xt70zp3vt865_260 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. May, A.J. et al. v. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company text May, A.J. et al. v. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_24/Folder_13/4476.pdf 1935 October 25 1935 1935 October 25 section false xt70zp3vt865_260 xt70zp3vt865 3 W '
FTWEUCRY RAIFJWM) ' {3:23‘912Efxfii‘ifii‘7.
At 3" km?" 51.: C30, F‘lnfn’ufi'iu.
., ,fi-gziinat /,I’ Order.
Chengmeszim {Thin Eagilway Company, Emissary 11"...
(3am 1:1: is; may the éfizicamit’mi; have: in, fihfiudmb f9. ‘
Chin F'iézilwa.,y Campany, gwrmiucmi {m} :‘ilud flmmrzfl. am: 3:12:30;le ‘f'ira- '
murmr “£0 T’laintii‘ffis' Fat“; 102: Mayfair); mm; minnow; LEJ‘XFIIUL‘. the
_ . reserving ;
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film} 3303330312363 am? finrwezr in} arm-e futi'fiifil’i a}; the: ;;::1az.;mi.:1fi‘s', and: E
371:..m m Ahzmiawanfi M :13 aid, patritien. ' ‘5

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memes? Kfa'ifiiiflélk 1:111:01 I

j a. J. E1333, 33a {3.. FIAIE‘TlFfi‘fio


1 fififiififl? // hEfiPflfifiE and AEEWER, hfih PLEA

'1 12:2! Miriam

i mmswmc 6;, $329 iml‘ffia’ffi {ZOTWAWL Dizfi’fiifiimfi’i’.


§ The respondent and defendant, Chesaycake & Ghio Railm

ii way somyany, for response and answer to the petition of the ylain-

Q tirfe herein, says that it is untrue and it denies that A. J.

§§ hay, as County Attorney, or James P. Harris, as ficunty Judge, cf

fig Floyd daunty are interested in securing for their constituents,

2% ' the citizens of Floyd fiennty, er the traveling psblic, more or

:1 any convenient passenger depot facilities at ?r9atonshurg, Ky.

1% It denies that Will H. Layne, S. e. weddington, O.P.
E Fowors, W. H. Jones, filram Laferty or J. 901k Harris, or either of
them, as individuals or as sway mm {Zity Councilmen 01" the any

i? of $restonsburg, Kentucky, are interested in securing more con-

d venient, better or any passenger deyot facilities for their cen-

g stituenta. the citizens of “rustoneburg, Kentucky, or the travel-
31 ing public.

: It denies that the ymsent freight and messenger de-
1 pot, as new combined or located, is inconvenient. It denies that

i; the station at @reetonsburg is a dietent station, and denies that
i the passengers on the trains going East, during the late fall,
E‘ winter or spring menthe, or other time, are required to walk on

é the track or the defendant, or that they are required to walk on
i' the track many or any times in front of moving trains ; and denies
fig .

 a. ‘
gf that fihera 15, for half my any part of th& way ha ha firavellad,
$1 no way 9f fix&valing except an tha yailxena track or in front of
3‘ muving trains. It awniea that aftgr leaving fifie aeyat a5 new 10- ,
a; cmfiad, travelars muafi pasa $v&r a high rfixlway hridga crasuing
:% fiiéfila fircmk and continua ugan the tracka 0f thfi flufanflant flam-
gi pany} and fianiaa that auxing the flinter av Byring manfiha 0r other
3} fiima, or all or part cf the yaar, pfifififlfigarfi ara faxcad ta gm Far:
:1 . all or any of fihia allagfid diatanoa thraugh imymfisible mué,ar
i1 ‘w&ter, or tn walk upan thfl track of tha flufmnaant either in day
?; fling or at hgurs 9f night.
i} It denicm thai thgre is no other means of transportation
3: af baggaga from the dapat 30 Prwgtanaburg aficayt upun trucks or auh
‘ as; .yasaangem are :5:;th w carry.
E? The defandant éafiiea that adjacent ta thfi and of fiha yraa-
:1 tanahurg Eridgfi flompany'a briage tharu 15 amyla 0r any 300m or a
a? convflniant glaca at mhich $a canwtruct a yaaacngar fieput upon da-
;‘ fenaant’fi right 0f way. It amniea hhflt by fihe conatruntian of tha
:1 yaasenger dafiofi and bagggflstution at the waat and 9f aaia bridge
%: the dangar to human life, 9? the allegefl m&ny or any inconvenien-
3 ces at tha public or those éaairing to trav¢l myon defandant'a
:1 firain vaulfi be practically, yartially or othurwiae eliminated.
g: It denies fihat bucaufie of the alleged airfiaultiea and
f? inconvnniencen ruwulting tram the praaant locatian of the Com-
3} pany'm dapot and tha mathad of transyorting thfl maila that the
E1 said mails arrivw at Pragtonaburg vary lata at night @uring the
i} wintgr months or 0th&£ timfl , and daniaa that the auma arrivas at
:1 Frestonaburg we late fihat the people 0f thfi Lawn do not get their
3: mail”.
‘2 For furthar responfle and defnnae to thu complaint set out
in plunurrv petmian the defendant, chesapemce a4; Ohio Railway


