xt70zp3vt865_261 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. May, Colonel Jr. v. Cope, Tot Allen text May, Colonel Jr. v. Cope, Tot Allen 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_24/Folder_14/4486.pdf 1952 1952 1952 section false xt70zp3vt865_261 xt70zp3vt865 / 1
aglpnal Kay, Jr. Plaintiff _
, vss: P'ZTITIOK ;gg mum?
Tet Allan Cope Bafandant
The plaintiff Colonal Hay, Jr. says that he is the
' ownar anfi has the legal titla to tha following dascribad
parsonal preperty, to wit:-
‘ 1. Picture of Cclonal Mag, Jr. inaluding frama now hanging
on the landing of ata rs in tha building davised by
3. P. Arnold, daceaseé, to Tot Allan Gopa. Valua 050.00.
2. Commiasion of Galonal A. a. gay, fathar 0f Cclonel Kay,
5?. in tha Confedarata Vataran 3 Army new banana on
' wall in the parlor of the building of the raaidenea
‘ deviaaé by E. P. Arngld to Tot Allan Cope. Commifiion
anfi frame valuaa at $50.00. ‘
, 5. fina'larga pofitavy umbrella stand of the valua 0f

4. One faathsr bafi of the valua of 615.00.

_ 5. Qna china or plastic cupfl colorad, with tha mama 0f
' Colemal May, 3?. on aama valued at $5.00. '
6. Pict‘um and frama of twovdogs hanging on wall at raft
of front éoer of tha raaidance daviaad by 2. E. arnold,
, decaaaad, to Tot Allan Cops, of bhe valua of €50.00
7. Che figure light on nawal post at foot of staira in
. ‘ tha residanca daviaafl by 3. P. Arnolfi, aacaaaad, to
Tot Allan Gope which was taken fram the nqwal post
of tha proparty ownaa by wall may fiilkarson, mothar
of Colonal Hay, Jr., of the value of $50.00.
. 8. Four black ané whita figura picturea and frames
Value at $20.00. .
0. Una sat at dishes with gold rim thareon known as the
E911 may china or the value of $300.00.

10. Ona picture of Hall May Wilkersbn, Mother of tha
plaintiff, ané tha frama, now hanging at tbs head of
the staira in tha rasidance davised by a. P. Arnold,
daeaaaed, to Tot Allen Cope. Valued at $25.00.

11. Qua larga mahogany rocksr, maid rocker i3 located or
within a abort tima ago was locatad in the room of
Victoria Arnold and ?d P. Arnald, in the rasidanoa
@evisad by 3. P. Arnold to Totafillan Copa. Valued at

 12. fine oovarod butter dish with four logs, place for

buttor knivo on some onfl pla03 to-put ice in bottom.
« Valued at $25.00.

13. Que silvor cup, largo at flop, small at bottom, frill
work on sidos of it, beat u; to some extant. Value

14. Gun small blue jar with lid onion has indian hood
on sidoo or on top 11d. Value $10.00.

15. Pistons and frame of ohroo horoo hoafio of the voluo
of £15.00.

16. Army clothing belong/to plolntiff lo tho oloozt ox

V tho room horotoforo oooupiofi in said abQVoumontiomofi
reoidanoa of tho valuo of $25.00.

That each of solo articlos wane inhoritod by tho
plaintiff ao a child and hoiruat—low of Hell May oilkorson,
and havo at all times oinoo boon ownod by the plaintiff, V
anfi aro now owned by tho plaintiff. That each of said
artiolos woro permittéd to be mood in the residence of
Victoria Arnold, wife of l. P. firnold, who pracodofi him in
dooth, and that tho plaintiff has at all timos boon Sinoo
tho floath of his mother, fiell may Wilkerson, tho owner.of
gold items anfi oach of thom, as horoinabovo mentioned, sot
out and rofarrod to, and that ha is ontitlofi to the immodiato
possession of said property; that tho property is wrongfully
‘dotainoé by tho dofondaut, that it has not boon taken for
tax or fling against tho plaintiff, or under ony order of
judgmont of a court against him, nor sloZQd under an execution,
distross warrant or attachment against his property; and that
plaintiff's canoe of action has acoruod within one year prior
to the filing of this petition; that plaintiff has been damagod
by reason of the wrongful aotontion of said itams horoinboforo
set out by the aaid Tot Allen Cope, in the just and full sum
of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars which amount he is entitled
to recover against tho plaintiff, Tot Allen Cope.

