xt70zp3vt865_253 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Lawson, William H. et al. v. Hatfield, Joseph et al text Lawson, William H. et al. v. Hatfield, Joseph et al 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_24/Folder_6/4331.pdf 1899 1899 1899 section false xt70zp3vt865_253 xt70zp3vt865 a c
1 Wm. R. Lawson, &c
' «Plain 1mm, '
«against- i I Abstracfi record.
5: Joseph.fiutfield ac.,
7 woo-5n; r':d£z:1ts. .
I .‘.—..-.--”.._o-.._,-...--.-~..,.....-w
‘21:] 'gf‘T‘arch 27, 1&5’351, 19's.. Lignfsca‘x-z, fi’mnstoe for ‘
: rather Tountze and juthor Fountze filed yciition in equiiy in
‘ the Fike Circuit Hourt against loseph Hatficlfl, Eliza cth,
America, Julius ;nd.Tfiomas Hatfielfl and Anderson Sm;th,
% Vallcringjthut Iawson was Trustee for fountze, Lnd tnafi Vonntze
'{ in Mia own right- that said Tountze was the owner and lawson
f as Trthee, has the loyal title uni that ylgintiffs have oc—
+~u1yposoession of tract of land 0' the cater of left Wand “ohk
of '1ackberry Creek in Pike Coupty, tributary to Tug River, ‘
i and th rein described by mates and bounds as containing 53531
{ acres, exceptinp;thoreout and excluding therefrom.l4 tracfis, con~
taining 1453-l/% acres, seyaraflely numbering Lho tracts except '
as by reference to patents ?mxdng; ho patemtce, date of
’ patents and in oome cases SpGCiflCfill? describing the land
0 eluded and e cepted (record pages 4-6 inclusive). I ,
”laintiFfs th reuyon allege that defendants had unlawfully,
: , WTOHTfU1ly, jithont right and against the will cod consent of
' the plain iffa, entered upon plainti fa land inside the afore-

 1 . 1 7,. 7 fl .-..:,.1.-.m 11w1~~
1 said 14 flifferani tracts coutaining l453~l/§ acres, and haa cut
1 7
1 fimwn more than five hmnfired (500) trees of the value of 31700.00;
1' war: fihreateninr to remove same frnm plaintiffs! lava and con-
1> v:rt Same o defundanta' use, anfl deprive the plaintiffs of the
Ii 3awe, an: were threateving to cowtinue fio sut d0wn and fall
1 .
% other treas stanfiing and growing upon the said land ani to comr
1. Wifi repeafied and nufiarous tregpasaes thereon unless prevented
g' by 133 dourt; that fine timbar was thw Chifif value of the land,
1 tbs substance of the inharitanca; flefendants aru each insolvant
% and thurefore fine plaintiffs were :1 bout adequate or any remedy
é. uh law. ?he grayer of th» getifiien was that fihe defendants
:1 and 1131011 he rea‘trained an”; ~'r~joir:1e1‘ 1"?er entering 12.113011 “the
5 laflfls and from amazing or rewmving;iimber or ireea growing upon i
1 - thfl land, a: timber cut from.thc land, or conver'i”g same to
; their own n39; that upon bearinfi the restraining order and in-
: junction be made perpetual; fihat a Receiver be appointed to »
i take charge of fihe out timbtr aré preaerve the same, with powef
i to haul and.market the timber, paying the proceeds th1reof to
I plaintiffs. (recrd 8) .
Tye injunction as prayed for was granted as a temporary
resfiraining orfiar in vacation, and an ofaer of survey wbs di—
' rented on the motion of the plaintiffs( fee. 10).
- Upon mation and affidavits (rec. 13—17) the flourt (rec. ;
‘ &¢—50) appointed, Receiver 0f fihe Cour? ‘0 flake Chara:
of fihe timber cut from fihe lands in controversy, whether than ‘1
' xgon the land or rewoved therefrom.a?tér ihc suiting, and for 1
the reason that the said timber would probably deteriorate in .
3 value and that the has? interefit of the parties so reqvired, the g
: Receiver was authorized to sell fihe same, taking bonds for puru j
‘ _ chase prire, parable to himself, bearing fix interest from data. 4
. ~2- L

