xt70zp3vt865_238 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Hunter, Ballard v. Floyd County Kentucky Board of Education [Part I] text Hunter, Ballard v. Floyd County Kentucky Board of Education [Part I] 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_23/Folder_1/2478.pdf 1934-1936 1936 1934-1936 section false xt70zp3vt865_238 xt70zp3vt865 1’. o o
We undertake that the Plaintiff, Ballard Hunter,
individually and Ballard Hunter as Superintendent of Schools
of Floyd County, Kentucky, shall pay to the Defendants, Board
of Education of Floyd County, Kentucky and Palmer Hall as
Superintendent of Schools of Floyd County, Kentucky, such da-
mages as they or either of them may sustain if it be finally
decided that the injunction ought not to have been granted.
This April , 1956.
Clerk, Floyd Circuit Court

 '9 = O O O
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f‘. . - T1711 A. 77 . v‘ 1'»
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A C‘- ' w‘ , "I'h
_t an adjournet3’;1ext"” by the Board of E:iz..1cati on of
“l .*f ... ,4.- - .. 1~ 1 -' . ~ 1‘??va n F ,..o 'v,.-.._—.- ..I
L‘loyd. County, Kentucny, helm. on the c.2591}. nay oi Odin/tiff, i956.
’1‘.~,w1~ sis“ ,.‘1 AW‘ ‘« ~'. .‘. a“ .. ~
P1€,'t;;3:.iu; T‘Jxlnvfiel CUJDS, Chg-brag“ ‘..;E‘ the Bogart},
‘ ‘ ' “r A '1 3 - A ‘ _
Guy Childers, nerolo Bailey and
--A- ". "‘ vyx ,. ”-.—'.. .. ‘
Doctor W. LI. Osborne, members of the
Also: Henry Porter, Complainant,
w o ‘ -\ 1".1 .—.-a
E. P. Hill one. Joe noosun,
g 4.,., M », .:.».— Aw. «.4.
_._,t turneys _- br Comp 1:.—Liner; t.
." _. ,. ~ 7- :~«,-.- :..y i: 4. . .‘v-
Blar) Hunter} unverrntenueno of Sonoole
, n . "‘1 J_— W
31 Flohvo. CQUl'lbj, and.
A .._ 1’ - -:. , 4- . ..w—I - - - - ‘ “~-L
Josepn D. I-mrlaine, 13¢.tL-0I‘flt2y for Respondent.
m“. “-13s -»aJ~:A. f. ~ ' . .:.: J A s.
we plesclihgs and Mo trons set out in a certifies Copy Jf
. -- 5,- _ t i ., .. "I .,_. - r '1‘ ,i- . —,. ‘ .-, ...” h *.
or; cruel“ of in»; Bu:»,1"‘-3L were fileu Lerhlfl; 5:85. the tGStthiij an.“ the
~ .2 .. .44.. fin 1--~, : w a .7 ‘ . .'.
foj.lf)\i'.‘.nb ‘.‘fLLIHEL-LCE were introduces; anti negro, tn~xn'lt:

