xt70zp3vt865_276 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Murphy, J.P. v. City of Prestonsburg and Mellon, W.T., Police Judge text Murphy, J.P. v. City of Prestonsburg and Mellon, W.T., Police Judge 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_25/Folder_8/7075.pdf 1916-1917 1917 1916-1917 section false xt70zp3vt865_276 xt70zp3vt865 WWWWW'Mmmmmluulluwul p. 0. Box J. A. wmms MGR.
lymwyywmllllflllflfllmummmmmmm g.
sir; WWW mm
liy‘lfialgt ms WWW? WWW? A “mm“
"“t‘i‘mn‘t‘tfi‘ WWW“ r wwsnwss Essa
“ WWW "‘ “mm "’ ”
”MWWWWMWWMWW July 3: 1916
Mr. Joseph D. Harkins,
Prestonsburg, Ky
Dear Sir: . .
We are in receipt of your order of this A. M. for one
barrel ten dozen pts Budweiser beer. We are very sorry to
advise you our supply of budweiser was sold out last week and
since we purchased this last shipment of Budweiser our friends
Josselson brothers has secured the Agemcy'on this brand in this
section and the price he quotes us is retail prices and we have .
decided to discontinue haddeling it. However; we tried several ‘
of the whole sale houses here as well as Josselson brothers to set
it for you, but they was in the same boat as our selves ( out)
and we have taken the liberty of substitutemng same with Wiedemann
and have shipped you ten dozen which we trust will be satisfactory
with you under the present circumstances. , I
Mr. Harkins we would be pleased to have you mail us a bill
for the service rendered in my man Murphy's case and have the bill .
show just what the fine was (Advertiseing Old Charter) or you might
add Old Charter Posters and show credit which he paid you, so that
_ we may mail this bill to the Old Charter distillery and make them
come across with dough, as Murphy tells me that it was all on account

Wflfififififlmmmmfimfifim P. 0. BOX 512 J. A. WATKINS. MGR. '
...'VW" “ , V ‘5;- :" - ., r ;4 w n a; 5w .,./.5., 51/, m '5'...“ n ,.cmh #541177... W3? 0.., «7,,
WWW .- . ..-~ ~.- -. . WWW!“ m 1.5an so.
"33F "1.55935?" .' ‘ . .:_ .:. 31;" 11:31. '4} any! 115
. 5| 1th: a: , . ~ . . 3Q ',I V ..:"‘---:..,-:5-‘55' ..,. v
WETWEI“, .1 x11, . , :95 __ Wmotsssns 5:55:15 stnm Eamwom @EARMES
5‘1: 3 ’5 1‘" ‘
E. is 5... ..;",qu 555% 35:15 5555155.. @RDER flows
M“ 5 ' ‘5‘ 5 55 It; '
51113135111' 1 1: $11“ New artsfi‘fl " DESTREBUTT’Eg 0F
5. 5W“. 555.5%: 5.535. : / ,5 «, 3‘ 11“ ,
'.."5NWL‘3‘LIV‘" . ‘5 1‘ 54;: @figgm RIVER
1‘1 m5: 51155555555 55155555555 .. 55555155
' 1MW‘WWV sssts‘stssoss. 5:111.
“ wwwwmw.*
#2 JDH.
of the Posters that he was fined and if that is the fact the
‘Distillery will have it to pay. Thanking you for the courtesey
shown my man Murphy and with best wishes and kindest regards; We
, beg to remain;
Yours very truly; ‘
JAW/Z Union Liquor Co.
P. S. Also advise us when the case will come up before the court ‘
so that we can send Murphy up.