‘ I}



1 Under ton order the Receiver 501d the timber at the price

é ’ ‘ of $600.00 (page 50)

? Defendants by jointand separate answer (rec 25—27)

3 deny ownership of the land in,?oontze or in Lawson as Trustee

E . for him, oi her as a whole or fiho land after excluding the 14

I tracts mentioned and described in the potiiion; deny wrongfuly

gfiv entry; that they had cut 500 trees or thafi such trees were of

1 the Value of filfiOO.oo, or that ihey were threatening to re-

‘ move said timber wroncfully or without'right; or wrongfully or

; «ikhout right to cu: ‘owp or remove other timber. In short,

: Par. I is a traverse of the allegations of who petition.

Tn var-.8, fine}! plead that the plain-zzii'fs' claim is of land ,
3 derived through a patent frOm Kentucky to Gooaling, D318 and g
3 33111111133 under survey :'vabmary 27, 1866; that dofondants, _

E Flizabeth Hatfield, widow of Thomas Hatfield, Joseph Uafifield,

i Thamas and America fiatfield are the children and heirs of Thomal‘

Z Hatfield, and were then occupying the lava from which the timr


3 her was cu;;thot the flefowdants had sold to one C.W.Velson

g and fleorge T"":‘zller some timber on the lands, and tnat the da—

3 fondants Julius Hatfield and Anaeroon Smith were only alred to

% out the fiimber and assiat as laborers there, but that the childw


% ran an” heirs of mhomas Hatfield owneo tracts nos. 10, ll, 12 j
g anfi 9 in the petifiion mentioned as exclvsions; that they had

:5 caused to be out from tho lanas cl imed by plaintiffs about
i 500 trees; that these were oak upon lands described by motes
i and bounds (rec. 25); that they and.Thomaa Hatfield, their de-
33 ceased father, hai the adverse poasasaion of the bouniary so %
g described to a wall morked and defined boundary for wore than é
§ 15 yours; that they and their father resided upon it for 40 2
.,_ 'l
j; , -3-.
3'3 » ‘

A m:%..»;o. :;.r;z;;::;oomf fififfirtgfl=g_omw “_Wiooa oi; WWW ,fl_fimow_aov ._“...HW -: A