 5...... .. ..._....
;Ffz‘s 3‘37”“): ~-
w'”; 1~
C:.‘;-':.11'.;f 231‘ A??- -1 CI.‘ Iii-:1?? CIT?
June :32:, 1‘31 .':-#6
T:;7L1._1LAE.13.3 12':..i".'.'fi"1’31i, 23’: AL. APPELL’LZETS
A“: 757173.511 7"'T.‘:€L;2,i TLC???) CITES??? Tiff: 2.7725? I
‘ 33‘3i'jva“J.T'-;T} 03:“ ‘.'.‘zf’jf._”i:.“i_51TIQT? 027‘ 133510" T {HS‘EET‘JT-T , TEST-{CITE CECE 1'11’E_‘,F,‘I'..I-13‘1J
(ZEAT‘IZELKLJET' (3 11-1; 353-731-131 3 J‘.-ic‘w’fii13 1.1201113111336-Nisan-21w:»;:-~;.~-;;a:MHETIJE;"113(2-
1311 the 1“ e1, 1 of 311:2.fo l‘? 133.: ) ',.fzail_la::n7_ ' c:
' was elected. by the Comztjf 331M333. of 125.110 atriezl of 1‘10;sz 3321:1133" as
sx::pe::;"z.1enélent of schools of that county for 9. "0.91212, of -0111“ "ears .
Henry~ Porter, on January (3th, 3.9361 lodged
- vs: t1“). the board of education written notice setting: out charges
for vergeval of Banter wiloxfas given fifteen days in win. :1 ch
to respond. before the action of the board was taken on his re-
moval. .':J.0 00111131211113 because the written charges were not syread
or: t11c 1:11:111‘5 “s of the boar-d. It as not :2.new;1be;1t upon Porter
to $933 9.1T. we on :.::Le 1:11".3::1.'::"~_2ee of t1: 0 1:03.31.
Section éSQG—SB allows the board to appoint
a person other than mmcr oi’ the board or to permit the super—
intendent to act as the secretary of the board. This section
expre23.21;,~ ;fi-re’vides that ”the secretaxj shall keep the records
of the be 2116. az'Lr-T. e 1:50:23. such. ether- duties as may be Exposed
upon 3:11:11 Tog.»- sucl'; board," including; the CLIAJULP‘ of signing its orders."
The sec; eta: ‘.'-s the caste-111ml or all docugzaents, and other papers
of the board: 17115.61” $11011 concli tions as the board may direct which
.1 - _1-

 . .
* .
recorfis shall be available to the suyerintendent at any time.
It appears that the board had selected a
secretarj other than the sgperietendent and it shouli be plain
that any dereliction of the secretary respecting the spreading on
the minutes of the board file written charges filed by Porter, is
unavailing to the superintendent to deprive the'eoard of Der—
forminfi its duet to try; hear ani detcnsine, in the manner pro—
vided by law, Porter's charges for his removal, since the secretary
resgecting the spreading them on the minutes of the board, was, at
the tine, umier the ctgcrvision of the superintendent as executive
agent of the beard.
Porter’s written charges were in thirtjwthree
‘ segerate yarcgrafihs this} may be, in part, sumxarized thus: he had
failed, refused uni eeglectci to liscfiargc the duties enumerated
specifically in the charges, within tHe gnrvief of ficctien
4592—34; teat acting in concert wit! ble heeri of ecuatien, he
had delayed for political purposes the selection and employment
of teadiers until in the Jail of 1955. Re was charged witheex-
torting from the teachers ;remises of supyort of his choice of
caniidates for members ef'the count; board of education; and had
neginated teachers 1H.censidcretien of their support at the
regular election of tasters of the board of education; had per-
mitted teachers to discontinue their iuties as teachers and en- ’
plejee substitutes ier them.£or the purpose oi exablinfi them to
ear: ior the election e; sis choice oi candidates icr members of
the board of education; he had caused and permitted assessments ‘
' of teadierc to heated: for the purpose of bringirg abeut the
election of his choice of candidates for setters of the board of
I ' education; fie had emploved Elymas Anderson as teacher when she
V was not the holder of a certificates to teach; gorijtted numerous
teachers to take their time frcn,teachieg, to promote his choice
, -3-