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‘ -. _. alfi ngytgr whiakay. , ‘ . ' ‘ I " ‘ " :_.ft,:n
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’ Jr" 3 ‘ (1: «.‘.-1,353- ‘1:" 3- 35.}. '. 1 “3:11:31”
2’11." a‘it’e’iT-iVT #25}? 55" ~72 *2,” 31'}: :1????13 ; ., W- ..’F1?:‘;2‘~11r3_ 23;: .=,3.3.,_ 351: pg. :i 3;}; ,1:11-5:11,; ,3 j .;3ut- 3‘: "’..-"Ft 1, 3 :j: :E/xvfiefis ,«3.
a -3_1.,‘, '_lv‘i~:-;11:";-‘:.', ’:;" 3:53;...3 1.33:1 :3?gf_ay«r,;;,,;,3.;3333:3131'3753135- ‘13“ ’:‘ ,1 4 7,13: 331W 3:33.515}: 1:135 335564;}? 3gg:¢_13$,§4 W33. _1 ”VF-‘1. :-.n113;,_3ilf310 .1 ;, [£3 ‘5 43:33 ”:31;le L335} 3,313.35“: ’31 . .1: ~11“, 1'15‘73-f.“ 23% I} 1 ‘1 p,
v1w’al~r*"¢‘;1‘ ~1wmnlaanraarm‘fifi mandate, r“\s*w”ei¢rzm‘$§’sm HE»

11111111111111 P4 04 BOX 5‘2 J. A. WATKINS. MGR.
4 1.. .1‘4 4' 4 4441444 .,.
th WWW“ 73 . m .
111' 111111111 '- “it 7””?7‘4Wi’49‘ e A” 44%44' 4”»44C:4.e .44: em.
111 1 . .7 1'1 1 M
.115: ,...EF _ ' .:4 1 2.3:.-.5 ,. 41.2,: j-Il '..
111% $11.51* H44 11111}
W1ifi‘ 3. ' w. ._ $.Whh'mt 4 , 4r
111 we, 1., ,, Wmoteeete AND RETAIL Legroom leetiezse
1114»... tee: , .
*wljfi i 4:414:34 egg“ TEE mo: MAEEJ (QR-@3334 E©U§E
1n111113néw=ewaui ‘4’3324~ ”W4.a_i~¥ i‘ t“~33e i -:?:§x .:3
1W111121‘14J. .4 ‘.4 “5144434 .4.-“..~ 4 4’:-‘- ‘ 474; "::‘ 34;! 7.... , ,
111111 11%; $151135}? gt; mg MEEUTEW 03‘
11 i 11'». 3355 14419414 /.._aet4§: ”tr-4e J 4r: ~
=F..1111:1.1‘1"" ‘4 ”5, +511. @REEN REV%R
‘1‘ i1 1111 .22.... ...?" «141'. 4 ’4’?
1.-:. :.. 2:.-2:: ..: :.,de' 4;. 1“" ‘3‘, .:.~ .;4‘:- , \ _.-.~.-.»4-:4.~ --:4:==Eu-
M11111'iiiiis4 135% TEE “HEREBY WETfiQUT A BEADAQHE
1111“ Wem‘ee’" ' 111111111,
’1111M--..°‘r;;;’“‘SHE Whine {F3535 .31":3:"}4‘ ’16-'44" ,
11.111111! "11111111111111 eeetieeeeeeee. KY..
"new...“1111|11111111111111111111111111111|1111.111 .
“"ani'WWWWWHH Sept. 24:4 , 1916
Mr. J. D. “arkins, ,
Prestoneburg, Ky
Deer “r. Hawkins: .
Not hearing from you in regard to our case -
.hioh you Was to take care oi toy us and woe under the impression
that it was up some time during this month. hill kindly ask
gou to advise us Wfiflt has oeen done. Our hr. Ue.hihs is away
at present and he had ihtehded on sending me up to Prestonsburg
shoetly aiter we received your letter and I did not get time -
to get up and he failé to write you, but told me to write
you and lied out What has been done in the matter, and if the
case has not yet comefi 4 - .
1 . y 5 . . . _ g j .