5 Uompany fiaya fihfit wifihin fine wity 11m1fia @f the Cifiy of Prestons-
‘, burg, Kentucky it hag, at an expensa ta itflfllf of mere thunrwleve
4 Thaufiand fiollara, previdafi tag naceaaary greunafi wMareon to can-

‘ mtfiuat andaggiifihgéfiggégcg%n%ufficienfi 8138 and langfih to transact '

£221.19: zjamyany's busimega anti 4:0 tam: can: of the marchimdizw ami

1 ahipmentfi a? freighfi ané exprwgm anfi paanangflr traffic of the road
1 arriving and dayayting ta and fram Pregtonaburg, Kantucky. That ‘

% thw aaid dfiyot was anfl is canatruoted upon mbsolutaly the only

3 level land that wag abtafinable,anfl fxam fine tapography cf the

% ceuntry axiata within fine mile balaw its preflent locatian or

fi mafia than 0ne male abeva; that tha maid depot and graun$a wera

: ficguirad, afitablifihed and gut inta opwration withgut abjgction 0?
“i camylaint aithar from aha City 9f ?re$tonaburg or Floyd county, as
i any 9f fihfi gwntlwmen new aaauming to act for them, anfi waa con-

i atrustafi, completed gné in age for sevetal yuara befor& the Frag-
: tansburg Eridge Company'a bxidge waa locatea and canstructed at

2 th& paint whfira it baa been built and t0 whiah the said p1ain~

% tiffn, the pafiitinnura harein, Qusira to campel thia dafenaant to

; ramave ita depot.

E Defendant further says that gha parsonapetitionimg for

i fiha ramoval are influenaad and ara acting for and in the intarest
  mainly ::')f the: Prestonaburg Eridga nonpany; that Mr. A. 3’. Kay, am:
i 0f fih$ §etitianers ané who is also County Attorney of Floyd Gmunty,
é. 13 fine of the diractara of the Frestonwburg Bridge aempany, and

1: his brothar, fir. W. H. flay, in fiacretary anfi Treaaurer of the

a; Prfifitfinfiburg firidga Gamyany; and thgt J. a. Weddington, another of
f’ the patitioners aa & mambar of tha City enuncil, 13 also Vice-

;g Praaident 03 the Frestonsburg Bridge Company; and dflfandant is of
51 apinion, is informed ana believma and chargaa the fact to be that
:1 this pracaeding is influenced neatly by the owners 9f the said

:3 bridge, with the hep: and for tha yurpaaa of increasing the rev-

; anuas of thfl said bridge.

 I 4 .

L Bflfdndafifi further maya that $tg iina fif railway, appaaite

3 that yart of $reat0nfihnrg whara the Bridge 13 lacatfid and far 1300

a fleet balnw and for a.mile abuve tha briage, rung at th& hama vi a

: ateep, yeraipifioua mnuntain of cliff nor vacks; that in arder in ’

’ get iflu prasent lina of 0f flinglfl Crack railway ifi waa mammalleé

I to and did at grflafi axyenwa ho ifiaelf blaah out the rock t0 get

E & lccafiion for ifia gingle track railway . That within 6&0 feufi

L, of thc cafi 0f fihfl bridge fihfl Wifidla Gregg Goal Qcmgany hag &n es~

’ tahliwhefi coal mine, wifih Switchafi and aifietracks on which t9

‘ ylaca, umyty and Rana earn in tha y?anecution nf its buninaaa, and

‘ that thifl fiompany has remuived notice 0f the fifisire gna yuryeafi of
fine aaid fiiadle Grewk Seal Company t0 inarmafie Che length fif itfi
awitch; fihflt aha prflgent anufiharn tnrminug 0f itu awitch is wifihin

‘ 206 feet of the byiégfi and that the incraafiad length nf the awitch
will pa%a the Cnd of Said bridga. That at a yuint abeut 6&0 feet
abova the said bridge the Praatansburg Caal fiompany baa recenfily
complated a large plan? that 13 axpecteé he handla fram 200 to
1600 tana of coal per day; that there 13 canaifiarabla anal terri-
tory further my tha rivar & diatanee 0f mne handreé milaa _