- 2 -

 WHflaiFORfl, plaintiff prays judgmant against the
dafenéant for tha immediate p0889ssion of said itgms barginn
befava mantioned and each of them; and £or the sum of Fivg
Hunérafl (3508.00) Dellars in danagas for the unlawful
detention, prays judgmant for costs and for all general ané
spacial r21ief.
Colonel Hay, $P.
We ‘
S’I‘ATS {315“ "'EQ'IF'UGKTY. ,
Th3 affiant and plaintiff, 3910391 Kay, 3?. $ays
that Eh? statamants of the foregoing patition are true as ha
believgs. -
SEORN to befora me by 8910391 fiay, Jr. this the
day 531, , 1952.
Notary Pubiic, Flnyfi County, Ky.


Colonel May, at. Plaintiff


Tot Allen Cope Defendant
The Commonwealth of Kentucky

to the
Sheriff of Floyd County
a ‘ In the action of Colonel May, Jr. plaintiff, against

Tot Allen Cope, defendant, pending in the Floyd Circuit Court, '

you one directed to take from the possession of the defendant,

Tot Allen Cope, the following:-

1. Picture of Colonel Hay, Jr. including frame now hanging

V on the landing of stairs in the building devised by
l. P. Arnold, deceased, to Tot Allen Cope. Value $50.00.

2. Commission of Colonel A. J. May, father of Colonel May,
3?. in the Confederate Veteran’s Army now hanging on
wall in the parlor of the building of the residence
devised by i. P. Arnold to Tot Allen Cope. Commission
and frame valued at $50.00. -

' 5. Cne large pottery umbrella stand of the value of
$25.00. ' v ‘

4. One feather bed of the value of $15.00.

5. One china or plastic cup, colored, with the name of

y Colonel. May, Jr. on same Valued at $5.00.

6. Picture and frame of two degs hanging on wall at left
of front door of tho.residenoe devised by T. E. Arnold,
dsceased, to Tot Allen Cope, of the value of $50.00.

7. One figure light on newal post at foot of stairs in
the residence devised by 3. P. Arnold, deceased, to
Tot Allen COpe which was taken from the newel post
of the property owned by Nell May Wilkerson, Mother
of Colonel May, JT., of the value of $50.00.

8. Four black and white figure pictures and frames
Valued at $20.00.

9. One set of dishes with gold rim thereon known as the
Nell May china of the value of $500.00.

' i V - 1 .

 10. One picture of Nell May Wilkerson, Mother of the plaintiff,
and the frame, now hanging at the head of the stairs in
the residence devised by E. P. Arnold, deceased, to
Tot Allen Cope. Valued at $25.00.

11. One large mahogany rocker, said rocker is located or
within_a short time ago was located in the room of
Victoria Arnold and 3d P. Arnold, in the residence
devised by 3. P. Arnold to Tot Allen Cope. Valued at

, 12. One covered butter dish with four legs, place for
butter knife on same and place to put ice in bottom.
Valued at $25.00. ‘

13. One silver cup, large at top, small at bottom, frill
work on sides of it, beat up to some extent. Value
$10.00. ,

14. One small blue jar with lid which has indian head on
sides or on top lid. Value $10.00

15. Picture and frame of three horse heads of the value 1 .
0f $15006. .

16. Army clothing belonging to plaintiff in the closet of
the room heretofore occupied in said aboVe-mentioned
residence of the value of $25.00.

‘for delivery to the plaintiff, Colonel May. Jr. and you will

make return of this order on the day of May, 1952.