‘i , g ' . ‘ ’ . fl ,
. 1. _ 2 - , ' _ 2. * ' g 1' .'i
1 > _4 ' , r \ . . 5 . u, . ‘1‘ w ‘ -
. 1 ’ I": _ . L ‘
_ ~ 1 harem 5, 191;. g , ..,:3
, V ‘ ‘ \ . l V ‘ ‘ ‘ H V
I . . .1 , 5 , . ' ‘ ‘ -
it 1. .1. 1- ,. .. . .- g,
. ‘. 8313?. ‘3‘". pa.‘ ‘.Ei hkxlnb’ , g '-
/ ’ - ’ ‘ l i ‘ I ~~V g
., ,.».,g . 5 5 _ .., 1 ,1 . ,"
g . u-fltlettfibbrg‘ £1.33. ' : 5 5 _ ', 11 ‘
‘. , ' I _ , I f " ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ L' I
1, 1 . , ~‘ ' . 5 ._
, 1 , Dem!“ ull‘i" , g 11 ~ . ‘ . »
. 1 5, ‘. , 1 ' _ , ‘ 1:.“ x 1 _
x 1.5 Y 1,, 5, ,' v 5. ~ . < v ‘ _ '- - 5. . . g} . ‘ . ,. y , 1‘, : .‘ _ i
_ 5 We aaVa~glgfiaure 1n flQVISlLE that thla warning ing Quurt,v »5‘ , .,
.4.: J; -- -. ,~ ~ ' n .. H..—1 ‘ . 1": »1-‘1‘ ’ 4 ~. \‘
, . ;gfiac‘ued Una gugu 41 J. r. hurphy &ga;n3t GEE? a: ;raatunxnarg “,1-..
«._. ’..‘ ..,h ., - , _ , 1 - ... Iv. - ‘ . .2 N 1 . ‘ ‘ I . ‘. ...’-I
1 &nd w. 1. meaiun, walla? image, ang adgufigfié that $9 are en-./ '< .,
1 .5 . .. : .1_. .4 .. .,. - .0 1., ~ .:.. 1 .. .. ., - , ., ; .. :.1. ., ‘1 . m - 1 '1 5 * 71':
. tltxea 4a g $515 $4 xxagihiumun agalnat ad; GfllaffldWEdt of g i .4.
1 . 1 r - - “ o..i , 1 :.W. » '». -w-.. , 1 - an:
1 ‘ this ardznance, heldlug that hue City Gouucxl Ia Wltufiut 1 . 1, ,,11w
‘ ‘ 2 1 . . ‘1 . ». 1
‘ -... . z: . . - .,.. ‘i : ' 2 . ..‘ 4 ' ’- 1 ..“ ‘ . «2 1 4 .- , ‘ «1 ' 'f
1, g 1’ FQHBP_uQ gags Guflfl an orG1n&naw. Thxa a: aourba grdunnta anj ; . - ,5
.- “ ’1 . . '1' . 4‘ ‘ 1' .... ‘1.: *. <,' 1. . ‘ H
, , enforcamani 91 thy gudgmenta rendngad ngainat Er. flurphy 13» ~, . 51
1 -- ._.. , ~ ...=,- .. , —.,, .1 ., ..,. »n _ 1. ’1‘ . 5, ~ 1 -. ;.
.., the rQLlufi Caurt, anu leaves vfliy tam guflhrflx ntafim 4&55 lfl . Hg) . .-
. . , . .
_ "‘ : . 1 J. . . ‘ . 1 J 1 ‘ . ,. . ‘ - 1" .‘ , ' ‘ ~ . :_ - '.“
_ 2 ,exfect as to uhfi advnrfisfiing, sale. gift, 93$. 01 3ntax1can$fi.gg .,.
‘r ‘ I. ‘ '4 V“ ‘ 1 '. I . , ‘-~ 2» .- ‘ .1 I h 5 ‘1‘. .V.