. 1; tha$ the Railway Gomyanyls principal Source of ravenue
is derivvd tram hanéling itw freighta and will further be increased
in its anal tranfiport&tion fran the mineu above mentionmd and
thoae above, an khafi the present rigfit 5f way is ané will he
taxad ta its fullesfi cayacity for aifiingfi, tracka Rafi awitcheg fer
the handling of the caal; and that in agder ta canstruct & acyot
naar the bridge they wamld have to out into the hill and blast out
malifi.rock and whale from a parcipitoug cliff, far enough to make
the location of the depct and that the hazghfi 9f said cliff is
mere than V5 feet. That in outing furthar into the hill and
blasting thifl rock the lattaral support wauld be withdrawn from thy
athhanging aubatanca ; and unlean the enhire cliff was taken off


‘:.-:3: u Emmi; ‘?:3 feet a: 31mm high 319,531, the: aiu»zz:‘0i; and the gaming“.
:4 having: hufiinfl‘fis at: smici (input and: 1211:: imam; wait: "in; in fianger
‘ fer t.:: overhanging; w’bzsfiamca um: thi: rank naming; dwm. Bafmdmf;
‘: mag-us; maxi: 113115 'w‘mflfi involve: it, accurdimg ‘23:: film apinion of ma
enigma-ms, “unfit?“ whfimof $1633 $35M! made, in am axpemm of more
than gnu Handrail E‘Ew'zmwfi 33911152435.
The dm‘hmmm: ifm‘shmr Emma mm; 1%; 1.2: im‘gkz‘t’afi‘hicabla =39
canzflsgmfi; Mir}. maintain a ciapof; an: as? l‘ifiai" the: twainus of the
> 1243?);de ahawm mamtimwd. 2mm; :1“: wa‘zqklfi anvagl'm this (Eampmzy in an
" 9x23811343 :31“ 231mm: if not gimme i5 2390.66 pm? meat}: 1‘.:: establish and

' to maintain a ;masengar :s‘émmon Ema tha‘i film revanm‘zfi receivaa as
1 mm §>rzmtanzsburgg (M23134; will new; juatify the ram-ml of ”$11.8 (maggot,
car ‘;:h: malntaimmw a1" a. ‘;::wmmgur or baggage: dept”; separate fram
(has (33336313; them it rim-x: haw wtzmlishmi m; Pressmmabxwg. Bafammnt
2 further mays $3122st flhem are: as many pnmoms anti mo re frcs ighfi cum-
ins; frat-2 ma ‘é’asfirwly gaortiums of thx (:'mmty, whiz tramzmc: their
2 buwinass anti take: gnmumga 33mm and arm-1w m: 1322 (1390:“. as: new 3.0-
} catésc‘iaes figure: is from film Town 9:? Pragtflnzmmg arm the: Eem‘c :31 cm
of {5216 cmmty; and mm "@113 al'mrttming; the {Hammett frum the
: View cf mu“: peapla whca lixm rim “hm: EEa.p;t sick; of gmmc’iy Z'iiveax‘ in
get ingg an M13. I'mm 9732:: (3.91202, it ‘sfia’m'kild marrczsgnnaingly incmu‘ae
z. the: incmxveziicanw of 1321mm who live on the: wesst sides of the county,
‘ and mum isafimgzculxley, parts of Ezaemmr, .313. of Eiimilas cram, the
haad oi Linking: in Eamofflfl Bounty, and gnartfi of Abbott Creek,
Flam. iiiatam‘ty, who mulii be compelled an: traverm preciaely the
amaze mute of travel and the: game mute that these petitioners
make complaint about in “their penitmn. {She defendant i’m‘ther
says that; in the: confiitieration of the whale: mm‘ber of people to be
gamed and a mamana‘ble 8am and sanctum manner in operating its
trains mm handling-3,; its: freigghts, it hm; aalected and. "built its

 é. .
’ aapoi at fihe anly aligihlu point at or naar Prastonaburg.
Tha dtfendant further amys fihat th¢re is y&rullel with 1&3

4 samfi fer a greatar yarfiian ef‘thu aiatance from fiha bridge towards
the fiapat, a ceunfiy highway, hufi that bacauae of lack of afltenfiian
and 3h@ failure ta Ema; the wamu in repair, eithar by the Bumrd of

, filty fiwuncil or fihc Gaunty Judge and the flounty Afizornuy &nd thong
associmavé with them, thw Gaunty road‘has , by their nuglact,

‘ fallan imam gush acnfiition $3 repair a: mask 0f rayaix mg to maka
tha ununfiy ruafi almost imfiaflaible auring the yintar and apring

‘ mantha &né that hmcauwe of this facfi fihfi yublic h&s treapasswd

_‘ upon tkfl Csmpany'u right 0f way, feaiing fihat there i3 luaa dangur

f of bsing run over by fine railrefié trains thanthurfi is 0f traveling

i' upan aha yufilic highway, under thu superviaion of these guntlumfln

i who 33% aumkififi im reguxra fihiw fiafendanfi to remove ita duyot.