GIVEN UNDER MY HAND this the ' day of April, 1952.
. W. W. COOLEY D. F. C. C. ‘
' bYSWD. c.
I- 2 u

Colcnal May} Jr. 1 Plaintiff
Tot Allan Cope fiefaméant
fig undertake to tha dafendant, Tot Allan Cope, that
tha plaintiff, Colcnal May, Jr. shall duly prosacuta thia
action find shall perform the judgmant of tha court tharain
by raturming tha prapmrty owderxé to ba éaliverad t0 tha
plaintiffs if a Paturn ha aéjudgsfi, anfi by 9aying swab suma
of monay as may ha afljudged in this actian against tha plaintiff _
not awcaading mallara, and the cost of this action. ‘
Wlfifiififi our handm this the éay of , 1952.
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0 O O 0 O 0 ,

Came today the defendant, Tot Allen Cope, by counsel,

and produced and filed her answer herein.

 k - alga-7f” (,‘.-,.WM " 3’14: “4%" ‘



D O 0 0 0 0

Tho defendant herein, Tot Allen Cope, for answer to
plaintiff’s potition heroin, denyo that the plaintiff herein,
Colonel flay, Jr., is the oonor or has the legal title to the fol-
lowing deooribod personal property, to-wit:

Picture of Colonel may, Jr., including frame, now hang~
ing on the landing of the otairo la the building devised by E. P.
Arnolo, Deceased, to Tot Allen Cope, of tho valuo of $50.00 or any
other sum or amount; oommisoion of Colonel A. J. way, father of
Colonel May, Jr., in the Confederate Army, now hanging on the wall
in the corner of the building or the residence devised by E. P.
Arnold to Tot Allen Cope, of the value of $50.00, or any other sum
or amount; one large pottery umbrella stand, of the value of
$25.00, or any other sum or amount; one china or plastic cup,
oolorefi, with tho name of Colonel May, Jr., of the value of $5.00,
or any other Sum or amount; picture and frame of two dogs, hang-
ing on the wall, at tho left of front door of residence devised by
E. P. Arnold, deceased, to Tot allon Cope, of the value of $50.90,
or any other sum or amount; one figure light upon newol post at
foot of stairs in the rosidonoo doviood by E. P. Arnold, deceased,
to Tot Allen Cope, of the value of $50.00, or any other sum or
amount; one set of dishes, with gold rim, known as tho Nell May
china of the value of $300.00, or any Other sum or amount; one

 picture of Nell May Wilkerson, mother of plaintiff, and the

frame, now hanging at the head of the stairs in the residence de-
vised by E. P. Arnold, doooasod to Tot Allen Cope, of the value of
$25.00, or any other sum.or amount; one large Mahogany rocker,
said rocker being located within a short time ago in the room of
Victoria Arnold and Ed P. Arnold, in the residence devised by

E. P. Arnold, to Tot Allen Cope, of the value of $25.00, or any
other sum or amount; one covered butter dish with four logo,
place foo butter knives on some and place to put ice in bottOm, of
the value of $25.00 or any other sum or amount; coo silver cup,
largo at top, small at bottom, frill work on sideo of it, of the '
valuo of $10.00 or any other sum or amount; one small blue jar,
with lid, which has Indian head on sides or top of it, of the
value of $10.00, or any other sum or amount; picture and frame

of three horse heads, of the value of $15.00. or any other sum or
amount; army clothing belonging to plaintiff in the closet in

the robm heretofore occupied in said above mentioned residence of
of the value of $25.00, or any other sum or amount.

Defendant denies and says that aho does not have nor
has never had one feather bed belonging to the plaintiff, of the
value of $15.00, or any other Sum or amount, and denies that she
noes not have and has never had four black and white figure pio-
turoa and frames belonging to plaintiff, of the valuo of $20.00,
or any other sum or amount.

Furthor answering herein, tho dofonéant denies each and
every allegation of plaintiff‘s petition, and Bayo that same are
not true.

EHEREFORE, the defendant, Tot Allen Gope, prays that
plaintiff's petition be hence dismisood, and that he be adjudged
to take nothing thereby. Prays for all hor costs herein expended


 ‘ ~ .“ ‘-
and for all proper, appropriate, general and apecial relief.
The affiant and defendant, Tot Allen Cope, says the
statemsnts contained in thfi foregoing answer are true as she believes.
Subscribed and sworn to before me by Tot Allen Cope,
this June , 1952.
CLERK, FLOYfi 813331? GOU§T.