 .5 - 3 .
of the caniidates for ;embc:s of the heard of education; permitted
the clerk of the board to desert tie work of his office and en—
pouse the cause of his choice of candidates for members of the
“:.)oaré. 3:327 c due at; 02.1.
Porter preferred other charges against him)
but it is our View that it is entirely unnecessary to state them.
to intelligently, fairly and properly consider
, the foregoing causes for hunteris removal, it is essential to
review the; in the light of the Constitution of the Statutes
maic in pnrsrance thereof, and the facts adduced to substantiate
1e :1;- .
Section 123 reads: "The General Assembly
shall, 33 appropriate legislation, provide for an efficient sys- '
to: of common schools throughout the state.“
Pursuant to this constitutional provision, the
' Legislature has created and provided for the election hr secret
3: ballot of a board of education of each county of the commonwealth,
comprised of five members (Section dCQS—lv, Ky. Stat.) possessing
the qualifications stated in Section 4399-22.
The powers and duties of eacflhoard of educa—
tion are enumerated in Sections dSGS—BO, et seq., Ky. Stat. One
of thnse duties is, the appointment of a superintendent of schools
with power of re oval h; a vote of four members for cause; ”pro-
videf that written notice setting out the chargvs for removal" are
spread on the minutes of the board, anfi the superintendent given
fifteen ;;.s writter notice hsiorc action is tahen on his removal.
Section iESC-Sé, et seq., define the things the svporintcndont
shall do substantially thus:
“1. Es devotes himself exclusivel‘ to the duties of
his office.
8. 3e advises his board:
A. On all professional matters
b. As to state laws and regulations of the
state board of education governinf the ad—
ministration of schools. 3
- -

 A . . .
c. As to the organization for efficient
V school service.
a. As to the schools to be/hr%lt, abandoned,
O: lilaliloalncu. ‘
e. As to the number of teachers to be em- . ~
I pleofl in cad: SleOl, their qualificatioxs,
service records, sections, assignment, transfer,
gromotion an§%tenuro. xx
r ‘
f. As to the gaieniZatlon of instruction and -
supervision. I l .
5. As to condition of instruction and discipline
in the schools, needed supylies and equipment,
- amfl other phases of the school service.
h. As to procedure and progress in school
. ‘ ~ administration in other districts. .
5. He keeps corrleto fists on,the Eistriot's financial ‘
affairs. ” >
I 2 v 4. He reports the status of the treasury at each
_ regular nesting, giving the balance, moneys I
' due and mmneys owing. ‘

' 5. Ho consults and works firth fine board in preparing
the districtls bnfigot. He submits facts to support
each item in it, seeing that over source of expected
income is listed at no more than it can be reasonable
expected to produce, that any assured balance is

j,ansssés: that every class of anticipated_outgo is

‘ listed at no loss than it can be expected to amount

to, that all outstanding obligations are included,
that a reasonably safe reserve is provided for pos—

' sible unforeseen contingencies, and that this budget
is submittefl in proper form_for approval well in
advance of the beginning of a new school year.
(The better the administrative set-up the few will
be the unforeseen contingencies.)

. ‘1 .-4“ ‘

 . .
. * r
6. He keeps daca on the certification, qualification
' services and salaries of the teachcrc an: other cxw
ployccs as well as upon the sdflccl ;cpulatlcn of his
. 7. IO :cpcrts a salary schedule (not a more Salary_ .

ll :3 ’1:} gift}: lguiflJ‘fEl: 22:1; “1313:: ~2;::3:Ia_;l<.;:3" 3:; :1. 1 1:: yo ,

with facts to supgort cach.itqu A good salary

schedulc will:
a. Ccnfcxm to the inccmc budgeted £0? salary
b. Ercvidc a basal salayj on at lcat the level
cf uuskillcd lach wage;
c. Affozi svch imcrcmemt for training as to make
it possible for tcachcrs to train for their work
anfi Such increment for suCceszul experience as
'1.:: fit; ;32 '3,“ 111:0

. scfivlcc; and'
d. Incluéc such increase of salary for superior
I I sc?viccs as would stimulate teachers to put forth I

their best efforts.

' E. In the salary schedule and the organization of the
school ceyvicc, he yrovidcs for Chi; suchicachcr-
positions as aTO HBCGSSQTTy approximating one teacher
to ever: thirty to thirtfufivc childrcc expected in
afcrsfc aftcfiflancc for Lbs term, Victhcr c; sic;caficfif
or high school grades.