L The awfungant furzhwr mays fihat ccmylaint if mafia that

I the raafl fxom tha éwyat t0 firufitanwburg la circuitous, via flhg

‘ cuunty ruad $6 the cmuuiy hriége acramaliiddla wreak. meundant
says that fihfl county bridge acroam mzadlw Crank was locatca by
Connix Smm¢1sgiafiflra a;pwxntcd By tha Suaniy fieurt of Fiuyd

- flaunty, one of whom was Mr. A. J. Ehy, ans of hhu putitlenurfi haran
in, wha than believed that thfl Said countg bridga was légatmd at

I the: mom. eligible lactation am that in fli’dei‘ to ”nap esmmzm; a.

5; highway frum 133 dupafi to the town thiz Comyany voluntarily gave

3 ta Wloyd flounty thfi yum 0f One Thousand Dellara, to be used in fiha

j cenat:uetion of thy gaafi bridge. fhat the nailway flomyuny'a agwnfig,

? aarvmnta and cmylaycaa had unthing to am with the lacation or the

‘ canatrucflion of said bridge excapt to fiurn over to the County auu
thorities the sum of One $housand Hollara, uuud by them in making

. thia location and in conxt acting said hriéga; and defendanfi says

‘ that tha aaid byifigfi flu lccdtcd is within thu coryorate limits

{ of thg Town of ?raatonfiburg, a5 they urn informed, belicvu and


(33:11:19,5ij true; 1111:": that 1”11235'131; Haunting: ”11.23122539351715‘51 from 1301”»611‘1151-11'13-1'35
E 911' fihfi; 11:31:13,111: 13'; :3;-111,1 bridge: agrees 1151:1118 ffz'eef‘az, 112-141; ea 131:: the
E 1111;111:111 1:1:- ei’ gating is and iron the 1111;113:121 and the def 33.151131? :1 2112;191:111;
“hf," 2:111:11 of the enmity e 1i :z the G€3‘¥,,7.?1‘f1:§f 11113111515121 Lif’li’l‘i-JHBEEi‘JE-
E 131;: fame an t 1; the if sage that the llreeiwnahurgj l‘ii’lcifiil {fem-
E pan; is: “item; am 2131.1 emit ion, and. that the hr iéigge owned by it it:
E privz'hize prep 1331121? , eperated fer toll, and in net :2. gaifiilic highway '
“hr 11.23.1336: .
33111121111: ant ;:“urth::r 15:23:33: that it :12: 53.1.1er and hf; Ceunr'zel, with
E 1:11 «1: reg-1311:2131, to thie limmrahle 'Eilmwti. that thin liners; in
E 11116931313? juicigriigtion 1m form; or cor-117ml titaie defendant to 1111110261
E Lite hueineee or ta 3115211131111 its: dairet and. depot facilities from its
E pffi‘ifitfllli loaatien to :a,nc.)'{;her, and more gazirtieularly to a point
E newt-h}; or in the vicinity of the terminus of the llreetonehnry
E {311.1 ffez'ipany'a align, and in 2111;111:0111, legal authority or jurie-
dieticm to grant the Keller prayed. for in inequitiffe' gmtition. The
E some 31:11:: 1:131:11: ie fiéiilfijl‘fiil demlrrer, but for greater preserva-
tion: 01’“ ‘1 1'11”“: of the defendant, is specially- plead in abate-v
lii,!l§fi’illl1i)li§3, having: 1:11.111: mastered and 1‘1-:11 sanded, the de-

fendant, Chesapeake 1i: (32113.0 Railway; alempzmy, ,1_.1rzzgs to he hence dis-
5 ' mieeed wi 1:11 a, judgment for it :.1. coats and 1’01: (11 .1 gene 1:31;}; and: spe-

cial felief.

{El£.1£;§:;ii1’1~iei:hi (a: {31? {If} EMILE/Ea?! (71171131515123 Y,
23; (ionwel.

Wez‘thimztnm, Cochran 1?: 7132:1311-1111:115, fiimimsel.

.71“. .. T). 7371111611611, A.u:3t~5§elicitox‘.

iii. (3. Kirk, T100131 (Emanuel.

italics-r 5;. malaria, Bee—11.1 Gmmml.

Jeeeph l). Hawkins, Mast. 3396:2113. Ummsel.
L____ _1,*1_1E ,1_,E: i 1 v ,; 1 .; 1 E