- 5 . . .1 . 1 ng§_tru4y yours. f ; : .,.g¢'«;H@
5’ _ 2 ‘ ;. 51W'» - i:t~ _ - , 1 1 ' _. , ‘;1 ariafig
_ .‘ 7 w - , . ;1 _. ' .- ' 1 _ ‘1 1' 1 1 5' , — g ,qy:
, ' ' I _' " ' ‘ ' ' ' \ \’ 1 , 1 '\._ ’ _ ‘ 2 '. ‘ . .1” .‘;;
' i I 2 1 I . ‘1 - ‘ I . . '_ e: - 1‘ : '5
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w', 5 , 1 1. 1 ' .»1.\ 1 x . 1, =**1 ,1z‘wfik
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1‘. . . : J , 1 ‘ .. 2 , . v‘ ' 3 - : 17:11:;
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, 5 . :2 _ / , \g : j ’ 1 . _ , g . , , 11 _ I. . . . ‘ _‘-. 1' 324%
:‘ '.' 1 U, _, .,a r :.5 ‘ j 3 - -: .1 ' = f ,’,1fl;~ ‘* , a ’.;§;gfi%
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1 \ 5 . ,_ 1 ,, L 1 _ . 2 , , . :‘1. ,4 ...‘,n’wg
' ' \ 1“ 1 1* 1.1. z. , ’ ‘ - ‘ - ,, 1 . 5 1. - $313,425?
n1 2 . . 2 “ . um 11 ,. 11' . '"‘ . ‘ .:' , _ l'flmwffi@
1 ’ */" . '11 ' .,1-\.. -‘, 2 i .', L‘ 1 , ‘., 1 < 11 fr , v . ’ ,T‘ 1 'v :'-V:-‘1T#%§
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t-nu- 1 .. . - 3 ..i' ' -_ 1‘ . é ' 1. :‘ " 1 - ,1 g _ - . : - .4 _ ,1 a , *1 .‘.; 2 - x '2 151,111,". aim-51:1»
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£11)» «--~.«: a.-”v“< «way», ww* _~ . ,3. , -..::, 1.15, :XmUn‘KflK£\W‘WmM%&
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§9l¥33\§1;’}¥,\’?figxg’f vfi3§°15$*7“‘7—1«1figg314f .15 £1 ’5 ‘1 5' 1. .:.2 l1 1l‘24“*:v“«;yzw£%&%fi 1. 3 “firafi’g’i
W " mgfigs '1 .4 t- 1H r“<~ ::‘11-1‘ 3w?" 1'41. -. ’1 - ‘ ,_ , 1 ‘11—1, 1“.
~ 1 '8 ""'TY' ... ‘13 ' ' ' ""1; ‘ 1* “~v">2.:§.~1"~.232 1 5—55‘5'2'” _1'Z1*-1é.\:r» .,-;1CJ~,£ 5,51,51,65? -«.:l"=.:~2~. , L» 1,74.~,.-.-.: 1'1 VHS-’., 1 331‘“‘1..‘-;.:-’%‘.:.:.e=,:~.‘.-':.1::
11. 1+ 1@fl%%é% :.., wumw fl ma¢$4fl 1«ékéfiéfifififififiwwflfig%fiafififi&%fiflfififlfifi§fiflfifi§fifiiv*fi%#§%%fi%fififigflfi’7im*3¢ %¢H§EW%153
. 4. V .. .2 g 1, . ,». .,. 5 .,. 2. :.., . . -. Ebfi'd’ifiW—Wfiwfiwfig-u” "' . "

 L ~2
iLCXU 3117 TV “0333. 2%:
J. v.1" , 22 "Li'fif'. ‘
,‘ 1:22.71..." ._. 1’ 2’: J ,: I'VE} £2, . , j.