 i ‘
i i
1 U
f h;
5_ :1
3 yeurfi befcre he filed; that ha resided upon it as ‘he actual
j bfittle? gt the time OT thm antry wafie by plaintiffs‘ remote
l ,
% variora, anfi at '35 time fine patent under which plaintifffi
, Cl in gas ipsuefi; that wfien file rntry was made No malice was ,
; fiiVefl t0 mg father of intemt to locate tha same as regnired by
; - the
1 :54 that Kfifiry naither fiawvoy nor patent lSSUBfi, fleNCFNFed or
i agecifiaally mentioned the avclusioas get out in the Latitinn,
z ' simyly mentiafiiwg, after Fivinf Met:s and'bounfia of tha nur-
‘ V
i ‘ Vuy, t1a~ therc ara 2,000 acres excluded from *he survey,
= gitLth locatinfi it or describing it excapt m5 200? QCTC tract
. (:...7, ' "1?th " .v. ’2‘ » .,.‘h'V, .3 , .._! -~ 0.5-“ A. . 7‘, ;;»\v~-~. -. ‘ ..
, 57:313.; ufljgtfl .L (31“ [,‘Iglfi'f'LG :LLtfaesshu 3 c.2535»; 00ch ..ngz .Lmzu Onyx}! {gun that,
I fffl“ mnich the? ban out timber; and th rawyon plfiad thwt hfi' ‘
1 . i
~x - - ' v A; .. .I , , '2 ,V .- ‘. .. " ., . ' W 1 . ‘
‘ iaz¢ure a? mhu survey LES 3 “was :u aascriue u;Ciu£iOflb, the
a !
‘ i7;;.i;e2u 3.;2. 150133. and 01" '71:) a,::i','fé33‘i2. '*‘
' - fixer 'Enerlrafize tiu: €15 Us fikmzt tixzricfeymh fits, as Euwirs ?
‘ I
f 0* Whomaw E'tfield, aru ’he Gwnarn of tke lanfi éescrihofi in j
' r
1 thair answer a“d a! gamma: cut thxrcfrox. ,
‘ . u .. - .. ; .‘ , n — . . '
T913 an$wer wgs reyigefl BO (rec. zm~ou) std as ; traverse f
af fhe affirmative allegatiuna, Nag in particular fhafi the timbefi
. .. x .‘.. 1 :~ . _h J, \ .. 4 . i
cwt frOm the TOH5QBTY o: Lana deacrNNGd $H hafiLMXWflT as 58*
- _ lcfifiinfi to the defendant, or that tue ”Nié ana 0; av; yart g
th-reof belongs to the defenfianc, or that Thpm m “9 f aid, or g
persca Claiming uflder him, had the Ngvmrau a? dry ygsnwssion
v r
‘ >
‘ of 331d lawn to a welL marked or a wall defined parlom; hat f
‘ F"! TY at" - t ._:.V’p ". r. _ ,. :\ . :2 . _ - “
4 shomaa nfltNleld was annual 5Ch~4df in ruon it uufi mime eatrlefi g
i or survey were made, or inut ht 0? the defemdgnts reaiéed theme;
f on at afly time. 3
V Pe?xy to the ylea coutuimefi in the answer hat the H
‘ z
I yatents were void b sumac they iii nut describe :Ne 8 cl Sions %
with accuracy; hat the exclusions were susceptible of being i
n4~ 1
'“n H r::’ , ~- ,, , g“ W W _> A

 ‘ i
g ,
é . -
E located and had acfiually been located in the order of survey
3 aofi plot ayyaori“?iifl fihe record, awfi fhat the outer houwdaries
1 of ‘ho U113, noosling and Phillips survey are defined and cer-
j tain. who reply denies paxeni was void for the said or any
é reason.
7 : motion to withoraw temporary restraining order was ovar-
5 ruled, and a previously defective bond was permitted fio be
i amended .3126. new bond executed. (Flee. 120—42)
‘ - The Tagort of tho Surveyor is at yages 18 anfi 19, as ‘
7 haviog been made April, 1899. Tho surveyor run tho potnnts
: named as exclusions, numbers 9, 10, 11 and 13, showing the i
‘ lines run an tho map in Green shade; that the timber in conn I
Q ' troversy that had keen out, grew upon the lands in the “$13,
5 vhillips and aoosling survey and Outside the lanos owued by
1 the defendants, locating the thnbcr as out upon the moo. “7
i _
i Fxceptiong to the surveyor's report (rec. 44) the third
3 rround thereof only being mafierial, was that the plat filed by
3 tho surveyor was inco root as erromeously locating the place
3 , the timber was out. The patent lavas helonged to the de—
; fend His, and because lines of ourveya owned by the defendants
5 were not run by the surveyor; that the surveyor could not from '
E the mzrvey definitely and vorrectly locate the lines, as he pra-
tended to in the reporfi and plat. _ ;
: It did not appear that the exceptions ware ever made _
1 mattargof ruling by the flour , Bad for this reason should be ;
: treated as waived. ‘ 1
2 These exceptions ware filad Way 9th. 2%} fl
.5 , _l;