G. Ic sees that this schcfiulc is fair and just,
without discrimination between clcaentary and high—
schccl teachcrc and white and colored scrvice.
13. to suhmlcs to the board definite recommendations
as to policies and grcccdurcs and plans for car: Eng
all ayjrovcd pclicics into effect.


 y ‘ . .
' .I.“:- iiu .:. VL'V'“ v.1, -,, 1. 1
the services he has performed the preceding month, .
171119211111: _ 1 ECOL‘CUE‘. £111.". ::I.I:r;;-'13;'s_s Gaol: 21221:,"
oi‘ tiie zioiitii. .
13. At the diose of the school term, he makes to the
heard a composite report of the district’s school
service for the team as rendered by its employees.
14. At the Close of the schhool year, on behalf of
{ himself and the board, he wakes such detailed reports
a. to the state as are requested by the Superintendent of
I_ Public Instruction. "See fidministerinfi The County
; . ‘ .School System - Jaggers - Pages 66, 40, 41. V ‘
‘ 2 The board is Civen power to select an atten~
fiance officer and also a secretar of the Board. Che eff; lcgt
system of common schools of sad; county of the commonwealti is
entrusted by the statutes to the board of education, the sunerw I
intendcnt of county console, the attendance officer and the
teachers of the common schools of the county.
' Section 4454-15 imposes upon,the teacher or
any school, the duty ”to report to the superintendent of the
school of the district in nhich.the senocl is situated, the
names, ages and places of residence of all pupils in attendance
at their schools, together with such_ether facts as t"c super»
intendent‘may require, to facilitate carrying out the provisions
of the law relating to compulsory attendance and explogrmnt of
children." And ”whenever any child of compulsory
age Lithdraws from school,” the teacher shall ascertain the
reason and immediatelj transrit to the superintendent, the_
fact of the child's withdrawal and the reason therefor. Section
i?m:attendance officer, b 'Sectien difli-lfl,
-C- V

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.~-_ ..., . — ”.I. P V ...? .. .:. .?. f: 1: 4——.A,~" .2.. “,.. 4... ,_
is CiVCTl LAC 5.)!JUCL‘ "LO .:.,il'u' OSLLW’dt-C .1.11 ...i.-'_S U..;SUJ..‘_C L; (CkafLuf) any
' —‘- - ‘ ., »"- “w s" D — -— ‘ I 3. --. n .1 .1- { "‘,‘
02130 of non-atoonuaiioo -L;-.1 58:01:; C‘J. any Cililt. (.LflLLCI’ slateon \l'o)
_ n . . . -.. 1. .3’-‘:‘, . 1, - n .fl 1, .0. . a . 7,.,.,., .~ ,.L. a, "
3021-3 0; age, or any onile. o1u.3;.>ooteu oi ooghg Lls. Silixbebll (1o)
Eh . .1? , .:o *4 ._.. ... 1 .- '. g. :- - 1
years O.‘.' ae, ant. no may take asuoii action as the superlntonoent 3
of 1.110 5911-le3 :1 =3. 5.730133, a:=;;1,:.C, -lel- , i: :.1.-::::31 ff:i'=-:pozi 1.::
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See. tle-ii ‘.-~.:u-‘_;"-.Lu/ cool ors upon the attenaanoe
Wm...- CM ”Mg; ,m ., ,,.“, (m. ~mq manurfl we '
US. ..L NC: (J; 5 A,,‘\,‘....LL.\> HOLJTH. :.m we“; .A \.—~L< wv'kvLLJK/NL'
21., _..“ ‘,‘ :; '1 ,1 .‘ , .,,“). n. ,5. 1,, 1 .'J: 4.5.' ., J. ,, i .
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‘ :2,, ,3 ..‘“, A _:.V,. r. w Jinn,” .‘ C ’ ”.3 ‘ .f — "we .., J-pnnjbn ~”‘» —- «, rw-m, - »'-"r ,.» «v ~27» w, ..;». f ‘1‘
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