' Vi} $.11: ; l . f ..'2 2'. , ’5.--.: 32’) J." “.3‘- ! 95.32;" , ,. ‘ .;. J..,
-:« 1.22:; .1.: '5.: _.3; "heave-2.3.2:. 2 ~
noti'wa ".Ai:'."-'2‘v;€~3;:<~.‘2.’2:Lng
> to try“ 2.2.1" 3;!u22'1i812 the oldintiiz.’ herein {2:22 ‘2'.‘n=~ "if” He: 23.52: Tim-3 13231“ . '
‘ 101173.212: ordinance“. of the tor-.222, 0:? 12:2.»- to.x::;1.='2.2:v;;:, Iris];t2.2.c.!':;2s, ’:.aiatte ‘
'1 “We :.Eity 2.::.2'2g21'1c;§.’}. oi“ 1.1.312. !;:.3.3.:- 2:23." .-‘reston£-burg: ordain
- . as. '.'2.‘o'.l_;.m.rs;::--
iii-at it shall '.‘.»;2; unlaoful for any person, corporation
:a‘ire, 2.12.21“ 2;. r2122 22%., art. 2:.2'2'."‘:;, or '12 ;witSs'niAtiva t‘i’
any" fiermne corner: tion, firm, company or any individual ;fi.
or 223.412.3222;”outage. ,i2=. ? iii-.';:ry-r l:2'.:'.::3_x.~f;2's:2 2,113.22}: i' this
'_ state or foreign state, to solicit the sale of liquor or “C
other i.;'to.~a.;-:..:x'.:12,225 .2 _5‘3. ‘.‘.: :':..'2'2"' 2:31;: f. it; 2210221120
ited under the 12:22:21 option law of said city and Floyd
twenty, limitu-olgg" or to 2,5,2"; '12.: 2f 2:223:11. Cicero for
' linear to be shipped into said city Riniits or who shall
'_ ens-2;L“2..;.':.;s Sil..'2_7:);x2éii; 9;" . $3.:i2suo.:'rx 22 22 ‘2 01"” as.
» siating'any sale thereof or otherwise assisting: the pro- j.y
curing; of an or 122.2: ;.or 2 intoxicating. 3:299:21: either by 27,;-
mail or otherwise to be shipped into said city limits, .
she-3.3.. upon oomricztion be fined, not less than ten nor mom g
. than sixteen dollars by the relics Judge 01‘ the said city 2
.. vino shall try both the la1.r and the Tammie" g
223-» Said motion Afar Writ of ErOhibition is set for hearing on the
"3. twenty‘first day of the present September term of the Eloy-'32 Cir“ ..;;2
cuit Court. {72:

 v "\ ‘
/ W '

. .E
f, arroyo CIRCUIT COURT.
0' J. P. Murphy. Plaintiff. ,
i, t. Answer. ‘ ' ”
fit William r. Hellon,rolice Judge.cto.. Befendnnt.
“A Comes now the defendant. hiliism 3.39110n.£olice Judge of - i
it, the town orF ;reetonebura,bsntueKr,§md for his answer to the I;
?} Petition in icuitv of the Plaintipf. J.B.fiurony,Filed heroin F
i! says: .1
it 'Thet it is untrue that the Elaintiff, J.P,Murphy.is being 6
:f deorived n? his liberty in violation of his eonstitutionsl ‘ i
7;, rights. .3
Egk That it in untrue that the said ordinenoe is unconstitutional
1:' or void,or that it violates section 51 of tun Constitution of f
éfi Kentucky,or in that it relates to more than one subjectpor in ff
i: that the subjects to which it relates is not.or sue not.expres- if
5%‘ sad in the title to said ordinance; that said ordinance treats it
:? solely of offenses cowwitted by persons soliciting orders for 1'
£5 liquors or intoxicsnte and stertising same. -v
i%5 That it is untrue that it violates subasection 27 of section ‘d
3:: 59 entitled "Local and Special Legislation”.on that.or that. k
:3, the sHid ordinance attempts to regulate the sale of vinous. _;
£3 spiritous or wait liqoure,or to alter the liquor laws ou-licable ’
ii} to said city.without having provided the means of taking the y:
if: sense of the people of said city or town in relation thereto. b?
