xt70zp3vt865_262 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. May, Daniel W. v. Newsom, John and Moore, John text May, Daniel W. v. Newsom, John and Moore, John 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_24/Folder_15/4503.pdf 1865-1898 1898 1865-1898 section false xt70zp3vt865_262 xt70zp3vt865 (I
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‘ Che (Eommonmealtb of Kentucky,
"m 3% m%.” H Plaintifl‘,
h . vs. NoticetuTakEDeposltions. I
WWW W Defendant. ‘
; _ I
The..." W WQM i
will take notice that on the3~.:.x,’:h*.._.t:€ 371.31.“; 11;; 211'. .::.-..’. '-3 ,


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mg: 1.:1211,::.b'7 --.a.;t «10’ 901533 to L1 .~..11111l 171...: ad... .. .1 1.1.3 :e“ .‘

r C' 3 T‘- r. w; h . 7 . ... ‘ 1. .1 1 * ‘1' :1 .~. .I-
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Til ;c?: 0;lks ,c‘:e:;t:ni+.,.:ld, C?;e:rt;nil ” 357.»; \i, k::o‘v.lFAC(,FIl;E ‘52 jvolles
t-0 1W0 chestnut osks,N.2l E;:t GO soles to o diuhle Che:*2“t AAA
on d knob.N050 W.46 polesfito two eheztrut OTVS on : ledfe of ren
ksgN.66.W.IOS poles to a chestnut oek on the :nd of d knob,301t
‘W.52 poles to two hickories and a black oak on a knob.€w80.w,59 (
poles to a bldck oak hiekoryzde two small dogwood: or a hnohafig
4f°W356 poles to two Chestnut oaks on 3 flat knoh.Nr5u Fist 6?
.poles to two chestnuts dud d.gum.on a knob.N320.E 38 golf; to d
'chestnut oak,dnd two hickories on a knoh.N°7.West 45 poles to d
, _ WW
:Chestnut oak on a pelnt,beL#§AQ a Cliff of rocks.N,60'West 70 go
} WA ,
jto twfiMpines,a chestnut éfié’afi oak on a point.S.503w.27 poles to ;
‘ltwo hickories and‘h,pine on a pdint.SA57.West 4Q poles to a blac 1
-4—ck gum,and a black oak Haéeihsome large roeks.8.713W,400 poles a
gto a stake.South 500 poles to a stake,N.59.East 552 poles,to a , g
i? 3
J . . ‘
t stake.S.27 East 50 poles to the beginning.
* That said Defendant; have had the unlawful possession of said 1d
1 land,and now forcibly and without right detain the possession of
g said land from him,agdinist his will and cansent;dnd has so det—
f dined the possession of the SmmE frOm him for five year: last pa
j st to his great damage of One thousand Dollars.
fl WHEREFORE:—Pldintiff prays Judgement that he recover the possess
‘ H
A. H ion of edid land from said Defepdapts:a‘. that he recover of the
H . . . .Mli- .M
f i! ,
H m the sum of One thousand dollars in damages,dnd 3 Judgment for J
; cost and all proper relief.
. - State of Kentucky. Attorneys for Plaintiff.
: Floyd County;-Ss:-
1 The statements of the foeegoing Petition are tree,
i Sworn to by D.W,May before me Septenber ( h 1892.
1 M?” r1 Tn (A (A
' 5, - ,... ~- “A” '* \-~7""'"‘ fivox‘AmJ AJ:
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Floyd Circuit Court. “
‘ Daniel W.Hay.....................................Plaintiff. ’
Against. Answer of John day to Cross Pet
John W.News0m....................................Defendants.
The defendant,John May for answer to the Cross 5
petition of the defendants herein says he is the executor of the
decedent W.H.May,and that he has no sufficient knowledge or infer
mation,as to Whether the plaintiff D.W.May is the OWner of any land
land,as described in the petition,and he denies that he is the OWn—
er of it,he denies that his decedent W.H.May is,or that his estate I
is liable to the plaintiff or the defendants or to either of them
for any thing,he says he does not know any thing about the deed set
un and plead in the answer and counter claim,whether his decedent
‘ znade such a deed or not,he calls on defendants to file the same,if 5
they have any such deed. He says being the executor Only of W.H.May
he dOes not know any thing about the matter of litigation,set up in
this suit,and that he cannot new file a complete answer,he demands ,
that both the plaintiff and the defendants file the evidences of
their title to the said land,if they-have any.
Wherefore thaxxnxa he prays to he dmnissed With c
cost and for all proper relief. '
' ' ' Johnhayr~~w~
State of Kentucky,
Floyd County.
John May says the statments in this answer are true as he
believes. .
John May.
Sworn to before me by John May this the I2th.day of June
I895. Wig/57 fljflflmu éy‘ ”‘54, C 1/5’”
. f ‘ . 5 45

 , f ‘ * Z/wflfii/LMWM “X
' ' / ~. .‘ r’
‘ D.‘.‘I.May Plff. gm/Zgg‘flmér é;
t - Vs :AnsWer. I I V I
I John W.NeWsom &:c.Defts. 3 I '

‘,2/ed m ’7f7d‘ ;

' %ffi // M

Floyd Circuit Court. / _
D.W.May, Plaintiff. '
Against. Reply.
John w.News0m,& John Moore, '5 'V”“ ' DefEndants. . 5'
The Plaintiff D.W;May says for Reply to the Defendants Answa .9

er herein that it is untrue and he denies that the Defendants or 5 I
either of them are the owners of the land or any part thereof.And V
denies that they<>r either 0 f them are lawfully or rightfully
in the possession of said land or any portion thereof,either under
or by virtue of a Deed from William H. May or otherwise ;he denies
and saysthat he has no knowledge or information sufficient upon

. which to found a belief as to whether W.H.Mby,sold or warranted
said land to the Defendants or any portion thereof to either of
themgand hence denies that he did.He says that W.H.May wasnot the
owner nor did he have any rite to convey the said land to the Defe
ndants,and if he did ~which is denied- the same was and is void
and didnot invest them with title to the same.Plaintiff denies th
at since the alledged purchase from William H.May,that the Defend-
ants or oither of them have been in the actual posession of said
land.or any portion thereof,
WHEREFORE:Having fully replied Plaintiff prays as in his original

l, Petition and for all general and special relief. I i L ' W

Booton & Harkins, Atty’s for Pl’ff.
State of Kentucky.
Floyd County :85:-

We are of counsel for Plaintiff in the above entitled cause he is
believed to be absent from Floyd County Ky;and we believe the stat
ement of the foreg01ng Reply to be true.663{d57 5Z7é~<~;%%4Au
Subscribed and sworn to by Walter S.Harkins and R.S.Booton before
me the 19th day of June A.D. I895.

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' SUMMQNS Ifisfifiéfll€izflcum COURT. The Bradley & mm 00,, Print, Lauisuillc, Ky.
The Commonwealth of Kentucky, 7/1/ //
TO THE SHERIFF 0F///7.._...........00 UNTY:
You, are commanded to suntmoerfMW/l ........ .. [K
,, [/%27 /7/ /W
__ - to answer
on the first day of the next@{a¢ ‘ * 771/1 / {i 0 ‘ .
BET? ‘ . § ‘§\ x.) “3;;
‘ ' Q Q 3? \ j: m
,. » / ‘ ‘f m (s ,
.‘flgainst { summons. 4 ; Kfi gig) 5%
_ ~~ R \x N L‘”
‘ T0(0®\€\Term,18.(:wé/E Q) £xi§ 33) \ §i
’ ”é; ; § :§ :9 ._