 , 3‘
% At the January Term, 1§00 (rec.222) the fluwrt adjudged
k and orderefi uyon the motion of €36 chundants that they were
J entitled to an issue out of emancery and a jury tr4ul uyuu
iSsnen framed as follows:
1— Wid ihe plaintiffs OWN ihe land or guy part boand and
_ aeacrihed in the defe~dant$' answer. '
:g‘ 2» Wan the timber in controvegsy, or any part thereof, cut ‘
L} upon the land Vound and described in defendanta' answer.
3- An ordar fiirenting much issue and awarding a jury trial—
\ plaintifffi objectefi and excepted, and thareukofi moved fihe
‘ Court to h&ve all equitablc issmeg disposed of before irying the
i V issue to the jury. The court overruled the motion 0? piain- 2
‘ tiffs in the reapect aforesaid, and plaintiffs excepted.- " '&§
The verdict of tbs jury was a finding for the defendania,
upon the refiurn of which plainfiiffs entered mation that the
court render judgment for them notwithstanding anid verdict, E
which, upon cansideration of the court, was overruled (rec.251) 3
Following which plaintiffs moved tfle Court to grant a new
trial, filing grounds in supporfi thureof. :
‘ The grounda for new t ial were that there was error in
' awardin: issue Gui of chancery, refusing to render jvdywent for
plaintiffs notwiihsiawdinvrfihe verdict, and thafi neithwr the n
verdict of the jury~nor ihe decision of the court were sustained V
by skfficientevidauca and contrary to law, and for errors of
law occurring at the trflal.
Th3 dourt fawdered judgmenfi overruling rofiion and grounds, '
. ' a
“ givipg plaintiffs fiime to p spare and file hill of exceptions V
(rec.234). ”
_ ‘I On the sane d&y zflnxhax entered judgment in accordance wifil "
the verdict of the Jury that the defendanta were owners of the V
(:3 ~ _ ‘3 ~.
3: ~6~ (5