xhi Defendants says thet ”loyd County.and Irestonsburg.nentucky. E
éé are absolutely dry in so far as the legal sale of intoxicents %
{ii is concerned,whichfaot was and is fully known to the Plaintiff. -:
igg and which said feet was so know to the Plaintiff when he was - 5%
ggéifij '“fettfim‘tdi”““° edgertiso and procure orders ‘9?;‘P”;93;’j°f'n,ril I54 E

 .“ npirituoua.Vinoue 9nd mfilt liquors to he ahmpnafi into saifi :
local cption tarritory. :
i Tflat it 19 untrun that it vilnates sub—tmc+ion f? of naiiicn
f 59 of the Cwngtitutior,bnavuse Or for fine 911¢3v4 reason that  
‘- at thfi tima of fbn fittamutefl @mmanqs or zdfiption 07 $31? cylin-
;. anca thero wwsla qwuevfll lpw fivplieablp t0 fihn nn19.0r roguln
,  hfiion a? tEm gala 0F liquor in mfiii City of frnvfwnfibuvfi.
 : That it 1% untrue fihfifi amid arditnrcfi *vvihm?,0? 5% 911, ;
  violatea section 8 a? thv Hi]? a? fiighfifi a? €3m Womefiitution  
: of the Stung of inr?ucky,in fhafl n“ xxnfi r513 QTSinmncn nfitfimfita  
' t0 abriuge tho ric%i of this Timinfiiff,or a? $11 a? an; fl Yuan: “
3‘ to fréply spreak,writa av firint an :my subjecfi fir urflnrtztv: f ‘ y£
, :.,/..') ' 3:;4
::  to bravant Or in prchbbtt any nnrnun,fi?&,cnrpov¥ticn.smnyrny 231%;
‘- or any individual or citizvn artafiai in thw 111mm? h;:i;35: 1%
5} in tnim stata a” any formigv Vista to ¢nlioit it“ sale 0: ' ‘ 
limimf‘ rm Diffrw? irLfiOfltiCEting‘T‘ bv'vafi'réugja in m2? {314:}; 3'5 ::’?cxgpm
" ‘ tanaburg than it ornhihihad vwim? the £0351 09:10; 13w? of "
f said city and Wloyd County,fiéntuaky.mr i: fihuw 0r $t ull.in  ?
:1 Violrtion of the rimhts 0? this Fluinfiiff under aha 3131 of f
7‘ Rights aforenaid.  
 \ That it im untrua tnafi said orfiinfncn,furfihnv,nr pt all, ;‘
' viulwtws the constitution a? thn Enitwd Stath 0? £m~ricv.cr A
j.7 of tha State of fifinfiucky,in fihet,sr thwt,ifi umflnrfaknn fie ;
L; prohibit or impnfie n pafinlty against 9wrssns who mny malicit _
*  whickey or intoxicfitinq haverfigna fie ho sFipned into Tréatnns— ”1
I » burfi,fientucky,in that,nr that.flonmrnas along hag power *0 i
¥ regulate cawmnvce batweea the statea.or that this is an utfiomp- ~fi
I»: ted regulatien a? comherce b¢tween thn 9tates.or H'puniehment  
7'. of any person engaged in soliciting mail orders for whickay I
I or exhibiting samples of liquor for the purgose of securing {
ff mail cvdern for whiskey ta be ahipped in Prestonsburg.fientucky.  
' Defendant ways that the Plaintiff. J.P.murphy.i$ a residant ‘fi
.. \.-, ‘ - 0f thfl.r,Citv‘ 0f :'cfitafi‘h"‘h"“":f."1,.n‘f‘,“‘f‘“' 5...: ”--,., ___ ..:. _a. - I... ‘ . =;: