by deed bearing date
‘ March 2, 1929, which is of record in Deed Book 82,
page 80, Floyd County Court Clerk's office. *
_ Also lot No. 28 of the Powell-Stanley Addition of
Tram. Kentucky which was conveyed to John Kidd and ,
. Dora Kidd, his wife, bi May Stanley, (widow). by .
deed bearini date Marc 20. 1933, which is of record -
in deed boo No. 94, gage 60?. records Floyd County .
E Court. Clerk's office.
_ Being the Same property conveyed to parties of the first
‘7 part. by John Kidd and Dora Kidd. his wife, by deed bearing date
1 December 31.1%5 which is of record in Deed Book No. ____, at .
page _____, Floyd County Court Clerk's office, to which deed re- ,
» forence is made herein.
To HAVE AND To HOLD 'IHE SAME, together with all appurt-
' enameo thereunto belonginghongo the party of the second part, its

 successors and assigns. forever, with covenant of general I

IN TESTIMONY WREOF. the parties of the first part 1‘
have executed and delivered the foregoing deed. of conveyance ' '
. the day and date first herein written.

Y; ‘ WWW ‘
I, 9 Notary Public within 7" :4
and for the county and state aforesaid do certify that the fore- »
I going deed of conveyance from Leonora Steffey and Annie Steffey,
his wife, parties greater thereto, to Pike-Elkhorn Coal 00.. a f'
corporation of thland, Boyd County. Kentucky, was this day pro-
.‘ We to me in my county and was acknowledged before me by the
said Leonard Steffey and Annie Steffey, his wife, to be their
act and deed for the purposes therein mentioned. .1 :_ '5
i; T I further ceitify that my commission will expire on '5;va
3 3 the __ day of ‘ , 194*.
‘ Given under my hand this “day of Jamax‘yg 1M '
- ~ mm : q
‘ " COUNTY OF mom......sc'r
' I. W Clerk of the County
Court within and for the county and state aforesaid. do certify
that the foregoing deed of conveyance from Leonard Steffey and
” Annie Steffey, his wife. to P1ke-E1khorn Coal Co” a corporation 1'
. .._ _wdfigyw {15;

 i of Ashland, Boyd County, Kentuckyg was on the .______ day of ' 5
I January, 1946; duly lodged for record in my office, whereupon   7,
‘ the same, together with the foregoing and this certificate have
been duly admitted to record in my office in Deed Bookmg
I . at page ...—._....- 1
‘ Given under my hand this the ____ day of January,
‘ . 1946. f
WClerk "
” By D.C.

 g . . 4 C . ,
THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 28th day
of August, 1946, by and between John R. Stanley and Eugene Stan-
. ley, parties of the first part, and the Pike Elkhorn Coal Company,
Ashland, Kentucky, party of the second part:
‘ WITNESSETH: Whereas, the parties of the first part
have agreed to sell and convey unto the party of the second part,
the hereinafter mentioned property for the sum of Fifty seven
hundred ($5700.00) Dollars, and whereas it will necessarily
take sometime for the title to said property hereinafter referred
to, to be abstracted; now therefore, in order to facilitate and
' sure the exegution of said sale by proper deed at a later date,
Eg JWWithifl thin-ruby days from the date hereof, the parties hereto
<fl*pvfififiagzzzh§ie agreed that the party of the second part will advance and
pay unto the parties of the first part, the sum of Fifteen hun-
dred ($1500.00) Dollars, as an advance partial payment on the
purchase price of said land to be sold and conveyed'by the par-
ties of the first part to the party of the second part; and the
parties of the first part do hereby acknowlege the receipt of
said advance partial payment of Fifteen hundred ($1500.00) Dollars
from the party of the second part.
The property herein agreed to be sold and conveyed by
the parties of the first part to the party of the second part, is;
all the right, title and interest of the parties of the first part ,
in and to those certain tracts or parcels of land referred to in
that certain Deed of Conveyance dated July 9, 1946, from Ruth S.
Roberts and W. W. Roberts, her husband, Edith S. Caldwell and Frank
L. Caldwell, her husband, Sylvia H. Stevens and William D. Stevens,
her husband, to John R. Stanley and Eugene Stanley, which said Deed
is of record in Deed Book 131, page 548, Floyd County Court Clerk's
‘ Office.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the parties of the first and second .*
parts have executed the foregoing contract of sale and RECEIPT, and

 an original duplicate thereof, the day and date first herein
- written. 2
Vice Pres. and Genera? Mgr.

 . ‘i r. f V , ,.m... .
5%.? . ’ “
TRAM. FLOYD COUNTY. KY. September 28th, 194-6. TELEPHONE 46
Mr. Joseph D. Harkins, Attorney,
Prestonsburg, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:-
I have checked the January 1946 royalty, which you
advised me had been paid at the rate of 13¢ per ton, and find
that this was ‘a typographical error. The tonnage amounted to
311 tons, and this amount at 1491 would aQual $43.54, the amount
of the check sent you.
Yours ‘very truly,
hH/lc ' Vice-lProsidont.
12 51 V1
.3 l /
._.T,._.._-WW ‘
”3!! gm? 5‘ z/

a corworation, fiL&IUTIFF
fill): (::flDZEEfi ATQD :;‘JEEJLYN GELHDEITIR, ‘ .
his wife, and the rnknawn Meir
or huh own heirs of Anna Karrie
deceased wife of William narria, DEFEEDfiHTE
The affiant, Joseph D. Aarkins, says that he is attor~
may for the plaintiff in the above entitled cause; that the chief
officers and agents of said corpcration are new absent from Floyd ,
_ County, tentucky; that the unkucwn hair 3? unknown heirs Of Anna
Harris, deceased wife mf William Harris,are yavties defendant
herein; tnat the said Anna Earris departed this life as affiant
is Luforned in 1955 or 1935, domiciled in Floyd County, Kentucky,
and intestate and withtxt children; that she left surfiiving her 1
Que sitter, Pearl flashington, who died without issue, ané one ,
hrother, Bob Washington, who survived the said Pearl flashington;
that the estate of Anna Harris descsnded to Pearl Lashingtofi and
Bob Washington jointly, and the estate of Pearl flashinfton there-
after descauded to Bob Jaahlngton; that it is not xmown whether
the said Bob Washington is living or dead, or 38 to whether or
I not the said Bob Washington was married or unmarried, or if the
aaid 50b Washington be deceased the name and adress of his heir
or heirs; and that the names and placea of residences of the un~
known heir or heirs of Anna Harris,deceased, is to this affiant unknown
and it is the belief 3f the affiant that the plaintiff is ignor-
ant of such of the facts as are unknown to the affiant; that neither

 ,.‘ ’r’ 9 l - ,
the afflant 3101‘