 5 .
a. .
1’ ‘
' l
A_, .
A V .
1 ,
', u ., ‘ ,3 v ,_. 4...: .1 . n .,. .,.. . ' 1 ‘t ,. 3 . .'.1‘ ..‘.fi. . J» J _ A... , r"! ,'3 4
5 lama. J..: E:,,..~:J.J." enamel flesorl De {.:. I: ’.‘ x} 2.5236 A...;.3:2..u.2_: 9,: w a. .5, ,5;-u
1. ' . .~ ’ ._ . "I .' 7’ F>.(¢ _ .. .2‘ f _' A' .. .,1 . ‘r ’A. _1" 5 .t. ."‘ ." o I" n . " ..,..4'.
, -WlSEIRE nfifi ylalnnalls‘ petlolon, alto JungAfiflb lor aelo:uaute'
costs (£59).
- ..':,., '1'“,"':‘5 7‘ .; ._ ‘ .'. ,, ' ' 1. f1 ‘ ' JP . v“.ra,” A 4‘ ‘§ n ,,.;
ri'JJfii fix? LThCE!‘ .:. t: 3. 130114.651 21.23 4.2.11» it» 3.11 CM rig. -. '9'",- (: .1.:21'0
; . “ H." I. (‘.,‘A .
; (FbC.wa7”!u Afluimblvg).
L? Who T”““?UfiTTO?? of the ”Curt i0 the jurv are at vote 3??
r ,u l .., l , H W . y - M,
A . ‘~ .. .5.." . , .cL. . :., .. J. :3 ;'.. '.“ l. ,,'. ,. 1 - . - . 4.1... .5.-v
: new 0 ago elfest tho; m; age J;rg uflgmlfl belleve bhut ejfl
.- .. r..—u ,: 0-. - . . ,~ ., . .. . . '. ‘7 W‘ W. «'- ., —.» ,: ‘F- “4. " x
, ululntlen were 3N3 Can'lb 01 tho imxu.Ju3glOflfiJ A: ale :llb,
...) ‘ , .‘ *1“, 3, -' .3 -4 , .,.,, .1. 5.5.7“, . ..L ., ,,‘. 1 . ... . r . ‘1 ., -.4, .g .‘.” ‘,, _.j, , .,‘”: “__,
' “0 5:51;? ‘ “LgiflL £19,595: irw‘J wit; 2 1- 2 C“: (“..L 0.8 9,, ;"i ~3..L.C.l.¥.’:.v-.{.n: -;; {3.53131 ,;.i3-f:_.(i
. Eu the filaiwtiffs’ veiitlo“, the *aferd ate had entoreé 3703 the
" m , ;‘- .,,.-l ‘. a .. .5 :7- 1.5.9.; 7: . .‘: V,“ . --‘. ..V, 2 .7 4‘ L mu..." ;.. ‘r ‘
a 53.5.91“, at:OIJ.33-,a.:.l"g 0w. a,;,.,~_; {;'.{if 1;: :7:3,‘f,C_;.. f; 1.5;!1, ..3 ;,.;;,;.(.x, (11:, 1, -.,-.:,;.?Dx,:.« 2 42: 1n
. ... . . . , - . _ ,‘ 5 W 1“,,“ ran- ”.4 - W’Hlig
;n . A. -,,.... ,~. 3 . n : ;,. M ‘A ‘1‘ .‘v,., . .:.-«J .. .1 .5. ; - .'.'v .‘ -, w .
. hflflb fiVuUu n6 vnrélot ut0ulo me luv ode ylalmnllls ab ans u
, a news of the land and a: timber out tharefrom} ans that if
,‘.’ .t r..... ya .. 7 —. ‘ ‘, A“: ”L w M r‘ n- .;..':,.._,4. ..:-LN. --. .:. .
”so July meQld.yUt so 051love out alwnlu llnu gout fle;$flflmnbfi’
\ ~5- -\r»(:\ v. :‘LE‘M “Vin/v,“ “' 'H 37f n" - "‘.". 1"," ti -"~ ‘a 1 "'7‘ ‘I'lé- {La Irre -. :1" w. ~1-
C r u_-‘.w’..-‘ an X12333“: v.3 ...1”le (~31.p VA!“ .1.;J, .‘lu‘u Liter- iii lulu (Jaw Lam]. L‘C‘.
77.1» " hr” x‘\ 5“ ‘ ‘4‘: “5 51' "‘ Lt cl ’3 ‘1' '§ 71 ‘5“ 4‘3” ,: 4 I: NH :.- _,5‘1 :x‘mq 7 1" ii) 7" $1371.33“
‘2 C's, be, en]. .L ullulOLA h; pOgabbm 4.17..- 0... u; ..LU.A.‘.'.'.{a3 J’}J_€,;J, ‘_.UJ} 1.1-6 Hmllhul
.,. ., :4 -. ,. ,, * ,, .:. ..3 ..,v. . rs,- . , . . . hi... .,‘ ' 1‘ ‘ ‘.,..J. '2 . .5' .
, tree manor vlmlk o; Ilfimt LOF more hue” 1» years nbnb colors
, ‘ ~ .., a» ._ . ' z ' «,’,», < ,: - .. h 4" .:.-.,- '; “ ‘
{can (ZQWKKIHCEfilBIAE oi“ tlk. yldxllfi:111.5’ SLLLL, allufi, hflkb- e. Oditt
ffirfi for tho defendants.
‘x-fv‘ 7, ‘ : .:.. . ,,.n m .L“ , .' — ~ ,.‘. .‘. .,.? .'.v_ r r: o _ .' .I,. .., f.
l: .x. ..LLE M) I‘é-:Vt:tl St: one (11.11;; 4.13 1.. 0.5 -,_,-.l<3 5, CXX“ , 5).}. my. .: 4.2.53
'1 " '1‘ r” ",'r t ».~ "‘ “P ’1 v': (~31 n I“ I.) ll '1‘ n ”‘3 rm‘ 9 ‘1‘ W “ +r~. 'és‘i 1 n (_‘y‘ - ' .»_ 1» L r‘, 5‘73"” "
(4 J ;‘.,bLf’lale‘: 5; 0;; 0:0, » $.14 "wk; 01” \LiiQL. 15bit ;(u‘hivévxeue ...-Bu 3 ..L—k; ‘:th v.0.
. a . .. 47' ..-.-. .s .,. 7. .,, ._ :.H ,‘- .. .'. e \, ‘ . ' .‘ -. . ..‘, ' . .»"e.:
u;clgm ol au lNddyufidéwL JMQL”@:L’ 03 1a f11¢h5,mflu 1g conjlrmg
iv; uhe fivfiimg of the jury the: tie? epyeal was prosecuteé.
5 u
; :
a _ ,7